#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Avian Script Function: Builds telephone directory based on Active Directory information. Originally intended to create a set of contacts in Outlook that would be syncronized with a Handspring Treo 680. It can optionally (controlled in the .ini file) write this information to a tab-delimited ASCII file, so it could be imported about anywhere. Outlook: The Outlook-specific code does the following: It assumes there is an Outlook category used specifically for these contacts. The code first calls Outlook and DELETES ALL CONTACTS in this category. It then rebuilds the category using the current Active Directory info. I suppose it would have been neater to just go in and update the ones that actually changed, but I figured that was too much work. ASCII: If you're building an ASCII file, then the code does nothing to any Outlook contacts you may have. It builds the file and then exits. If you're tinkering with this, I'd suggest using the ASCII file to make sure you're getting what you need before dumping to Outlook. Deleting and recreating lots of Outlook contacts is time-consuming. Of course, if you don't want a phone directory, the code could be modified to return whatever you want from AD. The code allows you to specify a series of AD "OU"s to be ignored when retrieving stuff. Our field sales folks, who I never had reason to contact, were in a different OU, so I could set it to ignore them. Likewise, there were some AD "EmployeeTypes" that I wanted to ignore also. For each of these, there's a section of the .ini file that allows you to specify one or more OUs or ETs to be ignored. In our organization, everyone had a manager except, of course, the CEO. I wrote the code to ignore any AD record that didn't report to someone else. I put an entry in the .ini file to allow the code to identify the CEO so it didn't exclude them. You may, of course, have to modify some of the fields to get stuff in the proper format. I had to do some of that. You may also have fields that are populated in your version of AD that we didn't use. So, this code should give you an idea of how to do it, but it may require tweaks to get what you want. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; -- Read some stuff out of the .ini file. $IgOUs = IniReadSection("MyCoDirectory.ini", "IgnoreOUs") If @error Then $NoOUs = 0 Else $NoOUs = $IgOUs[0][0] EndIf $IgETs = IniReadSection("MyCoDirectory.ini", "IgnoreETs") If @error Then $NoETs = 0 Else $NoETs = $IgETs[0][0] EndIf $CEO = IniRead("MyCoDirectory.ini","Settings","CEO", "Unknown" ) $CategoryName = IniRead("MyCoDirectory.ini","Settings","Category","MyCo") ; ; Determine if we're building an ASCII file or updating Outlook ; If BuildFile is set to "YES" in the .ini file, then we're building ; an ASCII file. Otherwise, we're updating Outlook. ; $BuildFile = StringUpper(IniRead("MyCoDirectory.ini","Settings","BuildFile","no")) = "YES" ; Remove all the contacts from the old category.... if not $Buildfile Then $MyOlApp = ObjCreate("Outlook.Application") $MyNameSpace = $MyOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") ; ; Point to the contacts... ; Global Const $olFolderContacts = 10 Global Const $olText = 1 Global Const $olContactItem = 2 $MyContacts = $MyNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder($olFolderContacts).Items ; ; Limit ourselves to just those in the right category (defined above) in Outlook ; $MyItems = $MyContacts.Restrict("[Categories] = '" & $CategoryName & "'") ; ; Delete any old contacts in this group, if any... ; For $i = $MyItems.Count To 1 Step -1 $MyItems($i).Delete Next Else ; ; We're building a file. Write the column headings. ; $file = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\" & "MyCoDirectory.txt",2) FileWriteLine( $file, "Full Name" & @TAB & "AD OU Group" & @TAB & "Title" & @TAB & "Company/Department" & @tab & "Manager" & _ @TAB & "MyCo ID" & @tab & "EMail Address" & @tab & "MyCo Phone" & @TAB & "MyCo Mobile" & @tab & "Personal Mobile" & @TAB & _ "Physical Location" & @TAB & "Employee Status" ) EndIf ; begin the Active Directory stuff ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; $objRootDSE = ObjGet("LDAP://rootDSE") if not IsObj($objRootDSE) then Msgbox(0,"Error","$objRootDSE is not an Object.") $objCommand = ObjCreate("ADODB.Command") $objConnection = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection") $objConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject" $objConnection.Open ("Active Directory Provider") $objCommand.ActiveConnection = $objConnection $strBase = "" ; ; Try to get people only: AD objectcategory = person and objectclass = user, all populated employee types ; $strFilter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(employeeType=*))" ; ; List of fields to be returned from AD. ; $strAttributes = "AdsPath,manager,company,displayName,name,department,departmentNumber,employeeID," & _ "employeeType,mail,mobile,title,physicalDeliveryOfficeName,telephoneNumber,otherMobile,whenChanged" $strQuery = $strBase & ";" & $strFilter & ";" & $strAttributes & ";subtree" $objCommand.CommandText = $strQuery $objCommand.Properties ("Page Size") = 100 $objCommand.Properties ("Timeout") = 30 $ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE = 2 $objCommand.Properties ("searchscope") = $ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE $objRecordSet = $objCommand.Execute $Count = $objRecordSet.RecordCount $objRecordSet.MoveFirst ProgressOn("Status", "Percent of IDs Processed", "0 percent",-1, -1, 18) $irec = 0 While Not $objRecordSet.EOF $strManager = "" $Phone = "" $EmailAdd = "" $FullName = "" $LastName = "" $Company = "" $Dept = "" $Mobile = "" $OMobile = "" $Title = "" $CoDept = "" $PhysLoc = "" $EID = "" $ET = "" $ignore=False $irec += 1 if Mod( $irec, 200 ) = 0 then ProgressSet( $irec*100/$Count, StringFormat("%4.1f",$irec*100/$Count) & " percent") endif $path = $objRecordSet.Fields("AdsPath").Value $ET = $objRecordSet.Fields("employeeType").Value $ou="" $OUList = StringSplit($path,",OU=",1) if @error <> 1 then $ou = $OUList[2] For $i = 1 To $NoOUs If $OU = $IgOUs[$i][1] then $ignore = True Next For $i = 1 To $NoETs If $ET = $IgETs[$i][1] then $ignore = True Next If not $ignore then $Company = $objRecordSet.Fields("company").Value $strUser = $objRecordSet.Fields("displayName").Value $Me = $objRecordSet.Fields("AdsPath").Value $OMe = ObjGet( $Me ) $OMobile = $OMe.otherMobile If $objRecordSet.Fields("manager").Value <> chr(0) Then ; ; If this person had a manager, get the manager's name... ; $strManager = $objRecordSet.Fields("manager").Value $objMgr = ObjGet("LDAP://" & $strManager) $strManager = $objMgr.Get("displayName") Else ; ; Presumably the CEO won't have a manager define. Make sure we don't delete ; their record, but ignore everything else. ; If StringInStr( $strUser, $CEO ) then $strManager = "God" Else $ignore = True EndIf EndIf $FullName = $objRecordSet.Fields("name").Value $Dept = StringStripWS($objRecordSet.Fields("department").Value,7) $DeptNo = StringStripWS($objRecordSet.Fields("departmentNumber").Value,7) $CoDept = $Company & "/" & $DeptNo & "/" & $Dept $CoDept = StringReplace($CoDept, "//", "/") $EID = $objRecordSet.Fields("employeeID").Value If StringMid($CoDept,1,1) = "/" then $CoDept = StringTrimLeft($CoDept, 1) $Mobile = $objRecordSet.Fields("mobile").Value $Title = $objRecordSet.Fields("title").Value $Phone = $objRecordSet.Fields("telephoneNumber").Value $PhysLoc = $objRecordSet.Fields("physicalDeliveryOfficeName").Value $EMail = StringLower($objRecordSet.Fields("mail").value) ; Outlook or an ASCII file? if not $BuildFile Then ; ; Create a new contact.. ; $MyItem = $MyOlApp.CreateItem($olContactItem) ; ; Populate the contact. You may prefer to put things in other ; places. These were fields I found that were syncronized with ; my Treo. YMMV. ; With $MyItem .FullName = $FullName .BusinessTelephoneNumber = $Phone .MobileTelephoneNumber = $Mobile .Email1Address = $EMail .JobTitle = $Title .BusinessAddressStreet = $CoDept .CompanyName = $PhysLoc .OtherTelephoneNumber = $OMobile .User1 = "Mgr: " & $strManager .User2 = "Emp. Type = " & $ET .Categories = $CategoryName ; ; The Treo is limited to 16 (ack!) categories. Use the category ; name to group these contacts on the Treo. ; $MyProp = .UserProperties.Add("PalmPilot Category", $olText) .UserProperties("PalmPilot Category").Value = $CategoryName EndWith $MyItem.Save Else FileWriteLine( $file, $FullName & @TAB & $ou & @TAB & $Title & @TAB & $CoDept & @tab & $strManager & _ @TAB & $EID & @tab & $EMail & @tab & $Phone& @TAB & $Mobile & @tab & $OMobile & @TAB & _ $PhysLoc & @TAB & $ET ) EndIf EndIf $objRecordSet.MoveNext Wend ProgressSet(100 , "Done", "Complete") Sleep(1000) if $BuildFile then FileClose( $file ) MsgBox(0,"File Built",@ScriptDir & "\" & "MyCoDirectory.txt has been created.") EndIf