#cs The scanforit function needs some work, I will improve it after I see how the next couple version affect the code. The update to Invovled a new method pathching the dll. If that happens again the ability to possibly patch future untested versions won't have a chance in HE double hockey sticks of working. To Add a version you need to increment the ubound of the 5 global consts ie... $vFlashVer[7] becomes $vFlashVer[8] And the New Version's data for each Don't forget the comma between or 'Quotes' for string values Global Const $vFlashVer[7] = Version of the NPSWF32.dll Global Const $vFlashSize[7] = Size of the NPSWF32.dll file in bytes Global Const $vFlashOffset[7] = Offset in bytes to location of bytes needing replacement Global Const $vFlashOrig[7] = Original bytes Global Const $vFlashNew[7] = Replacement Bytes #ce Global Const $vFlashVer[7] = [ '','','','','' ,''] Global Const $vFlashSize[7] = [ 3695008, 3771296, 3883424, 3885984, 3884312, 5612496 ] Global Const $vFlashOffset[7] = [ 1271652, 1270591, 1274696, 1276282, 1277053, 1575445 ] Global Const $vFlashOrig[7] = [ '0x0074', '0x0074', '0x0074', '0x0074', '0x0074', '0x7439' ] Global Const $vFlashNew[7] = [ '0x00EB', '0x00EB', '0x00EB', '0x00EB', '0x00EB', '0x9090' ] Global $ver start() Func start() If Not FileExists(@SystemDir & '\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll') Then FindDll('NPSWF32.dll') Else VerifyDll(@SystemDir & '\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll') EndIf EndFunc Func VerifyDll($sDll) Local $sVer,$oFSO $oFSO = ObjCreate("Scripting.FileSystemObject") $sVer = $oFSO.GetFileVersion( $sDll ) For $i = 0 To UBound($vFlashVer) - 1 If $sVer = $vFlashVer[$i] Then $ver = $sVer ExitLoop EndIf Next $oFSO = "" If Not $ver Then If Not WrongVersion($sVer) Then ScanForIt($sDll, $sVer, Binary('0x743983E807741183E80575138B'),Binary('0x743983E807741183E80575138B')) Else Exit EndIf EndIf Openit($sDll) EndFunc Func Openit($sDll) Local $hDLL, $bFile $hDLL = FileOpen($sDll,16) If @error = -1 Then FileOpenFail() Exit EndIf $bFile = FileRead($hDLL) If @error = 1 Then FileReadFail() Exit EndIf FileClose($hDLL) For $i = 0 To UBound($vFlashVer) - 1 PatchIt($bFile,$sDll,$vFlashVer[$i],$vFlashSize[$i],$vFlashOffset[$i],Binary($vFlashOrig[$i]),Binary($vFlashNew[$i])) Next EndFunc Func ScanForIt($sDll,$sVer,$bFind, $bFindPatched) Local $loc1,$loc2,$i,$nSize $ver = $sVer $nSize = FileGetSize($sDll) $hDLL = FileOpen($sDll,16) If @error Then FileOpenFail() Exit EndIf $bFile = FileRead($hDLL) If @error Then FileReadFail() Exit EndIf FileClose($hDLL) $loc1 = StringInStr(BinaryToString($bFile),BinaryToString($bFind),Default,1) If $loc1 Then ConsoleWrite('Location 1= ' & $loc1 & @CRLF) $sLocs = 'Location 1= ' & $loc1 & @CRLF Else $loc1 = StringInStr(BinaryToString($bFile),BinaryToString($bFindPatched),Default,1) If $loc1 Then If MsgBox(1,'FullScreen Fix : Untested Version'," Found a 'possible' location where an untested version was patched " & @CRLF & ' Version = ' & $ver & ' Location = ' & $loc1 & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' DO NOT proceed unless you have previously patched an untested version. ' & @CRLF ) <> 1 Then Exit Else PatchIt($bFile,$sDll,$ver,$nSize,$loc1,Binary("0x7439"),Binary("0x9090")) Exit EndIf EndIf MsgBox(0,'FullScreen Fix - Error',' Unable to locate the correct byte sequence in the dll file ' & @CRLF & ' Version = ' & $ver & @CRLF & ' Critical failure...Exiting....' & @CRLF & @CRLF) Exit EndIf $loc2 = StringInStr(BinaryToString($bFile),BinaryToString($bFind),Default,2) If $loc2 Then ConsoleWrite('Location 2= ' & $loc2 & @CRLF) $sLocs &= 'Location 2= ' & $loc2 & @CRLF $i = 3 While True $p = StringInStr(BinaryToString($bFile),BinaryToString($bFind),Default,$i) If Not $p Then ExitLoop $sLocs &= 'Location ' & $i & '= ' & $p & @CRLF ConsoleWrite('Location ' & $i & '= ' & $p & @CRLF) $i += 1 If $i > 20 Then ExitLoop WEnd ConsoleWrite($sLocs & @CRLF) MsgBox(0,'FullScreen Fix - Error',' Found multiple possible locations to patch ' & @CRLF & ' Version = ' & $ver & @CRLF & $sLocs & @CRLF & ' Critical failure...Exiting....' & @CRLF & @CRLF) Exit Else MsgBox(0,'FullScreen Fix',' Scan Success found 1 possible location to patch. ' & @CRLF & ' Version = ' & $ver & @CRLF & ' Location = ' & $loc1 & @CRLF & @CRLF ) PatchIt($bFile,$sDll,$ver,$nSize,$loc1,Binary("0x7439"),Binary("0x9090")) EndIf Exit EndFunc Func PatchIt(byref $bFile,$sDll,$sV,$nL,$nO,$bOrig,$bNew) If $ver <> $sV then return Local $bReplace, $bReplacement, $bPart1, $bPart2, $bTarget, $hDLL If BinaryLen($bFile) <> $nL Then If Not WrongSize(BinaryLen($bFile),$nL) Then Exit EndIf $bPart1 = BinaryMid($bFile, 1, $nO) $bTarget = BinaryMid($bFile, $nO + 1, 2) $bPart2 = BinaryMid($bFile, $nO + 3, BinaryLen($bFile)) If $bTarget = $bOrig Then $bTarget = $bNew $ReplacementMsg = ' ' & $bOrig & ' Indicates that this file is not currently pathed. ' & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Would you like to patch it now?' ElseIf $bTarget = $bNew Then $bTarget = $bOrig $ReplacementMsg = ' ' & $bNew & ' Indicates that this file has been patched. ' & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Would you like to remove the patch?' Else BinNotMatch($bTarget,$bOrig) Exit EndIf $bReplace = $bPart1 & $bTarget & $bPart2 If BinaryLen($bReplace) <> BinaryLen($bFile) Then MsgBox(0,'FullScreen Fix - Error',' Critical error: the length of the original file' & @CRLF & ' and the length of the new file would have not been the same. ' & @CRLF & ' Commit changes to file has beeen aborted. ' & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Uknown reason how or why this would happen. ' & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Exiting....' & @CRLF) Exit EndIf If MsgBox(4,'FullScreen Fix - Patch',' Found the target dll file, ' & $sDll & '.' & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ @CRLF & $ReplacementMsg & @CRLF & @CRLF ) = 6 Then $hDLL = FileOpen($sDll,18) If @error = -1 Then FileOpenFail() Exit EndIf If Not FileWrite($hDLL,$bReplace) Then FileClose($hDLL) FileWriteFail() Exit EndIf FileClose($hDLL) EndIf Exit EndFunc Func BinNotMatch($bIs,$bShouldbe) MsgBox(0,'FullScreen Fix - Error',' The 2 bytes to patch are incorrect ' & $bShouldbe & ', ' & @CRLF & ' they are ' & $bIs & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Critical failure...Exiting....' & @CRLF) Return False EndFunc Func FileOpenFail() MsgBox(0,'FullScreen Fix - Error',' Unable to open file, File may be in use. ' & @CRLF & ' Try the following' & @CRLF & ' Quit any applications that maybe using flash.' & @CRLF & ' Restart your system.' & @CRLF & ' Use an account with administrator privledges.' & @CRLF & ' Check permissions to make sure you have read & write privledges.' & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Critical failure...Exiting....' & @CRLF & @CRLF) Return False EndFunc Func WrongVersion($sVerIs) If MsgBox(4,'FullScreen Fix - Error', " Current NPSWF32.dll Version = " & $sVerIs & @CRLF & " That version hasn't been added yet" & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Would you like to scan the file for the target bytes ?' & @CRLF & @CRLF) = 6 Then Return True Exit EndFunc Func WrongSize($nSizeIs, $nSizeShouldBe) If MsgBox(4,'FullScreen Fix - Error', 'The dll file size should be' & $nSizeShouldBe & ',' & @CRLF & "however it is " & $nSizeIs & @CRLF & "It's possible the patch may work still." & @CRLF & 'There are a number of additional checks to make sure the wrong file does not get patched' & @CRLF & @CRLF & 'Would you like to continue ?' & @CRLF & @CRLF) = 6 Then Return True EndFunc Func FindDll($sDll) If MsgBox(4,'FullScreen Fix - Error',$sDll & ' Does not exist' & @CRLF & ' Would you like to select the file manually? ' & @CRLF & @CRLF) = 6 Then $sNewFileName = FileOpenDialog('Adobe FullScreen Fix', @SystemDir , 'Dll File (*.dll)' , 1 , 'NPSWF32.dll') If StringRight($sNewFileName,11) = "NPSWF32.DLL" Then Return True EndIf EndIf Return False EndFunc Func FileReadFail() FileOpenFail() Return False EndFunc Func FileWriteFail() FileOpenFail() Return False EndFunc