#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: A Greencan, martin Name: Scan_BW_Image.au3 Script Function: Scan BW Image Creates perforated image code for a GUI Window. 1. Select an image 2. Choose Black or White te be removed 3. Scan the image and make an array of lines 4. no real use :) Use ONLY Black & White images with color depth of 1 bpp (only (almost) black and (almost) white are scanned for a good result) #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #NoTrayIcon #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Global $Debugging = False Global $REducedby = 0 Global $toofar = 40 Global Const $WS_EX_COMPOSITED = 0x2000000 $ImageName = FileOpenDialog("Select a Black & White image to be processed", @ScriptDir & "\", "Images (*.jpg;*.bmp)|All Files(*.*)", 1) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "", "No File chosen", 3) Exit EndIf Local $ChangeText[2] = ['Black', 'White'] ;$iMsg = MsgBox(4, "Color option ", 'Erase the Black color' & @CR & 'No = Erase White (Negative effect)',3) ;If $iMsg = 6 Then ; $Erase_White = False ;Else ; $Erase_White = True ;EndIf $Erase_White = False _GDIPlus_Startup() $hImage = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($ImageName) Opt("GUICloseOnESC", 1) ; get width and height of the image Dim $iY, $iX $iX = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($hImage) $iY = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Opt("PixelCoordMode", 2) ; Create GUI $hGUI = GUICreate("Image", $iX, $iY + 40, (@DesktopWidth - $iX)/ 2, (@DesktopHeight - $iY)/ 2 , -1, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) ; and load the B/W image GUICtrlCreatePic($ImageName, 0, 0, $iX, $iY) $lab = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, $iY + 2, $iX - 4, 36) GUISetState() ; make sure that the window is on top of all others WinSetOnTop("Image", "", 1) ; Loop through the image and make an array of the white pixels because these are the ones that need to re-appear Dim $PictArray[2 * ($iX + $iY)][3] $iPA = 0 GUICtrlSetData($lab, "Scanning for edge points") Opt("PixelCoordMode", 2) ; now scan the image For $aY = 1 To $iY ; for each row $previous_pixel = False For $aX = 0 To $iX - 1 ; for each column $Pixel_color = PixelGetColor($aX, $aY) If ($Erase_White = True And $Pixel_color > 16610000) Or ($Erase_White = False And $Pixel_color < 100000) Then; almost white ;~ If $Pixel_color < 100000 Then ; almost black use thi if you want to remove the oposite color If $previous_pixel = False Then $first_pixel = $aX $previous_pixel = True EndIf Else ; All other colors are considered as white, this is suposed to be a black and white image! If $previous_pixel = True Then ; OK previous was a black area $previous_pixel = False ; reset flag ; now fill the array ; parameters ; $nLeftRect - Specifies the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the region in logical units. ; $nTopRect - Specifies the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the region in logical units. ; $nRightRect - Specifies the x-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the region in logical units. ; $nBottomRect - Specifies the y-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the region in logical units. ;_ArrayAdd($PictArray, String($first_pixel) & "," & String($aY) & "," & String($aX - 1) & "," & String($aY)) AddNewPoints($first_pixel, $aY, $aX - 1, $aY, $iPA, $PictArray) #cs $PictArray[$iPA][0] = $first_pixel $PictArray[$iPA][1] = $aY $PictArray[$iPA][2] = 0 $iPA += 1 If $iPA >= UBound($PictArray) - 20 Then ReDim $PictArray[$iPA + 40][3] $PictArray[$iPA][0] = $aX - 1 $PictArray[$iPA][1] = $aY $PictArray[$iPA][2] = 0 $iPA += 1 #ce EndIf EndIf Next ; this is needed for last pixel being white If $previous_pixel = True Then ; OK previous was a black area $previous_pixel = False ; reset flag AddNewPoints($first_pixel, $aY, $aX - 1, $aY, $iPA, $PictArray) #cs $PictArray[$iPA][0] = $first_pixel $PictArray[$iPA][1] = $aY $PictArray[$iPA][2] = 0 $iPA += 1 If $iPA >= UBound($PictArray) - 20 Then ReDim $PictArray[$iPA + 40][3] $PictArray[$iPA][0] = $aX - 1 $PictArray[$iPA][1] = $aY $PictArray[$iPA][2] = 0 $iPA += 1 #ce EndIf ;DebugConsoleWrite(@CR) Next GUICtrlSetData($lab, "Scanning pass 2 for Edges") ;scan vertically ;many points will be duplicates so use AddNewPoints function For $aX = 1 To $iX - 1 ; for each column $previous_pixel = False For $aY = 1 To $iY - 1 ; for each row $Pixel_color = PixelGetColor($aX, $aY) If ($Erase_White = True And $Pixel_color > 16610000) Or ($Erase_White = False And $Pixel_color < 100000) Then; almost white If $previous_pixel = False Then $first_pixel = $aY $previous_pixel = True EndIf Else ; All other colors are considered as white, this is suposed to be a black and white image! If $previous_pixel = True Then ; OK previous was a black area $previous_pixel = False ; reset flag ; now fill the array ; parameters ; $nLeftRect - Specifies the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the region in logical units. ; $nTopRect - Specifies the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the region in logical units. ; $nRightRect - Specifies the x-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the region in logical units. ; $nBottomRect - Specifies the y-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the region in logical units. AddNewPoints($aX, $first_pixel, $aX, $aY - 1, $iPA, $PictArray) EndIf EndIf Next ; this is needed for last pixel being white If $previous_pixel = True Then ; OK previous was a black area $previous_pixel = False ; reset flag AddNewPoints($aX, $first_pixel, $aX, $aY - 1, $iPA, $PictArray) EndIf ;DebugConsoleWrite(@CR) Next ;GUIDelete($hGUI) ;$gui = GUICreate("outline", 600, 600, 200, 200);, -1, $WS_EX_COMPOSITED) ;GuiSwitch($gui) DebugConsoleWrite("time started = " & _NowCalc() & @CRLF) ;$ends = $PictArray ;_ArrayDisplay($PictArray) GUICtrlSetData($lab, "Searching points for enclosed shapes") ;Create an array of points amrking the edges of individual shapes which will used to draw the shapes $segments = makelines($PictArray) ;_ArrayDisplay($segments) DebugConsoleWrite("reduced no of point by " & $REducedby & @CRLF) DebugConsoleWrite("time sfinished = " & _NowCalc() & @CRLF) ;Now draw the lines $newshape = True $guiout = GUICreate("drawing outlines", $iX, $iY , (@DesktopWidth - $iX)/ 2 + 80, (@DesktopHeight - $iY)/ 2 + 80 , -1,$WS_EX_TOPMOST ) $gr1 = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0, 0, $iX, $iY) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xffffff) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0) GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0x00dd00) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW,$guiout) ;Temporaily set the extended style to $WS_EX_COMPOSITED to stop the flicker $style = GUIGetStyle($guiout) GUISetStyle($style[0], BitOR($style[1], $WS_EX_COMPOSITED, $WS_EX_LAYERED), $guiout) $GuiPen = GUICreate("Pencil", 77, 70, 100, 100, $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_LAYERED) $pic = GUICtrlCreatePic("pencil.bmp", 0, 0, 77, 76) GUISetState() WinSetOnTop($GuiPen, "", 1) $wp = WinGetPos($guiout) WinMove($GuiPen, $wp[0] + 200, $wp[1] -40 + 100, 100) $col = 1 $lastkx = 0 $lastky = 0 For $k = 0 To UBound($segments) - 1 If $segments[$k][0] = -99 Then ; end of line shape so start new one $newshape = True DebugConsoleWrite("starting new shape" & @CRLF) Else If $newshape Then WinSetOnTop($GuiPen, "", 1) $wp = WinGetPos($guiout) $movex = $lastkx - $segments[$k][0] $movey = $lastky - $segments[$k][1] $maxmove = Abs($movex) if Abs($movey) > $maxmove then $maxmove = Abs($movey) for $xx = 1 to $maxmove WinMove($GuiPen, "", $wp[0] - 5 + $lastkx - $movex * $xx/$maxmove, $wp[1] -40 +$lastky - $movey * $xx/$maxmove) sleep(10) next GUICtrlSetGraphic($gr1, $GUI_GR_MOVE, $segments[$k][0], $segments[$k][1]) $newshape = False Else WinSetOnTop($GuiPen, "", 1) $wp = WinGetPos($guiout) WinMove($GuiPen, "", $wp[0] - 5 + $segments[$k][0], $wp[1] - 40 + $segments[$k][1]) GUICtrlSetGraphic($gr1, $GUI_GR_LINE, $segments[$k][0], $segments[$k][1]) $lastkx = $segments[$k][0] $lastky = $segments[$k][1] EndIf EndIf Sleep(20) GUICtrlSetGraphic($gr1, $GUI_GR_REFRESH);lines added will not be shown untill the graphic is redrawn Next GUIDelete($GuiPen) ;trun off the $WS_EX_EXTEDED style because it stops the window caption buttons being displayed correctly GUISetStyle($style[0], $style[1], $guiout) While GUIGetMsg() <> -3 Sleep(10) WEnd ;add points $x1,$y1 and $x2,$y2 if not already used Func AddNewPoints($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, ByRef $i, ByRef $arr) ;Grow the array if getting full If $i >= UBound($arr) - 20 Then ReDim $arr[$i + 40][3] ;check if the pooint already exists, if not then add it If nopoint($x1, $y1, $i, $arr) Then $arr[$i][0] = $x1 $arr[$i][1] = $y1 $arr[$i][2] = 0 $i += 1 EndIf If nopoint($x2, $y2, $i, $arr) Then $arr[$i][0] = $x2 $arr[$i][1] = $y2 $arr[$i][2] = 0 $i += 1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>AddNewPoints ;turn the array of points into an ordered array of points so that a line can be drawn moving from one point to the next Func makelines($points) Dim $result[UBound($points) + 20][2] $index = -1;element in the array $result we are building $shapenum = 1;we are going to find the first line to draw (might end up being an enclosed shape) $lastpoint = -1 Do DebugConsoleWrite("making shape number " & $shapenum & @CRLF) If $shapenum = 1 Then GUICtrlSetData($lab, "Searching for an enclosed shape") Else GUICtrlSetData($lab, "Found " & $shapenum - 1 & " shape(s). Searching for another") EndIf If $lastpoint <> -1 Then $next = $lastpoint Else $next = -1 findstart($next, $points);find the first unused point in $points and set $next to equal that element EndIf If $next > -1 Then;if a point was found DebugConsoleWrite("$next = " & $next & "$index to use = " & $index & @CRLF) $nowx = $points[$next][0] $nowy = $points[$next][1] $points[$next][2] = 1 $index += 1 $result[$index][0] = $nowx $result[$index][1] = $nowy $firstx = $nowx $firsty = $nowy $lastpoint = -1 $startElement = $index DebugConsoleWrite("first x,y = " & $firstx & ', ' & $firsty & '. start element = ' & $startElement & @CRLF) Do $closest = 999999;assume we will find something closer than this $lastpoint = -1 ;now find the closest unused point For $p = 1 To UBound($points) - 1 If $points[$p][2] = 0 Then $dist = (($nowx - $points[$p][0]) ^ 2) + (($nowy - $points[$p][1]) ^ 2) If $dist < $closest Then;$dist < $toofar And $posnear = $p $closest = $dist $lastpoint = $posnear ;If $dist < $toofar then $lastpoint = $posnear DebugConsoleWrite("didt = " & $dist & @CRLF) EndIf DebugConsoleWrite("didt = " & $dist & @CRLF) EndIf Next DebugConsoleWrite("closest = " & $closest & @CRLF) ;if the closest point found is within outr range $toofar then add it to our line If $closest < $toofar Then $index += 1 $result[$index][0] = $points[$posnear][0];x coord $result[$index][1] = $points[$posnear][1];y coord $points[$posnear][2] = 1;set it as used $nowx = $result[$index][0] $nowy = $result[$index][1] ;Maybe the previous point was not needed If $index - $startElement > 1 Then removeOnLinePoints($result, $index) EndIf DebugConsoleWrite("closest = " & $closest & @CRLF) Until $closest >= $toofar DebugConsoleWrite("last x,y = " & $result[$index][0] & ', ' & $result[$index][1] & @CRLF) ;If $lastpoint <> -1 Then ;calc distance to the start of the line $tostart = ($firstx - $result[$index][0]) ^ 2 + ($firsty - $result[$index][1]) ^ 2 DebugConsoleWrite("to start from last = " & $tostart & @CRLF) If $tostart < $toofar Then;we'll assume that this was an enclosed shape so we'll draw back to the start $index += 1 ReDim $result[UBound($result) + 1][2] $result[$index][0] = $firstx $result[$index][1] = $firsty EndIf ;indicate that this is the end of a line or shape $index += 1 ReDim $result[UBound($result) + 1][2] $result[$index][0] = -99;mark end of line DebugConsoleWrite("element = " & $index & @CRLF) DebugConsoleWrite("ended section with -99" & @CRLF) Else ExitLoop EndIf $shapenum += 1 Until $firstx = -1;until we can't find any more points to draw DebugConsoleWrite("index = " & $index & @CRLF) ReDim $result[$index + 1][2] ConsoleWrite("total no of points is " & $index & @CRLF) GUICtrlSetData($lab, "finishing searching for shapes") Return $result EndFunc ;==>makelines Func nopoint($x, $y, $i, $ar);boolean, true if $x,$y is not included in the array $ar. $i-1 is the last element used Local $g For $g = 0 To $i - 1 If ($x = $ar[$g][0] And $y = $ar[$g][1]) Then Return False;the point alreday exists Next Return True;no such point exists yet EndFunc ;==>nopoint ;try to reduce the number of points Func removeOnLinePoints(ByRef $array, ByRef $i);, ByRef $lp) Return;not wanted for pencil draqawing effect $reduce = False If ($array[$i - 1][1] = $array[$i - 2][1] And $array[$i - 1][1] = $array[$i][1]) Or _ ($array[$i - 1][0] = $array[$i - 2][0] And $array[$i - 1][0] = $array[$i][0]) Then $reduce = True;because we are on a straight line Else; If ($array[$i][1] - $array[$i - 2][1]) / ($array[$i][0] - $array[$i - 2][0]) = _ ($array[$i][1] - $array[$i - 1][1]) / ($array[$i][0] - $array[$i - 1][0]) Then $reduce = True;because on a straight line again DebugConsoleWrite("slope reducer :" & $array[$i][1] & ', ' & $array[$i - 1][1] & ', ' & $array[$i - 2][1] & @CRLF) DebugConsoleWrite("slope reducer :" & $array[$i][0] & ', ' & $array[$i - 1][0] & ', ' & $array[$i - 2][0] & @CRLF) EndIf ;#ce EndIf If $reduce Then $REducedby += 1 $array[$i - 1][0] = $array[$i][0] $array[$i - 1][1] = $array[$i][1] $i -= 1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>removeOnLinePoints ;find the first unused point ;we should have some way of finding out if there is an open end and if so start from there ;so that the line is drawn ion one rather than two sections or more. Func findstart(ByRef $freepoint, $arrayxy) For $j = 0 To UBound($arrayxy) - 1 If $arrayxy[$j][2] = 0 Then;this point not used yet $freepoint = $j Return True EndIf Next Return False EndFunc ;==>findstart Func DebugConsoleWrite($SDebug) If $Debugging Then ConsoleWrite($SDebug) EndFunc ;==>DebugConsoleWrite