#include-once ; Encrypt Ini Read/Write functions using Crypt.au3 ; Default algorithm key is AES 256 ; Because this involves read functions ; The sections and keys are lower cased when ; written to and read from the ini-file #cs Name: IniCrypt.au3 Description: Use in place of Standard Ini functions to Read and Write encrypted/decrypted data to and from an ini file Author: SmOke_N ( Ron Nielsen ) Version: 0.0.2 Last Update: 2011/05/01 Note(s): - Because of enc/dec - all sections and keys are lower cased before decrypting/encrypting - You must always use the set key function after initialization - Use the Shutdown function when you are going to stop using the encryption function or when you need/want to change passwords or encrytpion method ( eg. AES 256 to RC4 etc. ) AutoIt: Update Status: ========================================== 2011-05-01 - 0.0.2 - SmOke_N Fixed: Noticed issue if reading blank values; fixed with value check ========================================== 2011-05-01 - 0.0.1 - SmOke_N Initial Release ========================================== #ce ; #Function Names#=================================================================================== ; _IniCrypt_Delete() ; _IniCrypt_Initiate() ; _IniCrypt_Read() ; _IniCrypt_ReadSection() ; _IniCrypt_ReadSectionNames() ; _IniCrypt_RenameSection() ; _IniCrypt_SetPassword() ; _IniCrypt_Shutdown() ; _IniCrypt_Write() ; _IniCrypt_WriteSection() ; =================================================================================================== ; #Example 1#======================================================================================== #cs #include _IniCrypt_Initiate() _IniCrypt_SetPassword("mypassword") Global $ga_data[3][2] = [ [ "FirstKey", "FirstValue" ], [ "SecondKey", "SecondValue" ], [ "ThirdKey", "ThirdValue" ] ] _IniCrypt_WriteSection("mycrypttest.ini", "Section1", $ga_data, 0) Global $ga_args = _IniCrypt_ReadSection("mycrypttest.ini", "Section1") _ArrayDisplay($ga_args) _IniCrypt_Shutdown() #ce ; =================================================================================================== #region includes #include #endregion includes #region globals Global $gf_IniCrypt_Startup = False Global $gi_IniCrypt_AlgID = -1 Global $gi_IniCrypt_HashAlgID = -1 Global $gh_IniCrypt_Key = -1 #endregion globals #region standard functions ;=================================================================================================== ; ; Function Name....: _IniCrypt_Delete() ; Description......: Deletes an encrypted value from a encrypted format .ini file. ; Parameter(s).....: ; $s_filename: The filename of the .ini file. ; $s_section: The section name in the .ini file. ; $s_key: [optional] The key name in the .ini file to delete. If the ; key name is not given the entire section is deleted. The ; Default keyword may also be used which will cause the ; section to be deleted. ; Return Value(s)..: ; Success...: Returns 1 ; Failure...: Returns 0 ; Error.....: -1 ; Didn't pass validation, meaning that it is probably ; not initialized or you didn't set a key ; Extended..: ; Requirement(s)...: AutoIt ; Author(s)........: SmOke_N (Ron Nielsen) ; Modified.........: ; Comment(s).......: ; Example(s).......: ; ;=================================================================================================== Func _IniCrypt_Delete($s_filename, $s_section, $s_key = "") __IniCrypt_ValidateCheck() If @error Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0) $s_section = StringLower($s_section) $s_key = StringLower($s_key) Local $s_csection = Hex(_Crypt_EncryptData($s_section, $gh_IniCrypt_Key, $CALG_USERKEY)) Local $s_ckey = $s_key If String($s_ckey) <> "" Then Hex(_Crypt_EncryptData($s_key, $gh_IniCrypt_Key, $CALG_USERKEY)) EndIf Return IniDelete($s_filename, $s_csection, $s_key) EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ; ; Function Name....: _IniCrypt_Read() ; Description......: Reads an encrypted value from a encrypted format .ini file. ; Parameter(s).....: ; $s_filename: The filename of the .ini file. ; $s_section: The section name in the .ini file. ; $s_key: The key name in the in the .ini file. ; $s_default: The default value to return if the requested key is not ; found. ; Return Value(s)..: ; Success...: Returns the requested key value. ; Failure...: Returns the default string if requested key not found. ; Error.....: -1 ; Didn't pass validation, meaning that it is probably ; not initialized or you didn't set a key ; Extended..: ; Requirement(s)...: AutoIt ; Author(s)........: SmOke_N (Ron Nielsen) ; Modified.........: ; Comment(s).......: ; Example(s).......: ; ;=================================================================================================== Func _IniCrypt_Read($s_filename, $s_section, $s_key, $s_default) __IniCrypt_ValidateCheck() If @error Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0) $s_section = StringLower($s_section) $s_key = StringLower($s_key) Local $s_csection = Hex(_Crypt_EncryptData($s_section, $gh_IniCrypt_Key, $CALG_USERKEY)) Local $s_ckey = Hex(_Crypt_EncryptData($s_key, $gh_IniCrypt_Key, $CALG_USERKEY)) Local $s_cread = IniRead($s_filename, $s_csection, $s_ckey, $s_default) If $s_cread = $s_default Then Return $s_default If String($s_cread) = "" Then Return "" Return BinaryToString(_Crypt_DecryptData("0x" & $s_cread, $gh_IniCrypt_Key, $CALG_USERKEY)) EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ; ; Function Name....: _IniCrypt_Write() ; Description......: Writes a value to an encrypted format .ini file. ; Parameter(s).....: ; $s_filename: The filename of the .ini file. ; $s_section: The section name in the .ini file. ; $s_key: The key name in the in the .ini file. ; $s_write: The value to write/change. ; Return Value(s)..: ; Success...: Returns 1 ; Failure...: Returns 0 ; if file is read-only ; Error.....: ; Extended..: ; Requirement(s)...: AutoIt ; Author(s)........: SmOke_N (Ron Nielsen) ; Modified.........: ; Comment(s).......: ; Example(s).......: ; ;=================================================================================================== Func _IniCrypt_Write($s_filename, $s_section, $s_key, $s_write) __IniCrypt_ValidateCheck() If @error Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0) $s_section = StringLower($s_section) $s_key = StringLower($s_key) Local $s_csection = Hex(_Crypt_EncryptData($s_section, $gh_IniCrypt_Key, $CALG_USERKEY)) Local $s_ckey = Hex(_Crypt_EncryptData($s_key, $gh_IniCrypt_Key, $CALG_USERKEY)) Local $s_cwrite = $s_write If String($s_cwrite) <> "" Then $s_cwrite = Hex(_Crypt_EncryptData($s_write, $gh_IniCrypt_Key, $CALG_USERKEY)) EndIf Return IniWrite($s_filename, $s_csection, $s_ckey, $s_cwrite) EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ; ; Function Name....: _IniCrypt_ReadSection() ; Description......: Reads all key/value pairs from a section in a encrypted format .ini file. ; Parameter(s).....: ; $s_filename: The filename of the .ini file. ; $s_section: The section name in the .ini file. ; Return Value(s)..: ; Success...: Returns a 2 dimensional array where element[n][0] is the key ; and element[n][1] is the value. ; Failure...: Returns 0 ; Error.....: -1 ; Didn't pass validation, meaning that it is probably ; not initialized or you didn't set a key ; ; 1 ; if unable to read the section ; (The INI file may not exist or the section may not exist) ; Extended..: ; Requirement(s)...: AutoIt ; Author(s)........: SmOke_N (Ron Nielsen) ; Modified.........: ; Comment(s).......: ; Example(s).......: ; ;=================================================================================================== Func _IniCrypt_ReadSection($s_filename, $s_section) __IniCrypt_ValidateCheck() If @error Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0) $s_section = StringLower($s_section) Local $s_csection = Hex(_Crypt_EncryptData($s_section, $gh_IniCrypt_Key, $CALG_USERKEY)) Local $a_csection = IniReadSection($s_filename, $s_csection) If @error Or Not IsArray($a_csection) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Local $a_section[$a_csection[0][0] + 1][2] $a_section[0][0] = $a_csection[0][0] For $i = 1 To $a_csection[0][0] $a_section[$i][0] = BinaryToString(_Crypt_DecryptData("0x" & _ $a_csection[$i][0], $gh_IniCrypt_Key, $CALG_USERKEY)) $a_section[$i][1] = $a_csection[$i][1] If String($a_csection[$i][1]) <> "" Then $a_section[$i][1] = BinaryToString(_Crypt_DecryptData("0x" & _ $a_csection[$i][1], $gh_IniCrypt_Key, $CALG_USERKEY)) EndIf Next Return $a_section EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ; ; Function Name....: _IniCrypt_ReadSectionNames() ; Description......: Reads all sections in an encrypted format .ini file. ; Parameter(s).....: ; $s_filename: The filename of the .ini file. ; Return Value(s)..: ; Success...: Returns an array of all section names in the INI file. ; Failure...: Returns 0 ; Error.....: -1 ; Didn't pass validation, meaning that it is probably ; not initialized or you didn't set a key ; ; 1 ; Failed to retrieve data (Ini or sections may not exist) ; Extended..: ; Requirement(s)...: AutoIt ; Author(s)........: SmOke_N (Ron Nielsen) ; Modified.........: ; Comment(s).......: ; Example(s).......: ; ;=================================================================================================== Func _IniCrypt_ReadSectionNames($s_filename) __IniCrypt_ValidateCheck() If @error Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0) Local $a_csections = IniReadSectionNames($s_filename) If @error Or Not IsArray($a_csections) Then Return SetError(1, 0 ,0) EndIf Local $a_sections[$a_csections[0] + 1] = [$a_csections[0]] For $i = 1 To $a_csections[0] $a_sections[$i] = $a_csections[$i] If String($a_csections[$i]) <> "" Then BinaryToString(_Crypt_DecryptData("0x" & _ $a_csections[$i], $gh_IniCrypt_Key, $CALG_USERKEY)) EndIf Next Return $a_sections EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ; ; Function Name....: _IniCrypt_RenameSection() ; Description......: Renames a section in an encrypted format .ini file. ; Parameter(s).....: ; $s_filename: The filename of the .ini file. ; $s_section: The section name in the .ini file. ; $s_newsection: The new section name. ; $i_flag: [optional] 0 (Default) - Fail if "new section" already ; exists. 1 - Overwrite "new section". This will erase ; any existing keys in "new section" ; Return Value(s)..: ; Success...: Returns a Non-Zero ; Failure...: Returns 0 and may set @error if the section couldn't be ; overwritten (flag = 0 only). ; Error.....: -1 ; Didn't pass validation, meaning that it is probably ; not initialized or you didn't set a key ; ; Depends on flag ( See helpfile for IniRenameSection() ) ; Extended..: ; Requirement(s)...: AutoIt ; Author(s)........: SmOke_N (Ron Nielsen) ; Modified.........: ; Comment(s).......: ; Example(s).......: ; ;=================================================================================================== Func _IniCrypt_RenameSection($s_filename, $s_section, $s_newsection, $i_flag = 0) __IniCrypt_ValidateCheck() If @error Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0) $s_section = StringLower($s_section) $s_newsection = StringLower($s_newsection) Local $s_csection = Hex(_Crypt_EncryptData($s_section, $gh_IniCrypt_Key, $CALG_USERKEY)) Local $s_cnewsection = $s_newsection If String($s_cnewsection) <> "" Then Hex(_Crypt_EncryptData($s_newsection, $gh_IniCrypt_Key, $CALG_USERKEY)) EndIf Local $n_ret = IniRenameSection($s_filename, $s_section, $s_newsection, $i_flag) Return SetError(@error, 0, $n_ret) EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ; ; Function Name....: _IniCrypt_WriteSection() ; Description......: Writes a section to an encrypted format .ini file. ; Parameter(s).....: ; $s_filename: The filename of the .ini file. ; $s_section: The section name in the .ini file. ; $v_data: The data to write. The data can either be a string or an ; array. If the data is a string, then each key=value pair ; must be delimited by @LF. If the data is an array, the ; array must be 2-dimensional and the second dimension ; must be 2 elements. ; $i_index: [optional] If an array is passed as data, this specifies ; the index to start writing from. By default, this is 1 ; so that the return value of IniReadSection() can be ; used immediately. For manually created arrays, this ; value may need to be different depending on how the ; array was created. This parameter is ignored if a string ; is passed as data. ; Return Value(s)..: ; Success...: Returns 1 ; Failure...: Returns 0 ; Error.....: -1 ; Didn't pass validation, meaning that it is probably ; not initialized or you didn't set a key ; ; -2 ; Passed a string but no values could be parsed ; ; Depends on flag ( See helpfile for IniRenameSection() ) ; Extended..: ; Requirement(s)...: AutoIt ; Author(s)........: SmOke_N (Ron Nielsen) ; Modified.........: ; Comment(s).......: ; Example(s).......: ; ;=================================================================================================== Func _IniCrypt_WriteSection($s_filename, $s_section, $v_data, $i_index = 1) __IniCrypt_ValidateCheck() If @error Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0) $s_section = StringLower($s_section) Local $s_csection = Hex(_Crypt_EncryptData($s_section, $gh_IniCrypt_Key, $CALG_USERKEY)) If $i_index = -1 Or $i_index = Default Then $i_index = 1 EndIf ; sep keys and encrypt data Local $a_data = $v_data, $a_tdata, $a_sre, $i_add = -1 If Not IsArray($a_data) Then If $i_index > 0 Then $a_tdata = StringSplit($a_data, @LF) Else $a_tdata = StringSplit($a_data, @LF, 2) EndIf Dim $a_data[UBound($a_tdata)][2] For $i = $i_index To UBound($a_tdata) - 1 If String($a_tdata) = "" Then ContinueLoop $a_sre = StringRegExp($a_tdata[$i], "^(.+?)\s*=\s*(.+?)", 1) If @error Then ContinueLoop $i_add += 1 $a_data[$i][0] = Hex(_Crypt_EncryptData(StringLower($a_sre[0]), $gh_IniCrypt_Key, $CALG_USERKEY)) If String($a_sre[0]) <> "" Then $a_data[$i][1] = Hex(_Crypt_EncryptData($a_sre[1], $gh_IniCrypt_Key, $CALG_USERKEY)) EndIf Next If $i_add = -1 Then Return SetError(-2, 0, 0) ReDim $a_data[$i_add + 1][2] Else For $i = $i_index To UBound($a_data) - 1 $a_data[$i][0] = Hex(_Crypt_EncryptData(StringLower($a_data[$i][0]), $gh_IniCrypt_Key, $CALG_USERKEY)) If String($a_data[$i][1]) <> "" Then $a_data[$i][1] = Hex(_Crypt_EncryptData($a_data[$i][1], $gh_IniCrypt_Key, $CALG_USERKEY)) EndIf Next EndIf Local $n_ret = IniWriteSection($s_filename, $s_csection, $a_data, $i_index) Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) EndFunc #endregion standard functions #region initiate/shutdown functions ;=================================================================================================== ; ; Function Name....: _IniCrypt_Initiate() ; Description......: Initiate the encryption ( _Crypt_Startup() ); Set globals ; Parameter(s).....: none ; Return Value(s)..: ; Success...: Returns 1 ; Failure...: Returns 0 ; Error.....: 1 ; if _Crypt_Startup() failed ; Extended..: ; Requirement(s)...: AutoIt ; Author(s)........: SmOke_N (Ron Nielsen) ; Modified.........: ; Comment(s).......: ; Example(s).......: ; ;=================================================================================================== Func _IniCrypt_Initiate() If $gf_IniCrypt_Startup Then Return 1 EndIf If Not $gf_IniCrypt_Startup Then $gf_IniCrypt_Startup = _Crypt_Startup() EndIf If Not $gf_IniCrypt_Startup Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ; ; Function Name....: _IniCrypt_Shutdown() ; Description......: Shutdown _Crypt_* data ( use if done or want to reset passwords etc ) ; Parameter(s).....: none ; Return Value(s)..: ; Success...: ; Failure...: ; Error.....: ; Extended..: ; Requirement(s)...: AutoIt ; Author(s)........: SmOke_N (Ron Nielsen) ; Modified.........: ; Comment(s).......: ; Example(s).......: ; ;=================================================================================================== Func _IniCrypt_Shutdown() If Not $gf_IniCrypt_Startup Then Return _Crypt_Shutdown() $gf_IniCrypt_Startup = False $gi_IniCrypt_AlgID = -1 $gi_IniCrypt_HashAlgID = -1 $gh_IniCrypt_Key = -1 EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ; ; Function Name....: _IniCrypt_SetPassword() ; Description......: Set the encryption/decryption key/pass ( _Crypt_DeriveKey ) ; Parameter(s).....: ; $v_password: Pasword to set/hash ; $i_alg: [optional] Enc/Dec Algorithm - Default is: $CALG_AES_256 ; $i_hashalg: [optional] Enc/Dec Hash Algorithm - Default is: $CALG_MD5 ; Return Value(s)..: ; Success...: Returns 1 ; Failure...: Returns 0 ; Error.....: -1 ; Didn't pass validation, meaning that it is probably ; not initialized or you didn't set a key ; ; Depends on error returned from _Crypt_DeriveKey ; Extended..: ; Requirement(s)...: AutoIt ; Author(s)........: SmOke_N (Ron Nielsen) ; Modified.........: ; Comment(s).......: ; Example(s).......: ; ;=================================================================================================== Func _IniCrypt_SetPassword($v_password, $i_alg = $CALG_AES_256, $i_hashalg = $CALG_MD5) __IniCrypt_ValidateCheck(1) If @error Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0) If $i_alg = -1 Or $i_alg = Default Then $i_alg = $CALG_AES_256 EndIf If $i_hashalg = -1 Or $i_hashalg = Default Then $i_hashalg = $CALG_MD5 EndIf $gh_IniCrypt_Key = _Crypt_DeriveKey($v_password, $i_alg, $i_hashalg) If @error Or $gh_IniCrypt_Key < 0 Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) EndIf $gi_IniCrypt_AlgID = $i_alg $gi_IniCrypt_HashAlgID = $i_hashalg Return 1 EndFunc #endregion initiate/shutdown functions #region internal functions ;=================================================================================================== ; ; Function Name....: __IniCrypt_ValidateCheck() ; Description......: Internal Use Only ; Parameter(s).....: ; $i_level: ; Return Value(s)..: ; Success...: ; Failure...: ; Error.....: ; Extended..: ; Requirement(s)...: ; Author(s)........: SmOke_N (Ron Nielsen) ; Modified.........: ; Comment(s).......: ; Example(s).......: ; ;=================================================================================================== Func __IniCrypt_ValidateCheck($i_level = -1) _IniCrypt_Initiate() If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If $i_level = 1 Then Return 1 If $gi_IniCrypt_AlgID < 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf If $i_level = 2 Then Return 1 If $gi_IniCrypt_HashAlgID < 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf If $i_level = 3 Then Return 1 If $gh_IniCrypt_Key < 1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) EndIf Return 1 EndFunc #endregion internal functions