#include-once #include ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Version: 1.1.2 ; AutoIt Version: ; Language: English ; Author: doudou ; Description: DllStruct wrapper for AutoItObject. ; Requirements: AutoItObject ; $Revision: 1.4 $ ; $Date: 2010/04/08 19:49:16 $ ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Region ###Helper functions### ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _AIOStruct_ToDllStruct ; Description: Converts wrapper object to DllStruct. ; ; Parameter(s): $objStruct - wrapper object ; ; Return Value(s): DllStruct as defined in the object and all data set ; accordingly to its properties. ; ; Author(s): doudou ;=============================================================================== Func _AIOStruct_ToDllStruct(ByRef $objStruct) Local $result = DllStructCreate($objStruct.StructTag) $objStruct.GetStruct(Number(DllStructGetPtr($result))) Return SetError(@error, @extended, $result) EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _AIOStruct_CheckDataTypeRef ; Description: Converts data to AIO compatible type. ; ; Parameter(s): $data - data to convert ; ; Return Value(s): If a conversion was required - converted data, otherwise data unchanged. ; ; Author(s): doudou ;=============================================================================== Func _AIOStruct_CheckDataTypeRef(ByRef $data) If IsPtr($data) Then Return Number($data) Return $data EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _AIOStruct_CheckDataType ; Description: Wrapper for _AIOStruct_CheckDataTypeRef() for verifying simple ; values without declaring a variable. ; ; Parameter(s): $data - data to convert ; ; Return Value(s): If a conversion was required - converted data, otherwise data unchanged. ; ; Author(s): doudou ;=============================================================================== Func _AIOStruct_CheckDataType($data) Return _AIOStruct_CheckDataTypeRef($data) EndFunc #EndRegion ;Helper functions #Region ###AIOStruct construction/destruction### ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: AIOStruct_New ; Description: Constructs new wrapper object. ; ; Parameter(s): $tagStruct - a string representing the structure (s. DllStructCreate). ; $pointer - if supplied the wrapper will copy the data ; from the struct pointed by it. ; ; Return Value(s): The constructed wrapper. The wrapper will have following public ; properties: ; StructSize - (readonly) size of the struct (s. DllStructGetSize) ; StructAlignment - (readonly) struct alingment (s. DllStructCreate) ; StructTag - (readonly) string used to construct this object ; ElementCount - (readonly) number of struct elements ; ... - writeable properties representing struct ; elements as defined by StructTag, is either the name ; of the corr. element or a constructed key for unnamed elements. ; ; Author(s): doudou ;=============================================================================== Func AIOStruct_New(Const ByRef $tagStruct, $pointer = 0) Local $result = _AutoItObject_Create() Local $t If 0 = $pointer Then $t = DllStructCreate($tagStruct) Else $t = DllStructCreate($tagStruct, $pointer) EndIf Local $parts = StringSplit($tagStruct, ";") Local $align = 8 Local $start = 0 Local $props[$parts[0]] Local $subscr[$parts[0]] For $i = 1 To $parts[0] Local $part = StringStripWS($parts[$i], 3) If 1 = $i And ("align" = $part Or "align " = StringLeft($part, 6)) Then Local $matches = StringRegExp($part, "align\s+(\d+)", 1) If 0 = @error Then $align = $matches[0] $start = 1 Redim $props[UBound($props) - 1] Redim $subscr[UBound($props)] Else Local $matches = StringRegExp($part, "(\w+)\s+(\w+)(\s*\[(\d+)\])?", 1) If 0 = @error Then $props[$i - $start - 1] = $matches[1] If 3 < UBound($matches) And Not ("char" = $matches[0] Or "wchar" = $matches[0] Or "byte" = $matches[0]) Then $subscr[$i - $start - 1] = $matches[3] Else $matches = StringRegExp($part, "(\w+)\s*\[(\d+)\]", 1) If 0 = @error Then $props[$i - $start - 1] = "__ind__" & $matches[0] & ($i - $start) If Not ("char" = $matches[0] Or "wchar" = $matches[0] Or "byte" = $matches[0]) Then $subscr[$i - $start - 1] = $matches[1] Else $props[$i - $start - 1] = "__ind__" & $part & ($i - $start) EndIf EndIf EndIf Next For $i = 0 To UBound($props) - 1 Local $data = DllStructGetData($t, $i + 1) If $subscr[$i] Then Dim $data[$subscr[$i]] For $s = 0 To $subscr[$i] - 1 $data[$s] = _AIOStruct_CheckDataType(DllStructGetData($t, $i + 1, $s + 1)) Next Else $data = _AIOStruct_CheckDataTypeRef($data) EndIf _AutoItObject_AddProperty($result, $props[$i], $ELSCOPE_PUBLIC, $data) Next _AutoItObject_AddProperty($result, "StructSize", $ELSCOPE_READONLY, DllStructGetSize($t)) _AutoItObject_AddProperty($result, "StructAlignment", $ELSCOPE_READONLY, $align) _AutoItObject_AddProperty($result, "StructTag", $ELSCOPE_READONLY, $tagStruct) _AutoItObject_AddProperty($result, "ElementCount", $ELSCOPE_READONLY, UBound($props)) _AutoItObject_AddProperty($result, "_StructElements", $ELSCOPE_PRIVATE, $props) _AutoItObject_AddProperty($result, "_StructSubscripts", $ELSCOPE_PRIVATE, $subscr) _AutoItObject_AddMethod($result, "GetElementName", "AIOStruct_GetElementName") _AutoItObject_AddMethod($result, "GetData", "AIOStruct_GetData") _AutoItObject_AddMethod($result, "SetData", "AIOStruct_SetData") _AutoItObject_AddMethod($result, "GetStruct", "AIOStruct_GetStruct") _AutoItObject_AddMethod($result, "ReadStruct", "AIOStruct_ReadStruct") _AutoItObject_AddDestructor($result, "AIOStruct_Release") Return $result EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: AIOStruct.Release ; Description: Destructs the wrapper object (internal use). ; ; Author(s): doudou ;=============================================================================== Func AIOStruct_Release($oSelf) $oSelf._StructElements = 0 $oSelf.StructTag = 0 EndFunc #EndRegion ;AIOStruct construction/destruction #Region ###AIOStruct public methods### ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: AIOStruct.GetElementName ; Description: Retrieves name of a sturct element at the specified index. ; ; Parameter(s): $index - element index (must be >= 0 and < AIOStruct.ElementCount). ; ; Return Value(s): Element name. ; ; Author(s): doudou ;=============================================================================== Func AIOStruct_GetElementName($oSelf, $index) Local $membArr = $oSelf._StructElements Return $membArr[$index] EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: AIOStruct.SetData ; Description: Sets data in the specified element. Useful if the element name ; is unknown or an array position of the element is modifed. ; ; Parameter(s): $element - element name or element index (must be >= 0 ; and < AIOStruct.ElementCount). ; $value - data to set (shouldn't be an array, pointers must be ; converted to number) ; $index - (optional) for elements that are an array this specifies ; the 0-based index to set. ; ; Return Value(s): None. ; ; Author(s): doudou ;=============================================================================== Func AIOStruct_SetData($oSelf, $element, $value, $index = Default) Local $data = Default If IsInt($element) Then Local $membArr = $oSelf._StructElements $element = $membArr[$element] EndIf $data = Execute("$oSelf." & $element) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) If IsInt($index) Then If Not IsArray($data) Then Dim $data[$index + 1] ElseIf $index >= UBound($data) Then ReDim $data[$index + 1] EndIf $data[$index] = _AIOStruct_CheckDataTypeRef($value) Else $data = _AIOStruct_CheckDataTypeRef($value) EndIf _AutoItObject_AddProperty($oSelf, $element, $ELSCOPE_PUBLIC, $data) EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: AIOStruct.GetData ; Description: Retrieves data from the specified element. Useful if the element name ; is unknown or an array position of the element is to read. ; ; Parameter(s): $element - element name or element index (must be >= 0 ; and < AIOStruct.ElementCount). ; $index - (optional) for elements that are an array this specifies ; the 0-based index to read. ; ; Return Value(s): Element data. ; ; Author(s): doudou ;=============================================================================== Func AIOStruct_GetData($oSelf, $element, $index = Default) Local $result = Default Local $err = 0 If IsInt($element) Then Local $membArr = $oSelf._StructElements $element = $membArr[$element] EndIf $result = Execute("$oSelf." & $element) $err = @error If IsInt($index) Then If IsArray($result) And UBound($result) > $index Then $result = $result[$index] Else $err = 1 EndIf EndIf Return SetError($err, @extended, $result) EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: AIOStruct.GetStruct ; Description: Writes data saved in the object properties back to a DllStruct. ; ; Parameter(s): $pointer - pointer to the memory allocated for the struct ; (must be converted to number). ; ; Return Value(s): The struct pointer. ; ; See Also: _AIOStruct_ToDllStruct ; Author(s): doudou ;=============================================================================== Func AIOStruct_GetStruct($oSelf, $pointer) Local $result = DllStructCreate($oSelf.StructTag, $pointer) For $i = 0 To $oSelf.ElementCount - 1 Local $data = $oSelf.GetData($i) If IsArray($data) Then For $a = 0 To UBound($data) - 1 DllStructSetData($result, $i + 1, $data[$a], $a + 1) Next Else DllStructSetData($result, $i + 1, $data) EndIf If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, $pointer) Next Return SetError(@error, @extended, $pointer) EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: AIOStruct.ReadStruct ; Description: Reads data from a DllStruct into object properties. ; ; Parameter(s): $pointer - pointer to the struct (must be converted to number). ; ; Return Value(s): Number of elements successfully read. ; ; Author(s): doudou ;=============================================================================== Func AIOStruct_ReadStruct($oSelf, $pointer) Local $t = DllStructCreate($oSelf.StructTag, $pointer) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Local $subscr = $oSelf._StructSubscripts Local $membArr = $oSelf._StructElements For $i = 0 To $oSelf.ElementCount - 1 Local $data If $subscr[$i] Then Dim $data[$subscr[$i]] For $s = 0 To $subscr[$i] - 1 $data[$s] = DllStructGetData($t, $i + 1, $s + 1) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, $i) $data[$s] = _AIOStruct_CheckDataType($data[$s]) Next Else $data = DllStructGetData($t, $i + 1) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, $i) $data = _AIOStruct_CheckDataTypeRef($data) EndIf _AutoItObject_AddProperty($oSelf, $membArr[$i], $ELSCOPE_PUBLIC, $data) Next Return $oSelf.ElementCount EndFunc #EndRegion ;AIOStruct public methods