;#AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 ; #INDEX# =================================================================================== ; Title .........: Table ; AutoIt Version: ; Language: English ; Description ...: A simple Table control using an array of labels. ; This is an attempt at a cleaner, simpler, way of displaying data without using ListViews. ; Notes .........: GUI must exist BEFORE table is constructed/manipulated, ; i.e. GUISetState() must be called before _GUICtrlTable_Create ; =========================================================================================== ; #VARIABLES# =============================================================================== Global $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[1][2] ; =========================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Create ; Description ...: Creates a 'table' of label controls, and preps the 'border array' ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Create($iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iRows, $iColumns[, $iGapWidth = 1]) ; Parameters ....: $iLeft - Horisontal position of first cell ; $iTop - Vertical position of first cell ; $iWidth - Initial width of each cell ; $iHeight - Initial height of each cell ; $iRows - Number of rows in table ; $iColumns - Number of columns in table ; $iGapWidth - Size (pixels) of gap between each cell (can be zero = no gaps) ; Return values .: Success - Returns array of label IDs for other functions ($ReturnedArray[ROW][COLUMN]) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Notes .........: Rows/Columns are NOT zero-indexed. The first row IS row 1, the first column IS col 1 etc ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Create($iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iRows, $iColumns, $iGapWidth = 1) Local $i, $j, $iCurrBoxLeft = 0, $iCurrBoxTop = 0, $aTemp Local $array[$iRows + 1][$iColumns + 1] If $iGapWidth < 0 Then $iGapWidth = 0 $iGapWidth = Round($iGapWidth) For $i = 1 To $iRows For $j = 1 To $iColumns $array[$i][$j] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $iLeft + $iCurrBoxLeft, $iTop + $iCurrBoxTop, $iWidth, $iHeight) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) $iCurrBoxLeft += $iWidth + $iGapWidth Next $iCurrBoxLeft = 0 $iCurrBoxTop += $iHeight + $iGapWidth Next ReDim $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[UBound($_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE, 1) + 1][2] Dim $aTemp[$iRows + 1][$iColumns + 1][5] $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[UBound($_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE) - 1][0] = $array[1][1] $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[UBound($_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE) - 1][1] = $aTemp Return $array EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Create ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Delete ; Description ...: Deletes the labels associated with this table, including borders, also nulls array entries ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Delete(ByRef $array) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Delete(ByRef $array) Local $i, $j, $aRetrievedTableBorders, $test If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return ;- Get border array from store - $test = "" For $i = 1 To UBound($_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE, 1) - 1 $test = $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$i][0] If $array[1][1] = $test Then $aRetrievedTableBorders = $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$i][1] $test = $i ExitLoop EndIf Next For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 1) - 1 For $j = 1 To UBound($array, 2) - 1 GUICtrlDelete($array[$i][$j]) Next Next _GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_All($array, 0) $array = 0 $aRetrievedTableBorders = 0 ;- Put retrieved borders back $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$test][0] = "" $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$test][1] = $aRetrievedTableBorders EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Delete ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Move ; Description ...: Moves the x/y position of the table (including borders) ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Move(ByRef $array, $iLeft, $iTop) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iLeft - new Horisontal position of first cell ; $iTop - new Vertical position of first cell ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Move(ByRef $array, $iLeft, $iTop) Local $i, $j, $k, $aTemp, $aTemp2, $iMoveLeft, $iMoveTop, $test, $aRetrievedTableBorders If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return ;- Get border array from store - $test = "" For $i = 1 To UBound($_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE, 1) - 1 $test = $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$i][0] If $array[1][1] = $test Then $aRetrievedTableBorders = $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$i][1] $test = $i ExitLoop EndIf Next $aTemp = ControlGetPos("", "", $array[1][1]) $iMoveLeft = $aTemp[0] - $iLeft $iMoveTop = $aTemp[1] - $iTop For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 1) - 1 For $j = 1 To UBound($array, 2) - 1 $aTemp = ControlGetPos("", "", $array[$i][$j]) GUICtrlSetPos($array[$i][$j], $aTemp[0] - $iMoveLeft, $aTemp[1] - $iMoveTop) For $k = 1 To 4 $aTemp2 = ControlGetPos("", "", $aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][$k]) If IsArray($aTemp2) = 0 Then ContinueLoop GUICtrlSetPos($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][$k], $aTemp2[0] - $iMoveLeft, $aTemp2[1] - $iMoveTop) Next Next Next EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Move ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_CellGetID ; Description ...: Retrieves the label control ID for the specified cell, enables user modification ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_CellGetID(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iCol) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iRow - Cell row value ; $iCol - Cell column value ; Return values .: Success - Returns label control ID for specified 'cell' ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_CellGetID(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iCol) If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return Return $array[$iRow][$iCol] EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_CellGetID ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_CellGetPos ; Description ...: Retrieves the label position for the specified cell, enables user modification ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_CellGetPos(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iCol) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iRow - Cell row value ; $iCol - Cell column value ; Return values .: Success - Returns array as per ControlGetPos ($arra[0] = left, [1] = top etc) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_CellGetPos(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iCol) If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return Return ControlGetPos("", "", $array[$iRow][$iCol]) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_CellGetPos ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_ColumnWidth ; Description ...: Changes the width of a specified column of cells/labels ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_ColumnWidth(ByRef $array, $iCol, $iWidth) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iCol - table column value ; $iWidth - new width of column ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_ColumnWidth(ByRef $array, $iCol, $iWidth) Local $i, $j, $k, $iCurrBoxLeft, $bFirst, $aTemp, $aTemp2, $iGapWidth, $test, $aRetrievedTableBorders If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iCol = 0 Then Return If Number($iCol) > UBound($array, 2) - 1 Then Return ;- Get border array from store - $test = "" For $i = 1 To UBound($_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE, 1) - 1 $test = $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$i][0] If $array[1][1] = $test Then $aRetrievedTableBorders = $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$i][1] $test = $i ExitLoop EndIf Next $aTemp = ControlGetPos("", "", $array[1][1]) $aTemp2 = ControlGetPos("", "", $array[1][2]) $iGapWidth = $aTemp2[0] - ($aTemp[0] + $aTemp[2]) If $iGapWidth < 0 Then $iGapWidth = 0 For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 1) - 1 $bFirst = True For $j = $iCol To UBound($array, 2) - 1 $aTemp = ControlGetPos("", "", $array[$i][$j]) If $bFirst = True Then $iCurrBoxLeft = $aTemp[0] $bFirst = False Switch $j Case $iCol GUICtrlSetPos($array[$i][$j], $iCurrBoxLeft, $aTemp[1], $iWidth) For $k = 1 To 4 Switch $k Case 1 GUICtrlSetPos($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][$k], $iCurrBoxLeft, $aTemp[1]) Case 2 GUICtrlSetPos($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][$k], $iCurrBoxLeft, $aTemp[1], $iWidth) Case 3 GUICtrlSetPos($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][$k], $iCurrBoxLeft + $iWidth - 1, $aTemp[1]) Case 4 GUICtrlSetPos($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][$k], $iCurrBoxLeft, $aTemp[1] + $aTemp[3] - 1, $iWidth) EndSwitch Next $iCurrBoxLeft += $iWidth + $iGapWidth Case Else GUICtrlSetPos($array[$i][$j], $iCurrBoxLeft, $aTemp[1]) For $k = 1 To 4 Switch $k Case 1, 2 GUICtrlSetPos($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][$k], $iCurrBoxLeft, $aTemp[1]) Case 3 GUICtrlSetPos($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][$k], $iCurrBoxLeft + $aTemp[2] - 1, $aTemp[1]) Case 4 GUICtrlSetPos($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][$k], $iCurrBoxLeft, $aTemp[1] + $aTemp[3] - 1) EndSwitch Next $iCurrBoxLeft += $aTemp[2] + $iGapWidth EndSwitch Next Next EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_ColumnWidth ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_RowHeight ; Description ...: Changes the height of a specified row of cells/labels ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_RowHeight(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iHeight) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iRow - table row value ; $iHeight - new height for row ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_RowHeight(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iHeight) Local $i, $j, $k, $iCurrBoxTop, $bFirst, $aTemp, $aTemp2, $iGapWidth, $test, $aRetrievedTableBorders If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iRow = 0 Then Return If Number($iRow) > UBound($array, 1) - 1 Then Return ;- Get border array from store - $test = "" For $i = 1 To UBound($_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE, 1) - 1 $test = $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$i][0] If $array[1][1] = $test Then $aRetrievedTableBorders = $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$i][1] $test = $i ExitLoop EndIf Next $aTemp = ControlGetPos("", "", $array[1][1]) $aTemp2 = ControlGetPos("", "", $array[1][2]) $iGapWidth = $aTemp2[0] - ($aTemp[0] + $aTemp[2]) If $iGapWidth < 0 Then $iGapWidth = 0 $bFirst = True For $i = $iRow To UBound($array, 1) - 1 For $j = 1 To UBound($array, 2) - 1 $aTemp = ControlGetPos("", "", $array[$i][$j]) If $bFirst = True Then $iCurrBoxTop = $aTemp[1] $bFirst = False Switch $i Case $iRow GUICtrlSetPos($array[$i][$j], $aTemp[0], $iCurrBoxTop, $aTemp[2], $iHeight) For $k = 1 To 4 Switch $k Case 1 GUICtrlSetPos($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][$k], $aTemp[0], $iCurrBoxTop, 1, $iHeight) Case 2 GUICtrlSetPos($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][$k], $aTemp[0], $iCurrBoxTop) Case 3 GUICtrlSetPos($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][$k], $aTemp[0] + $aTemp[2] - 1, $iCurrBoxTop, 1, $iHeight) Case 4 GUICtrlSetPos($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][$k], $aTemp[0], $iCurrBoxTop + $iHeight - 1) EndSwitch Next Case Else GUICtrlSetPos($array[$i][$j], $aTemp[0], $iCurrBoxTop) For $k = 1 To 4 Switch $k Case 1, 2 GUICtrlSetPos($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][$k], $aTemp[0], $iCurrBoxTop) Case 3 GUICtrlSetPos($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][$k], $aTemp[0] + $aTemp[2] - 1, $iCurrBoxTop) Case 4 GUICtrlSetPos($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][$k], $aTemp[0], $iCurrBoxTop + $aTemp[3] - 1) EndSwitch Next EndSwitch Next Switch $i Case $iRow $iCurrBoxTop += $iHeight + $iGapWidth Case Else $iCurrBoxTop += $aTemp[3] + $iGapWidth EndSwitch Next EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_RowHeight ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Text_Row ; Description ...: Changes the text of the cells in a row ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Text_Row(ByRef $array, $iRow, $sText[, $sDelimiter = "|"[, $iOverWriteBlank = 1]]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iRow - table row value ; $sText - delimted text to add to cells ; $sDelimiter - character to act as text string delimiter ; $iOverWriteBlank - if not = 1, then blank elements in $aData will be ignored (i.e. keep existing data) ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Notes .........: If more delimiters exist in text than there are cells, the extra data is ignored ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_Text_Row(ByRef $array, $iRow, $sText, $sDelimiter = "|", $iOverWriteBlank = 1) Local $i If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iRow = 0 Then Return If Number($iRow) > UBound($array, 1) - 1 Then Return Local $aString = StringSplit($sText, $sDelimiter) Local $iUpperlimit = UBound($array, 2) - 1 If $aString[0] < $iUpperlimit Then $iUpperlimit = $aString[0] For $i = 1 To $iUpperlimit If $iOverWriteBlank <> 1 And $aString[$i] = "" Then ContinueLoop GUICtrlSetData($array[$iRow][$i], $aString[$i]) Next EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_Text_Row ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Text_Column ; Description ...: Changes the text of the cells in a column ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Text_Column(ByRef $array, $iCol, $sText[, $sDelimiter = "|"[, $iOverWriteBlank = 1]]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iCol - table column value ; $sText - delimted text to add to cells ; $sDelimiter - character to act as text string delimiter ; $iOverWriteBlank - if not = 1, then blank elements in $aData will be ignored (i.e. keep existing data) ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Notes .........: If more delimiters exist in text than there are cells, the extra data is ignored ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_Text_Column(ByRef $array, $iCol, $sText, $sDelimiter = "|", $iOverWriteBlank = 1) Local $i If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iCol = 0 Then Return If Number($iCol) > UBound($array, 2) - 1 Then Return Local $aString = StringSplit($sText, $sDelimiter) Local $iUpperlimit = UBound($array, 1) - 1 If $aString[0] < $iUpperlimit Then $iUpperlimit = $aString[0] For $i = 1 To $iUpperlimit If $iOverWriteBlank <> 1 And $aString[$i] = "" Then ContinueLoop GUICtrlSetData($array[$i][$iCol], $aString[$i]) Next EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_Text_Column ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Text_Cell ; Description ...: Changes the text of the cells in a single cell ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Text_Cell(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iCol, $sText[, $iOverWriteBlank = 1]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iRow - cell row value ; $iCol - cell column value ; $sText - text to add to cell ; $iOverWriteBlank - if not = 1, then blank elements in $aData will be ignored (i.e. keep existing data) ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_Text_Cell(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iCol, $sText, $iOverWriteBlank = 1) If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iRow = 0 Then Return If $iCol = 0 Then Return If Number($iRow) > UBound($array, 1) - 1 Then Return If Number($iCol) > UBound($array, 2) - 1 Then Return If $iOverWriteBlank <> 1 And $sText = "" Then Return GUICtrlSetData($array[$iRow][$iCol], $sText) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_Text_Cell ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Text_FromArray ; Description ...: Inserts data from a 2D array into table ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Text_FromArray(ByRef $array, ByRef $aData[, $iOverWriteBlank = 1]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $aData - 2D array containing data, format is $aData[Rows][Columns] ; $iOverWriteBlank - if not 1, then blank elements in $aData will be ignored (i.e. keep existing data) ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_Text_FromArray(ByRef $array, ByRef $aData, $iOverWriteBlank = 1) Local $i, $j, $iRowUpper, $iColUpper If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If IsArray($aData) = 0 Then Return If UBound($aData, 2) = 0 Then Return ;<2D If UBound($aData, 3) <> 0 Then Return ;>2D $iRowUpper = UBound($array, 1) If UBound($aData, 1) < $iRowUpper Then $iRowUpper = UBound($aData, 1) $iColUpper = UBound($array, 2) If UBound($aData, 2) < $iColUpper Then $iColUpper = UBound($aData, 2) For $i = 1 To $iRowUpper - 1 For $j = 1 To $iColUpper - 1 If $iOverWriteBlank <> 1 And $aData[$i][$j] = "" Then ContinueLoop GUICtrlSetData($array[$i][$j], $aData[$i][$j]) Next Next EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_Text_FromArray ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Get_Text_Row ; Description ...: Returns the data from a row of cells ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Get_Text_Row(ByRef $array, $iRow[, $sDelimiter = "|"]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iRow - table row value ; $sDelimiter - character to put between cell returns ; Return values .: Success - returns delimited string of cell data from specified row ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Get_Text_Row(ByRef $array, $iRow, $sDelimiter = "|") Local $i, $sString If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iRow = 0 Then Return If Number($iRow) > UBound($array, 1) - 1 Then Return ;set error too $sString = "" For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 2) - 1 $sString &= GUICtrlRead($array[$iRow][$i]) & $sDelimiter Next Return StringTrimRight($sString, 1) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Get_Text_Row ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Get_Text_Column ; Description ...: Returns the data from a column of cells ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Get_Text_Column(ByRef $array, $iCol[, $sDelimiter = "|"]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iCol - table column value ; $sDelimiter - character to put between cell returns ; Return values .: Success - returns delimited string of cell data from specified column ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Get_Text_Column(ByRef $array, $iCol, $sDelimiter = "|") Local $i, $sString If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iCol = 0 Then Return If Number($iCol) > UBound($array, 2) - 1 Then Return ;set error too $sString = "" For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 1) - 1 $sString &= GUICtrlRead($array[$i][$iCol]) & $sDelimiter Next Return StringTrimRight($sString, 1) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Get_Text_Column ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Get_Text_Cell ; Description ...: Returns the data from a specified cell ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Get_Text_Cell(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iCol) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iRow - cell row value ; $iCol - cell Column value ; Return values .: Success - returns cell data from specified cell ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Get_Text_Cell(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iCol) If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iRow = 0 Then Return If $iCol = 0 Then Return If Number($iRow) > UBound($array, 1) - 1 Then Return If Number($iCol) > UBound($array, 2) - 1 Then Return Return GUICtrlRead($array[$iRow][$iCol]) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Get_Text_Cell ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Get_Text_All ; Description ...: Returns all the data from a table ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Get_Text_All(ByRef $array) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; Return values .: Success - returns a 2d array of cell data e.g. $array[row][column] ; Failure - (under construction) ; Notes .........: zero elements of returned array are empty ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Get_Text_All(ByRef $array) Local $i, $j, $aTemp If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return $aTemp = $array For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 1) - 1 For $j = 1 To UBound($array, 2) - 1 $aTemp[$i][$j] = GUICtrlRead($array[$i][$j]) Next Next Return $aTemp EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Get_Text_All ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextColor_Row ; Description ...: Sets the text color of a row of cells ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextColor_Row(ByRef $array, $iRow[, $iColor = 0x000000]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iRow - table row value ; $iColor - color to set text ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextColor_Row(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iColor = 0x000000) Local $i If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iRow = 0 Then Return If Number($iRow) > UBound($array, 1) - 1 Then Return For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 2) - 1 GUICtrlSetColor($array[$iRow][$i], $iColor) Next EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_TextColor_Row ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextColor_Column ; Description ...: Sets the text color of a column of cells ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextColor_Column(ByRef $array, $iCol[, $iColor = 0x000000]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iCol - table column value ; $iColor - color to set text ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextColor_Column(ByRef $array, $iCol, $iColor = 0x000000) Local $i If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iCol = 0 Then Return If Number($iCol) > UBound($array, 2) - 1 Then Return For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 1) - 1 GUICtrlSetColor($array[$i][$iCol], $iColor) Next EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_TextColor_Column ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextColor_Cell ; Description ...: Sets the text color of a specified cell ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextColor_Cell(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iCol[, $iColor = 0x000000]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iRow - cell row value ; $iCol - cell column value ; $iColor - color to set text ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextColor_Cell(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iCol, $iColor = 0x000000) If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iRow = 0 Then Return If $iCol = 0 Then Return If Number($iRow) > UBound($array, 1) - 1 Then Return If Number($iCol) > UBound($array, 2) - 1 Then Return GUICtrlSetColor($array[$iRow][$iCol], $iColor) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_TextColor_Cell ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextColor_All ; Description ...: Sets the text color of all cells in table ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextColor_All(ByRef $array[, $iColor = 0x000000]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iColor - color to set text ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextColor_All(ByRef $array, $iColor = 0x000000) Local $i, $j If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 1) - 1 For $j = 1 To UBound($array, 2) - 1 GUICtrlSetColor($array[$i][$j], $iColor) Next Next EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_TextColor_All ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextFont_Row ; Description ...: Sets the text size, weight, attribute and font of a row of cells ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextFont_Row(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iSize[, $iWeight = 400[, $iAttribute = 0[, $sFontname = "MS Sans Serif"]]]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iRow - table row value ; $iSize - font size ; $iWeight - weight of font (bold etc) ; $iAttribute - italic=2 underlined=4 strike=8 (add together) ; $sFontname - name of font to use ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextFont_Row(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iSize, $iWeight = 400, $iAttribute = 0, $sFontname = "MS Sans Serif") Local $i If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iRow = 0 Then Return If Number($iRow) > UBound($array, 1) - 1 Then Return For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 2) - 1 GUICtrlSetFont($array[$iRow][$i], $iSize, $iWeight, $iAttribute, $sFontname) Next EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_TextFont_Row ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextFont_Column ; Description ...: Sets the text size, weight, attribute and font of a column of cells ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextFont_Column(ByRef $array, $iCol, $iSize[, $iWeight = 400[, $iAttribute = 0[, $sFontname = "MS Sans Serif"]]]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iCol - table column value ; $iSize - font size ; $iWeight - weight of font (bold etc) ; $iAttribute - italic=2 underlined=4 strike=8 (add together) ; $sFontname - name of font to use ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextFont_Column(ByRef $array, $iCol, $iSize, $iWeight = 400, $iAttribute = 0, $sFontname = "MS Sans Serif") Local $i If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iCol = 0 Then Return If Number($iCol) > UBound($array, 2) - 1 Then Return For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 1) - 1 GUICtrlSetFont($array[$i][$iCol], $iSize, $iWeight, $iAttribute, $sFontname) Next EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_TextFont_Column ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextFont_Cell ; Description ...: Sets the text size, weight, attribute and font of a specified cell ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextFont_Cell(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iCol, $iSize[, $iWeight = 400[, $iAttribute = 0[, $sFontname = "MS Sans Serif"]]]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iRow - cell row value ; $iCol - cell column value ; $iSize - font size ; $iWeight - weight of font (bold etc) ; $iAttribute - italic=2 underlined=4 strike=8 (add together) ; $sFontname - name of font to use ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextFont_Cell(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iCol, $iSize, $iWeight = 400, $iAttribute = 0, $sFontname = "MS Sans Serif") If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iRow = 0 Then Return If $iCol = 0 Then Return If Number($iRow) > UBound($array, 1) - 1 Then Return If Number($iCol) > UBound($array, 2) - 1 Then Return GUICtrlSetFont($array[$iRow][$iCol], $iSize, $iWeight, $iAttribute, $sFontname) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_TextFont_Cell ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextFont_All ; Description ...: Sets the text size, weight, attribute and font of all cells in table ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextFont_All(ByRef $array[, $iSize = 8.5[, $iWeight = 400[, $iAttribute = 0[, $sFontname = "MS Sans Serif"]]]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iSize - font size ; $iWeight - weight of font (bold etc) ; $iAttribute - italic=2 underlined=4 strike=8 (add together) ; $sFontname - name of font to use ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_TextFont_All(ByRef $array, $iSize = 8.5, $iWeight = 400, $iAttribute = 0, $sFontname = "MS Sans Serif") Local $i, $j If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 1) - 1 For $j = 1 To UBound($array, 2) - 1 GUICtrlSetFont($array[$i][$j], $iSize, $iWeight, $iAttribute, $sFontname) Next Next EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_TextFont_All ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_CellColor_Row ; Description ...: Sets the cell background color of a row of cells ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_CellColor_Row(ByRef $array, $iRow[, $iColor = 0xFFFFFF]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iRow - table row value ; $iColor - background color for cell ( -2 = transparent) ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_CellColor_Row(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iColor = 0xFFFFFF) Local $i If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iRow = 0 Then Return If Number($iRow) > UBound($array, 1) - 1 Then Return For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 2) - 1 GUICtrlSetBkColor($array[$iRow][$i], $iColor) Next EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_CellColor_Row ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_CellColor_Column ; Description ...: Sets the cell background color of a column of cells ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_CellColor_Col(ByRef $array, $iCol[, $iColor = 0xFFFFFF]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iCol - table column value ; $iColor - background color for cell ( -2 = transparent) ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_CellColor_Column(ByRef $array, $iCol, $iColor = 0xFFFFFF) Local $i If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iCol = 0 Then Return If Number($iCol) > UBound($array, 2) - 1 Then Return For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 1) - 1 GUICtrlSetBkColor($array[$i][$iCol], $iColor) Next EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_CellColor_Column ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_CellColor_Cell ; Description ...: Sets the cell background color of a specified of cell ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_CellColor_Cell(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iCol[, $iColor = 0xFFFFFF]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iRow - cell row value ; $iCol - cell column value ; $iColor - background color for cell ( -2 = transparent) ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_CellColor_Cell(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iCol, $iColor = 0xFFFFFF) If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iRow = 0 Then Return If $iCol = 0 Then Return If Number($iRow) > UBound($array, 1) - 1 Then Return If Number($iCol) > UBound($array, 2) - 1 Then Return GUICtrlSetBkColor($array[$iRow][$iCol], $iColor) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_CellColor_Cell ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_CellColor_All ; Description ...: Sets the cell background color of all cells in a table ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_CellColor_All(ByRef $array[, $iColor = 0xFFFFFF]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iColor - background color for cells ( -2 = transparent) ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_CellColor_All(ByRef $array, $iColor = 0xFFFFFF) Local $i, $j If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 1) - 1 For $j = 1 To UBound($array, 2) - 1 GUICtrlSetBkColor($array[$i][$j], $iColor) Next Next EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_CellColor_All ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Justify_Row ; Description ...: Sets the justification (text position in cell) of a row of cells ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Justify_Row(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iJustify[, $iVCenter = 0]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iRow - table row value ; $iJustify - left = 0, center = 1, right = 2 ; $iVCenter - vertical position, top = 0, center = 1 ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_Justify_Row(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iJustify, $iVCenter = 0) Local $i If $iJustify < 0 Or $iJustify > 2 Then Return If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iRow = 0 Then Return If Number($iRow) > UBound($array, 1) - 1 Then Return If $iVCenter <> 0 Then $iJustify += 0x0200 For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 2) - 1 GUICtrlSetStyle($array[$iRow][$i], $iJustify) Next EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_Justify_Row ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Justify_Column ; Description ...: Sets the justification (text position in cell) of a column of cells ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Justify_Column(ByRef $array, $iCol, $iJustify[, $iVCenter = 0]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iCol - table column value ; $iJustify - left = 0, center = 1, right = 2 ; $iVCenter - vertical position, top = 0, center = 1 ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_Justify_Column(ByRef $array, $iCol, $iJustify, $iVCenter = 0) Local $i If $iJustify < 0 Or $iJustify > 2 Then Return If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iCol = 0 Then Return If Number($iCol) > UBound($array, 2) - 1 Then Return If $iVCenter <> 0 Then $iJustify += 0x0200 For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 1) - 1 GUICtrlSetStyle($array[$i][$iCol], $iJustify) Next EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_Justify_Column ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Justify_Cell ; Description ...: Sets the justification (text position in cell) of a specified cell ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Justify_Cell(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iCol, $iJustify[, $iVCenter = 0]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iRow - cell row value ; $iCol - cell column value ; $iJustify - left = 0, center = 1, right = 2 ; $iVCenter - vertical position, top = 0, center = 1 ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_Justify_Cell(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iCol, $iJustify, $iVCenter = 0) If $iJustify < 0 Or $iJustify > 2 Then Return If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iRow = 0 Then Return If $iCol = 0 Then Return If Number($iRow) > UBound($array, 1) - 1 Then Return If Number($iCol) > UBound($array, 2) - 1 Then Return If $iVCenter <> 0 Then $iJustify += 0x0200 GUICtrlSetStyle($array[$iRow][$iCol], $iJustify) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_Justify_Cell ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Justify_All ; Description ...: Sets the justification (text position in cell) of all cells in table ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Justify_All(ByRef $array, $iJustify[, $iVCenter = 0]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iJustify - left = 0, center = 1, right = 2 ; $iVCenter - vertical position, top = 0, center = 1 ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_Justify_All(ByRef $array, $iJustify, $iVCenter = 0) Local $i, $j If $iJustify < 0 Or $iJustify > 2 Then Return If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iVCenter <> 0 Then $iJustify += 0x0200 For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 1) - 1 For $j = 1 To UBound($array, 2) - 1 GUICtrlSetStyle($array[$i][$j], $iJustify) Next Next EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_Justify_All ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Row ; Description ...: Draws a border on specified row of cells ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Row(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iType[, $iColor = 0x000000]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iRow - table row value ; $iType - left = 1, top = 2, right = 4, bottom = 8 (add values, e.g. full border = 15) NoBorder = 0 ; $iColor - color of border to add ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; Credits .......: Authenticity (demonstrated API/dll z-order calls) ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Row(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iType, $iColor = 0x000000) Local $hLabel, $i, $aTemp, $test, $aRetrievedTableBorders If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iRow = 0 Then Return If Number($iRow) > UBound($array, 1) - 1 Then Return ;- Get border array from store - $test = "" For $i = 1 To UBound($_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE, 1) - 1 $test = $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$i][0] If $array[1][1] = $test Then $aRetrievedTableBorders = $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$i][1] $test = $i ExitLoop EndIf Next For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 2) - 1 $aTemp = ControlGetPos("", "", $array[$iRow][$i]) ;none = 0 Switch $iType Case 0 GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$i][1]) GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$i][2]) GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$i][3]) GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$i][4]) EndSwitch ;left border = 1 Switch $iType Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$i][1]) $aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$i][1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aTemp[0], $aTemp[1], 1, $aTemp[3]) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iColor) $hLabel = GUICtrlGetHandle(-1) ;set label to top DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "SetWindowPos", "hwnd", $hLabel, "hwnd", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 3) EndSwitch ;top border = 2 Switch $iType Case 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15 GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$i][2]) $aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$i][2] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aTemp[0], $aTemp[1], $aTemp[2], 1) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iColor) $hLabel = GUICtrlGetHandle(-1) DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "SetWindowPos", "hwnd", $hLabel, "hwnd", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 3) EndSwitch ;right border = 4 Switch $iType Case 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15 GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$i][3]) $aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$i][3] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aTemp[0] + $aTemp[2] - 1, $aTemp[1], 1, $aTemp[3]) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iColor) $hLabel = GUICtrlGetHandle(-1) DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "SetWindowPos", "hwnd", $hLabel, "hwnd", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 3) EndSwitch ;bottom border = 8 Switch $iType Case 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$i][4]) $aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$i][4] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aTemp[0], $aTemp[1] + $aTemp[3] - 1, $aTemp[2], 1) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iColor) $hLabel = GUICtrlGetHandle(-1) DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "SetWindowPos", "hwnd", $hLabel, "hwnd", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 3) EndSwitch Next ;- Put retrieved borders back $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$test][1] = $aRetrievedTableBorders ;refresh window (not needed?) ;DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "InvalidateRect", "hwnd", "", "ptr", 0, "int", True) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Row ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Column ; Description ...: Draws a border on specified column of cells ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Column(ByRef $array, $iCol, $iType[, $iColor = 0x000000]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iCol - table col value ; $iType - left = 1, top = 2, right = 4, bottom = 8 (add values, e.g. full border = 15) NoBorder = 0 ; $iColor - color of border to add ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; Credits .......: Authenticity (demonstrated API/dll z-order calls) ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Column(ByRef $array, $iCol, $iType, $iColor = 0x000000) Local $hLabel, $i, $aTemp, $test, $aRetrievedTableBorders If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iCol = 0 Then Return If Number($iCol) > UBound($array, 2) - 1 Then Return ;- Get border array from store - $test = "" For $i = 1 To UBound($_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE, 1) - 1 $test = $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$i][0] If $array[1][1] = $test Then $aRetrievedTableBorders = $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$i][1] $test = $i ExitLoop EndIf Next For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 1) - 1 $aTemp = ControlGetPos("", "", $array[$i][$iCol]) ;none = 0 Switch $iType Case 0 GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$iCol][1]) GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$iCol][2]) GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$iCol][3]) GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$iCol][4]) EndSwitch ;left border = 1 Switch $iType Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$iCol][1]) $aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$iCol][1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aTemp[0], $aTemp[1], 1, $aTemp[3]) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iColor) $hLabel = GUICtrlGetHandle(-1) ;set label to top DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "SetWindowPos", "hwnd", $hLabel, "hwnd", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 3) EndSwitch ;top border = 2 Switch $iType Case 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15 GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$iCol][2]) $aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$iCol][2] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aTemp[0], $aTemp[1], $aTemp[2], 1) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iColor) $hLabel = GUICtrlGetHandle(-1) DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "SetWindowPos", "hwnd", $hLabel, "hwnd", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 3) EndSwitch ;right border = 4 Switch $iType Case 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15 GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$iCol][3]) $aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$iCol][3] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aTemp[0] + $aTemp[2] - 1, $aTemp[1], 1, $aTemp[3]) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iColor) $hLabel = GUICtrlGetHandle(-1) DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "SetWindowPos", "hwnd", $hLabel, "hwnd", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 3) EndSwitch ;bottom border = 8 Switch $iType Case 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$iCol][4]) $aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$iCol][4] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aTemp[0], $aTemp[1] + $aTemp[3] - 1, $aTemp[2], 1) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iColor) $hLabel = GUICtrlGetHandle(-1) DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "SetWindowPos", "hwnd", $hLabel, "hwnd", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 3) EndSwitch Next ;- Put retrieved borders back $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$test][1] = $aRetrievedTableBorders ;refresh window ;DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "InvalidateRect", "hwnd", "", "ptr", 0, "int", True) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Column ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Cell ; Description ...: Draws a border on specified cell ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Cell(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iCol, $iType[, $iColor = 0x000000]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iRow - cell row value ; $iCol - cell col value ; $iType - left = 1, top = 2, right = 4, bottom = 8 (add values, e.g. full border = 15) NoBorder = 0 ; $iColor - color of border to add ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; Credits .......: Authenticity (demonstrated API/dll z-order calls) ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Cell(ByRef $array, $iRow, $iCol, $iType, $iColor = 0x000000) Local $hLabel, $aTemp, $test, $aRetrievedTableBorders, $i If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return If $iRow = 0 Then Return If $iCol = 0 Then Return If Number($iRow) > UBound($array, 1) - 1 Then Return If Number($iCol) > UBound($array, 2) - 1 Then Return ;- Get border array from store - $test = "" For $i = 1 To UBound($_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE, 1) - 1 $test = $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$i][0] If $array[1][1] = $test Then $aRetrievedTableBorders = $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$i][1] $test = $i ExitLoop EndIf Next $aTemp = ControlGetPos("", "", $array[$iRow][$iCol]) ;none = 0 Switch $iType Case 0 GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$iCol][1]) GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$iCol][2]) GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$iCol][3]) GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$iCol][4]) EndSwitch ;left border = 1 Switch $iType Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$iCol][1]) $aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$iCol][1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aTemp[0], $aTemp[1], 1, $aTemp[3]) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iColor) $hLabel = GUICtrlGetHandle(-1) ;set label to top DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "SetWindowPos", "hwnd", $hLabel, "hwnd", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 3) EndSwitch ;top border = 2 Switch $iType Case 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15 GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$iCol][2]) $aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$iCol][2] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aTemp[0], $aTemp[1], $aTemp[2], 1) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iColor) $hLabel = GUICtrlGetHandle(-1) DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "SetWindowPos", "hwnd", $hLabel, "hwnd", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 3) EndSwitch ;right border = 4 Switch $iType Case 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15 GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$iCol][3]) $aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$iCol][3] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aTemp[0] + $aTemp[2] - 1, $aTemp[1], 1, $aTemp[3]) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iColor) $hLabel = GUICtrlGetHandle(-1) DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "SetWindowPos", "hwnd", $hLabel, "hwnd", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 3) EndSwitch ;bottom border = 8 Switch $iType Case 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$iCol][4]) $aRetrievedTableBorders[$iRow][$iCol][4] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aTemp[0], $aTemp[1] + $aTemp[3] - 1, $aTemp[2], 1) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iColor) $hLabel = GUICtrlGetHandle(-1) DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "SetWindowPos", "hwnd", $hLabel, "hwnd", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 3) EndSwitch ;- Put retrieved borders back $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$test][1] = $aRetrievedTableBorders ;refresh window ;DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "InvalidateRect", "hwnd", "", "ptr", 0, "int", True) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Cell ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_All ; Description ...: Draws a border on all cells in table ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Cell(ByRef $array, iType[, $iColor = 0x000000]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iType - left = 1, top = 2, right = 4, bottom = 8 (add values, e.g. full border = 15) NoBorder = 0 ; $iColor - color of border to add ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; Credits .......: Authenticity (demonstrated API/dll z-order calls) ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_All(ByRef $array, $iType, $iColor = 0x000000) Local $hLabel, $i, $aTemp, $test, $aRetrievedTableBorders If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return ;- Get border array from store - $test = "" For $i = 1 To UBound($_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE, 1) - 1 $test = $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$i][0] If $array[1][1] = $test Then $aRetrievedTableBorders = $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$i][1] $test = $i ExitLoop EndIf Next For $i = 1 To UBound($array, 1) - 1 For $j = 1 To UBound($array, 2) - 1 $aTemp = ControlGetPos("", "", $array[$i][$j]) ;none = 0 Switch $iType Case 0 GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][1]) GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][2]) GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][3]) GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][4]) EndSwitch ;left border = 1 Switch $iType Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][1]) $aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aTemp[0], $aTemp[1], 1, $aTemp[3]) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iColor) $hLabel = GUICtrlGetHandle(-1) ;set label to top DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "SetWindowPos", "hwnd", $hLabel, "hwnd", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 3) EndSwitch ;top border = 2 Switch $iType Case 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15 GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][2]) $aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][2] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aTemp[0], $aTemp[1], $aTemp[2], 1) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iColor) $hLabel = GUICtrlGetHandle(-1) DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "SetWindowPos", "hwnd", $hLabel, "hwnd", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 3) EndSwitch ;right border = 4 Switch $iType Case 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15 GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][3]) $aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][3] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aTemp[0] + $aTemp[2] - 1, $aTemp[1], 1, $aTemp[3]) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iColor) $hLabel = GUICtrlGetHandle(-1) DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "SetWindowPos", "hwnd", $hLabel, "hwnd", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 3) EndSwitch ;bottom border = 8 Switch $iType Case 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 GUICtrlDelete($aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][4]) $aRetrievedTableBorders[$i][$j][4] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aTemp[0], $aTemp[1] + $aTemp[3] - 1, $aTemp[2], 1) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iColor) $hLabel = GUICtrlGetHandle(-1) DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "SetWindowPos", "hwnd", $hLabel, "hwnd", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 3) EndSwitch Next Next ;- Put retrieved borders back $_aGUICtrlTableBordersINTERNALSTORE[$test][1] = $aRetrievedTableBorders ;refresh window ;DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "InvalidateRect", "hwnd", "", "ptr", 0, "int", True) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_All ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Table ; Description ...: Draws a border around the whole table ; Syntax.........: _GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Table(ByRef $array[, $iColor = 0x000000]) ; Parameters ....: $array - array returned from _GUICtrlTable_Create ; $iColor - color of border to add ; Return values .: Success - (under construction) ; Failure - (under construction) ; Author ........: AndyBiochem ; =========================================================================================== Func _GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Table(ByRef $array, $iColor = 0x000000) If IsArray($array) = 0 Then Return _GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Row($array, 1, 2, $iColor) _GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Row($array, UBound($array, 1) - 1, 8, $iColor) _GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Column($array, 1, 1, $iColor) _GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Column($array, UBound($array, 2) - 1, 4, $iColor) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlTable_Set_Border_Table