; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AutoIt Version : 3.1.0 ; Author : Groumphy ; ; Script Function : ; Alias of some AutoIt functions. ; Version : F.O.1 ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Print a file by WinShell ; Author : SvenP Func _FilePrint($FileName) Const $SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1 $aResult = DllCall("shell32.dll","int","ShellExecute","hwnd",0,"str","print","str",$FileName,"str","","str","","int",$SW_SHOWNORMAL) return $aResult[0] EndFunc ; ==> _FilePrint("NomDuFichierEtChemin.pdf") ; Date with european format ; Author : Groumphy Func _DateHeure() Return (@MDAY & "/" & @MON & "/" & @YEAR & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN) EndFunc ; ==> _DateHeure() ; Search string value in a text file and call function if find or not ; Author : Burrup - Groumphy Func _FindStringInTextfile($iFile, $iString, $iFunctionIfStringFound, $iFunctionIfStringNotFound) ; success : ==> Function Call ; failure : 1 (Incorrect function name for sample) $Source = FileRead($iFile,FileGetSize($iFile)) If @error Then Return 1 If StringInStr($Source, $iString) Then Call($iFunctionIfStringFound) If @error Then Return 1 Else Call($iFunctionIfStringNotFound) If @error Then Return 1 EndIf EndFunc ; ==> _FindStringInTextfile("test.txt", "Xavier", "_iFunctionIfStringFound", "_iFunctionIfStringNotFound") ; Turn Off or Wake up the monitor ; Author : VicTT ; Modified : Groumphy Func _Monitor($iNum) ; 0 = Off ; 1 = On ; failure = -1 ; success = -2 const $WM_SYSCommand = 274, $SC_MonitorPower = 61808, $Power_On = -1, $Power_Off = 2 $HWND = WinGetHandle(WinGetTitle("","")) If $iNum = 0 Then DllCall("user32.dll","int","SendMessage","hwnd",$HWND,"int",$WM_SYSCommand,"int",$SC_MonitorPower,"int",$Power_Off) If @error Then Return -1 Else Return -2 EndIf Exit ElseIf $iNum = 1 Then DllCall("user32.dll","int","SendMessage","hwnd",$HWND,"int",$WM_SYSCommand,"int",$SC_MonitorPower,"int",$Power_On) If @error Then Return -1 Else Return -2 EndIf Exit Else Return -1 Exit EndIf EndFunc ; ==> _Monitor(1) ; Fades a window in or out if the OS supports it. ; Author(s) : CodeMaster Rapture ; Option : _Fade(Window Title [,Fade in/out, Speed]) Func _Fade($Window, $Fade = 1, $Speed = 10) If (NOT IsInt($Fade)) OR (($Fade <> 1) AND ($Fade <> -1)) Then MsgBox(16, "Error", "Illegal call to Fade Function: $Fade only allows integers of 1 or -1.") Exit ElseIf (NOT WinExists($Window)) Then MsgBox(16, "Error", "Could not find Window titled: " & $Window & ". Exiting.") Exit ElseIf (NOT IsString($Window)) Then MsgBox(16, "Error", "Illegal call to Fade Function: $Window must be a string.") Exit ElseIF ($Window == "") Then MsgBox(16, "Error", "Illegal call to Fade Function: No Window specified.") Exit ElseIf (NOT IsNumber($Speed)) Then MsgBox(16, "Error", "Illegal call to Fade Function: $Speed must be a number.") Exit ElseIf ($Speed < 1) Then $Speed = 1) ElseIf ($Speed > 10) Then $Speed = 10 EndIf WinSetTrans($Title, "", 255) If NOT @error Then ; If the OS doesn't supporty Transparencies, don't fade. If $Fade = 1 Then ;Fade-In For $loop = 1 to 255 Step 1 WinSetTrans($Title, "", $loop) Sleep(10-$Speed) Next Else ;Fade-Out For $loop = 255 to 1 Step -1 WinSetTrans($Title, "", $loop) Sleep(10-$Speed) Next EndIf EndIf EndFunc ; ==> _Fade("Notepad")