#NoTrayIcon #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=PSSP.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Garth Bigelow email: garthbigelow@gmail.com Script Function: Sliding Squiare Puzzle #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #Include #include Const $version = "Plastic Sliding Squares Puzzle v1.01" ; Size of the Grid ; 3 to 12 $Size = 4 ; ; Speed of Sliding Movement ; 0 to ridiculously slow $Speed = 10 ; ; Number of potential moves ; needs to be rather larger as movement back and forth happens more often than you would think ; the smaller the grid the larger complexity needs to be ; the greater complexity the more challenging the puzzle $Complexity = 36 ; ; Whether empty square is the last number or not ; 0 for not $Advanced = 0 ; ; Disregard the Ini file and use the values above or not $Ignore = False If FileExists("PSSP.ini") = 0 Then iniWrite("PSSP.ini", "Config", "Grid Size", 4) iniWrite("PSSP.ini", "Config", "Speed", 10) iniWrite("PSSP.ini", "Config", "Complexity", 36) iniWrite("PSSP.ini", "Config", "Adanced", 0) Endif If Not $Ignore Then $Size = IniRead("PSSP.ini", "Config", "Grid Size", 4) $Speed = IniRead("PSSP.ini", "Config", "Speed", 10) $Complexity = IniRead("PSSP.ini", "Config", "Complexity", 36) $Advanced = IniRead("PSSP.ini", "Config", "Adanced", 0) EndIf $Size -= 1 Dim $hBoard[($Size + 1)][($Size + 1)] Global $GoX, $GoY, $MoveCount = 0, $MenuSpace = 0 $hGUI = GUICreate($version, 68 * ($Size + 1)+3, 68 * ($Size + 1) + ($MenuSpace) + 3, -1, -1, -1, $WS_EX_COMPOSITED) GUISetFont(14, 600) GUISetBkColor(0xAA4444) If $Advanced = 0 Then $EmptySquare = ($Size+1) * ($Size+1) Else $EmptySquare = Rand(($Size+1) * ($Size+1)) EndIf For $x = 0 To $Size For $y = 0 To $Size $label = ($y) * ($Size + 1) + ($x + 1) $hBoard[$x][$y] = GUICtrlCreateButton($label, $x * 68 + 3, $y * 68 + 3, 65, 65, $BS_FLAT) GUICtrlSetPos($hBoard[$x][$y], $x * 68 + 3, ($y * 68 + 3 + $MenuSpace)) If Odd($label) Then $Color = 0xff0000 Else $Color = 0x000000 EndIf GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $Color) If $EmptySquare = $label Then GUICtrlSetState($hBoard[$x][$y], $GUI_HIDE) Next Next GUISetState() ;SystemMenu() Scramble() $MoveCount = 0 While True $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then GUIDelete() Exit EndIf ProcessClick() If Over() Then NumToCoord($EmptySquare) GUICtrlSetState($hBoard[$GoX][$GoY], $GUI_SHOW) MsgBox(48, "Puzzle Completed", "You completed the puzzle in " & $MoveCount & " moves.") Exit EndIf WEnd Func ProcessClick() For $px = 0 To $Size For $py = 0 To $Size If $msg = $hBoard[$px][$py] Then If IsValidClick($px, $py) Then Slide($px, $py) Return EndIf Return EndIf Next Next Sleep(10) EndFunc Func Scramble() $holdSpeed = $Speed $Speed = 0 $a = $Complexity While $a > 0 $x = Rand($Size) $y = Rand($Size) If IsValidClick($x, $y) Then Slide($x, $y) $a -= 1 EndIf WEnd $Speed = $holdSpeed EndFunc Func Slide($x, $y) NumToCoord($EmptySquare) if $x > $GoX Then SlideLeft($x, $y) if $x < $GoX Then SlideRight($x, $y) if $y > $GoY Then SlideUp($x, $y) If $y < $GoY Then SlideDown($x, $y) $MoveCount += 1 EndFunc Func SlideDown($x, $y) NumToCoord($EmptySquare) For $line = 0 To 68 For $b = $y To $GoY GUICtrlSetPos($hBoard[$x][$b], $x * 68 + 3, ($b * 68 + 3 + $MenuSpace) + $line) Next Sleep($Speed) Next $holdHandle = $hBoard[$GoX][$GoY] For $b = $GoY - 1 To $y Step - 1 $hBoard[$x][$b+1] = $hBoard[$x][$b] Next $hBoard[$x][$y] = $holdHandle EndFunc Func SlideLeft($x, $y) NumToCoord($EmptySquare) For $line = 0 To 68 For $b = $GoX To $x GUICtrlSetPos($hBoard[$b][$y], ($b * 68 + 3) - $line, ($y * 68 + 3 + $MenuSpace)) Next Sleep($Speed) Next $holdHandle = $hBoard[$GoX][$GoY] For $b = $GoX + 1 To $x $hBoard[$b-1][$y] = $hBoard[$b][$y] Next $hBoard[$x][$y] = $holdHandle EndFunc Func SlideRight($x, $y) NumToCoord($EmptySquare) For $line = 0 To 68 For $b = $x To $GoX - 1 GUICtrlSetPos($hBoard[$b][$y], ($b * 68 + 3) + $line, ($y * 68 + 3 + $MenuSpace)) Next Sleep($Speed) Next $holdHandle = $hBoard[$GoX][$GoY] For $b = $GoX - 1 To $x Step - 1 $hBoard[$b+1][$y] = $hBoard[$b][$y] Next $hBoard[$x][$y] = $holdHandle EndFunc Func SlideUp($x, $y) ; checked NumToCoord($EmptySquare) For $line = 0 To 68 For $b = $GoY To $y GUICtrlSetPos($hBoard[$x][$b], $x * 68 + 3, ($b * 68 + 3 + $MenuSpace) - $line) Next Sleep($Speed) Next $holdHandle = $hBoard[$GoX][$GoY] For $b = $GoY + 1 To $y $hBoard[$x][$b-1] = $hBoard[$x][$b] Next $hBoard[$x][$y] = $holdHandle EndFunc Func IsValidClick($x, $y) NumToCoord($EmptySquare) $EmptyX = $GoX $EmptyY = $GoY NumToCoord(GUICtrlRead($hBoard[$x][$y])) If $EmptyX = $GoX Or $EmptyY = $GoY Then Return 1 Return 0 EndFunc Func NumToCoord($Num) For $x = 0 To $Size For $y = 0 To $Size $lnum = GUICtrlRead($hBoard[$x][$y]) If $num = $lnum Then $GoX = $x $GoY = $y ExitLoop 2 EndIf Next Next EndFunc Func Over() For $x = 0 to $Size For $y = 0 To $Size If ($y) * ($Size + 1) + ($x + 1) <> GUICtrlRead($hBoard[$x][$y]) Then Return 0 Next Next Return 1 EndFunc Func Odd($num) If ($num / 2) = Int($num / 2) Then Return 0 Return 1 EndFunc ; ; bend random() function to my needs ; Func Rand($pMax) Return Random(0, $pMax, 1) EndFunc