#include-once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #Include #include #include #include ; P U T T Y . A U 3 Version 1.2a 2010 /02 /22 ;_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ;Version 1.2a ControlSend is not reliable, it sends 'sometimes' lower case and transforms : to ., A to a ; changed all back to send() ; ; global declarations global $putty = "c:\programme\putty\putty.exe" global $brand = "putty.exe" global $putties[150] ; keeps handles to all putty sessions running ( last oppened is the last) ;_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;function callputty($dnsname_or_IP,$username,$password,$logfilename,$timeout_in_secs) ;opens putty and returns an open putty console window and/or ;return 0 ok, putty logged in with console window active ; 1 unreachable, no ssh server, no login prompt, timeout ; 2 user password problem ;_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;function seekputty() ; locates putty.exe on C: and changes $putty accordingly ;_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;function isputty($handle) ; retrurns 1 if the process belonging to an open window is putty.exe , else 0 ;_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;function secs() returns the secs right now counted from 0:00 last night as a plain number ;_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;function nowlog() returns a timestamp with appendix ".log" ;_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;function IsVisible($handle) ; returns 1 if a window is visible , else 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- func callputty($ssh_server,$user,$passw,$temp_logfile,$timeout) local $Message,$found,$known,$x,$y,$i,$var,$wexpr dim $wexpr[3] = ["login as:","assword:","ccess denied"] ;cisco likes upper case, others lower ;local $yes = "j" ; windows yes (yes,oi,si,ja) ... see code, just an alternative for accepting RSA keys if ping($ssh_server) then ;get all window handles concerned with putty that might be open already ;and destroy all putty sessions "fatal error" or "inactive" (timed out) $x=0 $y=0 $putties[0] = 0 $var = WinList() For $i = 1 to $var[0][0] If isputty($var[$i][1]) AND IsVisible($var[$i][1]) then if stringinstr($var[$i][0],"atal") or stringinstr($var[$i][0],"inactive") Then send("{ENTER}") winkill($var[$i][1]) Else $x=$x+1 $putties[$x] = $var[$i][1] endif endif Next $putties[0] = $x ; array putties has all handles to every window that has to do with putty.exe $remembered_putties = $x ;keep an eye of the number of putty windows ; delete temp file and give dos a bit time to destroy it filedelete($temp_logfile) sleep(2000) Run($putty, "") winwaitactive ("PuTTY Configuration") SendKeepActive("PuTTY Configuration") send($ssh_server) ; send ip or dns name send("+{TAB}") ; shift TAB , down, for Logging send("{DOWN}") send("{TAB}") send("l") send("{TAB}") send($temp_logfile,1) ; force PuTTy log to $temp_logfile send("{ENTER}") winwaitnotactive ("PuTTY Configuration") $timeout = secs() + $timeout ; give the login prompt and subsequent password a definite time to appear ;by now putty has left it's configuration window and started a terminal session while $found < 3 and secs() < $timeout $DOSCMD = Run(@ComSpec & " /c type " & $temp_logfile, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) ; to my knowledge we can't access PuTTY window ; via StdoutRead ... hence we copy the putty log file ; to DOS console While 1 ; there could be additional windows, putty might react not earlier as within this loop ; -> security alert, you have to accept an RSA key (succes) ; -> anything else, demanding named additional window and putty to be killed (no success) $var = WinList() for $i = 1 to $var[0][0] $drin = 0 If isputty($var[$i][1]) AND IsVisible($var[$i][1]) then for $x = 1 to $putties[0] if $var[$i][1] = $putties[$x] Then $drin = 1 Next if not($drin) then $putties[0] = $putties[0] +1 $putties[$putties[0]] = $var[$i][1] endif endif next ; $i ;there will be one or two new putty windows but you can't rely on the order. sometimes it's ; order in array $putties[$putties[0]-1] adresses the warning window we might get rid of ; $putties[$putties[0]] addreses the terminal window... this we want to keep ;or they appear in just in opposite order but : there will be one or two.. never more if $putties[0] - $remembered_putties > 1 Then if stringinstr(wingettitle($putties[$putties[0]-1]) & wingettitle($putties[$putties[0]]), "Security") then ;we have to accept a RSA key or a fatal error appeared ;it is not sufficient to address the PuTTY Security window by refering to its window title ; the more elegant way ist to use the window handle if stringinstr(wingettitle($putties[$putties[0]-1]), "Security") then ; it's the second last window winactivate($putties[$putties[0]-1]) winwaitactive($putties[$putties[0]-1]) $putties[$putties[0]-1] = $putties[$putties[0]] ;shift within array Else winactivate($putties[$putties[0]]) winwaitactive($putties[$putties[0]]) endif controlclick("[active]","",6,"left") ;this seems reliable enough click yes, we accept the rsa key ;send $yes ;and this is an alternative but depends on our nationality $putties[0] = $putties[0] -1 ;and make the number of putty windows one less sleep(1000) ;RSA Key accepted , give putty time to settle else ;fatal things, kill the 2 new windows, you had "no success" winkill($putties[$putties[0]-1]) winkill($putties[$putties[0]]) $timeout = 0 ;end it endif endif ; situation : we have (nobody knows when) one putty console window open and wait for the login prompt to appear ; if there was an RSA key to accept, we did and closed the security window ; if there was any fatal error, we killed all putty windows we caused and it's time to end it ; we prepared for the latter by setting timeout to zero ;----- ;at the same time there could be but one normal putty window , lets see itf this is the case and wait for the login/pw prompt ; and... while looping.... still be prepared for putty to come up with another window $read = StdoutRead($DOSCMD) if @error then exitloop if $read <> $known Then ;don't make Message too large, just keep changes $Message &= $read $known = $read endif if stringinstr($Message,$wexpr[2]) then ;all the time have an eye on access dienied return(2) endif if stringinstr($Message,$wexpr[$found]) then ;wait for the first expression in the array and select the next array entry ;we have definitely a log in window, somebody might have clicked to somewhere else and activated another window ;in between, so we'll return to PuTTY and try to keep it active winactivate($putties[$putties[0]]) winwaitactive($putties[$putties[0]]) SendKeepActive($putties[$putties[0]]) $found = $found + 1 ;then wait for the next expression stored in the array to appear switch $found case 1 send($user,1) send("{ENTER}") ;ControlSend(wingettext($putties[$putties[0]], ""),"",$putties[$putties[0]], $user,1) ;ControlSend(wingettext($putties[$putties[0]], ""),"",$putties[$putties[0]], "{ENTER}") case 2 send($passw,1) send("{ENTER}") ;ControlSend(wingettext($putties[$putties[0]], ""),"",$putties[$putties[0]], $passw,1) ;ControlSend(wingettext($putties[$putties[0]], ""),"",$putties[$putties[0]], "{ENTER}") $timeout = secs() +3 ;wait a bit seconds for 'access denied' case Else ;nop endswitch endif ;tooltip($Message) ; if you like .. have a look WEnd wend if not($found) then return(1) ;timed out Else return(0) ;logged in, putty window open endif Else return(1) ;no access EndIf endfunc ;callputty ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Func isputty($handle) If StringInStr(_ProcessGetName(WinGetProcess($handle)), "putty.exe") Then Return 1 Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc func seekputty() local $pf dim $pf[50] ;don't expect there to be more putty.exe on your drive c: if not(fileexists($putty)) then tooltip(@LF& " Suche nach putty.exe " & @LF & _ " einen Moment bitte " & @LF) Runwait(@ComSpec & " /c dir C:\" & $brand & " /s /b >C:\putty.txt","",@SW_HIDE ) if filegetsize("C:\putty.txt") < 5 Then msgbox(0,"",$brand &" wird benötigt und wurde nicht gefunden") Exit endif _filereadtoarray("C:\putty.txt",$pf) ;accept the first $brand we found $putty = $pf[1] tooltip("") endif endfunc Func secs() return(@HOUR * 3600 + @MIN *60 + @SEC) endfunc Func IsVisible($handle) If BitAnd( WinGetState($handle), 2 ) Then Return 1 Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc func nowlog() return (@Year & @Mon & @mday & "_" & @Hour &"Uhr"& @min & @Sec & ".log") EndFunc