#include-once #Include #Include ;----------------------------------------------------- ;Credit for idea of this UDF and alot of work on it: @ptrex ;Credit for fixing the version 1.7.3: @nobur ;version 1.7.3-nobur - (12.09.2012) ;OID Arrays are no longer supported: they didn't add anything to UDF's value and were only complicating the scripts ;----------------------------------------------------- Const $SNMP_data_INT = "02" Const $SNMP_data_STR = "04" Const $SNMP_data_NULL = "05" Const $SNMP_data_OID = "06" Const $SNMP_data_SEQ = "30" Const $SNMP_data_IP = "40" Const $SNMP_data_COUNTER = "41" Const $SNMP_data_GAUGE = "42" Const $SNMP_data_TIME = "43" Const $SNMP_data_COUNTER64 = "46" Global $SNMP_Received[1500][3] Global $Varbind_content[1000] Global $SNMP_Util[1000][3] #region ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUILD SNMP Packet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;=============================================================================== ; Description: Build SNMP Message ; Syntax: _SNMPBuildPacket($snmpOID, $snmpCOMM, $snmpVER, $snmpReqID, $PDUType = "A1") ; Parameter(s): $snmpOID - Object ID (OID) ex: "" ; $snmpCOMM - Community String -> the default values are "public" for read-only and "private" for read-write ; $snmpVER - SNMP Version (3 versions available, 1, 2 and 3 - this UDF handles only SNMP v1 and v2c) ; 1 = SNMP v1 ; 2 = SNMP v2c ; 3 = SNMP v3 -> NOT WORKING ; $snmpReqID - Request ID - an Integer that identifies a particular SNMP request. ; $PDUType - PDU type ("A0"= GetRequest, "A1"= GetNext, "A2"= GetResponse, "A3"= SetRequest, "A5"= Get Bulk)) ; $GetBulk - (hex) how many OIDs to return (50 MAXIMUM recommended) - if you request too many OIDs you will get an error. ; $dataTYPE - data TYPE to be written (for SetRequest) - refer to "const" values at the top ; $dataVALUE - data VALUE to be written (for SetRequest) ; Requirement(s): Must be used from withing this UDF (calls other functions) ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns a hex string which is to be send ; Error Code: 1 = SNMP version error (GetBulk request used with SNMP v1) ; 2 = wrong data type for SetRequest ; 3 = $snmpOID is an array (arrays are no longer supported) ; Author(s): enaiman ; Note(s): None ;=============================================================================== Func _SNMPBuildPacket($snmpOID, $snmpCOMM = "public", $snmpVER = 1, $snmpReqID = 1, $PDUType = "A1", $GetBulk = "32", $dataTYPE = "05", $dataVALUE = "00") ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ building the packet backwards ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _Init() ;resets global variables ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If IsArray($snmpOID) Then MsgBox(16, "OID Array", "OID Arrays are no longer supported.") Return SetError(3) EndIf Switch $snmpVER Case 1,2 $_SNMP_Req_Varbind = _Build_Varbind ($snmpOID, $dataTYPE, $dataVALUE) If @error Then MsgBox(16, "Unknown Data Type", "Unknown Data Type: "&$dataTYPE) Return SetError(2) EndIf If $PDUType = "A5" And $snmpVER = 1 Then MsgBox(16, "Wrong SNMP Version", "GetBulk request cannot be used with SNMP v1.") Return SetError(1) EndIf $_SNMP_Req_PDU = _Build_PDU ($snmpReqID, $PDUType, $GetBulk, $_SNMP_Req_Varbind) $_SNMP_Req_Message = _Build_Message ($snmpVER, $snmpCOMM, $_SNMP_Req_PDU) _WriteArrayValues($SNMP_Received, 1, "SNMP Command", $_SNMP_Req_Message) Return $_SNMP_Req_Message Case 3 MsgBox(16, "SNMP v3 Not Supported", "SNMP v3 is not supported yet.") Return SetError(1) Case Else MsgBox(16, "Wrong SNMP Version", "Unknown SNMP Version: "&$snmpVER) Return SetError(1) EndSwitch EndFunc #endregion #region ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXTRACT SNMP Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;Returned Data in is 2 Arrays ;$SNMP_Received = Contains a more detailed range of data (educational purpose) ; << NEW >> - now $SNMP_Received has an extra row, showing raw data for each PDU (delimited string) ;$SNMP_Util = Util information received: ; $SNMP_Util[0][0] = "Error Code" ; $SNMP_Util[0][1] = error value ; $SNMP_Util[1][0] = OID ; $SNMP_Util[1][1] = Value read from OID ; If more that 1x OID were requested then the next results will be added ; $SNMP_Util[2][0] = OID ; $SNMP_Util[2][1] = Value read from OID ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Func _ShowSNMPReceived($rcvDATA) Global $SNMP_Util[1000][3] Local $_sPacketRecv_ = $rcvDATA Local $_PDUcontent = "" Local $_ExtractedDATA Local $_IsError = 0 Local $_PDU_content = "" Local $_delimSTR_ = "" _WriteArrayValues($SNMP_Received, 1, "SNMP Answer", $rcvDATA) $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, 4) ;strip 0x30 Local $_l_pl = _GetPacLen_(StringLeft($rcvDATA, 6)) Local $_pacLen_ = StringLeft($rcvDATA, $_l_pl) $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, $_l_pl) ;strip packet length _WriteArrayValues($SNMP_Received, 2, "(Total) PDU Length", $_pacLen_) ;------------- SNMP Version Block ------------------------------------------------- _WriteArrayValues($SNMP_Received, 3, "SNMP Version Block", StringLeft($rcvDATA, 6)) $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, 4) ;strip 0201 from SNMP ver block Local $_snmpV_ = StringLeft($rcvDATA, 2)+1 ;SNMP Version $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, 2) ;strip SNMP Version ;------------- Community String --------------------------------------------------- $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, 2) ;strip 04 from community block Local $_commLen_ = Dec(StringLeft($rcvDATA, 2))*2 ;Length of community string $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, 2) ;strip community length Local $_commHex_ = StringLeft($rcvDATA, $_commLen_) ;community string (hex) Local $_commTex_ = _HexToString($_commHex_) $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, $_commLen_) _WriteArrayValues($SNMP_Received, 4, "Community String", $_commTex_) ;------------- PDU Type ----------------------------------------------------------- Local $_pduT_ = StringLeft($rcvDATA, 2) _WriteArrayValues($SNMP_Received, 5, "PDU Type", $_pduT_) $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, 2) $rcvDATA = _StripPacket($rcvDATA) ;------------- Request ID --------------------------------------------------------- $rcvDATA = _StripBlocks($rcvDATA, 6, "Request ID Block") ;------------- Error Block -------------------------------------------------------- Local $_sErr_ = StringMid($rcvDATA, 5, 2) If $_sErr_ <> "00" Then _ThrowError($_sErr_, $_sPacketRecv_) Return SetError(1) EndIf _WriteArrayValues($SNMP_Util, 0, "SNMP Error Value:", $_sErr_) $rcvDATA = _StripBlocks($rcvDATA, 7, "Error Block") ;------------- Error Index -------------------------------------------------------- $rcvDATA = _StripBlocks($rcvDATA, 8, "Error Index Block") ;------------- PDU Total Len ------------------------------------------------------ $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, 2) $_l_pl = _GetPacLen_(StringLeft($rcvDATA, 6)) Local $_pacTotLen_ = StringLeft($rcvDATA, $_l_pl) $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, $_l_pl) ;strip packet length ;------------- PDU Data ----------------------------------------------------------- Local $_snmpR_idx = 9, $_snmpA_idx = 1 Do $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, 2) ;cut "30" (data type: SEQ) $_l_pl = _GetPacLen_(StringLeft($rcvDATA, 6)) ;length of Data PDU $_pacLen_ = StringLeft($rcvDATA, $_l_pl) $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, $_l_pl) ;cut length $_PDU_content = StringLeft($rcvDATA, Dec($_pacLen_)*2) ;get what is left from PDU $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, Dec($_pacLen_)*2) ;remove that from message $_delimSTR_ = "30|"&$_pacLen_&"|" ;build delimited string If StringLeft($_PDU_content, 2) = "06" Then $_delimSTR_ &= "06|" $_PDU_content = StringTrimLeft($_PDU_content, 2) ;cut "06" (data type: OID) $_l_pl = _GetPacLen_(StringLeft($_PDU_content, 6)) ;Length of OID sequence $_pacLen_ = StringLeft($_PDU_content, $_l_pl) $_PDU_content = StringTrimLeft($_PDU_content, $_l_pl) ;cut length Local $_OID_val = StringLeft($_PDU_content, Dec($_pacLen_)*2) ;OID (hex) $_delimSTR_ &= $_pacLen_&"|"&$_OID_val&"|" Local $_Decoded_OID = _TranslateOID($_OID_val, "2d") ;OID (dec) $_PDU_content = StringTrimLeft($_PDU_content, Dec($_pacLen_)*2) Local $_data_type = StringLeft($_PDU_content, 2) ;returned data type $_PDU_content = StringTrimLeft($_PDU_content, 2) If StringLen($_PDU_content) >= 6 Then $_l_pl = _GetPacLen_(StringLeft($_PDU_content, 6)) ;Length of data sequence Else $_l_pl = _GetPacLen_(StringLeft($_PDU_content, 4)) ;Length of data sequence EndIf Local $_raw_data = StringTrimLeft($_PDU_content, $_l_pl) Local $_RealData = _ExtractData($_data_type, $_raw_data) _WriteArrayValues($SNMP_Received, $_snmpR_idx, $_Decoded_OID, $_RealData) $_snmpR_idx += 1 $_delimSTR_ &= $_data_type&"|"&StringLeft($_PDU_content, $_l_pl)&"|"&$_raw_data _WriteArrayValues($SNMP_Received, $_snmpR_idx, "Raw PDU (delimited string)", $_delimSTR_) $_snmpR_idx += 1 _WriteArrayValues($SNMP_Util, $_snmpA_idx, $_Decoded_OID, $_RealData) $_snmpA_idx += 1 $_delimSTR_ = "" Else Return SetError(2) ;bad SNMP Packet EndIf Until Int(StringLen($rcvDATA)) = 0 ReDim $SNMP_Received[$_snmpR_idx][3] ReDim $SNMP_Util[$_snmpA_idx][3] Return $SNMP_Util EndFunc ;==>_ShowSNMPReceived #endregion #region ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add Packet Layers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Func _Build_Varbind($p_OID, $p_dTYPE, $p_dVALUE) Local $_result_ Local $oidarr Switch $p_dTYPE Case $SNMP_data_INT, $SNMP_data_COUNTER, $SNMP_data_GAUGE, $SNMP_data_TIME $p_dVALUE = Hex($p_dVALUE, 8) For $_j = 1 To 3 If StringLeft($p_dVALUE, 2) = "00" Then $p_dVALUE = StringTrimLeft($p_dVALUE, 2) EndIf Next Case $SNMP_data_STR ;STR $p_dVALUE = _StringToHex($p_dVALUE) Case $SNMP_data_NULL ;NULL $p_dVALUE = "00" Case $SNMP_data_OID ;OID $p_dVALUE = _TranslateOID($p_dVALUE, "2h") Case $SNMP_data_IP ;IP $p_dVALUE = _SNMPEncodeIP($p_dVALUE) Case Else Return SetError(1) EndSwitch Local $_sl_ = Int(StringLen($p_dVALUE)/2) Local $_p_dLen = Hex($_sl_,2) if Number($p_dTYPE)=05 then $_result_ = $p_dTYPE & "00" ;if null send null data type and null data value Else $_result_ = $p_dTYPE & $_p_dLen & $p_dVALUE ;if not null, send data type, data lenght and data value EndIf $oidarr = _TranslateOID($p_OID, "2h") $_result_ = $oidarr & $_result_ $_result_ = Hex(Int(StringLen($_result_)/2),2) & $_result_ $_result_ = $SNMP_data_SEQ & $_result_ $_result_ = Hex(Int(StringLen($_result_)/2),2) & $_result_ $_result_ = $SNMP_data_SEQ & $_result_ Return $_result_ EndFunc Func _Build_PDU($p_ReqID, $p_PDUType, $p_bulk, $p_varbind) Local $_result_ $_result_ = $p_varbind If $p_PDUType = "A5" Then ;error Index $_result_ = "0201" & $p_bulk & $_result_ Else $_result_ = "020100" & $_result_ EndIf $_result_ = "020100" & $_result_ ;error $_result_ = "020200" & Hex($p_ReqID, 2) & $_result_ ;request ID $_result_ = Hex(Int(StringLen($_result_)/2),2) & $_result_ $_result_ = $p_PDUType & $_result_ Return $_result_ EndFunc Func _Build_Message($p_VER, $p_COMM, $p_PDU) Local $_result_ $_result_ = $p_PDU $_result_ = _BuildCOM_($p_COMM) & $_result_ $_result_ = "0201" & Hex($p_VER-1, 2) & $_result_ $_result_ = Hex(Int(StringLen($_result_)/2),2) & $_result_ $_result_ = "0x" & $SNMP_data_SEQ & $_result_ Return $_result_ EndFunc Func _TranslateOID($input, $dir) Local $l_OID = "" Switch $dir Case "2d" Local $_dex_OID = _SNMPExtractOID($input) Return $_dex_OID Case "2h" Local $hex_OID = _SysObjIDToHexString($input) ;transform the OID in a hex value $hex_OID = "2B" & $hex_OID ;add "2B" in front of the string Local $len_OID = Hex(Int(StringLen($hex_OID)/2), 2) ;calculate the length $l_OID = $SNMP_data_OID ;1st element Object ID = ASN.1 type "06" $l_OID &= $len_OID ;2nd element = length $l_OID &= $hex_OID Return $l_OID EndSwitch EndFunc Func _BuildCOM_($comm) Local $hex_COMM = _StringToHex($comm) ;transform the community string in a hex value Local $len_COMM = Hex(Int(StringLen($hex_COMM)/2), 2) ;calculate the length Local $_comm_ = "04"& $len_COMM & $hex_COMM Return $_comm_ EndFunc ;==>_BuildCOM_ Func _GetPacLen_($sPkt) Local $pacl = 0 Switch StringLeft($sPkt, 2) Case "81" $pacl = 4 Case "82" $pacl = 6 Case Else $pacl = 2 EndSwitch Return $pacl EndFunc Func _StripPacket($spkt) Local $_l_pl = _GetPacLen_(StringLeft($spkt, 6)) Local $_pacLen_ = StringLeft($spkt, $_l_pl) $spkt = StringTrimLeft($spkt, $_l_pl) ;strip packet length Return $spkt EndFunc Func _StripBlocks($spkt, $_el, $_eltxt) Select Case StringLeft($spkt, 4) = "0202" _WriteArrayValues($SNMP_Received, $_el, $_eltxt, StringLeft($spkt, 8)) $spkt = StringTrimLeft($spkt, 8) Case StringLeft($spkt, 4) = "0201" _WriteArrayValues($SNMP_Received, $_el, $_eltxt, StringLeft($spkt, 6)) $spkt = StringTrimLeft($spkt, 6) EndSelect Return $spkt EndFunc #endregion #region ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Encode IP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Func _SNMPEncodeIP($strIP) Local $encoded_IP = "" Local $encoded_IParr $encoded_IParr = StringSplit($strIP, ".") If $encoded_IParr[0] <> 4 Then ConsoleWrite("ERROR: Wrong IP Format "&$strIP&@CRLF) Return SetError(1) EndIf $encoded_IP = Hex($encoded_IParr[1], 2)&Hex($encoded_IParr[2], 2)&Hex($encoded_IParr[3], 2)&Hex($encoded_IParr[4], 2) Return $encoded_IP EndFunc ;==>_SNMPEncodeIP #endregion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END Encode IP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #region ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Encode OID ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Func _BuildOID($oid) Local $hex_OID = _SysObjIDToHexString($oid) ;transform the OID in a hex value $SNMP_hexOID = $hex_OID $hex_OID = "2B" & $hex_OID ;add "2B" in front of the string Local $len_OID = Hex(Int(StringLen($hex_OID)/2), 2) ;calculate the length Local $OID_Arr[Dec($len_OID) + 2] ;build array to store values $OID_Arr[0] = $SNMP_data_OID ;1st element Object ID = ASN.1 type "06" $OID_Arr[1] = $len_OID ;2nd element = length For $i = 2 To Dec($len_OID)+1 ;2digit OID parts $OID_Arr[$i] = StringMid($hex_OID, 2*$i - 3, 2) Next Return $OID_Arr EndFunc ;==>_BuildOID Func _SysObjIDToHexString($Input) ;convert OID to hex form Local $Output If StringLeft($Input,4) = "1.3." Then $Input = StringTrimLeft($Input,4) $aInput = StringSplit($Input,".") For $x = 1 To $aInput[0] If Number($aInput[$x]) > 127 Then $Output &= _encode(Number($aInput[$x])) Else $Output &= hex(Number($aInput[$x]),2) EndIf Next Return $Output EndFunc ;==>_SysObjIDToHexString Func _encode($d, $r = 0) $Op_Result = "" $t1 = Int($d / 128) $t2 = Int($d - $t1 * 128) If $t1 Then $Op_Result &= _encode($t1, 1) If $r Then $t2 += 128 $Op_Result &= Hex($t2, 2) Return $Op_Result EndFunc ;==>_encode #endregion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END Encode OID ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #region ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Initialize Variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Func _Init() Dim $SNMP_Received[1500][3] Dim $Varbind_content[1000] Dim $SNMP_Util[1000][3] EndFunc #endregion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END Initialize Variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #region ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MISC Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;memo: improve _DeleteIndexes - it takes too long to delete/redim the array everytime !!! Func _ExtractData($dtype, $tmpOUT) ;Extract clear data Switch $dtype Case "04" ;string Return BinaryToString("0x"&$tmpOUT) Case "02" ;number Return _SNMPHexToDec ($tmpOUT) Case "06" ;OID Return _SNMPExtractOID($tmpOUT) Case "40" ;IP Address Return _SNMPExtractIP ($tmpOUT) Case "41" ;Counter Return _SNMPHexToDec ($tmpOUT) Case "42" ;Gauge Return _SNMPHexToDec ($tmpOUT) Case "43" Return _SNMPHexToDec($tmpOUT)/100 &" sec." Case "46" ;Counter64 Return _SNMPHexToDec ($tmpOUT) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_ExtractData Func _SNMPExtractIP($strIP) Local $extractedIParray [5] Local $extractedIP = "" For $i = 1 To 4 $extractedIParray[$i] = Dec(StringMid($strIP, 2*$i - 1, 2)) If $i = 4 Then $extractedIP &= $extractedIParray[$i] Else $extractedIP &= $extractedIParray[$i] & "." EndIf Next Return $extractedIP EndFunc ;==>_SNMPExtractIP Func _SNMPExtractOID($strOID) Local $extractedOIDarray [StringLen($strOID)/2 + 1] Local $extractedOID = "1.3." For $i = 2 To StringLen($strOID)/2 Local $OIDtoDecode="" $extractedOIDarray[$i] = StringMid($strOID, 2*$i - 1, 2) If Dec($extractedOIDarray[$i]) > 128 Then $OIDtoDecode &=$extractedOIDarray[$i] $aA=0 While dec(StringMid($strOID, 2*($i + $aA)-1, 2))>128 $OIDtoDecode &=" + "&StringMid($strOID, 2*($i + $aA)+1, 2) $aA+=1 WEnd $extractedOID &= _decode($OIDtoDecode) $i += $aA Else $extractedOID &= Dec($extractedOIDarray[$i]) EndIf If $i < StringLen($strOID)/2 Then $extractedOID &="." EndIf Next Return $extractedOID EndFunc ;==>_SNMPExtractOID Func _SNMPHexToDec ($nbr) Local $extractedHEXarray [StringLen($nbr) + 1] Local $extractedNBR = 0 For $i = 1 To StringLen($nbr) $extractedHEXarray[$i] = StringMid($nbr, $i, 1) $extractedNBR += 16^(StringLen($nbr)- $i)*Dec($extractedHEXarray[$i]) Next Return $extractedNBR EndFunc ;==>_SNMPHexToDec Func _decode($s, $d = 0) $a = StringSplit($s, " + ", 1) For $j = 1 To $a[0] $d1 = Dec($a[$j]) If $d1 > 127 Then $d1 = $d1 - 128 $d = ($d * 128) + $d1 Next Return $d EndFunc ;==>_decode Func _WriteArrayValues(ByRef $ArrRet, $idx, $val0, $val1, $val2 = "") ;write entries in returned arrays ;_ArrayDisplay($ArrRet) $ArrRet[$idx][0] = $val0 $ArrRet[$idx][1] = $val1 If $val2 <> "" Then $ArrRet[$idx][2] = $val2 EndFunc ;==>_WriteArrayValues Func _ThrowError($sErr, $spkt) Switch $sErr Case "00" Return Case "01" ClipPut($spkt) MsgBox(16, "SNMP Error Code: 1", "Error Message: Response message too large to transport."&@CRLF&@CRLF&" (packet received placed in clipboard)") Case "02" ClipPut($spkt) MsgBox(16, "SNMP Error Code: 2", "Error Message: The name of the requested object was not found."&@CRLF&@CRLF&" (packet received placed in clipboard)") Case "03" ClipPut($spkt) MsgBox(16, "SNMP Error Code: 3", "Error Message: A data type in the request did not match the data type in the SNMP agent."&@CRLF&@CRLF&" (packet received placed in clipboard)") Case "04" ClipPut($spkt) MsgBox(16, "SNMP Error Code: 4", "Error Message: The SNMP manager attempted to set a read-only parameter."&@CRLF&@CRLF&" (packet received placed in clipboard)") Case "05" ClipPut($spkt) MsgBox(16, "SNMP Error Code: 5", "Error Message: General Error (some error other than the ones listed above)."&@CRLF&@CRLF&" (packet received placed in clipboard)") Case Else ClipPut($spkt) MsgBox(16, "SNMP Error Code: "&$spkt, "Error Message: No Error message for this one."&@CRLF&@CRLF&" (packet received placed in clipboard)") EndSwitch Exit EndFunc #cs 0 noError No error occurred. This code is also used in all request PDUs, since they have no error status to report. 1 tooBig The size of the Response-PDU would be too large to transport. 2 noSuchName The name of a requested object was not found. 3 badValue A value in the request didn't match the structure that the recipient of the request had for the object. For example, an object in the request was specified with an incorrect length or type. 4 readOnly An attempt was made to set a variable that has an Access value indicating that it is read-only. 5 genErr An error occurred other than one indicated by a more specific error code in this table. 6 noAccess Access was denied to the object for security reasons. 7 wrongType The object type in a variable binding is incorrect for the object. 8 wrongLength A variable binding specifies a length incorrect for the object. 9 wrongEncoding A variable binding specifies an encoding incorrect for the object. 10 wrongValue The value given in a variable binding is not possible for the object. 11 noCreation A specified variable does not exist and cannot be created. 12 inconsistentValue A variable binding specifies a value that could be held by the variable but cannot be assigned to it at this time. 13 resourceUnavailable An attempt to set a variable required a resource that is not available. 14 commitFailed An attempt to set a particular variable failed. 15 undoFailed An attempt to set a particular variable as part of a group of variables failed, and the attempt to then undo the setting of other variables was not successful. 16 authorizationError A problem occurred in authorization. 17 notWritable The variable cannot be written or created. 18 inconsistentName The name in a variable binding specifies a variable that does not exist #ce