#cs --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Daedalian Script Function: In case you are a movie and series fan you have a lot of movie files (avi's) in a folder and a bunch of subtitles. your favorite player is probably stupid enough not to recognize similar filenames so you have to rename exactly each subtitle manually! boring!! Use this script to do the above automatically! Just a first beta version, improve as you like, meanwhile I will do the same.. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include Dim Const $maxOffset = 20 ; Change according to how far you want to search; a bigger value means a slower comparison ;The Levenshtein distance is defined as the minimal number of characters you have to replace, ;insert or delete to transform str1 into str2. The complexity of the algorithm is O(m*n), ;where n and m are the length of str1 and str2 (rather good when compared to similar_text(), ;which is O(max(n,m)**3), but still expensive). $videos = _FileListToArray(@ScriptDir,"*.avi",1) _ArrayDelete($videos,0) $subs = _FileListToArray(@ScriptDir,"*.srt",1) _ArrayDelete($subs,0) $jbow='[[:alpha:]]+' ;just a bunch of words $jbon='[[:digit:]]+' ;just a bunch of numbers ;na xorisoume ta ascii codes apo ta grammata kai tous arithmous Dim $videoParts[Ubound($videos)] For $j=0 to UBound($videos)-1 $temp=StringRegExp($videos[$j],$jbow,3,1) _ArrayDelete($temp,UBound($temp)-1) ;to teleutaio einai panta h kataliksi $temp2=StringRegExp($videos[$j],$jbon,3,1) _ArrayConcatenate($temp,$temp2) $videoParts[$j]=$temp ;_ArrayDisplay($videoParts[$j]) Next Dim $subParts[Ubound($subs)] For $j=0 to UBound($subs)-1 $temp=StringRegExp($subs[$j],$jbow,3,1) _ArrayDelete($temp,UBound($temp)-1) ;to teleutaio einai panta h kataliksi $temp2=StringRegExp($subs[$j],$jbon,3,1) _ArrayConcatenate($temp,$temp2) $subParts[$j]=$temp ;_ArrayDisplay($subParts[$j]) Next Dim $sims[1] Dim $simil[1] For $s=0 To UBound($videoParts)-1 $source=$videoParts[$s] _ArrayDisplay($source) ReDim $simil[UBound($subParts)] For $t=0 To UBound($subParts)-1 $target=$subParts[$t] ReDim $sims[UBound($target)] $simil[$t]=0 ;_ArrayDisplay($target) For $k=0 To UBound($source)-1 ;MsgBox(0,"",$source[$k]) For $j=0 To UBound($target)-1 $sims[$j] = _Similarity($source[$k],$target[$j],0) Next ;_ArrayDisplay($sims) $simil[$t]=$simil[$t]+_ArrayMax($sims) Next ;MsgBox(0,"",$simil[$t]) Next _ArrayDisplay($simil) $bestMatch = _ArrayMaxIndex($simil) MsgBox(0,"best match index",$bestMatch) _ArrayDisplay($subs) FileMove($subs[$bestMatch],StringTrimRight($videos[$s],4) & ".srt") _ArrayDelete($subs,$bestMatch) _ArrayDelete($subParts,$bestMatch) _ArrayDisplay($subs) Next ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Compute similarity between two strings Func _Similarity($s1, $s2, $alg = 0) Local $dis If ($alg = 0) Then $dis = _Levenshtein($s1, $s2) Else $dis = _Distance($s1, $s2) EndIf Local $maxLen = _Max(StringLen($s1), StringLen($s2)) If ($maxLen = 0) Then Return 100 Return (1 - $dis / $maxLen) * 100 EndFunc ; Compute Levenshtein Distance Func _Levenshtein($s, $t) Local $m, $n, $i, $j, $s_i, $t_j, $cost $n = StringLen($s) $m = StringLen($t) If $n * $m = 0 Then Return $m + $n Local $d[$n + 1][$m + 1] For $i = 0 To $n $d[$i][0] = $i Next For $j = 0 To $m $d[0][$j] = $j Next For $i = 1 To $n $s_i = StringMid($s, $i, 1) For $j = 1 To $m $t_j = StringMid($t, $j, 1) If $s_i = $t_j Then $cost = 0 Else $cost = 1 EndIf $d[$i][$j] = _Minimum3($d[$i - 1][$j] + 1, $d[$i][$j - 1] + 1, $d[$i - 1][$j - 1] + $cost) Next Next Return $d[$n][$m] EndFunc ; Get minimum of three values Func _Minimum3($a, $b, $c) Local $mi $mi = $a If $b < $mi Then $mi = $b If $c < $mi Then $mi = $c Return $mi EndFunc ; Efficient calculation of similarity Func _Distance($s1, $s2) Local $ls1 = StringLen($s1), $ls2 = StringLen($s2) If $ls1 * $ls2 = 0 Then Return $ls1 + $ls2 Local $c = 0, $offset1 = 0, $offset2 = 0, $dist = 0, $i While (($c + $offset1 < $ls1) And ($c + $offset2 < $ls2)) If (StringMid($s1, $c + $offset1 + 1, 1) <> StringMid($s2, $c + $offset2 + 1, 1)) Then $offset1 = 0 $offset2 = 0 For $i = 0 to $maxOffset - 1 If (($c + $i < $ls1) And (StringMid($s1, $c + $i + 1, 1) = StringMid($s2, $c + 1, 1))) Then If ($i > 0) Then $dist += 1 $offset1 = $i EndIf $dist -= 1 ExitLoop EndIf If (($c + $i < $ls2) And (StringMid($s1, $c + 1, 1) = StringMid($s2, $c + $i + 1, 1))) Then If ($i > 0) Then $dist += 1 $offset2 = $i EndIf $dist -= 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next $dist += 1 EndIf $c += 1 Wend Return $dist + ($ls1 - $offset1 + $ls2 - $offset2) / 2 - $c EndFunc