#Region Example Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include Global $counter = 1 Dim $val $val = _Enum_InstalledApps() _ArrayDisplay($val, " Installed software ") $val = _Enum_InstalledApps(1) _ArrayDisplay($val, " Installed software + updates") $val = _Enum_InstalledApps(1, 1) _ArrayDisplay($val, " Installed software + updates + blankentries") $val = _Enum_InstalledApps(1, 1, 1) _ArrayDisplay($val, " Installed software + updates + blankentries + systemcomponents") #EndRegion Example Func _Enum_InstalledApps($showUpdates = 0, $showBlankEntries = 0, $showSysComp = 0) ; Author: Rajesh V R ; v2.0 has lot more features included filtering out useless info, prominently... ; v1.0 dated 01 june 2009 ; Function will return a list of software installed in the pc ; 0 - registry key name, 1 displayname, 2 Display version, 3 uninstall string, 3 - publisher other extra info to follow later on.... ; input $showupdates = 1 will show installed updates, $showsyscomp is a rarely required hidden attribute? systemcomponents will be shown! If Not IsNumber($showSysComp) Then $showSysComp = 0 ; by default hide system components... If Not IsNumber($showUpdates) Then $showUpdates = 0 ; by default hide update packages... If Not IsNumber($showUpdates) Then $showUpdates = 0 ; by default hide blank & useless entries... Const $HKLM_Uninstall = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" Local $retVal[1][5], $i = 1, $regKey While 1 $i += 1 $regKey = RegEnumKey($HKLM_Uninstall, $i - 1) If @error <> 0 Then ExitLoop If $showSysComp = 0 And _IsRegSysComponent($regKey) = True Then ContinueLoop If $showUpdates = 0 And _IsUpdatePKG($regKey) = True Then ContinueLoop If $showBlankEntries = 0 And _IsBlankEntry($regKey) = True Then ContinueLoop ReDim $retVal[UBound($retVal, 1) + 1][5] $retVal[UBound($retVal, 1) - 1][0] = $regKey $retVal[UBound($retVal, 1) - 1][1] = RegRead($HKLM_Uninstall & "\" & $regKey, "DisplayName") $retVal[UBound($retVal, 1) - 1][2] = RegRead($HKLM_Uninstall & "\" & $regKey, "DisplayVersion") $retVal[UBound($retVal, 1) - 1][3] = RegRead($HKLM_Uninstall & "\" & $regKey, "UninstallString") $retVal[UBound($retVal, 1) - 1][4] = RegRead($HKLM_Uninstall & "\" & $regKey, "Publisher") WEnd If StringInStr($retVal[UBound($retVal) - 1][0], "No more data is available.") Then ReDim $retVal[UBound($retVal) - 1][5] $retVal[0][0] = UBound($retVal) - 1 Return $retVal EndFunc ;==>_Enum_InstalledApps Func _IsRegSysComponent($regKey) ; check if it is a system component - there is not gonna be any more info or options available anyways! Local $regPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" & $regKey Local $retVal = False If RegRead($regPath, "SystemComponent") <> "" Then ; key exists ? If RegRead($regPath, "SystemComponent") = 1 And @extended = 4 Then $retVal = True EndIf EndIf Return $retVal EndFunc ;==>_IsRegSysComponent Func _IsUpdatePKG($regKey) ; check if it is a windows update package Local $regPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" & $regKey Local $retVal = False If RegRead($regPath, "ParentKeyName") <> "" Then ; key exists ? $retVal = True ;ConsoleWrite( @CRLF & $counter & " :" & $regKey & @TAB & RegRead($regPath,"ParentKeyName") & @TAB & RegRead($regPath,"ReleaseType")) $counter = $counter + 1 EndIf Return $retVal EndFunc ;==>_IsUpdatePKG Func _IsBlankEntry($regKey) ; check if the uninstall string & display names are blank then there is not much a point in displaying it... Local $regPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" & $regKey Local $retVal = False If StringStripWS(RegRead($regPath, "DisplayName"), 8) = "" And StringStripWS(RegRead($regPath, "UninstallString"), 8) = "" Then $retVal = True EndIf Return $retVal EndFunc ;==>_IsBlankEntry