#Include #include #include #include ;When the function fails (returns 0) @error contains extended information: ;1 = Host is offline ;2 = Host is unreachable ;3 = Bad destination ;4 = Other errors dim $num_line = 0 dim $che_ore_sono dim $file_HTML, $file While 1 ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// determino in che mezz'ora sono ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $che_ore_sono = number(_NowTime(4)) ;~ MsgBox(0,'',$che_ore_sono) if $che_ore_sono >= 0 and $che_ore_sono <= 0.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_00:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 0.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 0.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_00:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 1.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 1.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_01:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 1.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 1.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_01:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 2.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 2.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_02:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 2.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 2.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_02:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 3.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 3.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_03:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 3.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 3.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_03:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 4.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 4.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_04:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 4.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 4.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_04:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 5.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 5.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_05:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 5.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 5.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_05:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 6.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 6.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_06:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 6.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 6.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_06:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 7.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 7.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_07:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 7.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 7.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_07:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 8.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 8.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_08:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 8.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 8.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_08:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 9.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 9.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_09:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 9.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 9.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_09:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 10.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 10.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_10:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 10.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 10.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_10:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 11.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 11.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_11:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 11.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 11.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_11:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 12.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 12.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_12:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 12.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 12.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_12:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 13.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 13.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_13:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 13.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 13.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_13:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 14.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 14.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_14:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 14.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 14.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_14:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 15.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 15.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_15:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 15.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 15.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_15:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 16.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 16.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_16:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 16.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 16.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_16:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 17.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 17.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_17:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 17.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 17.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_17:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 18.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 18.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_18:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 18.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 18.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_18:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 19.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 19.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_19:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 19.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 19.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_19:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 20.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 20.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_20:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 20.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 20.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_20:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 21.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 21.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_21:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 21.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 21.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_21:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 22.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 22.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_22:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 22.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 22.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_22:30--" if $che_ore_sono >= 23.00 and $che_ore_sono <= 23.29 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_23:00--" if $che_ore_sono >= 23.30 and $che_ore_sono <= 23.59 Then $che_ore_sono = "--ore_23:30--" ;~ msgbox(0,"",$che_ore_sono) ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// creo apro file necessari ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $file = FileOpen("IPLIST.txt", 0) If FileExists("Main_IP_table.html") Then ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// aggiorna solo alcuni dati della pagina ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $filename = "Main_IP_table.html" $find = FileReadLine("Main_IP_table.html", 14) $replace = "
Check : " & $che_ore_sono & "
" & @CRLF $retval = _ReplaceStringInFile($filename,$find,StringReplace($replace,"--","")) Else $file_HTML = FileOpen("Main_IP_table.html", 10) sleep(1000) ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// costruisci tabella generale ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "Nacios - Ping Checker" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, " " & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, " " & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, " " & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, " " & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, " " & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, " " & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "
" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "
" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "
" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "
Check : " & StringReplace($che_ore_sono,"--","") & "
" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "
" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "
DNS name
" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "
0:00 ..................................................10:00......................15:00.....................20:00........23:30
" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) ; costruisci tabella generale While 1 ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// leggi IP dalla lista ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $num_line = $num_line + 1 $line = FileReadLine($file,$num_line) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// IP <-> DNS name ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// local $IPtoNAME If StringRegExp($line, "(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", 0) = 1 Then ; Check if $line is an IP address ;msgbox(0,"",$line & " sono un IPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP") TCPStartup() $IPtoNAME = _TCPIpToName($line) TCPShutdown() if $IPtoNAME ="" then $IPtoNAME = " Unknow " $my_IP = $line Elseif StringRegExp($line, "(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", 0) = 0 Then ;msgbox(0,"",$line & " sono un DNS") TCPStartup() $IPtoNAME = TCPNameToIP($line) TCPShutdown() if $IPtoNAME ="" then $IPtoNAME = " Unknow " $my_IP = $IPtoNAME EndIf ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// Build HTML page ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, " " & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, " " & "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, " " & @CRLF) ;~ FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "
 " & Chr(59) & " " & @CRLF) ;~ Your Text ;"Your Text" ;~ FileWrite($file_HTML, "
" & $line & "
" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & $line & "") FileWrite($file_HTML, "
" & @CRLF) ;~ FileWrite($file_HTML, "
" & $IPtoNAME & "
" & @CRLF) ;~ FileWrite($file_HTML, "
 " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "
" & @CRLF) ;~ FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) ;~ FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) ;~ FileWrite($file_HTML, "" & @CRLF) ;~ FileWrite($file_HTML, "
" & @CRLF) ;~ FileWrite($file_HTML, "
" & $IPtoNAME & "
" & @CRLF) ;~ FileWrite($file_HTML, "
" & @CRLF) Wend FileWrite($file_HTML, "") FileWrite($file_HTML, "") EndIf ; Check if file opened for reading OK If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf ; Check if file opened for reading OK If $file_HTML = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf FileClose($file) FileClose($file_HTML) ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// ciclo per aggiornamento HTML ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $num_line = 0 $file = FileOpen("IPLIST.txt", 0) ;$file_HTML = FileOpen("Main_IP_table.html", 10) ; Read in lines of text until the EOF is reached While 1 $num_line = $num_line + 1 $line = FileReadLine($file,$num_line) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// IP <-> DNS name ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// local $IPtoNAME If StringRegExp($line, "(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", 0) = 1 Then ; Check if $line is an IP address ;msgbox(0,"",$line & " sono un IPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP") TCPStartup() $IPtoNAME = _TCPIpToName($line) TCPShutdown() if $IPtoNAME ="" then $IPtoNAME = " Unknow " $my_IP = $line Elseif StringRegExp($line, "(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", 0) = 0 Then ;msgbox(0,"",$line & " sono un DNS") TCPStartup() $IPtoNAME = TCPNameToIP($line) TCPShutdown() if $IPtoNAME ="" then $IPtoNAME = " Unknow " $my_IP = $IPtoNAME EndIf local $find, $replace, $filename, $msg, $retval $var = Ping($my_IP ,2000) ;~ msgbox(0,""," Ping " & $my_ip) ;~ ;~ msgbox(0,"",$line & " " & $var) If $var Then; also possible: If @error = 0 Then ... ;Msgbox(0,"Status",$line & " Online, roundtrip was:" & $var) $filename = "Main_IP_table.html" $find = " " & Chr(59) & "" & "" $replace = " " & Chr(59) & "" & "" $retval = _ReplaceStringInFile($filename,$find,$replace) $find = " " & Chr(59) & "" & "" $replace = " " & Chr(59) & "" & "" $retval = _ReplaceStringInFile($filename,$find,$replace) $find = Chr(34) & "#F2FFF2" & Chr(34) & "> " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "" & "" $replace = " " & Chr(59) & "" & "" $retval = _ReplaceStringInFile($filename,$find,$replace) $find = " " & Chr(59) & "" & "" $replace = " " & Chr(59) & "" & "" $retval = _ReplaceStringInFile($filename,$find,$replace) $find = Chr(34) & "#F2FFF2" & Chr(34) & "> " & Chr(59) & "  " & Chr(59) & "