#include-once #include ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: xHashCollection ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Create and use Multidimentional Associative arrays ; Author ........: OHB ; =============================================================================================================================== ;~ $tt = TimerInit() Global $_xHashCollection = ObjCreate( "Scripting.Dictionary" ), $_xHashCache ;~ ConsoleWrite("Asso Array Load up time: "&Round(TimerDiff($tt) ) & @CRLF) ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: x ; Description ...: Gets or sets a value in an Associative Array ; Syntax.........: SET: x( $sKey , $vValue ) ; GET: x( $key ) ; Parameters ....: $sKey - the key to set or get. Examples: ; x( 'foo' ) gets value of foo ; x( 'foo.bar' ) gets value of bar which is a key of foo ; $bar = "baz" ; x( 'foo.$bar' ) gets value of baz which is a key of foo (variables are expanded) ; Return values .: Success - When setting, return the value set. When getting, returns the requested value. ; Failure - Returns a 0 ; Author ........: OHB ; =============================================================================================================================== Func x( $sKey = '' , $vValue = '' ) $func = "get" If @NumParams <> 1 Then $func = "set" If $sKey == '' Then If $func == "get" Then Return $_xHashCollection Else $_xHashCollection.removeAll Return '' EndIf EndIf $parts = StringSplit( $sKey , "." ) $last_key = $parts[$parts[0]] $cur = $_xHashCollection For $x = 1 To $parts[0] - 1 If Not $cur.exists( $parts[$x] ) Then If $func == "get" Then Return '' $cur.add( $parts[$x] , ObjCreate( "Scripting.Dictionary" ) ) EndIf $cur = $cur.item( $parts[$x] ) Next If IsPtr( $vValue ) Then $vValue = String( $vValue ) If $func == "get" Then If Not $cur.exists( $last_key ) Then Return '' $item = $cur.item( $last_key ) Return $item ElseIf Not $cur.exists( $last_key ) Then $cur.add( $last_key , $vValue ) Else $cur.item( $last_key ) = $vValue EndIf Return $vValue EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: x_del ; Description ...: Removes a key from an Associative Array ; Syntax.........: x_del( $sKey ) ; Parameters ....: $sKey - the key to remove. ; Return values .: Success - True ; Failure - False ; Author ........: OHB ; =============================================================================================================================== Func x_del( $sKey ) If $sKey == '' Then Return x( '' , '' ) $parts = StringSplit( $sKey , "." ) $cur = $_xHashCollection For $x = 1 To $parts[0] - 1 If Not $cur.exists( $parts[$x] ) Then Return False $cur = $cur.item( $parts[$x] ) Next $cur.remove( $parts[$parts[0]] ) Return True EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: x_display ; Description ...: Displays the contents of an Associative Array ; Syntax.........: x_display( $sKey ) ; Parameters ....: $sKey - the key to display. Examples: ; x_display() displays everything ; x_display( 'foo' ) displays the contents of foo ; Author ........: OHB ; =============================================================================================================================== Func x_display( $key = '' ) $text = $key If $key <> '' Then $text &= " " $text &= StringTrimRight( _x_display( x( $key ) , '' ) , 2 ) ConsoleWrite($text & @LF) ;~ $wHnd = GUICreate( "Array " & $key , 700 , 500 ) ;~ GUISetState( @SW_SHOW , $wHnd ) ;~ $block = GUICtrlCreateEdit( $text , 5 , 5 , 690 , 490 ) ;~ GUICtrlSetFont( $block , 10 , 400 , -1 , 'Courier' ) ;~ While 1 ;~ If GUIGetMsg() == -3 Then ExitLoop ;~ WEnd ;~ GUISetState( @SW_HIDE , $wHnd ) ;~ GUIDelete( $wHnd ) EndFunc ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _x_display ; Description ...: Itterates through an array and builds output for x_display ; Author ........: OHB ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _x_display( $item , $tab ) If IsObj( $item ) Then $text = 'Array (' & @CRLF $itemAdded = False For $i In $item $text &= $tab & " [" & $i & "] => " & _x_display( $item.item($i) , $tab & " " ) $itemAdded = True Next If Not $itemAdded Then $text &= @CRLF $text &= $tab & ')' ElseIf IsArray( $item ) Then $text = "Array" $totalItems = 1 $dimensions = UBound( $item , 0 ) For $dimension = 1 To $dimensions $size = UBound( $item , $dimension ) $totalItems *= $size $text &= "[" & $size & "]" Next $text &= " (" & @CRLF For $itemID = 0 To $totalItems - 1 $idName = '' $idNum = $itemID For $dimension = 1 To $dimensions - 1 $mul = ( $totalItems / UBound( $item , $dimension ) ) $a = Floor( $idNum / $mul ) $idName &= '[' & $a & ']' $idNum -= ( $a * $mul ) Next $idName &= '[' & $idNum & ']' $text &= $tab & " " & $idName & " => " & _x_display( Execute( "$item" & $idName ) , $tab & " " ) Next $text &= $tab & ")" Else $text = $item EndIf $text &= @CRLF Return $text EndFunc Func xkeys($sKey = '') Local $t_arr = x($sKey) If IsObj($t_arr) Then $t_arr = $t_arr.keys Return $t_arr EndFunc ; Name...........: x_count ; Description ...: Returns a count of items ; Syntax.........: x_count( $sKey ) ; Parameters ....: $sKey - the key ; Return values .: Success: count of items of a provided key ; x_count() returns count os keys on first level ; Failure: 0, set error to: ; -1 = the key is not an object, but an item with a value ; -2 = the key does not exist ; Author ........: shEiD (original "x" UDF by: OHB) Func x_count($sKey = '') If $sKey == '' Then Return $_xHashCollection.Count Local $cur = $_xHashCollection Local $parts = StringSplit($sKey, ".") For $x = 1 To $parts[0] If Not $cur.exists($parts[$x]) Then Return SetError(-2, 0, 0) $cur = $cur.item($parts[$x]) Next If Not IsObj($cur) Then SetError(-1, 0, 0) Return $cur.Count EndFunc ;==>x_count ; Author: MilesAhead ; http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/110768-itaskbarlist3/page__view__findpost__p__910631 ;write AssocArray to IniFile Section ;returns 1 on success - sets @error on failure Func _WriteAssocToIni($myIni = 'config', $mySection = '', $bEraseAll = false, $sSep = "|") $myIni = $myIni&".ini" If $bEraseAll then $temp = FileOpen($myIni, 2) FileClose($temp) EndIf Local $sIni = StringLeft($myIni,StringInStr($myIni,".")-1) If Not $_xHashCollection.Exists($sIni) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If $mySection == '' Then $aSection = $_xHashCollection($sIni).Keys(); All sections Else Dim $aSection[1] = [$mySection]; specific Section EndIf Local $retVal = 0 For $i = 0 To UBound($aSection)-1 $cur = x($sIni&"."&$aSection[$i]) $retVal = 0 If $cur.Count() < 1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Local $iArray[$cur.Count()][2] Local $aArray = $cur.Keys() For $x = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1 $iArray[$x][0] = $aArray[$x] $value = x($sIni&"."&$aSection[$i]&"."&$aArray[$x]) If IsArray($value) then $iArray[$x][1] = _MakePosString($value, $sSep) Else $iArray[$x][1] = $value EndIf Next $retVal = IniWriteSection($myIni, $aSection[$i], $iArray, 0) next Return SetError(@error, 0, $retVal) EndFunc ;==>_WriteAssocToIni ;read AssocArray from IniFile Section ;returns number of items read - sets @error on failure Func _ReadAssocFromIni($myIni = 'config', $mySection = '', $sSep = "|") $myIni = $myIni&".ini" Local $sIni = StringLeft($myIni,StringInStr($myIni,".")-1) If $mySection == '' Then $aSection = IniReadSectionNames ($myIni); All sections If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Else Dim $aSection[2] = [1,$mySection]; specific Section EndIf For $i = 1 To UBound($aSection)-1 Local $sectionArray = IniReadSection($myIni, $aSection[$i]) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) For $x = 1 To $sectionArray[0][0] If StringInStr($sectionArray[$x][1], $sSep) then $posS = _MakePosArray($sectionArray[$x][1], $sSep) Else $posS = $sectionArray[$x][1] EndIf x($sIni&"."&$aSection[$i]&"."&$sectionArray[$x][0], $posS) Next next Return $sectionArray[0][0] EndFunc ;==>_ReadAssocFromIni ;makes a Position string using '#' number separator Func _MakePosString($posArray, $sSep = "|") Local $str = "" For $x = 0 To UBound($posArray) - 2 $str &= String($posArray[$x]) & $sSep Next $str &= String($posArray[UBound($posArray) - 1]) Return $str EndFunc ;==>_MakePosString ;makes a Position array from a Position string Func _MakePosArray($posString, $sSep = "|") Return StringSplit($posString, $sSep, 2) EndFunc ;==>_MakePosArray