#cs -Program Comments- AutoIt Version: Author: Liapis Nikos Script Name: Arduino Simulator Script Description: A Arduino "pseudo" simulator. Date: 18-6-2012 Version: 0.07 Version changes: 0.02) Counters increase (or dicrease) only when the triger input changes condition 0.03) Bug fixed: Counters were not increased (or dicreased) correctly when the same counter was declared in more than one rule 0.04) Display the type of each pin next to the pin 0.05) Create a list view which shows the rules of the project, so that the user can check on them when testing Show the name of the current project on the window title Bug fixed: Delete the labels that shows the pin state when a second project is opened When the project doesn't have any Rules, Display an error message The How to... under the help menu is active 0.06) Show the pin name next the pin 0.07) Corrections made to handle the new "Compare" feature Corrections needed: #ce #include #include #include #Include ; include Global $version = "0.07" Global $release_date = "18-6-2012" Global $project_name = "..." Global $pin[20] Global $pin_button[20] Global $pin_state[20] Global $pin_type_label[20] Global $project_running = 0 Global $virtual_coil[1] Global $counter[1] Global $counter_changed[1] Global $timer[1] Global $timer_start[1] Global $timer_diff[1] Global $timer_mark[1] $main = GUICreate("Arduino Simulator V" & $version & " - " & $project_name, 1100, 538, 70, 82) ; Create a GUI windon #region Create List $List = GUICtrlCreateListView("Rule|Input A|Is|Value|AND/OR|Input B|Is|Value|Output|Is|Value|Delay", 530, 10, 540, 460,-1, 0x00000001) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 0, 36) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 1, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 2, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 3, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 4, 60) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 5, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 6, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 7, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 8, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 9, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 10, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 11, 50) #endregion #region Create Buttons $button_run = GUICtrlCreateButton ("RUN", 200, 480, 50, 25) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $button_stop = GUICtrlCreateButton ("STOP", 290, 480, 50, 25) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) #endregion #region Create Menu $file_menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu ("File") $open_menu = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem ("Open...", $file_menu) $exit_menu = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem ("Exit", $file_menu) $help_menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu ("Help") $about_menu = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem ("About", $help_menu) $how_to_menu = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem ("How To...", $help_menu) #endregion #region Create static graphics GUICtrlCreateGraphic(110, 48, 345, 417) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xA6CAF0) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(182, 224, 65, 209) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(302, 8, 81, 97) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(126, 24, 65, 89) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(198, 80, 49, 25) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(310, 152, 33, 33) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(252, 128, 25, 65) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(252, 424, 49, 33) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(230, 152, 17, 33) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000) #endregion GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $a = MouseGetPos(0) ToolTip("Open A Project" & @LF & "And Press RUN To Execute", 90, 122, "", 0, 1) While 1 $b = MouseGetPos(0) If $a <> $b Then ToolTip("") ExitLoop EndIf WEnd While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $how_to_menu ShellExecute("http://codikia.blogspot.gr/2012/06/tutorial-for-arduino-simulator.html") Case $exit_menu Exit Case $open_menu $project = FileOpenDialog ("Open Project", @ScriptDir & "\", "NAG Projects (*.nag)", 3) $project_full_name = StringSplit($project, "\") $project_name = $project_full_name[$project_full_name[0]] WinSetTitle("Arduino Simulator", "", "Arduino Simulator V" & $version & " - " & $project_name) If Not @error Then $file = FileOpen($project) $header = FileReadLine($file) If $header = "NAG FILE V.020" Or $header = "NAG FILE V.030" Then $b = _read_settings_from_file($project) For $i = 0 To 19 _delete_pin($pin, $pin_button, $pin_type_label, $i) $pin_button[$i] = _create_pin_button($i) $pin[$i] = _create_pin_graphic($i) $pin_state[$i] = _set_pin($pin, $pin_button, $i, $b[$i][0], "LOW") If $i < 14 Then $pin_type_label[$i] = _create_pin_type_label($i, $b[$i][1] & ". " & $b[$i][0]) Else $pin_type_label[$i] = _create_pin_type_label($i, $b[$i][0] & ". " & $b[$i][1]) EndIf Next $c = _read_rules_from_file($project) If UBound($c) = 1 And $c[0] = "" Then MsgBox(16, "ERROR", "The Project Doesn't Have Any Rules") Else GUICtrlSetState($button_run, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf GUICtrlDelete($list) #region Create List $List = GUICtrlCreateListView("Rule|Input A|Is|Value|AND/OR|Input B|Is|Value|Output|Is|Value|Delay", 530, 10, 540, 460,-1, 0x00000001) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 0, 36) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 1, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 2, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 3, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 4, 60) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 5, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 6, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 7, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 8, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 9, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 10, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 11, 50) #endregion For $i=0 To UBound($c)-2 GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($c[$i], $list) Next Else MsgBox (16, "ERROR", "File Not Compatible") EndIf EndIf Case $button_run $project_running = 1 GUICtrlSetState($button_stop, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($button_run, $GUI_DISABLE) $running = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Running", 100, 480, 50,25) ; Create a label showing that the simulator is running ;$c = _read_rules_from_file($project) ReDim $virtual_coil[_find_max_virt_coil($c)+1] ReDim $counter[_find_max_counter($c)+1] ReDim $counter_changed[UBound($counter)] For $i=0 To UBound($counter_changed)-1 $counter_changed[$i] = "First_value" Next ReDim $timer[UBound($c)-1] For $i=0 To UBound($timer)-1 $timer[$i] = "ON" Next ReDim $timer_start[UBound($c)-1] ReDim $timer_diff[UBound($c)-1] ReDim $timer_mark[UBound($c)-1] For $i=0 To UBound($timer_mark)-1 $timer_mark[$i] = 0 Next While $msg <> $button_stop $msg = GUIGetMsg() #region Limit the analog inputs If $project_running = 1 Then For $i=0 To 19 If $b[$i][0] = "AI" Then If GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$i]) > 1024 Then GUICtrlSetData($pin_state[$i], 1024) ElseIf GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$i]) < 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($pin_state[$i], 0) EndIf EndIf Next EndIf #endregion #region Toggle DI Buttons If $project_running = 1 Then For $i=0 To 19 If $msg = $pin_button[$i] Then If GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$i]) = "LOW" Then $pin_state[$i] = _set_pin($pin, $pin_button, $i, "DI", "HIGH") ElseIf GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$i]) = "HIGH" Then $pin_state[$i] = _set_pin($pin, $pin_button, $i, "DI", "LOW") EndIf EndIf Next EndIf #endregion For $i=0 To UBound($c)-2 ; Loop over the loops $check_first = _check_rule_input($b, $c, $pin_state, $virtual_coil, $counter, $i, 1) $check_second = _check_rule_input($b, $c, $pin_state, $virtual_coil, $counter, $i, 2) $x = StringSplit($c[$i], "|", 2) If $check_first <> "GOOD" Or $check_second <> "GOOD" Then $timer_mark[$i] = 0 If $i = $counter_changed[StringMid($x[8], 9)]Then $counter_changed[StringMid($x[8], 9)] = "whatever" EndIf EndIf If $x[4] = "OR" Then If $check_first = "GOOD" Or $check_second = "GOOD" Then #region Execute the rule output If $timer_mark[$i] = 0 Then If $timer[$i] = "ON"Then $timer_start[$i] = TimerInit() $timer[$i] = "OFF" EndIf EndIf $a=StringSplit($c[$i], "|", 2) $timer_diff[$i] = TimerDiff($timer_start[$i]) If $timer_diff[$i] >= $a[11] Then $timer[$i] = "ON" $timer_diff[$i] = 0 $timer_mark[$i] = 1 If StringInStr($a[8], "Virtual_Coil") <> 0 Then ; Case output is a Virtual coil $virtual_coil[StringMid($a[8], 14)] = $a[10] ElseIf StringInStr($a[8], "Counter") <> 0 Then ; Case output is a Counter If $a[9] = "+" And $counter_changed[StringMid($a[8], 9)] <> String($i) Then $counter[StringMid($a[8], 9)] += $a[10] $counter_changed[StringMid($a[8], 9)] = $i ElseIf $a[9] = "-" And $counter_changed[StringMid($a[8], 9)] <> String($i) Then $counter[StringMid($a[8], 9)] -= $a[10] $counter_changed[StringMid($a[8], 9)] = $i ElseIf $a[9] = "=" And $counter_changed[StringMid($a[8], 9)] <> String($i) Then $counter[StringMid($a[8], 9)] = $a[10] $counter_changed[StringMid($a[8], 9)] = $i EndIf Else ; case output is a Pin For $j=0 To 19 If $a[8] = $b[$j][1] Then $x = $j ExitLoop EndIf Next If $a[9] = "=" Then If GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$x]) <> $a[10] Then $pin_state[$x] = _set_pin($pin, $pin_button, $x, $b[$x][0], $a[10]) EndIf ElseIf $a[9] = "f(x)" Then $func = StringSplit($a[10], "\", 2) For $h=0 To 19 ; Find the pin number If $func[1] = $b[$h][1] Then $func_pin = $h ExitLoop EndIf Next If $func[2] = "*" Then $value = Number(GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$func_pin]) * $func[3]) $value = Int($value*255/1024) ; map the value from the range of 0-1024 to a range of 0-255 If $value > 255 Then $value = 255 If $value < 0 Then $value = 0 If GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$x]) <> $value Then $pin_state[$x] = _set_pin($pin, $pin_button, $x, $b[$x][0], $value) EndIf ElseIf $func[2] = "/" Then $value = Number(GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$func_pin]) / $func[3]) $value = Int($value*255/1024) ; map the value from the range of 0-1024 to a range of 0-255 If $value > 255 Then $value = 255 If $value < 0 Then $value = 0 If GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$x]) <> $value Then $pin_state[$x] = _set_pin($pin, $pin_button, $x, $b[$x][0], $value) EndIf ElseIf $func[2] = "+" Then $value = Number(GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$func_pin]) + $func[3]) $value = Int($value*255/1024) ; map the value from the range of 0-1024 to a range of 0-255 If $value > 255 Then $value = 255 If $value < 0 Then $value = 0 If GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$x]) <> $value Then $pin_state[$x] = _set_pin($pin, $pin_button, $x, $b[$x][0], $value) EndIf ElseIf $func[2] = "-" Then $value = Number(GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$func_pin]) - $func[3]) $value = Int($value*255/1024) ; map the value from the range of 0-1024 to a range of 0-255 If $value > 255 Then $value = 255 If $value < 0 Then $value = 0 If GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$x]) <> $value Then $pin_state[$x] = _set_pin($pin, $pin_button, $x, $b[$x][0], $value) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf #endregion EndIf Else If $check_first = "GOOD" And $check_second = "GOOD" Then #region Execute the rule output If $timer_mark[$i] = 0 Then If $timer[$i] = "ON"Then $timer_start[$i] = TimerInit() $timer[$i] = "OFF" EndIf EndIf $a=StringSplit($c[$i], "|", 2) $timer_diff[$i] = TimerDiff($timer_start[$i]) If $timer_diff[$i] >= $a[11] Then $timer[$i] = "ON" $timer_diff[$i] = 0 $timer_mark[$i] = 1 If StringInStr($a[8], "Virtual_Coil") <> 0 Then ; Case output is a Virtual coil $virtual_coil[StringMid($a[8], 14)] = $a[10] ElseIf StringInStr($a[8], "Counter") <> 0 Then ; Case output is a Counter If $a[9] = "+" And $counter_changed[StringMid($a[8], 9)] <> String($i) Then $counter[StringMid($a[8], 9)] += $a[10] $counter_changed[StringMid($a[8], 9)] = $i ElseIf $a[9] = "-" And $counter_changed[StringMid($a[8], 9)] <> String($i) Then $counter[StringMid($a[8], 9)] -= $a[10] $counter_changed[StringMid($a[8], 9)] = $i ElseIf $a[9] = "=" And $counter_changed[StringMid($a[8], 9)] <> String($i) Then $counter[StringMid($a[8], 9)] = $a[10] $counter_changed[StringMid($a[8], 9)] = $i EndIf Else ; case output is a Pin For $j=0 To 19 If $a[8] = $b[$j][1] Then $x = $j ExitLoop EndIf Next If $a[9] = "=" Then If GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$x]) <> $a[10] Then $pin_state[$x] = _set_pin($pin, $pin_button, $x, $b[$x][0], $a[10]) EndIf ElseIf $a[9] = "f(x)" Then $func = StringSplit($a[10], "\", 2) For $h=0 To 19 ; Find the pin number If $func[1] = $b[$h][1] Then $func_pin = $h ExitLoop EndIf Next If $func[2] = "*" Then $value = Number(GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$func_pin]) * $func[3]) $value = Int($value*255/1024) ; map the value from the range of 0-1024 to a range of 0-255 If $value > 255 Then $value = 255 If $value < 0 Then $value = 0 If GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$x]) <> $value Then $pin_state[$x] = _set_pin($pin, $pin_button, $x, $b[$x][0], $value) EndIf ElseIf $func[2] = "/" Then $value = Number(GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$func_pin]) / $func[3]) $value = Int($value*255/1024) ; map the value from the range of 0-1024 to a range of 0-255 If $value > 255 Then $value = 255 If $value < 0 Then $value = 0 If GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$x]) <> $value Then $pin_state[$x] = _set_pin($pin, $pin_button, $x, $b[$x][0], $value) EndIf ElseIf $func[2] = "+" Then $value = Number(GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$func_pin]) + $func[3]) $value = Int($value*255/1024) ; map the value from the range of 0-1024 to a range of 0-255 If $value > 255 Then $value = 255 If $value < 0 Then $value = 0 If GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$x]) <> $value Then $pin_state[$x] = _set_pin($pin, $pin_button, $x, $b[$x][0], $value) EndIf ElseIf $func[2] = "-" Then $value = Number(GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$func_pin]) - $func[3]) $value = Int($value*255/1024) ; map the value from the range of 0-1024 to a range of 0-255 If $value > 255 Then $value = 255 If $value < 0 Then $value = 0 If GUICtrlRead($pin_state[$x]) <> $value Then $pin_state[$x] = _set_pin($pin, $pin_button, $x, $b[$x][0], $value) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf #endregion EndIf EndIf Next WEnd $project_running = 0 GUICtrlSetState($button_stop, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($button_run, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlDelete($running) Case $about_menu $about_win = GUICreate("About", 400, 250, 298, 120) GUICtrlCreateLabel("--- ARDUINO SIMULATOR ----" & @LF & @LF & @LF & "Version : V" & $version & @LF & @LF & "Date : " & $release_date & @LF _ & @LF & "Created By : Liapis Nikos" & @LF & @LF & "Special Thanks To : Martin, Melba23 and the Autoit community "& @LF & @LF & "Updates Available on :", 5, 5, 361, 160) $button_link_autoit = GUICtrlCreateButton("http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/138727-arduino-gui-programmer/", 5, 165, 380, 25) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000FF) $button_link_codikia = GUICtrlCreateButton("http://codikia.blogspot.com/2012/03/simple-arduino-gui-programmer.html", 5, 205, 380, 25) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000FF) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $button_link_autoit ShellExecute ("http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/138727-arduino-gui-programmer/") Case $button_link_codikia ShellExecute ("http://codikia.blogspot.com/2012/03/simple-arduino-gui-programmer.html") EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete ($about_win) EndSwitch WEnd ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _create_pin_type_label ; Description ...: Create a label showing the state of a pin ; Parameters ....: $pin : The pin to create the label To ; $type : The type of pin to create ; Return values .: The number of counters used in the rules. If no counter used then returns 0 ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _create_pin_type_label($pin, $type) If $pin <= 7 Then $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel($type, 285, 437-($pin*23), 145) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xff0000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetStyle(-1, 0x0002) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10) ElseIf $pin >= 8 And $pin < 14 Then $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel($type, 285, 241-(($pin-8)*23), 145) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xff0000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetStyle(-1, 0x0002) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10) ElseIf $pin >= 14 Then $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel($type, 137, 323+(($pin-14)*23), 145) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xff0000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10) EndIf Return $pin_label EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _find_max_counter ; Description ...: Extracts the number of counters used at the project rules ; Parameters ....: $rules_array : Array containing the rules of the project ; Return values .: The number of counters used in the rules. If no counter used then returns 0 ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _find_max_counter($rules_array) $virt=0 For $i=0 To UBound($rules_array)-1 If StringInStr($rules_array[$i], "Counter") <> 0 Then $virt=1 EndIf Next If $virt = 1 Then Local $temp[UBound($rules_array)-1] For $i=0 To UBound($temp)-1 $a=StringSplit($rules_array[$i], "|", 2) If StringInStr($a[8], "Counter") <> 0 Then $temp[$i] = StringMid($a[8], 9) EndIf Next Return _ArrayMax($temp) Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _find_max_virt_coil ; Description ...: Extracts the number of virtual coils used at the project rules ; Parameters ....: $rules_array : Array containing the rules of the project ; Return values .: The number of virtual coils used in the rules. If no virtual coil used then returns 0 ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _find_max_virt_coil($rules_array) $virt=0 For $i=0 To UBound($rules_array)-1 If StringInStr($rules_array[$i], "Virtual_Coil") <> 0 Then $virt=1 EndIf Next If $virt = 1 Then Local $temp[UBound($rules_array)-1] For $i=0 To UBound($temp)-1 $a=StringSplit($rules_array[$i], "|", 2) If StringInStr($a[8], "Virtual_Coil") <> 0 Then $temp[$i] = StringMid($a[8], 14) EndIf Next Return _ArrayMax($temp) Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _check_rule_input ; Description ...: Checks a specific input (first or second) in a specific rule to see if they match ; Parameters ....: $settings_array : Array containing the pin settings and names (created from the _read_settings_from_file() function) ; $rules_array : Array containing the rules (created from the _read_rules_from_file() function) ; $states : Array containing the controlID's of the labels or input boxes next to the pin (created from the _set_pin() function) ; $virtuals : Array containing the states of virtual coils ; $counters : Array containing the values of counters ; $rule : The number of the rule to match the inputs ; $input : The input to check (first or second) ; Return values .: "GOOD" if the input matches with the rule or if the rule is empty in that input ; "BAD" if the input doesn't match with the rule ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _check_rule_input($settings_array, $rules_array, $states, $virtuals, $counters, $rule, $input) Local $in[3] Local $in_pin $result = "BAD" If $input = 1 Then $a=StringSplit($rules_array[$rule], "|", 2) $in[0] = $a[1] $in[1] = $a[2] $in[2] = $a[3] ElseIf $input = 2 Then $a=StringSplit($rules_array[$rule], "|", 2) $in[0] = $a[5] $in[1] = $a[6] $in[2] = $a[7] EndIf If $in[0] = "" Then $result = "GOOD" EndIf For $i=0 To 19 If $in[0] = $settings_array[$i][1] Then $in_pin = $i ExitLoop EndIf Next If StringInStr($in[0], "Virtual_Coil") <> 0 Then ; Case input is a Virtual Coil If $in[1] = "=" Then If $virtuals[StringMid($in[0], 14)] = $in[2] Then $result = "GOOD" EndIf EndIf ElseIf StringInStr($in[0], "Counter") <> 0 Then ; Case input is a Counter If $in[1] = "=" Then If $counters[StringMid($in[0], 9)] = $in[2] Then $result = "GOOD" EndIf ElseIf $in[1] = ">" Then If $counters[StringMid($in[0], 9)] > $in[2] Then $result = "GOOD" EndIf ElseIf $in[1] = "<" Then If $counters[StringMid($in[0], 9)] < $in[2] Then $result = "GOOD" EndIf ElseIf $in[1] = ">=" Then If $counters[StringMid($in[0], 9)] >= $in[2] Then $result = "GOOD" EndIf ElseIf $in[1] = "<=" Then If $counters[StringMid($in[0], 9)] <= $in[2] Then $result = "GOOD" EndIf EndIf Else ; Case input is a Pin If $in[1] = "=" Then If GUICtrlRead($states[$in_pin]) = $in[2] Then $result = "GOOD" EndIf ElseIf $in[1] = ">" Then If GUICtrlRead($states[$in_pin]) > Number($in[2]) Then $result = "GOOD" EndIf ElseIf $in[1] = "<" Then If GUICtrlRead($states[$in_pin]) < Number($in[2]) Then $result = "GOOD" EndIf ElseIf $in[1] = ">=" Then If GUICtrlRead($states[$in_pin]) >= Number($in[2]) Then $result = "GOOD" EndIf ElseIf $in[1] = "<=" Then If GUICtrlRead($states[$in_pin]) <= Number($in[2]) Then $result = "GOOD" EndIf ElseIf $in[1] = "<<>>" Then ; Prepei na kano map tis times otan sygkrinontai input me output ;_ArrayDisplay($settings_array) $comp_expr=StringSplit($in[2], "\", 2) For $i=0 To 19 If $comp_expr[1] = $settings_array[$i][1] Then $comp_pin_1 = $i ExitLoop EndIf Next For $i=0 To 19 If $comp_expr[3] = $settings_array[$i][1] Then $comp_pin_2 = $i ExitLoop EndIf Next If $comp_expr[4] = "=" Then If $comp_expr[2] = "-" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val - $comp_2_val = $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" ElseIf $comp_expr[2] = "+" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val + $comp_2_val = $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" ElseIf $comp_expr[2] = "/" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val / $comp_2_val = $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" ElseIf $comp_expr[2] = "*" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val * $comp_2_val = $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" EndIf ElseIf $comp_expr[4] = ">" Then If $comp_expr[2] = "-" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val - $comp_2_val > $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" ElseIf $comp_expr[2] = "+" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val + $comp_2_val > $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" ElseIf $comp_expr[2] = "/" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val / $comp_2_val > $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" ElseIf $comp_expr[2] = "*" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val * $comp_2_val > $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" EndIf ElseIf $comp_expr[4] = "<" Then If $comp_expr[2] = "-" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val - $comp_2_val < $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" ElseIf $comp_expr[2] = "+" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val + $comp_2_val < $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" ElseIf $comp_expr[2] = "/" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val / $comp_2_val < $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" ElseIf $comp_expr[2] = "*" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val * $comp_2_val < $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" EndIf ElseIf $comp_expr[4] = ">=" Then If $comp_expr[2] = "-" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val - $comp_2_val >= $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" ElseIf $comp_expr[2] = "+" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val + $comp_2_val >= $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" ElseIf $comp_expr[2] = "/" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val / $comp_2_val >= $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" ElseIf $comp_expr[2] = "*" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val * $comp_2_val >= $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" EndIf ElseIf $comp_expr[4] = "<=" Then If $comp_expr[2] = "-" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val - $comp_2_val <= $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" ElseIf $comp_expr[2] = "+" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val + $comp_2_val <= $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" ElseIf $comp_expr[2] = "/" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val / $comp_2_val <= $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" ElseIf $comp_expr[2] = "*" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val * $comp_2_val <= $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" EndIf ElseIf $comp_expr[4] = "<>" Then If $comp_expr[2] = "-" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val - $comp_2_val <> $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" ElseIf $comp_expr[2] = "+" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val + $comp_2_val <> $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" ElseIf $comp_expr[2] = "/" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val / $comp_2_val <> $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" ElseIf $comp_expr[2] = "*" Then $comp_1_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_1]) $comp_2_val = GUICtrlRead($states[$comp_pin_2]) If $settings_array[$comp_pin_1][0] = "AO" Then $comp_1_val = (1024*$comp_1_val)/255 ; If output then map the value to a 0-1024 range If $settings_array[$comp_pin_2][0] = "AO" Then $comp_2_val = (1024*$comp_2_val)/255 If $comp_1_val * $comp_2_val <> $comp_expr[5] Then $result = "GOOD" EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Return $result EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _create_pin_button ; Description ...: Creates the button representing the created pin ; Parameters ....: $pin_number : The number of the pin to create ; Return values .: ControlID of the created button ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _create_pin_button($pin_number) If $pin_number <= 7 Then If $pin_number=3 Or $pin_number=5 Or $pin_number=6 Then ; If the pin is with PWM (P-ulse W-idth M-odulation) capability then set the apropriate options $a="~" Else $a="" EndIf $button = GUICtrlCreateButton ($pin_number & $a, 460, 436-(23*$pin_number), 25, 17) GUICtrlSetState (-1, $GUI_DISABLE) ElseIf $pin_number >= 8 And $pin_number < 14 Then If $pin_number=9 Or $pin_number=10 Or $pin_number=11 Then $a="~" Else $a="" EndIf $button = GUICtrlCreateButton ($pin_number & $a, 460, 240-(23*($pin_number-8)), 25, 17) GUICtrlSetState (-1, $GUI_DISABLE) ElseIf $pin_number >= 14 Then $button = GUICtrlCreateButton ("A" & ($pin_number-14), 80, 321+(23*($pin_number-14)), 25, 17) GUICtrlSetState (-1, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf Return $button EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _create_pin_graphic ; Description ...: Creates the graphic representing the created pin ; Parameters ....: $pin_number : ; Return values .: ControlID of the created graphic ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _create_pin_graphic($pin_number) If $pin_number <= 7 Then $pin_graphic = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(435, 432-($pin_number*23), 17, 21) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) ; Black color GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xA6CAF0) ; Same color as background ElseIf $pin_number >= 8 And $pin_number < 14 Then $pin_graphic = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(435, 236-(($pin_number-8)*23), 17, 21) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xA6CAF0) ElseIf $pin_number >= 14 Then $pin_graphic = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(117, 321+(($pin_number-14)*23), 17, 21) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xA6CAF0) EndIf Return $pin_graphic EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _delete_pin ; Description ...: Deletes the pin and the button ; Parameters ....: $pins : Array containing the ControlID's of the graphics representing each pin ; $buttons : Array containing the ControlID's of the buttons representing each pin ; $pin_number : The number of pin to delete ; Return values .: An array containing the ControlID's of the labels or the input boxes created ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _delete_pin($pins, $buttons, $labels, $pin_number) GUICtrlDelete($pins[$pin_number]) GUICtrlDelete($buttons[$pin_number]) GUICtrlDelete($labels[$pin_number]) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _set_pin($pins, $buttons, $pin_number, $pin_type, $pin_state, $pin_value = 0) ; Description ...: Sets the given pin according to its parameters ; Parameters ....: $pins : Array containing the ControlID's of the graphics representing each pin ; $buttons : Array containing the ControlID's of the buttons representing each pin ; $pin_number : The number of pin to set ; $pin_type : DI or DO or AI or AO ; $pin_state : HIGH or LOW ; $pin_value : The value of the pin (Only in case of an analog pin) ; Return values .: ControlID of the label or the input boxe created ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _set_pin($pins, $buttons, $pin_number, $pin_type, $pin_state);, $pin_value = 0) $pin_label = "" If $pin_number < 8 Then If $pin_type = "DI" Then GUICtrlSetState($buttons[$pin_number], $GUI_ENABLE) If $pin_state = "LOW" Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($pins[$pin_number], 0xFF0000) ; Red $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("LOW", 490, 437-($pin_number*23), 30, 21) ElseIf $pin_state = "HIGH" Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($pins[$pin_number], 0x00FF00) ; Green $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("HIGH", 490, 437-($pin_number*23), 30, 21) EndIf ElseIf $pin_type = "DO" Then If $pin_state = "LOW" Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($pins[$pin_number], 0xFF0000) ; Red $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("LOW", 490, 437-($pin_number*23), 30, 21) ElseIf $pin_state = "HIGH" Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($pins[$pin_number], 0x00FF00) ; Green $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("HIGH", 490, 437-($pin_number*23), 30, 21) EndIf ElseIf $pin_type = "AO" Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($pins[$pin_number], 0x0000FF) ; Blue $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateInput($pin_state, 490, 437-($pin_number*23), 30, 21, 0x0880);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Else $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("-", 490, 437-($pin_number*23), 30, 21) EndIf ElseIf $pin_number >=8 And $pin_number < 14 Then If $pin_type = "DI" Then GUICtrlSetState($buttons[$pin_number], $GUI_ENABLE) If $pin_state = "LOW" Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($pins[$pin_number], 0xFF0000) ; Red $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("LOW", 490, 241-(($pin_number-8)*23), 30, 21) ElseIf $pin_state = "HIGH" Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($pins[$pin_number], 0x00FF00) ; Green $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("HIGH", 490, 241-(($pin_number-8)*23), 30, 21) EndIf ElseIf $pin_type = "DO" Then If $pin_state = "LOW" Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($pins[$pin_number], 0xFF0000) ; Red $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("LOW", 490, 241-(($pin_number-8)*23), 30, 21) ElseIf $pin_state = "HIGH" Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($pins[$pin_number], 0x00FF00) ; Green $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("HIGH", 490, 241-(($pin_number-8)*23), 30, 21) EndIf ElseIf $pin_type = "AO" Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($pins[$pin_number], 0x0000FF) ; Blue $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateInput($pin_state, 490, 241-(($pin_number-8)*23), 30, 21, 0x0880);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Else $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("-", 490, 241-(($pin_number-8)*23), 30, 21) EndIf ElseIf $pin_number >= 14 Then If $pin_type = "DI" Then GUICtrlSetState($buttons[$pin_number], $GUI_ENABLE) If $pin_state = "LOW" Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($pins[$pin_number], 0xFF0000) ; Red $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("LOW", 47, 323+(($pin_number-14)*23), 30, 21) ElseIf $pin_state = "HIGH" Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($pins[$pin_number], 0x00FF00) ; Green $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("HIGH", 47, 323+(($pin_number-14)*23), 30, 21) EndIf ElseIf $pin_type = "DO" Then If $pin_state = "LOW" Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($pins[$pin_number], 0xFF0000) ; Red $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("LOW", 47, 323+(($pin_number-14)*23), 30, 21) ElseIf $pin_state = "HIGH" Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($pins[$pin_number], 0x00FF00) ; Green $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("HIGH", 47, 323+(($pin_number-14)*23), 30, 21) EndIf ElseIf $pin_type = "AI" Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($pins[$pin_number], 0x0000FF) ; Blue $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 17, 323+(($pin_number-14)*23), 60, 21, 0x0080) GUICtrlCreateUpdown(-1, 0xA0) Else $pin_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel(" -", 17, 323+(($pin_number-14)*23), 60, 21) EndIf EndIf Return ($pin_label) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _read_rules_from_file ; Description ...: Reads the rules from a file previously created from the _write_project_to_file() function ; Parameters ....: The full name of the file to read from ; Return values .: An array containing the read rules ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _read_rules_from_file($file_name="") If $file_name="" Then $project_name = FileOpenDialog ("Open Project", @ScriptDir & "\", "NAG Projects (*.nag)", 3) Else $project_name = $file_name EndIf Local $rules[1] $file=FileOpen($project_name, 0) While 1 $line = FileReadLine($file) If StringInStr($line, "Rules_START") <> 0 Then $x=0 While StringInStr($line, "Rules_END") = 0 $line = FileReadLine($file) If StringInStr($line, "|") <> 0 Then $rules[$x] = $line ReDim $rules[$x+2] $x += 1 EndIf WEnd ExitLoop EndIf WEnd Return $rules EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _read_settings_from_file ; Description ...: Reads the pin settings from a file previously created from the _write_project_to_file() function ; Parameters ....: The full name of the file to read from ; Return values .: An array containing the pin settings and names ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _read_settings_from_file($file_name="") If $file_name="" Then $project_name = FileOpenDialog ("Open Project", @ScriptDir & "\", "NAG Projects (*.nag)", 3) Else $project_name = $file_name EndIf Local $settings[20][2] $file=FileOpen($project_name, 0) While 1 $line = FileReadLine($file) If StringInStr($line, "Settings_START") <> 0 Then $x=0 While StringInStr($line, "Settings_END") = 0 $line = FileReadLine($file) If StringInStr($line, ":") <> 0 Then ; without this check script crash $a=StringSplit($line, ":", 2) $settings[$x][0] = $a[1] $settings[$x][1] = $a[2] $x += 1 EndIf WEnd ExitLoop EndIf WEnd Return $settings EndFunc