; XSkin.au3 v1.4.1 Jan. 22, 2009 ; ,,,, Valuater #cs ;=============================================================================== ; The following is required ;=============================================================================== #include ; required, your skin folder location $Skin_Folder = FileReadLine(@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Default.txt", 1) If Not FileExists($Skin_Folder) Then $Skin_Folder = FileSelectFolder ( "Skin Folders", @ScriptDir & "\Skins", 2) ; option, automatic mouse-over color for "your" controls use $XSkinID[ ] ; see Autoit Limits in help for GUICtrlSetBkColor() Dim $XSkinID[6] ; the amount of controls you want "mouse overed" +1, see example below ; required, set the GUI Width, Height and Title $guiWidth = 400 $guiHeight = 450 $guiTitle = "XSkin" $guiHeader = 1 ; Title bar, -1 = show with Max/Min/Close, 0 = show title only, 1 = no show ( optional, default is no show ) $guiCorners = 25 ; 0 = no rounded corners, ( optional, default is rounded with "arc" of 25) ; required, create the XSkin GUI $XSkinGui = XSkinGUICreate( $guiTitle, $guiWidth, $guiHeight, $Skin_Folder, $guiHeader, $guiCorners) ; or $XSkinGui = XSkinGUICreate( $guiTitle, $guiWidth, $guiHeight, $Skin_Folder) ; uses defaults ; option, create Title Bar Icons - returns array[] ; 1 = Exit only, 2 = Mnimize/Exit, 3 = Help/Minimize/Exit $Icon_Folder = @ScriptDir & "\Skins\Default" $XIcon = XSkinIcon($XSkinGui, 2) ; $XIcon[1] = Exit, $XIcon[2] = Mnimize, $XIcon[3] = Help ; option, in while loop - if you want mouse over control colors and/or Mouseover GUI options below ; Mouseover() ; Mouseover() options default = no GUI action ; Mouseover(1) = Fade Active GUI for non use ; Mouseover(2) = Slide Active GUI to top of Screen for non-use ; You may add the numbers above, example = Mouseover(1 + 2) ; option, icon button with text - no color ; XSkinIconButton($BItext, $BIleft, $BItop, $BIwidth, $BIheight, $BIconNum = 0, $BIDLL = "shell32.dll") ; option, you can use the following theme colors ; $over_color, $btn_color, $bkg_color, $fnt_color ; option, for colored controls use the following.... or you can use autoit commands ; XSkinButton($Btext, $Bleft, $Btop, $Bwidth, $Bheight, $event_function = "") ; XSkinButtonSetState($XSkinButton, $XSkinMode); $GUI_HIDE or $GUI_SHOW Only ; XSkinMsgBox($MBTitle, $MBText); OK & Cancel buttons ; XSkinMsgBoxOK($MBTitle, $MBText); OK button only ; XSkinInputBox($IBTitle, $IBText, $IBDefault = "") ; XSkinProgress($Pleft, $Ptop, $Pwidth, $Pheight) ; XSkinTrayBox($TBTitle, $TBText) ; ;=============================================================================== ; Now.... you are on your own ;=============================================================================== #ce #include-once #include If @AutoItVersion > "3.2.10" Then #include #include #include EndIf ;Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) Dim $CtrlIDA[1], $CtrlIDB[1], $CtrlIDC[1], $CtrlIDMA[3], $CtrlIDMB[3], $XS_gui[1], $Skin_Folder, $Icon_Folder, $iLoop, $XS_debug = 0 Dim $over_color, $btn_color, $bkg_color, $fnt_color, $tile_size, $XS_TMB, $XS_TMA, $SKBox_[2], $XSkinID[1] Dim $XSolid = 1, $XSlid = 1, $XSlid1, $XSlid2, $XSlid3, $XSlpr, $XS_Isize, $XS_Istyle, $XadjLt, $XadjDn, $XStrans = 200 Dim $GlobalHeader, $GlobalCorners, $Globalcolor, $CtrlButton[1][4] If $XS_debug Then Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1) Func XSkinGUICreate($XS_guiTitle, $XS_width, $XS_height, $Skin_Folder, $guiHeader = 1, $guiCorners = 25) If Not FileExists($Skin_Folder) Then XSkinError("The $Skin_Folder was not found") $GlobalCorners = $guiCorners $GlobalHeader = $guiHeader $bkg_color = IniRead($Skin_Folder & "\Skin.dat", "color", "background", 0xD9F6FF) $btn_color = IniRead($Skin_Folder & "\Skin.dat", "color", "button", 0xD9F6FF) $over_color = IniRead($Skin_Folder & "\Skin.dat", "color", "mouseover", 0xD9F6FF) $fnt_color = IniRead($Skin_Folder & "\Skin.dat", "color", "fontcolor", 0x000000) $tile_size = IniRead($Skin_Folder & "\Skin.dat", "settings", "size", 20) $XS_Istyle = IniRead($Skin_Folder & "\Skin.dat", "icon", "style", "Standard") $XS_Isize = IniRead($Skin_Folder & "\Skin.dat", "icon", "Isize", 17) $XadjLt = IniRead($Skin_Folder & "\Skin.dat", "icon", "adjustleft", 20) $XadjDn = IniRead($Skin_Folder & "\Skin.dat", "icon", "adjustdown", 20) Local $elements[8] If $XS_width < 100 Then $XS_width = 100 If $XS_height < 50 Then $XS_height = 50 If $tile_size < 15 Then $tile_size = 15 For $XS_px = 0 To 7 $elements[$XS_px] = $Skin_Folder & "\" & $XS_px & ".bmp" If Not FileExists($elements[$XS_px]) Then XSkinError("A skin picture was not found #" & $XS_px & " ") Next If IsArray($XSkinID) And UBound($XSkinID) >= 2 Then $iLoop = 1 Local $guiHeader2 = $guiHeader If $guiHeader >= 1 Then $guiHeader2 = $WS_POPUP ElseIf $guiHeader = 0 Then $XS_height = $XS_height + 32 $XS_width = $XS_width + 6 EndIf ReDim $XS_gui[UBound($XS_gui) + 1] $XS_TMA = UBound($XS_gui) - 1 $XS_gui[$XS_TMA] = GUICreate($XS_guiTitle, $XS_width, $XS_height, -1, -1, $guiHeader2) If Not $Globalcolor = 1 Then GUISetBkColor($bkg_color) If $guiHeader = 0 Then $XS_height = $XS_height - 32 $XS_width = $XS_width - 6 EndIf GUICtrlCreatePic($elements[0], 0, 0, $tile_size, $tile_size, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreatePic($elements[2], ($XS_width - $tile_size), 0, $tile_size, $tile_size, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreatePic($elements[5], 0, ($XS_height - $tile_size), $tile_size, $tile_size, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreatePic($elements[7], ($XS_width - $tile_size), ($XS_height - $tile_size), $tile_size, $tile_size, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) For $XS_i = 0 To (Ceiling($XS_width / $tile_size) - 3) GUICtrlCreatePic($elements[1], ($tile_size * ($XS_i + 1)), 0, $tile_size, $tile_size, BitOR($SS_NOTIFY, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS), $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) If $XS_i > ((Ceiling($XS_width / $tile_size) - 3) / 3) * 2 Then GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreatePic($elements[6], ($tile_size * ($XS_i + 1)), ($XS_height - $tile_size), $tile_size, $tile_size, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) Next For $XS_i = 0 To (Ceiling($XS_height / $tile_size) - 3) GUICtrlCreatePic($elements[3], 0, ($tile_size * ($XS_i + 1)), $tile_size, $tile_size, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreatePic($elements[4], ($XS_width - $tile_size), ($tile_size * ($XS_i + 1)), $tile_size, $tile_size, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) Next GUICtrlCreatePic($elements[0], 0, 0, $tile_size, $tile_size, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreatePic($elements[2], ($XS_width - $tile_size), 0, $tile_size, $tile_size, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreatePic($elements[5], 0, ($XS_height - $tile_size), $tile_size, $tile_size, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreatePic($elements[7], ($XS_width - $tile_size), ($XS_height - $tile_size), $tile_size, $tile_size, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) If $XS_debug Then ConsoleWrite("gui = " & $XS_gui[$XS_TMA] & " Error = " & @error & @CRLF) If $guiCorners Then _GuiRoundCorners($XS_gui[$XS_TMA], 0, 0, $guiCorners, $guiCorners) Return $XS_gui[$XS_TMA] EndFunc ;==>XSkinGUICreate Func Mouseover($XSHover = 0) Local $XS_msg, $XS_Hvr, $XSlid0 For $XS_t = 1 To $XS_TMA ;If $XS_debug Then ToolTip("Window Number = " & $XS_t & @CRLF & "XSkin GUI # = " & $XS_gui[$XS_t] & @CRLF & "Window State = " & WinGetState($XS_gui[$XS_t]), 10, 10, "XSkin Debug Mode = On", 1) If WinActive($XS_gui[$XS_t]) Then $XS_msg = GUIGetCursorInfo($XS_gui[$XS_t]) For $XS_x = 1 To UBound($CtrlIDA) - 1 If IsArray($XS_msg) And $XS_msg[4] == $CtrlIDA[$XS_x] Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($CtrlIDA[$XS_x], $over_color) While IsArray($XS_msg) And $XS_msg[4] == $CtrlIDA[$XS_x] $XS_msg = GUIGetCursorInfo($XS_gui[$XS_t]) If IsArray($XS_msg) And $XS_msg[2] = "1" Then GUICtrlSetStyle($CtrlIDB[$XS_x], $SS_ETCHEDFRAME) Sleep(170) GUICtrlSetStyle($CtrlIDB[$XS_x], $SS_NOTIFY + $SS_GRAYRECT) If $CtrlIDC[$XS_x] = "" And $XS_x <> 0 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($CtrlIDA[$XS_x], $btn_color) Return $XS_x ;ExitLoop EndIf Call($CtrlIDC[$XS_x]) EndIf Sleep(5) WEnd GUICtrlSetBkColor($CtrlIDA[$XS_x], $btn_color) $XSlpr = 0 Return EndIf Next If WinActive($XS_gui[$XS_t]) And IsArray($XS_msg) And $iLoop Then For $XS_s = 1 To UBound($XSkinID) - 1 If $XSkinID[$XS_s] == $XS_msg[4] Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($XSkinID[$XS_s], $over_color) While WinActive($XS_gui[$XS_t]) And IsArray($XS_msg) $XS_msg = GUIGetCursorInfo($XS_gui[$XS_t]) If $XS_msg[4] <> $XSkinID[$XS_s] Then ExitLoop Sleep(5) WEnd GUICtrlSetBkColor($XSkinID[$XS_s], $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) $XSlpr = 0 EndIf Next EndIf If $XSHover = 1 Or $XSHover = 3 Then $XS_Hvr = WinGetPos($XS_gui[$XS_t]) If WinActive($XS_gui[$XS_t]) And IsArray($XS_msg) And IsArray($XS_Hvr) Then If $XS_msg[0] < 0 Or $XS_msg[1] < 0 Or $XS_msg[0] > $XS_Hvr[2] Or $XS_msg[1] > $XS_Hvr[3] Then If $XSolid Then $XSlpr = $XSlpr + 1 If $XSlpr < 150 Then ExitLoop $XSlpr = 0 $XSolid = 0 For $XS_fd = 254 To $XStrans Step -1 WinSetTrans($XS_gui[$XS_t], "", $XS_fd) Sleep(10) Next EndIf ElseIf $XSolid = 0 Then $XSolid = 1 WinSetTrans($XS_gui[$XS_t], "", 255) EndIf EndIf EndIf If $XSHover = 2 Or $XSHover = 3 Then $XS_Hvr = WinGetPos($XS_gui[$XS_t]) If WinActive($XS_gui[$XS_t]) And IsArray($XS_msg) And IsArray($XS_Hvr) Then If $XS_msg[0] < 0 Or $XS_msg[1] < 0 Or $XS_msg[0] > $XS_Hvr[2] Or $XS_msg[1] > $XS_Hvr[3] Then If $XSlid Then $XSlpr = $XSlpr + 1 If $XSlpr < 300 Then ExitLoop $XSlpr = 0 $XSlid = 0 $XSlid0 = $XS_Hvr[3] - $tile_size $XSlid1 = $XS_Hvr[1] $XSlid2 = $XSlid0 - $XSlid0 - $XSlid0 For $XS_H = $XSlid1 To $XSlid2 Step -1 WinMove($XS_gui[$XS_t], "", $XS_Hvr[0], $XS_H) Next EndIf ElseIf $XSlid = 0 Then $XSlid = 1 For $XS_H = $XSlid2 To $XSlid1 Step 1 WinMove($XS_gui[$XS_t], "", $XS_Hvr[0], $XS_H) Next EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Sleep(5) Next EndFunc ;==>Mouseover Func XSkinButton($Btext, $Bleft, $Btop, $Bwidth, $Bheight, $event_function = "") ReDim $CtrlButton[UBound($CtrlButton) + 1][4] Local $ButtonIndex = UBound($CtrlButton) - 1 $CtrlButton[$ButtonIndex][0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $Bleft, $Btop, $Bwidth, $Bheight, $SS_BLACKRECT) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0) $CtrlButton[$ButtonIndex][2] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $Bleft, $Btop, $Bwidth - 1, $Bheight - 1, $SS_WHITERECT) $CtrlButton[$ButtonIndex][3] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $Bleft + 1, $Btop + 1, $Bwidth - 2, $Bheight - 2, $SS_GRAYRECT) $CtrlButton[$ButtonIndex][1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($Btext, $Bleft + 1, $Btop + 1, $Bwidth - 3, $Bheight - 3, $SS_NOTIFY & $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $btn_color) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $fnt_color) If Not StringInStr($event_function, "XSkinMBI") Then ReDim $CtrlIDA[UBound($CtrlIDA) + 1] $CtrlIDA[UBound($CtrlIDA) - 1] = $CtrlButton[$ButtonIndex][1] ReDim $CtrlIDB[UBound($CtrlIDB) + 1] $CtrlIDB[UBound($CtrlIDB) - 1] = $CtrlButton[$ButtonIndex][0] ReDim $CtrlIDC[UBound($CtrlIDC) + 1] $CtrlIDC[UBound($CtrlIDC) - 1] = $event_function Else If StringInStr($event_function, "XSkinMBI1") Then $CtrlIDMA[1] = $CtrlButton[$ButtonIndex][1] $CtrlIDMB[1] = $CtrlButton[$ButtonIndex][0] Else $CtrlIDMA[2] = $CtrlButton[$ButtonIndex][1] $CtrlIDMB[2] = $CtrlButton[$ButtonIndex][0] EndIf EndIf Return $ButtonIndex EndFunc ;==>XSkinButton Func XSkinButtonSetState($XSkinButton, $XSkinMode) Local $i If $XSkinButton > 0 And $XSkinButton < UBound($CtrlButton) Then For $i = 0 To 3 GUICtrlSetState($CtrlButton[$XSkinButton][$i], $XSkinMode) Next EndIf EndFunc ;==>XSkinButtonSetState Func XSkinProgress($Pleft, $Ptop, $Pwidth, $Pheight) Local $XS_n, $PControl If StringInStr(@OSTYPE, "WIN32_NT") Then $XS_n = DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "int", "GetThemeAppProperties") DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "none", "SetThemeAppProperties", "int", 0) EndIf $PControl = GUICtrlCreateProgress($Pleft, $Ptop, $Pwidth, $Pheight) GUICtrlSetBkColor($PControl, $over_color) GUICtrlSetColor($PControl, $btn_color) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 100, 0) If StringInStr(@OSTYPE, "WIN32_NT") And IsArray($XS_n) Then DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "none", "SetThemeAppProperties", "int", $XS_n[0]) EndIf Return $PControl EndFunc ;==>XSkinProgress Func XSkinMsgBoxOK($MBTitle, $MBText) XSkinMsgBox($MBTitle, $MBText, "", 4) EndFunc ;==>XSkinMsgBoxOK Func XSkinMsgBox($MBTitle, $MBText, $IBDefault = "", $IBNotify = "") Local $XS_msg If $MBTitle = "" Or $MBText = "" Then Return Local $MBwidth, $MBHeight, $MBInfo, $MBHA = 0, $XS_label, $IBInput $MBInfo = StringSplit($MBText, @CRLF) $MBwidth = StringLen($MBInfo[1]) $MBHeight = ($MBInfo[0] * 15) + 70 For $MBi = 2 To $MBInfo[0] If StringLen($MBInfo[$MBi]) > $MBwidth Then $MBwidth = StringLen($MBInfo[$MBi]) Next If StringLen($MBTitle) > $MBwidth Then $MBwidth = StringLen($MBTitle) $MBwidth = ($MBwidth * 4.5) + ($tile_size * 2) + 55 $MBHeight = $MBHeight + ($tile_size * 2) If $IBNotify = 2 Then $MBHeight = $MBHeight + 30 If $MBwidth < 280 Then $MBwidth = 280 If $IBNotify = 3 Then $MBHA = 40 ReDim $SKBox_[UBound($SKBox_) + 1] $XS_TMB = UBound($SKBox_) - 1 $SKBox_[$XS_TMB] = XSkinGUICreate($MBTitle, $MBwidth, $MBHeight - $MBHA, $Skin_Folder, $GlobalHeader, $GlobalCorners) For $MBl = 1 To $MBInfo[0] $XS_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel($MBInfo[$MBl], $tile_size + 20, $tile_size + (15 * $MBl)) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $fnt_color) Next If $IBNotify = 3 Then WinMove($SKBox_[$XS_TMB], "", (@DesktopWidth - $MBwidth) - 10, (@DesktopHeight - $MBHeight)) WinSetOnTop($SKBox_[$XS_TMB], "", 1) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $SKBox_[$XS_TMB], "int", 300, "long", 0x00040008);slide-in from bottom Sleep((StringLen($MBText) * 50) + 1000) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $SKBox_[$XS_TMB], "int", 2000, "long", 0x00090000);fade-out GUIDelete($SKBox_[$XS_TMB]) $SKBox_[$XS_TMB] = "" Return EndIf If $IBNotify = 2 Then $IBInput = GUICtrlCreateInput($IBDefault, $tile_size + 20, $MBHeight - ($tile_size + 70), $MBwidth - (($tile_size * 2) + 40), 20) If $IBNotify = 4 Then XSkinButton("&OK", ($MBwidth / 2) - 35, $MBHeight - ($tile_size + 40), 70, 25, "XSkinMBI1") Else XSkinButton("&OK", $MBwidth / 5, $MBHeight - ($tile_size + 40), 70, 25, "XSkinMBI1") XSkinButton("&CANCEL", ($MBwidth / 5) * 2.8, $MBHeight - ($tile_size + 40), 70, 25, "XSkinMBI2") EndIf GUISetState() WinSetOnTop($SKBox_[$XS_TMB], "", 1) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "MessageBeep", "int", 0x44444444) While 1 For $XS_x = 1 To 2 $XS_msg = GUIGetCursorInfo($SKBox_[$XS_TMB]) If IsArray($XS_msg) And $XS_msg[4] == $CtrlIDMA[$XS_x] Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($CtrlIDMA[$XS_x], $over_color) While IsArray($XS_msg) And $XS_msg[4] == $CtrlIDMA[$XS_x] $XS_msg = GUIGetCursorInfo($SKBox_[$XS_TMB]) If IsArray($XS_msg) And $XS_msg[2] = "1" Then GUICtrlSetStyle($CtrlIDMB[$XS_x], $SS_ETCHEDFRAME) Sleep(190) If $IBNotify = 2 And $XS_x = 1 Then $XS_x = GUICtrlRead($IBInput) GUIDelete($SKBox_[$XS_TMB]) $SKBox_[$XS_TMB] = "" Return $XS_x EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd GUICtrlSetBkColor($CtrlIDMA[$XS_x], $btn_color) ExitLoop EndIf Next Sleep(10) WEnd EndFunc ;==>XSkinMsgBox Func XSkinInputBox($IBTitle, $IBText, $IBDefault = "") Local $IBinput1 = XSkinMsgBox($IBTitle, $IBText, $IBDefault, 2) Return $IBinput1 EndFunc ;==>XSkinInputBox Func XSkinTrayBox($TBTitle, $TBText) If StringInStr($TBText, @CRLF) Then Return XSkinMsgBox($TBTitle, $TBText, "", 3) EndFunc ;==>XSkinTrayBox Func XSkinIcon(ByRef $XS_hWin, $XS_cH = 1) If $XS_cH > 3 Or $XS_hWin = "" Then Return Local $XS_b, $XS_IPos1 = $XS_Isize, $XSIPos, $XS_winB[$XS_cH + 1] If StringRight($Icon_Folder, 1) <> "\" Then $Icon_Folder &= "\" $XSIPos = WinGetPos($XS_hWin) For $XS_b = 1 To UBound($XS_winB) - 1 $XS_winB[$XS_b] = GUICtrlCreateButton("", ($XSIPos[2] - $XadjLt) - $XS_IPos1, $XadjDn, $XS_Isize, $XS_Isize, BitOR($BS_BITMAP, $WS_VISIBLE), $WS_EX_TOPMOST) Local $iret = GUICtrlSetImage(-1, $Icon_Folder & $XS_Istyle & $XS_b & ".bmp") If $XS_b = 3 And Not FileExists($Icon_Folder & $XS_Istyle & $XS_b & ".bmp") Then GUICtrlSetImage($XS_winB[$XS_b], $Icon_Folder & "Standard3.bmp") $XS_IPos1 += $XS_Isize Next Return $XS_winB EndFunc ;==>XSkinIcon Func XSkinIconButton($BItext, $BIleft, $BItop, $BIwidth, $BIheight, $BIconNum = 0, $BIDLL = "shell32.dll") If $BIconNum <> 0 Then GUICtrlCreateIcon($BIDLL, $BIconNum, $BIleft + 5, $BItop + (($BIheight - 16) / 2), 16, 16) If $BIconNum <> 0 Then GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) Local $XS_btnx = GUICtrlCreateButton(" " & $BItext, $BIleft, $BItop, $BIwidth, $BIheight, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) Return $XS_btnx EndFunc ;==>XSkinIconButton Func _GuiRoundCorners($h_win, $i_x1, $i_y1, $i_x3, $i_y3) ; thanks gafrost Local $XS_pos, $XS_ret, $XS_ret2 $XS_pos = WinGetPos($h_win) $XS_ret = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "long", "CreateRoundRectRgn", "long", $i_x1, "long", $i_y1, "long", $XS_pos[2], "long", $XS_pos[3], "long", $i_x3, "long", $i_y3) If $XS_ret[0] Then $XS_ret2 = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowRgn", "hwnd", $h_win, "long", $XS_ret[0], "int", 1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GuiRoundCorners Func XSkinError($XE_msg) MsgBox(262208, "XSkin Error", $XE_msg, 5) Exit EndFunc ;==>XSkinError