#include #include #include #Include #include #Include #Include #include #include #include Opt("OnExitFunc", "endscript") ;~ HotKeySet("!{TAB}", "_nothing") HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_izlaz") ;exit Global Const $VK_TAB = 0x09 Global Const $VK_Tilda = 0xC0 Global $HOTKEY = $VK_Tilda ;can be switched back to $VK_TAB Global $lock_tab = False, $changes = false, $alt_down_right = false, $alt_down_left = False, $win_hwnd_count = 0, $size_x, $size_y Global $current_windows, $new_handle, $win_hwnd_count_x = 0, $win_hwnd_count2 = 1 Global $fill_color = "000000";"EBE9EE" ;~ Global $general_icon dim $new_handle_x[9] ; ================================================================================================== ; Global Device-Drive Mapping array & state of array (for internal use) ; ================================================================================================== Global $_aINTDeviceToDriveMapArray Global $_bINTDeviceToDriveMapInit=False $hHookProc = DllCallbackRegister("_KeyboardProc", "long", "int;wparam;lparam") $hHookKeyboard = _WinAPI_SetWindowsHookEx($WH_KEYBOARD_LL, DllCallbackGetPtr($hHookProc), _WinAPI_GetModuleHandle(0), 0) $Form0 = GUICreate("Form1", 400, 300, -1, -1) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $form0) $form2 = GUICreate("", @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight, 0, 0, $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_TOPMOST, $form0) GUISetBkColor(0, $form2) WinSetTrans($form2, "", 150) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $form2) $form12 = GUICreate("base", 500, 440, @DesktopWidth/2-250, @DesktopHeight/2-250, $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_TOPMOST, $Form0) _GuiRoundCorners($form12, 5, 5, 15, 15) GUISetBkColor(0) $label_form2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 5, 340, 490, 39, $ES_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 2, "Arial") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) $gui_graph = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(228-150, 384, 44, 44) GUICtrlSetColor($gui_graph, 0x007CB9) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $form12) $form9 = GUICreate("shader", 207-150, 32, @DesktopWidth/2-233, @DesktopHeight/2+140, $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_TOPMOST, $form12) GUISetBkColor(0) WinSetTrans($form9, "", 200) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $form9) $form8 = GUICreate("shader2", 207+150, 32, @DesktopWidth/2+26-150, @DesktopHeight/2+140, $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_TOPMOST, $form12) GUISetBkColor(0) WinSetTrans($form8, "", 200) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $form8) $Form1 = GUICreate("win picture", 400, 300, @DesktopWidth/2-200, @DesktopHeight/2-220, $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_TOPMOST, $form12) _GDIPlus_Startup() $hGraphic_x = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND ($Form1) $fix_image = GUICtrlCreatePic("", @DesktopWidth/2-200, @DesktopHeight/2-220, 400, 300) GUICtrlSetState($fix_image, $GUI_HIDE) GUISetBkColor(0x000000, $Form1) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $form1) $form_icons = guicreate("icons", 466, 32, @DesktopWidth/2-233, @DesktopHeight/2+140, $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_TOPMOST, $form12) $hGraphic_icons = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND ($form_icons) GUISetBkColor(0) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $form_icons) _GuiSetDropShadow($Form0, true) AdlibEnable("test",500) Func test() $lock_tab = False EndFunc ;~ AdlibEnable("myadlib", 10) ; turn this line to make it work in real time, but it's bugged ;~ func _nothing() ;~ ;yawn... ;~ EndFunc func _izlaz() Exit EndFunc func _ScreenShot_of_a_window($i_win_handle, $iW, $iH, $h_which_graphic, $i_slide) Local $hDC = _WinAPI_GetWindowDC($i_win_handle) Local $hMemDC = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC($hDC) Local $hWinPos = WinGetPos($i_win_handle) if @error then return -1 Local $hBitmap = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleBitmap($hDC, $hWinPos[2], $hWinPos[3]) _WinAPI_SelectObject($hMemDC, $hBitmap) _WinAPI_BitBlt($hMemDC, 0, 0, $hWinPos[2], $hWinPos[3], $hDC, 0, 0, $CAPTUREBLT+$SRCCOPY) _PrintWindow($i_win_handle, $hMemDC) _WinAPI_DeleteDC($hMemDC) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($i_win_handle, $hDC) _SavehBitmapEx($hBitmap, $iW, $iH, $h_which_graphic, $i_slide) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hBitmap) EndFunc Func _SavehBitmapEx($hBitmap,$iWidth,$iHeight, $h_which_graphic, $i_slide) $bitmap=_GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP($hbitmap) $graphics=_GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($bitmap) $resizedbitmap=_GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromGraphics($iWidth,$iHeight,$graphics) $graphics2=_GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($resizedbitmap) _GDIPLUS_GraphicsSetInterpolationMode($graphics2, 2) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($graphics2,$bitmap,0,0,$iWidth,$iHeight) $hBrush = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid ("0xFF" & $fill_color) Local $i_count = 0 Local $final_destination = 0, $reduced_height = 0 Local $fill_up = 0, $fill_up_h = 0 if $iWidth <> 400 Then $final_destination = 200-$iWidth/2 $fill_up = 1 EndIf if $iHeight <> 300 Then $reduced_height = 150-$iHeight/2 $fill_up_h = 1 EndIf if $i_slide = True Then for $i = $iWidth to $final_destination step -50 _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($h_which_graphic, $i, -1, 50, $reduced_height+2, $hBrush) ;iznad _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($h_which_graphic, $i, $iHeight+$reduced_height-1, 51, 303-$iHeight-$reduced_height, $hBrush) ;ispod _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage ($h_which_graphic, $resizedbitmap, $i, $reduced_height) ;slika _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($h_which_graphic, $i+$iWidth, 0, 50, 300, $hBrush) ;iza $i_count = $i Sleep(1) Next if $i_count <> $final_destination Then _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage ($h_which_graphic, $resizedbitmap, $final_destination, 0) ;slika _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($h_which_graphic, $iWidth+$final_destination-1, 0, 400, 300, $hBrush) EndIf if $fill_up = 1 Then for $i = $final_destination-50 to 0 Step -50 _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($h_which_graphic, $i, 0, 50, 300, $hBrush) $i_count = $i Sleep(1) Next EndIf if $i_count <> $final_destination Then _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($h_which_graphic, 0, 0, $final_destination, 300, $hBrush) Else _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage ($h_which_graphic, $resizedbitmap, $final_destination, $reduced_height) EndIf _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($graphics) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($graphics2) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($hBrush) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($bitmap) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($resizedbitmap) EndFunc Func _GDIPLUS_GraphicsSetInterpolationMode($hGraphics, $iMode) DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipSetInterpolationMode", "hwnd", $hGraphics,"int",$iMode) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPLUS_GraphicsSetInterpolationMode Func _PrintWindow($hWnd, $hMemDC, $iFlag = 0) $aRet = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "PrintWindow", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "ptr", $hMemDC, _ "uint", $iFlag) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_PrintWindow func myadlib() if $changes = true Then _ScreenShot_of_a_window($new_handle, 400, 300, $hGraphic_x, False) EndIf EndFunc func _set_icon($control_id, $window_handle) If Not WinExists($window_handle) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $GCL_HICONSM = -34 Local $GCL_HICON = -14 Local $general_icon = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetClassLong", "hwnd", $window_handle, "int", $GCL_HICON) If $general_icon[0] = 0 Then $general_icon = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetClassLong", "hwnd", $window_handle, "int", $GCL_HICONSM) EndIf if $general_icon[0] <> 0 Then $pBitmap = DllCall($ghGDIPDll,"int","GdipCreateBitmapFromHICON", "ptr",$general_icon[0], "int*",0) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hGraphic_icons, $pBitmap[2], $control_id*50+17, 0, 32, 32) _WinAPI_DestroyIcon($general_icon[0]) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($pBitmap[2]) Else Local $path = _WinAPI_ProcessGetPathname(WinGetProcess($window_handle)) Local $icon_exists = _GetIconCount($path) if $icon_exists <> 0 then Local $Ret = DllCall("shell32","long","ExtractAssociatedIcon","int",0,"str",$path,"int*",(-1*(-1))-1) $pBitmap = DllCall($ghGDIPDll,"int","GdipCreateBitmapFromHICON", "ptr",$ret[0], "int*",0) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hGraphic_icons, $pBitmap[2], $control_id*50+17, 0, 32, 32) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($pBitmap[2]) _WinAPI_DestroyIcon($Ret[0]) Else Local $Ret = DllCall("shell32","long","ExtractAssociatedIcon","int",0,"str","shell32.dll","int*",(-1*(-3))-1) $pBitmap = DllCall($ghGDIPDll,"int","GdipCreateBitmapFromHICON", "ptr",$ret[0], "int*",0) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hGraphic_icons, $pBitmap[2], $control_id*50+17, 0, 32, 32) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($pBitmap[2]) _WinAPI_DestroyIcon($Ret[0]) EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _KeyboardProc($nCode, $wParam, $lParam) If $nCode < 0 Then Return _WinAPI_CallNextHookEx($hHookKeyboard, $nCode, $wParam, $lParam) Switch $wParam Case $WM_KEYDOWN, $WM_SYSKEYDOWN Local $tKEYHOOKS = DllStructCreate($tagKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT, $lParam) Local $vKode = DllStructGetData($tKEYHOOKS, "vkCode") Local $iFlags = DllStructGetData($tKEYHOOKS, "flags") Switch $iFlags Case 33 if $alt_down_left = false then $alt_down_right = True case 32 if $alt_down_right = false then $alt_down_left = True EndSwitch Switch $vKode Case $HOTKEY If BitAND($iFlags, $LLKHF_ALTDOWN) Then if $lock_tab = false then $current_windows = _WinGetAltTabWinList("","",True) if $current_windows[0][0] <= 1 then ContinueCase if @error then ContinueCase ;======================= _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hGraphic_icons) $win_hwnd_count += 1 $win_hwnd_count2 = 1 if $win_hwnd_count = $current_windows[0][0]+1 then $win_hwnd_count = 1 $new_handle = WinGetHandle($current_windows[$win_hwnd_count][1]) Local $move = $win_hwnd_count if $move = $current_windows[0][0] then $move = 0 ;~ $new_handle_x[1] = $new_handle GUICtrlSetData($label_form2, WinGetTitle($new_handle)) ;====================== Local $last_count = $current_windows[0][0]-1-1 if $last_count > 8-1 then $last_count = 8-1 for $i = 1 to $last_count $win_hwnd_count_x = $win_hwnd_count2+$i if $win_hwnd_count_x = $current_windows[0][0]+1 then $win_hwnd_count_x = 1 ElseIf $win_hwnd_count_x > $current_windows[0][0]+1 Then $win_hwnd_count_x = ($win_hwnd_count_x)-(Int($win_hwnd_count_x/($current_windows[0][0]+1)))*($current_windows[0][0]) if $win_hwnd_count_x = $current_windows[0][0]+1 then $win_hwnd_count_x = 1 endif $new_handle_x[$i+1] = WinGetHandle($current_windows[$win_hwnd_count_x][1]) Next Local $hwnd_count_previous = $win_hwnd_count2-1 if $hwnd_count_previous = 0 then $hwnd_count_previous = $current_windows[0][0] $new_handle_x[0] = WinGetHandle($current_windows[$hwnd_count_previous][1]) ;======================= Local $odnos_x = 400/_WinAPI_GetWindowWidth($new_handle) Local $odnos_y = 300/_WinAPI_GetWindowHeight($new_handle) Local $ratio = _Min($odnos_x, $odnos_y) $size_x = Int($ratio*_WinAPI_GetWindowWidth($new_handle))+1 if $size_x > 400 then $size_x = 400 $size_y = Int($ratio*_WinAPI_GetWindowHeight($new_handle))+1 if $size_y > 300 then $size_y = 300 Local $get_win_state = WinGetState($form1) if NOT BitAnd($get_win_state, 2) Then GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE, $form2) GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $Form2) GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE, $Form12) GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $Form12) GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE, $Form8) GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $Form8) GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE, $Form9) GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $Form9) GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE, $Form1) GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $Form1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE, $form_icons) GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $form_icons) WinSetOnTop($form2, "", 1) WinSetOnTop($form12, "", 1) WinSetOnTop($form_icons, "", 1) WinSetOnTop($form8, "", 1) WinSetOnTop($form9, "", 1) WinSetOnTop($form1, "", 1) for $i = 1 to $last_count+1 _set_icon($i, $new_handle_x[$i]) Next _set_icon(0, $new_handle_x[0]) ;~ ControlMove($form12, "", $gui_graph, $move*50+17, 384) _ScreenShot_of_a_window($new_handle, $size_x, $size_y, $hGraphic_x, False) else for $i = 1 to $last_count+1 _set_icon($i, $new_handle_x[$i]) Next _set_icon(0, $new_handle_x[0]) ControlMove($form12, "", $gui_graph, ($move)*50+27, 384) ;~ _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hGraphic_x) ;Turn these 2 lines instead of the _ScreenShot_of_a_window bellow to make pictures switch without slide, it'll eliminate detecting win's default alt+tab ;~ _ScreenShot_of_a_window($new_handle, $size_x, $size_y, $hGraphic_x, False) _ScreenShot_of_a_window($new_handle, $size_x, $size_y, $hGraphic_x, True) EndIf $lock_tab = true $changes = true EndIf Return -1 Else Return _WinAPI_CallNextHookEx($hHookKeyboard, $nCode, $wParam, $lParam) EndIf EndSwitch case $WM_KEYUP, $WM_SYSKEYUP Local $tKEYHOOKS = DllStructCreate($tagKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT, $lParam) Local $vKode = DllStructGetData($tKEYHOOKS, "vkCode") Local $iFlags = DllStructGetData($tKEYHOOKS, "flags") Switch $iFlags Case 129 if DllStructGetData($tKEYHOOKS, "scanCode") = 56 and DllStructGetData($tKEYHOOKS, "vkCode") = 165 and $changes = true and $alt_down_right = True then send("{CTRLDOWN}{ALTDOWN}{SHIFTDOWN}") Send("{CTRLUP}{ALTUP}{SHIFTUP}") GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $form2) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form1) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form12) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $form_icons) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form8) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form9) WinActivate($new_handle) $win_hwnd_count = 1 $changes = false $alt_down_right = False EndIf case 128 if DllStructGetData($tKEYHOOKS, "scanCode") = 56 and DllStructGetData($tKEYHOOKS, "vkCode") = 164 and $changes = true and $alt_down_left = True then send("{CTRLDOWN}{ALTDOWN}{SHIFTDOWN}") Send("{CTRLUP}{ALTUP}{SHIFTUP}") GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $form2) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form1) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form12) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $form_icons) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form8) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form9) WinActivate($new_handle) $win_hwnd_count = 1 $changes = False $alt_down_left = False EndIf EndSwitch Switch $vKode Case $HOTKEY If BitAND($iFlags, $LLKHF_ALTDOWN) Then if $lock_tab = true then $lock_tab = False EndIf Return -1 Else Return _WinAPI_CallNextHookEx($hHookKeyboard, $nCode, $wParam, $lParam) EndIf EndSwitch EndSwitch Return _WinAPI_CallNextHookEx($hHookKeyboard, $nCode, $wParam, $lParam) EndFunc ;==>_KeyboardProc ; =============================================================================================== ; Func _WinGetAltTabWinList($sTitle="",$sText="",$bGetClassName=False) ; ; Returns list of visible Alt-Tab-able windows. ; ; $sTitle = (optional) Title of window, or window handle to send to initial WinList() call ; $sText = (optional) Visible text in window, same as WinList() call ; $bGetClassName = If True, a 3rd column will be created in the array containing the Window's class name ; ; Returns: ; Success: An array of Windows in the same style as WinList, bottom element [0][0] = count, ; with an optional 3rd column (depending on 3rd parameter) ; Failure: A 1-element array same as WinList, with [0][0] = 0, and @error set ; @error = 0 = WinList returned matches, but nothing matched Alt-Tab-able windows ; @error = 1 = WinList return no matches ; @error = 2 = DLLOpen failed ; ; Author: Authenticity, *very* slight modifications by Ascend4nt ; Original post @ http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...st&p=648588 ; =============================================================================================== Func _WinGetAltTabWinList($sTitle="",$sText="",$bGetClassName=False) Dim $aReturnWinList[1][2]=[[0,0]],$aWinList ; Since passing an empty string or 'Default' keyword for 1st parameter ; causes WinList to return incorrect results, we test first If $sTitle<>"" Then $aWinList=WinList($sTitle,$sText) Else $aWinList=WinList() EndIf ; Check to see if any Windows matched, given the parameters. If not, return empty list If $aWinList[0][0]=0 Then Return SetError(1,0,$aReturnWinList) ; Open the DLL for faster calls. Local $hUser32 = DllOpen('user32.dll') If $hUser32==-1 Then Return SetError(2,0,$aReturnWinList) ; Does the caller want the Class name also? If $bGetClassName Then ; Set initial dimensions to match WinList's, +1 column Dim $aReturnWinList[$aWinList[0][0]+1][3] Else ; Set initial dimensions to match WinList's Dim $aReturnWinList[$aWinList[0][0]+1][2] EndIf ; Set the initial count to 0 $aReturnWinList[0][0] = 0 For $i = 1 To $aWinList[0][0] ; If it's visible and *not* $GWL_EXSTYLE = WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW ; (i.e. not a non-Alt-Tab-able window), then add it to the list If BitAND(WinGetState($aWinList[$i][1]), 2) AND _ Not BitAND(_INT_GetWindowLong($aWinList[$i][1],0xFFFFFFEC,$hUser32), 0x80) AND _ $aWinList[$i][1] <> WinGetHandle($Form2) AND $aWinList[$i][1] <> WinGetHandle($Form1) AND _ $aWinList[$i][1] <> WinGetHandle($Form12) AND $aWinList[$i][1] <> WinGetHandle($Form8) AND _ $aWinList[$i][1] <> WinGetHandle($Form9) AND $aWinList[$i][1] <> WinGetHandle($form_icons) Then $aReturnWinList[0][0]+=1 $aReturnWinList[$aReturnWinList[0][0]][0]=$aWinList[$i][0] $aReturnWinList[$aReturnWinList[0][0]][1]=$aWinList[$i][1] If $bGetClassName Then $aReturnWinList[$aReturnWinList[0][0]][2]=_INT_GetClassName($aWinList[$i][1],$hUser32) EndIf Next ; Close DLL handle DllClose($hUser32) ; Redimension array to results size If $bGetClassName Then ReDim $aReturnWinList[$aReturnWinList[0][0]+1][3] Else ReDim $aReturnWinList[$aReturnWinList[0][0]+1][2] EndIf Return $aReturnWinList EndFunc ; Basically the same as _WinAPI_GetWindowLong() standard UDF, but w/error checking+handle option Func _INT_GetWindowLong($hWnd, $iIndex, $hUser = 'user32.dll') Local $aRet = DllCall($hUser, 'int', 'GetWindowLong', 'hwnd', $hWnd, 'int', $iIndex) If Not @error Then Return $aRet[0] Return SetError(-1, 0, -1) EndFunc ; _WinAPI_GetClassName() standard UDF function, but w/error checking+handle option Func _INT_GetClassName($hWnd,$hUser='user32.dll') Local $aResult If Not IsHWnd($hWnd) Then $hWnd = GUICtrlGetHandle($hWnd) $aResult = DllCall($hUser, "int", "GetClassName", "hwnd", $hWnd, "str", "", "int", 4096) If @error Or Not IsArray($aResult) Then Return SetError(@error,0,"") Return $aResult[2] EndFunc Func _GetIconCount($sFilename) Local $iCount= DllCall("Shell32", "int", "ExtractIconEx", "str", $sFilename, "int", -1, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "int", 1) If not @error Then Return $iCount[0] Return 0 EndFunc ; ================================================================================================== ; Func _WinAPI_ProcessGetPathname($vProcessID,$bResetDriveMap=False) ; ; Alternative to _WinAPI_ProcessGetFileName (when called with a 'True' secondary parameter), ; this works on WinXP+ and Win2003+ x64 OS's whereas the former 'full path' option does not. ; ; NOTE that because of the return type of the DLL call GetProcessImageFileName, there needs to be a translation. ; This is handled by 'internal' functions in this source file which utilizes the QueryDosDevice call. ; ; ADDITIONAL NOTE: Certain processes require elevated privileges. See 'Privilege.au3' at: ; http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=75250&st=0&p=545798&#entry545798 ; ; $vProcessID = process name (explorer.exe) or ID # ; $bResetDriveMap = If True, the Drive map array is reset. This is normally only set once, and automatically ; reset if a match wasn't found. However, to force a remap, set this to True. ; ; Returns: ; Success: Full pathname of process ; Failure: "", with @error set ; @error = 1 if invalid process name, or path not found ; @error = 2 if DLL call failure ; @error = 3 = Couldn't obtain Process handle ; @error = 4 = GetProcessImageFileName returned a 0 for filename-length ; @error = 5 if DriveGetDrive("ALL") call failure (only on 1st initialization) ; ; Author: Ascend4nt ; ================================================================================================== Func _WinAPI_ProcessGetPathname($vProcessID,$bResetDriveMap=False) ; Not a Process ID? Must be a Process Name If Not IsNumber($vProcessID) Then $vProcessID=ProcessExists($vProcessID) ; Process Name not found (or invalid parameter?) If $vProcessID==0 Then Return SetError(1,0,"") EndIf Local $sImageFilename,$stImageFilename,$aRet,$tErr ; Get process handle (lod3n) ; Open Process handle (PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION 0x400 +PROCESS_VM_READ 0x10) @http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684880(VS.85).aspx Local $hProcess = DllCall('kernel32.dll','ptr', 'OpenProcess','int', 0x410,'int', 0,'int', $vProcessID) If @error Then Return SetError(2,0,"") If Not $hProcess[0] Then Return SetError(3,0,"") $stImageFilename=DllStructCreate("wchar[32767]") $aRet=DllCall(@SystemDir & "\Psapi.dll","dword","GetProcessImageFileNameW","ptr",$hProcess[0],"ptr", _ DllStructGetPtr($stImageFilename),"ulong",32767) If @error Then $tErr=2 ElseIf Not $aRet[0] Then $tErr=4 Else $tErr=0 EndIf ; Close process DllCall('kernel32.dll','ptr', 'CloseHandle','ptr', $hProcess[0]) ; Error above? If $tErr Then Return SetError($tErr,0,"") ; Grab device\filename $sImageFilename=DllStructGetData($stImageFilename,1) ; DLLStructDelete() $stImageFilename=0 Return _INT_TranslateDeviceFilename($sImageFilename,$bResetDriveMap) EndFunc ; ================================================================================================== ; Func _INT_BuildDeviceToDriveXlateArray() ; ; Internal function used to build the Device-Drive Map Array (using all available drives) ; It calls DriveGetDrive("ALL") to get all drives, then uses the DLL call QueryDosDevice to get device names ; The importance of this is in translating returns from GetProcessImageFileName DLL calls, which is the only ; reliable way to get paths for processes on X64 OS's (x32 OS can use GetModuleFileNameEx) ; ; Returns: True if successfull, False if error with @error = 5 if DriveGetDrive() failure, @error=2 if DLL call error ; ================================================================================================== Func _INT_BuildDeviceToDriveXlateArray() If $_bINTDeviceToDriveMapInit Then Return True Local $aRet,$aDriveArray=DriveGetDrive("ALL") If @error Then Return SetError(5,0,0) Local $stDriveName,$stReturnBuffer Dim $_aINTDeviceToDriveMapArray[$aDriveArray[0]][2] $stDriveName=DllStructCreate("wchar[3]") $stReturnBuffer=DllStructCreate("wchar[100]") ; 100 is overkill, but I don't know the max device name currently For $i=1 To $aDriveArray[0] ; Put the drive letter in the array and in the structure (uppercase is part preference, & generally expected) $_aINTDeviceToDriveMapArray[$i-1][0]=StringUpper($aDriveArray[$i]) DllStructSetData($stDriveName,1,$_aINTDeviceToDriveMapArray[$i-1][0]) ; Get \Device\HarddiskVolume1, \Device\CdRom0, \Device\Floppy0 etc $aRet=DllCall("Kernel32.dll","dword","QueryDosDeviceW","ptr",DllStructGetPtr($stDriveName), _ "ptr",DllStructGetPtr($stReturnBuffer),"ulong",200) If @error Then ;ConsoleWrite("ERROR:" & _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage() & @CRLF) $_aINTDeviceToDriveMapArray=0 Return SetError(2,0,False) EndIf ; Set the device name $_aINTDeviceToDriveMapArray[$i-1][1]=DllStructGetData($stReturnBuffer,1) ;ConsoleWrite("Drive-" & $aDriveArray[$i] & ",upper-" & $_aINTDeviceToDriveMapArray[$i-1][0] & ",Device:" & $_aINTDeviceToDriveMapArray[$i-1][1] & @CRLF) Next ;DLLStructDelete()'s $stDriveName=0 $stReturnBuffer=0 $_bINTDeviceToDriveMapInit=True Return True EndFunc ; ================================================================================================== ; Func _INT_TranslateDeviceFilename(Const ByRef $sImageFilename,$bResetDriveMap) ; ; Internal function used to translate strings returned from GetProcessImageFileName DLL calls to actual hard paths ; ; Returns: String if successfull, False if not found (caller issue usually), @error=1 = not a string, or not found ; ================================================================================================== Func _INT_TranslateDeviceFilename(Const ByRef $sImageFilename,$bResetDriveMap) If Not IsString($sImageFilename) Or $sImageFilename="" Then Return SetError(1,0,"") If $bResetDriveMap Then $_bINTDeviceToDriveMapInit=False If Not (_INT_BuildDeviceToDriveXlateArray()) Then Return SetError(@error,0,"") For $i2=1 to 2 For $i=0 to UBound($_aINTDeviceToDriveMapArray)-1 If StringInStr($sImageFilename,$_aINTDeviceToDriveMapArray[$i][1])==1 Then _ Return StringReplace($sImageFilename,$_aINTDeviceToDriveMapArray[$i][1],$_aINTDeviceToDriveMapArray[$i][0]) Next ; Already reset the drive map? No use continuing If $bResetDriveMap Then Return SetError(1,0,"") ; Reset the drive map since there was no matches $_bINTDeviceToDriveMapInit=False If Not (_INT_BuildDeviceToDriveXlateArray()) Then Return SetError(@error,0,"") ; Flag this for next run (so it returns before trying to rebuild again) $bResetDriveMap=True ; Cycle through once more Next ; Actually shouldn't get here.. Return SetError(1,0,"") EndFunc func endscript() send("{CTRLDOWN}{ALTDOWN}{SHIFTDOWN}") Send("{CTRLUP}{ALTUP}{SHIFTUP}") _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphic_x) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphic_icons) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() DllCallbackFree($hHookProc) _WinAPI_UnhookWindowsHookEx($hHookKeyboard) EndFunc While 1 if NOT _IsPressed("12") AND BitAnd(WinGetState($form1), 2) AND BitAnd(WinGetState($form2), 2) then send("{CTRLDOWN}{ALTDOWN}{SHIFTDOWN}") Send("{CTRLUP}{ALTUP}{SHIFTUP}") GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $form2) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form1) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form12) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $form_icons) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form8) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form9) $win_hwnd_count = 1 $changes = False $alt_down_left = False $alt_down_right = False EndIf Sleep(100) WEnd ;#FUNCTION#======================================================================================== ; Name...........: _GuiSetDropShadow ; Description ...: Sets the drop shadow effect on forms and dialogs for current process ; Syntax.........: _GuiSetDropShadow($hwnd, $fDisrespectUser = True) ; Parameters ....: $hWnd - Handle to parent form or child dialog (GuiCreate(), MsgBox(), FileOpenDialog(), etc.) ; $fDisrespectUser - True: (Default) - set system option for drop shadow if disabled by user ; - False: - do not set system option for drop shadow if disabled by user ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 - @error set and @extended set to point of failure ; Author(s) ........: rover, (lod3n, Rasim for Get/SetClassLong, Kip - RegisterclassEx() for drop shadow idea, ProgAndy - xMsgBox hook) ; Remarks .......: Note: drop shadow is lost if parent form clicked on (If MsgBox created with parent handle) ; hiding, then restoring MsgBox to foreground or moving MsgBox off of form restores drop shadow. ; use 262144 or 4096 flags with MsgBox if using with hParent handle to prevent loss of drop shadow if parent clicked on. ; this behaviour is apparently by design. ;+ ; Minimum Operating Systems: Windows XP ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; @@MsdnLink@@ SetClassLong Function ; Example .......; Yes ; =================================================================================================== Func _GuiSetDropShadow($hwnd, $fDisrespectUser = True) If Not IsHWnd($hwnd) Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0) ;check if hWnd is from current process Local $aResult = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "GetWindowThreadProcessId", "hwnd", $hwnd, "int*", 0) If @error Or $aResult[2] <> @AutoItPID Then Return SetError(@error, 2, 0) If Not IsDeclared("SPI_GETDROPSHADOW") Then Local Const $SPI_GETDROPSHADOW = 0x1024 If Not IsDeclared("SPI_SETDROPSHADOW") Then Local Const $SPI_SETDROPSHADOW = 0x1025 If Not IsDeclared("CS_DROPSHADOW") Then Local Const $CS_DROPSHADOW = 0x00020000 If Not IsDeclared("GCL_STYLE") Then Local Const $GCL_STYLE = -26 $aResult = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SystemParametersInfo", "int", $SPI_GETDROPSHADOW, "int", 0, "int*", 0, "int", 0) Local $iErr = @error If $iErr Or Not IsArray($aResult) Then Return SetError($iErr, 3, 0) ;if 'Show shadows under menus' option not set, try activating it. If Not $aResult[3] And $fDisrespectUser Then ;turn on drop shadows $aResult = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SystemParametersInfo", "int", $SPI_SETDROPSHADOW, "int", 0, "int", True, "int", 0) $iErr = @error If $iErr Or Not IsArray($aResult) Or $aResult[0] <> 1 Then Return SetError($iErr, 4, 0) EndIf ;get styles from WndClassEx struct $aResult = DllCall("user32.dll", "dword", "GetClassLong", "hwnd", $hwnd, "int", $GCL_STYLE) $iErr = @error If $iErr Or Not IsArray($aResult) Or Not $aResult[0] Then Return SetError($iErr, 5, 0) Local $OldStyle = $aResult[0] ;add drop shadow style to styles Local $Style = BitOR($OldStyle, $CS_DROPSHADOW) If StringRight(@OSArch, 2) == "64" Then ;if 64 bit windows (NOT TESTED) ;see MSDN SetClassLong remarks ;$aResult = DllCall("user32.dll", "ulong_ptr", "SetClassLongPtr", "hwnd", $hWnd, "int", $GCL_STYLE, "long_ptr", $Style) ;$iErr = @error ;If $iErr Or Not IsArray($aResult) Or Not $aResult[0] Then Return SetError($iErr, 6, 0) Else $aResult = DllCall("user32.dll", "dword", "SetClassLong", "hwnd", $hwnd, "int", $GCL_STYLE, "long", $Style) $iErr = @error If $iErr Or Not IsArray($aResult) Or Not $aResult[0] Then Return SetError($iErr, 7, 0) If $aResult[0] = $OldStyle Then Return SetError($iErr, 0, 1) Return SetError($iErr, 8, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GuiSetDropShadow Func _GuiRoundCorners($h_win, $i_x1, $i_y1, $i_x3, $i_y3, $up_side = 0);==>_GuiRoundCorners Dim $pos, $ret, $ret2 $pos = WinGetPos($h_win) if $up_side = 0 Then $ret = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "long", "CreateRoundRectRgn", "long", $i_x1, "long", $i_y1, "long", $pos[2], "long", $pos[3], "long", $i_x3, "long", $i_y3) Else $ret = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "long", "CreateRoundRectRgn", "long", $i_x1, "long", $i_y1, "long", $pos[2], "long", $pos[3], "long", $i_x3, "long", $i_y3) EndIf If $ret[0] Then $ret2 = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowRgn", "hwnd", $h_win, "long", $ret[0], "int", 1) If $ret2[0] Then Return 1 Else Return 0 EndIf Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc;==>_GuiRoundCorners