#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: myName Script Function: Template AutoIt script. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; When converted into UTF8 with BOM (under SciTE) ; I can see the 3 first lines of the array (other lines are : "?????????"). ; If I run this file, I can see the 3 first lines of the array. ; But, when saved under Autoit Debugger : ; the accentued characters of the 3 first lines of the array are unreadeable under SciTE. ; I have to convert once more the file into UTF8 with BOM under SciTE. #include Local $str[10] = [ _ "Sant Julià de Lòria", _ "Skrýchov u Oparan", _ "Žíšov", _ "??????? ???????", _ "??????-???", _ "??????", _ "????", _ " ?????? ?????", _ "??? ???????? ?? ???? ?? ???????? ?? ????? ??? ??????? ??????????? ?? ?????? ??????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????????? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ???? ???????", _ "????????????????????????" _ ] _ArrayDisplay($str)