#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: FireFox Script Function: Answer call automatically and join calls if you're already in a call #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "..\Skype.au3" Local $oMainCall = "" Local $aCall = _Skype_CallGetActive() If IsArray($aCall) Then $oMainCall = $aCall[0] ;if a call is running then set it as main call _Skype_SetSilentMode(True) ;Disable all skype windows _Skype_OnEventCallStatus("_CallIncomming", $cClsRinging) ;if someone is calling you _Skype_OnEventCallStatus("_CallFinished", $cClsFinished) ;if a call has finished While 1 Sleep(60000) WEnd Func _CallIncomming($oCall) Local $TCallType = _Skype_CallGetType($oCall) If ($TCallType = $cCltIncomingP2P) Or ($TCallType = $cCltIncomingPSTN) Then ;if it's a valid incomming call If IsObj($oMainCall) Then ;if a call is running then join the incomming call to the main call _Skype_CallJoin($oMainCall, $oCall) Else ;else answer _Skype_CallAnswer($oCall) EndIf $oMainCall = $oCall ;set the current call as the main call EndIf EndFunc Func _CallFinished($oCall) Local $aCall = _Skype_CallGetActive() If IsArray($aCall) Then ;if a call is running then set it as main call $oMainCall = $aCall[0] Else ;else no call running $oMainCall = "" EndIf EndFunc