#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=..\_Icons\Painting.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion_AutoIncrement=p #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #cs yes I know there are a load of wallpaper rotators out there, but I wanted one where I would specify a folder of wallpapers as well as a folder of overlays (I use holiday photos as the wallpaper an the kids as an overlay) The program reads a list of wallpaper files into an array and randomises it. The same is done with the list of overlays. I when walk through the wallpapers and overlays and create a wallpaper/overlay combinaton for display on the desktop what this does is create a new image with a second image overlaying the first. this code scales the second image to a percentage of the desktop height and places it at the bottom of the screen and with a right margin sucked out of the ini file (two lines commented out and another two uncommented will centre the overlay in the wallpaper.) I run this on a Windows 7 PC (the best windows OS ever!) and I have fairly elevated rights, so if you are having problems, check folder rights or use other folders. It also handles high quality jpgs as background images which I really like. I have jpg files as the backround and png's as the overlay (transparency support is why I use then) but you can use just about anything There is a tray menu that allows you to Turn overlays on/off skip to the next Overlay skip to the next wallpaper Skip to the next Wallpaper/Overlay Set Exit the application (clear overlay automatically.) Remember the trailing '\' on file paths in the ini file everything between the pairs of ############## are the contents of an example ini file THIS SHOULD BE CREATED BERFORE RUNNING THE PROGRAM ############## ; Interval - Minutes between changes ; Scale - % of desktop HEIGHT ; WallType - filetype to use as wallpapers ; OverlayType -filetype to use as overlays ; FileType - Output filetype for the combined wallpper & Overlay ; Margin - Right Margin ; Bottom - Bottom Margin ; WithOverlay - do we want overlays (1=Yes) anything else is no. ; ClearOnExit - clear the overlay on exit. ; OverlayPath - path to overlays ; WallpaperSourcePath - Path to wallpapers to use ; WallpaperPath - where we put the resultant compound image [Defaults] Interval=5 Scale=60 WallType=JPG OverlayType=PNG FileType=JPG Margin=1 Bottom=0 WithOverlay=1 ClearOnExit=1 OverlayPath=C:\Users\paul\Pictures\overlay\overlay\ WallpaperSourcePath=C:\Users\paul\Pictures\Backgrounds\ WallpaperPath=C:\Users\paul\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Themes\ ############## TODO Better error handling when files do not exist etc. #ce #Include #include #include #include #Include #Include #Include #include Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) ; Change to OnEvent mode opt("TrayIconDebug",1) Opt("TrayOnEventMode",1) Opt("TrayMenuMode",1); Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) Global $g_szVersion = "WallpaperUpdate 1.2" If _Singleton($g_szVersion,1) = 0 Then Msgbox(0,"Warning","An occurence of " & $g_szVersion & " is already running",2) Exit EndIf Global $iniFile = "wallpaperupdate.ini" ; Bad practice I know, but anyway Global $sCLSID="" Global $sWallType="" Global $sOverlayType="" Global $sFileType = "" Global $bWithOverlay=0 ; 1 yes we want overlays, anything else, we dont Global $hWithOverlay Global $hNoOverlay Global $iWallpaperDisplayTime = 0 Global $iOverlayDisplayTime = 0 Global $WallpaperInterval = 20 Global $OverlayInterval = 20 Global $iScale = 80 Global $iMargin = 80 Global $iBottom = 0 Global $sOverlayPath = "" Global $sWallpaperSourcePath = "" Global $sWallpaperPath = "" Global $aWallpapers [1] [1] Global $aOverlays [1] [1] Global $iThisWallpaper = 0 Global $iThisOverlay = 0 Global $iClearOnExit = 0 Global $bO Global $bW Global $Settings Global $S2 Global $S3 Global $S4 Global $S5 Global $S6 Global $S7 Global $S8 Global $S9 Global $S10 Global $S11 Global $S12 Global $S13 Global $S14 _Init() _SetupTray() _Main() Func _Main() Local $iSleeptime = 100 While 1 ; effectively using a manual timer here to make sure that both the overlay and wallpaper change at the same time ; and not milliseconds betrween each other. Sleep($iSleeptime) $bO = 0 $bW = 0 If $bWithOverlay=1 Then If $OverlayInterval <= $iOverlayDisplayTime Then ; time for a new overlay $bO = 1 EndIf $iOverlayDisplayTime += $iSleeptime EndIf If $WallpaperInterval <= $iWallpaperDisplayTime Then ; time for a new wallpaper $bW = 1 EndIf $iWallpaperDisplayTime += $iSleeptime If $bO = 1 Or $bW = 1 Then _BuildNewWallpaper($bO,$bW) EndIf WEnd EndFunc Func _Init() local $aTemp, $iLooper $WallpaperInterval = IniRead($iniFile,"Defaults","WallpaperInterval","20") ; 20 Minutes between wallpaper changes. $WallpaperInterval = $WallpaperInterval * 1000 * 60 $OverlayInterval = IniRead($iniFile,"Defaults","OverlayInterval","20") ; 20 Minutes between overlay changes. $OverlayInterval = $OverlayInterval * 1000 * 60 $bWithOverlay = IniRead($iniFile,"Defaults","WithOverlay","0") ; No overlay $iScale = IniRead($iniFile,"Defaults","Scale","80") ; 80% of desktop height $sFileType = IniRead($iniFile,"Defaults","FileType","BMP") ; output wallpaper filetype $sWallType = IniRead($iniFile,"Defaults","WallType","BMP") ; output wallpaper filetype $sOverlayType = IniRead($iniFile,"Defaults","OverlayType","BMP") ; output wallpaper filetype $iMargin = IniRead($iniFile,"Defaults","Margin","80") ; right margin in px $iBottom = IniRead($iniFile,"Defaults","Bottom","0") ; right margin in px $sOverlayPath = IniRead($iniFile,"Defaults","OverlayPath","C:\Users\paull\Pictures\overlay\overlay\") $sWallpaperSourcePath = IniRead($iniFile,"Defaults","WallpaperSourcePath","C:\Users\paull\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Themes\") $sWallpaperPath = IniRead($iniFile,"Defaults","WallpaperPath",@ScriptDir & "\") $iClearOnExit = IniRead($iniFile,"Defaults","ClearOnExit","1") ; this is ok for me, but if you have a large number of wallpapers it could be a little expensive. ; ***Edit*** $aTemp = _FileListToArray($sWallpaperSourcePath, "*." & $sWallType,1) If IsArray($aTemp) Then ReDim $aWallpapers[$aTemp[0]+1][2] ; Randomize the Wallpaler but make sure that we cycle through them all before starting at the begining again. For $iLooper = 1 To $aTemp[0] $aWallpapers[$iLooper][0] = $aTemp[$iLooper] $aWallpapers[$iLooper][1] = Random(1,$aTemp[0],1) Next ; the actual randomising _ArraySort($aWallpapers,0,0,0,1) EndIf ; this is ok for me, but if you have a large number of overlays it could be a little expensive. ; I use png's here because they support transparency, but it could be just about Anything, ; ***Edit*** $aTemp = _FileListToArray($sOverlayPath, "*." & $sOverlayType,1) If IsArray($aTemp) Then ReDim $aOverlays[$aTemp[0]+1][2] ; Randomize the overlays but make sure that we cycle through them all before starting at the begining again. For $iLooper = 1 To $aTemp[0] $aOverlays[$iLooper][0] = $aTemp[$iLooper] $aOverlays[$iLooper][1] = Random(1,$aTemp[0],1) Next $aTemp = 0 ; a little tidying ; the actual randomising _ArraySort($aOverlays,0,0,0,1) EndIf ; Get encoder CLSID for wallpaper filetype ; this feels a hang of a waste just to get an encoder class Id but i don;t want to do it each time I create a new wallpaper _GDIPlus_Startup() $sCLSID = _GDIPlus_EncodersGetCLSID ($sFileType) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() ; set the initial wallpaper _BuildNewWallpaper(1,1) EndFunc Func _SetupTray() ; set up a tray menu $hNoOverlay = TrayCreateItem("No Overlay",-1,-1,1) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1,"_NoOverlay") If $bWithOverlay <> 1 Then TrayItemSetState ( -1, $TRAY_CHECKED ) EndIf $hWithOverlay = TrayCreateItem("With Overlay",-1,-1,1) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1,"_WithOverlay") If $bWithOverlay = 1 Then TrayItemSetState ( -1, $TRAY_CHECKED ) EndIf TrayCreateItem("") TrayCreateItem("Next Overlay") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1,"_Next_Overlay") TrayCreateItem("Previous Overlay") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1,"_Prev_Overlay") TrayCreateItem("") TrayCreateItem("Next Wallpaper") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1,"_Next_Wallpaper") TrayCreateItem("Previous Wallpaper") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1,"_Prev_Wallpaper") TrayCreateItem("Next Pair") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1,"_Next_Pair") TrayCreateItem("") TrayCreateItem("Edit Settings") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1,"_EditSettings") TrayCreateItem("") TrayCreateItem("Exit") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1,"_ExitEvent") TraySetState() TraySetToolTip($g_szVersion) EndFunc Func _Next_Wallpaper() ; but keep same overlay $iWallpaperDisplayTime = 0 _BuildNewWallpaper(0,1) EndFunc Func _Prev_Wallpaper() ; but keep same overlay $iWallpaperDisplayTime = 0 _BuildNewWallpaper(0,-1) EndFunc Func _Next_Overlay() ; but keep same wallpaper $iOverlayDisplayTime = 0 _BuildNewWallpaper(1,0) EndFunc Func _Prev_Overlay() ; but keep same wallpaper $iOverlayDisplayTime = 0 _BuildNewWallpaper(-1,0) EndFunc Func _Next_Pair () ; change both wallpaper and overlay. $iWallpaperDisplayTime = 0 $iOverlayDisplayTime = 0 _BuildNewWallpaper(1,1) EndFunc Func _NoOverlay() ; remove overlays without changing the wallpaper $bWithOverlay = 0 _BuildNewWallpaper(0,0) EndFunc Func _WithOverlay() ; re-instate overlays without changing the wallpaper or the overlay $iOverlayDisplayTime = 0 $bWithOverlay = 1 _BuildNewWallpaper(0,0) EndFunc Func _BuildNewWallpaper($iNextOverlay,$iNextwallpaper) Local $hImage1, $hImage2, $hGraphic, $width, $height, $sFileName, $sNewFileName, $sOverlay, $Scaling, $top, $left ; Initialize GDI+ library _GDIPlus_Startup() ; pick a new overlay and wallpaper ;~ $sOverlay = _PickOverlay($iNextOverlay) $sFileName = _PickWallpaper($iNextwallpaper) ; ***Edit*** $sNewFilename = $sWallpaperPath & "TranscodedWallpaper1." & $sFileType ;Load the wallpaper $hImage1 = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($sFileName) ; add the overlay if we need to If $bWithOverlay = 1 Then $sOverlay = _PickOverlay($iNextOverlay) $hImage2 = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($sOverlay) ; calculate the scaling to make sure that the overlay is the correct % of the background image ; (assuming that the background will be 100 % of desktop height) ; This makes for large overlays if they have no height. If _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage2) > @DesktopHeight * $iScale / 100 Then ;scale image down if needed $Scaling = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage1) * $iScale / _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage2) / 100 Else ;scale image up to the required percentage $Scaling = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage1) * $iScale / 100 / _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage2) EndIf $width = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($hImage2) * $Scaling $height = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage2) * $Scaling ; center the image vertically ; ***Edit*** ;~ $top = (_GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage1) - $height) / 2 ; or have it at the bottom of the screen $top = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage1) - $height - $iBottom ; center the image horizontally ; ***Edit*** ;~ $left = (_GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($hImage1) - $width) / 2 ; or with the left margin from the ini file $left = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($hImage1) - $width - $iMargin ; Draw one image in another $hGraphic = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hImage1) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hGraphic, $hImage2, $left, $top, $width, $height ) ; Clean up resources _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphic) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage2) If $iNextOverlay = 1 Then $iOverlayDisplayTime = 0 EndIf ; Save resultant compound image ;~ _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hImage1, $sNewFileName) _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFileEx($hImage1, $sNewFileName,$sCLSID) Sleep(100) ; this seems to stop the next call from hanging around and eating up the CPU ; Set the new image as the wallpaper. as it happens all the rest is fluff. This does all the work. DllCall("user32", "int", "SystemParametersInfo", "int", 20, "int", 0, "str", $sNewFileName, "int", 0) ; Clean up resources _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage1) ; Shut down GDI+ library _GDIPlus_Shutdown() If $iNextwallpaper = 1 Then $iWallpaperDisplayTime = 0 EndFunc Func _PickWallpaper($iStep) ; Continuously cycle through the list of randomised wallpapers if we keep feeding a 1 ; previous = -1 same one = 0 $iThisWallpaper += $iStep If $iThisWallpaper = UBound($aWallpapers,1) Then $iThisWallpaper =1 EndIf If $iThisWallpaper < 1 Then $iThisWallpaper = UBound($aWallpapers,1) - 1 EndIf Local $sFileName $sFileName = $sWallpaperSourcePath & $aWallpapers[$iThisWallpaper] [0] Return $sFileName EndFunc Func _PickOverlay($iStep) ; Continuously cycle through the list of randomised overlays if we keep feeding a 1 ; -1 will obviously take us to the previous one and 0 stay in the same place. $iThisOverlay += $iStep If $iThisOverlay = UBound($aOverlays,1) Then $iThisOverlay =1 EndIf If $iThisOverlay < 1 Then $iThisOverlay = UBound($aOverlays,1) - 1 EndIf local $sOverlay $sOverlay = $sOverlayPath & $aOverlays[$iThisOverlay] [0] Return $sOverlay EndFunc Func _CreateSettingsGui() $Settings = GUICreate("Settings",620,300) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_AbandonSettings") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Wallpaper Interval",10,30) $S2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("",120,25,40) GUICtrlSetData(-1,$WallpaperInterval / 1000 / 60) GUICtrlCreateUpdown($S2) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Overlay Interval",10,55) $S3 = GUICtrlCreateInput("",120,50,40) GUICtrlSetData(-1,$OverlayInterval / 1000 / 60) GUICtrlCreateUpdown($S3) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Scale",10,80) $S4 = GUICtrlCreateInput("",120,75,40) GUICtrlSetData(-1,$iScale) GUICtrlCreateUpdown($S4) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Right Margin",10,105) $S5 = GUICtrlCreateInput("",120,100,40) GUICtrlSetData(-1,$iMargin) GUICtrlCreateUpdown($S5) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Bottom Margin",180,105) $S6 = GUICtrlCreateInput("",260,100,40) GUICtrlSetData(-1,$iBottom) GUICtrlCreateUpdown($S6) GUICtrlCreateLabel("With Overlay",10,130) $S7 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("",120,125,20,20) If $bWithOverlay = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_CHECKED) EndIf GUICtrlCreateLabel("Clear Overlay on Exit",10,155) $S8 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("",120,150,20,20) If $iClearOnExit = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_CHECKED) EndIf GUICtrlCreateLabel("Wallpaper Source",10,180) $S10 = GUICtrlCreateInput("",120,175,400) GUICtrlSetData(-1,$sWallpaperSourcePath) GUICtrlCreateButton("...",520,175,20,20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"_BrowseSource") $S13 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("",540,175,60) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "JPG|BMP|PNG|*",$sWallType) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Overlay Source",10,205) $S11 = GUICtrlCreateInput("",120,200,400) GUICtrlSetData(-1,$sOverlayPath) GUICtrlCreateButton("...",520,200,20,20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"_BrowseOverlay") $S14 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("",540,200,60) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "JPG|BMP|PNG|*",$sOverlayType) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Output Folder",10,230) $S12 = GUICtrlCreateInput("",120,225,400) GUICtrlSetData(-1,$sWallpaperPath) GUICtrlCreateButton("...",520,225,20,20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"_BrowseOutput") $S9 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("",540,225,60) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "JPG|BMP|PNG",$sFileType) GUICtrlCreateButton("Save Changes",120,260) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_SaveSettings") GUICtrlCreateButton("Abandon Changes",230,260) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_AbandonSettings") EndFunc Func _EditSettings() _CreateSettingsGui() GUISetState(@SW_SHOW,$Settings) EndFunc Func _BrowseSource() GUICtrlSetData($S10,FileSelectFolder ( "Wallpaper Source", "" ,-1, @ScriptDir ) & "\") If GUICtrlRead($S10) = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($S10,$sWallpaperSourcePath) EndIf EndFunc Func _BrowseOverlay() GUICtrlSetData($S11,FileSelectFolder ( "Overlay Source", "" ,-1, @ScriptDir ) & "\") If GUICtrlRead($S11) = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($S11,$sOverlayPath) EndIf EndFunc Func _BrowseOutput() GUICtrlSetData($S12,FileSelectFolder ( "Output Folder" ,-1, @ScriptDir ) & "\") If GUICtrlRead($S12) = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($S12,$sWallpaperPath) EndIf EndFunc Func _AbandonSettings() GUIDelete($Settings) EndFunc Func _SaveSettings() local $Search IniWrite($iniFile,"Defaults","WallpaperInterval",GUICtrlRead($S2)) IniWrite($iniFile,"Defaults","OverlayInterval",GUICtrlRead($S3)) IniWrite($iniFile,"Defaults","Scale",GUICtrlRead($S4)) IniWrite($iniFile,"Defaults","Margin",GUICtrlRead($S5)) IniWrite($iniFile,"Defaults","Bottom",GUICtrlRead($S6)) If GUICtrlRead($S7) = $GUI_CHECKED Then IniWrite($iniFile,"Defaults","WithOverlay","1") $bWithOverlay = 1 TrayItemSetState ($hNoOverlay, $TRAY_UNCHECKED ) TrayItemSetState ($hWithOverlay, $TRAY_CHECKED ) Else IniWrite($iniFile,"Defaults","WithOverlay","0") $bWithOverlay = 0 TrayItemSetState ($hWithOverlay, $TRAY_UNCHECKED ) TrayItemSetState ($hNoOverlay, $TRAY_CHECKED ) EndIf If GUICtrlRead($S8) = $GUI_CHECKED Then IniWrite($iniFile,"Defaults","ClearOnExit","1") Else IniWrite($iniFile,"Defaults","ClearOnExit","0") EndIf IniWrite($iniFile,"Defaults","FileType",GUICtrlRead($S9)) ; check that there are in fact files to use as wallpaper $Search = FileFindFirstFile(GUICtrlRead($S10) & "*." & GUICtrlRead($S13)) If $search = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No available wallpaper files available.") Return Else IniWrite($iniFile,"Defaults","WallpaperSourcePath",GUICtrlRead($S10)) IniWrite($iniFile,"Defaults","WallType",GUICtrlRead($S13)) EndIf ; check that there are in fact files to use as overlays $Search = FileFindFirstFile(GUICtrlRead($S11) & "*." & GUICtrlRead($S14)) If $search = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No available wallpaper files available.") Return Else IniWrite($iniFile,"Defaults","OverlayPath",GUICtrlRead($S11)) IniWrite($iniFile,"Defaults","OverlayType",GUICtrlRead($S14)) EndIf IniWrite($iniFile,"Defaults","WallpaperPath",GUICtrlRead($S12)) GUIDelete($Settings) _Init() EndFunc Func _ExitEvent() ; remove the overlay If $iClearOnExit = 1 Then; Default is clear overlay on exit _NoOverlay() EndIf Exit EndFunc