#include #include HotKeySet("{ESC}" , "close") HotKeySet("{SPACE}" , "startpause") Dim $click = False $dll = DllOpen("user32.dll") CMsgBox(64, "Rewl's Auto Click v1.0" , "Thank-you for using Auto Clicker, Press ""ESC"" to close the program and ""spacebar"" to pause the clicker and SpaceBar to start it.") Func close() $iE = _IECreate() $m = MsgBox(4 , "Rewl's Auto Click v1.0" , "Thank-you for trying the program, Press yes to visit Auto-IT Thread.") IF $m = 6 Then _IENavigate($iE , "http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/122227-auto-click/") EndIf Exit EndFunc Func startpause() If $click = False Then $click = True ToolTip("Rewl Auto Click v1.0 Running." , 0 , 0) Else $click = False ToolTip("Rewl Auto Click v1.0 Paused." , 0 , 0) EndIf EndFunc While 1 If _IsPressed ( "02" ) = 1 Then ConsoleWrite ( "Sleep ( 2000 )" & @Crlf ) Sleep ( 2000 ) $click = True EndIf If $click = True Then MouseClick("left") Sleep(50) EndIf sleep(20) WEnd