#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_requestedExecutionLevel=asInvoker #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: (beta) Author: AdmiralAlkex Script Function: Image viewer. ToDo: Optimera matematiken bakom alla positioner. KLART v4. Optimera animering. KLART v4. Kunna starta exefilen direkt. KLART v4. Klocka. KLART v4. Batterimätare. KLART v4. Spellista (kanske typ som TCPMP?). KLART v4. Effekter när bilden byts. KLART v4. Valbart om autorotering ska ske. KLART v4. Välja om rotering ska ske med 90 lr 270 grader. KLART v4. Stänga HUD utan att något händer. KLART v4. Rekursiv addning av mappar. KLART v4. Fixa "smooth" buggen. KLART v5. Riktig Fullscreen. KLART v5. Fixa "batteri" buggen. KLART v5. Bort med rotationer, animationer och annat skit, förenkla allt! KLART v7. Automatiskt hitta vilka format som får öppnas. KLART v7. Flytta tid och batteri-hämtning till adlib. KLART v7. Gå igenom alla funktioner och optimera!! KLART v7. Fixa så att $iRecursiveDrop bara kollas 1 gång. KLART v7. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Region ;Start Global $aPlayList[1] Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1) FileChangeDir(@ScriptDir) If IniRead(@ScriptDir & "/Settings.ini", "Beta", "FirstTimeRun", 1) <> 0 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "/Settings.ini", "Beta", "MouseVisible", MsgBox(4+32+262144, "1/3 questions asked", "Do you want your mouse pointer to be visible??")) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "/Settings.ini", "Beta", "RecursiveDrops", MsgBox(4+32+262144, "2/3 questions asked", "Do you want folder searches to be recursive??")) For $X = 3 To 9223372036854775807 ;hehe If MsgBox(4+32+256+262144, $X & "/" & $X & " questions asked", _ 'To get these questions again delete the file "settings.ini".' & _ @CRLF & @CRLF & "Do you understand??") <> 7 Then ExitLoop Next IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "/Settings.ini", "Beta", "FirstTimeRun", 0) EndIf Local $aFileExt[2] = ["bmp", "gif"] If FileExists(@ScriptDir & "/jpeg.dll") Then ReDim $aFileExt[UBound($aFileExt) +2] $aFileExt[UBound($aFileExt) -2] = "jpg" $aFileExt[UBound($aFileExt) -1] = "jpeg" EndIf If FileExists(@ScriptDir & "/libpng12-0.dll") And FileExists(@ScriptDir & "/zlib1.dll") Then ReDim $aFileExt[UBound($aFileExt) +1] $aFileExt[UBound($aFileExt) -1] = "png" EndIf If IniRead(@ScriptDir & "/Settings.ini", "Beta", "RecursiveDrops", 0) <> 7 Then For $X = 1 To $CmdLine[0] If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($CmdLine[$X]), "D") Then _PlayListAddRec($CmdLine[$X], $aFileExt) EndIf Next Else For $X = 1 To $CmdLine[0] If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($CmdLine[$X]), "D") Then _PlayListAdd($CmdLine[$X], $aFileExt) EndIf Next EndIf _FastArrayDel($aPlayList, 0) If $aPlayList[0] = "" Then Exit MsgBox(32, "No playable items found", "Needs a folder with images in the command line") #Include "..\..\Mina UDF's\SDL\SDL_image.au3" #Include "..\..\Mina UDF's\SDL\SDL_gfx.au3" #Include "..\..\Mina UDF's\SDL\SDL.au3" OnAutoItExitRegister("_Quit") Global $iNull = 0, $iFull = 16777215, $iCurrent = -1, $iSlideShowEnabled = False, $iRandomize = False $GX = @DesktopWidth $GY = @DesktopHeight $iSlideShowTime = 5000 EnvSet("SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS", $iNull & ", " & $iNull) _SDL_Init_image() _SDL_Startup_gfx() _SDL_Init($_SDL_INIT_VIDEO) For $X = $_SDL_NOEVENT To $_SDL_NUMEVENTS -1 _SDL_EventState($X, $_SDL_IGNORE) Next _SDL_EventState($_SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP, $_SDL_ENABLE) Local $iFlags = BitOR($_SDL_SWSURFACE, $_SDL_NOFRAME) $pSurface = _SDL_GuiCreate(@ScriptName, $GX, $GY, 24, $iFlags) If IniRead(@ScriptDir & "/Settings.ini", "Beta", "MouseVisible", 0) <> 6 Then _SDL_ShowCursor($_SDL_DISABLE) ;Prepare time and battary Local $pBattery = _SDL_CreateRGBSurface($_SDL_SWSURFACE, $GX, 1, 32, $iNull, $iNull, $iNull, $iNull) $hDLL = DllOpen("kernel32.dll") AdlibRegister("_PowerDrill", 5500) ;Should catch every minute without much waste _PowerDrill() Local $iCurrent = 0, $iTimer = 0 _MazyImage(StringTrimLeft($aPlayList[$iCurrent], StringInStr($aPlayList[$iCurrent], "\", 2, -1))) #EndRegion #Region ;Main-loop While 1 $tRet = _SDL_PollEventEasy() If $tRet = 0 Then Sleep(20) ElseIf $tRet[0] = $_SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP Then If $tRet[4] < $GX*0.25 Then If $tRet[5] > $GY*0.75 Then If $tRet[2] = 3 Then _Next() ElseIf $tRet[2] = 1 Then _Previous() EndIf ElseIf $tRet[5] < $GY*0.25 Then Exit Else If $iSlideShowEnabled <> False Then $iSlideShowEnabled = False Else $iSlideShowEnabled = True $iTimer = TimerInit() EndIf EndIf Else If $tRet[5] > $GY*0.50 Then If $iSlideShowEnabled <> True Then _Next() Else $iSlideShowTime = Int($iSlideShowTime * 0.8) EndIf Else If $iSlideShowEnabled <> True Then _Previous() Else $iSlideShowTime = Int($iSlideShowTime * 1.2) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf If $iSlideShowEnabled <> False And TimerDiff($iTimer) > $iSlideShowTime Then _Next() $iTimer = TimerInit() EndIf WEnd #EndRegion #Region ;Playlist Func _PlayListAdd($sFileFolder, $aFileExts) For $Y = 0 To UBound($aFileExts) -1 $hSearch = FileFindFirstFile($sFileFolder & "\*." & $aFileExts[$Y]) While 1 $sFile = FileFindNextFile($hSearch) If @error Then ExitLoop If @extended = 1 Then ContinueLoop $UB = UBound($aPlayList) ReDim $aPlayList[$UB+1] $aPlayList[$UB] = $sFileFolder & "\" & $sFile WEnd Next EndFunc Func _PlayListAddRec($sFileFolder, $aFileExts) For $Y = 0 To UBound($aFileExts) -1 $hSearch = FileFindFirstFile($sFileFolder & "\*." & $aFileExts[$Y]) While 1 $sFile = FileFindNextFile($hSearch) If @error Then ExitLoop If @extended = 1 Then ContinueLoop $UB = UBound($aPlayList) ReDim $aPlayList[$UB+1] $aPlayList[$UB] = $sFileFolder & "\" & $sFile WEnd Next $hSearch = FileFindFirstFile($sFileFolder & "\*") While 1 $sFile = FileFindNextFile($hSearch) If @error Then ExitLoop If @extended <> 1 Then ContinueLoop _PlayListAddRec($sFileFolder & "\" & $sFile, $aFileExts) WEnd EndFunc Func _SuperLoad() Return _IMG_Load($aPlayList[$iCurrent]) EndFunc Func _Randomize() $UB = UBound($aPlayList) Local $aRanPlayList[$UB] For $X = $UB -1 To 0 Step -1 $Ran = Random(0, UBound($aPlayList) -1, 1) $aRanPlayList[$X] = $aPlayList[$Ran] _FastArrayDel($aPlayList, $Ran) Next $aPlayList = $aRanPlayList EndFunc Func _Next() $iCurrent += 1 If $iCurrent = UBound($aPlayList) Then $iCurrent = 0 _MazyImage(StringTrimLeft($aPlayList[$iCurrent], StringInStr($aPlayList[$iCurrent], "\", 2, -1))) EndFunc Func _Previous() $iCurrent -= 1 If $iCurrent < 0 Then $iCurrent = UBound($aPlayList)-1 _MazyImage(StringTrimLeft($aPlayList[$iCurrent], StringInStr($aPlayList[$iCurrent], "\", 2, -1))) EndFunc #EndRegion #Region ;Drawing stuff Func _MazyImage($sMessage) _SDL_FillRect($pSurface, 0, _SDL_MapRGB($pSurface, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)) $pImg = _SuperLoad() _BlitImage($pImg) _PowerBar() _SDL_stringRGBA($pSurface, 2, 2, @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & " | " & $sMessage, 255, 0, 0, 255) _SDL_Flip($pSurface) _SDL_FreeSurface($pImg) EndFunc Func _BlitImage($pSrc) ;Could be optimized $hStruct = DllStructCreate($tagSDL_SURFACE, $pSrc) $W = DllStructGetData($hStruct, "w") $Y = DllStructGetData($hStruct, "h") Local $DW, $DH, $DZ = 1 If $W >= $Y Then ;Bilden är större på bredden så vi behöver bara zooma $ZoomX = $GX / $W $ZoomY = $GY / $Y If $ZoomX < $ZoomY Then $DZ = $ZoomX Else $DZ = $ZoomY EndIf $pDst = _SDL_zoomSurface($pSrc, $DZ, $DZ, 1) Else ;Bilden är större på höjden så vi måste rotera och sen zooma $ZoomX = $GX / $Y $ZoomY = $GY / $W If $ZoomX < $ZoomY Then $DZ = $ZoomX Else $DZ = $ZoomY EndIf $pDst = _SDL_rotozoomSurface($pSrc, 270, $DZ, 1) EndIf $hStruct = $iNull $hStruct2 = DllStructCreate($tagSDL_SURFACE, $pDst) $DW = DllStructGetData($hStruct2, "w") $DH = DllStructGetData($hStruct2, "h") $DX = ($GX-$DW)/2 $DY = ($GY-$DH)/2 _SDL_BlitSurface($pDst, 0, $pSurface, _SDL_Rect_Create($DX, $DY, $iNull, $iNull)) _SDL_FreeSurface($pDst) EndFunc Func _PowerBar() _SDL_BlitSurface($pBattery, 0, $pSurface, _SDL_Rect_Create($iNull, $GY, $iNull, $iNull)) EndFunc #EndRegion #Region ;Internal Func _FastArrayDel(ByRef $Array, $Element) $UBTemp = UBound($Array)-1 If $UBTemp = 0 Then Return $Array[$Element] = $Array[$UBTemp] ReDim $Array[$UBTemp] EndFunc Func _PowerDrill() ;Should this func to time too? $aTemp = _GetSystemPowerStatus() If IsArray($aTemp) <> 0 Then If $aTemp[1] = 255 Or BitAND($aTemp[0], 128) Or BitAND($aTemp[0], 255) Then Return ;No battery or unknown Select Case $aTemp[0] = 8 ;Currently charging $iColor = 0x800080FF Case $aTemp[1] > 65 ;Over 66% $iColor = 0x00FF00FF Case $aTemp[1] < 34 ;Under 33% $iColor = 0xFF0000FF Case Else ;Between 33-66% $iColor = 0xFFFF00FF EndSelect _SDL_hlineColor($pBattery, 0, $GX*0.01*$aTemp[1], 0, $iColor) EndIf EndFunc Func _GetSystemPowerStatus() Local $tagStruct = DllStructCreate('ubyte ACLineStatus;ubyte BatteryFlag;ubyte BatteryLifePercent;ubyte Reserved1;ulong BatteryLifeTime;ulong BatteryFullLifeTime') Local $aTemp1, $aTemp2[2] $aTemp1 = DllCall($hDLL, 'int', 'GetSystemPowerStatus', 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($tagStruct)) If (@error) Or ($aTemp1[0] = 0) Then Return 0 $aTemp2[0] = DllStructGetData($tagStruct, 2) ;BatteryFlag $aTemp2[1] = DllStructGetData($tagStruct, 3) ;BatteryLifePercent Return $aTemp2 EndFunc Func _Quit() If $__SDL_DLL <> -1 Then _SDL_Quit() EndFunc #EndRegion