#include "GUIConstants.au3" ; Author: Roy ; AutoIt Version: ; Description: Very Simple example: Embedding Microsoft Office SpreadSheet object ; Date: 21 jun 2006 $oSpreadSheet = ObjCreate("OWC11.Spreadsheet.11") ; Create a simple GUI for our output GUICreate ( "Embedded Web control Test", 640, 580,(@DesktopWidth-640)/2, (@DesktopHeight-580)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $GUIActiveX = GUICtrlCreateObj ( $oSpreadSheet, 10, 40 , 600 , 360 ) $GUI_PutData = GuiCtrlCreateButton ("PutData", 10, 420, 100, 30) $GUI_AutoFit = GuiCtrlCreateButton ("AutoFit", 120, 420, 100, 30) $GUI_Evaluate = GuiCtrlCreateButton ("Evaluate", 230, 420, 100, 30) GUISetState () ;Show GUI ; Waiting for user to close the window While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $msg = $GUI_PutData _PutData() Case $msg = $GUI_AutoFit _AutoFit() Case $msg = $GUI_Evaluate MsgBox(0,"Evaluate=AVERAGE(5,15,25,33)",$oSpreadSheet.ActiveSheet.Evaluate("=AVERAGE(5,15,25,33)")) EndSelect Wend GUIDelete () Exit Func _PutData() Dim $row, $col With $oSpreadSheet For $row = 1 to 4 For $col = 1 To 5 .Cells($row,$col) = "Row " & $row & " - Col: " & $col Next Next EndWith EndFunc Func _AutoFit() With $oSpreadSheet .Cells.Select .Cells.EntireColumn.AutoFit .Range("A1").Select EndWith EndFunc