#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: myName Script Function: Template AutoIt script. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;#include "G:\17 - SSS - Prime Contractor - IBM\14. Base Information\QHIC Test Team\automation\Include\IE.au3" ;#include "G:\17 - SSS - Prime Contractor - IBM\14. Base Information\QHIC Test Team\automation\Include\Array.au3" ;#include "G:\17 - SSS - Prime Contractor - IBM\14. Base Information\QHIC Test Team\automation\Include\ExcelCOM_UDF.au3" ;#include "G:\17 - SSS - Prime Contractor - IBM\14. Base Information\QHIC Test Team\automation\Include\Word.au3" ;#include "G:\17 - SSS - Prime Contractor - IBM\14. Base Information\QHIC Test Team\automation\Include\ScreenCapture.au3" ;#Include "G:\17 - SSS - Prime Contractor - IBM\14. Base Information\QHIC Test Team\automation\Include\File.au3" #include #include ;#include #include #include #include #Include #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variables #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $wb, $page, $page_handle, $form, $form_name_glob = "", $frame, $obj, $frame_num = -1, $sub_frame_num = -1, _ $window, $set_text_mode = "send keys", $image_num = 0, $base_path = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Work\Testing\Government\Centrelink\work\Test Automation", _ $log_file_handle, $debug_file = "", $glob_test_name, $test_corrupt = False, $tc_status, $win_title Global $take_snapshots = True ; flag used to temporarily disable snapshots, and later re-enable them ;[Control if write the detail result to spread sheet] global $result_detail,$record_result_detail=false,$col_result_detail,$sheet_resultDetail #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test Results #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- func TestCaseLogOpen($test_name, $append = False) $glob_test_name = $test_name $test_corrupt = False if $log_file_handle <> "" Then ; Close the previous Log ;$html &= "" & @CR ;$html &= "" & @CR FileClose($log_file_handle) EndIf $result_file = $base_path & "\Results\" & $glob_test_name & ".doc" $result_files_abs_path = $glob_test_name & "_files" $result_files_path = $base_path & "\Results\" & $result_files_abs_path if $append = False Then DirRemove($result_files_path, 1) DirCreate($result_files_path) FileDelete($result_file) EndIf $log_file_handle = FileOpen($result_file, 1) if $append = False Then $html = "" $html &= "" & @CR $html &= "" & @CR $html &= "Untitled Document" & @CR $html &= "" & @CR $html &= "" & @CR $html &= "Test Case " & $test_name & "

" & @CR FileWriteLine($log_file_handle, $html) EndIf ; Setup a debug log $debug_file = $base_path & "\Results\" & $glob_test_name & ".txt" if $append = False Then FileDelete($debug_file) EndIf EndFunc func TestCaseLogWrite($log_html) if $test_corrupt then return ; too much logging - DebugLogLogWrite("Called TestCaseLogWrite: $log_html=" & $log_html) ; don't log anything until a test log file has been opened. if $log_file_handle = "" Then Return $log_html_processed = False ; if IsHWnd($log_html) and $log_html_processed = False Then if StringCompare($log_html, "page snapshot") = 0 and $log_html_processed = False Then if $take_snapshots = True Then $result_file = $base_path & "\Results\" & $glob_test_name & ".doc" $result_files_abs_path = $glob_test_name & "_files" $result_files_path = $base_path & "\Results\" & $result_files_abs_path ; get the number of page down scrolls needed to scroll the frame or page if $frame <> "" Then $element_total_height = $frame.document.body.scrollHeight $element_visible_height = $frame.document.body.parentNode.clientHeight ; DebugLogLogWrite("num scrolls " & $num_scrolls & " " & $frame.document.body.scrollHeight & " " & $frame.document.body.parentNode.clientHeight) Else $element_total_height = $page.document.body.scrollHeight $element_visible_height = $page.document.body.offsetHeight ; DebugLogLogWrite("num scrolls " & $num_scrolls & " " & $page.document.body.scrollHeight & " " & $page.document.body.offsetHeight) EndIf if $element_visible_height = 0 Then $num_scrolls = 1 Else $num_scrolls = $element_total_height / $element_visible_height EndIf if $num_scrolls = 0 Then $num_scrolls = 1 EndIf $num_scrolls = Ceiling($num_scrolls) ;Exit ; for every page off-screen for $i = 1 to $num_scrolls ; capture the window to a file $image_num = $image_num + 1 $image_filename = StringFormat("%04s", $image_num) & ".jpg" WinActivate($page_handle) DebugLogLogWrite("Logging snapshot of URL " & $page.locationurl & " to filename " & $image_filename) _ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd($result_files_path & "\" & $image_filename, $page_handle) ; reference the captured file in the results file FileWriteLine($log_file_handle, "

") ; scroll down one page if $frame <> "" Then ; $frame.document.parentWindow.scrollBy(0,$frame.document.body.offsetHeight) $frame.document.parentWindow.scrollBy(0,$frame.document.body.parentNode.clientHeight) Else $page.document.parentWindow.scrollBy(0,$page.document.body.offsetHeight) EndIf Next EndIf $log_html_processed = True EndIf if StringCompare($log_html, "DEPENDENCIES") = 0 and $log_html_processed = False Then ; do nothing $log_html_processed = True EndIf if StringCompare($log_html, "PREREQUISITES") = 0 and $log_html_processed = False Then ; do nothing $log_html_processed = True EndIf if StringRegExp($log_html, "P\d+.", 0) = 1 and $log_html_processed = False Then $log_tag = StringRegExp($log_html, "P\d+.", 1) $log_tag_len = StringLen($log_tag[0]) $log_tag_num = StringMid($log_html, 2, $log_tag_len-2) FileWriteLine($log_file_handle, "Prerequisite " & $log_tag_num & "

") FileWriteLine($log_file_handle, StringMid($log_html, $log_tag_len+1) & "

") $log_html_processed = True EndIf if StringCompare($log_html, "TEST STEPS") = 0 and $log_html_processed = False Then ; do nothing $log_html_processed = True EndIf if StringRegExp($log_html, "A\d+.", 0) = 1 and $log_html_processed = False Then $log_tag = StringRegExp($log_html, "A\d+.", 1) $log_tag_len = StringLen($log_tag[0]) $log_tag_num = StringMid($log_html, 2, $log_tag_len-2) FileWriteLine($log_file_handle, "Test Step " & $log_tag_num & "

") FileWriteLine($log_file_handle, "Description (Actions)

") FileWriteLine($log_file_handle, StringMid($log_html, $log_tag_len+1) & "

") $log_html_processed = True EndIf if StringRegExp($log_html, "R\d+.", 0) = 1 and $log_html_processed = False Then $log_tag = StringRegExp($log_html, "R\d+.", 1) $log_tag_len = StringLen($log_tag[0]) FileWriteLine($log_file_handle, "Expected Results

") FileWriteLine($log_file_handle, StringMid($log_html, $log_tag_len+1) & "

") $log_html_processed = True EndIf if StringCompare($log_html, "POST-NAVIGATION") = 0 and $log_html_processed = False Then ; do nothing $log_html_processed = True EndIf if StringRegExp($log_html, "PN\d+.", 0) = 1 and $log_html_processed = False Then $log_tag = StringRegExp($log_html, "PN\d+.", 1) $log_tag_len = StringLen($log_tag[0]) $log_tag_num = StringMid($log_html, 2, $log_tag_len-2) FileWriteLine($log_file_handle, "Post-navigation step " & $log_tag_num & "

") FileWriteLine($log_file_handle, StringMid($log_html, $log_tag_len+1) & "

") $log_html_processed = True EndIf if $log_html_processed = False Then ; plain text FileWriteLine($log_file_handle, $log_html & "
") EndIf EndFunc func TestCaseLogResultVerify($expected, $actual) DebugLogLogWrite("Called TestCaseLogResultVerify: $expected=" & $expected & ", $actual=" & $actual) $result_detail = "" if StringCompare($expected, $actual) = 0 Then $test_result = "PASSED" Else $test_result = "FAILED" EndIf if $test_result = "FAILED" and $tc_status <> "FAILED" then $tc_status = $test_result $test_result_msg = "Verification" DebugLogLogWrite($test_result_msg) TestCaseLogWrite($test_result_msg) $test_result_msg = "Expected = " & $expected DebugLogLogWrite($test_result_msg) TestCaseLogWrite($test_result_msg) $result_detail = $result_detail & $test_result_msg & @CRLF $test_result_msg = "Actual = " & $actual DebugLogLogWrite($test_result_msg) TestCaseLogWrite($test_result_msg) $result_detail = $result_detail & $test_result_msg & @CRLF $test_result_msg = "Result = " & $test_result & "
" DebugLogLogWrite($test_result_msg) TestCaseLogWrite($test_result_msg) $result_detail = $result_detail & $test_result_msg & @CRLF ;return $test_result if $record_result_detail = true Then $col_result_detail= $col_result_detail+1 FA_data_write($sheet_resultDetail,$tc.item("Number"),$col_result_detail,$result_detail) ;$result_detail: global variable in Toolkit EndIf EndFunc func DebugLogLogWrite($text) $text = $text & @CRLF ConsoleWrite($text) _FileWriteLog($debug_file, $text) EndFunc #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IE Textboxes #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- func IETextSetMode ($mode) DebugLogLogWrite("Called IETextSetMode: $mode=" & $mode) $set_text_mode = $mode EndFunc func IETextBoxSet($textbox_name, $textbox_value) DebugLogLogWrite("Called IETextBoxSet: $textbox_name=" & $textbox_name & ", $textbox_value=" & $textbox_value) $tbox = _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($form,$textbox_name) if StringCompare($set_text_mode, "set value") = 0 Then $tbox.value = $textbox_value Else _IEAction($tbox, "focus") WinActivate($page_handle) ; ensure the page has focus before sending text Send("{HOME}{SHIFTDOWN}{END}{SHIFTUP}") ; clear current text WinActivate($page_handle) ; ensure the page has focus before sending text Send($textbox_value) ; send new text EndIf EndFunc func IETextBoxDefocus() DebugLogLogWrite("Called IETextBoxDefocus") send("{TAB}") ; send a TAB to cause the textbox to be processed IEWait() ; wait for the textbox processing to finish if $frame_num > -1 Then if $sub_frame_num > -1 Then IEFrameAttach($frame_num,$sub_frame_num) ; reattach to the frame as the textbox may have changed it EndIf EndIf if $form_name_glob <> "" Then IEFormAttach($form_name_glob) ; reattach to the form as the textbox may have changed it EndIf EndFunc #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IE Frames #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- func IEFramesShow() DebugLogLogWrite("Called IEFramesShow.") $oFrames = _IEFrameGetCollection ($page) $iNumFrames = @extended For $i = 0 to ($iNumFrames - 1) $oFrame = _IEFrameGetCollection ($page, $i) MsgBox(0, "Frame Info", _IEPropertyGet ($oFrame, "locationurl")) Next EndFunc func IEFrameAttach($frame_name_num, $sub_frame_name_num = -1) $frame_num = $frame_name_num $sub_frame_num = $sub_frame_name_num DebugLogLogWrite("Called IEFrameAttach: $frame_name_num1=" & $frame_name_num & ", $frame_name_num2=" & $sub_frame_name_num) if IsNumber($frame_name_num) Then $frame = _IEFrameGetCollection ($page, $frame_name_num) ConsoleWrite("Attached to frame with locationurl: " & _IEPropertyGet ($frame, "locationurl") & @CRLF) if $sub_frame_name_num > -1 Then $frame = _IEFrameGetCollection ($frame, $sub_frame_name_num) ConsoleWrite("Attached to frame with locationurl: " & _IEPropertyGet ($frame, "locationurl") & @CRLF) EndIf EndIf EndFunc #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IE Hyperlinks #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- func IELinkClick($link_name_num, $mode = 0, $instance = 0, $scroll_to = false, $scroll_x_offset = 0, $scroll_y_offset = 0, $link_x_offset = 0, $link_y_offset = 0) DebugLogLogWrite("Called IELinkClick: $link_name_num=" & $link_name_num) if $mode = 0 then if IsNumber($link_name_num) Then if $frame <> "" Then _IELinkClickByIndex ($frame,$link_name_num, $instance) Else ;_IELinkClickByIndex ($form,$link_name_num) _IELinkClickByIndex ($page,$link_name_num, $instance) EndIf Else if $scroll_to = false Then if $frame <> "" Then _IELinkClickByText ($frame,$link_name_num, $instance) Else _IELinkClickByText ($form,$link_name_num, $instance) EndIf Else $oLink = IELinkGet($link_name_num, $instance) IEElementClick($oLink, $scroll_x_offset, $scroll_y_offset, $link_x_offset, $link_y_offset) EndIf EndIf elseif $mode = 1 Then ; works for the DBLookup where the search text is only part of the ref text. example: Infojavascript:returnValues("20166","LT_BAD241_1275",%20true); $oLinks = _IELinkGetCollection ($page) $iNumLinks = @extended For $oLink In $oLinks ;ConsoleWrite("Link Info" & $oLink.href & @CRLF) if StringInStr( $oLink.href , chr(34) & $link_name_num & chr(34)) > 0 Then $oLink.click ExitLoop EndIf Next endif EndFunc Func IELinkGet($s_linkText, $i_index = 0) Local $found = 0, $link, $linktext, $links = $form.document.links $i_index = Number($i_index) For $link In $links $linktext = $link.outerText & "" ; Append empty string to prevent problem with no outerText (image) links If $linktext = $s_linkText Then If ($found = $i_index) Then ExitLoop EndIf $found = $found + 1 EndIf Next return $link EndFunc #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IE Tags #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- func IETagClick($tagname, $innertext) DebugLogLogWrite("Called IETagClick: $tagname=" & $tagname & ", $innertext=" & $innertext) if $frame <> "" Then $oElements = _IETagNameGetCollection ($frame,$tagname) Else $oElements = _IETagNameGetCollection ($page,$tagname) EndIf For $oElement In $oElements if stringcompare(StringStripWS($oElement.innerText,3), StringStripWS($innertext,3) )= 0 Then _IEAction ($oElement, "focus") ; Focus the object first to ensure events when leaving another object are performed. _IEAction ($oElement, "click") ExitLoop EndIf Next EndFunc func IETagTextGet($tagname) DebugLogLogWrite("Called IETagTextGet: $tagname=" & $tagname) if $frame <> "" Then $oElement = _IETagNameGetCollection ($frame,$tagname, 0) Else $oElement = _IETagNameGetCollection ($page,$tagname, 0) EndIf Return $oElement.innerText EndFunc #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IE Radio Buttons #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- func IERadioButtonSelect($name, $value) DebugLogLogWrite("Called IERadioButtonSelect: $name=" & $name & ", $value=" & $value) _IEFormElementRadioSelect ($form, $value, $name) EndFunc #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IE Checkboxes #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- func IECheckBoxExists($label) DebugLogLogWrite("Called IECheckBoxExists: $label=" & $label) $oElements = _IETagNameAllGetCollection ($form) $iNumElements = @extended $checkbox_found = False For $i = 0 to $iNumElements - 1 $oElement = _IETagNameAllGetCollection ($form, $i) if StringCompare($oElement.innerText, $label) = 0 Then While StringCompare($oElement.tagname, "INPUT") <> 0 if StringCompare($checkbox_pos, "left") = 0 Then $i = $i - 1 Else $i = $i + 1 EndIf $oElement = _IETagNameAllGetCollection ($form, $i) WEnd $checkbox_found = True ; checkbox found $i = $iNumElements - 1 ; exit the loop EndIf Next return $checkbox_found EndFunc func IECheckBoxCheck($label, $checkbox_pos = "blank", $mode = "space") DebugLogLogWrite("Called IECheckBoxCheck: $label=" & $label & ", $checkbox_pos=" & $checkbox_pos) if StringCompare($checkbox_pos, "blank") = 0 Then if StringCompare($mode, "select") = 0 Then _IEFormElementCheckBoxSelect($form, 0, $label, 1, "byIndex") ;temporarily removed as it does not work with popups Else ConsoleWrite("Focusing checkbox" & @CRLF) $obj = _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($form, $label) $hwnd = _IEPropertyGet($page, "hwnd") _IEAction ($obj, "focus") ; Focus the object first to ensure events when leaving another object are performed. ControlSend($hwnd, "", "[CLASS:Internet Explorer_Server; INSTANCE:1]", " ") EndIf Else $oElements = _IETagNameAllGetCollection ($form) $iNumElements = @extended For $i = 0 to $iNumElements - 1 $oElement = _IETagNameAllGetCollection ($form, $i) if StringCompare($oElement.tagname, "LABEL") = 0 and StringCompare($oElement.innerText, $label) = 0 Then While StringCompare($oElement.tagname, "INPUT") <> 0 if StringCompare($checkbox_pos, "left") = 0 Then $i = $i - 1 Else $i = $i + 1 EndIf $oElement = _IETagNameAllGetCollection ($form, $i) WEnd if StringCompare($mode, "select") = 0 Then _IEFormElementCheckBoxSelect ($form, $oElement.value, "", 1, "byValue") ;temporarily removed as it does not work with popups Else ConsoleWrite("Focusing checkbox" & @CRLF) $hwnd = _IEPropertyGet($page, "hwnd") ConsoleWrite($oElement.value) _IEAction ($oElement, "focus") ; Focus the object first to ensure events when leaving another object are performed. ControlSend($hwnd, "", "[CLASS:Internet Explorer_Server; INSTANCE:1]", " ") EndIf $i = $iNumElements - 1 EndIf Next EndIf EndFunc func IECheckBoxGetValue($label, $checkbox_pos = "") dim $pos,$value DebugLogLogWrite("Called IECheckBoxGetValue: $label=" & $label & ", $checkbox_pos=" & $checkbox_pos) $oElements = _IETagNameAllGetCollection ($form) $iNumElements = @extended $value = 0 ConsoleWrite(" total Items = " & $iNumElements & @CRLF) For $i = 0 to $iNumElements - 1 $oElement = _IETagNameAllGetCollection ($form, $i) if StringCompare($oElement.tagname, "LABEL") = 0 and StringCompare($oElement.innerText, $label) = 0 Then $pos = $i ConsoleWrite("FIND matching label" & @CRLF) While StringCompare($oElement.tagname, "INPUT") <> 0 if StringCompare($checkbox_pos, "left") = 0 Then $pos = $pos - 1 Else $pos = $pos + 1 EndIf $oElement = _IETagNameAllGetCollection ($form, $pos) WEnd $value = $oElement.value ExitLoop EndIf Next return $value EndFunc func IECheckBoxCheckByName($label) DebugLogLogWrite("Called IECheckBoxCheckByName: $label=" & $label ) $obj = _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($form, $label) if @ERROR = 0 Then ;find the checkbox. then focus it and cgeck it . otherwise exit ConsoleWrite("Focusing checkbox" & @CRLF) $hwnd = _IEPropertyGet($page, "hwnd") ConsoleWrite($obj.name) _IEAction ($obj , "focus") ; Focus the object first to ensure events when leaving another object are performed. ControlSend($hwnd, "", "[CLASS:Internet Explorer_Server; INSTANCE:1]", " ") EndIf EndFunc func IECheckBoxUncheck($label, $checkbox_pos = "blank") DebugLogLogWrite("Called IECheckBoxUncheck: $label=" & $label & ", $checkbox_pos=" & $checkbox_pos) if StringCompare($checkbox_pos, "blank") = 0 Then _IEFormElementCheckBoxSelect($form, 0, $label, 0, "byIndex") Else $oElements = _IETagNameAllGetCollection ($form) $iNumElements = @extended For $i = 0 to $iNumElements - 1 $oElement = _IETagNameAllGetCollection ($form, $i) if StringCompare($oElement.innerText, $label) = 0 Then While StringCompare($oElement.tagname, "INPUT") <> 0 if StringCompare($checkbox_pos, "left") = 0 Then $i = $i - 1 Else $i = $i + 1 EndIf $oElement = _IETagNameAllGetCollection ($form, $i) WEnd _IEFormElementCheckBoxSelect ($form, $oElement.value, "", 0, "byValue") $i = $iNumElements - 1 EndIf Next EndIf EndFunc func IEGetCheckbox($property, $value) DebugLogLogWrite("Called IEGetCheckbox(""" & $property & """, """ & $value & """)") $elements = _IEFormElementGetCollection($form) For $element In $elements if $element.type = "checkbox" and Execute("$element." & $property) = $value Then Return $element Next Return False EndFunc #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IE Pages #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- func IEPageOpen($url) DebugLogLogWrite("Called IEPageOpen(" & $url & ")") $page = _IECreate ($url) $page_handle = _IEPropertyGet($page, "HWND") WinActivate($page_handle) ; bring the page to the front EndFunc func IEPageAttach($string, $mode, $wait = False) DebugLogLogWrite("Called IEPageAttach(""" & $string & """, """ & $mode & """, " & $wait & ")") $frame = "" ; clear any old frame attachment from a previous page $form = "" ; clear any old form attachment from a previous page $page = _IEAttach ($string, $mode) $page_handle = _IEPropertyGet($page, "HWND") if $wait = True Then IEWait() WinActivate($page_handle) ; bring the page to the front EndFunc func IEPageMaximise() DebugLogLogWrite("Called IEPageMaximise()") WinSetState($page_handle, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE) EndFunc func IEPageMinimise() DebugLogLogWrite("Called IEPageMinimise()") WinSetState($page_handle, "", @SW_MINIMIZE) EndFunc func IEWait($num_waits = 1, $timeout = 120000, $wait_for_status_done = False) ; timeout of 120000 is 2 mins DebugLogLogWrite("Called IEWait(" & $num_waits & ", " & $timeout & ", " & $wait_for_status_done & ") on URL " & $page.locationurl) if $num_waits = -1 or $num_waits = 0 then $num_waits = 1 if $timeout = -1 or $timeout = 0 then $timeout = 120000 if $wait_for_status_done Then Do Sleep(500) Until StringCompare(_IEPropertyGet($page, "statustext"), "Done") = 0 ;and $innerhtml_same = False EndIf for $i = 1 to $num_waits if $frame <> "" Then _IELoadWait($frame, 0, $timeout) Else _IELoadWait($page, 0, $timeout) EndIf Sleep(1000) ConsoleWrite("Time after wait #" & $i & " = " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & @CRLF) Next if $wait_for_status_done Then Do Sleep(500) Until StringCompare(_IEPropertyGet($page, "statustext"), "Done") = 0 EndIf EndFunc func IEAttachAndWait($url = "", $mode = "url", $frame_name_num = -1, $sub_frame_name_num = -1, $form_name = "", $num_waits = 1, $timeout = 120000, $wait_for_status_done = False) DebugLogLogWrite("Called IEAttachAndWait(""" & $url & """, " & $frame_name_num & ", " & $sub_frame_name_num & ", """ & $form_name & """, " & $num_waits & ", " & $timeout & ", " & $wait_for_status_done & ")") ; Attaching if $url <> -1 and StringCompare($url, "") <> 0 then IEPageAttach($url, $mode) EndIf if $frame_name_num > -1 then if $sub_frame_name_num > -1 Then IEFrameAttach($frame_name_num, $sub_frame_name_num) Else IEFrameAttach($frame_name_num) EndIf EndIf if $form_name <> -1 and StringCompare($form_name, "") <> 0 then IEFormAttach($form_name) EndIf ; Waiting IEWait($num_waits, $timeout, $wait_for_status_done) EndFunc #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IE Forms #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- func IEFormAttach($form_name) DebugLogLogWrite("Called IEFormAttach: $form_name=" & $form_name) $form_name_glob = $form_name if $frame <> "" Then $form = _IEFormGetObjByName ($frame,$form_name) Else $form = _IEFormGetObjByName ($page,$form_name) EndIf EndFunc #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IE Buttons #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- func IEButtonClick($button_name_num, $mode = "") ;changed by Sean Dong. ;by defaulm $mode ="", after the button is clicked, autoIT will attach the original page ;if function called with $mode parameter, autoIT will not attach to page again. it handle the case where pop-up window is close after clicking button DebugLogLogWrite("Called IEButtonClick: $button_name_num=" & $button_name_num) $objs = _IEFormElementGetCollection ($form) $num_objs = @extended if IsNumber($button_name_num) Then $button_num = 0 For $i = 0 to $num_objs - 1 $obj = _IEFormElementGetCollection ($form, $i) ;msgbox(0,"yo",$obj.type) if $obj.type = "button" or $obj.type = "submit" Then $button_num = $button_num + 1 if $button_num = $button_name_num Then ConsoleWrite("Focusing button" & @CRLF) $hwnd = _IEPropertyGet($page, "hwnd") _IEAction ($obj, "focus") ; Focus the object first to ensure events when leaving another object are performed. ControlSend($hwnd, "", "[CLASS:Internet Explorer_Server; INSTANCE:1]", "{Enter}") ConsoleWrite("Clicking button" & @CRLF) ; _IEAction ($obj, "click") ; temporarily removed as it does not work with popups ; send("{ENTER}") ; see help page on _IEAction, example 2 ConsoleWrite("Button clicked" & @CRLF) if $mode = "" then IEWait() ConsoleWrite("Called IE Wait in Button click" & @CRLF) EndIf ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Next Else $obj = _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($form, $button_name_num) ConsoleWrite("Focusing button" & @CRLF) $hwnd = _IEPropertyGet($page, "hwnd") _IEAction ($obj, "focus") ; Focus the object first to ensure events when leaving another object are performed. ControlSend($hwnd, "", "[CLASS:Internet Explorer_Server; INSTANCE:1]", "{Enter}") ConsoleWrite("Clicking button" & @CRLF) ; _IEAction ($obj, "click") ; temporarily removed as it does not work with popups ;send("{ENTER}") ; see help page on _IEAction, example 2 ConsoleWrite("Button clicked" & @CRLF) if $mode = "" then IEWait() EndIf EndFunc func IEFindButton($button_name) DebugLogLogWrite("Called IEFindButton: $button_name_num=" & $button_name) if _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($form, $button_name) = 0 then ConsoleWrite("Button NOT found !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" & @CRLF) return False Else ConsoleWrite("Button found !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" & @CRLF) return True endif EndFunc func IEGetButton($property, $value) DebugLogLogWrite("Called IEGetButton(""" & $property & """, """ & $value & """)") $elements = _IEFormElementGetCollection($form) For $element In $elements if $element.type = "button" or $element.type = "submit" and Execute("$element." & $property) = $value Then Return $element Next Return False EndFunc #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IE List Boxes #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- func IEListBoxSet($listbox_name, $listbox_value) DebugLogLogWrite("Called IEListBoxSet: $listbox_name=" & $listbox_name & ", $listbox_value=" & $listbox_value) $lbox = _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($form, $listbox_name) _IEFormElementOptionSelect ($lbox, $listbox_value, 1, "byText") EndFunc #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IE Tables #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- func IETableGet($class_name,$mode = "searchByText") ; $mode = "first", return first table, $mode = "last", return last table, otherwise search by text. DebugLogLogWrite("Called IETableGet: $class_name=" & $class_name) if $frame <> "" Then $tables = _IETableGetCollection ($frame) Else $tables = _IETableGetCollection ($page) EndIf $iNumTables = @extended if StringCompare($mode,"first") = 0 and $iNumTables > 0 Then $table = _IETableGetCollection ($frame, 0) return $table elseif StringCompare($mode,"last") = 0 and $iNumTables > 0 Then $table = _IETableGetCollection ($frame, $iNumTables-1) return $table else for $table_num = 0 to $iNumTables-1 $table = _IETableGetCollection ($frame, $table_num) ; ConsoleWrite($table_num & "," & $table.getAttribute("className") & @CRLF) ;ConsoleWrite("Table =" & $table.getAttribute("className") & @CRLF) if StringCompare($table.getAttribute("className"), $class_name) = 0 Then ;ConsoleWrite("FOUND") return $table EndIf Next endif return -1 EndFunc func IETableGetArray($table_num) DebugLogLogWrite("Called IETableGetArray(" & $table_num & ")") if $frame <> "" Then $table = _IETableGetCollection ($frame, $table_num) Else $table = _IETableGetCollection ($page, $table_num) EndIf if $table.rows.length = 0 Then return False $aTableData = _IETableWriteToArray ($table, True) ; _ArrayDisplay($aTableData) Return $aTableData EndFunc func IETableRowGet($table, $column_num, $value, $mode = 0) ;mode 0 ,which is default mode , will comare the whole text in the table cell with the value you pass ;mode 1 will strip the leading and ending while space from the table cell and compare the value you pass DebugLogLogWrite("Called IETableRowGet: $table=" & $table & ", $column_num=" & $column_num & ", $value=" & $value) $tabledata = _IETableWriteToArray ($table, True) if $mode = 0 Then for $row_num = 0 to ubound($tabledata)-1 ;ConsoleWrite("row " & $row_num & " = " & $tabledata[$row_num][$column_num] & @CRLF) if StringCompare($tabledata[$row_num][$column_num], $value) = 0 Then return $row_num EndIf Next elseif $mode = 1 Then for $row_num = 0 to ubound($tabledata)-1 ;ConsoleWrite("row " & $row_num & " = " & $tabledata[$row_num][$column_num] & @CRLF) if StringCompare(StringStripWS($tabledata[$row_num][$column_num],3), $value) = 0 Then return $row_num EndIf Next EndIf return -1 EndFunc func IETableColGet($table, $row_num, $value,$mode = 0) ;mode 0 ,which is default mode , will comare the whole text in the table cell with the value you pass ;mode 1 will strip the leading and ending while space from the table cell and compare the value you pass DebugLogLogWrite("Called IETableColGet: $table=" & $table & ", $row_num=" & $row_num & ", $value=" & $value) $tabledata = _IETableWriteToArray ($table, True) if $mode = 0 Then for $column_num = 0 to ubound($tabledata,2)-1 ;ConsoleWrite("data =" & $tabledata[$row_num][$column_num] & ">>>") ;ConsoleWrite("para =" & $value & ">>>") ;ConsoleWrite("comp =" & StringCompare($tabledata[$row_num][$column_num], $value) & @CRLF) if StringCompare($tabledata[$row_num][$column_num], $value) = 0 Then return $column_num EndIf Next elseif $mode = 1 Then for $column_num = 0 to ubound($tabledata,2)-1 ;ConsoleWrite("data =" & $tabledata[$row_num][$column_num] & ">>>") ;ConsoleWrite("para =" & $value & ">>>") ;ConsoleWrite("comp =" & StringCompare($tabledata[$row_num][$column_num], $value) & @CRLF) if StringCompare(StringStripWS($tabledata[$row_num][$column_num],3), $value) = 0 Then return $column_num EndIf Next EndIf return -1 EndFunc func IETableCellGet($table, $row_num, $column_num) DebugLogLogWrite("Called IETableCellGet: $table=" & $table & ", $row_num=" & $row_num & ", $column_num=" & $column_num) $tabledata = _IETableWriteToArray ($table, True) Return $tabledata[$row_num][$column_num] EndFunc #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IE Images #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- func IEImageClick($image_url) DebugLogLogWrite("Called IEImageClick: $image_url=" & $image_url) $objs = _IEFormElementGetCollection ($form) $num_objs = @extended if IsNumber($image_url) Then $image_num = 0 Else ; _IEFormImageClick($form, $image_url) _IEImgClick($form, $image_url) IEWait() EndIf EndFunc #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IE Miscellaneous #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func IEElementClick($element, $scroll_x_offset = 0, $scroll_y_offset = 0, $element_x_offset = 0, $element_y_offset = 0) $element_pos = IEElementMoveTo($element, $scroll_x_offset, $scroll_y_offset, $element_x_offset, $element_y_offset) MouseClick("left", $element_pos[0], $element_pos[1]) EndFunc Func IEElementMoveTo($element, $scroll_x_offset = 0, $scroll_y_offset = 0, $element_x_offset = 0, $element_y_offset = 0) dim $element_pos[2] $x = _IEPropertyGet($element, "screenx") + $element_x_offset ConsoleWrite("$x" & $x) $y = _IEPropertyGet($element, "screeny") + $element_y_offset ConsoleWrite("$y" & $y) $width = _IEPropertyGet($element, "width") ConsoleWrite("$width" & $width) $height = _IEPropertyGet($element, "height") ConsoleWrite("$height" & $height) $windowleft = $frame.document.parentwindow.screenLeft ConsoleWrite("$windowleft" & $windowleft) $windowtop = $frame.document.parentwindow.screenTop ConsoleWrite("$windowtop" & $windowtop) $windowwidth = $frame.document.body.parentNode.clientWidth ConsoleWrite("$windowwidth" & $windowwidth) $windowheight = $frame.document.body.parentNode.clientHeight ConsoleWrite("$windowheight" & $windowheight) $frame.document.parentwindow.eval("self.scrollTo(0," & ($y - $windowtop + $scroll_y_offset) & ")") $offsetY = $frame.document.body.parentNode.scrollTop ConsoleWrite("$offsetY" & $offsetY) $offsetX = $frame.document.body.parentNode.scrollLeft ConsoleWrite("$offsetX" & $offsetX) $mousex = ($x - $offsetX) ConsoleWrite("$mousex" & $mousex) $mousey = ($y - $offsetY) ConsoleWrite("$mousey" & $mousey) MouseMove($mousex + $element_x_offset, $mousey + $element_y_offset, 0) $element_pos[0] = $mousex + $element_x_offset $element_pos[1] = $mousey + $element_y_offset return $element_pos EndFunc #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Excel #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- func ExcelAttach($FileName) DebugLogLogWrite("Called ExcelAttach: $FileName=" & $FileName) ; $wb = _ExcelBookAttach ($FileName, "FileName") $wb = _ExcelBookAttach ($FileName, "FileName") EndFunc func ExcelSelectionToClipboard() $txt = "" $num_selections = 0 $sel_areas = $wb.Application.selection.areas for $sel_area in $sel_areas $sel_area_value = $sel_area.Value if IsArray($sel_area_value) Then for $sel_area_value_num = 0 to UBound($sel_area_value, 2)-1 $txt &= $sel_area_value[0][$sel_area_value_num] & @CRLF $num_selections = $num_selections + 1 Next Else $txt &= $sel_area_value & @CRLF $num_selections = $num_selections + 1 EndIf Next ; ConsoleWrite($txt) ClipPut($txt) return $num_selections EndFunc func ErrorHandler($error_text, $base_state_function) $test_corrupt = True ; log the error $error_msg = "ERROR. " & $error_text & ". test terminating." DebugLogLogWrite($error_msg) FileWriteLine($log_file_handle, $error_msg & "

") ; log a snapshot of the full desktop $result_file = $base_path & "\Results\" & $glob_test_name & ".doc" $result_files_abs_path = $glob_test_name & "_files" $result_files_path = $base_path & "\Results\" & $result_files_abs_path $image_num = $image_num + 1 $image_filename = StringFormat("%04s", $image_num) & ".jpg" DebugLogLogWrite("Logging snapshot of full desktop to filename " & $image_filename) _ScreenCapture_Capture($result_files_path & "\" & $image_filename) ; reference the captured file in the results file FileWriteLine($log_file_handle, "

") ; return the application to it's base state call($base_state_function) EndFunc Func IEErrorHandler() ; Important: the error object variable MUST be named $oIEErrorHandler $ErrorScriptline = $oIEErrorHandler.scriptline $ErrorNumber = $oIEErrorHandler.number $ErrorNumberHex = Hex($oIEErrorHandler.number, 8) $ErrorDescription = StringStripWS($oIEErrorHandler.description, 2) $ErrorWinDescription = StringStripWS($oIEErrorHandler.WinDescription, 2) $ErrorSource = $oIEErrorHandler.Source $ErrorHelpFile = $oIEErrorHandler.HelpFile $ErrorHelpContext = $oIEErrorHandler.HelpContext $ErrorLastDllError = $oIEErrorHandler.LastDllError $ErrorOutput = "" $ErrorOutput &= "--> COM Error Encountered in " & @ScriptName & @CR $ErrorOutput &= "----> $ErrorScriptline = " & $ErrorScriptline & @CR $ErrorOutput &= "----> $ErrorNumberHex = " & $ErrorNumberHex & @CR $ErrorOutput &= "----> $ErrorNumber = " & $ErrorNumber & @CR $ErrorOutput &= "----> $ErrorWinDescription = " & $ErrorWinDescription & @CR $ErrorOutput &= "----> $ErrorDescription = " & $ErrorDescription & @CR $ErrorOutput &= "----> $ErrorSource = " & $ErrorSource & @CR $ErrorOutput &= "----> $ErrorHelpFile = " & $ErrorHelpFile & @CR $ErrorOutput &= "----> $ErrorHelpContext = " & $ErrorHelpContext & @CR $ErrorOutput &= "----> $ErrorLastDllError = " & $ErrorLastDllError SetError(1) ErrorHandler($ErrorOutput, "UI_base_state_from_Workbrain") Return EndFunc ;==>MyErrFunc #cs Function Added by sean Dong #ce func IEFindLink($object_name) _IEFormElementGetCollection ( $form ) $objectCount = @extended ConsoleWrite("Total Object=" & @extended & @CRLF) for $i = 0 to $objectCount-1 $nextObj = _IEFormElementGetCollection ( $form, $i ) ;ConsoleWrite(" Object[" & $i & "]= "&$obj.name & @CRLF) if StringCompare($nextObj.name,$object_name) = 0 Then Return true endif next ; Can not fnd the object if program reach this line ConsoleWrite("Can not found project: " & $object_name & @CRLF) return False EndFunc func IETreeNodeClick() ;DebugLogLogWrite("Called IETagClick: $tagname=" & $tagname & ", $innertext=" & $innertext) $oElements = _IETagNameAllGetCollection ($form) $iNumElements = @extended For $i = 0 to $iNumElements - 1 $oElement = _IETagNameAllGetCollection ($form, $i) ConsoleWrite("Name = " & $oElement.tagname & "InnerText="&$oElement.innerText & @CRLF) #cs if StringCompare($oElement.tagname, "LABEL") = 0 and StringCompare($oElement.innerText, $label) = 0 Then While StringCompare($oElement.tagname, "INPUT") <> 0 if StringCompare($checkbox_pos, "left") = 0 Then $i = $i - 1 Else $i = $i + 1 EndIf $oElement = _IETagNameAllGetCollection ($form, $i) WEnd if StringCompare($mode, "select") = 0 Then _IEFormElementCheckBoxSelect ($form, $oElement.value, "", 1, "byValue") ;temporarily removed as it does not work with popups Else ConsoleWrite("Focusing checkbox" & @CRLF) $hwnd = _IEPropertyGet($page, "hwnd") ConsoleWrite($oElement.value) _IEAction ($oElement, "focus") ; Focus the object first to ensure events when leaving another object are performed. ControlSend($hwnd, "", "[CLASS:Internet Explorer_Server; INSTANCE:1]", " ") EndIf $i = $iNumElements - 1 EndIf #ce Next EndFunc Func ConvertDate($dateStr,$type) ;ConsoleWrite("Test String = " & $dateStr & @CRLF ) Dim $date if StringCompare(StringUpper($type), "YYYYMMDD") = 0 Then $date = "" $dateArray = StringSplit($dateStr,"/") for $loop = UBound($dateArray)-1 to 1 step -1 ;ConsoleWrite("Array = " & $dateArray[$loop] & @CRLF ) while StringLen($dateArray[$loop]) < 2 $dateArray[$loop] = "0" & $dateArray[$loop] WEnd next $date = $dateArray[3] & "/" & $dateArray[2] & "/" & $dateArray[1] ;msgbox (0,"","box1,date = " & $date) Return $date EndIf if StringCompare(StringUpper($type) , "DDMMYYYY") = 0 Then $date = "" $dateArray = StringSplit($dateStr,"/") for $loop = UBound($dateArray)-1 to 1 step -1 ;ConsoleWrite("Array = " & $dateArray[$loop] & @CRLF ) while StringLen($dateArray[$loop]) < 2 $dateArray[$loop] = "0" & $dateArray[$loop] WEnd next $date = $dateArray[3] & "/" & $dateArray[2] & "/" & $dateArray[1] ;msgbox (0,"","box2,date = " & $date) Return $date EndIf EndFunc #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- func WinAttachAndWait($win_title_tmp) $win_title = $win_title_tmp WinWait($win_title) SendKeepActive($win_title) EndFunc func WinSendKeys($text) WinWait($win_title) WinActivate($win_title) WinWait($win_title) Send($text) EndFunc