#NoTrayIcon #RequireAdmin #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=CC.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_requestedExecutionLevel=requireAdministrator #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Alexander Samuelsson (AdmiralAlkex at the AutoIt forums) Script Function: Enabled/Disables DirectShow filters Set buffers for ffdshow ToDo: Gather anonymous statistics? (To know the optimal array size and such?) (array removed, so concentrate on "such") Automatic updater? Known bugs/"bugs": *The "live search inputs" get EN_SETFOCUS sent when the window is restored, but only occasionally, not always (intended or bug in AutoIt? Should I do something about it?). *Why this happens: Unknown, a reproducer failed to reproduce this. *FilteredListview is not 100% fool proof (but it probably is 99%, so should I bother with it?) (may be fixed with 2.2.3, someone good at logic check?) #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include "AutoItObject.au3" #include "oLinkedList.au3" #include "_RegFunc.au3" #include "GUICtrlHyperLink.au3" If Not _AutoItObject_Startup(False) Then Exit _CW("AutoItObject failed to start") Global $odX86, $odX64 Global $ofX86, $ofX64 Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Opt("GUICloseOnESC", (@Compiled = False)) Opt("GUIResizeMode", $GUI_DOCKALL) If Not @Compiled Then Opt("TrayIconHide", 0) Global Const $sDisDShow = ":" ;Same as used by other tools Global $hTab, $hGUI _CreateGui() Func _CreateGui() $hGUI = GUICreate(StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4), 542, 540, 0, 0, BitOr($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GUI, $WS_SIZEBOX, $WS_MAXIMIZEBOX)) ;Epic one liner was here GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Quit") $hTab = GUICtrlCreateTab(2, 2, 540, 538) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKBORDERS) $odX86 = _DirectShowFilters() If @OSVersion = "WIN_2000" Then ;If you have Windows 2000 $odX86.SetUp("DirectShow Filters (x86)", "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\Instance\", "_UnregisterCallBackX86") Else $odX86.SetUp("DirectShow Filters (x86)", "HKLM32\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\Instance\", "_UnregisterCallBackX86") EndIf GUICtrlCreateButton("Reload list", 335, 26, 100, 40) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_DShowReloadX86") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKTOP+$GUI_DOCKRIGHT+$GUI_DOCKHEIGHT+$GUI_DOCKWIDTH) GUICtrlCreateButton("Enable/Disable selected codec", 335, 70, 200, 40) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_DShowButtonCodecX86") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKTOP+$GUI_DOCKRIGHT+$GUI_DOCKHEIGHT+$GUI_DOCKWIDTH) If @OSArch = "X64" Then ;We are only interested in x64 filters if we are on a x64 OS $odX64 = _DirectShowFilters() $odX64.SetUp("DirectShow Filters (x64)", "HKLM64\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{083863F1-70DE-11d0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\Instance\", "_UnregisterCallBackX64") GUICtrlCreateButton("Reload list", 335, 26, 100, 40) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_DShowReloadX64") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKTOP+$GUI_DOCKRIGHT+$GUI_DOCKHEIGHT+$GUI_DOCKWIDTH) GUICtrlCreateButton("Enable/Disable selected codec", 335, 70, 200, 40) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_DShowButtonCodecX64") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKTOP+$GUI_DOCKRIGHT+$GUI_DOCKHEIGHT+$GUI_DOCKWIDTH) EndIf If @OSArch = "IA64" Then _CW("Not sure what to do with IA64, contact me and we'll figure something out") If @OSVersion = "WIN_2000" Then ;If you have Windows 2000 $ofX86 = _ffdshow("ffdshow tryouts (x86)", "HKCU\Software\GNU\ffdshow\", "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ffdshow_is1") Else $ofX86 = _ffdshow("ffdshow tryouts (x86)", "HKCU32\Software\GNU\ffdshow\", "HKLM32\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ffdshow_is1") EndIf If IsObj($ofX86) Then ;If x86 version of ffdshow installed GUICtrlSetOnEvent($ofX86.ComboId, "_ffdshowComboX86") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($ofX86.InputId +1, "_ffdshowButtonX86") ;Cheatin' for life $ofX86.BuildPresets() $ofX86.UpdateQueueStatus() EndIf $ofX64 = _ffdshow("ffdshow tryouts (x64)", "HKCU32\Software\GNU\ffdshow64\", "HKLM64\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ffdshow64_is1") If IsObj($ofX64) Then ;If x64 version of ffdshow installed GUICtrlSetOnEvent($ofX64.ComboId, "_ffdshowComboX64") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($ofX64.InputId +1, "_ffdshowButtonX64") ;Cheatin' for life $ofX64.BuildPresets() $ofX64.UpdateQueueStatus() EndIf _CreateAbout() GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") GUISetState() GUIRegisterMsg($WM_NOTIFY, "_WM_NOTIFY") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_COMMAND, "_WM_COMMAND") If @OSArch = "X64" Then _WhileX64() Else _WhileX86() EndIf EndFunc Func _CreateAbout() GUICtrlCreateTabItem("About this app") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Written by Alexander Samuelsson AKA AdmiralAlkex @ AutoIt Forums" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "CodecControl uses the following UDFs:", 10, 30, 400, 50) _GUICtrlHyperLink_Create("AutoItObject (adds OO capabilities to AutoIt)", 10, 90, 300, 20, 0x0000FF, 0x551A8B, _ -1, "http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=110379", 'Visit AuO on the AutoIt forums') _GUICtrlHyperLink_Create("_RegFunc (custom registry functions)", 10, 120, 300, 20, 0x0000FF, 0x551A8B, _ -1, "http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=70108", 'Visit _RegFunc on the AutoIt forums') _GUICtrlHyperLink_Create("GUICtrlHyperLink (creates these hyperlink looking labels)", 10, 150, 400, 20, 0x0000FF, 0x551A8B, _ -1, "http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=126934", 'Visit GUICtrlHyperLink on the AutoIt forums') EndFunc Func _WhileX86() While 1 Sleep(10) If $odX86.ShowList <> $sDisDShow Then $odX86.FilteredListview($odX86.ShowList) WEnd EndFunc Func _WhileX64() While 1 Sleep(10) If $odX86.ShowList <> $sDisDShow Then $odX86.FilteredListview($odX86.ShowList) If $odX64.ShowList <> $sDisDShow Then $odX64.FilteredListview($odX64.ShowList) WEnd EndFunc Func _CW($Whatever1, $Whatever2 = @ScriptLineNumber, $Whatever3 = @error, $Whatever4 = @extended) ;Based on _CW() from SDL.au3 Static Local $iExist = FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Log.txt") Local $sText = "(" & $Whatever2 & ") :" & " /Time:" & @YDAY & ":" & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & ":" & @MSEC & " /Current@Error:" & $Whatever3 & " /Current@Extended:" & $Whatever4 & " /VarGetType:" & VarGetType($Whatever1) & " /Value:" & $Whatever1 & @CRLF If $iExist <> 0 Then FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Log.txt", $sText) Else ConsoleWrite($sText) EndIf EndFunc Func _Quit() Exit EndFunc Func _UnregisterCallBackX86() _CW("Unregister callback x86") _GUICtrlListView_UnRegisterSortCallBack($odX86.ListviewId) EndFunc Func _UnregisterCallBackX64() _CW("Unregister callback x64") _GUICtrlListView_UnRegisterSortCallBack($odX64.ListviewId) EndFunc Func __GUICtrlListView_SortItems($hWnd) Local $iIndex, $pFunction If Not IsHWnd($hWnd) Then $hWnd = GUICtrlGetHandle($hWnd) For $x = 1 To $aListViewSortInfo[0][0] If $hWnd = $aListViewSortInfo[$x][1] Then $iIndex = $x ExitLoop EndIf Next $pFunction = DllCallbackGetPtr($aListViewSortInfo[$iIndex][2]) ; get pointer to call back _SendMessage($hWnd, $LVM_SORTITEMS, $hWnd, $pFunction, 0, "hwnd", "ptr") EndFunc #region ;AutoItObject Func _Commons() Local $oSelf = _AutoItObject_Create() _AutoItObject_AddProperty($oSelf, "RegPath", $ELSCOPE_PRIVATE) _AutoItObject_AddProperty($oSelf, "ArchVar", $ELSCOPE_PRIVATE) _AutoItObject_AddProperty($oSelf, "InputId", $ELSCOPE_READONLY) _AutoItObject_AddMethod($oSelf, "Arch", "__Commons_Arch") Return $oSelf EndFunc Func __Commons_Arch($oSelf, $sArch = Default) If @NumParams = 2 Then $oSelf.ArchVar = $sArch Else Return $oSelf.ArchVar EndIf EndFunc #region ;dshow filters Func _DirectShowFilters() Local $oSelf = _AutoItObject_Create(_Commons()) _AutoItObject_AddProperty($oSelf, "TabId", $ELSCOPE_READONLY) _AutoItObject_AddProperty($oSelf, "ListviewId", $ELSCOPE_READONLY) _AutoItObject_AddProperty($oSelf, "Filters", $ELSCOPE_PRIVATE, LinkedList()) _AutoItObject_AddProperty($oSelf, "ShowList", $ELSCOPE_PUBLIC, $sDisDShow) _AutoItObject_AddMethod($oSelf, "SetUp", "__Filters_SetUp") _AutoItObject_AddMethod($oSelf, "GenerateFilters", "__Filters_Generate") _AutoItObject_AddMethod($oSelf, "ReloadFilters", "__Filters_Reload") _AutoItObject_AddMethod($oSelf, "DisableEnable", "__Filters_DisableEnable") _AutoItObject_AddMethod($oSelf, "FilteredListview", "__Filters_FilteredListview") Return $oSelf EndFunc Func __Filters_SetUp($oSelf, $sTitle, $sPath, $sOnAutoItExit) $oSelf.RegPath = $sPath $oSelf.Arch = StringRight($sTitle, 5) $oSelf.TabId = GUICtrlCreateTabItem($sTitle) $oSelf.InputId = GUICtrlCreateInput('Live search', 6, 26, 250, 24) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKTOP + $GUI_DOCKLEFT + $GUI_DOCKRIGHT + $GUI_DOCKHEIGHT) $oSelf.ListviewId = GUICtrlCreateListView("", 6, 55, 325, 476, "", BitOR($LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT, $LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER)) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKBORDERS) _GUICtrlListView_AddColumn($oSelf.ListviewId, "Display Name", 250) _GUICtrlListView_AddColumn($oSelf.ListviewId, "Enabled", 50) _GUICtrlListView_RegisterSortCallBack($oSelf.ListviewId) OnAutoItExitRegister($sOnAutoItExit) $oSelf.GenerateFilters() EndFunc Func __Filters_Generate($oSelf) Local $sSubKey, $sCLSID, $sDisplay, $iTimer = TimerInit() _SendMessage($hGUI, $WM_SETREDRAW, False) ;Prevent changes in the window to be redrawn (wastly speeds up Item creation) (GUISetState() doesn't work good this early in gui creation) _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems($oSelf.ListviewId) For $iZeroBasedIndex = 0 To 9999 ;My guesstimate is that normal systems have 50-150... $sSubKey = _RegEnumKey($oSelf.RegPath, $iZeroBasedIndex) If @error <> 0 then ExitLoop $sCLSID = _RegRead($oSelf.RegPath & $sSubKey, "CLSID") $sDisplay = _RegRead($oSelf.RegPath & $sSubKey, "FriendlyName") If $sCLSID = "" Or $sDisplay = "" Then _CW("Failed to read :" & $sSubKey & " " & $oSelf.Arch) ContinueLoop EndIf $oSelf.Filters.Add(_CreateListItem($sSubKey, $sCLSID, $sDisplay)) If StringInStr($sCLSID, $sDisDShow, 1) = 0 Then GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sDisplay & "|Yes", $oSelf.ListviewId) Else GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sDisplay & "|No", $oSelf.ListviewId) EndIf Next _CW("Found " & $oSelf.Filters.size & " filters " & $oSelf.Arch) If $iZeroBasedIndex > 9999 Then _CW("Registry broken? Only first " & $iZeroBasedIndex & " items will be displayed") ;...so if you have 10k filters it's safe to say you have problems (never happened before, but why not?) _GUICtrlListView_SortItems($oSelf.ListviewId, 0) _SendMessage($hGUI, $WM_SETREDRAW, True) ;Enable changes to be redrawn again _WinAPI_RedrawWindow($hGUI, 0, 0, $RDW_ERASE + $RDW_FRAME + $RDW_INVALIDATE + $RDW_ALLCHILDREN) _CW("Generating took " & Round(TimerDiff($iTimer)) & " ms " & $oSelf.Arch) EndFunc Func __Filters_Reload($oSelf) Local $aiSelected $oSelf.Filters = LinkedList() $aiSelected = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($oSelf.ListviewId, True) $oSelf.GenerateFilters() For $iX = 1 To $aiSelected[0] _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected($oSelf.ListviewId, $aiSelected[$iX]) Next GUICtrlSetState($oSelf.ListviewId, $GUI_FOCUS) EndFunc Func __Filters_DisableEnable($oSelf) Local $aiSelected, $sCurrent, $iIsDisabled, $iRegStatus $aiSelected = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($oSelf.ListviewId, True) For $G = 1 To $aiSelected[0] $sCurrent = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText(GUICtrlGetHandle($oSelf.ListviewId), $aiSelected[$G]) For $oItem In $oSelf.Filters If $sCurrent <> $oItem.Display Then ContinueLoop $iIsDisabled = StringInStr($oItem.CLSID, $sDisDShow, 1) Do If $iIsDisabled Then $sTrimmedString = StringTrimLeft($oItem.CLSID, 1) $iRegStatus = _RegWrite($oSelf.RegPath & $oItem.Filter, "CLSID", $REG_SZ, $sTrimmedString) If $iRegStatus = 1 Then _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($oSelf.ListviewId, $aiSelected[$G], "Yes", 1) ;write Enable to listview $oItem.CLSID = $sTrimmedString Else _CW("Failed to RegWrite " & $oItem.Display) EndIf Else $iRegStatus = _RegWrite($oSelf.RegPath & $oItem.Filter, "CLSID", $REG_SZ, $sDisDShow & $oItem.CLSID) If $iRegStatus = 1 Then _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($oSelf.ListviewId, $aiSelected[$G], "No", 1) ;write Disable to listview $oItem.CLSID = $sDisDShow & $oItem.CLSID Else _CW("Failed to RegWrite " & $oItem.Display) EndIf EndIf If $iRegStatus <> 1 Then ;If Registry write failed Switch MsgBox(6+32, StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4), "Failed to enable/disable " & $oItem.Display, 0, $hGUI) Case 2 ;Cancel Return Case 10 ;Try again ContinueLoop Case 11 ;Continue ExitLoop EndSwitch EndIf Until True ExitLoop Next Next GUICtrlSetState($oSelf.ListviewId, $GUI_FOCUS) EndFunc Func __Filters_FilteredListview($oSelf, $sCurrent) Local $iTimer = TimerInit() GUISetState(@SW_LOCK) ;Prevent changes in the window to be redrawn (wastly speeds up Item creation) _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems($oSelf.ListviewId) For $oItem In $oSelf.Filters If $sCurrent <> $oSelf.ShowList Then Return _CW("Interrupted filtering process " & $oSelf.Arch) If $oItem.Display = "" Then ExitLoop ;Is this necessary? If $sCurrent <> "" And StringInStr($oItem.Display, $sCurrent, 0) = 0 Then ContinueLoop If StringInStr($oItem.CLSID, $sDisDShow, 1) = 0 Then GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($oItem.Display & "|Yes", $oSelf.ListviewId) Else GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($oItem.Display & "|No", $oSelf.ListviewId) EndIf Next $oSelf.ShowList = $sDisDShow __GUICtrlListView_SortItems($oSelf.ListviewId) GUISetState(@SW_UNLOCK) _CW("Filtering took " & Round(TimerDiff($iTimer)) & " ms " & $oSelf.Arch) EndFunc ;ProgAndy helped with this (post #195, AuO thread (110379)), big thanks to him! Func _CreateListItem($sFilter, $sCLSID, $sDisplay) Local $oSelf = _AutoItObject_Create() _AutoItObject_AddProperty($oSelf, "Filter", $ELSCOPE_PUBLIC, $sFilter) _AutoItObject_AddProperty($oSelf, "CLSID", $ELSCOPE_PUBLIC, $sCLSID) _AutoItObject_AddProperty($oSelf, "Display", $ELSCOPE_PUBLIC, $sDisplay) Return $oSelf EndFunc #endregion #region ;ffdshow Func _ffdshow($sTitle, $sPath, $sInstalled) Local $oSelf = _AutoItObject_Create(_Commons()) $oSelf.Arch(StringRight($sTitle, 5)) _RegRead($sInstalled, "DisplayName") If @error Then _CW("ffdshow not found " & $oSelf.Arch) Return 0 EndIf _AutoItObject_AddProperty($oSelf, "ComboId", $ELSCOPE_READONLY) _AutoItObject_AddProperty($oSelf, "LabelId", $ELSCOPE_READONLY) _AutoItObject_AddProperty($oSelf, "Preset", $ELSCOPE_READONLY, "default") _AutoItObject_AddProperty($oSelf, "queueCount", $ELSCOPE_READONLY) _AutoItObject_AddMethod($oSelf, "SetUp", "__ffdshow_SetUp") _AutoItObject_AddMethod($oSelf, "BuildPresets", "__ffdshow_BuildPresets") _AutoItObject_AddMethod($oSelf, "UpdateQueueStatus", "__ffdshow_UpdateQueueStatus") _AutoItObject_AddMethod($oSelf, "Combo", "__ffdshow_Combo") _AutoItObject_AddMethod($oSelf, "Button", "__ffdshow_Button") $oSelf.SetUp($sTitle, $sPath) Return $oSelf EndFunc Func __ffdshow_SetUp($oSelf, $sTitle, $sPath) $oSelf.RegPath = $sPath GUICtrlCreateTabItem($sTitle) GUICtrlCreateEdit('The only setting which isn''t available through the official configuration tools (AFAIK) is the amount of buffers used when "Queue output samples" is on and therefore thats the only setting here', 6, 26, 400, 64, BitOR($ES_READONLY, $ES_MULTILINE)) _GUICtrlHyperLink_Create("Read online what this is about", 6, 100, 400, 20, 0x0000FF, 0x551A8B, _ -1, "http://ffdshow-tryout.sourceforge.net/html/en/queue.htm", 'Visit ffdshow-tryout online help') GUICtrlCreateLabel("Choose preset to change settings to=", 6, 200, 200) $oSelf.ComboId = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 206, 200, 150) $oSelf.LabelId = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Current amount of buffers choosed is?", 6, 240, 250, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, Default, 800) $oSelf.InputId = GUICtrlCreateInput("Please write how many buffers you want to set", 6, 270, 250, Default, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_INPUT, $ES_NUMBER)) GUICtrlCreateButton("Set buffers", 266, 265, 75, 30) EndFunc Func __ffdshow_BuildPresets($oSelf) Local $sPresets = "", $sEnumReg For $iZeroBasedIndex = 0 To 999 ;For safety. Most systems probably only have 1 profile/preset, but even if you have more it's usually only a handful, not thousands $sEnumReg = _RegEnumKey($oSelf.RegPath, $iZeroBasedIndex) If @error <> 0 then ExitLoop $sPresets &= "|" & $sEnumReg Next If $iZeroBasedIndex > 999 Then _CW("Registry broken? Only first " & $iZeroBasedIndex & " items will be displayed") If $sPresets <> "" Then GUICtrlSetData($oSelf.ComboId, $sPresets, "default") EndFunc Func __ffdshow_UpdateQueueStatus($oSelf) $oSelf.queueCount = _RegRead($oSelf.RegPath & $oSelf.Preset, "queueCount") GUICtrlSetData($oSelf.LabelId, "Current amount of buffers choosed is " & $oSelf.queueCount) EndFunc Func __ffdshow_Combo($oSelf) Local $sComboRead $sComboRead = GUICtrlRead($oSelf.ComboId) $oSelf.Preset = $sComboRead $oSelf.UpdateQueueStatus() EndFunc Func __ffdshow_Button($oSelf) _RegWrite($oSelf.RegPath & $oSelf.Preset, "queueCount", $REG_DWORD, GUICtrlRead($oSelf.InputId)) If @error Then _CW("Failed to write ffdshow queueCount " & $oSelf.Arch) $oSelf.UpdateQueueStatus() EndFunc #endregion #endregion #region ;Events Func _DShowReloadX86() $odX86.ReloadFilters() EndFunc Func _DShowReloadX64() $odX64.ReloadFilters() EndFunc Func _DShowButtonCodecX86() $odX86.DisableEnable() EndFunc Func _DShowButtonCodecX64() $odX64.DisableEnable() EndFunc Func _ffdshowComboX86() $ofX86.Combo() EndFunc Func _ffdshowComboX64() $ofX64.Combo() EndFunc Func _ffdshowButtonX86() $ofX86.Button() EndFunc Func _ffdshowButtonX64() $ofX64.Button() EndFunc Func _WM_NOTIFY($hWnd, $iMsg, $iwParam, $ilParam) #forceref $hWnd, $iMsg, $iwParam Local $hWndFrom, $iCode, $tNMHDR Local Static $hWndTab = GUICtrlGetHandle($hTab), $iChkX64 = IsObj($odX64), $hWndListView = GUICtrlGetHandle($odX86.ListviewId) If $iChkX64 Then Local Static $hWndListView2 = GUICtrlGetHandle($odX64.ListviewId) EndIf $tNMHDR = DllStructCreate($tagNMHDR, $ilParam) $hWndFrom = HWnd(DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "hWndFrom")) $iCode = DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "Code") Select Case $hWndFrom = $hWndTab If $iCode <> $NM_CLICK Then Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG ;Return if anything but "tab was clicked" Select Case GUICtrlRead($hTab, 1) = $odX86.TabId GUICtrlSetState($odX86.ListviewId, $GUI_FOCUS) ;focus x86 listview Case $iChkX64 And GUICtrlRead($hTab, 1) = $odX64.TabId GUICtrlSetState($odX64.ListviewId, $GUI_FOCUS) ;or x64 listview EndSelect Case $hWndFrom = $hWndListView Or ($iChkX64 And $hWndFrom = $hWndListView2) If $iCode <> $LVN_COLUMNCLICK Then Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG ;Return if anything but "column was clicked" Local $tInfo = DllStructCreate($tagNMLISTVIEW, $ilParam) _GUICtrlListView_SortItems($hWndFrom, DllStructGetData($tInfo, "SubItem")) ;Kick off the sort callback EndSelect Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc Func _WM_COMMAND($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWnd, $Msg, $lParam Local $cId Local Static $iChkX64 = IsObj($odX64) $cId = BitAND($wParam, 0xFFFF) ;ControlId Switch BitShift($wParam, 16) ;"Notification code" Case $EN_CHANGE If $cId = $odX86.InputId Then $odX86.ShowList = GUICtrlRead($cId) ElseIf $iChkX64 = 1 And $cId = $odX64.InputId Then $odX64.ShowList = GUICtrlRead($cId) EndIf Case $EN_SETFOCUS If $cId = $odX86.InputId Then _WinAPI_PostMessage(GUICtrlGetHandle($cId), $EM_SETSEL, 0, -1) ElseIf $iChkX64 = 1 And $cId = $odX64.InputId Then _WinAPI_PostMessage(GUICtrlGetHandle($cId), $EM_SETSEL, 0, -1) ElseIf $cId = $ofX86.InputId Then If Number(GUICtrlRead($cId)) = 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($cId, $ofX86.queueCount) _WinAPI_PostMessage(GUICtrlGetHandle($cId), $EM_SETSEL, 0, -1) ElseIf $iChkX64 = 1 And $cId = $ofX64.InputId Then If Number(GUICtrlRead($cId)) = 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($cId, $ofX64.queueCount) _WinAPI_PostMessage(GUICtrlGetHandle($cId), $EM_SETSEL, 0, -1) EndIf EndSwitch EndFunc #endregion