#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=ALIBI_Run_ico.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=ALIBI run prompt replacement #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** ;################ CHANGE #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= TO!!! ################ $VER = "4.1.0" ;################ CHANGE #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= TO!!! ################ AutoItSetOption("TrayAutoPause", 0) Opt("TrayIconHide", 1) #CS ################################################################################## | | Script Name Run.au3 | Program Name ALIBI Run | Company ALIBI | Author Rickard Lantz | Forum Name ColaFrysen | Contact rickard.lantz(at)gmail.com | | Script Function ALIBI Run is a replacement for the run prompt in | Windows XP. It adds Live calculations, Open applications | Using keywords, an editor for editing the keywords | (Prefs.au3) And easy access to information such as IP, | Computername, IP of other computers etc. It also | Features functions to quicky run a command in CMD, | Google with a click and more. | | Notes This code Is by part badly written, the project has | been going on a While and therefore some parts of the | code are from the time a was a biginner. (well more | noobish than i am now :P) | #Ce ################################################################################# #cs -----CREDITS----- Colafrysen - Idea and script, exept parts made by: MrCreatoR - Function "_Execute_Proc()" Sandin - The Sliding ChildGUI Functions (They are scattered throughout the script) Amel27? (i have seen this on many places on the forums) - For the "_NetServerEnum" Function, and the corresponding constants #ce #cs VERISION CHANGES 4.1.0 Commented out includes that are not used 4.1.0 Added setting to have last entered text default in main input 4.1.0 No restart required when changed the topmost setting 4.0.8 Rewrote the custom list functions. 4.0.7 Fixed a bug where the last two items in the custom list appeared as one 4.0.6 Declared copyitem to avoid crash when nothing has been written in the prompt 4.0.6 Cleaned 4.0.5 Added in application help 4.0.5 Fixed a bug with an trailing 0 after Show Workgroup()Computers after changes had been made. 4.0.5 Fixed a bug where the window faded twice when "open preferences editor" was selected. 4.0.5 Added Web: to open link with googles i'm feeling lucky(Same syntax as calc and google) 4.0.5 Made the Dos-prompt look like i want it to :P 4.0.5 Added Run in CMD (Same syntax as calc and google) 4.0.5 Added Google-search by writing Google:[searchstring] 4.0.5 Added new functionality; if Ctrl is held down when ok or enter is pressed, ALIBI Run does not close. 4.0.4 Added some more folders to menu 4.0.3 Declered Specialinput at top as it was not declared by the else in main loop (no change in input was made so ELSE not triggered) 4.0.3 Commented a lot of the script, added (requires restart) to Always on top checkbox 4.0.2 Fixed IpE - now shows after update 4.0.2 Disabled Childguisettrans to improve loopspeed 4.0.2 Fixed issue where labels flickered, by putting an "If $OldInp <> $Input Then" Func in script #Thanks to MDiesel# 4.0.1 Fixed issue where the fadeout was triggered (OK) even when animations=0 4.0.0 Made changes apply when "Save and Apply" is pushed; no restart needed 4.0.0 Increased Slide Speed from 1000 to 500 & added constant 'e' NEED MORE DIGITS 3.9.3 Changed label Opacity to Opacity 3.9.3 Changed "computer" to "name" for getting computername 3.9.3 Fixed an issue where custom list was shown even when INI was set to 0 3.9.3 Cleaned up so that all preferences read at start are in one function 3.9.3 Cleaned up a bit (its a start...) by making the get computers a separate function. 3.9.2 New fix, added @AppDataDir for ini functions 3.9.1 Tries to create the ini before checking if it exists.... 3.9 CRITICAL FIX - Error where no values in custom list triggered a state where list became unpopulated (guictrlsetdata("|") 3.8.7 Spelling Fixes when creating INI + added button to open ALIBI Prefs 3.8.6 removed the ability to pause the program via the tray + removed trayicon 3.8.5 fixed a misspelling with adress instead of address 3.8 added the functionality to do calculations with PI u NA and to automaticaly change the ',' to'.' new Func _StringUseVars() 3.8 Also removed an misstyped whitespace in title label after ALIBI Also added ablility to open EnvVariables 3.7 added func _IPRENEW() to renew ip also added a label indicating the IPR command exists #CE ;~ #include #include #include ;~ #include #include ;~ #include #include #include ;~ #include #include #include #include ;~ #include #include TCPStartup() #Region SETING VARIABLES $StartingPos = 0 $INI_CUST_ITEMS = 15 ;Specifies how many items there are in custom list, This affects how many items that is created in the $INI on first run- $Icons = 1 ;Set to one if script should be compiled with icons $Dir = @MyDocumentsDir ;The standard working dir when running something, also opens if pressed ok when ni input is entered $Start_TRANS = 240 ;The opacity that will be applied to ALIBI Run on first start, not used if $INI exists $Title = "ALIBI Run " & $VER ;The title of the program $ipremote = "Not set";_GetIP() ;Activating this causes a slight lag on startup while contacting autoit's servers, especially if you are offline $temp = EnvGet("TEMP") ;The temporary files variable. this is where icons and such are extracted to Global Const $AlibiWeb = "http://www.rayweb.se/index.php?option=com_jdownloads&Itemid=60&task=viewcategory&catid=4" ;My website $updatedIpE = False ;Variable to specify if the External IP has been updated, if true then updated ip will update in main loop $SpecialInput = False ;Variable to tell that specialinput is not set at script start $COPYITEM = '' $Editor_Path = @ScriptDir & "\Prefs.exe" ;The path where the ALIBI Run Preferences (Prefs.exe) is located $Input = "" ;What input is set to before it is owerwritten by main loop, needed bucause of "$OldInp = $Input" (first lines in main loop) Dim $file, $2, $hiddenmsg2, $aCompList, $INI_CUST[$INI_CUST_ITEMS + 1], $INI_CUST_PATH[$INI_CUST_ITEMS + 1], $INI_CUST_DIR[$INI_CUST_ITEMS + 1], $CUST_LIST = ' ', $CUST_LIST_PATH, $CUST_LIST_DIR Dim $CUST_LIST_SET $HiddenMSG = "" ;What the hidden message is before being owerwritten by main loop ;~ $pi = 3.14159265358979 ;PI ;~ $pi_long = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647 ;A more accurate PI (worthless) $NOReplacements = 5 ;The number of replacements to be done in the "_StringUseVars" Function, this must be same as in the $Replacements array Dim $Replacements[$NOReplacements][2] = [["pi", '(3.14159265358979)'],["e", '(2.71828)'],["u", '(1.660539*10^-27)'],['NA', '(6.022142*10^23)'],[',', '.']]; the replacements to be done in the "_StringUseVars" Function Global $INI_ANIM ;Creates Variables for the ini-read & write which is now in functions Global $INI_TRAN ;Creates Variables for the ini-read & write which is now in functions Global $INI_AWOT ;Creates Variables for the ini-read & write which is now in functions Global $INI_SWGC ;Creates Variables for the ini-read & write which is now in functions Global $INI_SWGCIP ;Creates Variables for the ini-read & write which is now in functions Global $INI_UYCL ;Creates Variables for the ini-read & write which is now in functions Global $INI_LEID ;Creates Variables for the ini-read & write which is now in functions Global $AWOT_CONSTANT ;Creates Variables for the ini-read & write which is now in functions Global $WorkGroup ;Creates Variables for the get computers in lan function #Region ---CREATING INI-FILE--- $INI = @AppDataDir & "\ALIBIRunPreferences.ini" ;Where the preferences will be stored If FileExists($INI) = 0 Then _Create_INI($INI) EndIf If FileExists($INI) = 0 Then $INI = @MyDocumentsDir & "\ALIBIRunPreferences.ini" ;Where the preferences will be stored if the last place was protected _Create_INI($INI) EndIf #EndRegion ---CREATING INI-FILE--- #EndRegion SETING VARIABLES #Region ---GET COMPUTERNAMES--- $wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 0x10 ;---------Variables used by the get computers in lan function---------- $wbemFlagForwardOnly = 0x20 ;---------Variables used by the get computers in lan function---------- $strComputer = "localhost" ;;---------Variables used by the get computers in lan function---------- $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") ;;---------Variables used by the get computers in lan function---------- $colItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem", "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly) ;;---------Variables used by the get computers in lan function---------- Global Const $SV_TYPE_WORKSTATION = 0x1 Global Const $SV_TYPE_SERVER = 0x2 Global Const $SV_TYPE_SQLSERVER = 0x4 Global Const $SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_CTRL = 0x8 Global Const $SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_BAKCTRL = 0x10 Global Const $SV_TYPE_TIME_SOURCE = 0x20 Global Const $SV_TYPE_AFP = 0x40 Global Const $SV_TYPE_NOVELL = 0x80 Global Const $SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_MEMBER = 0x100 Global Const $SV_TYPE_PRINTQ_SERVER = 0x200 Global Const $SV_TYPE_DIALIN_SERVER = 0x400 Global Const $SV_TYPE_XENIX_SERVER = 0x800 Global Const $SV_TYPE_NT = 0x1000 Global Const $SV_TYPE_WFW = 0x2000 Global Const $SV_TYPE_SERVER_MFPN = 0x4000 Global Const $SV_TYPE_SERVER_NT = 0x8000 Global Const $SV_TYPE_POTENTIAL_BROWSER = 0x10000 Global Const $SV_TYPE_BACKUP_BROWSER = 0x20000 Global Const $SV_TYPE_MASTER_BROWSER = 0x40000 Global Const $SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_MASTER = 0x80000 Global Const $SV_TYPE_WINDOWS = 0x400000 Global Const $SV_TYPE_CLUSTER_NT = 0x1000000 Global Const $SV_TYPE_TERMINALSERVER = 0x2000000 Global Const $SV_TYPE_CLUSTER_VS_NT = 0x4000000 Global Const $SV_TYPE_LOCAL_LIST_ONLY = 0x40000000 Global Const $SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_ENUM = 0x80000000 Global Const $SV_TYPE_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF #EndRegion ---GET COMPUTERNAMES--- #Region INSTALL TEMP If $Icons = 1 Then ;Extraction of icons to $temp $INSTALLOK = FileInstall("run_icon.ico", $temp & '\run_icon.ico', 0) $INSTALLOK = FileInstall("help_icon.ico", $temp & '\help_icon.ico', 0) $INSTALLOK = FileInstall("INI_icon.ico", $temp & '\INI_icon.ico', 0) Else $INSTALLOK = 0 EndIf #EndRegion INSTALL TEMP #Region _StartUp ;STARTING up script by reading preferences and applying them _Read_INI() ;Reading INI-File _Apply_Prefs() ;Applying Preferences #EndRegion _StartUp #Region HOTKEYS HotKeySet("!c", "F_EXIT") ;Exit hotkey, shown on cancel button HotKeySet("!o", "F_OK") ;OK hotkey, shown on OK button HotKeySet("!b", "F_BROWSE") ;Browse hotkey, shown on Browse button HotKeySet("^+c", "COPY") ;Hotkey for copying values from the hiddenmsg HotKeySet("{F1}", "HELP") ;Hotkey for opening the Help/about msgbox #EndRegion HOTKEYS #Region GUI CREATION ;OLD KODA (HEAVILY CHANGED MANUALLY) Form=c:\documents and settings\ricky\desktop\run.kxf $RunBox = GUICreate($Title, 345, 155, 515, 285, BitOR($WS_BORDER, $WS_POPUP), BitOR($WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, $AWOT_CONSTANT)) $Pos = _PosConv($RunBox, $StartingPos) WinMove($RunBox, "", $Pos[0], $Pos[1]) If $INI_AWOT = 1 Then GUISetStyle(-1, $WS_EX_TOPMOST, $RunBox) ;If variable (defined by $INI) Always on top = 1 then... $IconRUN = GUICtrlCreateIcon($temp & '\run_icon.ico', "", 8, 8, 42, 42, 0, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) ;Create app main icon $IconHELP = GUICtrlCreateIcon($temp & '\help_icon.ico', "", 311, 8, 24, 24) ;Create '?' icon $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Type the name of a program, folder, document, or" & @CRLF & "Internet resource, and ALIBI will open it for you.", 58, 18, 250, 29, -1, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) ;Main label, you can drag the window in this one $Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 48, 85, 260, 30, -1, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) ;HiddenMSG Label $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Open:", 11, 63, 33, 17) ;Open label $Path = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 48, 60, 260, 20, 0x50210842, 0x00000000);Main Combo GUICtrlSetState($Path, $GUI_FOCUS) ;Set focus on combo $OK = GUICtrlCreateButton("&OK", 93, 114, 75, 23, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) ;_OK (default) $Cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Cancel", 174, 114, 75, 23, 0) ;_Cancel $Browse = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Browse...", 255, 114, 75, 23, 0) ;_Browse $SLIDE_Info = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Help and preferences", 5, 140, 330) ;Help and prefs GUICtrlSetFont($SLIDE_Info, 8.5, 400, 4) ;Help and prefs set font WinSetTrans($RunBox, "", $Start_TRANS) ;Set opacity GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;Show GUI #EndRegion GUI CREATION #Region SLIDE GUI $parrent = $RunBox ;Define parrent window ;Constants Global Const $WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE = 0x0231 Global Const $WM_EXITSIZEMOVE = 0x0232 $main_height = 255 ;Height of the CHILD Window $slide_speed = 500 ;SLIDE SPEED, Lower = Faster $ParentPosArr = WinGetPos($parrent) ; Get MAIN GUI position #Region CHILD GUI CREATION $nocenter = -115 ;Constant to make controls created in childgui not appearing in center $offset = 0 ;Offset all items vertically in childgui $fullwidth = 320 ;the full width of child $ChildGui = GUICreate("Info and preferences", 100, $main_height, $ParentPosArr[0] + $ParentPosArr[2], $ParentPosArr[1] + 5, $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_MDICHILD, $parrent) $childpos = WinGetPos($ChildGui) $ChildButton1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Save and Close", $childpos[2] / 2 - 100, 5, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKWIDTH + $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) ;button will be in center, and will not change width in case of window increasement (like when u press button2) $ChildButton2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Save and Apply", $childpos[2] / 2 - 100, 25, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKWIDTH + $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) $PREFS_TransLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Opacity", $nocenter + 5, 60 + $offset, $fullwidth, 20, -1, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKWIDTH + $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) $PREFS_Trans = GUICtrlCreateSlider($nocenter + 5, 80 + $offset, $fullwidth, 20) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKWIDTH + $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) GUICtrlSetLimit($PREFS_Trans, 254, 20) ;Limit slider values (max causes flicker, and min... well window dissapears) GUICtrlSetData($PREFS_Trans, $INI_TRAN) ;Apply the value read in the INI file to the slider $PREFS_Icon = GUICtrlCreateIcon($temp & '\INI_icon.ico', "", $nocenter + 7, 5 + $offset, 48, 48) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKWIDTH + $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) $PREFS_Import = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Use Custom list of items", $nocenter + 5, 110 + $offset, $fullwidth - 150, 20) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKWIDTH + $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) _SETSTATE(-1, $INI_UYCL) $PREFS_ImportButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Open Custom List", $nocenter + 200, 110 + $offset, $fullwidth - 200, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "With your default text editor." & @CRLF & "Open it with ALIBI Preferences editor by clicking the button at the bottom of this window") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKWIDTH + $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) $PREFS_Animate_me = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Use window animations", $nocenter + 5, 130 + $offset, $fullwidth, 20) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKWIDTH + $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) _SETSTATE(-1, $INI_ANIM) $PREFS_Show_Workgroup = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('Show computers when chosen "' & '--Workgroup () computers:' & '"', $nocenter + 5, 150 + $offset, $fullwidth, 20) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKWIDTH + $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) _SETSTATE(-1, $INI_SWGC) $PREFS_Show_IP = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Show remote IP-Address when selecting a workgroup computer", $nocenter + 5, 170 + $offset, $fullwidth, 20) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKWIDTH + $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) _SETSTATE(-1, $INI_SWGCIP) $PREFS_Show_Topmost = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Always on top", $nocenter + 5, 190 + $offset, $fullwidth, 20) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKWIDTH + $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) _SETSTATE(-1, $INI_AWOT) $PREFS_Make_Default = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Make last executed item default", $nocenter + 5, 210 + $offset, $fullwidth, 20) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKWIDTH + $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) _SETSTATE(-1, $INI_AWOT) $PREFS_OPEN_EDITOR = GUICtrlCreateButton("Open ALIBI Run Preferences editor", $nocenter + 5, 230 + $offset, $fullwidth, 20) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKWIDTH + $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) ;~ $PREFS_Auto_Complete = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Make sugesstions as you write", $nocenter + 5, 210 + $offset, $fullwidth, 20) ;~ GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKWIDTH + $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) ;~ _SETSTATE(-1, $INI_ACWW) $childpos = WinGetPos($ChildGui) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0, 0, 330, $main_height, 0x07) ;gray line on the edge of the pop up window GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $ChildGui) #EndRegion CHILD GUI CREATION #Region SHADED GUI CREATION $child2 = GUICreate("Shade", 100, $main_height, $ParentPosArr[0] + $ParentPosArr[2], $ParentPosArr[1] + 5, $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_MDICHILD, $parrent) ;transparent window to lock main window when child is opened GUISetBkColor(0x000000, $child2) ;Set the color of the shade WinSetTrans($child2, "", 100) ;Opacity of shade GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $child2) ;Hide shade until later #EndRegion SHADED GUI CREATION _Standard_List() ;---------------------------------------------------------APPLYING LIST--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #EndRegion SLIDE GUI #Region WHILE ########################### THIS IS THE MAIN LOOP ############################## While 1 ;~ _FadeDistance(10) ;Uncomment if you want ALIBI run to fade when your cursor is not near it $nMsg = GUIGetMsg(0) ;Get GUI-MSG Switch $nMsg ;Switch it Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ;If closed Exit ;Exit without any animations ect. Case $OK ;If OK Call("F_OK") ;Call OK Function Case $Cancel ;If Cancel Call("F_EXIT", 2) ;Call Cancel Function Case $Browse ;If Browse Call("F_BROWSE") ;Call Browse Function Case $SLIDE_Info ;If Slider info _show_child_window($SLIDE_Info, $slide_speed) ;slide in pop-up window Case $ChildButton1 ; CLOSE THE CHILD GUI _slide_out($ChildGui, $slide_speed) ;close it Case $IconHELP ;if '?' Icon AND icon installed HELP() ;slide out pop-up window Case $PREFS_ImportButton ;Case "open custom list" $SpecialInput = "PRESET";Set preset to be handled by "F_OK()" F_OK() Case $ChildButton2 ;Save and apply _SAVEPREFS() ;Save Case $PREFS_OPEN_EDITOR ;Open ALIBI Run Preferences _OPEN_EDITOR() ;Open it Case $PREFS_Animate_me _UPDATEPREFS() Case $PREFS_Import _UPDATEPREFS() Case $PREFS_Show_IP _UPDATEPREFS() Case $PREFS_Show_Topmost _UPDATEPREFS() Case $PREFS_Show_Workgroup _UPDATEPREFS() Case $PREFS_Trans _UPDATEPREFS() Case $PREFS_Make_Default _UPDATEPREFS() EndSwitch $OldHiddenMsg = $HiddenMSG $OldInp = $Input ;Check for changes in combo $Input = GUICtrlRead($Path) ;Check combo If $OldInp <> $Input Or $updatedIpE = True Or $OldHiddenMsg <> $HiddenMSG Then ;if changes made OR IPE was updated Then update HiddenMSG $updatedIpE = False Switch $Input Case " My Documents" $HiddenMSG = 'Press OK to open "My Documents"' $SpecialInput = "MyDocs" Case " My Computer" $HiddenMSG = 'Press OK to open "My Computer"' $SpecialInput = "MyComp" Case " Control Panel" $HiddenMSG = 'Press OK to open the Control Panel' & @CRLF & 'This does not work on all computers' $SpecialInput = "ControlPanel" Case " My Network places" $HiddenMSG = 'Press OK to open "My network places"' $SpecialInput = "MyNetw" Case "ALIBI" ;If ALIBI --> Link website $HiddenMSG = "Yep thats me, Press OK to open website" $SpecialInput = "ALIBI" ;Set var to open webbsite when handeled by "F_OK()" Case "help" $HiddenMSG = "Press F1 to open a help box" Case "CALC" $HiddenMSG = "Format: Calc:[expression]" Case "Google" $HiddenMSG = "Format: Google:[searchstring]" Case "Web" $HiddenMSG = "Format: Web:[searchstring]" Case "CMD" $HiddenMSG = "Format: CMD:[Command]" Case "ip" $HiddenMSG = "Your IP is " & @IPAddress1 & @CRLF & 'The command "IPR" Renews the IP' $COPYITEM = @IPAddress1 Case "ip2" $HiddenMSG = "Your IP is " & @IPAddress2 & @CRLF & 'The command "IPR" Renews the IP' $COPYITEM = @IPAddress2 Case "ip3" $HiddenMSG = "Your IP is " & @IPAddress3 & @CRLF & 'The command "IPR" Renews the IP' $COPYITEM = @IPAddress3 Case "ip4" $HiddenMSG = "Your IP is " & @IPAddress4 & @CRLF & 'The command "IPR" Renews the IP' $COPYITEM = @IPAddress4 Case "ipr" $HiddenMSG = "Press OK to release and renew your IP (using ipconfig)" $SpecialInput = "iprenew" Case "ipE" $HiddenMSG = "Your external IP is " & $ipremote & @CRLF & "Press OK to update" $COPYITEM = $ipremote $SpecialInput = "UPDATEIP" Case "Name" $HiddenMSG = "Your computername is " & @ComputerName $COPYITEM = @ComputerName Case "User" $HiddenMSG = "Your username is " & @UserName $COPYITEM = @UserName Case "--Custom" $HiddenMSG = "Press OK to change your Custom Presets" $COPYITEM = "Not Set" $SpecialInput = "PRESET" Case "Function Not Enabled..." $HiddenMSG = "Press OK to enable" $SpecialInput = "Enable_SWGC" Case "--Workgroup(" & $WorkGroup & ") computers:" $SpecialInput = "Get_Computers" If $INI_SWGC = 1 Then ;if $INI specifies that the list should be gathered at hover then _Get_Computers() ;Do so Else ;If not $HiddenMSG = "Press OK to enumerate computer list" ;Ask EndIf Case Else ;if none of above applies... $HiddenMSG = "" $COPYITEM = "Not Set" $SpecialInput = False EndSwitch If StringInStr($Input, "\\") = 1 And $INI_SWGCIP = 1 Then ;If $INI specifies that IP should be gathered, and string starts with '\\' THEN $ComputertoIP1 = '"' & $Input & '"' ;Quote inputed string $ComputertoIP2 = _StringBetween($ComputertoIP1, '"\\', '"') ;Get the computers name ONLY (by taking the info between the '"' and '"\\') $ComputertoIP3 = TCPNameToIP($ComputertoIP2[0]) ;get computers IP $HiddenMSG = $ComputertoIP3 ;Set as HiddenMSG and CopyItem $COPYITEM = $ComputertoIP3 _UPDATEINPUT($HiddenMSG) ;Update the HiddenMSG EndIf If StringInStr($Input, "Calc:") = 1 Then ;IF String starts with "Calc:" THEN $SpecialInput = "DISABLE" ;No special action if pressed OK $1 = '"' & $Input & '"' ;Quote... $2 = _StringBetween($1, '"Calc:', '"') ;Get all info after 'Calc:' $3 = _StringUseVars($2[0], $NOReplacements, $Replacements) ;Replace some strings like 'Pi' and ',' with '3.14...' and '.' $HiddenMSG = Execute($3[0]) ;execute the string to get an answer $COPYITEM = $HiddenMSG ;set hiddenMSG EndIf If StringInStr($Input, "Google:") = 1 Then ;IF String starts with "Google:" THEN $SpecialInput = "Google" ;special input Google if pressed OK $G_1 = '"' & $Input & '"' ;Quote... $Google_String = _StringBetween($G_1, '"Google:', '"') ;Get all info after 'Google:' If $Google_String[0] <> "" Then $HiddenMSG = 'Google "' & $Google_String[0] & '"' EndIf If StringInStr($Input, "Web:") = 1 Then ;IF String starts with "Web:" THEN $SpecialInput = "Web" ;special input Web if pressed OK $W_1 = '"' & $Input & '"' ;Quote... $Web_String = _StringBetween($W_1, '"Web:', '"') ;Get all info after 'Web:' If $Web_String[0] <> "" Then $HiddenMSG = 'Open "' & $Web_String[0] & '" with I''m feeling lucky from Google' EndIf If StringInStr($Input, "CMD:") = 1 Then ;IF String starts with "CMD:" THEN $SpecialInput = "CMD" ;special input CMD if pressed OK $CMD_1 = '"' & $Input & '"' ;Quote... $CMD_String = _StringBetween($CMD_1, '"CMD:', '"') ;Get all info after 'CMD:' If $CMD_String[0] <> "" Then $HiddenMSG = 'Run "' & $CMD_String[0] & '" in the command prompt' EndIf _UPDATEINPUT($HiddenMSG) EndIf Sleep(50) ;Sleep to avoid Flicker and to save CPU & Memory WEnd #EndRegion WHILE ########################### THIS IS THE MAIN LOOP ############################## #Region FUNCTIONS Func F_EXIT($flag) ;Exits the program ### ;1 - Exit, 2 - Exit with fade, 3 - Check if Ctrl is pressed and exit if its not. Switch $flag Case 1 Exit Case 2 If $INI_ANIM = 1 Then ;IF animations are on, Fade ELSE just exit ; GUIWindow,START TRANSPARANCY, END TRANSPARANCY, DECRESE TRANS EVERY LOOP, SLEEP EVERY LOOP _Fade_OUT($RunBox, $Start_TRANS, 1, 0.8, 0) Exit Else Exit EndIf Case 3 If _IsPressed("11") Then WinActivate($Title) Else If $INI_ANIM = 1 Then ;IF animations are on, Fade ELSE just exit ; GUIWindow,START TRANSPARANCY, END TRANSPARANCY, DECRESE TRANS EVERY LOOP, SLEEP EVERY LOOP _Fade_OUT($RunBox, $Start_TRANS, 1, 10, 1) EndIf Exit EndIf Case 4 If _IsPressed("11") Then Else Exit EndIf EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>F_EXIT Func F_OK() ;OK Button was pushed IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "LastExecutedItem", $Input) $InputStrip = StringStripWS($Input, 3) ;Remove the tab (the 10 Spaces) $INDEX = _ArrayFindAll($INI_CUST, $InputStrip) ;Se if input contains a code for custom list If @error <> 1 And IsArray($INDEX) = 1 Then ;If there was no error and the $INDEX is an array $InputStrip = $INI_CUST_PATH[$INDEX[0]] ;Get item from array (Path to EXE) $Dir = $INI_CUST_DIR[$INDEX[0]] ;Get item from array (Working dir) $Dir = StringTrimRight($Dir, 1) ;Remove Pipe (|) EndIf $IS_VAR = _StringBetween($InputStrip, '%', '%') ;If input is between '%' (env variable) If @error = 0 Then ;If no error $InputStrip = '"' & EnvGet($IS_VAR[0]) & '"' ;Get Env-Var EndIf Switch $SpecialInput ;Switch to see if special item is set Case "MyDocs" _Execute_Proc(@MyDocumentsDir) F_EXIT(3) Case "MyComp" _Execute_Proc("explorer.exe /root, ,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}") ;Found them strings in "CLSID List" in helpfile F_EXIT(3) Case "ControlPanel" _Execute_Proc("explorer.exe /root, ,::{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002b30309d}") ;Found them strings in "CLSID List" in helpfile F_EXIT(3) Case "MyNetw" _Execute_Proc("explorer.exe /root, ,::{208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D}") ;Found them strings in "CLSID List" in helpfile F_EXIT(3) Case "ALIBI" _Execute_Proc($AlibiWeb) ;Open website in default browser Case "PRESET" _Execute_Proc($INI) ;Open INI-File with default text-editor Case "Enable_SWGC" $INI_SWGC = 1 Case "UPDATEIP" _UPDATEIP() ;Update external IP-Adress $updatedIpE = True Case "iprenew" _IPRENEW() ;Ipconfig /release --> Ipconfig /renew Case "Get_Computers" _Get_Computers() ;Enumarate computer list Case "Google" _Execute_Proc("http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=" & $Google_String[0] & "&aq=f&oq=&aqi=g10") F_EXIT(3) Case "CMD" _Execute_Proc('CMD /T:0A /K Title ALIBI Run generated CMD && prompt Alibi Run$B$T$B[$P]-$G&&' & $CMD_String[0]) F_EXIT(3) Case "WEB" _Execute_Proc('http://google.com/search?btnI=1&q=' & $Web_String[0]) F_EXIT(3) Case Else _Execute_Proc($InputStrip, "", $Dir) ;If no specia item is set, run whatever is in the input field If @error <> 1 Then ;If no error was set THEN Fade out and close F_EXIT(3) Else ;Else do nothing EndIf EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>F_OK Func F_BROWSE() $BROWSEFILE = _WinAPI_GetOpenFileName("Browse for file", "All Files (*.*)", @HomeDrive) ;Open Browse prompt If Not $BROWSEFILE[0] = 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($Path, $BROWSEFILE[1] & '\' & $BROWSEFILE[2], $BROWSEFILE[1] & '\' & $BROWSEFILE[2]) ;If user shose a file then set path as input EndFunc ;==>F_BROWSE Func _UPDATEINPUT($New) GUICtrlSetData($Label3, $New) ;Set data in hiddenMSG EndFunc ;==>_UPDATEINPUT Func COPY() ;~ MsgBox(1, "", WinGetState($Title)) If WinGetState($Title) = 15 And $COPYITEM <> "Not Set" Or "" Then ;If ALIBI Run has focus and $COPYITEM is set then... $COPY = $COPYITEM ClipPut($COPY) ;Add data to clipboard ToolTip('Copied "' & $COPY & '" To Clipboard') ;Show user action is performed Sleep(1500) ;sleep ToolTip("") ;clear tooltip EndIf EndFunc ;==>COPY Func _PosConv($hGui, $StartingPos) ;15 = middle ;1 = Top ;2 = Bottom ;4 = Left ;8 = Right $Pos_Offset = 30 $Pos_Offset_border = 0 $Pos_hGui = WinGetPos($hGui) $1_Top = 0 - $Pos_Offset_border; @DesktopHeight/2 + $Pos_hGui[3]/2 $2_Bottom = @DesktopHeight - $Pos_hGui[3] - $Pos_Offset $4_Left = 0 - $Pos_Offset_border; @DesktopWidth/2 +$Pos_hGui[2]/2 $8_Right = @DesktopWidth - $Pos_hGui[2] Dim $Return_Array[2] = [$8_Right / 2, $2_Bottom / 2] Return $Return_Array EndFunc ;==>_PosConv Func _SETSTATE($ContHndl, $INI_Var) ;Set state on checkboxes If $INI_Var = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($ContHndl, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($ContHndl, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_SETSTATE Func _GETSTATE($ContHndl) ;Get state on checkboxes $State = GUICtrlRead($ContHndl) If $State = $GUI_UNCHECKED Then $ReturnValue = 0 Else $ReturnValue = 1 EndIf Return $ReturnValue EndFunc ;==>_GETSTATE Func _Read_INI() ;Read the INI-File #Region READINI Global $INI_ANIM = IniRead($INI, "Preferences", "UseAnimations", 1) Global $INI_TRAN = IniRead($INI, "Preferences", "Transparancy", $Start_TRANS) Global $INI_AWOT = IniRead($INI, "Preferences", "AlwaysOnTop", 1) Global $INI_SWGC = IniRead($INI, "Preferences", "ShowWorkGroupComputers", 1) Global $INI_SWGCIP = IniRead($INI, "Preferences", "ShowWorkGroupComputersIP", 1) Global $INI_UYCL = IniRead($INI, "Preferences", "UseCustomList", 1) Global $INI_LEID = IniRead($INI, "Preferences", "MakeLastUsedItemDefault", 1) ;~ $INI_ACWW = IniRead($INI, "Preferences", "AutoCompleteWhileWriting", 1) ;######## CLEAR LIST IN CASE OF UPDATE ######### $CUST_LIST_SET = '' Dim $INI_CUST[$INI_CUST_ITEMS + 1], $INI_CUST_PATH[$INI_CUST_ITEMS + 1], $INI_CUST_DIR[$INI_CUST_ITEMS + 1] For $x = 1 To $INI_CUST_ITEMS $INI_CUST_CURR = IniRead($INI, "CustomList", $x, '') If $INI_CUST_CURR <> '' Then $INI_CUST[$x] = $INI_CUST_CURR $INI_CUST_CURR_PATH = IniRead($INI, "CustomList", $x & "Path", '') If $INI_CUST_CURR_PATH <> '' Then $INI_CUST_PATH[$x] = $INI_CUST_CURR_PATH $INI_CUST_CURR_DIR = IniRead($INI, "CustomList", $x & "Dir", '') If $INI_CUST_CURR_DIR <> '' Then $INI_CUST_DIR[$x] = $INI_CUST_CURR_DIR Next Global $Start_TRANS = $INI_TRAN #EndRegion READINI EndFunc ;==>_Read_INI Func _Apply_Prefs() ;Apply preferences to script If $INI_AWOT = 1 Then Global $AWOT_CONSTANT = $WS_EX_TOPMOST ;Set constant for Always on top Else Global $AWOT_CONSTANT = 0 EndIf #Region GATHERING COMPUTER NAMES IN WORKGROUP If IsObj($colItems) Then ;If $colitems is an object (Defined at top of script) For $objItem In $colItems Global $WorkGroup = $objItem.Domain Next Else Global $WorkGroup = "FAIL" ; if not THEN FAIL EndIf #EndRegion GATHERING COMPUTER NAMES IN WORKGROUP EndFunc ;==>_Apply_Prefs Func _SAVEPREFS() ;Safe preferences If FileExists($INI) Then IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "UseAnimations", _GETSTATE($PREFS_Animate_me)) IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "Transparancy", GUICtrlRead($PREFS_Trans)) IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "AlwaysOnTop", _GETSTATE($PREFS_Show_Topmost)) IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "ShowWorkGroupComputers", _GETSTATE($PREFS_Show_Workgroup)) IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "ShowWorkGroupComputersIP", _GETSTATE($PREFS_Show_IP)) IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "UseCustomList", _GETSTATE($PREFS_Import)) IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "MakeLastUsedItemDefault", _GETSTATE($PREFS_Make_Default)) ;~ IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "AutoCompleteWhileWriting", _GETSTATE($PREFS_Auto_Complete)) ;~ MsgBox (1,"Button values",'animate:'&_GETSTATE($PREFS_Animate_me)&'Slider:'&GUICtrlRead($PREFS_Trans)&'tm:'&_GETSTATE($PREFS_Show_Topmost)&'WG:'&_GETSTATE($PREFS_Show_Workgroup)&'IP:'&_GETSTATE($PREFS_Show_IP)&'AC:'&_GETSTATE($PREFS_Auto_Complete)&'Imp'&_GETSTATE($PREFS_Import)) EndIf Sleep(200) GUICtrlSetData($Path, '') _Read_INI() ;Read INI _Apply_Prefs() ;Apply the preferences _Standard_List() ;Reset the list WinSetTrans($RunBox, "", GUICtrlRead($PREFS_Trans)) ;Set the transpanrancy WinSetOnTop($parrent, "", _GETSTATE($PREFS_Show_Topmost));Set topmost attribute _slide_out($ChildGui, $slide_speed) ;Hide the shild window EndFunc ;==>_SAVEPREFS Func _UPDATEPREFS() If FileExists($INI) Then IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "UseAnimations", _GETSTATE($PREFS_Animate_me)) IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "Transparancy", GUICtrlRead($PREFS_Trans)) IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "AlwaysOnTop", _GETSTATE($PREFS_Show_Topmost)) IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "ShowWorkGroupComputers", _GETSTATE($PREFS_Show_Workgroup)) IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "ShowWorkGroupComputersIP", _GETSTATE($PREFS_Show_IP)) IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "UseCustomList", _GETSTATE($PREFS_Import)) IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "MakeLastUsedItemDefault", _GETSTATE($PREFS_Make_Default)) ;~ IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "AutoCompleteWhileWriting", _GETSTATE($PREFS_Auto_Complete)) ;~ MsgBox (1,"Button values",'animate:'&_GETSTATE($PREFS_Animate_me)&'Slider:'&GUICtrlRead($PREFS_Trans)&'tm:'&_GETSTATE($PREFS_Show_Topmost)&'WG:'&_GETSTATE($PREFS_Show_Workgroup)&'IP:'&_GETSTATE($PREFS_Show_IP)&'AC:'&_GETSTATE($PREFS_Auto_Complete)&'Imp'&_GETSTATE($PREFS_Import)) EndIf Sleep(20) GUICtrlSetData($Path, '') _Read_INI();Read INI _Apply_Prefs();Apply the preferences _Standard_List();Reset the list WinSetOnTop($parrent, "", _GETSTATE($PREFS_Show_Topmost));Set topmost attribute EndFunc ;==>_UPDATEPREFS Func _NetServerEnum($iSrvType = -1, $sDomain = '') ;Credd to Amel27? Local $uBufPtr = DllStructCreate("ptr;int;int"), $res[1] = [0], $i Local $uRecord = DllStructCreate("dword;ptr"), $iRecLen = DllStructGetSize($uRecord) Local $uString = DllStructCreate("char[16]") Local $uDomain = DllStructCreate("byte[32]"), $pDomain = 0 If Not ($sDomain = '' Or $sDomain = '*') Then DllStructSetData($uDomain, 1, StringToBinary($sDomain, 2)) $pDomain = DllStructGetPtr($uDomain) EndIf Local $ret = DllCall("netapi32.dll", "int", "NetServerEnum", _ "ptr", 0, "int", 100, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($uBufPtr, 1), "int", -1, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($uBufPtr, 2), _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($uBufPtr, 3), _ "int", $iSrvType, "ptr", $pDomain, "int", 0) If $ret[0] Then Return SetError(1, $ret[0], '') Local $res[DllStructGetData($uBufPtr, 3) + 1] = [DllStructGetData($uBufPtr, 3)] For $i = 1 To DllStructGetData($uBufPtr, 3) Local $uRecord = DllStructCreate("dword;ptr", DllStructGetData($uBufPtr, 1) + ($i - 1) * $iRecLen) Local $sNBName = DllStructCreate("byte[32]", DllStructGetData($uRecord, 2)) DllStructSetData($uString, 1, BinaryToString(DllStructGetData($sNBName, 1), 2)) $res[$i] = DllStructGetData($uString, 1) Next $ret = DllCall("netapi32.dll", "int", "NetApiBufferFree", "ptr", DllStructGetData($uBufPtr, 1)) Return $res EndFunc ;==>_NetServerEnum Func _Get_Computers() ;Add computer list to combo _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_ShowDropDown($Path, False) ;close combo $HiddenMSG = "Searching LAN, Please wait" $aCompList = _NetServerEnum($SV_TYPE_WORKSTATION) ;Run function to gather computernames If IsArray($aCompList) = 1 Then ;If the function "_NetServerEnum($SV_TYPE_WORKSTATION)" Suceceded GUICtrlSetData($Path, '\\' & _ArrayToString($aCompList, "|\\", 1)) ;Set the data in combo, prefix every line with \\ Else ;if it failed... say so GUICtrlSetData($Path, "Function Failed...") Dim $aCompList[1] $aCompList[0] = 0 EndIf Dim $aCompList[1] $aCompList[0] = 0 If $aCompList[0] > 0 Then $aCompList[0] = "None" If $aCompList[0] = 1 Then $Plural = "Computer" Else $Plural = "Computers" EndIf $HiddenMSG = "Done! " & $aCompList[0] & ' ' & $Plural & " Found" _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_ShowDropDown($Path, True) Sleep(500) EndFunc ;==>_Get_Computers Func _Fade_OUT($FADE_GUI, $FADE_FROM, $FADE_TO, $FADE_SPEED, $FADE_SPEED2) For $FADE_AMOUNT = $FADE_FROM To $FADE_TO Step -$FADE_SPEED Sleep($FADE_SPEED2) WinSetTrans($FADE_GUI, "", $FADE_AMOUNT) Next EndFunc ;==>_Fade_OUT Func _Execute_Proc($sCmd, $sArgs = "", $sFolder = @MyDocumentsDir, $sVerb = "", $vState = @SW_SHOWNORMAL) ; Credd to MrCreatoR Local $sCmdPid = Run($sCmd, $sFolder, $vState) Local $iRun_Error = @error If Not $iRun_Error Then Return SetError(0, 0, 1) If StringRight($sCmd, 3) = "lnk" Then Local $aShortcutInfo = FileGetShortcut($sCmd) If IsArray($aShortcutInfo) Then $sCmd = $aShortcutInfo[0] EndIf ShellExecute($sCmd, $sArgs, $sFolder, $sVerb, $vState) Return SetError(@error) EndFunc ;==>_Execute_Proc Func _FadeDistance($Sensitivity) $Sensitivity = 2 ;~ $RunBox = GUICreate($Title, 345, 155, 515, 285 $Cursor_Position = GUIGetCursorInfo($RunBox) $Cursor_Distance = (Abs($Cursor_Position[0] - (165)) + Abs($Cursor_Position[1] - (75))) / (10 / $Sensitivity) If $Cursor_Distance < 255 Then WinSetTrans($RunBox, "", 255 - $Cursor_Distance) Else WinSetTrans($RunBox, "", 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_FadeDistance #EndRegion FUNCTIONS Func _Create_INI($INI) If FileExists($INI) = 0 Then IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "UseAnimations", 1) IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "Transparancy", $Start_TRANS) IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "AlwaysOnTop", 1) IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "ShowWorkGroupComputers", 0) IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "ShowWorkGroupComputersIP", 0) ;~ IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "AutoCompleteWhileWriting", 1) IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "UseCustomList", 1) IniWrite($INI, "Preferences", "MakeLastUsedItemDefault", 1) IniWrite($INI, "CustomList", 1, 'Paint') IniWrite($INI, "CustomList", 1 & 'Path', 'MSPaint.exe') IniWrite($INI, "CustomList", 1 & 'Dir', '') For $x = 2 To $INI_CUST_ITEMS IniWrite($INI, "CustomList", $x, '') IniWrite($INI, "CustomList", $x & 'Path', '') IniWrite($INI, "CustomList", $x & 'Dir', '') Next EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Create_INI #Region CHILDGUI FUNCTIONS ;Credd to Sandin Func _show_child_window($button_handle, $Speed) If WinExists($ChildGui) Then _slide_out($ChildGui, $Speed / 2) ;2x faster if switching between button pop-ups EndIf _slide_in($parrent, $ChildGui, $Speed, $button_handle, True) EndFunc ;==>_show_child_window Func _slide_in($SI_Gui, $hwGui, $Speed, $hwCtrl, $HideParrent) Local $position = ControlGetPos($SI_Gui, "", $hwCtrl) Local $position2 = WinGetPos($SI_Gui) Local $position2b = WinGetClientSize($SI_Gui) Local $position3 = WinGetPos($hwGui) Local $light_border = ($position2[2] - $position2b[0]) / 2 Local $thick_border = ($position2[3] - $position2b[1]) - $light_border WinMove($hwGui, "", $position2[0] + $position[0] + $light_border, $position2[1] + $position[1] + $position[3] + $thick_border - 4, $position[2]);set the window exacly below button DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $hwGui, "int", $Speed, "long", 0x00040004);0x00040004 _WinAPI_RedrawWindow($hwGui) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hwGui) If $HideParrent = True Then WinMove($child2, "", $position2[0] + $light_border, $position2[1] + $thick_border, $position2b[0], $position2b[1]) WinSetTrans($child2, "", 0) GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $child2) GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE, $child2) For $i = 1 To 100 Step 2 ;showing "lock window" in smooth transparency WinSetTrans($child2, "", $i) Sleep(1) Next EndIf EndFunc ;==>_slide_in Func _slide_out($hwGui, $Speed) If WinExists($child2) Then For $i = 100 To 1 Step -5 WinSetTrans($child2, "", $i) Sleep(1) Next GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $child2) EndIf DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $hwGui, "int", $Speed, "long", 0x00050008);0x00050008 GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hwGui) EndFunc ;==>_slide_out #EndRegion CHILDGUI FUNCTIONS Func _TEST($Data, $Data2 = "", $data3 = "", $data4 = "", $data5 = "") MsgBox(4096, "TEST", $Data & @CRLF & $Data2 & @CRLF & $data3 & @CRLF & $data4 & @CRLF & $data5) EndFunc ;==>_TEST Func _UPDATEIP() $ipremote = _GetIP() EndFunc ;==>_UPDATEIP Func _IPRENEW() ProgressOn($Title & " IP Renewal", "Renewing your IP") ProgressSet(20, "Renewing your IP", "ipconfig /release") _RunDOS("ipconfig /release") ProgressSet(50, "Renewing your IP", "ipconfig /release") _RunDOS("ipconfig /renew") ProgressOff() _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_SetEditText($Path, 'IP') EndFunc ;==>_IPRENEW Func HELP() ;~ MsgBox(262144 + 0, $Title & " Help", "Here i will post some help later on when i have time to make documentation") MsgBox(262144, "Help & Commands", "You can use the following commands:" & @CRLF & _ "IP - Shows your IP-address" & @CRLF & _ "IP2 - Shows IP for a second network adapter" & @CRLF & _ "IP3 - Shows IP for a third network adapter" & @CRLF & _ "IP4 - Shows IP for a fourth network adapter" & @CRLF & _ "IPE - Shows your outgoing (external) IP-address" & @CRLF & _ "IPR - Renews your ip (good if you have an IP conflict or other network issues)" & @CRLF & _ "Name - Shows your computername" & @CRLF & _ "calc: - Make calculations, you can use some included functions such as:" & @CRLF & _ @TAB & "- The normal operators +,-,*,/ and ^" & @CRLF & _ @TAB & "- sqrt(#)- Takes the squereroot of a number" & @CRLF & _ @TAB & "- Sin(#)& aSin(#) - Sine and ArcSine" & @CRLF & _ @TAB & "- Cos(#)& aCos(#) - Cosine and ArcCosine" & @CRLF & _ @TAB & "- Tan(#)& aTan(#) - Tangent and ArcTangent" & @CRLF & _ @TAB & "- PI - 3.14159265358979" & @CRLF & _ @TAB & "- NA - Avogadros constant - 6.022142*10^23" & @CRLF & _ @TAB & "- u - Unified atomic mass unit - 1.660539*10^-27" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "Google: - Google a string" & @CRLF & _ "CMD: - Run a command in a command prompt" & @CRLF & _ "Web: - Use google's i'm feeling lucky function" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "Do you want to run a command without exiting " & $Title & "? Just press Ctrl when clicking OK/pressing Enter." & @CRLF & _ "You can drag the window by grabbig the text above the inputbox") EndFunc ;==>HELP Func _StringUseVars($SUV_Start, $SUV_Amount = "", $SUV_ARRAY = "NONE") If $SUV_ARRAY <> "NONE" And IsArray($SUV_ARRAY) = 1 Then $SUV_MAINSTRING = $SUV_Start For $SUV_C = 0 To $SUV_Amount - 1 Step 1 $SUV_C_T = $SUV_ARRAY[$SUV_C][0] $SUV_C_R = $SUV_ARRAY[$SUV_C][1] $SUV_MAINSTRING = StringReplace($SUV_MAINSTRING, $SUV_C_T, '' & $SUV_C_R & '') Next $SUV_RETURN = Execute($SUV_MAINSTRING) Dim $RETURN[2] $RETURN[0] = $SUV_MAINSTRING $RETURN[1] = $SUV_RETURN Return $RETURN EndIf EndFunc ;==>_StringUseVars Func _OPEN_EDITOR() ShellExecute($Editor_Path) _slide_out($ChildGui, $slide_speed) F_EXIT(2) EndFunc ;==>_OPEN_EDITOR Func _Standard_List() If $INI_LEID = 1 Then GUICtrlSetData($Path, IniRead($INI, "Preferences", "LastExecutedItem", ""), IniRead($INI, "Preferences", "LastExecutedItem", "")) GUICtrlSetData($Path, "--Programs:") GUICtrlSetData($Path, " " & "CMD") GUICtrlSetData($Path, " " & "MSConfig") GUICtrlSetData($Path, " " & "Regedit") GUICtrlSetData($Path, "--Dirs:") GUICtrlSetData($Path, " " & "%WINDIR%") GUICtrlSetData($Path, " " & "%TEMP%") If @OSVersion <> 'WIN_VISTA' Then GUICtrlSetData($Path, " " & "My Documents") GUICtrlSetData($Path, " " & "My Computer") GUICtrlSetData($Path, " " & "Control Panel") GUICtrlSetData($Path, " " & "My Network places") EndIf ;~ MsgBox(0,"",$INI_UYCL) If $INI_UYCL = 1 Then GUICtrlSetData($Path, "--Custom") For $x = 1 To $INI_CUST_ITEMS Step 1 If $INI_CUST[$x] <> '' Then $CUST_LIST_SET &= ' ' & $INI_CUST[$x] & '|' EndIf Next GUICtrlSetData($Path, $CUST_LIST_SET) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Path, "--Workgroup(" & $WorkGroup & ") computers:" & _ArrayToString($aCompList, "|\\", 1)) EndFunc ;==>_Standard_List Func _Process_List() $StringExpl = "Process name|" & _ "Process ID (PID)|" & _ "number of read operations performed|" & _ "number of write operations performed|" & _ "number of I/O operations performed, other than read and write operations|" & _ "number of bytes read|" & _ "number of bytes write|" & _ "number of bytes transferred during operations other than read and write operations" $Stringarray = StringSplit($StringExpl, '|') $plist = ProcessList() Dim $Nlist[$plist[0][0] + 1][2 + 6] For $liststep3 = 1 To UBound($Stringarray) - 1 $Nlist[0][$liststep3 - 1] = $Stringarray[$liststep3] Next For $liststep = 1 To $plist[0][0] $plistEX = ProcessGetStats($plist[$liststep][0], 1) For $liststep1 = 0 To UBound($plist, 2) - 1 $Nlist[$liststep][$liststep1] = $plist[$liststep][$liststep1] Next For $liststep2 = 0 To UBound($plistEX, 1) - 1 If IsArray($plistEX) = 1 Then $Nlist[$liststep][$liststep2 + UBound($plist, 2)] = $plistEX[$liststep2] Next Next _ArraySort($Nlist, 0, 1) _ArrayDisplay($Nlist) EndFunc ;==>_Process_List Func _AutoComplete() _GUICtrlComboBox_AutoComplete($Path) EndFunc ;==>_AutoComplete Func OnAutoItExit() TCPShutdown() EndFunc ;==>OnAutoItExit