#include-once ;Only include this file once if more then one file calls it ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: Kris UDF ; AutoIt Version : ; Version........: 1.16.25 - 4/29/2011 ; Version delimit shall be Release.Functions.Build ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: A Series of UDF's that I'll use often ; Remarks........: To add to the UDFs, use the au3.UserUdfs.properties file ; Author(s) .....: Kris Mills ; =============================================================================================================================== #Include ;For use with _TimeToTicksEx #Include ;For use with _RandomColor #Include ;For use with _TicksToTimeEx #Include ;For use with _ClickMenu ;_CreateBuild() ;Create a build when the script is run with F5 ; #CURRENT# ===================================================================================================================== ; FUNCTIONS: ; _Array2DClearBlanks ; _ClickMenu ; _CreateBuild ; _ForceInsigZero ; _GetDate ; _PauseScript ; _RandomColor ; _TCPListen ; _TCPSend ; _TicksToTimeEx ; _TimeAddition ; _TimeDifference ; _TimeToTicksEx ; _ToolTipTimer ; ; INTERNAL USE ONLY: ; _TCPConnectThenReceive ; _TCPListenThenSend ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Array2DClearBlanks ; Description ...: Removes all blank lines from a 2D or 1D array ; Syntax.........: _Array2DClearBlanks( $Array [, $2DSize = 2 ] ) ; Parameters ....: $Array - The array to remove the blank lines from ; $2DSize - [optional] The size of the 2nd dimension of the array. For example, the $x in $Array[1][$x]. Default is 2 ; Entering 0 for this parameter means the array is one dimensional. ; Return values .: The array without the blanks ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: ; UserCallTip....: _Array2DClearBlanks( array , "2D size" ) Remove all completely blank lines from a 2D or 1D array.(required: #include ) ; Modified.......: 3/25/2011 - Created, commented, added function header ; 4/26/2011 - Added the 1D functionality ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Array2DClearBlanks($Array,$2DSize = 2) Local $Pass = 0, $i, $j ;Declare the local variables, $Pass, $i, and $j If $2DSize = 0 Then ;If the user selected a 1 dimensional array, then Dim $ArrayPass[2] ;Declare the 1 dimensional array For $i = 1 to UBound($Array) - 1 ;Start a For loop that will run for the size of the array If $Array[$i] <> "" Then ;If the given array value is not blank, then ReDim $ArrayPass[1 + $Pass] ;Increase the size of the new array $ArrayPass[$Pass] = $Array[$i] ;Write the value of the given array to the new array $Pass += 1 ;Add one to the value of $Pass EndIf Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop Return $ArrayPass ;Return the new array EndIf Dim $ArrayPass[2][$2DSize] ;Declare the local $ArrayPass 2D array For $i = 1 To UBound ($Array) - 1 ;Start the For loop that will run for the size of the array If $Array[$i][0] <> "" Then ;If the array line is NOT blank, then ReDim $ArrayPass[$Pass + 1][$2DSize] ;Increase the size of the second array For $j = 0 To $2DSize - 1 ;Start a For loop that will run for each of the second dimensions $ArrayPass[$Pass][$j] = $Array[$i][$j] ;Set the $ArrayPass array equal to the $Array array Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop $Pass += 1 ;Increase the value of $Pass by 1 EndIf Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop Return $ArrayPass ;Return the array EndFunc ;==>_Array2DClearBlanks ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _ClickMenu ; Description ...: To click a given menu item. Will work for sub items and sub-sub items ; Syntax.........: _ClickMenu ( [$Window_Name = "" [, $Main_Number = 1 [, $Sub_Number = 1 [, $Spacers = 0 [, $Sub_Sub = 0 [, $Sub_Spacers = 0 [, $Mouse_Button = "left" [, $Clicks = 1 [, $Mouse_Move_Speed = 10 ]]]]]]]]] ) ; Parameters ....: $Window_Name - [optional] The name of the window containing the menu. Default is the active window ; $Main_Number - [optional] The main menu item number to be clicked. File is index 0. Default is 0 ; $Sub_Number - [optional] The sub item number to be clicked. First sub item is 1. Enter 0 to only click the main menu item. Default is 1 ; $Spacers - [optional] The number of spacers (lines) between the given sub item and the top of the sub menu items. Default is 0 ; $Sub_Sub - [optional] The number of the sub menu item of the sub menu items. Default is 0 ; $Sub_Spacers - [optional] The number of spacers (lines) between the given sub-sub item and the top of the sub-sub items. Default is 0 ; $Mouse_Button - [optional] The mouse button to click. Default is "left" ; $Clicks - [optional] The number of times to click the mouse. Default is 1 ; $Mouse_Move_Speed- [optional] The speed to move the mouse. The default is 10 ; Return values .: Success - Returns an array with the passed test results ; $Test_Results[0] - Type of test returned. In this case, "Menu Click" ; $Test_Results[1] - The Main menu number, given by the user ; $Test_Results[2] - The Sub menu number, given by the user ; $Test_Results[3] - The Sub-Sub number, given by the user ; $Test_Results[4] - 1 - Signifying the function has passed ; Failure - Returns an array with the failed test results ; $Test_Results[0] - Type of test returned. In this case, "Menu Click" ; $Test_Results[1] - The Main menu number, given by the user ; $Test_Results[2] - The Sub menu number, given by the user ; $Test_Results[3] - The Sub-Sub number, given by the user ; $Test_Results[4] - The error given by the function ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: The reason I chose to increase the line count of this function by repeatedly naming the $ClickXPos and $ClickYPos was due to the confusing and lengthy ; nature of the variables. To use them verbatim in each place would have been much harder to edit and understand later as well as increasing the size of the function. ; Required.Files.: ; UserCallTip....: _ClickMenu ( ["window" [, "menu index" [, "sub menu index" [, "spacers" [, "sub-sub index" [, "sub spacers" [, "button" [, "clicks" [, "speed" ]]]]]]]]] ) Click a given menu item. Works with sub menu items and sub-sub menu items.(required: #include ) ; Modified.......: 12/30/2010 - Created the function ; 1/3/2011 - Edited to use the results array rather than the @error codes ; 3/29/2011 - Added the User Call Tip to the function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _ClickMenu($Window_Name = "", $Main_Number = 0, $Sub_Number = 1, $Spacers = 0, $Sub_Sub = 0, $Sub_Spacers = 0, $Mouse_Button = "left", $Clicks = 1, $Mouse_Move_Speed = 10) Dim $Test_Results[5] ;Initialize the results array $Test_Results[0] = "Menu Click" ;Write the type "Menu Click" to the results array $Test_Results[1] = $Main_Number ;Write the main menu index number to the results array $Test_Results[2] = $Sub_Number ;Write the sub-menu index number to the results array $Test_Results[3] = $Sub_Sub ;Write the sub-sub index number to the results array If $Window_Name = "" Then $Window_Name = WinGetTitle("[active]") ;Get active window if the user did not provide one $hMenu = _GUICtrlMenu_GetMenu(WinGetHandle($Window_Name)) ;Get the handle to the main menu of the window AutoItSetOption("MouseCoordMode", 1) ;Set the AutoIt coord option to MouseCoordMode $Menu_Rectangle = _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemRect(WinGetHandle($Window_Name), $hMenu, $Main_Number) ;Get the rectangle sizes and positions of the main menu items If $Main_Number = -1 Or $Menu_Rectangle[1] = "" Then ;If the menu did not exist, then $Test_Results[4] = "The main menu did not exist." ;Write the error to the results array Return $Test_Results ;Return the results array with the error Else ;If the menu does exist, then $Test_Results[4] = "The main menu item click failed. The button is not in the list or invalid parameters were given, such as x without y." ;Write the error to the results array. Will be overwritten if the function passes $ClickXPos = ($Menu_Rectangle[0]+($Menu_Rectangle[2]-$Menu_Rectangle[0])/2) ;Set the original main menu X-Coord $ClickYPos = ($Menu_Rectangle[1]+($Menu_Rectangle[3]-$Menu_Rectangle[1])/2) ;Set the original main menu Y-Coord $ClickError = MouseClick($Mouse_Button, $ClickXPos, $ClickYPos, $Clicks, $Mouse_Move_Speed) ;Click the main menu item If $ClickError = 0 Then Return $Test_Results ;Return the results array with the error $Test_Results[4] = "The sub menu item click failed. The button is not in the list or invalid parameters were given, such as x without y." ;Write the error to the results array. Will be overwritten if the function passes $ClickYPos = ($ClickYPos+(($Menu_Rectangle[3]-$Menu_Rectangle[1])*($Sub_Number+($Spacers*.5)))) ;Set the sub menu Y-Coord $ClickError = MouseClick($Mouse_Button, $ClickXPos, $ClickYPos, $Clicks, $Mouse_Move_Speed) ;Click the sub menu item If $ClickError = 0 Then Return $Test_Results ;Return the results array with the error If $Sub_Sub <> 0 Then ;If the user has indicated a sub sub menu to click, then, $Test_Results[4] = "The sub-sub item click failed. The button is not in the list or invalid parameters were given, such as x without y." ;Write the error to the results array. Will be overwritten if the function passes $ClickXPos = $ClickXPos+200 ;Update the X-Coord for the sub sub menu item MouseMove($ClickXPos,$ClickYPos,$Mouse_Move_Speed) ;Move the mouse to the right, preserving the sub sub menu $ClickYPos = ($ClickYPos+(($Menu_Rectangle[3]-$Menu_Rectangle[1])*(($Sub_Sub+($Sub_Spacers*.5))-1))) ;Update the Y-Coord for the sub sub menu item $ClickError = MouseClick($Mouse_Button,$ClickXPos,$ClickYPos, $Clicks, $Mouse_Move_Speed) ;Click the sub-sub menu item If $ClickError = 0 Then Return SetError(4,0,-1) ;Send error 4 - The sub sub menu click failed. The button is not in the list or invalid parameters were given, such as x without y EndIf $Test_Results[4] = 1 ;Write 1 to the results array EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ClickMenu ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _CreateBuild ; Description ...: This function creates a build archive with log and previous build files. Can be a user defined location, or the script location ; Syntax.........: _CreateBuild( [ $ArchiveLocation = @ScriptDir ] ) ; Parameters ....: $ArchiveLocation - [optional] The directory to use for the archive location. Default is @ScriptDir ; Return values .: Nones ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Required.Files.: If used outside of the KrisUDF, must include the KrisUDF - #include , uses the _GetDate() function from KrisUDF ; Remarks........: This function will ONLY run if the script is uncompiled. ; UserCallTip....: _CreateBuild ( [ "archive location" ] ) Creates a build archive with log and previous build files. Can be a user defined location, or the script location. (required: #include ) ; Modified.......: 4/11/2011 - Created, commented, added a function header ; 4/12/2011 - Added the "Create new build?" prompt ; 4/14/2011 - ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _CreateBuild($ArchiveLocation = @ScriptDir) Local $BuildChanges, $BuildCurrent, $BuildLog, $BuildName ;Declare the local variables to use in this function If @Compiled = 1 Then Return ;Only executes the function if the script is not compiled If MsgBox(68,"Create New Build","Create new build?") = 7 Then Return ;Ask if the user would like to create a new build. If not, exit the function If FileExists($ArchiveLocation & "\BuildLog.ini") = 0 Then FileWrite($ArchiveLocation & "\BuildLog.ini","[CurrentBuild]" & @CRLF & "CurrentBuild=0" & @CRLF) ;If the Log file does not exist, create one with build number 0 If FileExists($ArchiveLocation & "\BuildLog.ini") = 1 Then $BuildLog = FileOpen($ArchiveLocation & "\BuildLog.ini",1) ;If the file does exist, open it in Write mode $BuildCurrent = IniRead($ArchiveLocation & "\BuildLog.ini","CurrentBuild","CurrentBuild",0) ;Get the current build number from the INI file $BuildChanges = InputBox("Create New Build", _GetDate() & " - " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & @CRLF & @CRLF & "New Build Number: " & $BuildCurrent + 1 & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ ;First line of code prompting the user for change information "Please write a short description of the changes made in this build.","","",200,200) ;Second line of code prompting the user for change information If $BuildChanges = "" Then $BuildChanges = "Changes not noted." ;If the user does not include change information, write "Changes not noted." FileWrite($BuildLog, @CRLF & "===== Build: " & $BuildCurrent + 1 & " - " & _GetDate() & " - " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & " =====" & @CRLF & " " & $BuildChanges) ;Write the new build information to the Log file IniWrite($ArchiveLocation & "\BuildLog.ini","CurrentBuild","CurrentBuild",$BuildCurrent + 1) ;Change the current version to the new build number FileClose($BuildLog) ;Close the Log file $BuildName = StringTrimRight(@ScriptName,4) ;Get the script name by removing the file extension from the filename FileCopy(@ScriptFullPath, $ArchiveLocation & "\Builds\" & $BuildName & "_v" & $BuildCurrent + 1 & ".au3",9) ;Copy the script in the Builds folder for archiving EndFunc ;==>_CreateBuild ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _ForceInsigZero ; Description ...: Forces insignificant zeroes onto the end of a number string. Also can be used to define exactly how many decimal places to be return ; Syntax.........: _ForceInsigZero( $Number [, $DecimalPlaces = 2 ] ) ; Parameters ....: $Number - The original number to be modified ; $DecimalPlaces - [optional] The amount of decimal places to be returned. If this is lower than the current amount ; of decimal places, the extras are removed. If this is above the current amount, zeroes are added ; Return values .: The modified number ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: ; UserCallTip....: _ForceInsigZero ( "number" [, "decimal places" ] ) Forces insignificant zeroes onto the end of a number string. Also can be used to define exactly how many decimal places to be return.(required: #include ) ; Modified.......: 3/31/2011 - Created, commented, and added a function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _ForceInsigZero($Number, $DecimalPlaces = 2) Dim $aNumber[3] ;Declare the array to be used in this function If StringInStr($Number,".") <> 0 Then ;If the string does include a . , then $aNumber = StringSplit($Number,".") ;Delimit the string based on . Else ;If the string does not include a . , then $aNumber[1] = $Number ;Set the aNumber[1] to the given number EndIf If $DecimalPlaces > 0 Then ;If the user chose to have decimal places, then If $DecimalPlaces < StringLen($aNumber[2]) Then Return $aNumber[1] & "." & StringLeft($aNumber[2],$DecimalPlaces) ;If the given decimal places is lower than the length of the string, return the shortened number For $i = StringLen($aNumber[2]) To $DecimalPlaces - 1 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each added zero $aNumber[2] = $aNumber[2] & "0" ;Add a zero to the end of the string Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop Return $aNumber[1] & "." & $aNumber[2] ;Return the full number with added zeros Else ;If the user chose not to have decimal places, then Return $aNumber[1] ;Return only the integer EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ForceInsigZero ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _GetDate ; Description ...: Retrieves the current date in the following format: "Monday, March 28, 2011" ; Syntax.........: _GetDate() ; Parameters ....: None ; Return values .: The date in a string formatted as "Monday, March 28, 2011" ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: Uses the internal computer dates ; UserCallTip....: _GetDate ( ) Retrieves the current date in the following format: "Monday, March 28, 2011" (required: #include ) ; Modified.......: 3/29/2011 - Created, commented, add function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _GetDate() Local $sWDay, $sMonth, $sDay ;Declare the local variables for use in this function Select ;Start a Select conditional statement Case @WDAY = 1 ;If the weekday number is 1, then $sWDay = "Sunday" ;Write Sunday to the $sWDay variable Case @WDAY = 2 ;If the weekday number is 2, then $sWDay = "Monday" ;Write Monday to the $sWDay variable Case @WDAY = 3 ;If the weekday number is 3, then $sWDay = "Tuesday" ;Write Tuesday to the $sWDay variable Case @WDAY = 4 ;If the weekday number is 4, then $sWDay = "Wednesday" ;Write Wednesday to the $sWDay variable Case @WDAY = 5 ;If the weekday number is 5, then $sWDay = "Thursday" ;Write Thursday to the $sWDay variable Case @WDAY = 6 ;If the weekday number is 6, then $sWDay = "Friday" ;Write Friday to the $sWDay variable Case @WDAY = 7 ;If the weekday number is 7, then $sWDay = "Saturday" ;Write Saturday to the $sWDay variable EndSelect ;End the day Select conditional statement Select ;Start a Select conditional statement Case @MON = 1 ;If the month number is 1, then $sMonth = "January" ;Write January to the $sMonth variable Case @MON = 2 ;If the month number is 2, then $sMonth = "February" ;Write February to the $sMonth variable Case @MON = 3 ;If the month number is 3, then $sMonth = "March" ;Write March to the $sMonth variable Case @MON = 4 ;If the month number is 4, then $sMonth = "April" ;Write April to the $sMonth variable Case @MON = 5 ;If the month number is 5, then $sMonth = "May" ;Write May to the $sMonth variable Case @MON = 6 ;If the month number is 6, then $sMonth = "June" ;Write June to the $sMonth variable Case @MON = 7 ;If the month number is 7, then $sMonth = "July" ;Write July to the $sMonth variable Case @MON = 8 ;If the month number is 8, then $sMonth = "August" ;Write August to the $sMonth variable Case @MON = 9 ;If the month number is 9, then $sMonth = "September" ;Write September to the $sMonth variable Case @MON = 10 ;If the month number is 10, then $sMonth = "October" ;Write October to the $sMonth variable Case @MON = 11 ;If the month number is 11, then $sMonth = "November" ;Write November to the $sMonth variable Case @MON = 12 ;If the month number is 12, then $sMonth = "December" ;Write December to the $sMonth variable EndSelect ;End the month Select conditional statement $sDay = @MDAY ;Write the @MDAY value to the $sDay variable If @MDAY < 10 Then $sDay = StringTrimLeft(@MDAY,1) ;If the day is less than 10, remove the leading 0 Return $sWDay & ", " & $sMonth & " " & $sDay & ", " & @YEAR ;Return the date string EndFunc ;==>_GetDate ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _MilitaryToStandard ; Description ...: Converts a given military timestamp in a standard time stamp. Returns in HH:MM:SS AM/PM or HH:MM AM/PM ; Syntax.........: _MilitaryToStandard( $Time [, $Seconds = 1 ] ) ; Parameters ....: $Time - The time to convert to standard, can be entered as any of the following: ; (Military) (Standard) ; - HH - HH A - HH AM - HH P - HH PM ; - HH:MM - HH:MM A - HH:MM AM - HH:MM P - HH:MM PM ; - HH:MM:SS - HH:MM:SS A - HH:MM:SS AM - HH:MM:SS P - HH:MM:SS PM ; $Seconds - [optional] Sets wether or not the seconds are returned or just hours and minutes. 1 is shown, 0 is not shown. Default is 1 ; Return values .: Success - The timestamp in the format HH:MM:SS or HH:MM or the numerical value HH.MM ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: ; Required.File..: #include and #include - Both are included as part of this UDF ; UserCallTip....: _MilitaryToStandard( "time" [, "seconds" ] ) Converts a military time to a standard time. (required: #include ) ; Modified.......: 3/29/2011 - Created, commented, added a function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _MilitaryToStandard($Time, $Seconds = 1) $Ticks = _TimeToTicksEx($Time) ;Convert the given time to ticks Return _TicksToTimeEx($Ticks, $Seconds,0,1) ;Return the standard time EndFunc ;==>_MilitaryToStandard ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _PauseScript ; Description ...: Pauses the script and prompts the user to return to the script, or exit ; Syntax.........: _PauseScript() ; Parameters ....: None ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: ; UserCallTip....: _PauseScript ( ) Pause the script and prompt the user to end or continue.(required: #include ) ; Modified.......: 3/8/2011 ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _PauseScript() $Pause_Msg = MsgBox(4164, "Script Paused", "The script has been paused. Do you wish to resume the script?") ;Prompt the user to eithe continue or end the script If $Pause_Msg = 7 Then Exit ;If the user selects to end the script, then exit EndFunc ;==>_PauseScript ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _RandomColor ; Description ...: This function randomly generates the hex code of a color and returns the color and its RGB values based on user input ; Syntax.........: _RandomColor( [ $sOutput = 0 ] ) ; Parameters ....: $sOutput - [optional] If only the string of the hex value is needed, enter 0. If an array with the hex code ; and the RGB values is needed, enter anything besides 0. Default is 0 ; Return values .: If $sOutput = 0 - If the user chose 0, the function returns a string with the hex value of the randomly generated color. ; If $sOutput <> 0 - If the user input anything besides 0, the function returns an array with the hex value as well as the RGB values ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: This function requires #include if used outside of this UDF ; UserCallTip....: _RandomColor ( [ "output" ] ) Randomly generate a color and its hex code if output is 0, else returns a hex code and the RGB values.(required: #include ) ; Modified.......: 4/25/2011 - Created, commented, added function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _RandomColor($sOutput = 0) Dim $arColor[4] ;Declare the local array used in this function Local $srColor = "0x", $sIsAlpha, $sAddDig ;Declare the local variabels used in this function For $i = 1 To 6 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat 6 times $sIsAlpha = Random(1,10,1) ;Generate a random number between 1 and 10 If $sIsAlpha <= 7 Then $sAddDig = Random(0,9,1) ;If that number is 7 or below, set the $sAddDig variable to a random number between 0 and 9 If $sIsAlpha > 7 Then ;If that number is 8 or above, then $sAddDig = Random(1,6,1) ;Set the $sAddDig variable to a random numer between 1 and 6 Select ;Begin a Select conditional Case $sAddDig = 1 ;If the $aAddDig variable it 1, then $sAddDig = "A" ;Set the $sAddDig variable to A Case $sAddDig = 2 ;If the $aAddDig variable it 2, then $sAddDig = "B" ;Set the $sAddDig variable to B Case $sAddDig = 3 ;If the $aAddDig variable it 3, then $sAddDig = "C" ;Set the $sAddDig variable to C Case $sAddDig = 4 ;If the $aAddDig variable it 4, then $sAddDig = "D" ;Set the $sAddDig variable to D Case $sAddDig = 5 ;If the $aAddDig variable it 5, then $sAddDig = "E" ;Set the $sAddDig variable to E Case $sAddDig = 6 ;If the $aAddDig variable it 6, then $sAddDig = "F" ;Set the $sAddDig variable to F EndSelect ;End the Select conditional EndIf $srColor = $srColor & $sAddDig ;Add the new digit to the end of the hex variable Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop If $sOutput = 0 Then Return $srColor ;If the user has select to only receive a string, return the string $arColor[0] = $srColor ;Set the color string to the 0 value in the $arColor array $arColor[1] = _ColorGetBlue($arColor[0]) ;Set the Blue value to the 1 value in the $arColor array $arColor[2] = _ColorGetGreen($arColor[0]) ;Set the Green value to the 2 value in the $arColor array $arColor[3] = _ColorGetRed($arColor[0]) ;Set the Red value to the 3 value in the $arColor array Return $arColor ;Return the $arColor array EndFunc ;==>_RandomColor ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _TCPListen ; Description ...: Listens on an open port for a connection and a message from an external source. ; Syntax.........: _TCPListen ( $ListenIP, $ConnectIP, $Port, [ $Message = "Ack" ] ) ; Parameters ....: $ListenIP - The IP to listen on. (The user computer's IP) ; $ConnectIP - The IP to connect to. (The client's IP) ; $Port - The Port to connect over ; $Message - [optional] The acknowledgement message to be sent. Default is "Ack" ; Return values .: The message ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: Used in conjuction with _TCPSend ; UserCallTip....: _TCPListen ( "listen ip", "connect ip", "port" [, "message" ]) Listens on an open port for a connection and a message from an external source.(required: #include ) ; Modified.......: 4/25/2011 - Created, commented, added function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _TCPListen($ListenIP, $ConnectIP, $Port, $Message = "Ack") _TCPListenThenSend($ListenIP,$Port,$Message) ;Run the listening function Return _TCPConnectThenReceive($ConnectIP,$Port) ;Run the sending function EndFunc ;==>_TCPListen ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _TCPSend ; Description ...: Sends a message of a given IP and listens for a response. ; Syntax.........: _TCPSend ( $ConnectIP, $ListenIP, $Port, [ $Message = "Ack" ] ) ; Parameters ....: $ConnectIP - The IP to connect to. (The client's IP) ; $ListenIP - The IP to listen on. (The user computer's IP) ; $Port - The Port to connect over ; $Message - [optional] The acknowledgement message to be sent. Default is "Ack" ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: Used in conjunction with _TCPListen ; UserCallTip....: _TCPSend ( "connect ip", "listen ip", "port" [, "message" ]) Sends a message of a given IP and listens for a response.(required: #include ) ; Modified.......: 4/25/2011 - Created, commented, added function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _TCPSend($ConnectIP, $ListenIP, $Port, $Message = "Ack") _TCPConnectThenReceive($ConnectIP,$Port) ;Run the sending function _TCPListenThenSend($ListenIP,$Port,$Message) ;Run the listening function EndFunc ;==>_TCPSend ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _TicksToTimeEx ; Description ...: Converts a tick count to time in the following format HH:MM:SS or HH:MM or the numerical representation HH.MM ; Syntax.........: _TicksToTimeEx( $iTicks [, $Seconds = 1 [, $Convert = 0 [, $Standard = 0 [, $Milli ]]]] ) ; Parameters ....: $iTicks - The number of ticks to convert ; $Seconds - [optional] Sets wether or not the seconds are returned or just hours and minutes. 1 is shown, 0 is not shown. Default is 1 ; $Convert - [optional] Sets wether or not the resulting time is converted to the numerical representation of the number. 1 is convert, 0 is don't convert. Default is 0 ; $Standard - [optional] Sets wether or not the time is returned in Standard time rather than military time. 1 is Standard, 0 is military. Default is 0 ; $Milli - [optional] Sets wether or not the seconds will be rounded to the nearest second, or show the milliseconds. 1 shows the milliseconds, 0 does not. Default is 0 ; Return values .: Success - The timestamp in the format HH:MM:SS.MS, HH:MM:SS, HH:MM or HH.MM ; Failure - 0 ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: May include options for other formats later. ; Standard mode won't be used very often. ; Required.File..: #include - This is included as part of this UDF ; UserCallTip....: _TicksToTimeEx ( "ticks" [, "seconds" [, "convert" [, "standard" [, "milliseconds" ]]]] ) Converts a tick count to time in the following format - HH:MM:SS.MS, HH:MM:SS, HH:MM or the numerical representation HH.MM (required: #include ) ; Modified.......: 3/8/2011 - Created, commented, added function header ; 3/29/2011 - Added the $Seconds, $Convert, and $Standard coding and functionality ; 3/30/2011 - Changed the $iExt to include the " " rather than an extra space in the return ; 5/2/2011 - Added the millisecond functionality to the function ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _TicksToTimeEx($iTicks, $Seconds = 1, $Convert = 0, $Standard = 0, $Milli = 0) Local $iHours, $iMins, $iSecs, $iExt, $iMilli = "" ;Set the local time variables If $Milli = 1 Then ;If the user has selected to use the Milliseconds, then $iMilli = StringRight($iTicks,3) ;Return the millisecond value $iTicks = StringTrimRight($iTicks,3) & "000" ;Get the new iTicks value (remove the milliseconds and add '000') EndIf $Fail = _TicksToTime($iTicks,$iHours,$iMins,$iSecs) ;Run the original TicksToTime function If $Fail = 0 Then Return 0 ;If the TicksToTime function fails, return 0 If StringLen($iHours) = 1 Then $iHours = 0 & $iHours ;Pad the Hours number with a leading 0 if only one digit If StringLen($iMins) = 1 Then $iMins = 0 & $iMins ;Pad the Minutes number with a leading 0 if only one digit If StringLen($iSecs) = 1 Then $iSecs = 0 & $iSecs ;Pad the Second number with a leading 0 if only one digit If $Convert = 1 Then ;If the user chose to convert, then If $iHours < 10 Then $iHours = StringTrimLeft($iHours,1) ;If $iHours is less then ten, remove the leading 0 $iMins = StringTrimLeft(Round($iMins/60,2),2) ;Convert $iMins to the numerical value If $iMins = "" Then Return $iHours ;If $iMins is blank, return just the hours Return $iHours & "." & $iMins ;Return the time in a numerical value EndIf If $Standard = 1 Then ;If the user has chosen to return the value in standard time, then If $iHours < 12 Then $iExt = " AM" ;If the time is below 12:00 PM then write AM If $iHours >= 12 Then $iExt = " PM" ;If the time is above 12:00 PM then write PM If $iHours >= 13 Then $iHours = $iHours - 12 ;If the time is 1 PM or above, subtract 12 from the value If $iHours = "00" Then $iHours = 12 ;If the time is 12 AM, set the $iHours to 12 EndIf If $Seconds = 0 Then Return $iHours & ":" & $iMins & $iExt ;If the user chose not to see seconds, return only hours and minutes If $Milli = 1 Then Return $iHours & ":" & $iMins & ":" & $iSecs & "." & $iMilli ;If the user chose to return milliseconds, return the resulting timestamp Return $iHours & ":" & $iMins & ":" & $iSecs & $iExt ;Return the resulting timestamp EndFunc ;==>_TicksToTimeEx ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _TimeAddition ; Description ...: Adds two times together and returns the sum in the following format HH:MM:SS or HH:MM or the numerical representation HH.MM ; Syntax.........: _TimeAddition( $StartTime, $AddTime [, $Seconds = 1 [, $Convert = 0 [, $Standard = 0 ]]] ) ; Parameters ....: $StartTime - The beginning amount of time to be added to, can be entered as any of the following: ; (Military) (Standard) ; - HH - HH A - HH AM - HH P - HH PM ; - HH:MM - HH:MM A - HH:MM AM - HH:MM P - HH:MM PM ; - HH:MM:SS - HH:MM:SS A - HH:MM:SS AM - HH:MM:SS P - HH:MM:SS PM ; $AddTime - The amount of time to add to the given time, can be entered as any of the following: ; (Military) (Standard) ; - HH - HH A - HH AM - HH P - HH PM ; - HH:MM - HH:MM A - HH:MM AM - HH:MM P - HH:MM PM ; - HH:MM:SS - HH:MM:SS A - HH:MM:SS AM - HH:MM:SS P - HH:MM:SS PM ; $Seconds - [optional] Sets wether or not the seconds are returned or just hours and minutes. 1 is shown, 0 is not shown. Default is 1 ; $Convert - [optional] Sets wether or not the resulting time is converted to the numerical representation of the number. 1 is convert, 0 is don't convert. Default is 0 ; $Standard - [optional] Sets wether or not the time is returned in Standard time rather than military time. 1 is Standard, 0 is military. Default is 0 ; $Milli - [optional] Sets wether or not the seconds will be rounded to the nearest second, or show the milliseconds. 1 shows the milliseconds, 0 does not. Default is 0 ; Return values .: Success - The timestamp in the format HH:MM:SS or HH:MM ; Failure - 0 ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: May include options for other formats later. ; Standard mode won't be used very often. ; Required.File..: #include - This is included as part of this UDF ; UserCallTip....: _TimeAddition ( "start time" , "add time" [, "second" [, "convert" [, "standard" [, "milliseconds" ]]]] ) Adds to the times together and returns in the following timestamp formats - HH:MM:SS or HH:MM or the numerical representation HH.MM (required: #include ) ; Modified.......: 3/30/2011 - Created, commented, added function header ; 5/2/2011 - Added the millisecond functionality ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _TimeAddition($StartTime, $AddTime, $Seconds = 1, $Convert = 0, $Standard = 0, $Milli = 0) Local $TimeA = _TimeToTicksEx($StartTime),$TimeB = _TimeToTicksEx($AddTime) ;Declare the variables to be used in this function Return _TicksToTimeEx($TimeA + $TimeB,$Seconds, $Convert, $Standard, $Milli) ;Return the sum of the two times in the user given form EndFunc ;==>_TimeAddition ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _TimeDifference ; Description ...: Calculates the difference between two timestamps. Returns in HH:MM:SS or HH:MM or the numerical representation HH.MM ; Syntax.........: _TimeDifference( $StartTime, $EndTime [, $Seconds = 1 [, $Convert = 1 ]] ) ; Parameters ....: $StartTime - The beginning timestamp, can be entered as any of the following: ; (Military) (Standard) ; - HH - HH A - HH AM - HH P - HH PM ; - HH:MM - HH:MM A - HH:MM AM - HH:MM P - HH:MM PM ; - HH:MM:SS - HH:MM:SS A - HH:MM:SS AM - HH:MM:SS P - HH:MM:SS PM ; - HH:MM:SS.MS - HH:MM:SS.MS A - HH:MM:SS.MS AM- HH:MM:SS.MS P - HH:MM:SS.MS PM ; $EndTime - The ending timestamp, can be entered as any of the following: ; (Military) (Standard) ; - HH - HH A - HH AM - HH P - HH PM ; - HH:MM - HH:MM A - HH:MM AM - HH:MM P - HH:MM PM ; - HH:MM:SS - HH:MM:SS A - HH:MM:SS AM - HH:MM:SS P - HH:MM:SS PM ; - HH:MM:SS.MS - HH:MM:SS.MS A - HH:MM:SS.MS AM- HH:MM:SS.MS P - HH:MM:SS.MS PM ; $Seconds - [optional] Sets wether or not the seconds are returned or just hours and minutes. 1 is shown, 0 is not shown. Default is 1 ; $Convert - [optional] Sets wether or not the resulting time is converted to the numerical representation of the number. 1 is convert, 0 is don't convert. Default is 0 ; $Milli - [optional] Sets wether or not the seconds will be rounded to the nearest second, or show the milliseconds. 1 shows the milliseconds, 0 does not. Default is 0 ; Return values .: Success - The timestamp in the format HH:MM:SS or HH:MM or the numerical value HH.MM ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: ; Required.File..: #include and #include - Both are included as part of this UDF ; UserCallTip....: _TimeDifference( "start time", "end time" [, "seconds" [, "convert" [, "milliseconds" ]]]) Calculate the difference between two different times.(required: #include ) ; Modified.......: 3/29/2011 - Created, commented, added a function header ; 5/2/2011 - Shortened it up a bit, and added the millisecond functionality ; - Commented out the reverse difference ability, as it messed up the Time Scheduler ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _TimeDifference($StartTime, $EndTime, $Seconds = 1, $Convert = 0, $Milli = 0) Local $TimeA = _TimeToTicksEx($StartTime),$TimeB = _TimeToTicksEx($EndTime) ;Declare the variables to be used in this function ; If $TimeA > $TimeB Then Return _TicksToTimeEx($TimeA - $TimeB, $Seconds, $Convert, "", $Milli) ;Return the timestamp of the difference between Time A and Time B Return _TicksToTimeEx($TimeB - $TimeA, $Seconds, $Convert, "", $Milli) ;Return the timestamp of the difference between Time A and Time B EndFunc ;==>_TimeDifference ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _TimeToTicksEx ; Description ...: Converts a given time (In Military, Standard, or Numeric) to a tick amount ; Syntax.........: _TimeToTicksEx( $Time [, $Numeric = 0 ] ) ; Parameters ....: $Time - The time to convert to ticks. Format can be any of the following: ; (Military) (Standard) (If Numeric = 1) ; - HH - HH A - HH AM - HH P - HH PM - N ; - HH:MM - HH:MM A - HH:MM AM - HH:MM P - HH:MM PM - N.N ; - HH:MM:SS - HH:MM:SS A - HH:MM:SS AM - HH:MM:SS P - HH:MM:SS PM - etc. ; - HH:MM:SS.MS - HH:MM:SS.MS A - HH:MM:SS.MS AM- HH:MM:SS.MS P - HH:MM:SS.MS PM ; Return values .: Success - The tick amount ; Failuer - 0 - Denotes that a user tried to enter a time value as a numeric value. ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: ; Required.File..: #include and #include - Both are included as part of this UDF ; UserCallTip....: _TimeToTicksEx ( "time" [, "numeric" ] ) Converts a time (Standard A/P/AM/PM, Military, or Numeric) to a tick amount.(required: #include ) ; Modified.......: 3/29/2011 - Created, commented, added a function header ; 3/31/2011 - Removed the $Ticks variable from the last line (Return $Ticks) and just directly returned the result ; - Added the numeric functionality ; 5/2/2011 - Added the milliseconds functionality to the function ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _TimeToTicksEx($Time, $Numeric = 0) Dim $TimeArray[3], $DecArray[2] ;Declare the local arrays for use in this function Local $AM = 0, $PM = 0 ;Declare the local variables for use in this function If $Numeric = 1 Then ;If the user has selected to return a numeric value, then If StringInStr($Time,":") <> 0 Then Return 0 ;If the given time is in a timestamp, return an error $Time = _ForceInsigZero($Time,2) ;Force the number to contain two decimal places $TimeArray = StringSplit($Time,".") ;Delimit the string based on . Return _TimeToTicks($TimeArray[1],Round((($TimeArray[2]*60)/100),0)) ;Return the tick value for the entered numerical value EndIf If StringInStr($Time,"A") <> 0 Or StringInStr($Time,"P") <> 0 Then ;If the string contains an A or a P If StringInStr($Time,"A") <> 0 Then $AM = 1 ;Set the $AM variable to 1 if the time is AM If StringInStr($Time,"P") <> 0 Then $PM = 12 ;If the time is P or PM, then set the $PM variable to 12 If StringInStr($Time,"M") = 0 Then $Time = StringTrimRight($Time,2) ;If the string does not contain an M, remove two characters from the right If StringInStr($Time,"M") <> 0 Then $Time = StringTrimRight($Time,3) ;If the string contains an M, remove three characters from the right EndIf $TimeArray = StringSplit($Time,":") ;Delimit the string based on ":" If $TimeArray[1] = 12 And $AM = 1 Then $TimeArray[1] = "00" ;Set the hours to 00 if the time was 12 AM If $TimeArray[1] <> 12 Then $TimeArray[1] = $TimeArray[1] + $PM ;Add the $PM value to the hour variable in the array if the value is already 12 If UBound($TimeArray) = 2 Then _ArrayAdd($TimeArray,"00") ;If there is no second value, make it "00" If UBound($TimeArray) = 3 Then _ArrayAdd($TimeArray,"00") ;If there is no third valur, make it "00" If StringInStr($TimeArray[3],".") <> 0 Then ;If there are milliseconds in the seconds time, then $DecArray = StringSplit($TimeArray[3],".") ;Delimit the string at the decimal $Ticks = _TimeToTicks($TimeArray[1],$TimeArray[2],$DecArray[1]) ;Get the ticks value Return $Ticks + $DecArray[2] ;Add the milliseconds to the ticks value EndIf Return _TimeToTicks($TimeArray[1],$TimeArray[2],$TimeArray[3]) ;Get the ticks of the time and return the value EndFunc ;==>_TimeToTicksEx ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _ToolTipTimer ; Description ...: Creates a simple timer (with an optional message) that shows the time on the Tool Tip. ; Syntax.........: _ToolTipTimer( [ $iTime = 5 [, $iMessage = "" ]] ) ; Parameters ....: $iTime - The time for the timer, in seconds. Default is 5 ; $iMessage - Any simple message to display (such as test status). Enter "" for no message. Default is no message ; Return values .: Failuer - -1 - Denotes that a user tried to enter a time below 1 second ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; UserCallTip....: _ToolTipTimer ( [ "time" [, "message" ]] ) Creates a simple timer (with an optional message) that shows the time on the Tool Tip.(required: #include ) ; Modified.......: 4/29/2011 - Created, commented, added a function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _ToolTipTimer($iTime = 5, $iMessage = "") If $iTime < 1 Then Return -1 ;If the user enters an incorrect value for time, return -1 $iTime = Round($iTime,0) ;Round to the nearest whole number to eliminate user error For $i = 1 To $iTime ;Start a For loop that will repeat for as long as the user gave If $iMessage = "" Then ToolTip($iTime - $i) ;If no message was given, simply display the time left If $iMessage <> "" Then ToolTip($iMessage & " - " & ($iTime - $i)) ;If a message was given, display the message followed by the time left Sleep(1000) ;Sleep for 1 second Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop ToolTip("") ;Clear the Tool Tip EndFunc ;==>_ToolTipTimer ; =============================================================================================================================== ; FUNCTIONS BELOW THIS MARKER ARE FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR USE OUTSIDE THIS UDF ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _TCPConnectThenReceive ; Description ...: This function establishes a connection to a given IP over a given Port and receives a message ; Syntax.........: _TCPConnectThenReceive ( $IP, $Port ) ; Parameters ....: $IP - The IP to connect to ; $Port - The Port to connect over ; Return values .: Returns the received message ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: THIS FUNCTION IS FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR USE OUTSIDE THIS UDF ; Modified.......: 4/25/2011 - Created, commented, added function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _TCPConnectThenReceive($IP, $Port) Local $Socket, $sMessage, $Ack = "", $sTimeOut = 0 ;Declare the local variables for use in this function TCPStartup() ;Start the TCP protocol $Socket = TCPConnect($IP, $Port) ;Connect to the given IP over the given Port If $Socket = -1 Or $Socket = 0 Then Return @error ;If the connection is not established, return @error Do ;Start a Do loop. This will repeat until the Until contidition is met $sMessage = TCPRecv($Socket,9999) ;Receive data from the socket $sTimeOut += 1 ;Increase the timeout counter by 1 Until $sMessage <> "" Or $sTimeOut = 10000 ;Perform the next iteration of the Do loop until the Until condition is met TCPCloseSocket($Socket) ;Close the TCP socket TCPShutdown() ;Shut down the TCP protocol If $sTimeOut = 10000 Then Return 3 ;If TimeOut occured, return 3 Return $sMessage ;Return the received message EndFunc ;==>_TCPConnectThenReceive ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _TCPListenThenSend ; Description ...: ; Syntax.........: _TCPListenThenSend ( $IP, $Port, [ $Message = "Ack" ] ) ; Parameters ....: $IP - The IP to connect to ; $Port - The Port to connect over ; $Message - [optional] The acknowledgement message to be sent. Default is "Ack" ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: THIS FUNCTION IS FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR USE OUTSIDE THIS UDF ; Modified.......: 4/25/2011 - Created, commented, added function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _TCPListenThenSend($IP, $Port, $Message = "Ack") Local $Socket, $ConnectedSocket = 0 ;Declare the local variabels for use in this function TCPStartup() ;Start the TCP protocol $Socket = TCPListen($IP, $Port) ;Listen over the given IP and the given Port If $Socket = -1 Or $Socket = 0 Then Return @error ;If the listen connection failed, return @error Do ;Start a Do loop. This will repeat until the Until condition is met $ConnectedSocket = TCPAccept($Socket) ;Accept a incoming connection over the listening socket Until $ConnectedSocket >= 0 ;Perform the next iteration of the Do loop until the Until condition is met TCPSend($ConnectedSocket,$Message) ;Send the message of the connected socket TCPCloseSocket($ConnectedSocket) ;Close the connected socket TCPCloseSocket($Socket) ;Close the listening socket Return 1 ;Return 1 to indicate a successful send EndFunc ;==>_TCPListenThenSend