#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=D:\binoculars.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=Juan Miguel Gonzalez #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include #include #include #include #include 'CommMG.au3' #Include #include #include #NoTrayIcon $envio = False $check = False $conteo = 0 Global $sNumberToDial , $ncentro , $sms ="" $comando1 = "AT" $comando2 = "AT+CGMI" ;fabricante $comando3 = "AT+CGMM" ; modelo $comando4 = "AT+CGMR" ; version soft $comando5 = "AT+CSQ" ; calidad de seņal $comando6 = "AT+CMGF=1" ; compatible con SMS $comando7 = "AT+CSCA=" & chr(34) & $ncentro & chr(34) ; Centro de SMS $comando8 = "AT+CMGW=" & chr(34) & $sNumberToDial & Chr(34) ; guarda el mensaje $comando9 = "AT+CMSS=0" ; Envia el mensaje $comando10 = "AT+CMGD=1,4" ; borrar mensajes dim $FromModem dim $COMdisp , $orden , $compatible, $temp , $num1 , $num2 , $num3 , $num4, $num5 , $port, $operadorseleccionado $tiempoping = 5000 GUICreate("Centinela", 535, 500) $progressbar = GUICtrlCreateProgress( 95 , 360 , 125 , 20) $configbutton= GUICtrlCreateButton( "Configuracion", 20 ,430) $eventos = GUICtrlCreateList("" , 120 , 400, 380 , 90 , $WS_VSCROLL ) GUICtrlSetLimit($eventos, 10) GUISetState() $tempname = @MDAY & "_" & @mon & "_" & @Year & "_errorlog.txt" ; save errors to log Global $IP[15] = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" , ""] Global $nombres[15] = ["Canaveral" , "Jardines del Rocio fase 1" , "Jardines del Rocio fase 3" , "Arqueta esquina edf Juan Carlos I" , "Plazamar" , "Torres de Colon" , "La noria", "Duque de Ahumada" , "Barraca de Poniente" , "Pueblo Rocio" , "Noria nueva" , "Bazar San Juan" , "Pje Edif Trinidad" , "Los Alaches", "El Mirador chalets"] Global $box[15], $label[15] , $errors[15] For $n = 0 To 14 $box[$n] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($IP[$n], 50, 30 + 20 * $n, 120, 20) $label[$n] = GUICtrlCreateLabel(" --", 180, 30 + 20 * $n, 50) Next GUICtrlCreateLabel( "Log:" , 375 , 29) $boton1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Iniciar", 234, 270) $boton2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Detener", 230, 300) $boton3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Limpiar", 455, 335) $c = GUICtrlCreateGraphic( 40 , 20 , 250, 320 ) GUICtrlsetstate($progressbar , $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0) $list = GUICtrlCreateList("" , 300 , 50, 200 , 280 ) GUICTrlSetData ($eventos, " == Centinela ==") GUICTrlSetData ($eventos, " por Juan Miguel Gonzalez. Marzo/2010") GUICTrlSetData ($eventos, " ") If not Fileexists("Centinela.ini") Then Config() Else GUICTrlSetData ($eventos, "Archivo INI de configuracion cargado. " & @Hour & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC) EndIf Cargarconfig() prueba() Global $count = 0; While 1 For $i = 1 to 100 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit If $msg = $configbutton Then GUICTrlSetData ($eventos, "") Config() GUICTrlSetData ($eventos, "Archivo INI de configuracion guardado. " & @Hour & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC) Cargarconfig() prueba() Endif If $msg = $boton3 Then GUICtrlSetData($list, "") If $msg = $boton1 Then GUICtrlsetstate($progressbar , $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlsetstate($configbutton , $GUI_DISABLE) $stopped = False For $n = 0 To 14 GUICtrlSetState($box[$n], $GUI_DISABLE) Next If $stopped = False Then pin() AdlibRegister("pin", 20000) Endif ElseIf $msg = $boton2 Then GUICtrlsetstate($progressbar , $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlsetstate($configbutton , $GUI_ENABLE) $stopped = True For $n = 0 To 14 GUICtrlSetState($box[$n], $GUI_ENABLE) Next EndIf Next If $envio = True and $compatible = True Then GUICtrlSetData( $eventos , "Se intentara enviar SMS de alerta a las " & @Hour & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC) leeINIyenvia() $envio = False $sms = "" Endif WEnd Func pin() If $stopped = false then If GUICtrlRead($box[$count]) = 1 Then $pin = Ping($IP[$count]) If $pin <> 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($list, @Hour & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & " " & $IP[$count] & " " & $pin & " ms") ; print in the list time,IP and ping $errors[$count] = 0 Endif If $pin = @error Or $pin = 0 Then ; cant do ping GUICtrlSetData($label[$count], "ERROR") Beep(500, 150) GUICtrlSetData($list, @Hour & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & " " & $IP[$count] & " ERROR") ; print in the list time, IP and ERROR $errors[$count] += 1 ; increase counter Filewrite( $tempname , @Hour & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & " | " & $IP[$count] & @CRLF) ; write error to the log If $errors[$count] = 3 Then ; on 3 errors Beep(700, 250) Sleep(200) Beep(700, 250) Sleep(200) Beep(700, 250) GUICtrlSetdata($eventos , "Detectados 3 errores consecutivos en " & $IP[$count] & " a las " & @Hour & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC) Filewrite( $tempname , @Hour & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & " | " & "3 CONSECUTIVOS EN " & $IP[$count] & @CRLF) ; write alarm! Endif If $errors[$count] = 3 And @HOUR > 8 Then ; on 3 errors $sms = $sms & $nombres[$count] & ", " $errors[$count] = 0 Endif Else GUICtrlSetData($label[$count], $pin & " ms") EndIf EndIf $count += 1 GUICtrlsetdata($progressbar , $count * 6.66) If $count > 14 Then $count = 0 If not $sms = "" Then $temp = $conteo Switch $temp Case 1 to 12 $conteo += 1 Case 13 $envio = True $conteo = 1 Case 0 $envio = True $conteo += 1 EndSwitch if $sms = "" Then $conteo = 0 $envio = False Endif Endif Endif Endif EndFunc ;==>pin Func Config() $Configuracion = GUICreate("Configuracion" , 350 , 300) GUISetState() GUICtrlCreateLabel("Puerto de conexion del modem:", 60 , 30) $COMdisp = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 220, 25 ,60, 20) $portlist = _CommListPorts(0);find the available COM ports and write them into the ports combo If @error = 1 Then MsgBox(0, 'Error', 'Problema detectando puertos') Exit EndIf For $pl = 1 To $portlist[0] GUICtrlSetData($COMdisp, $portlist[$pl]);_CommListPorts()) Next GUICtrlSetData($COMdisp, "COM1" & $port);show the first port found $Guardar = GUICtrlCreateButton( "Guardar" , 250 , 250) $op = GUICtrlCreateCombo($operadorseleccionado, 210, 70, 70 , 25) GUICtrlCreatelabel("Operador del modem GSM:" , 70 ,75) GUICtrlSetData( $op , "Movistar") GUICtrlSetData( $op , "Vodafone") GUICtrlSetData( $op , "Orange") GUICtrlSetData( $op , "Yoigo") GUICtrlSetData( $op , "Simyo") GUICtrlCreatelabel ("Numero 1:", 40, 125 + 25 ) $numinput1 = GUICtrlCreateInput($num1,100 , 120 + 25 , 70, 20) GUICtrlCreatelabel ("Numero 2:", 40, 125 + 50 ) $numinput2 = GUICtrlCreateInput($num2,100 , 120 + 50 , 70, 20) GUICtrlCreatelabel ("Numero 3:", 40, 125 + 75 ) $numinput3 = GUICtrlCreateInput($num3,100 , 120 + 75 , 70, 20) GUICtrlCreatelabel ("Numero 4:", 40, 125 + 100 ) $numinput4 = GUICtrlCreateInput($num4,100 , 120 + 100 , 70, 20) GUICtrlCreatelabel ("Numero 5:", 40, 125 + 125 ) $numinput5 = GUICtrlCreateInput($num5,100 , 120 + 125 , 70, 20) While 1 $msg2 = Guigetmsg($Configuracion) If $msg2 = $Guardar Then _FileCreate("Centinela.ini") $num1 = GUICtrlRead($numinput1) $num2 = GUICtrlRead($numinput2) $num3 = GUICtrlRead($numinput3) $num4 = GUICtrlRead($numinput4) $num5 = GUICtrlRead($numinput5) $port = StringReplace(GUICtrlRead($COMdisp), 'COM', '') $operadorseleccionado = GUICtrlRead($op) FileWriteLine("Centinela.ini" , $port) FileWriteLine("Centinela.ini" , $operadorseleccionado) If StringLen ($num1) = 9 and StringLeft($num1,1) = "6" Then FilewriteLine("Centinela.ini" , $num1) If StringLen ($num2) = 9 and StringLeft($num2,1) = "6" Then FilewriteLine("Centinela.ini" , $num2) If StringLen ($num3) = 9 and StringLeft($num3,1) = "6" Then FilewriteLine("Centinela.ini" , $num3) If StringLen ($num4) = 9 and StringLeft($num4,1) = "6" Then FilewriteLine("Centinela.ini" , $num4) If StringLen ($num5) = 9 and StringLeft($num5,1) = "6" Then FilewriteLine("Centinela.ini" , $num5) Exitloop Endif Wend GuiDelete($Configuracion) EndFunc Func enviasms() $orden = $comando8 ;enviar sms COM() $orden = $comando9 COMR() If StringInStr($FromModem, "OK") Then GUICTrlSetData ($eventos, "SMS enviado [" & @Hour & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & "]") If StringInStr($FromModem, "ERROR") Then GUICTrlSetData ($eventos, "Error al enviar SMS") $orden = $comando10 COMR() EndFunc Func prueba() $orden = $comando1 COMR() If $check = True Then GUICTrlSetData ($eventos, "Modem detectado en COM" & $port) $check = False $orden = $comando2 COMR() $a = StringTrimleft( $FromModem, 10) $b = StringTrimRight( $a , 8) GUICTrlSetData ($eventos, "Detectado " & $b) $orden = $comando4 COMR() $a = StringTrimleft( $FromModem, 10) $b = StringTrimRight( $a , 8) GUICTrlSetData ($eventos, "Modelo: " & $b) $orden = $comando3 COMR() $a = StringTrimleft( $FromModem, 10) $b = StringTrimRight( $a , 8) GUICTrlSetData ($eventos, "Version: " & $b) $orden = $comando5 COMR() $a = StringTrimleft( $FromModem, 14) $b = StringTrimRight( $a , 11) GUICTrlSetData ($eventos, "Seņal: " & 3.22 * $b & "%") $orden = $comando6 COMR() If StringInStr($FromModem, "OK") Then GUICTrlSetData ($eventos, "Modem soporta envio de SMS") $compatible = True Endif If StringInStr($FromModem, "ERROR") Then GUICTrlSetData ($eventos, "Modem NO SOPORTA envio de SMS") Exit Endif $orden = $comando10 COMR() EndFunc Func COM() ;Centro mensajes $com = ObjCreate ("MSCommLib.MSComm") With $com .CommPort = $port .PortOpen = True .Settings = "9600,N,8,1" .InBufferCount = 0 .Output = "AT+CSCA=" & chr(34) & $ncentro & chr(34) & @CR EndWith $orden = "AT+CMGW=" & chr(34) & $sNumberToDial & Chr(34) $com = ObjCreate ("MSCommLib.MSComm") With $com .CommPort = $port .PortOpen = True .Settings = "9600,N,8,1" .InBufferCount = 0 .Output = "AT+CMGW=" & chr(34) & $sNumberToDial & Chr(34) & @CR EndWith $begin = TimerInit() While 1 If $com.InBufferCount Then $FromModem = $FromModem & $com.Input; If StringInStr($FromModem, "OK") Then $Check = True ExitLoop Elseif StringInStr($FromModem, "ERROR " )Then ExitLoop Endif EndIf WEnd $com = ObjCreate ("MSCommLib.MSComm") With $com .CommPort = $port .PortOpen = True .Settings = "9600,N,8,1" .InBufferCount = 0 .Output = $sms & Chr(26) EndWith EndFunc Func COMR() $FromModem="" $com = ObjCreate ("MSCommLib.MSComm") With $com .CommPort = $port .PortOpen = True .Settings = "9600,N,8,1" .InBufferCount = 0 .Output = $orden & @CR EndWith $begin = TimerInit() While 1 If $com.InBufferCount Then $FromModem = $FromModem & $com.Input; If StringInStr($FromModem, "OK") Then $Check = True ExitLoop Elseif StringInStr($FromModem, "ERROR")Then ExitLoop Endif EndIf Wend EndFunc Func Cargarconfig() $port = FileReadLine("Centinela.ini" ,1) If $port <= 0 or $port > 99 Then Msgbox(4096, "Error" , "No se ha podido cargar archivo INI correctamente. El programa se cerrara.") Exit Else GUICtrlSetData($eventos , "Puerto seleccionado: COM" & $port) Endif $operadorseleccionado = FileReadLine("Centinela.ini" ,2) Switch $operadorseleccionado Case "Movistar" $ncentro = "+34609090909" Case "Vodafone" $ncentro = "+34607003110" Case "Orange" $ncentro = "+34656000311" Case "Yoigo" $ncentro = "+34622996111" Case "Simyo" $ncentro = "+34644109030" Case Else Msgbox(4096, "Error" , "No se ha podido cargar archivo INI correctamente. El programa se cerrara.") Exit EndSwitch GUICtrlSetData($eventos , "Operador del modem GSM: " & $operadorseleccionado) For $i = 3 to 7 $temp = FileReadLine("Centinela.ini", $i) If $temp <>"" Then GUICtrlSetData($eventos , $temp & " cargado.") Next EndFunc Func leeINIyenvia() For $i = 3 to 7 $temp = FileReadLine("Centinela.ini", $i) If $temp <>"" Then GUICtrlSetData($eventos , "Intentando enviar SMS a " & $temp & " a las " & @Hour & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC) $sNumberToDial = String($temp) $sms = "Posible averia. NO hay respuesta de " & $sms enviasms() Endif Next EndFunc