#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: GreenCan Script Function: Create a window with my perforated image #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Logon(@UserName,True,"Connecting to \\Host\Root") #FUNCTION# ============================================================== Func Logon($UsrID = "",$Greyed = False, $Label = "") ; create a User authentication window ; Parameters : ; - $UsrID: User Name ; - $Greyed: if True (UserID should not be empty in this case), the User Name input will be greyed out ; - $Label: Extra info in the login screen (keep sting narrow enough!) ; Remark: all parameters are optional Local $OKbtn, $msg, $logon $logon = GUICreate("User authentication", 320, 240, -1, -1, $WS_CAPTION, $WS_EX_TOPMOST ) GuiCtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir & "\authentication.jpg",0,0,322,60) GuiCtrlCreateLabel($Label, 10, 77, 300, 15) ;GuiCtrlCreateLabel("to mount Drive " & $driveletter, 10, 97, 150, 15) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("User name :", 10, 137, 93, 15) If $Greyed = True Then $UsrID = GUICtrlCreateInput($UsrID, 95, 135, 190, 20, $ES_READONLY) Else $UsrID = GUICtrlCreateInput($UsrID, 95, 135, 190, 20) EndIf GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Password :", 10, 167, 93, 15) $Passwd = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 95, 165, 190, 20, $ES_PASSWORD) $OKbtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("Ok", 130, 200, 60, 20, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON ) ; and the perforated Ghost !!!! Local $_Left_pos, $_Top_pos, $_GUI_NAME $_Left_pos = 170 $_Top_pos = _WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics(4) ; under the title bar $_GUI_NAME = $logon _GuiImageHole($_GUI_NAME, $_Left_pos, $_Top_pos, 50, 63 ) GUISetState() $msg = 0 While $msg <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $OKbtn $UserID = GUICtrlRead($UsrID) $Password = GUICtrlRead($Passwd) ExitLoop Case $msg = -3 ; escape key pressed so quit GUIDelete ( $logon ) exit EndSelect WEnd GUIDelete ( $logon ) MsgBox(0,"result", "User: " & $UserID & @CR & "Password: " & $Password) Return EndFunc ;==>Logon #FUNCTION# ============================================================== #comments-start The lines below will generate the perforated image (bewteen start and end) Move these lines into your GUI code, usually just before GUISetState() Don't forget to fill in the correct coordinates for $Left_pos, $Top_pos and enter the GUI Window Handle in the last line # ==> Start Local $_Left_pos, $_Top_pos, $_GUI_NAME $_Left_pos = 10 ; Replace with correct position $_Top_pos = _WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics(4) ; Just below the title bar (Must #include if using this function!!!) $_GUI_NAME = 'The name of your GUI window' _GuiImageHole($_GUI_NAME, $_Left_pos, $_Top_pos, 50, 63) # <== End #comments-end #FUNCTION# ============================================================== Func _GuiImageHole($window_handle, $pos_x, $pos_y,$Image_Width ,$Image_Height) Local $aClassList, $aM_Mask, $aMask #Region picture array Local $PictArray[139] $PictArray[0] = '1,1,50,1' $PictArray[1] = '1,2,50,2' $PictArray[2] = '1,3,50,3' $PictArray[3] = '1,4,50,4' $PictArray[4] = '1,5,50,5' $PictArray[5] = '1,6,26,6' $PictArray[6] = '28,6,28,6' $PictArray[7] = '32,6,50,6' $PictArray[8] = '1,7,16,7' $PictArray[9] = '18,7,18,7' $PictArray[10] = '22,7,24,7' $PictArray[11] = '31,7,50,7' $PictArray[12] = '1,8,15,8' $PictArray[13] = '32,8,50,8' $PictArray[14] = '1,9,15,9' $PictArray[15] = '33,9,50,9' $PictArray[16] = '1,10,14,10' $PictArray[17] = '34,10,50,10' $PictArray[18] = '1,11,13,11' $PictArray[19] = '35,11,50,11' $PictArray[20] = '1,12,11,12' $PictArray[21] = '36,12,50,12' $PictArray[22] = '1,13,12,13' $PictArray[23] = '37,13,50,13' $PictArray[24] = '1,14,11,14' $PictArray[25] = '37,14,50,14' $PictArray[26] = '1,15,11,15' $PictArray[27] = '17,15,24,15' $PictArray[28] = '38,15,50,15' $PictArray[29] = '1,16,11,16' $PictArray[30] = '15,16,26,16' $PictArray[31] = '38,16,50,16' $PictArray[32] = '1,17,11,17' $PictArray[33] = '14,17,26,17' $PictArray[34] = '38,17,50,17' $PictArray[35] = '1,18,11,18' $PictArray[36] = '14,18,27,18' $PictArray[37] = '38,18,50,18' $PictArray[38] = '1,19,10,19' $PictArray[39] = '13,19,28,19' $PictArray[40] = '38,19,50,19' $PictArray[41] = '1,20,10,20' $PictArray[42] = '13,20,29,20' $PictArray[43] = '34,20,35,20' $PictArray[44] = '38,20,50,20' $PictArray[45] = '1,21,10,21' $PictArray[46] = '12,21,34,21' $PictArray[47] = '38,21,50,21' $PictArray[48] = '1,22,34,22' $PictArray[49] = '38,22,50,22' $PictArray[50] = '1,23,34,23' $PictArray[51] = '38,23,50,23' $PictArray[52] = '1,24,11,24' $PictArray[53] = '13,24,15,24' $PictArray[54] = '22,24,25,24' $PictArray[55] = '33,24,34,24' $PictArray[56] = '39,24,50,24' $PictArray[57] = '1,25,11,25' $PictArray[58] = '13,25,14,25' $PictArray[59] = '23,25,24,25' $PictArray[60] = '34,25,34,25' $PictArray[61] = '39,25,50,25' $PictArray[62] = '1,26,11,26' $PictArray[63] = '13,26,14,26' $PictArray[64] = '22,26,24,26' $PictArray[65] = '34,26,34,26' $PictArray[66] = '39,26,50,26' $PictArray[67] = '1,27,9,27' $PictArray[68] = '13,27,24,27' $PictArray[69] = '26,27,35,27' $PictArray[70] = '39,27,50,27' $PictArray[71] = '1,28,9,28' $PictArray[72] = '13,28,35,28' $PictArray[73] = '39,28,50,28' $PictArray[74] = '1,29,10,29' $PictArray[75] = '12,29,35,29' $PictArray[76] = '40,29,50,29' $PictArray[77] = '1,30,10,30' $PictArray[78] = '12,30,35,30' $PictArray[79] = '40,30,50,30' $PictArray[80] = '1,31,35,31' $PictArray[81] = '39,31,50,31' $PictArray[82] = '1,32,24,32' $PictArray[83] = '28,32,35,32' $PictArray[84] = '39,32,50,32' $PictArray[85] = '1,33,20,33' $PictArray[86] = '28,33,35,33' $PictArray[87] = '38,33,50,33' $PictArray[88] = '1,34,21,34' $PictArray[89] = '30,34,34,34' $PictArray[90] = '36,34,50,34' $PictArray[91] = '1,35,20,35' $PictArray[92] = '31,35,33,35' $PictArray[93] = '36,35,50,35' $PictArray[94] = '1,36,17,36' $PictArray[95] = '31,36,32,36' $PictArray[96] = '36,36,50,36' $PictArray[97] = '1,37,12,37' $PictArray[98] = '15,37,17,37' $PictArray[99] = '22,37,25,37' $PictArray[100] = '31,37,32,37' $PictArray[101] = '36,37,50,37' $PictArray[102] = '1,38,12,38' $PictArray[103] = '15,38,17,38' $PictArray[104] = '19,38,25,38' $PictArray[105] = '35,38,50,38' $PictArray[106] = '1,39,13,39' $PictArray[107] = '19,39,25,39' $PictArray[108] = '28,39,28,39' $PictArray[109] = '35,39,50,39' $PictArray[110] = '1,40,13,40' $PictArray[111] = '19,40,25,40' $PictArray[112] = '28,40,28,40' $PictArray[113] = '35,40,50,40' $PictArray[114] = '1,41,14,41' $PictArray[115] = '20,41,21,41' $PictArray[116] = '34,41,50,41' $PictArray[117] = '1,42,14,42' $PictArray[118] = '20,42,22,42' $PictArray[119] = '27,42,27,42' $PictArray[120] = '34,42,50,42' $PictArray[121] = '1,43,14,43' $PictArray[122] = '21,43,22,43' $PictArray[123] = '34,43,50,43' $PictArray[124] = '1,44,14,44' $PictArray[125] = '36,44,50,44' $PictArray[126] = '1,45,13,45' $PictArray[127] = '15,45,15,45' $PictArray[128] = '37,45,50,45' $PictArray[129] = '1,46,12,46' $PictArray[130] = '16,46,16,46' $PictArray[131] = '39,46,50,46' $PictArray[132] = '1,47,9,47' $PictArray[133] = '42,47,50,47' $PictArray[134] = '1,48,6,48' $PictArray[135] = '46,48,50,48' $PictArray[136] = '1,49,4,49' $PictArray[137] = '49,49,50,49' $PictArray[138] = '1,50,2,50' #EndRegion picture array ; get the size of the active window $size = WinGetClientSize($window_handle) $Window_width = $size[0] $Window_height = $size[1] + 40 ; include height of title bar up to 30 dots ; First hide the window $aClassList = StringSplit(_WinGetClassListEx($window_handle), @LF) $aM_Mask = DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CreateRectRgn', 'long', 0, 'long', 0, 'long', 0, 'long', 0) ; rectangle A - left side $aMask = DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CreateRectRgn', 'long', 0, 'long', 0, 'long', $pos_x, 'long', $Window_height) DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CombineRgn', 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'long', $aMask[0], 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'int', 2) ; rectangle B - Top $aMask = DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CreateRectRgn', 'long', 0, 'long', 0, 'long', $Window_width, 'long', $pos_y) DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CombineRgn', 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'long', $aMask[0], 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'int', 2) ; rectangle C - Right side $aMask = DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CreateRectRgn', 'long', $pos_x + $Image_Width , 'long', 0 , 'long', $Window_width + 30, 'long', $Window_height) DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CombineRgn', 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'long', $aMask[0], 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'int', 2) ; rectangle D - Bottom $aMask = DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CreateRectRgn', 'long', 0 , 'long', $pos_y + $Image_Height, 'long', $Window_width, 'long', $Window_height) DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CombineRgn', 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'long', $aMask[0], 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'int', 2) ; now unhide all regions as defined in array $PictArray For $i = 0 To (UBound($PictArray) - 1) $Block_value = StringSplit($PictArray[$i],',') $aMask = DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CreateRectRgn', 'long', $pos_x + $Block_value[1] - 1 , 'long', $pos_y + $Block_value[2], 'long', $pos_x + $Block_value[3], 'long', $pos_y + $Block_value[4] -1) DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CombineRgn', 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'long', $aMask[0], 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'int', 2) Next DllCall('user32.dll', 'long', 'SetWindowRgn', 'hwnd', $window_handle, 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'int', 1) $PictArray='' ; empty array EndFunc ;==>_GuiImageHole #FUNCTION# ============================================================== Func _WinGetClassListEx($sTitle) Local $sClassList = WinGetClassList($sTitle) Local $aClassList = StringSplit($sClassList, @LF) Local $sRetClassList = '', $sHold_List = '|' Local $aiInHold, $iInHold For $i = 1 To UBound($aClassList) - 1 If $aClassList[$i] = '' Then ContinueLoop If StringRegExp($sHold_List, '\|' & $aClassList[$i] & '~(\d+)\|') Then $aiInHold = StringRegExp($sHold_List, '.*\|' & $aClassList[$i] & '~(\d+)\|.*', 1) $iInHold = Number($aiInHold[UBound($aiInHold)-1]) If $iInHold = 0 Then $iInHold += 1 $aClassList[$i] &= '~' & $iInHold + 1 $sHold_List &= $aClassList[$i] & '|' $sRetClassList &= $aClassList[$i] & @LF Else $aClassList[$i] &= '~1' $sHold_List &= $aClassList[$i] & '|' $sRetClassList &= $aClassList[$i] & @LF EndIf Next Return StringReplace(StringStripWS($sRetClassList, 3), '~', '') EndFunc ;==>_WinGetClassListEx #FUNCTION# ==============================================================