#NoTrayIcon #region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=AutoIt3Wrapper.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx=n #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=Compile,Run,Check,Tidy or Obfuscater your Autoit3 script with options like update the resource information. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Compile,Run,Check,Tidy or Obfuscater your Autoit3 script with options like update the resource information. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion_AutoIncrement=p #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=Copyright © 2011 Jos van der Zande #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_requestedExecutionLevel=asInvoker #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Made By|Jos van der Zande #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Email|jdeb at autoitscript dot com #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=AutoIt Version|%AutoItVer% #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Compile Date|%date% %time% #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Productname|Autoit3Wrapper for AutoIt3 scripts #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=ProductVersion|Version 2.0 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=CompanyName|Jos van der Zande #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Credits|wraithdu - Updating the Resource UDFs allowing other sections to be included. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Credits|jchd - added support for UTF files. #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-q -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy "%in%" "..\..\Programs_Updates\AutoIt3Wrapper" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=copy "%out%" "..\..\Programs_Updates\AutoIt3Wrapper" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=Copy "%in%" "c:\Program Files (x86)\autoit3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=aaCopy2Prod.exe "AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" "AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper" "%in%" %fileversion% %fileversionnew% #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=y #Tidy_Parameters=/nsdp #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Obfuscator=y #Obfuscator_Parameters=/striponly #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_cvsWrapper=v #AutoIt3Wrapper_cvsWrapper_Parameters=/Comments %fileversion% #endregion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #region AutoIT General Settings & Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ; ; get program version for display purpose Global $VERSION = FileGetVersion(@ScriptFullPath) ;~ $VERSION = StringLeft($VERSION, StringInStr($VERSION, ".", 0, -1) - 1) ; Only show general info for the main script If Not StringInStr($CMDLINERAW, "/watcher") _ And Not StringInStr($CMDLINERAW, "/au3record") _ And Not StringInStr($CMDLINERAW, "/au3info") _ Then ConsoleWrite("+>" & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & " Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v." & $VERSION) ConsoleWrite(' Environment(Language:' & @OSLang & " Keyboard:" & @KBLayout & " OS:" & @OSVersion & "/" & @OSServicePack & " CPU:" & @CPUArch & " OS:" & @OSArch) ConsoleWrite(")" & @CRLF) EndIf #endregion AutoIT General Settings & Includes #region Declare variables Global $ShowGUI = 0 ; ; RESOURCE CONSTANTS ; Global Const $IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE = 0x5A4D Global Const $tagIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER = _ "byte Name[8];" & _ "dword Misc;" & _ "dword VirtualAddress;" & _ "dword SizeOfRawData;" & _ "dword PointerToRawData;" & _ "dword PointerToRelocations;" & _ "dword PointerToLinenumber;" & _ "ushort NumberOfRelocations;" & _ "ushort NumberOfLinenumbers;" & _ "dword Characteristics" Global Const $tagIMAGE_DOS_HEADER = _ "ushort emagic;" & _ "ushort ecblp;" & _ "ushort ecp;" & _ "ushort ecrlc;" & _ "ushort ecparhdr;" & _ "ushort eminalloc;" & _ "ushort emaxalloc;" & _ "ushort ess;" & _ "ushort esp;" & _ "ushort ecsum;" & _ "ushort eip;" & _ "ushort ecs;" & _ "ushort elfarlc;" & _ "ushort eovno;" & _ "ushort eres[4];" & _ "ushort eoemid;" & _ "ushort eoeminfo;" & _ "ushort eres2[10];" & _ "long elfanew" Global Const $tagIMAGE_FILE_HEADER = _ "ushort Machine;" & _ "ushort NumberOfSections;" & _ "dword TimeDateStamp;" & _ "dword PointerToSymbolTable;" & _ "dword NumberOfSymbols;" & _ "ushort SizeOfOptionalHeader;" & _ "ushort Characteristics" Global $tagTEMP = _ "ushort Magic;" & _ ; Standard fields "byte MajorLinkerVersion;" & _ "byte MinorLinkerVersion;" & _ "dword SizeOfCode;" & _ "dword SizeOfInitializedData;" & _ "dword SizeOfUninitializedData;" & _ "dword AddressOfEntryPoint;" & _ "dword BaseOfCode;" & _ "dword BaseOfData;" & _ "dword ImageBase;" & _ ; NT additional fields "dword SectionAlignment;" & _ "dword FileAlignment;" & _ "ushort MajorOperatingSystemVersion;" & _ "ushort MinorOperatingSystemVersion;" & _ "ushort MajorImageVersion;" & _ "ushort MinorImageVersion;" & _ "ushort MajorSubsystemVersion;" & _ "ushort MinorSubsystemVersion;" & _ "dword Win32VersionValue;" & _ "dword SizeOfImage;" & _ "dword SizeOfHeaders;" & _ "dword CheckSum;" & _ "ushort Subsystem;" & _ "ushort DllCharacteristics;" & _ "dword SizeOfStackReserve;" & _ "dword SizeOfStackCommit;" & _ "dword SizeOfHeapReserve;" & _ "dword SizeOfHeapCommit;" & _ "dword LoaderFlags;" & _ "dword NumberOfRvaAndSizes" ; assign indexes to each IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY struct so we can find them later For $i = 0 To 15 $tagTEMP &= ";ulong VirtualAddress" & $i & ";ulong Size" & $i Next Global Const $tagIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER = $tagTEMP $tagTEMP = 0 Global Const $tagIMAGE_NT_HEADERS = _ "dword Signature;" & _ $tagIMAGE_FILE_HEADER & ";" & _ ; offset = 4 $tagIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER ; offset = 24 Global $g_aResNamesAndLangs[1][2] = [[0, 0]] ; reset array Global $rh, $hLangCallback Global $aVersionInfo, $aManifestInfo, $aTemp Global $IconFileInfo Global $ScriptFile_In = "", $ScriptFile_In_Ext = "", $ScriptFile_In_Obfuscated = "", $ScriptFile_Out = "", $ScriptFile_Out_x86 = "", $ScriptFile_Out_x64 = "", $ScriptFile_Out_Type = "" Global $INP_Compile_Both = 0 Global $INP_Icon = "", $INP_Compression = "", $INP_AutoIT3_Version = "" Global $AutoIT3_PGM = "", $AUT2EXE_PGM = "", $INP_AutoitDir = "" Global $INP_Run_Debug_Mode = 0, $INP_UseUpx = "", $INP_Upx_Parameters = "", $INP_UseAnsi = "n", $INP_UseX64 = "", $INP_Comment = "", $INP_Description = "", $INP_Res_SaveSource = "" Global $INP_Res_Language = "", $INP_RES_requestedExecutionLevel = "", $INP_RES_HiDpi = "", $INP_RES_Compatibility = "", $INP_Fileversion = "", $INP_Fileversion_New = "", $INP_Fileversion_AutoIncrement = "", $INP_LegalCopyright = "" Global $INP_ProductVersion = "", $INP_CompiledScript = "", $INP_FieldName1 = "", $INP_FieldValue1 = "", $INP_FieldName2 = "", $INP_FieldValue2 = "", $INP_RES_FieldCount = 0, $INP_FieldName[16] Global $INP_FieldValue[16], $INP_Run_Tidy = "", $INP_Run_Obfuscator = "", $INP_Tidy_Stop_OnError = "Y", $INP_Run_AU3Check = "", $INP_Add_Constants = "", $INP_Run_SciTE_Minimized = "n", $INP_Run_SciTE_OutputPane_Minimized = "n" Global $INP_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning, $INP_AU3Check_Parameters, $INP_Run_Before, $INP_Run_After, $INP_Run_cvsWrapper, $INP_cvsWrapper_Parameters Global $INP_Plugin, $INP_Change2CUI, $INP_Icons[1], $INP_Icons_cnt = 0, $INP_Res_Files[1], $INP_Res_Files_Cnt = 0, $TempFile, $TempFile2 Global $INP_Au3check_Plugin, $INP_Tidy_Parameters = "", $INP_Obfuscator_Parameters = "", $INP_AutoIt3Wrapper_LogFile = "" Global $H_Resource, $H_Comment, $H_Description, $H_Fileversion, $H_Fileversion_AutoIncrement_n, $H_Fileversion_AutoIncrement_p, $H_Fileversion_AutoIncrement_y Global $H_LegalCopyright, $H_FieldNameEdit, $H_Res_Language Global $IconResBase = 49 Global $ObfuscatorCmdLine Global $DebugIcon = "" Global $INP_Resource = 0 Global $INP_Resource_Version = 0 Global $Parameter_Mode = 0 Global $Debug = 0 Global $Registry = "HKCU\Software\AutoIt v3" Global $RegistryLM = "HKLM\Software\AutoIt v3\Autoit" Global $Option = "Compile" Global $s_CMDLine = "" Global $ToTalFile Global $H_Outf Global $CurSciTEFile, $CurSciTELine, $FindVer, $CurSelection Global $dummy, $V_Arg, $T_Var, $H_Cmp, $H_au3, $rc, $Save_Workdir, $AUT2EXE_DIR, $AUT2EXE_PGM_N, $msg, $AUT2EXE_PGM_VER Global $LSCRIPTDIR, $AutoIt_Icon, $INP_Icon_Temp, $AutoIt_Icon_Dir Global $InputFileIsUTF8 = 0 Global $InputFileIsUTF16 = 0 Global $InputFileIsUTF32 = 0 Global $ProcessBar_Title Global $Pid, $Handle, $Return_Text, $ExitCode Global $sCmd Global $SrceUnicodeFlag, $UTFtype ; Global $SciTE_Dir = _PathFull(@ScriptDir & "..\..") Global $CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir = _PathFull(@ScriptDir & "..\..\..") If StringLeft($SciTE_Dir, 3) = "\\\" Then $SciTE_Dir = StringMid($SciTE_Dir, 2) If StringLeft($CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir, 3) = "\\\" Then $CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir = StringMid($CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir, 2) ;~ If StringInStr($SciTE_Dir, "\", '', -1) > 0 Then $SciTE_Dir = StringLeft($SciTE_Dir, StringInStr($SciTE_Dir, "\", '', -1) - 1) ; #endregion Declare variables #region Commandline lexing ; retrieve commandline parameters ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $V_Arg = "Valid Arguments are:" & @CRLF $V_Arg = $V_Arg & " /in ScriptFile " & @CRLF $V_Arg = $V_Arg & " /out Targetfile " & @CRLF $V_Arg = $V_Arg & " /icon IconFile " & @CRLF ;~ $V_Arg = $V_Arg & " /pass passphrase " & @CRLF $V_Arg = $V_Arg & " /comp 0 to 4 (Lowest to Highest) " & @CRLF $V_Arg = $V_Arg & " /nopack Skip UPX step." & @CRLF $V_Arg = $V_Arg & " /pack Run UPX (Default) " & @CRLF $V_Arg = $V_Arg & " /ansi Compile as Ansi for use with Win9x. " & @CRLF $V_Arg = $V_Arg & " /unicode Default compile with Unocode support. " & @CRLF $V_Arg = $V_Arg & " /x86 Compile for x86 OS." & @CRLF $V_Arg = $V_Arg & " /x64 Compile for x64 OS." & @CRLF $V_Arg = $V_Arg & " /console Change output program to CUI" & @CRLF $V_Arg = $V_Arg & " /Gui Default, output program will be GUI" & @CRLF ; switch on debug messages when requested If StringInStr(" " & $CMDLINERAW & " ", " /debug ") Then $Debug = 1 ; If $Debug Then ConsoleWrite("-debug cmdlineraw: " & $CMDLINERAW & @CRLF) For $x = 1 To $CMDLINE[0] $T_Var = StringLower($CMDLINE[$x]) If $Debug Then ConsoleWrite("-debug argument: " & $CMDLINE[$x]) If $x < $CMDLINE[0] Then ConsoleWrite(" next argument: " & $CMDLINE[$x + 1]) ConsoleWrite(@CRLF) EndIf $Parameter_Mode = 1 Select Case $T_Var = "/Watcher" ; when AutoIt3Wrapper is lanched as watcher to see if the original AutoIt3Wrapper is canceled. $H_Cmp = $CMDLINE[$x + 1] $H_au3 = $CMDLINE[$x + 2] While ProcessExists($H_Cmp) And ProcessExists($H_au3) Sleep(500) WEnd Sleep(500) If ProcessExists($H_au3) Then ProcessClose($H_au3) _RefreshSystemTray() EndIf Exit Case $T_Var = "/au3info" ; start the correct au3info version If $INP_AutoitDir <> "" Then $CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir = $INP_AutoitDir EndIf If @OSArch = "X64" Then Run($CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\au3info_x64.exe") Else Run($CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\au3info.exe") EndIf Exit Case $T_Var = "/au3record" If $INP_AutoitDir <> "" Then $CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir = $INP_AutoitDir EndIf ; start the correct au3info version If @OSArch = "X64" Then $Pid = Run($CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\Extras\Au3Record\au3record_x64.exe /o", '', @SW_SHOW, $STDOUT_CHILD + $STDERR_CHILD) Else $Pid = Run($CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\Extras\Au3Record\au3record.exe /o", '', @SW_SHOW, $STDOUT_CHILD + $STDERR_CHILD) EndIf $Handle = _ProcessExitCode($Pid) $Return_Text = ShowStdOutErr($Pid) $ExitCode = _ProcessExitCode($Pid, $Handle) _ProcessCloseHandle($Handle) StdioClose($Pid) Exit Case $T_Var = "/?" Or $T_Var = "/help" MsgBox(1, "Compile Aut2EXE", "Compile an AutoIt3 Script." & @LF & "commandline argument: " & $T_Var & @LF & $V_Arg) Exit Case $T_Var = "/in" $x = $x + 1 $ScriptFile_In = $CMDLINE[$x] Case $T_Var = "/out" $x = $x + 1 $ScriptFile_Out = $CMDLINE[$x] Case $T_Var = "/icon" $x = $x + 1 $INP_Icon = $CMDLINE[$x] $DebugIcon = $DebugIcon & "/icon: " & $INP_Icon & @CRLF Case $T_Var = "/pass" ; Obsolete $x = $x + 1 ;~ $INP_PassPhrase = $CMDLINE[$x] ;~ $INP_PassPhrase2 = $CMDLINE[$x] ;~ $INP_Allow_Decompile = "y" Case $T_Var = "/compress" Or $T_Var = "/comp" Or $T_Var = "/compression" $x = $x + 1 $INP_Compression = Number($CMDLINE[$x]) Case $T_Var = "/nodecompile" ;~ $INP_Allow_Decompile = "n" Case $T_Var = "/Pack" $INP_UseUpx = "y" Case $T_Var = "/NoPack" $INP_UseUpx = "n" Case $T_Var = "/Compression" $INP_Compression = "y" Case $T_Var = "/GUI" ;~ Just for compatibility sake Case $T_Var = "/Console" $INP_Change2CUI = "y" Case $T_Var = "/Unicode" $INP_UseAnsi = "n" $INP_UseX64 = "n" Case $T_Var = "/x64" $INP_UseX64 = "y" $INP_UseAnsi = "n" Case $T_Var = "/x86" $INP_UseX64 = "n" $INP_UseAnsi = "n" Case $T_Var = "/run" $Option = "Run" Case $T_Var = "/debug" $Debug = 1 Case $T_Var = "/au3check" $Option = "AU3Check" Case $T_Var = "/compiledefaults" ; Obsolete ; $Option2 = "defaults" ; Obsolete Case $T_Var = "/beta" $INP_AutoIT3_Version = "Beta" Case $T_Var = "/prod" $INP_AutoIT3_Version = "Prod" Case $T_Var = "/showgui" $ShowGUI = 1 Case $T_Var = "/Autoit3Dir" $x = $x + 1 $INP_AutoitDir = _PathFull($CMDLINE[$x]) Case $T_Var = "/UserParams" $s_CMDLine = StringTrimLeft($CMDLINERAW, StringInStr($CMDLINERAW, "/UserParams") + 11) ExitLoop Case Else ; when /run then optional parameters are allowed If $Option = "Compile" Then MsgBox(1, "Compile Aut2EXE", "Wrong commandline argument: " & $T_Var & @LF & $V_Arg) Exit EndIf ; Build the other params used for running autoit $s_CMDLine &= " " & $T_Var EndSelect Next #endregion Commandline lexing #region SciTE Director Init ; Try to update the file directly in SciTE in stead of externally by means of the Director interface. Opt("WinSearchChildren", 1) ;Global $WM_COPYDATA = 74 Global $SciTECmd Global $SciTE_hwnd = WinGetHandle("DirectorExtension") ; Get My GUI Handle numeric Global $My_Hwnd = GUICreate("SciTE interface", 300, 600, Default, Default, Default, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) Global $My_Dec_Hwnd = Dec(StringTrimLeft($My_Hwnd, 2)) ;Register COPYDATA message. GUIRegisterMsg($WM_COPYDATA, "MY_WM_COPYDATA") ; Get SciTE prograqm directory If Not FileExists($SciTE_Dir & "\SciTE.exe") Then $SciTE_Dir = StringReplace(SendSciTE_GetInfo($My_Hwnd, $SciTE_hwnd, "askproperty:SciteDefaultHome"), "\\", "\") EndIf #endregion SciTE Director Init #region Check For SciTE4AutoIt3 updates If SendSciTE_GetInfo($My_Hwnd, $SciTE_hwnd, "askproperty:check.updates.scite4autoit3") = 1 Then If IniRead($SciTE_Dir & "\SciTEVersion.ini", 'SciTE4AutoIt3', 'LastCheckDate', '') <> _NowDate() Then CheckForUpdates() IniWrite($SciTE_Dir & "\SciTEVersion.ini", 'SciTE4AutoIt3', 'LastCheckDate', _NowDate()) EndIf EndIf #endregion Check For SciTE4AutoIt3 updates #region Input retrieval/validation ; check/request for input Script File ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While Not FileExists($ScriptFile_In) ; Or StringRight($ScriptFile_In, 4) <> '.au3' $ScriptFile_In = FileOpenDialog("Select script to Compile with AUT2EXE ?", RegRead($Registry & "\Aut2Exe", "LastScriptDir"), "autoit3(*.au3)", 1) If @error = 1 Then $rc = MsgBox(4100, "Autoit3 Compile", "do you want to stop the process?") If $rc = 6 Then Exit EndIf WEnd ; Get the default values for this particular script from the ini when not specified on the commandline ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If $ScriptFile_Out = "" Then $ScriptFile_Out = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Autoit", "outfile", "") $ScriptFile_Out_Type = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Autoit", "outfile_type", "") Else $ScriptFile_Out_Type = StringRight($ScriptFile_Out, 3) EndIf If $INP_Icon = "" Then $INP_Icon = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Autoit", "icon", "") $DebugIcon = $DebugIcon & "INI icon: " & $INP_Icon & @CRLF EndIf ; Retrieve Script defaults from its previous saved INI file If FileExists($ScriptFile_In & ".ini") Then If MsgBox(262144 + 4096 + 4, "AutoIt3Wrappper", "Found INI file containing OLD AutoIt3Wrapper information." & @LF & _ "Do you want to updated your script with the appropriate #Directives and Recycle the INI ?", 10) = 6 Then Convert_RES_INI_to_Directives() EndIf If $INP_Compression = "" Then $INP_Compression = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Autoit", "Compression", "") ;~ If $INP_PassPhrase = "" Then $INP_PassPhrase = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Autoit", "PassPhrase", "") ;~ If $INP_PassPhrase2 = "" Then $INP_PassPhrase2 = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Autoit", "PassPhrase", "") ;~ If $INP_Allow_Decompile = "" Then $INP_Allow_Decompile = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Autoit", "Allow_Decompile", "") If $INP_UseUpx = "" Then $INP_UseUpx = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Autoit", "UseUpx", "") ;~ If $INP_UseAnsi = "" Then $INP_UseAnsi = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Autoit", "UseAnsi", "") If $INP_UseX64 = "" Then $INP_UseX64 = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Autoit", "Usex64", "") $INP_Comment = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Res", "Comment", "") $INP_Description = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Res", "Description", "") $INP_Fileversion = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Res", "Fileversion", "") $INP_Fileversion_AutoIncrement = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Res", "Fileversion_AutoIncrement", "") $INP_ProductVersion = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Res", "ProductVersion", "") $INP_LegalCopyright = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Res", "LegalCopyright", "") $INP_Res_SaveSource = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Res", "SaveSource", "") $INP_FieldName1 = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Res", "Field1Name", "") $INP_FieldValue1 = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Res", "Field1Value", "") $INP_FieldName2 = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Res", "Field2Name", "") $INP_FieldValue2 = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Res", "Field2Value", "") $INP_Run_AU3Check = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Other", "Run_AU3Check", "") $INP_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Other", "AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning", "") $INP_AU3Check_Parameters = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Other", "AU3Check_Parameter", "") $INP_Run_Before = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Other", "Run_Before", "") $INP_Run_After = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Other", "Run_After", "") $INP_Run_cvsWrapper = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Other", "Run_cvsWrapper", "") $INP_cvsWrapper_Parameters = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Other", "cvsWrapper_Parameter", "") $INP_Change2CUI = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", "Other", "Change2CUI", "") EndIf ;Retrieve AutoIt3Wrapper Defaults from AutoIt3Wrapper.INI If $ScriptFile_Out_Type = "" Then $ScriptFile_Out_Type = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Autoit", "outfile_type", "") If $INP_Icon = "" Then $INP_Icon = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Autoit", "icon", "") If $INP_Compression = "" Then $INP_Compression = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Autoit", "Compression", "") ;~ If $INP_PassPhrase = "" Then $INP_PassPhrase = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Autoit", "PassPhrase", "") ;~ If $INP_PassPhrase2 = "" Then $INP_PassPhrase2 = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Autoit", "PassPhrase", "") ;~ If $INP_Allow_Decompile = "" Then $INP_Allow_Decompile = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Autoit", "Allow_Decompile", "") If $INP_UseUpx = "" Then $INP_UseUpx = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Autoit", "UseUpx", "") ;~ If $INP_UseAnsi = "" Then $INP_UseAnsi = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Autoit", "UseAnsi", "") If $INP_UseX64 = "" Then $INP_UseX64 = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Autoit", "UseX64", "") If $INP_AutoitDir = "" Then $AUT2EXE_PGM = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Autoit", "aut2exe", "") If $INP_Res_Language = "" Then $INP_Res_Language = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Res", "Language", "") If $INP_RES_requestedExecutionLevel = "" Then $INP_RES_requestedExecutionLevel = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Res", "RequestedExecutionLevel", "") If $INP_RES_HiDpi = "" Then $INP_RES_HiDpi = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Res", "HiDpi", "") If $INP_RES_Compatibility = "" Then $INP_RES_Compatibility = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Res", "Compatibility", "") If $INP_Comment = "" Then $INP_Comment = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Res", "Comment", "") If $INP_Description = "" Then $INP_Description = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Res", "Description", "") If $INP_Fileversion = "" Then $INP_Fileversion = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Res", "Fileversion", "") If $INP_Fileversion_AutoIncrement = "" Then $INP_Fileversion_AutoIncrement = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Res", "Fileversion_AutoIncrement", "") If $INP_ProductVersion = "" Then $INP_ProductVersion = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Res", "ProductVersion", "") If $INP_LegalCopyright = "" Then $INP_LegalCopyright = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Res", "LegalCopyright", "") If $INP_Res_SaveSource = "" Then $INP_Res_SaveSource = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Res", "SaveSource", "") If $INP_FieldName1 = "" Then $INP_FieldName1 = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Res", "Field1Name", "") If $INP_FieldValue1 = "" Then $INP_FieldValue1 = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Res", "Field1Value", "") If $INP_FieldName2 = "" Then $INP_FieldName2 = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Res", "Field2Name", "") If $INP_FieldValue2 = "" Then $INP_FieldValue2 = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Res", "Field2Value", "") If $INP_Run_Tidy = "" Then $INP_Run_Tidy = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Other", "Run_Tidy", "") If $INP_Tidy_Parameters = "" Then $INP_Tidy_Parameters = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Other", "Tidy_Parameter", "") If $INP_Run_Obfuscator = "" Then $INP_Run_Obfuscator = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Other", "Run_Obfuscator", "") If $INP_Obfuscator_Parameters = "" Then $INP_Obfuscator_Parameters = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Other", "Obfuscator_Parameters", "") If $INP_Run_AU3Check = "" Then $INP_Run_AU3Check = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Other", "Run_AU3Check", "") If $INP_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning = "" Then $INP_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Other", "AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning", "") If $INP_AU3Check_Parameters = "" Then $INP_AU3Check_Parameters = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Other", "AU3Check_Parameter", "") If $INP_Run_Before = "" Then $INP_Run_Before = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Other", "Run_Before", "") If $INP_Run_After = "" Then $INP_Run_After = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Other", "Run_After", "") If $INP_Run_cvsWrapper = "" Then $INP_Run_cvsWrapper = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Other", "Run_cvsWrapper", "") If $INP_cvsWrapper_Parameters = "" Then $INP_cvsWrapper_Parameters = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Other", "cvsWrapper_Parameter", "") If $INP_Change2CUI = "" Then $INP_Change2CUI = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AutoIt3Wrapper.ini", "Other", "Change2CUI", "") ; Set Fields use to determine the extension _PathSplit($ScriptFile_In, $dummy, $dummy, $dummy, $ScriptFile_In_Ext) ; Get Predefined settings from the Scriptfile itself. These will override all other settings ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retrieve_PreProcessor_Info() ; set proper defaults and translate/validate values SetDefaults($INP_AutoIT3_Version, "Prod", "P=Prod;B=Beta", "Prod;Beta", 0) SetDefaults($ScriptFile_Out_Type, "exe", "", "exe;a3x", 0) If Not ($INP_AutoitDir = "") And FileExists($INP_AutoitDir & "\Autoit3.exe") Then $CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir = $INP_AutoitDir ; If Not FileExists($CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\Autoit3.exe") Then ConsoleWrite("! Unable to determine the location of the AutoIt3 program directory!" & @CRLF) Exit EndIf If $INP_AutoIT3_Version = "beta" And FileExists($CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\beta\Autoit3.exe") Then $CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir &= "\beta" EndIf ; SetDefaults($INP_Compression, 2, "", "0;1;2;3;4", 1) ;~ SetDefaults($INP_Allow_Decompile, "y", "yes=y;no=n;1=y;0=n;4=n", "y;n", 0) SetDefaults($INP_Compile_Both, "n", "yes=y;no=n;1=y;0=n;4=n", "y;n", 0, 0) SetDefaults($INP_UseUpx, "y", "yes=y;no=n;1=y;0=n;4=n", "y;n", 0, 0) ;~ SetDefaults($INP_UseAnsi, "n", "yes=y;no=n;1=y;0=n;4=n", "y;n", 0, 0) SetDefaults($INP_Compile_Both, "n", "yes=y;no=n;1=y;0=n;4=n", "y;n", 0, 0) If @OSArch = "X86" Or StringInStr(RegRead("HKCR\AutoIt3Script\Shell\Run\Command", ""), "AutoIt3.exe") Then SetDefaults($INP_UseX64, "n", "auto=a;yes=y;no=n;1=y;0=n;4=n", "y;n", 0, 0) Else SetDefaults($INP_UseX64, "y", "auto=a;yes=y;no=n;1=y;0=n;4=n", "y;n", 0, 0) EndIf SetDefaults($INP_Fileversion_AutoIncrement, "n", "prompt=p;yes=y;no=n;1=y;0=n;4=n", "y;n;p", 0, 0) SetDefaults($INP_Run_AU3Check, "y", "yes=y;no=n;1=y;0=n;4=n", "y;n", 0, 0) SetDefaults($INP_Run_Tidy, "n", "yes=y;no=n;1=y;0=n;4=n", "y;n", 0, 0) SetDefaults($INP_Run_Obfuscator, "n", "yes=y;no=n;1=y;0=n;4=n", "y;n", 0, 0) SetDefaults($INP_Run_cvsWrapper, "n", "yes=y;no=n;1=y;0=n;4=n", "y;n;v", 0, 0) SetDefaults($INP_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning, "n", "yes=y;no=n;1=y;0=n;4=n", "y;n", 0, 0) SetDefaults($INP_Res_SaveSource, "n", "yes=y;no=n;1=y;0=n;4=n", "y;n", 0, 0) SetDefaults($INP_Change2CUI, "n", "yes=y;no=n;1=y;0=n;4=n", "y;n", 0, 0) SetDefaults($INP_Add_Constants, "n", "yes=y;no=n;1=y;0=n;4=n", "y;n", 0) SetDefaults($INP_Tidy_Stop_OnError, "y", "yes=y;no=n;1=y;0=n;4=n", "y;n", 0) SetDefaults($ShowGUI, 0, "yes=1;no=0;y=1;n=0", "0;1", 0) SetDefaults($INP_Run_SciTE_Minimized, "n", "yes=y;no=n;1=y;0=n;4=n", "y;n", 0, 0) SetDefaults($INP_Run_SciTE_OutputPane_Minimized, "n", "yes=y;no=n;1=y;0=n;4=n", "y;n", 0, 0) ; Show GUI when requested but only during Compile If $ShowGUI And $Option = "Compile" And $InputFileIsUTF8 <> 9 Then GUI_Show() ; If $ScriptFile_Out = StringRight($ScriptFile_In, StringLen($ScriptFile_In)) Then ConsoleWrite("- Cannot specify the same output filename as the inputfile: " & $ScriptFile_Out & " ==> Changing to default (scriptname.exe)." & @CRLF) $ScriptFile_Out = "" EndIf ; ;Set default for x86 exe If $ScriptFile_Out = "" Then If $ScriptFile_Out_Type <> "" Then $ScriptFile_Out = StringTrimRight($ScriptFile_In, StringLen($ScriptFile_In_Ext)) & '.' & $ScriptFile_Out_Type Else $ScriptFile_Out = StringTrimRight($ScriptFile_In, StringLen($ScriptFile_In_Ext)) & '.exe' EndIf EndIf $ScriptFile_Out = _PathFull($ScriptFile_Out) ; fix _PathFull() problem If StringLeft($ScriptFile_Out, 3) = "\\\" Then $ScriptFile_Out = StringMid($ScriptFile_Out, 2) ; ; Set default for x64 exe If $ScriptFile_Out_x64 = "" Then If $INP_Compile_Both = "y" Then $ScriptFile_Out_x64 = StringReplace($ScriptFile_Out, ".", "_x64.", -1) Else $ScriptFile_Out_x64 = $ScriptFile_Out EndIf EndIf $ScriptFile_Out_x64 = _PathFull($ScriptFile_Out_x64) ; fix _PathFull() problem If StringLeft($ScriptFile_Out_x64, 3) = "\\\" Then $ScriptFile_Out_x64 = StringMid($ScriptFile_Out_x64, 2) ; ; ;If $INP_Icon <> "" Then $INP_Icon = _PathFull($INP_Icon) ; save current workdir for later use $Save_Workdir = @WorkingDir ; retrieve aut3exe directory ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If $Option = "Compile" Then If $AUT2EXE_PGM <> "" And FileExists($AUT2EXE_PGM) Then ; support old override for AUT2EXE ElseIf $CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir <> "" And FileExists($CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\aut2exe\aut2exe.exe") Then If @OSArch <> "x86" And FileExists($CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\aut2exe\aut2exe_x64.exe") And StringInStr(RegRead("HKCR\AutoIt3Script\Shell\Compile\Command", ""), "aut2exe_x64.exe") Then $AUT2EXE_PGM = $CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\aut2exe\aut2exe_x64.exe" Else $AUT2EXE_PGM = $CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\aut2exe\aut2exe.exe" EndIf Else If @OSArch <> "x86" And FileExists($CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\aut2exe\aut2exe_x64.exe") And StringInStr(RegRead("HKCR\AutoIt3Script\Shell\Compile\Command", ""), "aut2exe_x64.exe") Then $AUT2EXE_PGM = $CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\aut2exe\aut2exe_x64.exe" Else $AUT2EXE_PGM = $CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & '\aut2exe\Aut2Exe.exe' EndIf EndIf $AUT2EXE_DIR = StringLeft($AUT2EXE_PGM, StringInStr($AUT2EXE_PGM, "\", 0, -1)) ; check if aut2exe.exe files are all there ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $AUT2EXE_PGM_N = "" ; ensure the drive letter in part of the path to aut2exe ; this is needed when aut2exe is specified as: "#AutoIt3Wrapper_AUT2EXE=\winutil\AutoIt3\Au3beta\aut2exe.exe" If FileExists($AUT2EXE_PGM) Then FileChangeDir($AUT2EXE_DIR) $AUT2EXE_DIR = @WorkingDir FileChangeDir($Save_Workdir) Else ; Prompt for the location of AUT2EXE While (Not FileExists($AUT2EXE_PGM)) Or (Not FileExists($AUT2EXE_DIR & "\AutoItSC.bin")) Or (Not FileExists($AUT2EXE_DIR & "\upx.exe")) If $AUT2EXE_PGM_N <> "" Then $msg = "" If Not FileExists($AUT2EXE_PGM) Then $msg = $AUT2EXE_PGM & " doesn exist." & @LF If Not FileExists($AUT2EXE_DIR & "\AutoItSC.bin") Then $msg = $AUT2EXE_DIR & "\AutoItSC.bin" & " doesn't exist." & @LF If Not FileExists($AUT2EXE_DIR & "\upx.exe") Then $msg = $AUT2EXE_DIR & "\upx.exe" & " doesn't exist." & @LF MsgBox(4096, "Error.", $msg) EndIf $AUT2EXE_PGM_N = FileOpenDialog("Select the correct directory with AUT2EXE,AutoItSC.bin and upx.exe ", $AUT2EXE_PGM, "aut2exe(*.*)", 1) If @error = 1 Then $rc = MsgBox(4100, "Autoit3 Compile", "do you want to stop the process?") If $rc = 6 Then Exit EndIf $AUT2EXE_DIR = StringLeft($AUT2EXE_PGM_N, StringInStr($AUT2EXE_PGM_N, "\", 0, -1) - 1) $AUT2EXE_PGM = $AUT2EXE_DIR & "\Aut2Exe.exe" ;If FileExists($AUT2EXE_PGM) Then ; RegWrite('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Aut2Exe.exe', '', "REG_SZ", $AUT2EXE_PGM) ;EndIf WEnd EndIf ;get aut2exe fileversion ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $AUT2EXE_PGM_VER = FileGetVersion($AUT2EXE_DIR & "\AutoitSC.bin") $LSCRIPTDIR = StringLeft($ScriptFile_In, StringInStr($ScriptFile_In, "\", 0, -1)) ; when just a file name is supplied it assumed it's in the scriptdirectory or Autoit ICO dir $AutoIt_Icon = RegRead("HKCR\AutoIt3Script\DefaultIcon", "") ; When an ICON is specified in an INI/Commandline/Compiler directive it will check it here If $INP_Icon <> "" Then If Not StringInStr($INP_Icon, "\") Then $INP_Icon_Temp = $LSCRIPTDIR & $INP_Icon ; check the scriptdir for the ICO file If Not FileExists($INP_Icon_Temp) Or StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($INP_Icon_Temp), "D") Then $AutoIt_Icon_Dir = StringLeft($AutoIt_Icon, StringInStr($AutoIt_Icon, "\", 0, -1)) $INP_Icon_Temp = $AutoIt_Icon_Dir & $INP_Icon ; check the Autoit ICON dir for the ICO file If FileExists($INP_Icon_Temp) And StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($INP_Icon_Temp), "D") = 0 Then $INP_Icon = $INP_Icon_Temp Else If Not (StringRight($ScriptFile_Out, 4) = ".a3x") Then ConsoleWrite("- Icon not found: " & $INP_Icon & " ==> Changing to default ICON." & @CRLF) $INP_Icon = "" EndIf Else $INP_Icon = $INP_Icon_Temp EndIf Else If Not FileExists($INP_Icon) Then ConsoleWrite("- Icon not found: " & $INP_Icon & " ==> Changing to default ICON." & @CRLF) $INP_Icon = "" EndIf If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($INP_Icon), "D") Then ConsoleWrite("- Icon is a Directory: " & $INP_Icon & " ==> Changing to default ICON." & @CRLF) $INP_Icon = "" EndIf EndIf EndIf ; when icon is not specified then check if the lasticon used is valid If $INP_Icon = "" Then $INP_Icon = RegRead($Registry & "\Aut2exe", "LastIcon") ; When LastIcon doesnt exists then use Default Icon If $INP_Icon <> "" And Not FileExists($INP_Icon) Then ConsoleWrite("- LastUsed Icon not found: " & $INP_Icon & " ==> Changing to default ICON:" & $AutoIt_Icon & @CRLF) $INP_Icon = $AutoIt_Icon EndIf EndIf ; ; determine if the release is higher than 101.. if so then add this to the possible parameter list If $AUT2EXE_PGM_VER > '' Then $V_Arg = $V_Arg & " /nodecompile " & @CRLF EndIf ;~ ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;~ ; prepare all variables for the commandline programs and AUT2EXE ;~ ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;~ If $INP_Run_Obfuscator = "y" Then ;~ $s_CMDLine = ' /in "' & StringTrimRight($ScriptFile_In, StringLen($ScriptFile_In_Ext)) & '_Obfuscated' & $ScriptFile_In_Ext & '"' ;~ If $ScriptFile_Out = "" Then $ScriptFile_Out = StringTrimRight($ScriptFile_In, StringLen($ScriptFile_In_Ext)) & '.exe' ;~ Else ;~ $s_CMDLine = ' /in "' & $ScriptFile_In & '"' ;~ EndIf ;~ If $ScriptFile_Out <> "" Then ;~ ; Check it the target directory is valid ;~ $ScriptFile_Out = StringReplace($ScriptFile_Out, "/", "\") ;~ If StringInStr($ScriptFile_Out, "\", 0, -1) And Not FileExists(StringLeft($ScriptFile_Out, StringInStr($ScriptFile_Out, "\", 0, -1) - 1)) Then ;~ ;$s_CMDLine = $s_CMDLine & ' /out "' & $ScriptFile_Out & '"' ;~ ConsoleWrite("- Output path: " & StringLeft($ScriptFile_Out, StringInStr($ScriptFile_Out, "\", 0, -1) - 1) & " not found, changing it to:") ;~ $ScriptFile_Out = StringTrimRight($ScriptFile_In, StringLen($ScriptFile_In_Ext)) & '.exe' ;~ ConsoleWrite($ScriptFile_Out & @CRLF) ;~ EndIf ;~ $s_CMDLine &= ' /out "' & $ScriptFile_Out & '"' ;~ EndIf ;~ If $ScriptFile_In = $ScriptFile_Out Then ;~ ConsoleWrite("! Input source file should never be equal to the target output file !" & @CRLF) ;~ Exit ;~ EndIf ;~ ; we handle resources and UPX later, so no packing from compiler ;~ $s_CMDLine &= ' /nopack' ;~ ; ;~ If $INP_Icon <> "" Then $s_CMDLine &= ' /icon "' & $INP_Icon & '"' ;~ If $INP_Compression > -1 And $INP_Compression < 5 Then $s_CMDLine &= ' /comp ' & $INP_Compression & '' ; When the info doesn't come from preprocessor statements then, ; Show progress bar $ProcessBar_Title = "(" & $VERSION & ") Processing : " & StringTrimLeft($ScriptFile_In, StringInStr($ScriptFile_In, "\", 0, -1)) ProgressOn($ProcessBar_Title, "Compile", "Starting", 50, 10, 18) ; run process defined to be run before the compile process $INP_Run_Before = StringSplit($INP_Run_Before, "|") For $x = 1 To $INP_Run_Before[0] If StringStripWS($INP_Run_Before[$x], 3) <> "" Then ProgressSet(95, "Running :" & $INP_Run_Before[$x]) ; translate possible %..% to the actual values $INP_Run_Before[$x] = Convert_Variables($INP_Run_Before[$x]) ConsoleWrite("> Running:" & $INP_Run_Before[$x] & @CRLF) $rc = Run(@ComSpec & ' /C ' & $INP_Run_Before[$x] & '', '', @SW_HIDE, 2) ShowStdOutErr($rc) ;$RC = RunWait($INP_Run_Before) EndIf Next ; WinActivate($ProcessBar_Title) ElseIf $Option = "AU3Check" Then $INP_Run_AU3Check = "y" Else ; $Option = "Run" $ProcessBar_Title = "(" & $VERSION & ") Processing : " & StringTrimLeft($ScriptFile_In, StringInStr($ScriptFile_In, "\", 0, -1)) ; set AutoIt3.Exe to the Autoit3dir specified on the commandline when supplied If $AutoIT3_PGM <> "" Then ; use the autoit3.exe defined by the #autoit3wrapper_autoit3 directive ElseIf $CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir <> "" And FileExists($CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\autoit3.exe") Then If @OSArch <> "x86" And $INP_UseX64 = "y" And FileExists($CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\autoit3_x64.exe") Then $AutoIT3_PGM = $CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\autoit3_x64.exe" Else $AutoIT3_PGM = $CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\autoit3.exe" EndIf Else If @OSArch <> "x86" And $INP_UseX64 = "y" And FileExists($CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\autoit3_x64.exe") Then $AutoIT3_PGM = $CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\autoit3_x64.exe" Else $AutoIT3_PGM = $CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & '\autoit3.exe' EndIf EndIf ; Check if AutoIt3 really exists If Not FileExists($AutoIT3_PGM) Then ConsoleWrite('!>Error: program "' & $AutoIT3_PGM & '" is missing. Check your installation.' & @CRLF) Exit 999 EndIf EndIf #endregion Input retrieval/validation #region Fix Includes If $INP_Add_Constants = "y" Then Add_Constants() #endregion Fix Includes #region Run Tidy ; Run Tidy when requested. If Not ($Option = "AU3Check") And $INP_Run_Tidy = "y" Then If $InputFileIsUTF16 Or $InputFileIsUTF32 Then ;~ ConsoleWrite("! *************************************************************************************" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("! Input file is UTF" & $UTFtype & " encoded. Tidy does not support this and will be skipped." & @CRLF) ;~ ConsoleWrite("! *************************************************************************************" & @CRLF) Else Global $TidypgmVer = "" Global $Tidypgm = $SciTE_Dir & "\tidy\Tidy.exe" Global $Tidypgmdir If FileExists($Tidypgm) Then $Tidypgmdir = $SciTE_Dir & "\tidy" $TidypgmVer = FileGetVersion($Tidypgm) If $TidypgmVer = "" Then $TidypgmVer = "" Else $TidypgmVer = "(" & $TidypgmVer & ")" EndIf ProgressSet(7, "Running Tidy ...") ConsoleWrite(">Running Tidy " & $TidypgmVer & " from:" & $Tidypgmdir & @CRLF) ;---- uses the Beta STDOUT fuunctionality ------------------------------------------ ;$Pid = Run(@ComSpec & ' /c ""' & $Tidypgm & '" "' & $ScriptFile_In & '""', '', @SW_HIDE, 2) $Pid = Run('"' & $Tidypgm & '" "' & $ScriptFile_In & '" /q', '', @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD + $STDERR_CHILD) $Handle = _ProcessExitCode($Pid) $Return_Text = ShowStdOutErr($Pid) $ExitCode = _ProcessExitCode($Pid, $Handle) _ProcessCloseHandle($Handle) StdioClose($Pid) ; Show the Errors in a MSGBox If $ExitCode > 0 Then ;ConsoleWrite(">Tidy Ended with Error(s). rc:" & $exitcode & @crlf) Write_RC_Console_Msg("Tidy ended.", $ExitCode) If $Option <> "Tidy" And ProcessExists("SciTe.exe") Then If $INP_Tidy_Stop_OnError <> "y" And StringInStr($Return_Text, " - 0 error(s)") > 0 Then Else Show_Warnings("Tidy errors", StringReplace($Return_Text, @CR, "")) EndIf EndIf Else ;ConsoleWrite(">Tidy Ended. No Error(s). rc:" & $exitcode & @crlf) Write_RC_Console_Msg("Tidy ended.", $ExitCode) EndIf Else ConsoleWrite("! *** Tidy Error: *** Skipping Tidy: " & $Tidypgm & " Not Found !" & @CRLF & @CRLF) EndIf EndIf EndIf #endregion Run Tidy #region Run AU3Check ; Run AU3Check when requested. ;If Not $InputFileIsUTF16 And ($INP_Run_AU3Check = "y" Or $INP_Run_AU3Check = 1) Then Global $Au3Check_UTF = False, $TempScript If $INP_Run_AU3Check = "y" Then ; copy the UTF encode file to a ANSI version for processing by AU3Check If $InputFileIsUTF8 Or $InputFileIsUTF16 Or $InputFileIsUTF32 Then $Au3Check_UTF = True $TempScript = @TempDir & "\au3checkScript.au3" Global $h_Output = FileOpen($TempScript, 2) FileWrite($h_Output, FileRead($ScriptFile_In)) FileClose($h_Output) EndIf ; New INclude logic with au3check in the AutoIT directory Global $Au3checkpgmVer = "" Global $Au3checkpgmdir Global $Au3checkpgm = $CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\au3check.exe" If FileExists($Au3checkpgm) Then $Au3checkpgmdir = $CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir $Au3checkpgmVer = FileGetVersion($Au3checkpgm) If $Au3checkpgmVer = "" Then $Au3checkpgmVer = "" Else $Au3checkpgmVer = "(" & $Au3checkpgmVer & ")" EndIf ; ProgressSet(5, "Running AU3Check ...") $TempFile = @TempDir & '\au3check.log' ;FileDelete($TempFile) ; If PlugIn functions are specified then add that to the temp au3Check.dat If $INP_Plugin <> "" Then If FileCopy($Au3checkpgmdir & "\au3check.dat", @TempDir & "\au3check.dat", 1) Then $INP_Plugin = StringSplit($INP_Plugin, ",") For $x = 1 To $INP_Plugin[0] FileWriteLine($Au3checkpgmdir & "\au3check.dat", "!" & StringStripWS($INP_Plugin[$x], 3) & " 0 99") Next Else ConsoleWrite("+> Unable to add PlugIn functions to the Au3Check tables" & @LF) $INP_Plugin = "" EndIf EndIf If $INP_AU3Check_Parameters <> "" Then ConsoleWrite(">Running AU3Check " & $Au3checkpgmVer & " params:" & $INP_AU3Check_Parameters & " from:" & $Au3checkpgmdir & @CRLF) Else ConsoleWrite(">Running AU3Check " & $Au3checkpgmVer & " from:" & $Au3checkpgmdir & @CRLF) EndIf ; Process the TEMPFILE in case of an UTF encoded file If $InputFileIsUTF8 Or $InputFileIsUTF16 Or $InputFileIsUTF32 Then $Pid = Run('"' & $Au3checkpgm & '" ' & $INP_AU3Check_Parameters & ' -q "' & $TempScript & '"', '', @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) Else $Pid = Run('"' & $Au3checkpgm & '" ' & $INP_AU3Check_Parameters & ' -q "' & $ScriptFile_In & '"', '', @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) EndIf ;~ $Pid = Run('"' & $Au3checkpgm & '" ' & $INP_AU3Check_Parameters & ' "' & $ScriptFile_In & '"', '', @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) $Handle = _ProcessExitCode($Pid) ; Replace the TEMPFILE name with Original Script file name when UNICODE If $InputFileIsUTF8 Or $InputFileIsUTF16 Or $InputFileIsUTF32 Then $Return_Text = ShowStdOutErr($Pid, 1, $TempScript, $ScriptFile_In) Else $Return_Text = ShowStdOutErr($Pid) EndIf $ExitCode = _ProcessExitCode($Pid, $Handle) _ProcessCloseHandle($Handle) StdioClose($Pid) If $INP_Plugin <> "" Then FileMove(@TempDir & "\au3check.dat", $Au3checkpgmdir & "\au3check.dat", 1) EndIf ; Show the Errors in a MSGBox If $Return_Text <> "" Then ;ConsoleWrite(">AU3Check Ended with Error(s). rc:" & $exitcode & @crlf) Write_RC_Console_Msg("AU3Check ended.", $ExitCode) If $Option <> "AU3Check" And ProcessExists("SciTe.exe") Then If $INP_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning <> "y" And StringInStr($Return_Text, " - 0 error(s)") > 0 Then Else Show_Warnings("Au3Check errors", StringReplace($Return_Text, @CR, "")) EndIf EndIf Else ;ConsoleWrite(">AU3Check Ended. No Error(s). rc:" & $exitcode & @crlf) Write_RC_Console_Msg("AU3Check ended.", $ExitCode) EndIf ; Else ;ConsoleWrite("*** AU3CHECK (1) : ERROR: *** Skipping AU3Check: " & $Au3checkpgm & " Not Found !" & @crlf & @crlf) ConsoleWrite("! *** AU3CHECK Error: *** Skipping AU3Check: " & $Au3checkpgm & " Not Found !" & @CRLF & @CRLF) EndIf FileDelete($TempFile) EndIf ; if AU3Check parameter was specified than stop the process. If $Option = "AU3Check" Then Exit #endregion Run AU3Check #region Run Obfuscator ; Run Obfuscator when requested. If $Option = "Compile" And $INP_Run_Obfuscator = "y" Then If $InputFileIsUTF8 Or $InputFileIsUTF16 Or $InputFileIsUTF32 Then ;~ ConsoleWrite("! *************************************************************************************" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("! Input file is UTF" & $UTFtype & " encoded. Obfuscator does not support this and will be skipped." & @CRLF) ;~ ConsoleWrite("! *************************************************************************************" & @CRLF) Else Global $ObfuscatorpgmVer = "" Global $Obfuscatorpgm = $SciTE_Dir & "\Obfuscator\Obfuscator.exe" Global $Obfuscatorpgmdir If FileExists($Obfuscatorpgm) Then $Obfuscatorpgmdir = $SciTE_Dir & "\Obfuscator" $ObfuscatorpgmVer = FileGetVersion($Obfuscatorpgm) If $ObfuscatorpgmVer = "" Then $ObfuscatorpgmVer = "" Else $ObfuscatorpgmVer = "(" & $ObfuscatorpgmVer & ")" EndIf ProgressSet(7, "Running Obfuscator ...") ConsoleWrite(">Running Obfuscator " & $ObfuscatorpgmVer & " from:" & $Obfuscatorpgmdir & " cmdline:" & $ObfuscatorCmdLine & @CRLF) $Pid = Run('"' & $Obfuscatorpgm & '" "' & $ScriptFile_In & '" ' & $ObfuscatorCmdLine, '', @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) $Handle = _ProcessExitCode($Pid) $Return_Text = ShowStdOutErr($Pid) $ExitCode = _ProcessExitCode($Pid, $Handle) _ProcessCloseHandle($Handle) StdioClose($Pid) ; Show the Errors in a MSGBox ;~ Write_RC_Console_Msg("Obfuscator ended.", $ExitCode) ; $ScriptFile_In_Obfuscated = StringTrimRight($ScriptFile_In, StringLen($ScriptFile_In_Ext)) & '_Obfuscated' & $ScriptFile_In_Ext ; If $ExitCode > 0 And $ExitCode < 999 Then ;There were warnings ... show msbox to make sure they know what they are doing. Show_Warnings("Obfuscator Warnings/Errors", StringReplace($Return_Text, @CR, "")) $ExitCode = 0 ElseIf $ExitCode = 999 Then Write_RC_Console_Msg("Obfuscator ended with errors, using original scriptfile.", $ExitCode) FileCopy($ScriptFile_In, $ScriptFile_In_Obfuscated, 1) EndIf ; change input file to the obfuscated file ; Run au3check on the obfuscated source If $ExitCode < 999 And $INP_Run_AU3Check = "y" Then $TempFile = @TempDir & '\au3check.log' FileDelete($TempFile) If $INP_AU3Check_Parameters <> "" Then ConsoleWrite(">Running AU3Check for obfuscated file" & $Au3checkpgmVer & " params:" & $INP_AU3Check_Parameters & " from:" & $Au3checkpgmdir & @CRLF) Else ConsoleWrite(">Running AU3Check for obfuscated file" & $Au3checkpgmVer & " from:" & $Au3checkpgmdir & @CRLF) EndIf ;---- uses the Beta STDOUT fuunctionality ------------------------------------------ $Pid = Run('"' & $Au3checkpgm & '" ' & $INP_AU3Check_Parameters & ' -q "' & $ScriptFile_In_Obfuscated & '"', '', @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) $Handle = _ProcessExitCode($Pid) $Return_Text = ShowStdOutErr($Pid) $ExitCode = _ProcessExitCode($Pid, $Handle) _ProcessCloseHandle($Handle) StdioClose($Pid) ; Show the Errors in a MSGBox If $Return_Text <> "" Then ;ConsoleWrite(">AU3Check Ended with Error(s). rc:" & $exitcode & @crlf) Write_RC_Console_Msg("AU3Check Obfuscated code ended.", $ExitCode) If $Option <> "AU3Check" And ProcessExists("SciTe.exe") Then If $INP_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning <> "y" And StringInStr($Return_Text, " - 0 error(s)") > 0 Then Else Show_Warnings("Au3Check errors", StringReplace($Return_Text, @CR, "")) EndIf EndIf Else ;ConsoleWrite(">AU3Check Ended. No Error(s). rc:" & $exitcode & @crlf) Write_RC_Console_Msg("AU3Check Obfuscated code ended.", $ExitCode) EndIf EndIf Else ConsoleWrite("! *** Obfuscator Error: *** Skipping Obfuscator: " & $Obfuscatorpgm & " Not Found !" & @CRLF & @CRLF) EndIf EndIf EndIf #endregion Run Obfuscator #region Compile the script ; If Compile is the option then If $Option = "Compile" Then #region Run AUT2EXE/RESUPD/UPX ;Use the explicit x86 or x64 outputfile when specified. If $INP_Compile_Both = "y" Or $INP_UseX64 = 'n' Then Compile_Run_AUT2EXE('x86', $ScriptFile_Out) If Compile_Upd_res($ScriptFile_Out) And $INP_UseUpx = "y" Then Compile_UPX($ScriptFile_Out) EndIf Write_RC_Console_Msg("Created program:" & $ScriptFile_Out, "", "+") EndIf If $INP_Compile_Both = "y" Or $INP_UseX64 <> 'n' Then Compile_Run_AUT2EXE('x64', $ScriptFile_Out_x64) Compile_Upd_res($ScriptFile_Out_x64) Write_RC_Console_Msg("Created program:" & $ScriptFile_Out_x64, "", "+") EndIf #endregion Run AUT2EXE/RESUPD/UPX #region Run cvsWrapper ; Check if the Version needs updating If $INP_Fileversion_AutoIncrement = "p" Then If MsgBox(262144 + 4096 + 4, "AutoIt3Wrappper", "Do you want to increase the version number of the source to:" & @LF & $INP_Fileversion_New, 10) = 6 Then $INP_Fileversion_AutoIncrement = 'y' Else $INP_Fileversion_New = $INP_Fileversion EndIf EndIf ; run cvsWrapper If $INP_Run_cvsWrapper = 'y' Or ($INP_Run_cvsWrapper = 'v' And $INP_Fileversion_AutoIncrement = 'y') Then If FileExists($SciTE_Dir & "\cvsWrapper\cvsWrapper.exe") Then ProgressSet(92, "Running cvsWrapper.") $INP_cvsWrapper_Parameters = Convert_Variables($INP_cvsWrapper_Parameters, 1) $Pid = Run('"' & $SciTE_Dir & '\cvsWrapper\cvsWrapper.exe" "' & $ScriptFile_In & '" ' & $INP_cvsWrapper_Parameters, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) $Handle = _ProcessExitCode($Pid) ShowStdOutErr($Pid) $ExitCode = _ProcessExitCode($Pid, $Handle) _ProcessCloseHandle($Handle) ;ConsoleWrite(">Aut2exe.exe ended. rc:" & $exitcode & @crlf) Write_RC_Console_Msg("cvsWrapper.exe ended.", $ExitCode) Else ConsoleWrite("- cvsWrapper program not found. skipping this step") EndIf EndIf #endregion Run cvsWrapper #region Run RunAfter Steps WinActivate($ProcessBar_Title) $INP_Run_After = StringSplit($INP_Run_After, "|") For $x = 1 To $INP_Run_After[0] If StringStripWS($INP_Run_After[$x], 3) <> "" Then ProgressSet(95, "Running :" & $INP_Run_After[$x]) ; translate possible %..% to the actual values $INP_Run_After[$x] = Convert_Variables($INP_Run_After[$x]) ConsoleWrite(">Running:" & $INP_Run_After[$x] & @CRLF) $Pid = Run(@ComSpec & ' /C ' & $INP_Run_After[$x] & '', '', @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) $Handle = _ProcessExitCode($Pid) ShowStdOutErr($Pid) $ExitCode = _ProcessExitCode($Pid, $Handle) _ProcessCloseHandle($Handle) ConsoleWrite(">" & $INP_Run_After[$x] & " Ended rc:" & $ExitCode & @CRLF) EndIf Next #endregion Run RunAfter Steps #region Update FileVersion ; ; Increment the #Compiler_Res_Fileversion= value in the source file but only when not UTF8 wihtout BOM to avoid problems. ; If $InputFileIsUTF16 = 9 Then ConsoleWrite("- Skipping Updated of the Source Version because this file is detected as UTF8 without BOM which could cause script corruption." & @CRLF) Else If $INP_Fileversion_AutoIncrement = 'y' Then If $INP_Fileversion = "" Then ConsoleWrite("- Failed to Updated the Source Version. The Source doesnt contain the #Compiler_Res_Fileversion directive." & @CRLF) Else If $INP_Fileversion_New <> "" Then $ToTalFile = @CRLF & FileRead($ScriptFile_In) ;$ToTalFile = StringReplace($ToTalFile, $INP_Fileversion, $INP_Fileversion_New, 1) ; added & chr(61) & to avoid replacing this statement when the version is updated $ToTalFile = StringRegExpReplace($ToTalFile, '(?i)' & @CRLF & '(\h*?)#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion(\h*?)=(.*?)' & @CRLF, @CRLF & '\1#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion=' & $INP_Fileversion_New & @CRLF) $H_Outf = FileOpen($ScriptFile_In, 2 + $SrceUnicodeFlag) FileWrite($H_Outf, StringMid($ToTalFile, 3)) FileClose($H_Outf) ConsoleWrite(">Updated the Source Version to:" & $INP_Fileversion_New & "..." & @CRLF) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf #endregion Update FileVersion EndIf #endregion Compile the script #region Run the Script If $Option = "Run" Then ProgressOff() If Not FileExists($AutoIT3_PGM) Then ConsoleWrite('!>Error: program "' & $AutoIT3_PGM & '" is missing. Check your installation.' & @CRLF) Exit 999 EndIf $s_CMDLine = StringReplace($s_CMDLine, "/ErrorStdOut", "") ConsoleWrite('>Running:(' & FileGetVersion($AutoIT3_PGM) & "):" & $AutoIT3_PGM & ' "' & $ScriptFile_In & '" ' & $s_CMDLine & @CRLF) ;Add debug statements Global $sDebugFile = "" ; If $INP_Run_SciTE_Minimized = "y" Then Global $SciTE_State = WinGetState("[CLASS:SciTEWindow]", "") WinSetState("[CLASS:SciTEWindow]", "", @SW_MINIMIZE) EndIf ; If $INP_Run_SciTE_OutputPane_Minimized = "y" Then SendSciTE_Command($My_Hwnd, $SciTE_hwnd, "menucommand:409") ; IDM_TOGGLEOUTPUT EndIf ; If $INP_Run_Debug_Mode Then ConsoleWrite('!> Starting in DebugMode..' & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite('Line: @error-@extended: Line syntax' & @CRLF) RunAutoItDebug($ScriptFile_In, $sDebugFile) ; Run your script in debug mode $Pid = Run('"' & $AutoIT3_PGM & '" /ErrorStdOut "' & $sDebugFile & '" ' & $s_CMDLine, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) Else ; Run your script $Pid = Run('"' & $AutoIT3_PGM & '" /ErrorStdOut "' & $ScriptFile_In & '" ' & $s_CMDLine, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) EndIf ; Run second version as Watcher to kill this The running AutoItscript when AutoIt3Wrapper is killed. Global $CW = Run(@ScriptFullPath & " /Watcher " & @AutoItPID & " " & $Pid) ; $Handle = _ProcessExitCode($Pid) ShowStdOutErr($Pid) $ExitCode = _ProcessExitCode($Pid, $Handle) _ProcessCloseHandle($Handle) ;ConsoleWrite($pref & ">AutoIT3.exe ended. rc:" & $exitcode & @crlf) Write_RC_Console_Msg("AutoIT3.exe ended.", $ExitCode) ProcessWaitClose($CW) If $INP_Run_Debug_Mode Then FileDelete($sDebugFile) ; If $INP_Run_SciTE_Minimized = "y" Then WinSetState("[CLASS:SciTEWindow]", "", @SW_RESTORE) EndIf ; Exit $ExitCode ; exit with the returncode of the run script EndIf #endregion Run the Script #region End AutoIt3Wrapper ; End of the program ProgressOff() ; Done Exit #endregion End AutoIt3Wrapper #region Functions Func _appendFileExtraData($fname, ByRef $extraData, ByRef $dwSize) Local $bytesWritten = 0 If Not IsDllStruct($extraData) Or $dwSize = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $pextraData = DllStructGetPtr($extraData) Local $hFile = _WinAPI_CreateFile($fname, 2, 4) ; open for writing If Not $hFile Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Local $pos = _WinAPI_SetFilePointer($hFile, 0, 2) ; set pointer to end of file If @error Or $pos = -1 Then _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hFile) Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf Local $ret = _WinAPI_WriteFile($hFile, $pextraData, $dwSize, $bytesWritten, 0) ; write the extra data _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hFile) $extraData = 0 ; release extra data If Not $ret Or $bytesWritten <> $dwSize Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_appendFileExtraData ;Helper function to compare the Version dates Func _Compare_Date_GT($date1, $Date2) Local $Id1 = StringSplit($date1, "/") Local $Id2 = StringSplit($Date2, "/") ReDim $Id1[4] ReDim $Id2[4] $date1 = $Id1[3] & "/" & $Id1[1] & "/" & $Id1[2] $Date2 = $Id2[3] & "/" & $Id2[1] & "/" & $Id2[2] If Not _DateIsValid($date1) Then Return 0 If Not _DateIsValid($Date2) Then Return 0 Return _DateDiff("d", $Date2, $date1) EndFunc ;==>_Compare_Date_GT Func _EnumResourceNamesAndLangs($fname, $RType) ; reset content of the Array Dim $g_aResNamesAndLangs[1][2] = [[0, 0]] ; enumerate resource names and languages to a global array Local $RType_Type Local $aRESOURCE_TYPES[24] = ["RT_CURSOR", "RT_BITMAP", "RT_ICON", "RT_MENU", "RT_DIALOG", "RT_STRING", "RT_FONTDIR", "RT_FONT", "RT_ACCELERATOR", _ "RT_RCDATA", "RT_MESSAGETABLE", "RT_GROUPCURSOR", "", "RT_GROUPICON", "", "RT_VERSION", "RT_DLGINCLUDE", "", "RT_PLUGPLAY", _ "RT_VXD", "RT_ANICURSOR", "RT_ANIICON", "RT_HTML", "RT_MANIFEST"] ; did we really get a number? If StringIsDigit($RType) Then $RType = Number($RType) ; check for known resource types and convert to ordinal If IsString($RType) Then For $k = 0 To UBound($aRESOURCE_TYPES) - 1 If $RType = $aRESOURCE_TYPES[$k] Then $RType = $k + 1 $RType_Type = "long" EndIf Next EndIf ; set parameter types If IsString($RType) Then $RType_Type = "wstr" $RType = StringUpper($RType) Else $RType_Type = "long" EndIf ; load the file Local $hModule = _WinAPI_LoadLibraryEx($fname, 0x22) ; LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE|LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_IMAGE_RESOURCE If @error Then Local $terror = @error Local $textended = @extended Write_RC_Console_Msg("WinAPI_GetLastError:" & _WinAPI_GetLastError(), "", "!") Write_RC_Console_Msg("WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage:" & _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage(), "", "!") Write_RC_Console_Msg("Error: Failed _WinAPI_LoadLibraryEx error:" & $terror & " extended:" & $textended, "", "!") EndIf If Not $hModule Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; register callbacks Local $hNameCallback = DllCallbackRegister("_ResNameCallback", "int", "ptr;ptr;ptr;long_ptr") $hLangCallback = DllCallbackRegister("_ResLangCallback", "int", "ptr;ptr;ptr;ushort;long_ptr") ; enum the names DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "EnumResourceNamesW", "ptr", $hModule, $RType_Type, $RType, "ptr", DllCallbackGetPtr($hNameCallback), "long_ptr", 0) ; free resources _WinAPI_FreeLibrary($hModule) DllCallbackFree($hNameCallback) DllCallbackFree($hLangCallback) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_EnumResourceNamesAndLangs Func _FIELD_OFFSET(ByRef $s, $element) If (Not IsDllStruct($s)) Or (Not IsString($element)) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $s_ptr = DllStructGetPtr($s, 1) ; ptr to first byte of struct If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Local $f_ptr = DllStructGetPtr($s, $element) ; ptr to first byte of element If @error Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Return Number($f_ptr - $s_ptr) ; offset of element in struct EndFunc ;==>_FIELD_OFFSET Func _GetBlockIDIdx(ByRef $aBlocks, $iBlock) Local $aBlock For $i = 1 To $aBlocks[0] $aBlock = $aBlocks[$i] If $aBlock[0] = $iBlock Then ; found the block Return $i EndIf Next Return -1 EndFunc ;==>_GetBlockIDIdx Func _getFileExtraData($fname, ByRef $extraData, ByRef $dwSize) ; get target file as binary struct Local $hFile = FileOpen($fname, 16) If $hFile = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $bin = FileRead($hFile) FileClose($hFile) Local $dataSize = BinaryLen($bin) Local $sdata = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $dataSize & "]") Local $data = DllStructGetPtr($sdata) ; ptr to data DllStructSetData($sdata, 1, $bin) ; read the DOS header to make sure we have a valid file Local $dos_header = DllStructCreate($tagIMAGE_DOS_HEADER, $data) If DllStructGetData($dos_header, "emagic") <> $IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE Then ConsoleWrite("Not a valid executable file." & @CRLF) Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf ; parse sections to calculate real data size Local $endOfImage = 0 Local $psec = _IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(DllStructGetPtr($dos_header) + DllStructGetData($dos_header, "elfanew")) ; ptr to first section Local $section = DllStructCreate($tagIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER, $psec) ; SECTION header Local $headers = DllStructCreate($tagIMAGE_NT_HEADERS, DllStructGetPtr($dos_header) + DllStructGetData($dos_header, "elfanew")) ; NT header Local $pRawData, $sizeRawData ; loop through sections to get the end of image For $i = 0 To DllStructGetData($headers, "NumberOfSections") - 1 $pRawData = DllStructGetData($section, "PointerToRawData") $sizeRawData = DllStructGetData($section, "SizeOfRawData") If $endOfImage < ($pRawData + $sizeRawData) Then _ $endOfImage = $pRawData + $sizeRawData ; get next section $psec += DllStructGetSize($section) $section = DllStructCreate($tagIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER, $psec) Next ; copy extra data If $dataSize > $endOfImage Then ; for some reason, SizeOfImage has a value that doesn't work for us, so we us the binary data length $dwSize = $dataSize - $endOfImage $extraData = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $dwSize & "]") ; ptr to end of image - extra data _memcpy(DllStructGetPtr($extraData), $data + $endOfImage, $dwSize) Else Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_getFileExtraData ;; #define IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION( ntheader ) ((PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER) \ ;; ((ULONG_PTR)ntheader + \ ;; FIELD_OFFSET( IMAGE_NT_HEADERS, OptionalHeader ) + \ ;; ((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)(ntheader))->FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader \ ;; )) Func _IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION($h) Local $header = DllStructCreate($tagIMAGE_NT_HEADERS, $h) ; _FIELD_OFFSET of OptionalHeader ('Magic' field) in IMAGE_NT_HEADERS stucture = 24 Return ($h + _FIELD_OFFSET($header, "Magic") + DllStructGetData($header, "SizeOfOptionalHeader")) EndFunc ;==>_IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION Func _memcpy($dest, $src, $size) Local $ret = DllCall("msvcrt.dll", "ptr:cdecl", "memcpy", "ptr", $dest, "ptr", $src, "uint", $size) Return $ret[0] EndFunc ;==>_memcpy ; Func _ProcessCloseHandle($h_Process) ; Close the process handle of a PID DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'ptr', 'CloseHandle', 'ptr', $h_Process) If Not @error Then Return 1 Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_ProcessCloseHandle ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _ProcessExitCode() ; Description: Returns a handle/exitcode from use of Run(). ; Parameter(s): $i_Pid - ProcessID returned from a Run() execution ; $h_Process - Process handle ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns Process handle while Run() is executing ; (use above directly after Run() line with only PID parameter) ; - Returns Process Exitcode when Process does not exist ; (use above with PID and Process Handle parameter returned from first UDF call) ; On Failure - 0 ; Author(s): MHz (Thanks to DaveF for posting these DllCalls in Support Forum) ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _ProcessExitCode($i_Pid, $h_Process = 0) ; 0 = Return Process Handle of PID else use Handle to Return Exitcode of a PID Local $v_Placeholder If Not IsArray($h_Process) Then ; Return the process handle of a PID $h_Process = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'ptr', 'OpenProcess', 'int', 0x400, 'int', 0, 'int', $i_Pid) If Not @error Then Return $h_Process Else ; Return Process Exitcode of PID $h_Process = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'ptr', 'GetExitCodeProcess', 'ptr', $h_Process[0], 'int*', $v_Placeholder) If Not @error Then Return $h_Process[2] EndIf Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_ProcessExitCode ; ; Removes any dead icons from the notification area. ; Parameters: ; $nDelay - IN/OPTIONAL - The delay to wait for the notification area to expand with Windows XP's ; "Hide Inactive Icons" feature (In milliseconds). ; Returns: ; Sets @error on failure: ; 1 - Tray couldn't be found. ; 2 - DllCall error. ; =================================================================== Func _RefreshSystemTray($nDelay = 1000) ; Save Opt settings Local $oldMatchMode = Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4) Local $oldChildMode = Opt("WinSearchChildren", 1) Local $error = 0 Do; Pseudo loop Local $hWnd = WinGetHandle("classname=TrayNotifyWnd") If @error Then $error = 1 ExitLoop EndIf Local $hControl = ControlGetHandle($hWnd, "", "Button1") ; We're on XP and the Hide Inactive Icons button is there, so expand it If $hControl <> "" And ControlCommand($hWnd, "", $hControl, "IsVisible", "") Then ControlClick($hWnd, "", $hControl) Sleep($nDelay) EndIf Local $posStart = MouseGetPos() Local $posWin = WinGetPos($hWnd) Local $y = $posWin[1] While $y < $posWin[3] + $posWin[1] Local $x = $posWin[0] While $x < $posWin[2] + $posWin[0] DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SetCursorPos", "int", $x, "int", $y) If @error Then $error = 2 ExitLoop 3; Jump out of While/While/Do EndIf $x = $x + 8 WEnd $y = $y + 8 WEnd DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SetCursorPos", "int", $posStart[0], "int", $posStart[1]) ; We're on XP so we need to hide the inactive icons again. If $hControl <> "" And ControlCommand($hWnd, "", $hControl, "IsVisible", "") Then ControlClick($hWnd, "", $hControl) EndIf Until 1 ; Restore Opt settings Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", $oldMatchMode) Opt("WinSearchChildren", $oldChildMode) SetError($error) EndFunc ;==>_RefreshSystemTray ; ; Func _Res_Create_RTVersion_BuildStringTableEntry($Key, $value) Local $padding = 1 - Mod(6 + StringLen($Key) + 1, 2) Local $padding2 = 1 - Mod(6 + StringLen($Key) + 1 + $padding + StringLen($value) + 1, 2) Local $p_VS_String = DllStructCreate( _ "short wLength;" & _ ;Specifies the length, in bytes, of this String structure. "short wValueLength;" & _ ;Specifies the size, in words, of the Value member. "short wType;" & _ ;Specifies the type of data in the version resource. This member is 1 if the version resource contains text data and 0 if the version resource contains binary data. "wchar szKey[" & StringLen($Key) + 1 + $padding & "];" & _ ;Specifies an arbitrary Unicode string. The szKey member can be one or more of the following values. These values are guidelines only. "wchar Value[" & StringLen($value) + 1 + $padding2 & "]") ;Specifies a zero-terminated string. See the szKey member description for more information. DllStructSetData($p_VS_String, "Wlength", DllStructGetSize($p_VS_String) - $padding2 * 2) DllStructSetData($p_VS_String, "wValueLength", StringLen($value) + 1) DllStructSetData($p_VS_String, "wType", 1) DllStructSetData($p_VS_String, "szKey", $Key) DllStructSetData($p_VS_String, "Value", $value) Return StringMid(DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate("byte[" & DllStructGetSize($p_VS_String) & "]", DllStructGetPtr($p_VS_String)), 1), 3) EndFunc ;==>_Res_Create_RTVersion_BuildStringTableEntry ; ; Func _Res_Create_RTVersion(ByRef $OutResPath) ; construct the Stringtable Entries in a Binary string for easy concatenation Local $Res_StringTable_Children = "0x" ;~ $Res_StringTable_Children &= _Res_Create_RTVersion_BuildStringTableEntry("CompiledScript", $INP_CompiledScript) $Res_StringTable_Children &= _Res_Create_RTVersion_BuildStringTableEntry("FileVersion", $INP_Fileversion) If $INP_Comment <> "" Then $Res_StringTable_Children &= _Res_Create_RTVersion_BuildStringTableEntry("Comments", $INP_Comment) If $INP_Description <> "" Then $Res_StringTable_Children &= _Res_Create_RTVersion_BuildStringTableEntry("FileDescription", $INP_Description) ;~ If $INP_Description <> "" Then $Res_StringTable_Children &= _Res_Create_RTVersion_BuildStringTableEntry("ProductName", $INP_ProductName) ;~ If $INP_Description <> "" Then $Res_StringTable_Children &= _Res_Create_RTVersion_BuildStringTableEntry("ProductVersion", $INP_ProductVersion) If $INP_LegalCopyright <> "" Then $Res_StringTable_Children &= _Res_Create_RTVersion_BuildStringTableEntry("LegalCopyright", $INP_LegalCopyright) If $INP_FieldName1 & $INP_FieldValue1 <> "" Then $Res_StringTable_Children &= _Res_Create_RTVersion_BuildStringTableEntry($INP_FieldName1, $INP_FieldValue1) If $INP_FieldName2 & $INP_FieldValue2 <> "" Then $Res_StringTable_Children &= _Res_Create_RTVersion_BuildStringTableEntry($INP_FieldName2, $INP_FieldValue2) For $U = 1 To $INP_RES_FieldCount If $INP_FieldName[$U] <> "" And $INP_FieldValue[$U] <> "" Then $INP_FieldValue[$U] = Convert_Variables($INP_FieldValue[$U]) $Res_StringTable_Children &= _Res_Create_RTVersion_BuildStringTableEntry($INP_FieldName[$U], $INP_FieldValue[$U]) EndIf Next ; ; construct the Stringtable Local $p_VS_StringTable = DllStructCreate( _ "short wLength;" & _ ;Specifies the length, in bytes, of this StringTable structure, including all structures indicated by the Children member. "short wValueLength;" & _ ;This member is always equal to zero. "short wType;" & _ ;Specifies the type of data in the version resource. This member is 1 if the version resource contains text data and 0 if the version resource contains binary data. "byte szKey[16];" & _ ;Specifies an 8-digit hexadecimal number stored as a Unicode string. The four most significant digits represent the language identifier. The four least significant digits represent the code page for which the data is formatted. Each Microsoft Standard Language identifier contains two parts: the low-order 10 bits specify the major language, and the high-order 6 bits specify the sublanguage. For a table of valid identifiers see . "byte Padding[2];" & _ ;Contains as many zero words as necessary to align the Children member on a 32-bit boundary. "byte Children[" & (StringLen($Res_StringTable_Children) - 2) / 2 & "]") ;Specifies an array of one or more String structures. DllStructSetData($p_VS_StringTable, "Wlength", DllStructGetSize($p_VS_StringTable)) DllStructSetData($p_VS_StringTable, "wValueLength", 0) DllStructSetData($p_VS_StringTable, "wType", 1) DllStructSetData($p_VS_StringTable, "szKey", StringToBinary(Hex($INP_Res_Language, 4) & '04b0', 2)) DllStructSetData($p_VS_StringTable, "Children", Binary($Res_StringTable_Children)) ; ; construct the StringFileInfo Local $p_VS_StringFileInfo = DllStructCreate( _ "short wLength;" & _ ;Specifies the length, in bytes, of the entire StringFileInfo block, including all structures indicated by the Children member. "short wValueLength;" & _ ;This member is always equal to zero. "short wType;" & _ ;Specifies the type of data in the version resource. This member is 1 if the version resource contains text data and 0 if the version resource contains binary data. "WCHAR szKey[15];" & _ ;Contains the Unicode string "StringFileInfo". "byte Children[" & DllStructGetSize($p_VS_StringTable) & "]") ;Contains an array of one or mcore StringTable structures. Each StringTable structure's szKey member indicates the appropriate language and code page for displaying the text in that StringTable structure. DllStructSetData($p_VS_StringFileInfo, "Wlength", DllStructGetSize($p_VS_StringFileInfo)) DllStructSetData($p_VS_StringFileInfo, "wValueLength", 0) DllStructSetData($p_VS_StringFileInfo, "wType", 1) DllStructSetData($p_VS_StringFileInfo, "szKey", "StringFileInfo") Local $p_VS_StringTable_Total = DllStructCreate("byte Children[" & DllStructGetSize($p_VS_StringTable) & "]", DllStructGetPtr($p_VS_StringTable)) DllStructSetData($p_VS_StringFileInfo, "Children", DllStructGetData($p_VS_StringTable_Total, 1)) ; ; construct the Var Local $p_VS_Var = DllStructCreate( _ "short wLength;" & _ ;Specifies the length, in bytes, of the Var structure. "short wValueLength;" & _ ;Specifies the length, in bytes, of the Value member. "short wType;" & _ ;Specifies the type of data in the version resource. This member is 1 if the version resource contains text data and 0 if the version resource contains binary data. "WCHAR szKey[12];" & _ ;Contains the Unicode string "Translation". "char Padding[1];" & _ ;Contains as many zero words as necessary to align the Value member on a 32-bit boundary. "short lang;" & _ ;Specifies an array of one or more values that are language and code page identifier pairs. For additional information, see the following Remarks section. "short lang2") ;Specifies an array of one or more values that are language and code page identifier pairs. For additional information, see the following Remarks section. DllStructSetData($p_VS_Var, "Wlength", DllStructGetSize($p_VS_Var)) DllStructSetData($p_VS_Var, "wValueLength", 4) DllStructSetData($p_VS_Var, "wType", 0) DllStructSetData($p_VS_Var, "szKey", "Translation") DllStructSetData($p_VS_Var, "lang", $INP_Res_Language) DllStructSetData($p_VS_Var, "lang2", 0x04B0) ; ; construct the VarFileInfo Local $p_VS_VarFileInfo = DllStructCreate( _ "short wLength;" & _ ;Specifies the length, in bytes, of the entire VarFileInfo block, including all structures indicated by the Children member. "short wValueLength;" & _ ;This member is always equal to zero. "short wType;" & _ ;Specifies the type of data in the version resource. This member is 1 if the version resource contains text data and 0 if the version resource contains binary data. "WCHAR szKey[12];" & _ ;Contains the Unicode string "VarFileInfo". "char Padding[2];" & _ ;Contains as many zero words as necessary to align the Value member on a 32-bit boundary. "Byte Children[" & DllStructGetSize($p_VS_Var) & "]") ;Specifies a Var structure that typically contains a list of languages that the application or DLL supports. DllStructSetData($p_VS_VarFileInfo, "Wlength", DllStructGetSize($p_VS_VarFileInfo)) DllStructSetData($p_VS_VarFileInfo, "wValueLength", 0) DllStructSetData($p_VS_VarFileInfo, "wType", 1) DllStructSetData($p_VS_VarFileInfo, "szKey", "VarFileInfo") Local $p_VS_Var_Total = DllStructCreate("byte Children[" & DllStructGetSize($p_VS_Var) & "]", DllStructGetPtr($p_VS_Var)) DllStructSetData($p_VS_VarFileInfo, "Children", DllStructGetData($p_VS_Var_Total, 1)) ; ; construct the FIXEDFILEINFO Local $p_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO = DllStructCreate( _ "DWORD dwSignature;" & _ "DWORD dwStrucVersion;" & _ "DWORD dwFileVersionMS;" & _ "DWORD dwFileVersionLS;" & _ "DWORD dwProductVersionMS;" & _ "DWORD dwProductVersionLS;" & _ "DWORD dwFileFlagsMask;" & _ "DWORD dwFileFlags;" & _ "DWORD dwFileOS;" & _ "DWORD dwFileType;" & _ "DWORD dwFileSubtype;" & _ "DWORD dwFileDateMS;" & _ "DWORD dwFileDateLS") DllStructSetData($p_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO, "dwSignature", 0xFEEF04BD) DllStructSetData($p_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO, "dwStrucVersion", 0x00010000) $INP_Fileversion = Valid_FileVersion($INP_Fileversion) Local $tFileversion = StringSplit($INP_Fileversion, ".") DllStructSetData($p_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO, "dwFileVersionMS", Number("0x" & Hex($tFileversion[1], 4) & Hex($tFileversion[2], 4))) DllStructSetData($p_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO, "dwFileVersionLS", Number("0x" & Hex($tFileversion[3], 4) & Hex($tFileversion[4], 4))) $INP_ProductVersion = Valid_FileVersion($INP_ProductVersion, 0) $tFileversion = StringSplit($INP_ProductVersion, ".") DllStructSetData($p_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO, "dwProductVersionMS", Number("0x" & Hex($tFileversion[1], 4) & Hex($tFileversion[2], 4))) DllStructSetData($p_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO, "dwProductVersionLS", Number("0x" & Hex($tFileversion[3], 4) & Hex($tFileversion[4], 4))) DllStructSetData($p_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO, "dwFileFlagsMask", 0) DllStructSetData($p_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO, "dwFileFlags", 0) DllStructSetData($p_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO, "dwFileOS", 0x00004) DllStructSetData($p_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO, "dwFileType", 0) DllStructSetData($p_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO, "dwFileSubtype", 0) DllStructSetData($p_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO, "dwFileDateLS", 0) ; ; construct the Final VERSIONINFO Local $p_VS_VERSIONINFO = DllStructCreate( _ "short wLength;" & _ ;Specifies the length, in bytes, of the VS_VERSIONINFO structure. This length does not include any padding that aligns any subsequent version resource data on a 32-bit boundary. "short wValueLength;" & _ ;Specifies the length, in bytes, of the Value member. This value is zero if there is no Value member associated with the current version structure. "short wType;" & _ ;Specifies the type of data in the version resource. This member is 1 if the version resource contains text data and 0 if the version resource contains binary data. "wchar szKey[16];" & _ ;Contains the Unicode string "VS_VERSION_INFO". "wchar Padding1[1];" & _ ;Contains as many zero words as necessary to align the Value member on a 32-bit boundary. "byte value[" & DllStructGetSize($p_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO) & "];" & _ ;Contains a VS_FIXEDFILEINFO structure that specifies arbitrary data associated with this VS_VERSIONINFO structure. The wValueLength member specifies the length of this member; if wValueLength is zero, this member does not exist. "byte Children[" & DllStructGetSize($p_VS_StringFileInfo) & "];" & _ ;Specifies an array of zero or one StringFileInfo structures, and "byte Children2[" & DllStructGetSize($p_VS_VarFileInfo) & "]") ; zero or one VarFileInfo structures that are children of the current VS_VERSIONINFO structure. DllStructSetData($p_VS_VERSIONINFO, "Wlength", DllStructGetSize($p_VS_VERSIONINFO)) DllStructSetData($p_VS_VERSIONINFO, "wValueLength", DllStructGetSize($p_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO)) DllStructSetData($p_VS_VERSIONINFO, "wType", 0) DllStructSetData($p_VS_VERSIONINFO, "szKey", "VS_VERSION_INFO") ; Add the VS_FIXEDFILEINFO structure Local $p_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_Total = DllStructCreate("byte Children[" & DllStructGetSize($p_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO) & "]", DllStructGetPtr($p_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO)) DllStructSetData($p_VS_VERSIONINFO, "value", DllStructGetData($p_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_Total, 1)) ; Add the VS_StringFileInfo structure Local $p_VS_StringFileInfo_Total = DllStructCreate("byte Children[" & DllStructGetSize($p_VS_StringFileInfo) & "]", DllStructGetPtr($p_VS_StringFileInfo)) DllStructSetData($p_VS_VERSIONINFO, "Children", DllStructGetData($p_VS_StringFileInfo_Total, 1)) ; Add the VarFileInfo structure Local $p_VS_VarFileInfo_Total = DllStructCreate("byte Children[" & DllStructGetSize($p_VS_VarFileInfo) & "]", DllStructGetPtr($p_VS_VarFileInfo)) DllStructSetData($p_VS_VERSIONINFO, "Children2", DllStructGetData($p_VS_VarFileInfo_Total, 1)) ; Write the Whole structure to a RES file Local $p_VS_VERSIONINFO_Total = DllStructCreate("byte Children[" & DllStructGetSize($p_VS_VERSIONINFO) & "]", DllStructGetPtr($p_VS_VERSIONINFO)) #forceref $OutResPath If $OutResPath = "" Then $OutResPath = @TempDir & "\temp.res" Local $Fh = FileOpen($OutResPath, 2 + 16) FileWrite($Fh, DllStructGetData($p_VS_VERSIONINFO_Total, 1)) FileClose($Fh) EndFunc ;==>_Res_Create_RTVersion ; ; ; Call UpdateResource DllCalls to update the requested resource with the provided RES or ICO file. ; Func _Res_Update($rh, $InpResFile, $RType, $RName, $RLanguage = 1033) Local $result, $hFile, $tSize, $tBuffer, $pBuffer, $bread = 0 Local $RType_Type, $RName_Type Local $aRESOURCE_TYPES[24] = ["RT_CURSOR", "RT_BITMAP", "RT_ICON", "RT_MENU", "RT_DIALOG", "RT_STRING", "RT_FONTDIR", "RT_FONT", "RT_ACCELERATOR", _ "RT_RCDATA", "RT_MESSAGETABLE", "RT_GROUPCURSOR", "", "RT_GROUPICON", "", "RT_VERSION", "RT_DLGINCLUDE", "", "RT_PLUGPLAY", _ "RT_VXD", "RT_ANICURSOR", "RT_ANIICON", "RT_HTML", "RT_MANIFEST"] ; did we really get a number? If StringIsDigit($RType) Then $RType = Number($RType) If StringIsDigit($RName) Then $RName = Number($RName) ; check for known resource types and convert to ordinal If IsString($RType) Then For $k = 0 To UBound($aRESOURCE_TYPES) - 1 If $RType = $aRESOURCE_TYPES[$k] Then $RType = $k + 1 $RType_Type = "long" EndIf Next EndIf ; set parameter types If IsString($RType) Then $RType_Type = "wstr" $RType = StringUpper($RType) Else $RType_Type = "long" EndIf If IsString($RName) Then $RName_Type = "wstr" $RName = StringUpper($RName) Else $RName_Type = "long" EndIf ; ; Remove requested Section from the program resources. If $InpResFile = "" Then ; No resource file defined thus delete the existing resource $result = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "UpdateResourceW", "ptr", $rh, $RType_Type, $RType, $RName_Type, $RName, "ushort", $RLanguage, "ptr", 0, 'dword', 0) Return EndIf ; Make sure the input res file exists If Not FileExists($InpResFile) Then Write_RC_Console_Msg("Resource Update skipped: missing Resfile :" & $InpResFile, "", "+") Return EndIf ; ; Open the Resource File If ($RType <> 6) Then ; not for RT_STRING $hFile = _WinAPI_CreateFile($InpResFile, 2, 2) If Not $hFile Then Write_RC_Console_Msg("Resource Update skipped: error opening Resfile :" & $InpResFile, "", "+") Return EndIf EndIf ; ; Process the different Update types Switch $RType Case 2 ; *** RT_BITMAP $tSize = FileGetSize($InpResFile) - 14 ; file size minus the bitmap header $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("char Text[" & $tSize & "]") ; Create the buffer. $pBuffer = DllStructGetPtr($tBuffer) _WinAPI_SetFilePointer($hFile, 14) ; skip reading the bitmap header _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFile, $pBuffer, $tSize, $bread, 0) If $hFile Then _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hFile) If $bread > 0 Then $result = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "UpdateResourceW", "ptr", $rh, $RType_Type, $RType, $RName_Type, $RName, "ushort", $RLanguage, "ptr", $pBuffer, 'dword', $tSize) If $result[0] <> 1 Then ConsoleWrite('UpdateResources other: $result[0] = ' & $result[0] & " - LastError:" & _WinAPI_GetLastError() & ":" & _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage()) EndIf Case 3 ; *** RT_ICON ;ICO section $tSize = FileGetSize($InpResFile) - 6 Local $tB_Input_Header = DllStructCreate("short res;short type;short ImageCount;char rest[" & $tSize + 1 & "]") ; Create the buffer. Local $pB_Input_Header = DllStructGetPtr($tB_Input_Header) _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFile, $pB_Input_Header, FileGetSize($InpResFile), $bread, 0) If $hFile Then $rc = _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hFile) EndIf ; Read input file header Local $IconType = DllStructGetData($tB_Input_Header, "Type") Local $IconCount = DllStructGetData($tB_Input_Header, "ImageCount") ; Created IconGroup Structure Local $tB_IconGroupHeader = DllStructCreate("short res;short type;short ImageCount;char rest[" & $IconCount * 14 & "]") ; Create the buffer. Local $pB_IconGroupHeader = DllStructGetPtr($tB_IconGroupHeader) DllStructSetData($tB_IconGroupHeader, "Res", 0) DllStructSetData($tB_IconGroupHeader, "Type", $IconType) DllStructSetData($tB_IconGroupHeader, "ImageCount", $IconCount) ; process all internal Icons For $x = 1 To $IconCount ; Set pointer correct in the input struct Local $pB_Input_IconHeader = DllStructGetPtr($tB_Input_Header, 4) + ($x - 1) * 16 Local $tB_Input_IconHeader = DllStructCreate("byte Width;byte Heigth;Byte Colors;Byte res;Short Planes;Short BitPerPixel;dword ImageSize;dword ImageOffset", $pB_Input_IconHeader) ; Create the buffer. ; get info form the input Local $IconWidth = DllStructGetData($tB_Input_IconHeader, "Width") ;~ If $IconWidth = 0 then $IconWidth = 256 Local $IconHeigth = DllStructGetData($tB_Input_IconHeader, "Heigth") ;~ If $IconHeigth = 0 then $IconHeigth = 256 Local $IconColors = DllStructGetData($tB_Input_IconHeader, "Colors") Local $IconPlanes = DllStructGetData($tB_Input_IconHeader, "Planes") Local $IconBitPerPixel = DllStructGetData($tB_Input_IconHeader, "BitPerPixel") Local $IconImageSize = DllStructGetData($tB_Input_IconHeader, "ImageSize") Local $IconImageOffset = DllStructGetData($tB_Input_IconHeader, "ImageOffset") ; Update the ICO Group header struc $pB_IconGroupHeader = DllStructGetPtr($tB_IconGroupHeader, 4) + ($x - 1) * 14 Local $tB_GroupIcon = DllStructCreate("byte Width;byte Heigth;Byte Colors;Byte res;Short Planes;Short BitPerPixel;dword ImageSize;word ResourceID", $pB_IconGroupHeader) ; Create the buffer. DllStructSetData($tB_GroupIcon, "Width", $IconWidth) DllStructSetData($tB_GroupIcon, "Heigth", $IconHeigth) DllStructSetData($tB_GroupIcon, "Colors", $IconColors) DllStructSetData($tB_GroupIcon, "res", 0) DllStructSetData($tB_GroupIcon, "Planes", $IconPlanes) DllStructSetData($tB_GroupIcon, "BitPerPixel", $IconBitPerPixel) DllStructSetData($tB_GroupIcon, "ImageSize", $IconImageSize) $IconResBase += 1 DllStructSetData($tB_GroupIcon, "ResourceID", $IconResBase) ; Get data pointer Local $pB_IconData = DllStructGetPtr($tB_Input_Header) + $IconImageOffset ; add Icon $result = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "UpdateResourceW", "ptr", $rh, "long", 3, "long", $IconResBase, "ushort", $RLanguage, "ptr", $pB_IconData, 'dword', $IconImageSize) If $result[0] <> 1 Then ConsoleWrite('Icon UpdateResources: $result[0] = ' & $result[0] & " - LastError:" & _WinAPI_GetLastError() & ":" & _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage()) ;~ Else ;~ ConsoleWrite('Icon UpdateResources: $result[0] = ' & $result[0] & " - LastError:" & _WinAPI_GetLastError() & ":" & _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage()) EndIf Next ; Add Icongroup entry $pB_IconGroupHeader = DllStructGetPtr($tB_IconGroupHeader) $result = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "UpdateResourceW", "ptr", $rh, "long", 14, $RName_Type, $RName, "ushort", $RLanguage, "ptr", $pB_IconGroupHeader, 'dword', DllStructGetSize($tB_IconGroupHeader)) If $result[0] <> 1 Then ConsoleWrite('GroupIconUpdateResources: $result[0] = ' & $result[0] & " - LastError:" & _WinAPI_GetLastError() & ":" & _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage()) Case 6 ; RT_STRING Local $aLangs = IniReadSectionNames($InpResFile) If @error Then Write_RC_Console_Msg("Resource Update skipped: string file did not contain valid input", "", "+") Return EndIf ; loop each language section Local $aStrings, $aBlocks, $aBlock Local $iBlock, $iIdx, $iID, $sStr, $iBlockIdx Local $iElem, $sStruct, $oStruct For $i = 1 To $aLangs[0] ; aLangs[i] = current language $aStrings = IniReadSection($InpResFile, $aLangs[$i]) If @error Then Write_RC_Console_Msg("Resource Update skipped: language '" & $aLangs[$i] & "' is not valid", "", "+") ContinueLoop EndIf ; reset block array Dim $aBlocks[1] = [0] ; loop strings, create blocks and update resources ; string ID is as follows: ; ID is a WORD (16 bits) ; first 4 bits = string index in block, 0-15 ; top 12 bits = block ID, starting at 1 ; string IDX = BitAND(ID, 0xF) ; block ID = BitAND(BitShift(ID, 4), 0xFFF) + 1 ; ; aBlocks will contain all the string blocks ; aBlocks[0] = count ; aBlocks[n] = block array ; aBlock[0] = block ID ; aBlock[1] to [16] = string For $j = 1 To $aStrings[0][0] ; iID = string ID ; sStr = string ; iBlock = block ID ; iIdx = string index in block ; iBlockIdx = string block index in aBlocks container array $iID = Number($aStrings[$j][0]) $sStr = $aStrings[$j][1] $iBlock = BitAND(BitShift($iID, 4), 0xFFF) + 1 $iIdx = BitAND($iID, 0xF) ; check if we created the block that contains the string, if not, initialize it $iBlockIdx = _GetBlockIDIdx($aBlocks, $iBlock) If $iBlockIdx = -1 Then ; initialize the block and resize aBlocks array Dim $aBlock[17] = [$iBlock] $aBlocks[0] += 1 ReDim $aBlocks[$aBlocks[0] + 1] $iBlockIdx = $aBlocks[0] Else $aBlock = $aBlocks[$iBlockIdx] EndIf ; we have the string block, set new string in block $aBlock[$iIdx + 1] = $sStr ; set the updated array into aBlocks container $aBlocks[$iBlockIdx] = $aBlock Next ; all string blocks for this language have been created, update the resource ; create the data structure ; empty strings have length 0 For $j = 1 To $aBlocks[0] ; get each block $aBlock = $aBlocks[$j] ; we have to loop each block twice, once to create the structure, then once to fill it ; reset structure $sStruct = "" For $k = 1 To 16 $sStruct &= "word;" If ($aBlock[$k] <> "") Then ; there is a string $sStruct &= "wchar[" & StringLen($aBlock[$k]) & "];" EndIf Next ; create the structure $oStruct = DllStructCreate($sStruct) ; reset element counter $iElem = 1 For $k = 1 To 16 If ($aBlock[$k] <> "") Then ; there is a string ; set count DllStructSetData($oStruct, $iElem, StringLen($aBlock[$k])) ; set string DllStructSetData($oStruct, $iElem + 1, $aBlock[$k]) ; increment counter $iElem += 2 Else ; no string, set count to 0 and increment counter DllStructSetData($oStruct, $iElem, 0) $iElem += 1 EndIf Next ; the block structure is created, update the resource ; aLangs[i] is the language, aBlock[0] is the block ID $tSize = DllStructGetSize($oStruct) $pBuffer = DllStructGetPtr($oStruct) $result = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "UpdateResourceW", "ptr", $rh, $RType_Type, $RType, "long", $aBlock[0], "ushort", $aLangs[$i], "ptr", $pBuffer, 'dword', $tSize) If $result[0] <> 1 Then ConsoleWrite('String UpdateResources: $result[0] = ' & $result[0] & " - LastError:" & _WinAPI_GetLastError() & ":" & _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage()) Next Next Case Else ; 10, 16, 24 *** RT_RCDATA, RT_VERSION and RT_MANIFEST *** and Other $tSize = FileGetSize($InpResFile) $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("char Text[" & $tSize & "]") ; Create the buffer. $pBuffer = DllStructGetPtr($tBuffer) _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFile, $pBuffer, $tSize, $bread, 0) If $hFile Then _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hFile) If $bread > 0 Then $result = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "UpdateResourceW", "ptr", $rh, $RType_Type, $RType, $RName_Type, $RName, "ushort", $RLanguage, "ptr", $pBuffer, 'dword', $tSize) If $result[0] <> 1 Then ConsoleWrite('UpdateResources other: $result[0] = ' & $result[0] & " - LastError:" & _WinAPI_GetLastError() & ":" & _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage()) EndIf EndSwitch ; EndFunc ;==>_Res_Update Func _ResLangCallback($hModule, $lpszType, $lpszName, $wLangID, $lParam) #forceref $hModule, $lpszType, $lpszName, $lParam If $g_aResNamesAndLangs[$g_aResNamesAndLangs[0][0]][1] = "" Then $g_aResNamesAndLangs[$g_aResNamesAndLangs[0][0]][1] &= $wLangID Else $g_aResNamesAndLangs[$g_aResNamesAndLangs[0][0]][1] &= "," & $wLangID EndIf Return 1 ; continue EndFunc ;==>_ResLangCallback Func _ResNameCallback($hModule, $lpszType, $lpszName, $lParam) #forceref $hModule, $lParam $g_aResNamesAndLangs[0][0] += 1 ReDim $g_aResNamesAndLangs[UBound($g_aResNamesAndLangs) + 1][2] ; get name If IS_INTRESOURCE($lpszName) Then ;lpszName is an ordinal $g_aResNamesAndLangs[$g_aResNamesAndLangs[0][0]][0] = Number($lpszName) Else ;lpszName is a pointer to a string Local $tName = DllStructCreate("wchar[256]", $lpszName) Local $sName = DllStructGetData($tName, 1) If StringLeft($sName, 1) = "#" Then ;rest of string is an ordinal $g_aResNamesAndLangs[$g_aResNamesAndLangs[0][0]][0] = Number(StringTrimLeft($sName, 1)) Else ;regular string $g_aResNamesAndLangs[$g_aResNamesAndLangs[0][0]][0] = $sName EndIf EndIf ; call language callback DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "EnumResourceLanguages", "ptr", $hModule, "ptr", $lpszType, "ptr", $lpszName, _ "ptr", DllCallbackGetPtr($hLangCallback), "long_ptr", 0) Return 1 ; continue enumerating EndFunc ;==>_ResNameCallback ; ; Add all needed standard Constants Include files Func Add_Constants() ConsoleWrite("+>Check for missing standard constants/udf include files:") Local $ScriptData, $Stripped_ScriptData Local $count = 0 Local $Lines2Add ; Read the script into a variable $ScriptData = @CRLF & FileRead($ScriptFile_In) ; Strip all comments (pulled from Smoke_N example code) $Stripped_ScriptData = StringRegExpReplace($ScriptData & @CRLF, "(?s)(?i)(\s*#cs\s*.+?\#ce\s*)(\r\n)", "\2") $Stripped_ScriptData = StringRegExpReplace($Stripped_ScriptData, "(?s)(?i)" & '("")|(".*?")|' & "('')|('.*?')|" & "(\s*;.*?)(\r\n)", "\1\2\3\4\6") $Stripped_ScriptData = StringRegExpReplace($Stripped_ScriptData, "(\r\n){2,}", @CRLF) ; Local $includes = _FileListToArray($CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\include", "*Constants*.au3") Local $AddInclude = 0 For $i = 1 To UBound($includes) - 1 ; don't include GUIConstants.au3 If $includes[$i] = "GUIConstants.au3" Then ContinueLoop ; Skip already included Include files If StringRegExp($Stripped_ScriptData, "(?i)(?s)#include(\s*?)<" & $includes[$i] & ">", 0) Then ContinueLoop $AddInclude = 0 ; Get all Constants from include file into Array Local $ConstArray = StringRegExp(FileRead($CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\include\" & $includes[$i]), "(?i)\n[\s]*Global[\s]*Const[\s]*(.*?) = ", 3) For $j = 0 To UBound($ConstArray) - 1 If StringRegExp($Stripped_ScriptData, "(?i)(?s)\" & $ConstArray[$j] & "", 0) Then $count += 1 $AddInclude = 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next If $AddInclude Then $Lines2Add &= "#include <" & $includes[$i] & ">" & @CRLF ; Next FileRecycle($ScriptFile_In) ; sleep 500 ms to ensure SciTE detects the file was changed. Sleep(500) Local $H_Outf = FileOpen($ScriptFile_In, 2 + $SrceUnicodeFlag) If $count Then FileWriteLine($H_Outf, "; *** Start added by AutoIt3Wrapper ***") FileWrite($H_Outf, $Lines2Add) FileWriteLine($H_Outf, "; *** End added by AutoIt3Wrapper ***") EndIf ; update directive to n to avoid running it each time $ScriptData = StringRegExpReplace($ScriptData, '(?i)' & @CRLF & '(\h?)#AutoIt3Wrapper_Add_Constants(\h*?)=(.*?)' & @CRLF, @CRLF & '#AutoIt3Wrapper_Add_Constants=n' & @CRLF) ; strip extra leading and trailing CRLF's and write back to file FileWrite($H_Outf, StringMid($ScriptData, 3)) FileClose($H_Outf) ConsoleWrite(" " & $count & " include(s) were added" & @CRLF) EndFunc ;==>Add_Constants ; ; Check for the availablility of New installers for SciTE4AutoIT3 Func CheckForUpdates() $rc = InetGet('http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/scite/download/scite4autoit3version.ini', $SciTE_Dir & "\scite4autoit3versionWeb.ini", 16, 1) For $x = 1 To 15 If InetGetInfo($rc, 2) Then ExitLoop ; download complete Sleep(200) Next If Not InetGetInfo($rc, 2) Then ; download not complete, abort InetClose($rc) Return 0 EndIf If InetGetInfo($rc, 3) Then ; download successful Local $SciTE4AutoIt3WebDate = IniRead($SciTE_Dir & "\scite4autoit3versionWeb.ini", 'SciTE4AutoIt3', 'Date', '') Local $SciTE4Au3UpdWebDate = IniRead($SciTE_Dir & "\scite4autoit3versionWeb.ini", 'SciTE4Au3Upd', 'Date', '') Local $SciTE4AutoIt3RegDate = RegRead("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Uninstall\SciTE4AutoIt3", 'DisplayVersion') Local $SciTE4AutoIt3Date = IniRead($SciTE_Dir & "\SciTEVersion.ini", 'SciTE4AutoIt3', 'Date', '') Local $SciTE4Au3UpdDate = IniRead($SciTE_Dir & "\SciTEVersion.ini", 'SciTE4Au3Upd', 'Date', '') ; If the INI date is blank then use the registry Date If $SciTE4AutoIt3Date = "" Then ; If registry date is empty then assume the installer is never used and thus Return. If $SciTE4AutoIt3RegDate = "" Then Return $SciTE4AutoIt3Date = $SciTE4AutoIt3RegDate IniWrite($SciTE_Dir & "\SciTEVersion.ini", 'SciTE4AutoIt3', 'Date', $SciTE4AutoIt3Date) EndIf ; Check for updated SciTE4AutoIt3 Installer If _Compare_Date_GT($SciTE4AutoIt3WebDate, $SciTE4AutoIt3Date) > 0 Then $msg = "->***********************************************************************************************" & @CRLF & _ "->There is a new SciTE4AutoIt3 version available dated " & $SciTE4AutoIt3WebDate & _ ", your version is dated " & $SciTE4AutoIt3Date & @CRLF & _ "->Visit http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/scite to download latest version." & @CRLF & _ "->***********************************************************************************************" & @CRLF ConsoleWrite($msg) Else ; Check for Patch updates If $SciTE4Au3UpdWebDate <> "" And _Compare_Date_GT($SciTE4Au3UpdWebDate, $SciTE4Au3UpdDate) > 0 Then $msg = "->***********************************************************************************************" & @CRLF & _ "->There is a SciTE4Au3Upd installer available dated: " & $SciTE4Au3UpdWebDate & @CRLF & _ "->Visit http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/scite to download latest version." & @CRLF & _ "->***********************************************************************************************" & @CRLF ConsoleWrite($msg) EndIf EndIf EndIf InetClose($rc) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>CheckForUpdates ; Func Compile_Run_AUT2EXE($out_env, $ScriptFile_Out) Local $PgmVer = FileGetVersion($AUT2EXE_PGM) Local $s_CMDLine = "" ; Run aut2exe to compile the script ProgressSet(40, "Running Aut2exe.exe.") ; Set the proper compile option ; Set the CUI / GUI ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; prepare all variables for the commandline programs and AUT2EXE ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If $INP_Run_Obfuscator = "y" Then $s_CMDLine = ' /in "' & StringTrimRight($ScriptFile_In, StringLen($ScriptFile_In_Ext)) & '_Obfuscated' & $ScriptFile_In_Ext & '"' If $ScriptFile_Out = "" Then $ScriptFile_Out = StringTrimRight($ScriptFile_In, StringLen($ScriptFile_In_Ext)) & '.exe' Else $s_CMDLine = ' /in "' & $ScriptFile_In & '"' EndIf If $ScriptFile_Out <> "" Then ; Check it the target directory is valid $ScriptFile_Out = StringReplace($ScriptFile_Out, "/", "\") If StringInStr($ScriptFile_Out, "\", 0, -1) And Not FileExists(StringLeft($ScriptFile_Out, StringInStr($ScriptFile_Out, "\", 0, -1) - 1)) Then ;$s_CMDLine = $s_CMDLine & ' /out "' & $ScriptFile_Out & '"' ConsoleWrite("- Output path: " & StringLeft($ScriptFile_Out, StringInStr($ScriptFile_Out, "\", 0, -1) - 1) & " not found, changing it to:") $ScriptFile_Out = StringTrimRight($ScriptFile_In, StringLen($ScriptFile_In_Ext)) & '.exe' ConsoleWrite($ScriptFile_Out & @CRLF) EndIf $s_CMDLine &= ' /out "' & $ScriptFile_Out & '"' EndIf If $ScriptFile_In = $ScriptFile_Out Then ConsoleWrite("! Input source file should never be equal to the target output file !" & @CRLF) Exit EndIf ; we handle resources and UPX later, so no packing from compiler $s_CMDLine &= ' /nopack' ; If $INP_Icon <> "" Then $s_CMDLine &= ' /icon "' & $INP_Icon & '"' If $INP_Compression > -1 And $INP_Compression < 5 Then $s_CMDLine &= ' /comp ' & $INP_Compression & '' If $INP_Change2CUI = "y" Then $s_CMDLine &= " /Console" ; add flag to make x86 EXEs on x64 systems If $out_env = "x86" And StringInStr($AUT2EXE_PGM, "aut2exe_x64.exe") Then $s_CMDLine &= " /x86" ; add flag to make x64 EXEs on x86 systems If $out_env = "x64" And StringInStr($AUT2EXE_PGM, "aut2exe.exe") Then $s_CMDLine &= " /x64" ; If $Debug Then ConsoleWrite(">*** AUT2EXE:" & '"' & $AUT2EXE_PGM & '"' & $s_CMDLine & " " & @CRLF) ; ConsoleWrite(">Running:(" & $PgmVer & "):" & $AUT2EXE_PGM & " " & $s_CMDLine & @CRLF) ;effort to avoid the resource update issue when the Windows Explorer is open and has the output program selected ; by deleting the original file and give a little time to update. FileDelete($ScriptFile_Out) Sleep(600) $Pid = Run('"' & $AUT2EXE_PGM & '"' & $s_CMDLine, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) If $Pid Then $Handle = _ProcessExitCode($Pid) ProcessWaitClose($Pid) ; Show console output ShowStdOutErr($Pid) $ExitCode = _ProcessExitCode($Pid, $Handle) _ProcessCloseHandle($Handle) ;ConsoleWrite(">Aut2exe.exe ended. rc:" & $exitcode & @crlf) EndIf ; If Not $Pid Or Not FileExists($ScriptFile_Out) Then Write_RC_Console_Msg("Aut2exe.exe ended errors because the target exe wasn't created, abandon build.", 9999) Exit Else Write_RC_Console_Msg("Aut2exe.exe ended.", $ExitCode) EndIf EndFunc ;==>Compile_Run_AUT2EXE ; Func Compile_Upd_res($ScriptFile_Out) Local $ResUpdateSuccess = 1 ; Update resources only if the outfile is an EXE If $INP_Resource And StringRight($ScriptFile_Out, 4) = ".exe" Then ProgressSet(50, "Creating Resource file.") Write_RC_Console_Msg("Performing the Program Resource Update steps:") ; $ResUpdateSuccess = 0 ; ; get and save 'extra data' at end of script Local $extraData, $dwSize = 0 If Not _getFileExtraData($ScriptFile_Out, $extraData, $dwSize) Or $dwSize = 0 Then ; something went wrong Write_RC_Console_Msg("Error: Failed to get script data from end of target file. Skipping resource update.", 2) Else ; begin resource update $rh = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "ptr", "BeginUpdateResourceW", "wstr", $ScriptFile_Out, "int", 0) $rh = $rh[0] ; set language $INP_Res_Language = Number($INP_Res_Language) If $INP_Res_Language = 0 Then $INP_Res_Language = 2057 ; create the source of the VERSION resource update file If $INP_Resource_Version = 1 Then Local $Version_Res_File = "" ; enum RT_VERSION resources in target file If Not _EnumResourceNamesAndLangs($ScriptFile_Out, 16) Then ; RT_VERSION ; error, use default Write_RC_Console_Msg("Error: Failed to enumerate RT_VERSION resources, using defaults.", "", "!") Dim $aVersionInfo[2][2] = [[1, 0],[1, 2057]] Else $aVersionInfo = $g_aResNamesAndLangs EndIf ; retrieve the current info when not all fields are filled to preserve those: Local $AutoItBin = $AUT2EXE_DIR & "\AutoItSC.bin" ; used for default version info only If $INP_Comment = "" Then $INP_Comment = FileGetVersion($AutoItBin, "Comments") If $INP_Description = "" Then $INP_Description = FileGetVersion($AutoItBin, "FileDescription") If $INP_Fileversion = "" Then $INP_Fileversion = FileGetVersion($AutoItBin) If $INP_LegalCopyright = "" Then $INP_LegalCopyright = FileGetVersion($AutoItBin, "LegalCopyright") If $INP_ProductVersion = "" Then $INP_ProductVersion = FileGetVersion($AutoItBin) ; Delete current resources for all but 1 and the input language For $y = 1 To $aVersionInfo[0][0] $aTemp = StringSplit($aVersionInfo[$y][1], ",") ; create temp array of languages for this name For $z = 1 To $aTemp[0] ; remove any version info that is not 1 or our input language If ($aVersionInfo[$y][0] <> 1) Or ($aTemp[$z] <> $INP_Res_Language) Then _ _Res_Update($rh, "", 16, $aVersionInfo[$y][0], $aTemp[$z]) Next Next _Res_Create_RTVersion($Version_Res_File) ; Build the RT_VERSION structure _Res_Update($rh, $Version_Res_File, 16, 1, $INP_Res_Language) ; Update RT_VERSION in the Bin file FileDelete($Version_Res_File) Write_RC_Console_Msg("Updating Program Version information.", "", "...", 0) EndIf ; ;Update manifest If $INP_RES_requestedExecutionLevel <> "" Or $INP_RES_Compatibility <> "" Or $INP_RES_HiDpi <> "" Then ; enum RT_MANIFEST resources in target file If Not _EnumResourceNamesAndLangs($ScriptFile_Out, 24) Then ; RT_MANIFEST ; error, use default Write_RC_Console_Msg("Error: Failed to enumerate RT_MANIFEST resources, using defaults.", "", "!") Dim $aManifestInfo[2][2] = [[1, 0],[1, 1033]] Else $aManifestInfo = $g_aResNamesAndLangs EndIf $TempFile2 = @TempDir & '\RHManifest.txt' Local $hTempFile2 = FileOpen($TempFile2, 2) FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, '') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, '') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, '') If $INP_RES_requestedExecutionLevel = "" Then $INP_RES_requestedExecutionLevel = "asInvoker" Else Write_RC_Console_Msg("Setting Program ExecutionLevel Manifest information to " & $INP_RES_requestedExecutionLevel, "", "...", 0) EndIf If $INP_RES_requestedExecutionLevel <> "None" Then FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, '') EndIf FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, '') If $INP_RES_HiDpi <> "" Then Write_RC_Console_Msg("Setting DPI awareness Manifest information to true", "", "...", 0) FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' true') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') EndIf If $INP_RES_Compatibility <> "" Then FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') If StringInStr($INP_RES_Compatibility, "Vista") Then FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') Write_RC_Console_Msg("Setting Program Compatibility Manifest information to Vista.", "", "...", 0) EndIf If StringInStr($INP_RES_Compatibility, "Windows7") Then FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') Write_RC_Console_Msg("Setting Program Compatibility Manifest information to Windows7", "", "...", 0) EndIf FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, ' ') EndIf ; FileWriteLine($hTempFile2, '') FileClose($hTempFile2) For $y = 1 To $aManifestInfo[0][0] $aTemp = StringSplit($aManifestInfo[$y][1], ",") ; create temp array of languages for this name For $z = 1 To $aTemp[0] ; remove any manifest that is not 1 or our input language If ($aManifestInfo[$y][0] <> 1) Or ($aTemp[$z] <> $INP_Res_Language) Then _ _Res_Update($rh, "", 24, $aManifestInfo[$y][0], $aTemp[$z]) Next Next _Res_Update($rh, $TempFile2, 24, 1, $INP_Res_Language) FileDelete($TempFile2) Write_RC_Console_Msg("Updating Program Manifest information.", "", "...", 0) EndIf ; ; Add original source to Resources If $INP_Res_SaveSource = "y" Then If $INP_Run_Obfuscator = "y" Then If StringInStr($INP_Obfuscator_Parameters, "/so") Or StringInStr($INP_Obfuscator_Parameters, "/striponly") Then FileCopy(StringTrimRight($ScriptFile_In, StringLen($ScriptFile_In_Ext)) & '_Obfuscated' & $ScriptFile_In_Ext, @TempDir & "\scriptin.tmp", 1) Write_RC_Console_Msg("Adding stripped Script source to RT_RCDATA,999 in the Output executable.", "", "...", 0) Else Write_RC_Console_Msg("Skipping SourceSave because this is an obfuscated script.", 2) EndIf Else FileCopy($ScriptFile_In, @TempDir & "\scriptin.tmp", 1) Write_RC_Console_Msg("Adding original Script source to RT_RCDATA,999 in the Output executable.", "", "...", 0) EndIf _Res_Update($rh, @TempDir & "\scriptin.tmp", 10, 999, $INP_Res_Language) FileDelete(@TempDir & "\scriptin.tmp") EndIf ; ; Add ICO's to Resources For $x = 1 To $INP_Icons_cnt $IconFileInfo = StringSplit($INP_Icons[$x], ",") ReDim $IconFileInfo[4] If StringStripWS($IconFileInfo[2], 3) = "" Then $IconFileInfo[2] = 200 + $x If StringStripWS($IconFileInfo[3], 3) = "" Then $IconFileInfo[3] = $INP_Res_Language _Res_Update($rh, StringStripWS($IconFileInfo[1], 3), 3, StringStripWS($IconFileInfo[2], 3), StringStripWS($IconFileInfo[3], 3)) Next If $INP_Icons_cnt Then Write_RC_Console_Msg("Adding " & $INP_Icons_cnt & " Icon(s).", "", "...", 0) ; Add Files to Resources Local $ResFileInfo For $x = 1 To $INP_Res_Files_Cnt $ResFileInfo = StringSplit($INP_Res_Files[$x], ",") ReDim $ResFileInfo[5] If $ResFileInfo[2] = "" Then $ResFileInfo[2] = 10 If $ResFileInfo[3] = "" Then $ResFileInfo[3] = $x If $ResFileInfo[4] = "" Then $ResFileInfo[4] = $INP_Res_Language $ResFileInfo[1] = StringReplace($ResFileInfo[1], "\", "\\") $ResFileInfo[1] = StringReplace($ResFileInfo[1], "/", "\\") _Res_Update($rh, StringStripWS($ResFileInfo[1], 3), StringStripWS($ResFileInfo[2], 3), StringStripWS($ResFileInfo[3], 3), StringStripWS($ResFileInfo[4], 3)) Next If $INP_Res_Files_Cnt Then Write_RC_Console_Msg("Adding " & $INP_Res_Files_Cnt & " file(s).", "", "...", 0) ; ; end resource update Local $result = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "EndUpdateResourceW", "ptr", $rh, "int", 0) If $result[0] <> 1 Then $Return_Text = "Error: EndUpdateResource: Returncode = " & $result[0] & " - LastError:" & _WinAPI_GetLastError() & ":" & StringReplace(_WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage(), @CRLF, "") Write_RC_Console_Msg($Return_Text, 2) Write_RC_Console_Msg("Error: Program Resource updating Failed. The output program will not contain the Resource updates!", 2) Show_Warnings("Resource Update errors", $Return_Text) Else ; append 'extra data' back to end of updated script If Not _appendFileExtraData($ScriptFile_Out, $extraData, $dwSize) Then ; something ELSE went wrong Write_RC_Console_Msg("Error: Failed to append script data to end of updated executable. Try recompiling your script.", 2) Exit Else $ResUpdateSuccess = 1 Write_RC_Console_Msg("Program Resource updating finished successfully.", 0) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Return $ResUpdateSuccess ; EndFunc ;==>Compile_Upd_res ; Func Compile_UPX($ScriptFile_Out) ; run UPX if asked, and if outfile is x86 EXE If StringRight($ScriptFile_Out, 4) = ".exe" Then Local $UPX_Pgm = $AUT2EXE_DIR & "\upx.exe" Local $PgmVer = FileGetVersion($UPX_Pgm) If $INP_Upx_Parameters = "" Then $INP_Upx_Parameters = "--best --compress-icons=0 -qq" If FileExists($UPX_Pgm) Then ConsoleWrite(">Running:(" & $PgmVer & "):" & $UPX_Pgm & '" ' & $INP_Upx_Parameters & ' "' & $ScriptFile_Out & '"' & @CRLF) $Pid = Run('"' & $UPX_Pgm & '" ' & $INP_Upx_Parameters & ' "' & $ScriptFile_Out & '"', "", @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD) If $Pid Then $Handle = _ProcessExitCode($Pid) ProcessWaitClose($Pid) ConsoleWrite(StdoutRead($Pid)) StdioClose($Pid) $ExitCode = _ProcessExitCode($Pid, $Handle) _ProcessCloseHandle($Handle) Write_RC_Console_Msg("UPX Ended: ", $ExitCode) Else Write_RC_Console_Msg("Error: Failed to UPX the executable.", 2) EndIf Else Write_RC_Console_Msg("Error: " & $UPX_Pgm & " is missing.", 2) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>Compile_UPX ; Func Convert_RES_GenDirective($section, $kword, $directive, $default, $translate, ByRef $directives) Local $tarray = StringSplit($translate, ";") Local $value = IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", $section, $kword, $default) Local $varray For $x = 1 To $tarray[0] $varray = StringSplit($tarray[$x], "=") If $varray[0] > 1 And $varray[1] = $value Then $value = $varray[2] Next If $value = "" Or $value = $default Then Return $directives &= $directive & "=" & IniRead($ScriptFile_In & ".ini", $section, $kword, $default) & @CRLF EndFunc ;==>Convert_RES_GenDirective Func Convert_RES_INI_to_Directives() Local $directives = "#Region converted Directives from " & $ScriptFile_In & ".ini" & @CRLF Convert_RES_GenDirective("Autoit", "aut2exe", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_aut2exe", "", "", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Autoit", "icon", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon", "", "", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Autoit", "outfile", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile", "", "", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Autoit", "Compression", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression", "2", "", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Autoit", "PassPhrase", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_PassPhrase", "", "", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Autoit", "UseUpx", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx", "y", "1=y;0=n;4=n", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Autoit", "UseAnsi", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseAnsi", "n", "1=y;0=n;4=n", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Autoit", "UseX64", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64", "n", "1=y;0=n;4=n", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Autoit", "Allow_Decompile", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Allow_Decompile", "y", "1=y;0=n;4=n", $directives) ; Convert_RES_GenDirective("Res", "Comment", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment", "", "", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Res", "Description", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description", "", "", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Res", "Fileversion", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion", "", "", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Res", "Fileversion_AutoIncrement", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion_AutoIncrement", "", "", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Res", "ProductVersion", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductVersion", "", "", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Res", "LegalCopyright", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright", "", "", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Res", "Field1Name", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field1Name", "", "", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Res", "Field2Name", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field2Name", "", "", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Res", "Field1Value", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field1Value", "", "", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Res", "Field2Value", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field2Value", "", "", $directives) ; Convert_RES_GenDirective("Other", "Run_AU3Check", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_AU3Check", "y", "1=y;0=n;4=n", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Other", "AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning", "", "", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Other", "AU3Check_Parameter", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters", "", "", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Other", "Run_Before", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Before", "", "", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Other", "Run_After", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After", "", "", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Other", "Run_cvsWrapper", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_cvsWrapper", "", "", $directives) Convert_RES_GenDirective("Other", "cvsWrapper_Parameter", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_cvsWrapper_Parameters", "", "", $directives) ; $directives &= "#EndRegion converted Directives from " & $ScriptFile_In & ".ini" & @CRLF & ";" & @CRLF $directives &= FileRead($ScriptFile_In) Local $Fh = FileOpen($ScriptFile_In, 2 + $SrceUnicodeFlag) FileWrite($Fh, $directives) FileClose($Fh) FileRecycle($ScriptFile_In & ".ini") ConsoleWrite('->================================================================================================================' & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite('->File:' & $ScriptFile_In & ".ini" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite('-> converted to #Directives at the top of the script and the file put into the recycleBin.' & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite('->================================================================================================================' & @CRLF) EndFunc ;==>Convert_RES_INI_to_Directives Func Convert_Variables($I_String, $text = 0) $I_String = StringReplace($I_String, "%in%", $ScriptFile_In) $I_String = StringReplace($I_String, "%out%", $ScriptFile_Out) $I_String = StringReplace($I_String, "%outx64%", $ScriptFile_Out_x64) $I_String = StringReplace($I_String, "%icon%", $INP_Icon) $I_String = StringReplace($I_String, "%fileversion%", $INP_Fileversion) $I_String = StringReplace($I_String, "%fileversionnew%", $INP_Fileversion_New) Local $ScriptName = StringTrimLeft($ScriptFile_In, StringInStr($ScriptFile_In, "\", 0, -1)) Local $ScriptDir = StringLeft($ScriptFile_In, StringInStr($ScriptFile_In, "\", 0, -1) - 1) $I_String = StringReplace($I_String, "%scriptfile%", StringReplace($ScriptName, $ScriptFile_In_Ext, '')) $I_String = StringReplace($I_String, "%scriptdir%", $ScriptDir) $I_String = StringReplace($I_String, "%scitedir%", $SciTE_Dir) $I_String = StringReplace($I_String, "%autoitdir%", $CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir) $I_String = StringReplace($I_String, "%AutoItVer%", $AUT2EXE_PGM_VER) $I_String = StringReplace($I_String, "%Date%", _NowDate()) $I_String = StringReplace($I_String, "%LongDate%", _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalcDate(), 1)) $I_String = StringReplace($I_String, "%Time%", _NowTime()) ; These should only be done on text Items, strings containing a File/Path will give problems If $text Then $I_String = StringReplace($I_String, "\n", @CRLF) EndIf Return $I_String EndFunc ;==>Convert_Variables Func IS_INTRESOURCE($r) Return (Not BitAND($r, 0xFFFF0000)) EndFunc ;==>IS_INTRESOURCE ; ; ; Func Language_Code(ByRef $code, ByRef $CountryTable, ByRef $Country, $task = 1) Local $CountryArray[120][2] = [["Afrikaans", "1078"],["Albanian", "1052"],["Arabic (Algeria)", "5121"],["Arabic (Bahrain)", "15361"], _ ["Arabic (Egypt)", "3073"],["Arabic (Iraq)", "2049"],["Arabic (Jordan)", "11265"],["Arabic (Kuwait)", "13313"],["Arabic (Lebanon)", "12289"], _ ["Arabic (Libya)", "4097"],["Arabic (Morocco)", "6145"],["Arabic (Oman)", "8193"],["Arabic (Qatar)", "16385"],["Arabic (Saudi Arabia)", "1025"], _ ["Arabic (Syria)", "10241"],["Arabic (Tunisia)", "7169"],["Arabic (U.A.E.)", "14337"],["Arabic (Yemen)", "9217"],["Basque", "1069"], _ ["Belarusian", "1059"],["Bulgarian", "1026"],["Catalan", "1027"],["Chinese (Hong Kong SAR)", "3076"],["Chinese (PRC)", "2052"], _ ["Chinese (Singapore)", "4100"],["Chinese (Taiwan)", "1028"],["Croatian", "1050"],["Czech", "1029"],["Danish", "1030"], _ ["Dutch", "1043"],["Dutch (Belgium)", "2067"],["English (Australia)", "3081"],["English (Belize)", "10249"],["English (Canada)", "4105"], _ ["English (Ireland)", "6153"],["English (Jamaica)", "8201"],["English (New Zealand)", "5129"],["English (South Africa)", "7177"], _ ["English (Trinidad)", "11273"],["English (United Kingdom)", "2057"],["English (United States)", "1033"],["Estonian", "1061"], _ ["Faeroese", "1080"],["Farsi", "1065"],["Finnish", "1035"],["French (Standard)", "1036"],["French (Belgium)", "2060"], _ ["French (Canada)", "3084"],["French (Luxembourg)", "5132"],["French (Switzerland)", "4108"],["Gaelic (Scotland)", "1084"], _ ["German (Standard)", "1031"],["German (Austrian)", "3079"],["German (Liechtenstein)", "5127"],["German (Luxembourg)", "4103"], _ ["German (Switzerland)", "2055"],["Greek", "1032"],["Hebrew", "1037"],["Hindi", "1081"],["Hungarian", "1038"],["Icelandic", "1039"], _ ["Indonesian", "1057"],["Italian (Standard)", "1040"],["Italian (Switzerland)", "2064"],["Japanese", "1041"],["Korean", "1042"], _ ["Latvian", "1062"],["Lithuanian", "1063"],["Macedonian (FYROM)", "1071"],["Malay (Malaysia)", "1086"],["Maltese", "1082"], _ ["Norwegian (Bokmål)", "1044"],["Polish", "1045"],["Portuguese (Brazil)", "1046"],["Portuguese (Portugal)", "2070"], _ ["Raeto (Romance)", "1047"],["Romanian", "1048"],["Romanian (Moldova)", "2072"],["Russian", "1049"],["Russian (Moldova)", "2073"], _ ["Serbian (Cyrillic)", "3098"],["Setsuana", "1074"],["Slovak", "1051"],["Slovenian", "1060"],["Sorbian", "1070"], _ ["Spanish (Argentina)", "11274"],["Spanish (Bolivia)", "16394"],["Spanish (Chile)", "13322"],["Spanish (Columbia)", "9226"], _ ["Spanish (Costa Rica)", "5130"],["Spanish (Dominican Republic)", "7178"],["Spanish (Ecuador)", "12298"],["Spanish (El Salvador)", "17418"], _ ["Spanish (Guatemala)", "4106"],["Spanish (Honduras)", "18442"],["Spanish (Mexico)", "2058"],["Spanish (Nicaragua)", "19466"], _ ["Spanish (Panama)", "6154"],["Spanish (Paraguay)", "15370"],["Spanish (Peru)", "10250"],["Spanish (Puerto Rico)", "20490"], _ ["Spanish (Spain)", "1034"],["Spanish (Uruguay)", "14346"],["Spanish (Venezuela)", "8202"],["Sutu", "1072"], _ ["Swedish", "1053"],["Swedish (Finland)", "2077"],["Thai", "1054"],["Turkish", "1055"],["Tsonga", "1073"], _ ["Ukranian", "1058"],["Urdu (Pakistan)", "1056"],["Vietnamese", "1066"],["Xhosa", "1076"],["Yiddish", "1085"],["Zulu", "1077"]] $CountryTable = "" If $task = 1 And $code = 0 Then $code = 2057 If $task = 2 And $Country = "" Then $code = 2057 Return EndIf For $x = 0 To UBound($CountryArray) - 1 Switch $task Case 1 $CountryTable &= $CountryArray[$x][0] & "|" If $CountryArray[$x][1] = $code Then $Country = $CountryArray[$x][0] EndIf Case 2 If $CountryArray[$x][0] = $Country Then $code = $CountryArray[$x][1] ExitLoop EndIf EndSwitch Next ; Default to UK English when specified name isn't found If $task = 2 And $code = 0 Then $code = 2057 EndFunc ;==>Language_Code ; Func OnAutoItExit() ; only show this line for main script run not the Watcher If Not StringInStr($CMDLINERAW, "/watcher") _ And Not StringInStr($CMDLINERAW, "/au3record") _ And Not StringInStr($CMDLINERAW, "/au3info") _ Then Write_RC_Console_Msg("AutoIt3Wrapper Finished..", "", "+") EndFunc ;==>OnAutoItExit ; Retrieve the compiler settings from the scriptfile when available Func Retrieve_PreProcessor_Info() Local $I_Rec Local $In_File Local $hTest_UTF = FileOpen($ScriptFile_In, 16) Local $Test_UTF = FileRead($hTest_UTF, 4) Local $i_Rec_Param, $i_Rec_Value, $Temp_Val, $Fh FileClose($hTest_UTF) ;~ 00 00 FE FF UTF-32, big-endian ;~ FF FE 00 00 UTF-32, little-endian ;~ FE FF UTF-16, big-endian ;~ FF FE UTF-16, little-endian ;~ EF BB BF UTF-8 Select Case BinaryMid($Test_UTF, 1, 3) = '0x0000FEFF' ; UTF-32 BE $UTFtype = '32BE' $SrceUnicodeFlag = 0 $InputFileIsUTF32 = 1 Case BinaryMid($Test_UTF, 1, 3) = '0xFFFE0000' ; UTF-32 LE $UTFtype = '32LE' $SrceUnicodeFlag = 0 $InputFileIsUTF32 = 1 Case BinaryMid($Test_UTF, 1, 2) = '0xFEFF' Or BinaryMid($Test_UTF, 1, 4) = '0x0000FEFF' ; UTF-16 BE $UTFtype = '16BE' $SrceUnicodeFlag = 64 $InputFileIsUTF16 = 1 Case BinaryMid($Test_UTF, 1, 2) = '0xFFFE' ; UTF-16 LE $UTFtype = '16LE' $SrceUnicodeFlag = 32 $InputFileIsUTF16 = 1 Case BinaryMid($Test_UTF, 1, 3) = '0xEFBBBF' ; UTF-8 $UTFtype = '8' $SrceUnicodeFlag = 128 $InputFileIsUTF8 = 1 Case Else $UTFtype = '' $SrceUnicodeFlag = 0 $InputFileIsUTF8 = 0 $InputFileIsUTF16 = 0 $InputFileIsUTF32 = 0 EndSelect ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local $aFile Local $hFile = FileOpen($ScriptFile_In, 16384) If $hFile = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0);; unable to open the file ; Read the file and dump into an Array and also check if the Filesize is different from the Read Characters which will be an indication of UTF8 without BOM Local $aFile_tot = FileRead($hFile) Local $aFile_len = @extended FileClose($hFile) ; Write warning for UTF encoded files or else check for UTF8 without BOM files If $InputFileIsUTF8 Then ;~ ConsoleWrite("! ***************************************************************************************************" & @CRLF) ;~ ConsoleWrite("! * Input file is UTF" & $UTFtype & " encoded, Obfuscator do not support UNICODE and will be skipped.*" & @CRLF) ;~ ConsoleWrite("! ***************************************************************************************************" & @CRLF) ElseIf $InputFileIsUTF16 Or $InputFileIsUTF32 Then ;~ ConsoleWrite("! ***************************************************************************************************" & @CRLF) ;~ ConsoleWrite("! * Input file is UTF" & $UTFtype & " encoded, Tidy and Obfuscator do not support UNICODE and will be skipped.*" & @CRLF) ;~ ConsoleWrite("! ***************************************************************************************************" & @CRLF) Else ; check for UTF8 without BOM, if so Warn and tell them the file will be changed to UTF8 with BOM If $aFile_len > StringLen($aFile_tot) Then $UTFtype = '8 Without BOM' $SrceUnicodeFlag = 128 ConsoleWrite("! ***************************************************************************************************************" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("! * Input file is UTF8 without BOM encoded, Obfuscator do not support UNICODE and will be skipped. *" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("! * The file SHOULD BE encoded as UTF8 with BOM to continue processing by AutoIT3Wrapper. *" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("! * ##################################################################################################### *" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("! * ##### AutoIt3Wrapper will not show a GUI or update the script to avoid any damage to your scriptfile. ##### *" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("! * ##################################################################################################### *" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("! * When your file isn't a UTF8 file without BOM then please report this to me for review. *" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("! ***************************************************************************************************************" & @CRLF) $InputFileIsUTF8 = 9 ;~ $InputFileIsUTF16 = 9 EndIf EndIf ; build Array If StringInStr($aFile_tot, @LF) Then $In_File = StringSplit(StringStripCR($aFile_tot), @LF) ElseIf StringInStr($aFile, @CR) Then ;; @LF does not exist so split on the @CR $In_File = StringSplit($aFile_tot, @CR) Else ;; unable to split the file If StringLen($aFile_tot) Then Dim $In_File[2] = [1, $aFile] Else Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf EndIf ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Local $Found_Old_Compiler = 0 For $rcount = 1 To $In_File[0] $I_Rec = $In_File[$rcount] $I_Rec = StringStripWS($I_Rec, 1) If StringLeft($I_Rec, 16) <> "#AutoIt3Wrapper_" _ And StringLeft($I_Rec, 9) <> "#Compiler" _ And StringLeft($I_Rec, 5) <> "#Run_" _ And StringLeft($I_Rec, 6) <> "#Tidy_" _ And StringLeft($I_Rec, 12) <> "#Obfuscator_" _ Then ContinueLoop ; no need for this as this is build into au3check now If StringLeft($I_Rec, 22) = "#Compiler_plugin_funcs" Then ContinueLoop If StringInStr($I_Rec, ";") Then $I_Rec = StringLeft($I_Rec, StringInStr($I_Rec, ";") - 1) EndIf $I_Rec = StringStripWS($I_Rec, 3) $i_Rec_Param = StringLeft($I_Rec, StringInStr($I_Rec, "=") - 1) $i_Rec_Param = StringStripWS($i_Rec_Param, 3) $i_Rec_Value = StringTrimLeft($I_Rec, StringInStr($I_Rec, "=")) $i_Rec_Value = StringStripWS($i_Rec_Value, 3) ; we added AutoIt3Wrapper_ for clearity to the compiler directives. If Not $Found_Old_Compiler And StringLeft($I_Rec, 10) = "#Compiler_" Then $Found_Old_Compiler = 1 If StringLeft($I_Rec, 15) = "#Run_Debug_Mode" Then $Found_Old_Compiler = 2 $i_Rec_Param = StringReplace($i_Rec_Param, "#Compiler_", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_") Select ; ================ Other ========================================================================= Case $i_Rec_Param = "#Obfuscator_Parameters" $INP_Obfuscator_Parameters = $i_Rec_Value Case StringLeft($I_Rec, 12) = "#Obfuscator_" ; skip other #obfuscator directives Case $i_Rec_Param = "#Tidy_Parameters" $INP_Tidy_Parameters = $i_Rec_Value Case StringLeft($I_Rec, 6) = "#Tidy_" ; skip other #obfuscator directives ; ================ AutoIt3/Aut2EXE ========================================================================= Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_LogFile" $INP_AutoIt3Wrapper_LogFile = StringReplace($i_Rec_Value, '"', '') Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Prompt" ; Obsolete..... Only override the command line when an actual value is given Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Compile_both" $INP_Compile_Both = $i_Rec_Value Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_OutFile" $ScriptFile_Out = StringReplace($i_Rec_Value, '"', '') Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_OutFile_x64" $ScriptFile_Out_x64 = StringReplace($i_Rec_Value, '"', '') Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_OutFile_x86" $ScriptFile_Out_x86 = StringReplace($i_Rec_Value, '"', '') Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_OutFile_Type" $ScriptFile_Out_Type = $i_Rec_Value If $ScriptFile_Out_Type <> "A3X" And $ScriptFile_Out_Type <> "EXE" Then $ScriptFile_Out_Type = "" ConsoleWrite("- Skipping #Compiler_OutFile_Type directive. Invalid type:" & $i_Rec_Value & ". Can only be A3X or EXE" & @CRLF) Else ; Only use the "#AutoIt3Wrapper_OutFile_Type" when "#AutoIt3Wrapper_OutFile" isn't given If $ScriptFile_Out = "" Then $ScriptFile_Out = StringTrimRight($ScriptFile_In, StringLen($ScriptFile_In_Ext)) & '.' & $ScriptFile_Out_Type EndIf EndIf Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon" $INP_Icon = StringReplace($i_Rec_Value, '"', '') $DebugIcon = $DebugIcon & "Comp directive icon: " & $INP_Icon & @CRLF Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression" $INP_Compression = $i_Rec_Value Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_PassPhrase" ;~ $INP_PassPhrase = $i_Rec_Value ;~ $INP_PassPhrase2 = $i_Rec_Value Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Version" ; Only use the compiler directive when the /prod or /beta is missing from the commandline If $INP_AutoIT3_Version = "" Then If $i_Rec_Value = "b" Or $i_Rec_Value = "beta" Then $INP_AutoIT3_Version = "beta" If Not StringInStr($ObfuscatorCmdLine, "/beta") Then $ObfuscatorCmdLine &= " /Beta" Else $INP_AutoIT3_Version = "prod" EndIf EndIf Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Autoit3Dir" If StringReplace($i_Rec_Value, '"', '') <> "" Then $INP_AutoitDir = StringReplace($i_Rec_Value, '"', '') If Not FileExists($INP_AutoitDir) Then ConsoleWrite("- Skipping #AutoIt3Wrapper_Autoit3Dir because the Directory is not found:" & $INP_AutoitDir & @CRLF) $INP_AutoitDir = "" ElseIf Not StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($INP_AutoitDir), "D") Then ConsoleWrite("- Skipping #AutoIt3Wrapper_AUTOIT3 because it is not a direcoty:" & $INP_AutoitDir & @CRLF) $INP_AutoitDir = "" EndIf EndIf Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_AUTOIT3" If StringReplace($i_Rec_Value, '"', '') <> "" Then $AutoIT3_PGM = StringReplace($i_Rec_Value, '"', '') If Not FileExists($AutoIT3_PGM) Then ConsoleWrite("- Skipping #AutoIt3Wrapper_AUTOIT3 because the file is not found:" & $AutoIT3_PGM & @CRLF) $AutoIT3_PGM = "" EndIf EndIf Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Dat" ; Obsolete..... Only override the command line when an actual value is given Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_AUT2EXE" If StringReplace($i_Rec_Value, '"', '') <> "" Then $AUT2EXE_PGM = StringReplace($i_Rec_Value, '"', '') If Not FileExists($AUT2EXE_PGM) Then ConsoleWrite("- Skipping #AutoIt3Wrapper_AUT2EXE because the file is not found:" & $AUT2EXE_PGM & @CRLF) $AUT2EXE_PGM = "" EndIf EndIf Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx" $INP_UseUpx = $i_Rec_Value Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_UPX_Parameters" $INP_Upx_Parameters = $i_Rec_Value Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseAnsi" ConsoleWrite("- Skipping #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseAnsi directive because ANSI is not supported anymore." & @CRLF) $INP_UseAnsi = "N" Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64" $INP_UseX64 = $i_Rec_Value Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Allow_Decompile" ; Obsolete..... $INP_Allow_Decompile = $i_Rec_Value Case $i_Rec_Param = "#Run_Debug_Mode" Or $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Debug_Mode" If $i_Rec_Value = "y" Or $i_Rec_Value = 1 Then $INP_Run_Debug_Mode = 1 Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_run_debug" ; debug on or off direction ; ================ Resources ========================================================================= Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Language" $INP_Res_Language = Number($i_Rec_Value) If $INP_Res_Language = 0 Then $INP_Res_Language = 2057 $INP_Resource_Version = 1 $INP_Resource = 1 Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment" $INP_Comment = $i_Rec_Value $INP_Resource_Version = 1 $INP_Resource = 1 Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description" $INP_Description = $i_Rec_Value $INP_Resource_Version = 1 $INP_Resource = 1 Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion" $INP_Fileversion = $i_Rec_Value $INP_Resource_Version = 1 $INP_Resource = 1 Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_FileVersion_AutoIncrement" $INP_Fileversion_AutoIncrement = $i_Rec_Value $INP_Resource_Version = 1 $INP_Resource = 1 Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductVersion" $INP_ProductVersion = $i_Rec_Value $INP_Resource_Version = 1 $INP_Resource = 1 Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright" $INP_LegalCopyright = $i_Rec_Value $INP_Resource_Version = 1 $INP_Resource = 1 ; limited number of free format resource info fields Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add" If $i_Rec_Value <> "" Then $INP_Icons_cnt += 1 ReDim $INP_Icons[$INP_Icons_cnt + 1] $INP_Icons[$INP_Icons_cnt] = Convert_Variables(StringReplace($i_Rec_Value, '"', '')) $IconFileInfo = StringSplit($INP_Icons[$INP_Icons_cnt], ",") If Not FileExists($IconFileInfo[1]) Then ConsoleWrite("- Skipping #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add because the Ico file is not found:" & $INP_Icons[$INP_Icons_cnt] & @CRLF) $INP_Icons_cnt -= 1 Else $INP_Resource = 1 EndIf EndIf Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add" If $i_Rec_Value <> "" Then $INP_Res_Files_Cnt += 1 ReDim $INP_Res_Files[$INP_Res_Files_Cnt + 1] $INP_Res_Files[$INP_Res_Files_Cnt] = Convert_Variables(StringReplace($i_Rec_Value, '"', '')) Local $ResFileInfo $ResFileInfo = StringSplit($INP_Res_Files[$INP_Res_Files_Cnt], ",") If Not FileExists($ResFileInfo[1]) Then ConsoleWrite("- Skipping #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add because the file is not found:" & $INP_Res_Files[$INP_Res_Files_Cnt] & @CRLF) $INP_Res_Files_Cnt -= 1 Else $INP_Resource = 1 EndIf EndIf Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_SaveSource" $INP_Res_SaveSource = $i_Rec_Value $INP_Resource = 1 ; ================ Other ========================================================================= Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field" $Temp_Val = StringSplit($i_Rec_Value, "|") If $INP_RES_FieldCount > 14 Then ConsoleWrite("- Skipping #Compiler_Res_Field directive. You can only have 15 field max:" & $i_Rec_Value & @CRLF) ElseIf $Temp_Val[0] <> 2 Then ConsoleWrite("- Skipping #Compiler_Res_Field directive. Doesn't have a | in it:" & $i_Rec_Value & @CRLF) Else $INP_RES_FieldCount = $INP_RES_FieldCount + 1 $INP_FieldName[$INP_RES_FieldCount] = $Temp_Val[1] $INP_FieldValue[$INP_RES_FieldCount] = $Temp_Val[2] EndIf $INP_Resource_Version = 1 $INP_Resource = 1 ; Old format for Resource fields Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field1Value" $INP_FieldValue1 = $i_Rec_Value $INP_Resource_Version = 1 $INP_Resource = 1 Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field1Name" $INP_FieldName1 = $i_Rec_Value $INP_Resource_Version = 1 $INP_Resource = 1 Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field2Value" $INP_FieldValue2 = $i_Rec_Value $INP_Resource_Version = 1 $INP_Resource = 1 Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field2Name" $INP_FieldName2 = $i_Rec_Value $INP_Resource_Version = 1 $INP_Resource = 1 Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_requestedExecutionLevel" ;None, asInvoker, highestAvailable or requireAdministrator (default=None)" Switch $i_Rec_Value Case "" $INP_RES_requestedExecutionLevel = "" Case "asInvoker", "highestAvailable", "requireAdministrator", "None" $INP_RES_requestedExecutionLevel = $i_Rec_Value $INP_Resource = 1 Case Else $INP_RES_requestedExecutionLevel = "" ConsoleWrite("- Skipping #AutoIt3Wrapper_res_requestedExecutionLevel directive. Invalid value:" & $i_Rec_Value & @CRLF) EndSwitch Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_HiDpi" Switch $i_Rec_Value Case "", "0", "no" $INP_RES_HiDpi = "" Case "1", "yes" $INP_RES_HiDpi = $i_Rec_Value $INP_Resource = 1 Case Else $INP_RES_HiDpi = "" ConsoleWrite("- Skipiing #AutoIt3Wrapper_res_HiDpi directive. Invalid value:" & $i_Rec_Value & @CRLF) EndSwitch Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Compatibility" $INP_RES_Compatibility = $i_Rec_Value $Temp_Val = StringSplit($i_Rec_Value, ",") For $x = 1 To $Temp_Val[0] ;None, Vista, Windows7 or both (default=None)" Switch $Temp_Val[$x] Case "", "None" $INP_RES_Compatibility = "" $INP_Resource = 1 Case "Vista", "Windows7" $INP_Resource = 1 Case Else ConsoleWrite("- Skipping #AutoIt3Wrapper_res_Compatibility directive invalid value:" & $Temp_Val & @CRLF) EndSwitch Next Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_AU3Check" $INP_Run_AU3Check = $i_Rec_Value Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters" $INP_AU3Check_Parameters = $i_Rec_Value Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning" $INP_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning = $i_Rec_Value Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy" $INP_Run_Tidy = $i_Rec_Value Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Obfuscator" $INP_Run_Obfuscator = $i_Rec_Value Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Tidy_Stop_OnError" $INP_Tidy_Stop_OnError = $i_Rec_Value Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Before" $INP_Run_Before = $INP_Run_Before & $i_Rec_Value & "|" Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After" $INP_Run_After = $INP_Run_After & $i_Rec_Value & "|" Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_cvsWrapper" $INP_Run_cvsWrapper = $i_Rec_Value Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_cvsWrapper_Parameters" $INP_cvsWrapper_Parameters = $i_Rec_Value Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_PlugIn_Funcs" $INP_Plugin = $i_Rec_Value Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI" $INP_Change2CUI = $i_Rec_Value Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Add_Constants" $INP_Add_Constants = $i_Rec_Value Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_ShowGui" $ShowGUI = $i_Rec_Value Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_SciTE_Minimized" $INP_Run_SciTE_Minimized = $i_Rec_Value Case $i_Rec_Param = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_SciTE_OutputPane_Minimized" $INP_Run_SciTE_OutputPane_Minimized = $i_Rec_Value Case Else MsgBox(262144 + 32, 'Invalid Autoit3Wrapper directive', 'Keyword:' & $i_Rec_Param & @LF & 'Value:' & $i_Rec_Value) EndSelect Next If $Found_Old_Compiler Then If MsgBox(262144 + 4096 + 4, "AutoIt3Wrappper", "Found OLD #Compiler Directives." & @LF & _ "Do you want to updated your script to #AutoIt3Wrapper Directives?", 10) = 6 Then Local $ScriptSource = FileRead($ScriptFile_In) $ScriptSource = StringReplace($ScriptSource, "#Compiler_", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_") $ScriptSource = StringReplace($ScriptSource, "#Run_Debug_Mode", "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Debug_Mode") $Fh = FileOpen($ScriptFile_In, 2 + $SrceUnicodeFlag) FileWrite($Fh, $ScriptSource) FileClose($Fh) ConsoleWrite('>Updated the directives from "#Compiler_" to "#AutoIt3Wrapper_" ...' & @CRLF) ;~ EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>Retrieve_PreProcessor_Info ; Func RunAutoItDebug($sFileToDebug, ByRef $sDebugFile) ; Klaatu on AutoIt3 forum ; DebugIt.au3 http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=35218&view=findpost&p=258014 ; ; Version 1.0 - initial release ; ; Run an AutoIt script, outputing each line executed to a window. ; ; Syntax 1: ; AutoIt3 DebugIt.au3 yourscript.au3 params ; Syntax 2: ; DebugIt.exe yourscript.au3 params ; ; Run DebugIt - choose a file - the script will then write out a file called ; filename_DebugIt.au3 This file should be identical to your script except that ; before every line of code there is an instruction to write out the original ; script line to a control in a window we create. ; If the script crashes out - or whatever - you just look at the the last line ; written out to indicate where the script crashed. ; ; You can prevent any particular section of code (such as an AdLib function) ; from having debug code added by placing a line with just ";debug" before and ; after the section. ; ; NOTE: Requires AutoIt 3.2+!!! ; Local $fhFileToDebug, $fhDebugFile Local $iLineNumber, $sCurrentLine, $sComment, $sModifiedLine, $bDebugging Local $sRandom = '', $sIndent, $sTitle, $x Local $sDrive, $sDir, $sFName, $iSavedLine, $I_Rec, $i_Rec_Param, $i_Rec_Value _PathSplit($sFileToDebug, $sDrive, $sDir, $sFName, $x) ; The title of our debug window will be the filename portion only, but with "_DebugIt" added. $sTitle = $sFName & '_DebugIt' ; Our temporary script will use this title for its name. We also make sure to create the ; temporary script in the same folder as the original, in case it relies on other things ; being found relative to where it is. $sDebugFile = _PathMake($sDrive, $sDir, $sTitle, $x) ; We use a Random 8 character string for 2 purposes: ; 1) to almost guarantee that the variables we add to the script don't conflict ; with the script's own variables, and ; 2) to make sure we're communicating with one and only one debug window, as we ; look for this random string to be text in the window we want to communicate with. While StringLen($sRandom) < 8 $sRandom &= Chr(Round(Random(97, 122), 0)) WEnd $fhDebugFile = FileOpen($sDebugFile, 2) If @error Then MsgBox(0, @ScriptName, 'File ' & $sDebugFile & ' could not be opened') Exit (3) EndIf ; FileWriteLine($fhDebugFile, "Global $__err" & $sRandom & "[2] = [0, 0]") $fhFileToDebug = FileOpen($sFileToDebug, 0) $iLineNumber = 1 $bDebugging = True While True $iSavedLine = $iLineNumber $sCurrentLine = FileReadLine($fhFileToDebug) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop ; Handle continuation lines. This does need to be more sophisticated to handle ; comments that follow line continuations; right now it's pretty basic. While StringRight($sCurrentLine, 2) = ' _' $sCurrentLine = StringTrimRight($sCurrentLine, 1) $iLineNumber += 1 $sCurrentLine &= StringStripWS(FileReadLine($fhFileToDebug, $iLineNumber), 1) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop WEnd ; look for lines that tell us whether to stop or start adding debugging to the script ; there's no special code to watch for #cs/#ce blocks, as it actually doesn't matter; ; debug code will be added to these blocks, but so what? $I_Rec = StringStripWS($sCurrentLine, 3) If StringLeft($I_Rec, 26) = "#AutoIt3Wrapper_run_debug=" Then $i_Rec_Param = StringLeft($I_Rec, StringInStr($I_Rec, "=") - 1) $i_Rec_Param = StringStripWS($i_Rec_Param, 3) $i_Rec_Value = StringTrimLeft($I_Rec, StringInStr($I_Rec, "=")) $i_Rec_Value = StringStripWS($i_Rec_Value, 3) Switch $i_Rec_Value Case "on" $bDebugging = 1 Case "off" $bDebugging = 0 Case Else EndSwitch $iLineNumber += 1 FileWriteLine($fhDebugFile, $sCurrentLine) ContinueLoop EndIf If StringStripWS($sCurrentLine, 8) = ";debug" Then $bDebugging = Not $bDebugging $iLineNumber += 1 FileWriteLine($fhDebugFile, $sCurrentLine) ContinueLoop EndIf ; If $bDebugging Then ; Turn all single quotes into double quotes so we can use single quotes to delimit the ; line when adding it to the debugging script. $sModifiedLine = StringReplace($sCurrentLine, "'", '"') $sComment = StringStripWS(StringLeft($sModifiedLine, StringInStr($sModifiedLine, ";", -1)), 3) If Not ($sComment = ";") And Not (StringStripWS($sCurrentLine, 3) = "") Then ; Proper indenting is not really needed, but it makes the temporary script ; look a hell of a lot better if someone needs to look at it for some reason. $sIndent = '' While StringIsSpace(StringLeft($sCurrentLine, StringLen($sIndent) + 1)) $sIndent = StringLeft($sCurrentLine, StringLen($sIndent) + 1) WEnd ; First we save the values of @Error and @Extended, then add our command that ; updates the Edit control on our form with the script's current line, then we ; restore @Error and @Extended to what they were. This guarantees that the ; original script's code that relies on these values will continue to execute ; as intended. FileWriteLine($fhDebugFile, StringFormat("%sDim $__err%s[2] = [@Error, @Extended]", $sIndent, $sRandom)) ; FileWriteLine($fhDebugFile, StringFormat("%sControlSetText('%s', '%s', 'Edit1', ControlGetText('%s', '%s', 'Edit1') & @CRLF & '%04u: %s')", $sIndent, $sTitle, $sRandom, $sTitle, $sRandom, $iLineNumber, $sModifiedLine)) ;FileWriteLine($fhDebugFile, StringFormat("%sControlCommand('%s', '%s', 'Edit1', 'EditPaste', '%04u: %s' & @CRLF)", $sIndent, $sTitle, $sRandom, $iSavedLine, $sModifiedLine)) FileWriteLine($fhDebugFile, StringFormat("%sConsoleWrite('%04u: ' & $__err%s[0] & '-' & $__err%s[1] & ': %s' & @CRLF)", $sIndent, $iSavedLine, $sRandom, $sRandom, $sModifiedLine)) FileWriteLine($fhDebugFile, StringFormat("%sSetError($__err%s[0], $__err%s[1])", $sIndent, $sRandom, $sRandom)) EndIf EndIf FileWriteLine($fhDebugFile, $sCurrentLine) $iLineNumber += 1 WEnd FileWriteLine($fhDebugFile, $sCurrentLine) FileClose($fhFileToDebug) FileClose($fhDebugFile) EndFunc ;==>RunAutoItDebug ; Validate/Translate/Set Input field value Func SetDefaults(ByRef $fieldval, $default, $translate = "", $valid = "", $Number = 0, $Case = 0) ;~ ConsoleWrite('@@ ######## start Setdefaults : $fieldval = ' & $fieldval & @CRLF & '>Error code: ' & @error & @CRLF) ;### Debug Console Local $tarray, $varray, $IsValid If $fieldval = "" Then $fieldval = $default ElseIf $translate <> "" Then $tarray = StringSplit($translate, ";") For $x = 1 To $tarray[0] $varray = StringSplit($tarray[$x], "=") If $varray[0] > 1 And $varray[1] = $fieldval Then $fieldval = $varray[2] Next EndIf ;~ ConsoleWrite('@@ after translate : $fieldval = ' & $fieldval & @CRLF & '>Error code: ' & @error & @CRLF) ;### Debug Console If $valid <> "" Then $IsValid = False $tarray = StringSplit($valid, ";") For $x = 1 To $tarray[0] ;~ ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $tarray[$x] = ' & $tarray[$x] & @CRLF & '>Error code: ' & @error & @CRLF) ;### Debug Console If (StringLower($tarray[$x]) == StringLower($fieldval) And $Case = 0) Or ($tarray[$x] == $fieldval And $Case = 1) Then $IsValid = True ;~ ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $IsValid = ' & $IsValid & @CRLF & '>Error code: ' & @error & @CRLF) ;### Debug Console ExitLoop EndIf Next If $IsValid = False Then $fieldval = $default EndIf EndIf ;~ ConsoleWrite('@@ After validate: $fieldval = ' & $fieldval & @CRLF & '>Error code: ' & @error & @CRLF) ;### Debug Console If $Number Then $fieldval = Number($fieldval) ;~ ConsoleWrite('@@ after number : $fieldval = ' & $fieldval & @CRLF & '>Error code: ' & @error & @CRLF) ;### Debug Console EndFunc ;==>SetDefaults ; Func Show_Warnings($Warning_TiTle, $Warning_Text) GUICreate($Warning_TiTle, 700, 310, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX + $WS_SYSMENU + $WS_MINIMIZEBOX) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Do you want to stop the " & $Option & "?", 5, 257, 180, 20) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKLEFT + $GUI_DOCKSIZE) Local $H_Yes = GUICtrlCreateButton("Stop", 280, 253, 60, 25) GUICtrlSetResizing($H_Yes, $GUI_DOCKBOTTOM + $GUI_DOCKSIZE + $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) Local $H_No = GUICtrlCreateButton("Continue anyway", 360, 253, 100, 25) GUICtrlSetResizing($H_No, $GUI_DOCKBOTTOM + $GUI_DOCKSIZE + $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) GUISetFont(9, 400, 0, "Courier New") GUICtrlCreateEdit(StringReplace($Warning_Text, @LF, @CRLF), 5, 5, 690, 240, BitOR($ES_WANTRETURN, $WS_VSCROLL, $WS_HSCROLL, $ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $ES_AUTOHSCROLL, $ES_READONLY)) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKBORDERS) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFEFEF) GUICtrlSetState($H_Yes, $GUI_FOCUS) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ; Process GUI Input ; Process GUI Input ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While 1 $rc = GUIGetMsg() Sleep(10) If $rc = 0 Then ContinueLoop ; Cancel clicked If $rc = $H_Yes Then Exit If $rc = $H_No Then ExitLoop If $rc = -3 Then Exit WEnd GUIDelete() EndFunc ;==>Show_Warnings ; Func ShowStdOutErr($l_Handle, $ShowConsole = 1, $Replace = "", $ReplaceWith = "") Local $Line = "x", $Line2 = "x", $tot_out, $err1 = 0, $err2 = 0 Do Sleep(10) $Line = StdoutRead($l_Handle) $err1 = @error If $Replace <> "" Then $Line = StringReplace($Line, $Replace, $ReplaceWith) $tot_out &= $Line If $ShowConsole Then ConsoleWrite($Line) $Line2 = StderrRead($l_Handle) $err2 = @error If $Replace <> "" Then $Line2 = StringReplace($Line2, $Replace, $ReplaceWith) $tot_out &= $Line2 If $ShowConsole Then ConsoleWrite($Line2) Until ($err1 And $err2) Return $tot_out EndFunc ;==>ShowStdOutErr ; Func Valid_FileVersion($i_FileVersion, $IsFileVersion = 1) Local $T_Numbers = StringSplit($i_FileVersion, ".") If $T_Numbers[0] > 4 Then ConsoleWrite("- RC Invalid FileVersion :" & $i_FileVersion & ", contains more then 4 numbers.... Changed to:" & $AUT2EXE_PGM_VER & @CRLF) Return $AUT2EXE_PGM_VER EndIf ; If $T_Numbers[0] < 4 Then ReDim $T_Numbers[5] For $x = 1 To 4 If $T_Numbers[$x] = '' Then $T_Numbers[$x] = 0 If Not ($T_Numbers[$x] == Number($T_Numbers[$x])) Then ConsoleWrite("! Invalid FileVersion value " & $x & "=" & $T_Numbers[$x] & ". It will be changed to:" & Number($T_Numbers[$x]) & @CRLF) $T_Numbers[$x] = Number($T_Numbers[$x]) EndIf Next If $IsFileVersion Then ; Auto Increment when requested If $INP_Fileversion_AutoIncrement <> "n" Then $INP_Fileversion_New = $T_Numbers[1] & "." & $T_Numbers[2] & "." & $T_Numbers[3] & "." & $T_Numbers[4] + 1 EndIf EndIf Return $T_Numbers[1] & "." & $T_Numbers[2] & "." & $T_Numbers[3] & "." & $T_Numbers[4] EndFunc ;==>Valid_FileVersion ; ; Write colored console message.. Func Write_RC_Console_Msg($text, $rc = "", $symbol = "", $Time = 1) If $Time Then $text = @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & " " & $text If $symbol <> "" Then If $rc == "" Then ConsoleWrite($symbol & ">" & $text & @CRLF) Else ConsoleWrite($symbol & ">" & $text & "rc:" & $rc & @CRLF) EndIf Else If $rc == "" Then ConsoleWrite(">" & $text & @CRLF) Else Switch $rc Case 0 ConsoleWrite("+>" & $text & "rc:" & $rc & @CRLF) Case 1 ConsoleWrite("->" & $text & "rc:" & $rc & @CRLF) Case Else ConsoleWrite("!>" & $text & "rc:" & $rc & @CRLF) EndSwitch EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>Write_RC_Console_Msg #endregion Functions #region SciTE Functions ; Received Data from SciTE Func MY_WM_COPYDATA($hWnd, $msg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWnd, $msg, $wParam Local $COPYDATA = DllStructCreate('Ptr;DWord;Ptr', $lParam) Local $SciTECmdLen = DllStructGetData($COPYDATA, 2) Local $CmdStruct = DllStructCreate('Char[255]', DllStructGetData($COPYDATA, 3)) $SciTECmd = StringLeft(DllStructGetData($CmdStruct, 1), $SciTECmdLen) ;~ ConsoleWrite('<--' & $SciTECmd & @CRLF) EndFunc ;==>MY_WM_COPYDATA ; Func SendSciTE_Command($My_Hwnd, $SciTE_hwnd, $sCmd) Local $WM_COPYDATA = 74 Local $CmdStruct = DllStructCreate('Char[' & StringLen($sCmd) + 1 & ']') DllStructSetData($CmdStruct, 1, $sCmd) Local $COPYDATA = DllStructCreate('Ptr;DWord;Ptr') DllStructSetData($COPYDATA, 1, 1) DllStructSetData($COPYDATA, 2, StringLen($sCmd) + 1) DllStructSetData($COPYDATA, 3, DllStructGetPtr($CmdStruct)) DllCall('User32.dll', 'None', 'SendMessageA', 'HWnd', $SciTE_hwnd, _ 'Int', $WM_COPYDATA, 'HWnd', $My_Hwnd, _ 'Ptr', DllStructGetPtr($COPYDATA)) ;~ ConsoleWrite('-->' & $sCmd & @CRLF) EndFunc ;==>SendSciTE_Command ; Func SendSciTE_GetInfo($My_Hwnd, $SciTE_hwnd, $sCmd) $sCmd = ":" & $My_Dec_Hwnd & ":" & $sCmd $SciTECmd = "" SendSciTE_Command($My_Hwnd, $SciTE_hwnd, $sCmd) For $x = 1 To 10 If $SciTECmd <> "" Then ExitLoop Sleep(20) Next $SciTECmd = StringTrimLeft($SciTECmd, StringLen(":" & $My_Dec_Hwnd & ":")) $SciTECmd = StringReplace($SciTECmd, "macro:stringinfo:", "") Return $SciTECmd EndFunc ;==>SendSciTE_GetInfo #endregion SciTE Functions #region GUI Functions Func DirGetRelativePath($source, $target) ; This UDF will get the relative Path to the file ... written by JdeB $source = StringReplace($source, "/", "\") $target = StringReplace($target, "/", "\") Local $sz_sDrive, $sz_sDir, $sz_sFName, $sz_sExt Local $sz_tDrive, $sz_tDir, $sz_tFName, $sz_tExt _PathSplit($source, $sz_sDrive, $sz_sDir, $sz_sFName, $sz_sExt) _PathSplit($target, $sz_tDrive, $sz_tDir, $sz_tFName, $sz_tExt) If $sz_sDrive <> $sz_tDrive Then Return $target EndIf ; Local $a_sDir = StringSplit($sz_sDir, "\") Local $a_tDir = StringSplit($sz_tDir, "\") For $x = 1 To $a_sDir[0] If $a_sDir[$x] <> $a_tDir[$x] Then ExitLoop Next Local $R_Path = "" For $y = $x To $a_sDir[0] - 1 $R_Path &= "..\" Next For $y = $x To $a_tDir[0] - 1 $R_Path &= $a_tDir[$y] & "\" Next $R_Path &= $sz_tFName & $sz_tExt Return $R_Path EndFunc ;==>DirGetRelativePath ; Func to retrieve field content from GUI and check if it changed Func GUI_GetValue($GUI_Ctrl_Hnd, ByRef $Current_Val, $translate = "") Local $GUI_Val = GUICtrlRead($GUI_Ctrl_Hnd) ; Translate read value if needed Local $tarray = StringSplit($translate, ";") Local $varray For $x = 1 To $tarray[0] $varray = StringSplit($tarray[$x], "=") If $varray[0] > 1 And $varray[1] = $GUI_Val Then $GUI_Val = $varray[2] Next ; If String($Current_Val) = String($GUI_Val) Then Return 0 Else $Current_Val = $GUI_Val Return 1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>GUI_GetValue ; Func GUI_Show() ; GUI Definition ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;~ Local $H_Comment, $H_Description, $H_Fileversion, $H_Fileversion_AutoIncrement_n, $H_Fileversion_AutoIncrement_p, $H_Fileversion_AutoIncrement_y ;~ local $H_LegalCopyright, $H_FieldNameEdit, $H_Res_Language Opt("GUICoordMode", 1) GUICreate("AutoIt3Wrapper GUI to Compile AutotIt3 Script (ver " & $VERSION & ")", 650, 500, (@DesktopWidth - 650) / 2, (@DesktopHeight - 500) / 2) GUISetHelp('"' & @WindowsDir & '\hh.exe" "' & @ScriptDir & '\..\Scite4AutoIt3.chm::/AutoIt3Wrapper.htm"') Local $h_File = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&File") Local $h_Exit = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Exit", $h_File) Local $h_Help = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&Help") Local $h_HelpFile = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Help", $h_Help) Local $h_About = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&About", $h_Help) Local $Init_Dir, $tempval Local $szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt Local $tab = GUICtrlCreateTab(10, 10, 630, 430) ;========================================================================================================================================= Local $tab0 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("AutoIt3/Aut2Exe") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Autoit3 version to use:", 30, 60, 110) GUIStartGroup() Local $H_AUTOIT3_Version_P = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Production:", 150, 57) Local $H_AUTOIT3_Version_B = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Beta:", 150, 77) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Ver:" & FileGetVersion($CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\aut2exe\AutoitSC.bin"), 230, 60, 70, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Ver:" & FileGetVersion($CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\Beta\aut2exe\AutoitSC.bin"), 230, 80, 70, 20) If $INP_AutoIT3_Version = "beta" Then GUICtrlSetState($H_AUTOIT3_Version_B, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($H_AUTOIT3_Version_P, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf ; GUICtrlCreateLabel("Source:", 30, 105, 65, 20, $SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlCreateLabel($ScriptFile_In, 100, 105, 500, 20, BitOR($WS_BORDER, $SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP, $SS_NOPREFIX)) ; GUICtrlCreateLabel("Output type:", 30, 130, 65, 20, $SS_RIGHT) GUIStartGroup() Local $H_Out_Type_e = GUICtrlCreateRadio("EXE:", 100, 130) Local $H_Out_Type_a = GUICtrlCreateRadio("A3X:", 150, 130) GUIStartGroup() If $ScriptFile_Out_Type = "a3x" Then GUICtrlSetState($H_Out_Type_a, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($H_Out_Type_e, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf ; GUICtrlCreateLabel("Target x86:", 30, 155, 65, 20, $SS_RIGHT) ;$ScriptFile_Out = DirGetRelativePath($ScriptFile_In,$ScriptFile_Out) Local $H_SCRIPTFILE_OUT = GUICtrlCreateInput($ScriptFile_Out, 100, 155, 440, 20) Local $H_SCRIPTFILE_OUT_CHANGE = GUICtrlCreateButton("...", 542, 155, 40, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Target x64:", 30, 180, 65, 20, $SS_RIGHT) Local $H_SCRIPTFILE_OUT_X64 = GUICtrlCreateInput($ScriptFile_Out_x64, 100, 180, 440, 20) Local $H_SCRIPTFILE_OUT_CHANGE_X64 = GUICtrlCreateButton("...", 542, 180, 40, 20) ; GUICtrlCreateLabel("Icon:", 30, 207, 65, 20, $SS_RIGHT) Local $H_INP_ICON_ICO = 0 Local $AutoIt_Icon = RegRead("HKCR\AutoIt3Script\DefaultIcon", "") Local $AutoIt_Icon_Dir = StringLeft($AutoIt_Icon, StringInStr($AutoIt_Icon, "\", 0, -1)) If FileExists($INP_Icon) Or FileExists($AutoIt_Icon_Dir & $INP_Icon) Then $H_INP_ICON_ICO = GUICtrlCreateIcon($INP_Icon, Default, 545, 230) Else ConsoleWrite("->Icon not found:" & _PathFull($INP_Icon) & @CRLF) EndIf ;$INP_Icon = DirGetRelativePath($ScriptFile_In,$INP_Icon) Local $H_INP_ICON = GUICtrlCreateEdit($INP_Icon, 100, 205, 440, 20) Local $H_INP_ICON_CHANGE = GUICtrlCreateButton("...", 542, 205, 40, 20) ; ; GUICtrlCreateLabel("FileInstall Compression:", 20, 235, 120, 20) ;, $SS_RIGHT) Local $H_Compression = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 142, 232, 170, 80, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) Local $INP_W_Compression = "Normal" If $INP_Compression = 0 Then $INP_W_Compression = "Lowest" If $INP_Compression = 1 Then $INP_W_Compression = "Low" If $INP_Compression = 2 Then $INP_W_Compression = "Normal" If $INP_Compression = 3 Then $INP_W_Compression = "High" If $INP_Compression = 4 Then $INP_W_Compression = "Highest" GUICtrlSetData($H_Compression, "Lowest|Low|Normal|High|Highest", $INP_W_Compression) ; ;~ Global $H_AUTOIT3_Ansi = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Use ANSI version of AutoIt3/Aut2Exe (Only works up till AutoIt3 v", 100, 230) ;~ If $INP_UseAnsi = "y" Then GUICtrlSetState($H_AUTOIT3_Ansi, $GUI_CHECKED) ; ;~ Global $H_AUTOIT3_X64 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Use X64 version of AutoIt3/Aut2Exe", 100, 255) ;~ If $INP_UseX64 = "y" Then GUICtrlSetState($H_AUTOIT3_X64, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Output arch:", 30, 265, 69) GUIStartGroup() ;~ Global $H_AUTOIT3_X86 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Use X86 version.", 100, 255) ;~ Global $H_AUTOIT3_X64 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Use X64 version.", 100, 272) Local $H_AUTOIT3_X86 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Compile X86 version. (default)", 100, 255) Local $H_AUTOIT3_X64 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Compile X64 version.", 100, 272) If $INP_UseX64 = "y" Then GUICtrlSetState($H_AUTOIT3_X64, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($H_AUTOIT3_X86, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf If $INP_Compile_Both = "y" Then GUICtrlSetState($H_AUTOIT3_X64, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($H_AUTOIT3_X86, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf ; Local $H_AUTOIT3_Upx = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Use UPX", 100, 305) If $INP_UseUpx = "y" Then GUICtrlSetState($H_AUTOIT3_Upx, $GUI_CHECKED) ; Local $H_Change2CUI = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Create CUI instead of GUI EXE.", 100, 330) If $INP_Change2CUI = "y" Then GUICtrlSetState($H_Change2CUI, $GUI_CHECKED) ; Local $H_Add_Constants = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Add required Constants*.au3 to your script.", 100, 355) If $INP_Add_Constants = "y" Then GUICtrlSetState($H_Add_Constants, $GUI_CHECKED) ; Help info GUICtrlSetTip($H_SCRIPTFILE_OUT, "Specify when a different outputfile is wanted. Default: scriptname.exe.") ;~ GUICtrlSetTip($H_INP_NODECOMPILE, "UNCheck to compile with a Random password.") GUICtrlSetTip($H_Compression, "Compression level used on the FileInstall() included files.") ;~ GUICtrlSetTip($H_AUTOIT3_Ansi, "Check to compile with the Ansi version when Win9x/Me support is needed.") GUICtrlSetTip($H_AUTOIT3_X86, "Check to compile with the X86 version of AutoIt3.") GUICtrlSetTip($H_AUTOIT3_X64, "Check to compile with the X64 version of AutoIt3.") GUICtrlSetTip($H_AUTOIT3_Upx, "Check to run UPX on the Output EXE.") GUICtrlSetTip($H_Add_Constants, "This will add all required Constands*.au3 includes to your Script. It will only run one time.") ;========================================================================================================================================= Local $tab1 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Resource Update") ; resource info Local $H_Res_L01 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Comment:", 30, 60, 65, 20, $SS_RIGHT) $H_Comment = GUICtrlCreateInput($INP_Comment, 100, 45, 500, 35, 0x0004) ; Local $H_Res_L02 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Description:", 30, 87, 65, 20, $SS_RIGHT) $H_Description = GUICtrlCreateInput($INP_Description, 100, 85, 500, 20) If $INP_Fileversion <> "" Then $INP_Fileversion = Valid_FileVersion($INP_Fileversion) Local $H_Res_L03 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("FileVersion:", 30, 112, 65, 20, $SS_RIGHT) $H_Fileversion = GUICtrlCreateInput($INP_Fileversion, 100, 110, 100, 20) ; $H_Fileversion_AutoIncrement_n = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Don't Auto Increment.", 210, 110, Default, Default, $WS_GROUP) $H_Fileversion_AutoIncrement_y = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Auto Increment", 340, 110) $H_Fileversion_AutoIncrement_p = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Prompt to Auto Increment", 450, 110) Switch $INP_Fileversion_AutoIncrement Case "y" GUICtrlSetState($H_Fileversion_AutoIncrement_y, $GUI_CHECKED) Case "p" GUICtrlSetState($H_Fileversion_AutoIncrement_p, $GUI_CHECKED) Case Else GUICtrlSetState($H_Fileversion_AutoIncrement_n, $GUI_CHECKED) EndSwitch ; Local $H_Res_L04 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("LegalCopyright:", 21, 140, 74, 20, BitOR($SS_RIGHT, $WS_GROUP)) $H_LegalCopyright = GUICtrlCreateInput($INP_LegalCopyright, 100, 135, 500, 20) ; Local $H_Res_L05 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Language:", 21, 165, 74, 20, $SS_RIGHT) $H_Res_Language = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 100, 160, 500, 20, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) Local $CountryTable, $Country Language_Code($INP_Res_Language, $CountryTable, $Country, 1) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $CountryTable, $Country) ; add other item snd set a new default Local $INP_FieldNameEdit = "" For $U = 1 To $INP_RES_FieldCount $INP_FieldNameEdit &= $INP_FieldName[$U] & " = " & $INP_FieldValue[$U] & @CRLF Next ; "asInvoker", "highestAvailable", "requireAdministrator" Local $H_Res_L06 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("RequestedExecutionLevel:", 21, 189, 76, 20, $SS_RIGHT) Local $H_Res_requestedExecutionLevel_d = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Default", 105, 186, Default, Default, $WS_GROUP) Local $H_Res_requestedExecutionLevel_a = GUICtrlCreateRadio("asInvoker", 160, 186) Local $H_Res_requestedExecutionLevel_h = GUICtrlCreateRadio("highestAvailable", 235, 186) Local $H_Res_requestedExecutionLevel_r = GUICtrlCreateRadio("requireAdministrator", 335, 186) Local $H_Res_requestedExecutionLevel_n = GUICtrlCreateRadio("None", 450, 186) Switch $INP_RES_requestedExecutionLevel Case "None" GUICtrlSetState($H_Res_requestedExecutionLevel_n, $GUI_CHECKED) Case "", "asInvoker" GUICtrlSetState($H_Res_requestedExecutionLevel_a, $GUI_CHECKED) Case "highestAvailable" GUICtrlSetState($H_Res_requestedExecutionLevel_h, $GUI_CHECKED) Case "requireAdministrator" GUICtrlSetState($H_Res_requestedExecutionLevel_r, $GUI_CHECKED) Case Else GUICtrlSetState($H_Res_requestedExecutionLevel_d, $GUI_CHECKED) EndSwitch ; Local $H_Res_L07 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Extra resource Fields:", 11, 230, 74, 40, BitOR($SS_RIGHT, $WS_GROUP)) $H_FieldNameEdit = GUICtrlCreateEdit($INP_FieldNameEdit, 100, 210, 500, 180) ; Local $H_Res_SaveSource = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Save a copy of the Scriptsource in the output program resources.", 100, 395) If $INP_Res_SaveSource = "y" Then GUICtrlSetState($H_Res_SaveSource, $GUI_CHECKED) ; ;========================================================================================================================================= Local $tab1b = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Res Add Files") Local $H_Res_L08 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Extra Icons:", 11, 80, 74, 40, $SS_RIGHT) Local $INP_Icons_txt = "" For $x = 1 To $INP_Icons_cnt $INP_Icons_txt &= $INP_Icons[$x] & @CRLF Next Local $H_Icons = GUICtrlCreateEdit($INP_Icons_txt, 100, 60, 500, 160) Local $H_Res_L09 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Extra Files:", 11, 250, 74, 40, $SS_RIGHT) ; Local $Inp_Res_Files_txt = "" For $x = 1 To $INP_Res_Files_Cnt $Inp_Res_Files_txt &= $INP_Res_Files[$x] & @CRLF Next Local $H_Res_Files = GUICtrlCreateEdit($Inp_Res_Files_txt, 100, 230, 500, 160) GUICtrlSetTip($H_Res_L06, "Specify the RequestedExecutionLevel to be set in the Program Manifest.") GUICtrlSetTip($H_Res_requestedExecutionLevel_d, "Use the default from AUT2EXE setting in the Program Manifest.") GUICtrlSetTip($H_Res_requestedExecutionLevel_a, "Specify the RequestedExecutionLevel to be set in the Program Manifest.") GUICtrlSetTip($H_Res_requestedExecutionLevel_h, "Specify the RequestedExecutionLevel to be set in the Program Manifest.") GUICtrlSetTip($H_Res_requestedExecutionLevel_r, "Specify the RequestedExecutionLevel to be set in the Program Manifest.") GUICtrlSetTip($H_Res_requestedExecutionLevel_n, "Remove the current RequestedExecutionLevel from the Program Manifest set by AUT2EXE.") GUICtrlSetTip($H_FieldNameEdit, 'Add extra Resource info. One per line.' & @CRLF & 'Syntax: Fieldname = Description.' & @CRLF & 'Example:Made By = Jos van der Zande') GUICtrlSetTip($H_Res_L07, 'Add extra Resource info. One per line.' & @CRLF & 'Syntax: Fieldname = Description.' & @CRLF & 'Example:Made By = Jos van der Zande') GUICtrlSetTip($H_Icons, "Specify additional Icons to be included in the programs resources." & @CRLF & "One file per line." & @CRLF & "(F1-see helpfile for details)") GUICtrlSetTip($H_Res_L09, "Specify additional Files to be included in the programs resources." & @CRLF & "One file per line. Format: Filename[,Section [,ResName]]" & @CRLF & "(F1-see helpfile for details)") GUICtrlSetTip($H_Res_Files, "Specify additional Files to be included in the programs resources." & @CRLF & "One file per line. Format: Filename[,Section [,ResName]]" & @CRLF & "(F1-see helpfile for details)") ;================================================================================================================================= Local $tab2 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Run Before/After") ; run before program GUICtrlCreateLabel("Specify here the commands to run before and after the Compilation process.", 50, 60, 500, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Run before :", 30, 100, 65, 20, $SS_RIGHT) $INP_Run_Before = StringReplace($INP_Run_Before, "|", @CRLF) Local $H_Run_Before = GUICtrlCreateEdit($INP_Run_Before, 100, 85, 445, 80) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Run after :", 30, 200, 65, 20, $SS_RIGHT) $INP_Run_After = StringReplace($INP_Run_After, "|", @CRLF) Local $H_Run_After = GUICtrlCreateEdit($INP_Run_After, 100, 170, 445, 80) Local $temp = "These commands will be executed one at a time as cmdline commands. " & @CRLF & _ 'The Commandlines can contain the following variables:' & @CRLF & _ ' %in% , %out%, %outx64%, %icon% which will be replaced by the fullpath\filename.' & @CRLF & _ ' %scriptdir% same as @ScriptDir and %scriptfile% = filename without extension.' & @CRLF & _ ' %fileversion% set to the #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion directive value.' & @CRLF & _ ' %scitedir% will be replaced by the SciTE program directory' & @CRLF & _ 'Examples:' & @CRLF & _ ' copy "%in%" "c:\program files\autoit3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper"' & @CRLF & _ ' copy "%out%" "c:\program files\autoit3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper"' & @CRLF & _ ' start aacopy.bat "%out%" "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper"' GUICtrlCreateEdit($temp, 20, 260, 600, 170, $ES_READONLY) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, Default, Default, Default, "Courier New") GUICtrlSetTip($H_Run_Before, "Specify the command(s), one on each line, to be executed before compilation.") GUICtrlSetTip($H_Run_After, "Specify the command(s), one on each line, to be executed after compilation.") ;================================================================================================================================= Local $tab3 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Au3Check") ; Run au3Check before compilation? GUICtrlCreateLabel("Au3Check Version: " & FileGetVersion($CurrentAutoIt_InstallDir & "\Au3check.exe"), 400, 50, 180, 20, $SS_RIGHT) Local $H_Run_AU3Check = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Run AU3Check before compilation.", 100, 65, 250, 20) If $INP_Run_AU3Check = "y" Then GUICtrlSetState($H_Run_AU3Check, $GUI_CHECKED) If $INP_Add_Constants = "y" Then GUICtrlSetState($H_Add_Constants, $GUI_CHECKED) Local $H_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Also stop on warnings", 100, 90, 250, 20) If $INP_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning = "y" Then GUICtrlSetState($H_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Skip Plugin Func(s):", 30, 115, 120, 20, $SS_RIGHT) Local $H_AU3Check_Plugin = GUICtrlCreateInput($INP_Au3check_Plugin, 155, 113, 390, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Au3Check Parameters :", 30, 145, 120, 20, $SS_RIGHT) Local $H_AU3Check_Parameters = GUICtrlCreateInput($INP_AU3Check_Parameters, 155, 143, 390, 20) $temp = "Possible Parameters: " & @CRLF & _ ' -q : quiet (only error/warn output)' & @CRLF & _ ' -d : as Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)' & @CRLF & _ ' -I dir : additional directories for searching include files' & @CRLF & _ ' -U -|file : output unreferenced UDFs and global variables' & @CRLF & _ ' -w 1 : already included file (on)' & @CRLF & _ ' -w 2 : missing #comments-end (on)' & @CRLF & _ ' -w 3 : already declared var (off)' & @CRLF & _ ' -w 4 : local var used in global scope (off)' & @CRLF & _ ' -w 5 : local var declared but not used (off)' & @CRLF & _ ' -w 6 : warn when using Dim (off)' & @CRLF & _ ' -v 1 : show include paths/files (off)' & @CRLF & _ ' -v 2 : show lexer tokens (off)' GUICtrlCreateEdit($temp, 20, 180, 600, 240, $ES_READONLY) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, Default, Default, Default, "Courier New") GUICtrlSetTip($H_Run_AU3Check, "Run Au3Check to check your source for possible problems.") GUICtrlSetTip($H_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning, "Also stop when Au3Check detects warnings." & @CRLF & "Normal behaviour is to continue.") ;================================================================================================================================= Local $tab4 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Tidy") ; Run Tidy ? GUICtrlCreateLabel("Tidy Version: " & FileGetVersion($SciTE_Dir & "\Tidy\Tidy.exe"), 400, 50, 180, 20, $SS_RIGHT) Local $H_Run_Tidy = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Run Tidy before compilation.", 100, 65, 250, 20) If $INP_Run_Tidy = "y" Then GUICtrlSetState($H_Run_Tidy, $GUI_CHECKED) ; Local $H_Tidy_Stop_OnError = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Stop on Tidy Errors", 100, 90, 250, 20) If $INP_Tidy_Stop_OnError = "y" Then GUICtrlSetState($H_Tidy_Stop_OnError, $GUI_CHECKED) ; GUICtrlCreateLabel("Tidy Parameters :", 30, 115, 120, 20, $SS_RIGHT) Local $H_Tidy_Parameters = GUICtrlCreateInput($INP_Tidy_Parameters, 155, 113, 390, 20) $temp = "Possible Parameters: " & @CRLF & _ " /tc n : 0=Tab >0=Number of Spaces." & @CRLF & _ " /gd : Generate documentation file." & @CRLF & _ " /rel : Remove empty lines from the source." & @CRLF & _ " /sci 0 : Default Minimal output to the console: warning and errors." & @CRLF & _ " /sci 1 : Show more progress information. " & @CRLF & _ " /sci 9 : Show all debug lines as found in the Obfuscator.log." & @CRLF & _ " /gds : Show generated doc file in Notepad." & @CRLF & _ ' /sdp x : Specify Diffprogram to use eg: ' & @CRLF & _ ' /sdp C:\Progra~1\WinMerge\winmerge.exe "%new%" "%old%"' & @CRLF & _ " /nsdp : Don't run program as specified by /sdp." & @CRLF & _ " /kv n : n = number of backcopies to keep. 0 = all" & @CRLF & _ " /bdir x: x = Target backup directory." & @CRLF & _ " /sf : Sort all Func-Endfunc Blocks in sequence FuncName." & @CRLF & _ " When #Region-#EndRegion is used sort them within that scope." & @CRLF & _ " /sfc : Same as /sf but first sorts on Comment at the end of the Func() statement" GUICtrlCreateEdit($temp, 20, 150, 605, 250, $ES_READONLY) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, Default, Default, Default, "Courier New") ;================================================================================================================================= Local $tab5 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Obfuscator") ; Run Obfuscator ? GUICtrlCreateLabel("Obfuscator Version: " & FileGetVersion($SciTE_Dir & "\Obfuscator\Obfuscator.exe"), 400, 50, 180, 20, $SS_RIGHT) Local $H_Run_Obfuscator = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Run Obfuscator before compilation.", 100, 65, 250, 20) If $INP_Run_Obfuscator = "y" Then GUICtrlSetState($H_Run_Obfuscator, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Obfuscator Parameters :", 30, 90, 120, 20, $SS_RIGHT) Local $H_Obuscator_Parameters = GUICtrlCreateInput($INP_Obfuscator_Parameters, 155, 87, 390, 20) $temp = "Possible Parameters: " & @CRLF & _ " /cs 0/1 : 0=No String encryption (1=default)" & @CRLF & _ " /cn 0/1 : 0=No Numeric encryption (1=default)" & @CRLF & _ " /cf 0/1 : 0=No Func rename (1=default)" & @CRLF & _ " /cv 0/1 : 0=No Var rename (1=default)" & @CRLF & _ " /sf 0/1 : 1=Strip all unused Func's (0=default)" & @CRLF & _ " /sv 0/1 : 1=Strip all unused Global var records (0=default)" & @CRLF & _ " /striponly: same as /cs=0 /cn=0 /cf=0 /cv=0 /sf=1 /sv=1" & @CRLF & _ " /striponlyincludes: same as /striponly but will leave master script untouched." & @CRLF & _ " /sci 0 : Default Minimal output to the console: warning and errors." & @CRLF & _ " /sci 1 : Show more progress information. " & @CRLF & _ " /sci 9 : Show all debug lines as found in the Obfuscator.log." & @CRLF & _ " /Beta : Use Beta Includes. Dont use AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Obfuscator." & @CRLF & _ " " & @CRLF & _ "To strip the source, which is included in the output EXE, from all Comments, Whitespace and All un-used Func's (also included UDF's), you just specify : " & @CRLF & _ "/striponly" GUICtrlCreateEdit($temp, 20, 130, 600, 250, $ES_READONLY) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, Default, Default, Default, "Courier New") ;================================================================================================================================= Local $H_Run_cvsWrapper_n, $H_Run_cvsWrapper_y, $H_Run_cvsWrapper_v Local $H_cvs_Parameters, $tab6 If FileExists($SciTE_Dir & "\cvsWrapper\cvsWrapper.exe") Then $tab6 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("cvsWrapper") ; Run cvsWrapper GUICtrlCreateLabel("cvsWrapper Version: " & FileGetVersion($SciTE_Dir & "\cvsWrapper\cvsWrapper.exe"), 400, 50, 180, 20, $SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Options to run the installed cvsWrapper addon", 30, 70, 600, 20) $H_Run_cvsWrapper_n = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Don't run cvsWrapper.", 100, 95, 260, 20) $H_Run_cvsWrapper_y = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Always Run cvsWrapper.", 100, 115, 260, 20) $H_Run_cvsWrapper_v = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Only when FileVersion_AutoIncrement is set to yes.", 100, 135, 260, 20) Switch $INP_Run_cvsWrapper Case "y" GUICtrlSetState($H_Run_cvsWrapper_y, $GUI_CHECKED) Case "v" GUICtrlSetState($H_Run_cvsWrapper_v, $GUI_CHECKED) Case Else GUICtrlSetState($H_Run_cvsWrapper_n, $GUI_CHECKED) EndSwitch GUICtrlCreateLabel("cvs Parameters :", 10, 165, 90, 20, $SS_RIGHT) $H_cvs_Parameters = GUICtrlCreateInput($INP_cvsWrapper_Parameters, 110, 162, 500, 20) $temp = "Possible parameters. " & @CRLF & _ " /NoPrompt : Will skip the cvsComments prompt" & @CRLF & _ " /Comments : Text to added in the cvsComments. It can contain the below variables." & @CRLF & _ 'The Commandlines can contain the following variables:' & @CRLF & _ ' %in% , %out%, %outx64%, %icon% which will be replaced by the fullpath\filename.' & @CRLF & _ ' %scriptdir% same as @ScriptDir and %scriptfile% = filename without extension.' & @CRLF & _ ' %fileversion% set to the #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion directive value.' & @CRLF & _ ' %scitedir% will be replaced by the SciTE program directory' GUICtrlCreateEdit($temp, 20, 190, 605, 240, $ES_READONLY) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, Default, Default, Default, "Courier New") EndIf ;================================================================================================================================= GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") ; end tabitem definition Local $H_COMPILE = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Compile Script", 120, 445, 100, 30) ; make compile the default button with focus GUICtrlSetState($H_COMPILE, 256) Local $H_SaveOnly = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Save Only", 250, 445, 100, 30) ; Local $H_CANCEL = GUICtrlCreateButton("C&ancel", 380, 445, 100, 30) GUICtrlCreateLabel("(F1 = Help)", 590, 460) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ; Process GUI Input ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While 1 $rc = GUIGetMsg() If $rc = 0 Then ContinueLoop ; Cancel clicked If $rc = $H_CANCEL Then Exit If $rc = $h_Exit Then Exit If $rc = $h_HelpFile Then Run('"' & @WindowsDir & '\hh.exe" "' & @ScriptDir & '\..\Scite4AutoIt3.chm::/AutoIt3Wrapper.htm"') ContinueLoop EndIf If $rc = $h_About Then MsgBox(262208, "AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI", _ "AutoIt3Wrapper GUI is written to add Directives to the scriptsource which are used by AutoIt3Wrapper" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Copyright (c) Jos van der Zande.") EndIf If $rc = -3 Then Exit ; Change Target program clicked Switch $rc Case $tab Switch GUICtrlRead($tab) Case 1 GUISetHelp('"' & @WindowsDir & '\hh.exe" "' & @ScriptDir & '\..\Scite4AutoIt3.chm::/AutoIt3Wrapper.htm"') Case 2 GUISetHelp('"' & @WindowsDir & '\hh.exe" "' & @ScriptDir & '\..\Scite4AutoIt3.chm::/AutoIt3Wrapper.htm"') Case 3 GUISetHelp('"' & @WindowsDir & '\hh.exe" "' & @ScriptDir & '\..\Scite4AutoIt3.chm::/AutoIt3Wrapper.htm"') Case 4 GUISetHelp('"' & @WindowsDir & '\hh.exe" "' & @ScriptDir & '\..\Scite4AutoIt3.chm::/AutoIt3Wrapper.htm"') Case 5 GUISetHelp('"' & @WindowsDir & '\hh.exe" "' & @ScriptDir & '\..\Scite4AutoIt3.chm::/tidy_doc.htm"') Case 6 GUISetHelp('"' & @WindowsDir & '\hh.exe" "' & @ScriptDir & '\..\Scite4AutoIt3.chm::/Obfuscator_doc.htm"') Case 7 GUISetHelp('"' & @WindowsDir & '\hh.exe" "' & @ScriptDir & '\..\cvsWrapper\cvsWrapper.htm"') EndSwitch Case $H_SCRIPTFILE_OUT_CHANGE $Init_Dir = GUICtrlRead($H_SCRIPTFILE_OUT) $Init_Dir = _PathFull($Init_Dir) $Save_Workdir = @WorkingDir Local $ScriptFile_Out_New = FileOpenDialog("Select the Target program?", $Init_Dir, "Programs(*.Exe;*.A3x)", 2) If @error = 0 And $ScriptFile_Out_New <> "" Then ;$ScriptFile_Out = $ScriptFile_Out_New $ScriptFile_Out_New = DirGetRelativePath($ScriptFile_In, $ScriptFile_Out_New) _PathSplit($ScriptFile_Out_New, $szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt) If GUICtrlRead($H_Out_Type_a) = $GUI_CHECKED Then If $szExt <> ".a3x" Then $ScriptFile_Out_New = $szDrive & $szDir & $szFName & ".a3x" Else If $szExt <> ".exe" Then $ScriptFile_Out_New = $szDrive & $szDir & $szFName & ".exe" EndIf GUICtrlSetData($H_SCRIPTFILE_OUT, $ScriptFile_Out_New) If StringRight($ScriptFile_Out_New, 3) = "a3x" Then Set_Res_state($GUI_DISABLE) Else Set_Res_state($GUI_ENABLE) EndIf EndIf FileChangeDir($Save_Workdir) Case $H_SCRIPTFILE_OUT_CHANGE_X64 $Init_Dir = GUICtrlRead($H_SCRIPTFILE_OUT_X64) $Init_Dir = _PathFull($Init_Dir) $Save_Workdir = @WorkingDir Local $ScriptFile_Out_New_x64 = FileOpenDialog("Select the Target program?", $Init_Dir, "Programs(*.Exe;*.A3x)", 2) If @error = 0 And $ScriptFile_Out_New_x64 <> "" Then ;$ScriptFile_Out = $ScriptFile_Out_New $ScriptFile_Out_New_x64 = DirGetRelativePath($ScriptFile_In, $ScriptFile_Out_New_x64) _PathSplit($ScriptFile_Out_New_x64, $szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt) If GUICtrlRead($H_Out_Type_a) = $GUI_CHECKED Then If $szExt <> ".a3x" Then $ScriptFile_Out_New_x64 = $szDrive & $szDir & $szFName & ".a3x" Else If $szExt <> ".exe" Then $ScriptFile_Out_New_x64 = $szDrive & $szDir & $szFName & ".exe" EndIf GUICtrlSetData($H_SCRIPTFILE_OUT_X64, $ScriptFile_Out_New_x64) If StringRight($ScriptFile_Out_New_x64, 3) = "a3x" Then Set_Res_state($GUI_DISABLE) Else Set_Res_state($GUI_ENABLE) EndIf EndIf FileChangeDir($Save_Workdir) ; Change icon clicked Case $H_INP_ICON_CHANGE ;$Init_Dir = RegRead($Registry & "\Aut2Exe", "LastIcon") $Init_Dir = GUICtrlRead($H_INP_ICON) $Init_Dir = _PathFull($Init_Dir) $Save_Workdir = @WorkingDir Local $H_INP_ICON_NEW = FileOpenDialog("Select the ICON for the program?", $Init_Dir, "Icons(*.ico)", 1) If @error = 0 Then If $H_INP_ICON_ICO = 0 Then $H_INP_ICON_ICO = GUICtrlCreateIcon($H_INP_ICON_NEW, Default, 545, 205) GUICtrlSetImage($H_INP_ICON_ICO, $H_INP_ICON_NEW) Else GUICtrlSetImage($H_INP_ICON_ICO, $H_INP_ICON_NEW) EndIf ;~ $INP_Icon = $H_INP_ICON_NEW $H_INP_ICON_NEW = DirGetRelativePath($ScriptFile_In, $H_INP_ICON_NEW) GUICtrlSetData($H_INP_ICON, $H_INP_ICON_NEW) EndIf FileChangeDir($Save_Workdir) Case $H_COMPILE, $H_SaveOnly ; Validate Extra resource Information Local $tempvalues = StringSplit(GUICtrlRead($H_FieldNameEdit), @CRLF) For $U = 1 To $tempvalues[0] If StringStripWS($tempvalues[$U], 3) <> "" And StringInStr($tempvalues[$U], "|") + StringInStr($tempvalues[$U], "=") = 0 Then _GUICtrlTab_SetCurFocus($tab, 1) GUICtrlSetState($H_FieldNameEdit, $GUI_FOCUS) GUICtrlSetTip($H_FieldNameEdit, 'Add extra Resource info. One per line.' & @CRLF & 'Syntax: Fieldname = Description.' & @CRLF & 'Example:Made By = Jos van der Zande') MsgBox(4096 + 16 + 1, "Extra Resource Fields Error.", "There is one or more lines that doesn't contain a =.") ContinueLoop 2 EndIf Next ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) ; --- Read all info from the GUI Local $Save_Only = 0 Local $Changes = 0 ; If $rc = $H_SaveOnly Then $Save_Only = 1 ; $ScriptFile_Out_New = GUICtrlRead($H_SCRIPTFILE_OUT) _PathSplit($ScriptFile_Out_New, $szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt) If $ScriptFile_Out_New <> "" Then If GUICtrlRead($H_Out_Type_a) = $GUI_CHECKED Then If $szExt <> ".a3x" Then $ScriptFile_Out_New = $szDrive & $szDir & $szFName & ".a3x" Else If $szExt <> ".exe" Then $ScriptFile_Out_New = $szDrive & $szDir & $szFName & ".exe" EndIf EndIf GUICtrlSetData($H_SCRIPTFILE_OUT, $ScriptFile_Out_New) $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_SCRIPTFILE_OUT, $ScriptFile_Out) ; $ScriptFile_Out_New_x64 = GUICtrlRead($H_SCRIPTFILE_OUT_X64) _PathSplit($ScriptFile_Out_New_x64, $szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt) If $ScriptFile_Out_New_x64 <> "" Then If GUICtrlRead($H_Out_Type_a) = $GUI_CHECKED Then If $szExt <> ".a3x" Then $ScriptFile_Out_New_x64 = $szDrive & $szDir & $szFName & ".a3x" Else If $szExt <> ".exe" Then $ScriptFile_Out_New_x64 = $szDrive & $szDir & $szFName & ".exe" EndIf EndIf GUICtrlSetData($H_SCRIPTFILE_OUT_X64, $ScriptFile_Out_New_x64) $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_SCRIPTFILE_OUT_X64, $ScriptFile_Out_x64) ; Local $GUI_ScriptFile_Out_Type If GUICtrlRead($H_Out_Type_a) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $GUI_ScriptFile_Out_Type = "a3x" Else $GUI_ScriptFile_Out_Type = "exe" EndIf If $ScriptFile_Out_Type <> $GUI_ScriptFile_Out_Type Then $ScriptFile_Out_Type = $GUI_ScriptFile_Out_Type $Changes += 1 EndIf ; $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_INP_ICON, $INP_Icon) ; $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_Compression, $INP_W_Compression) If $INP_W_Compression = "Lowest" Then $INP_Compression = "0" If $INP_W_Compression = "Low" Then $INP_Compression = 1 If $INP_W_Compression = "Normal" Then $INP_Compression = 2 If $INP_W_Compression = "High" Then $INP_Compression = 3 If $INP_W_Compression = "Highest" Then $INP_Compression = 4 $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_Change2CUI, $INP_Change2CUI, "1=y;0=n;4=n") ; ;~ $INP_Allow_Decompile = GUICtrlRead($H_INP_NODECOMPILE) ; $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_Comment, $INP_Comment) $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_Description, $INP_Description) $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_Fileversion, $INP_Fileversion) $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_Res_Language, $Country) Language_Code($INP_Res_Language, $CountryTable, $Country, 2) ;None, asInvoker, highestAvailable or requireAdministrator (default=None)" Local $GUI_RES_requestedExecutionLevel If GUICtrlRead($H_Res_requestedExecutionLevel_n) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $GUI_RES_requestedExecutionLevel = "None" ElseIf GUICtrlRead($H_Res_requestedExecutionLevel_a) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $GUI_RES_requestedExecutionLevel = "asInvoker" ElseIf GUICtrlRead($H_Res_requestedExecutionLevel_h) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $GUI_RES_requestedExecutionLevel = "highestAvailable" ElseIf GUICtrlRead($H_Res_requestedExecutionLevel_r) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $GUI_RES_requestedExecutionLevel = "requireAdministrator" Else $GUI_RES_requestedExecutionLevel = "" EndIf If $INP_RES_requestedExecutionLevel <> $GUI_RES_requestedExecutionLevel Then $INP_RES_requestedExecutionLevel = $GUI_RES_requestedExecutionLevel $Changes += 1 EndIf ; Local $GUI_Fileversion_AutoIncrement If GUICtrlRead($H_Fileversion_AutoIncrement_y) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $GUI_Fileversion_AutoIncrement = "y" ElseIf GUICtrlRead($H_Fileversion_AutoIncrement_p) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $GUI_Fileversion_AutoIncrement = "p" Else $GUI_Fileversion_AutoIncrement = "n" EndIf If $INP_Fileversion_AutoIncrement <> $GUI_Fileversion_AutoIncrement Then $INP_Fileversion_AutoIncrement = $GUI_Fileversion_AutoIncrement $Changes += 1 EndIf ; $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_LegalCopyright, $INP_LegalCopyright) $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_FieldNameEdit, $INP_FieldNameEdit) $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_Icons, $INP_Icons_txt) $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_Res_Files, $Inp_Res_Files_txt) $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_Res_SaveSource, $INP_Res_SaveSource, "1=y;0=n;4=n") ; $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_Run_AU3Check, $INP_Run_AU3Check, "1=y;0=n;4=n") $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_Add_Constants, $INP_Add_Constants, "1=y;0=n;4=n") $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning, $INP_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning, "1=y;0=n;4=n") $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_AU3Check_Plugin, $INP_Au3check_Plugin) $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_AU3Check_Parameters, $INP_AU3Check_Parameters) $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_Run_Before, $INP_Run_Before) $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_Run_After, $INP_Run_After) $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_Run_Tidy, $INP_Run_Tidy, "1=y;0=n;4=n") $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_Tidy_Stop_OnError, $INP_Tidy_Stop_OnError, "1=y;0=n;4=n") $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_Tidy_Parameters, $INP_Tidy_Parameters) $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_Run_Obfuscator, $INP_Run_Obfuscator, "1=y;0=n;4=n") $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_Obuscator_Parameters, $INP_Obfuscator_Parameters) ; Local $GUI_AutoIT3_Version If GUICtrlRead($H_AUTOIT3_Version_B) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $GUI_AutoIT3_Version = "Beta" Else $GUI_AutoIT3_Version = "Prod" EndIf If $INP_AutoIT3_Version <> $GUI_AutoIT3_Version Then $INP_AutoIT3_Version = $GUI_AutoIT3_Version $Changes += 1 EndIf ; ; X86/X64 logic Local $GUI_UseX64 If GUICtrlRead($H_AUTOIT3_X64) = $GUI_CHECKED And GUICtrlRead($H_AUTOIT3_X86) = $GUI_CHECKED Then If $INP_Compile_Both = 'n' Then $INP_Compile_Both = 'y' $Changes += 1 EndIf Else If $INP_Compile_Both = 'y' Then $INP_Compile_Both = 'n' $Changes += 1 EndIf EndIf ; If GUICtrlRead($H_AUTOIT3_X64) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $GUI_UseX64 = "y" Else $GUI_UseX64 = "n" EndIf If $INP_UseX64 <> $GUI_UseX64 Then $INP_UseX64 = $GUI_UseX64 $Changes += 1 EndIf ; UPX Local $GUI_UseUpx If GUICtrlRead($H_AUTOIT3_Upx) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $GUI_UseUpx = "y" Else $GUI_UseUpx = "n" EndIf If $INP_UseUpx <> $GUI_UseUpx Then $INP_UseUpx = $GUI_UseUpx $Changes += 1 EndIf ; If $H_cvs_Parameters Then ; Check cvsWrapper parameters when cvsWrapper is installed Local $GUI_Run_cvsWrapper If GUICtrlRead($H_Run_cvsWrapper_y) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $GUI_Run_cvsWrapper = "y" ElseIf GUICtrlRead($H_Run_cvsWrapper_v) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $GUI_Run_cvsWrapper = "v" Else $GUI_Run_cvsWrapper = "n" EndIf If $INP_Run_cvsWrapper <> $GUI_Run_cvsWrapper Then $INP_Run_cvsWrapper = $GUI_Run_cvsWrapper $Changes += 1 EndIf $Changes += GUI_GetValue($H_cvs_Parameters, $INP_cvsWrapper_Parameters) EndIf ; GUIDelete() ; Update the source when there where changes. If $Changes > 0 Then ConsoleWrite('-> ' & $Changes & ' Change(s) made.' & @CRLF) Local $Full_source = @CRLF & FileRead($ScriptFile_In) ; Add one @CRLF for REGEX testing purpose to be able to test for whole record. $Full_source = StringRegExpReplace($Full_source, "(?s)(?i)\r\n(\s*)#Region ;\*\*\*\* Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI \*\*\*\*(.*?)\r\n", @CRLF) $Full_source = StringRegExpReplace($Full_source, "(?s)(?i)\r\n(\s*)#EndRegion ;\*\*\*\* Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI \*\*\*\*(.*?)\r\n", @CRLF) Local $directives = "" If StringRegExp($Full_source, '(?s)(?i)' & @CRLF & '(\s*)#NoTrayIcon(.*?)' & @CRLF) Then $Full_source = StringRegExpReplace($Full_source, '(?s)(?i)' & @CRLF & '#NoTrayIcon(.*?)' & @CRLF, @CRLF) $directives &= "#NoTrayIcon" & @CRLF EndIf ; If StringRegExp($Full_source, '(?s)(?i)' & @CRLF & '(\s*)#RequireAdmin(.*?)' & @CRLF) Then $Full_source = StringRegExpReplace($Full_source, '(?s)(?i)' & @CRLF & '#RequireAdmin(.*?)' & @CRLF, @CRLF) $directives &= "#RequireAdmin" & @CRLF EndIf $directives &= "#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****" & @CRLF ; Aut2Exe Directives Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Prompt", "", "", "") ; Remove this obsolete paremeter Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Version", $INP_AutoIT3_Version, "prod", "p=prod;b=beta") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile_type", $ScriptFile_Out_Type, "exe", "") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_aut2exe", "", "", "") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon", $INP_Icon, "", "") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile", $ScriptFile_Out, "", "") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile_x64", $ScriptFile_Out_x64, "", "") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression", $INP_Compression, "2", "") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx", $INP_UseUpx, "y", "1=y;0=n;4=n") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_UPX_Parameters", $INP_Upx_Parameters, "", "") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Compile_Both", $INP_Compile_Both, "n", "1=y;0=n") If @OSArch = "X86" Or StringInStr(RegRead("HKCR\AutoIt3Script\Shell\Run\Command", ""), "AutoIt3.exe") Then Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64", $INP_UseX64, "n", "1=y;0=n;4=n") Else Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64", $INP_UseX64, "y", "1=y;0=n;4=n") EndIf Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI", $INP_Change2CUI, "n", "1=y;0=n;4=n") ; Resource Directives Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment", $INP_Comment, "", "") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description", $INP_Description, "", "") If $INP_Fileversion_AutoIncrement <> "n" And $INP_Fileversion = "" Then $INP_Fileversion = "" Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion", $INP_Fileversion, "", "") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion_AutoIncrement", $INP_Fileversion_AutoIncrement, "n", "") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductVersion", $INP_ProductVersion, "", "") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright", $INP_LegalCopyright, "", "") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_SaveSource", $INP_Res_SaveSource, "n", "1=y;0=n;4=n") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Language", $INP_Res_Language, "2057", "") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_requestedExecutionLevel", $INP_RES_requestedExecutionLevel, "", "") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Compatibility", $INP_RES_Compatibility, "", "") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_HiDpi", $INP_RES_HiDpi, "", "") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field1Name", "", "", "") ; Remove this obsolete paremeter Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field2Name", "", "", "") ; Remove this obsolete paremeter Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field1Value", "", "", "") ; Remove this obsolete paremeter Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field2Value", "", "", "") ; Remove this obsolete paremeter $tempvalues = StringSplit($INP_FieldNameEdit, @CRLF) For $U = 1 To $tempvalues[0] $tempval = StringReplace($tempvalues[$U], "=", "|", 1) $tempval = StringReplace($tempval, " | ", "|", 1) If $tempval <> "|" Then Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field", $tempval, "", "") Next $tempvalues = StringSplit($INP_Icons_txt, @CRLF) Local $y = 0 ReDim $INP_Icons[$tempvalues[0] + 1] For $x = 1 To $tempvalues[0] $tempval = $tempvalues[$x] If $tempval <> "" Then $y += 1 Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add", $tempval, "", "") $INP_Icons[$y] = $tempval EndIf Next ReDim $INP_Icons[$y + 1] ; $y = 0 $tempvalues = StringSplit($Inp_Res_Files_txt, @CRLF) ReDim $INP_Res_Files[$tempvalues[0] + 1] For $x = 1 To $tempvalues[0] $tempval = $tempvalues[$x] If $tempval <> "" Then $y += 1 Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add", $tempval, "", "") $INP_Res_Files[$y] = $tempval EndIf Next ReDim $INP_Res_Files[$y + 1] ; Au3Check directives Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_AU3Check", $INP_Run_AU3Check, "y", "1=y;0=n;4=n") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Add_Constants", $INP_Add_Constants, "n", "1=y;0=n;4=n") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning", $INP_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning, "n", "1=y;0=n;4=n") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters", $INP_AU3Check_Parameters, "", "") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Before", "", "", "") ; Run Before/After Directives $INP_Run_Before = StringReplace($INP_Run_Before, @CRLF, "|") $tempvalues = StringSplit($INP_Run_Before, "|") For $U = 1 To $tempvalues[0] If $tempvalues[0] <> "|" Then Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Before", $tempvalues[$U], "", "") Next Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After", "", "", "") $INP_Run_After = StringReplace($INP_Run_After, @CRLF, "|") $tempvalues = StringSplit($INP_Run_After, "|") For $U = 1 To $tempvalues[0] If $tempvalues[$U] <> "|" Then Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After", $tempvalues[$U], "", "") Next ; Tidy Directives Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy", $INP_Run_Tidy, "n", "1=y;0=n;4=n") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#Tidy_Parameters", $INP_Tidy_Parameters, "", "") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Tidy_Stop_OnError", $INP_Tidy_Stop_OnError, "y", "1=y;0=n;4=n") ; Obfuscator Directives Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Obfuscator", $INP_Run_Obfuscator, "n", "1=y;0=n;4=n") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#Obfuscator_Parameters", $INP_Obfuscator_Parameters, "", "") ; cvsWrapper Directives Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_cvsWrapper", $INP_Run_cvsWrapper, "n", "") Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_cvsWrapper_Parameters", $INP_cvsWrapper_Parameters, "", "") ; Local $test = "#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****" & @CRLF If StringRight($directives, StringLen($test)) = $test Then $directives = StringTrimRight($directives, StringLen($test)) Else $directives &= "#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****" & @CRLF EndIf ; FileRecycle($ScriptFile_In) Local $Fh = FileOpen($ScriptFile_In, 2 + $SrceUnicodeFlag) FileWrite($Fh, $directives) ; remove the added @CRLF FileWrite($Fh, StringMid($Full_source, 3)) FileClose($Fh) Else ; Change the Run_Before and Run_After back to the proper format. $INP_Run_Before = StringReplace($INP_Run_Before, @CRLF, "|") $INP_Run_After = StringReplace($INP_Run_After, @CRLF, "|") ConsoleWrite('-> No changes made..' & @CRLF) EndIf #forceref $H_Res_L01, $H_Res_L02, $H_Res_L03, $H_Res_L04, $H_Res_L05, $H_Res_L06, $H_Res_L07, $H_Res_L08, $H_Res_L09 #forceref $Changes #forceref $tab0, $tab1, $tab1b, $tab2, $tab3, $tab4, $tab5, $tab6, $H_Run_cvsWrapper_n, $H_Run_cvsWrapper_y, $H_Run_cvsWrapper_v If $Save_Only Then Exit ; EndFunc ;==>GUI_Show ; Func Set_Res_state($G_state) GUICtrlSetState($H_Resource, $G_state) GUICtrlSetState($H_Comment, $G_state) GUICtrlSetState($H_Description, $G_state) GUICtrlSetState($H_Fileversion, $G_state) GUICtrlSetState($H_Fileversion_AutoIncrement_n, $G_state) GUICtrlSetState($H_Fileversion_AutoIncrement_p, $G_state) GUICtrlSetState($H_Fileversion_AutoIncrement_y, $G_state) GUICtrlSetState($H_LegalCopyright, $G_state) GUICtrlSetState($H_FieldNameEdit, $G_state) GUICtrlSetState($H_Res_Language, $G_state) EndFunc ;==>Set_Res_state ; Func Update_Directive(ByRef $source, ByRef $directives, $directive, $Directive_Value, $default, $translate) ; Remove directives from source Do $source = StringRegExpReplace($source, '(?s)(?i)' & @CRLF & "(\s*)" & $directive & '(.*?)' & @CRLF, @CRLF) Until Not @extended ;~ If @extended Then ConsoleWrite($directive & " Removed.. " & @extended & @CRLF) ; Remove old version directives from source Local $Tdirective = StringReplace($directive, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_", "#Compiler_") Do $source = StringRegExpReplace($source, '(?s)(?i)' & @CRLF & "(\s*)" & $Tdirective & '(.*?)' & @CRLF, @CRLF) Until Not @extended ;If @extended Then ConsoleWrite($Tdirective & " Removed.. " & @extended & @CRLF) Local $tarray = StringSplit($translate, ";") Local $varray For $x = 1 To $tarray[0] $varray = StringSplit($tarray[$x], "=") If $varray[0] > 1 And $varray[1] = $Directive_Value Then $Directive_Value = $varray[2] Next If $Directive_Value = "" Or $Directive_Value = $default Then Return $directives &= $directive & "=" & $Directive_Value & @CRLF EndFunc ;==>Update_Directive #endregion GUI Functions