#include #include "putty.au3" ;example for concurrent read of an putty log file. This programm calls putty, makes it logging and at the same time ;reads the log and clears it from escape sequences and makes it readable in another file. $ssh_server = "" ;your ssh server (name or Ip address) $user = "schoorja" ;your USER $passw = "" ;his password $temp_logfile="C:\x.txt" ;putty logfile includes all chracters includeig escape sequences $clean = "c:\clean.txt" ;readable putty log file freed from escape sequences $timeout = 60 $passw= InputBox("Bitte Passwort eingeben", "Bitte Passwort eingeben", "", "*") $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("char[2000]") ; seek prompt string local $nBytes filedelete($temp_logfile) callputty($ssh_server,$user,$passw,$temp_logfile,$timeout) send("{ENTER}") $hndl= _WinAPI_CreateFile($temp_logfile, 2, 2, 6) ; open for concurrent read, only read(2), Share for read and write(6) $size = _WinAPI_GetFileSizeEx($hndl) ; return filesize _WinAPI_SetFilePointer($hndl, - 50,2) ; set filepointer to the end of file _WinAPI_ReadFile($hndl,DllStructGetPtr($tBuffer),50,$nBytes) $prompt = stringleft(DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 1),50) ; prompt with preceeding lines rests ;end of line before is either =0x0a or ESC[\d{1,2};1H what we reduce to ...;1H... ;msgbox(0,"prompt",$prompt) for $n = 50 to 1 step -1 if stringmid($prompt,$n,1)= chr(10) then $prompt = stringmid($prompt,$n+1) ExitLoop EndIf if stringleft(Stringmid($prompt,$n),3) = ";1H" then $prompt = stringmid($prompt,$n+3) ExitLoop EndIf next winsettitle("[active]","",$prompt) ; prompt like "router-1#" or "linux-server>" $size = 0 _WinAPI_SetFilePointer($hndl, 0) $read = "" ;read buffer containes a read portion $keep = "" ;the readbuffer will be read not entirely till the end for escape sequenzes can be long ;before reading next, the rest of the old buffer is kept here $fhndl= fileopen($clean,2) ;readable logfile $shut_status = 2 ;2 putty window is still open ;1 putty window is shut read the rest ;0 leave, goodbye $linefeedposition =0 ;after haveing written a buffer we can't look back if the last char was linefeed ;hence this varable. It keeps the last position of linefeed while $shut_status $newsize = _WinAPI_GetFileSizeEx($hndl) ;return filesize $toread = $newsize - $size if $toread > ($shut_status-1) * 50 Then ;we read at least the prompt length at once ;or, heading $shut_status, the last few. if $toread >2000 then $toread = 2000 if $shut_status = 1 then $shut_status = 2 ;still at least one reread neccessary endif _WinAPI_ReadFile($hndl,DllStructGetPtr($tBuffer),$toread,$nBytes) $size = $size + $toread _WinAPI_SetFilePointer($hndl,$size) ;set filepointer + $read = $keep & stringleft(DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 1),$toread) $x=1 $toread= stringlen($read) while $x < $toread - ($shut_status-1)*10 switch stringmid($read,$x,1) ; case chr(13) if stringmid($read,$x+1,1) = Chr(10) then ;a CR LF ? ;nop Else $read = stringleft($read,$x) & @LF & stringmid($read,$x+1) ;insert a LF $toread = $toread +1 $x = $x +2 endif $x = $x+2 $linefeedposition = $x -1 ; case chr(10) if stringmid($read,$x-1,1) = Chr(13) then ;CR LF $x = $x +1 Else $read = stringleft($read,$x-1) & @CR & stringmid($read,$x) ;@LF alone $toread = $toread +1 $x = $x + 2 endif $linefeedposition = $x -1 ; case chr(27) ;Escape $dealt_with = 0 while $dealt_with = 0 and stringRegExp(Stringmid($read,$x,8),("\e\[\d{1,2};1H\n")) ;escape sequences followed by LF for $y = $x + 4 to $toread - ($shut_status-1)*10 if stringmid($read,$y,1) = @LF Then $read = stringleft($read,$x -1) & @CR & stringmid($read,$y) $toread = stringlen($read) ;correct endpointer $x = $x + 2 $linefeedposition = $x -1 $dealt_with = 1 exitloop endif next if not $dealt_with then ;read anew, not enough chars left $toread = $x $dealt_with = 3 endif wend ; while $dealt_with = 0 and stringRegExp(stringmid($read,$x,7),("\e\[\d{1,2};1H")) ;escape sequences followed by at least one space ;find the next esc sequence and see if it contains but spaces for $y = $x + 3 to $x + 9 if stringmid($read,$y,1) = "H" then ExitLoop ;find sequence end next $linbeg = $y +1 ;remember line-begin for $y = $linbeg to $toread - ($shut_status-1)*10 switch stringmid($read,$y,1) case chr(0x1b) ;begin of the next sequence, we found but spaces $read = stringleft($read,$x -1) & stringmid($read,$y) ;forget the sequence and following spaces $toread = stringlen($read) ;correct endpointer $dealt_with = 1 exitloop case " " ;space ...continue reading ;nop case else ;theres something usefull within the line... if theres no @lf in the stream before (you can't look back!!) if $x-$linefeedposition > 1 then ; insert one $read = stringleft($read,$x-1) & @CRLF & stringmid($read,$linbeg) $x = $x + 2 $linefeedposition = $x -1 Else $read = stringleft($read,$x-1) & stringmid($read,$linbeg) ;just remove sequence endif $toread = stringlen($read) ;correct endpointer $dealt_with = 1 exitloop EndSwitch next if not $dealt_with then ;read anew, not enough chars left $toread = $x $dealt_with = 4 endif wend ; ;deal with \e\[\d{1,2};\d{1,2}H while $dealt_with = 0 and stringRegExp(Stringmid($read,$x,8),("\e\[\d{1,2};\d{1,2}H")) ;escape sequences for umlaut marks for $y = $x + 3 to $toread - ($shut_status-1)*10 if stringmid($read,$y,1) = "H" Then $read = stringleft($read,$x -1) & stringmid($read,$y +1 ) $toread = stringlen($read) ;correct endpointer $dealt_with = 1 exitloop endif next if not $dealt_with then ;read anew, not enough chars left $toread = $x $dealt_with = 3 endif wend ; while not $dealt_with ;some escape sequence we didn't treat , read till the next appears for $y = $x + 1 to $toread - ($shut_status-1)*10 if stringmid($read,$y,1) = chr(27) Then $read = stringleft($read,$x -1) & stringmid($read,$y) $toread = stringlen($read) ;correct endpointer $dealt_with = 1 exitloop endif next if not $dealt_with then ;read anew, not enough chars left $toread = $x $dealt_with = 5 endif wend case else $x= $x+1 ; just overread an unspecular char EndSwitch wend $keep = stringmid($read,$x) ;keep the rest and read anew ;__________________________________________ this is a fine place to deal with a few hundert last bytes of the clean log _________________________________________________________________________ ; by taking the content from the variable $read and collect and scan it to your needs filewrite($fhndl,stringleft($read,$x-1)) $linefeedposition = -($x-1-$linefeedposition) endif if not winexists($putties[$putties[0]]) then $shut_status = $shut_status - 1 ;message for reading the rest WEnd _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hndl) ;shut concurrent read fileclose($fhndl) ;shut true log file ;_________________________________________________________________________________________;thats it________________________________________