#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=H:\My Documents\Website Work\computer-facilities.com\favicon.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile=logon.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=Computer Facilities automated logon script for Windows Domain based networks running 32bit XP/Vista and Windows 7 OS. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=independent automated logon script #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=Computer Facilities #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Made By| Peter R. Atkin #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=date|7th Feb 2010 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Obfuscator=y #Obfuscator_Parameters=/striponly #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include #include #include #include Global Const $_SingleTonKey = "07c9623c-2ffb-4e6e-8fd9-f824ede2e9ac" ; e.g. GUID Global $Paused ;Function keys to pause or terminate the script HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "_TogglePause") HotKeySet("{END}", "_Terminate") Global $ostemp Global $network_printers[2] ;last printer becomes the default $network_printers[0] = "\\dc-2008\hp4700n" $network_printers[1] = "\\dc-2008\hp4250n" Global $var_printer = UBound($network_printers) - 1 Global $cmd = UBound($CmdLine) - 1 Global $network_drives[24] Global $number_of_network_drives ;$strURL = "http://www.computer-facilities.com" ;_SetIEHomepage($strURL) _single_instance() _EnumerateDrives() _OSGet() If $ostemp = "vista_win7" Then ;this is only needed if your accessing external none windows based NAS devices using Vista or Windows 7 ;read this for more help with Vista and windows 7: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-CA/w7itpronetworking/thread/4606ad12-1f23-4231-8597-8e515422d57d $operation="Vista and Windows 7" $public = "\\" $accounts = "\\" $source = "\\" $chaos = "\\" $homebase = "\\" $operation = "Vista Mode" ElseIf $ostemp = "winnt" Then $public = "\\public" $accounts = "\\CF-NAS1" $source = "\\CF-NAS1" $chaos = "\\CF-NAS1" $homebase = "\\CF-NAS1" $operation = "XP Mode" ElseIf $ostemp = "server" Then _mapdrive("s:", $source & "\source") Exit Else MsgBox(16, "OS Incompatability", "this domain fully supports Windows NT/XP/2000, 2003, 2008, Vista and Windows 7 workstations, with partial support for Windows 64bit OS and none for the rest sorry!" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "OS version " & @OSVersion) EndIf TrayTip("Logon script running", $operation, 7, 1) If $CmdLine[0] = 0 Then Else ReadCmdLineParams() EndIf ProgressOn("Welcome " & @UserName, "login onto " & @LogonServer & " (" & $operation & ")", "Automated Domain Access Progress", 50, 50, 16) If _CMD(@LogonServer & '\netlogon\ifmember Domain Users') Then RunAsWait("Administrator", "cfu", "password", 4, "net time " & @LogonServer & " /SET /Y", @SW_HIDE) ProgressSet(10, "Removing old network shares please wait...") If $number_of_network_drives > 0 Then _deldrive("*") Else ;MsgBox(16, "Total Number of network drives", " number of network drives :" & $number_of_network_drives) EndIf ProgressSet(15, "Adding default shares") _mapdrive("h:", $homebase & "\user$\" & @UserName) _mapdrive("p:", $public & "\public") ProgressSet(25, "Domain Users home share") ProgressSet(35, "Setting up network printers") _add_network_printers() EndIf If _CMD(@LogonServer & '\netlogon\ifmember Domain Admins') Then _mapdrive("s:", $source & "\source") ProgressSet(40, "Setup admin shares") EndIf If _CMD(@LogonServer & '\netlogon\ifmember quoteworks') Then _mapdrive("w:", $accounts & "\quotewerks") ProgressSet(50, "Setup quoteworks share") EndIf If _CMD(@LogonServer & '\netlogon\ifmember core') Then _mapdrive("x:", $accounts & "\core$") _mapdrive("q:", $accounts & "\quickbooks$") _mapdrive("t:", $accounts & "\clients$") _mapdrive("u:", $accounts & "\suppliers$") ProgressSet(70, "Setup core shares") EndIf If _CMD(@LogonServer & '\netlogon\ifmember Engineers') Then _mapdrive("s:", $source & "\source") ProgressSet(80, "Setup engineer share") EndIf _users() ProgressSet(100, "Done", "Complete") Sleep(500) ProgressOff() Sleep(500) _welcome() Func _users() Switch @UserName Case "peter" ;_mapdrive("n:", $chaos & "\localcoms$") Case "tasha" ;_mapdrive("n:", $chaos & "\localcoms$") _mapdrive("m:", "\\\Tasha Mabonga-Atkin's Tim") Case "accounts" ;_mapdrive("n:", $chaos & "\localcoms$") Case "engineers" ;_mapdrive("n:", $chaos & "\localcoms$") Case "administrator" MsgBox(32, "OS Version Machine Diags", "User " & @UserName & " on computer " & @ComputerName & " running OS " & @OSVersion & " " & @OSArch & " Architecture", 10) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_users Func _welcome() $local_domain = EnvGet("userdomain") $domain_server = EnvGet("logonserver") TCPStartup() MsgBox(64, "Your IP is: " & TCPNameToIP(@ComputerName) & " network", "Welcome " & @UserName & " to the " & $local_domain & " Network" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "you are running " & @OSVersion & " Version OS" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "If you have any problems or questions with your account please contact Computer Facilities support on 0414-533784" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Enjoy" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Logon script in " & $operation & " login on from " & @ComputerName & " using Server " & $domain_server) TCPShutdown() EndFunc ;==>_welcome Func _add_network_printers() For $x = 0 To $var_printer Step 1 _PrinterAdd($network_printers[$x], 1) Next EndFunc ;==>_add_network_printers Func _mapdrive($DriveLtr, $DrivePath) DriveMapAdd($DriveLtr, $DrivePath, 1) Switch @error Case 1 MsgBox(16, "Error", "An unknown error occured on " & $DrivePath & " trying to be mapped as local drive " & $DriveLtr) Case 2 MsgBox(16, "Error", "Access to the remote share " & $DrivePath & " was denied") Case 3 MsgBox(16, "Error", "The device/drive " & $DriveLtr & " is already assigned") Case 4 MsgBox(16, "Error", "Invalid device " & $DriveLtr & " name") Case 5 MsgBox(16, "Error", "Invalid remote share :" & $DrivePath) Case 6 MsgBox(16, "Error", "Invalid password") Case Else ;MsgBox(64, "Completed!", "Mapped " & $DriveLtr & " to share " & $DrivePath) EndSwitch Sleep(500) EndFunc ;==>_mapdrive Func _deldrive($drived) Local $i = $number_of_network_drives If $drived = "*" Then Do DriveMapDel($network_drives[$i] & ":") Sleep(500) $i = $i - 1 Until $i = 0 Else DriveMapDel($drived) Switch @error Case 0 ;MsgBox(16, "Error", "An unknown error occured trying to delete local drive :" & $network_drives[$i] & ":") Case Else ;MsgBox(64, "Completed!", "Deleted " & $network_drives[$i]) EndSwitch EndIf EndFunc ;==>_deldrive Func _EnumerateDrives() Local $x = 1 Local $y = 1 For $dl = 72 To 89 ; (H-Y) $network_drives[$x] = Chr($dl) $drive = Chr($dl) & ":\" $drive_letter = Chr($dl) DriveGetFileSystem($drive) If @error = 0 Then ;MsgBox(16, "Network Drive", "Drive in Use " & $drive & @CRLF & @CRLF & " Array Varible :" & $network_drives[$x]) $x = $x + 1 Else ;MsgBox(16,"New Drive " & $network_drives[$y], "Free Drive " & $drive_letter) $y = $y + 1 EndIf Next $number_of_network_drives = $x - 1 Return $number_of_network_drives ;MsgBox(16, "Drives", "Number of network drives in use are " & $number_of_network_drives) EndFunc ;==>_EnumerateDrives Func _CMD($command, $workingdir = '') Return RunWait('"' & @ComSpec & '" /c ' & $command, $workingdir, @SW_HIDE) EndFunc ;==>_CMD Func _OSGet() Switch @OSVersion Case "WIN_7" $ostemp = "vista_win7" Case "WIN_XP" $ostemp = "winnt" Case "Win_2000" $ostemp = "winnt" Case "WIN_VISTA" $ostemp = "vista_win7" Case "WIN_2008" $ostemp = "server" Case "WIN_2008R2" $ostemp = "server" Case "WIN_2003" $ostemp = "server" Case Else MsgBox(32, "OS Version Machine Diags", "User " & @UserName & " on computer " & @ComputerName & " running OS " & @OSVersion & " " & @OSArch & " Architecture", 10) Exit EndSwitch _ArchGet() EndFunc ;==>_OSGet Func _ArchGet() Switch @OSArch Case "X86" Case Else MsgBox(32, "32/64bit Architecture", "User " & @UserName & " on computer " & @ComputerName & " running OS " & @OSVersion & " " & @OSArch & " Architecture", 10) Exit EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_ArchGet ;$strURL = "http://www.computer-facilities.com" ;If _SetIEHomepage($strURL) Then msgbox(0,"Homepage Set","Successfull") Func _SetIEHomepage($strURL) Return RegWrite("HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main", "Start Page", "REG_SZ", $strURL) EndFunc ;==>_SetIEHomepage ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _PrinterAdd() ; Description: Connects to a Network Printer. ; Parameter(s): $sPrinterName - Computer Network name and printer share name (\\Computer\SharedPrinter). ; $fDefault - Set to 1 if Printer should be set to default (optional). ; Requirement(s): ; Return Value(s): 1 - Success, 0 - Failure, If Printer already exist @error = 1. ; Author(s): Sven Ullstad - Wooltown ; Note(s): None. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _PrinterAdd($sPrinterName, $fDefault = 0) If _PrinterExist($sPrinterName) Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else RunWait("rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /in /n" & $sPrinterName & " /q") If _PrinterExist($sPrinterName) = 0 Then Return 0 EndIf If $fDefault = 1 Then _PrinterDefault($sPrinterName) EndIf Return 1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_PrinterAdd ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _PrinterDefault() ; Description: Set a printer to default. ; Parameter(s): $sPrinterName - The name of the printer. ; Requirement(s): ; Return Value(s): 1 - Success, 0 - Failure. ; Author(s): Sven Ullstad - Wooltown ; Note(s): None. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _PrinterDefault($sPrinterName) If _PrinterExist($sPrinterName) Then RunWait("rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n" & $sPrinterName) Return 1 Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_PrinterDefault ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _PrinterDelete() ; Description: Delete a connection to a network printer. ; Parameter(s): $sPrinterName - Computer Network name and printer share name. ; Requirement(s): ; Return Value(s): 1 - Success, 0 - Failure. ; Author(s): Sven Ullstad - Wooltown ; Note(s): None. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _PrinterDelete($sPrinterName) If _PrinterExist($sPrinterName) Then RunWait("rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dn /n" & $sPrinterName) If _PrinterExist($sPrinterName) Then Return 0 Else Return 1 EndIf Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_PrinterDelete ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _PrinterExist() ; Description: Check if a Printer Exist. ; Parameter(s): $sPrinterName - The name of the printer. ; Requirement(s): ; Return Value(s): 1 - Success, 0 - Failure. ; Author(s): Sven Ullstad - Wooltown ; Note(s): None. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _PrinterExist($sPrinterName) Local $hService, $sPrinter, $sPrinterList $hService = ObjGet("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!" & "\\" & @ComputerName & "\root\cimv2") If Not @error = 0 Then Return 0 EndIf $sPrinterList = $hService.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Printer") For $sPrinter In $sPrinterList If StringUpper($sPrinterName) = StringUpper($sPrinter.name) Then Return 1 EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>_PrinterExist Func ReadCmdLineParams() For $i = 1 To $cmd Select Case $CmdLine[$i] = "-update" ; put code here Case $CmdLine[$i] = "-newcomputer" ; put code here Case $CmdLine[$i] = "-repair_domain_profile" ; put code here Case $CmdLine[$i] = "-pc_diags" ; put code here Case $CmdLine[$i] = "-backup_user_profile" ; put code here Case Else Exit EndSelect Next EndFunc ;==>ReadCmdLineParams Func _single_instance() ;Stop script from running more than once, use http://guidgen.com to make the $_SingleTonKey ;see http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=108203&st=0&p=762946&hl=_Singleton&fromsearch=1&#entry762946 for more information ;may need to remove this if your in a terminal enviroment If WinExists($_SingleTonKey) Then Switch MsgBox(4, "Instance already running", "Shutdown old instance of " & @ScriptName) Case 6 $iPID = WinGetProcess($_SingleTonKey) WinKill($_SingleTonKey) Sleep(500) ProcessWaitClose($iPID, 1) ProcessClose($iPID) ; only we are running now Case Else Exit ;the other Instance will continue EndSwitch EndIf AutoItWinSetTitle($_SingleTonKey) EndFunc ;==>_single_instance Func _TogglePause() $Paused = Not $Paused While $Paused Sleep(100) ToolTip('Script is "Paused"', (1), (8), (1), (8)) WEnd ToolTip("") EndFunc ;==>_TogglePause Func _Terminate() Exit EndFunc ;==>_Terminate