#include #include Dim $temp, $arr, $count, $arraysize, $arr2, $machinename, $namedisplay, $lengthtemp Dim $adapter[10][10], $result, $adaptercount, $adapterlist dim $mac, $ip, $dhcp, $gateway dim $mainwindow, $staticinput[31] ;do an ipconfig /all to get all basic parms to display loadup() Display() Func Display() $mainwindow = GUICreate("IP Config",400,400) Opt("GUICoordMode", 1) GUISetFont(12, 800,4,"Arial") GUICtrlCreateLabel ("IP Config Options", 125, 20, 200) GUISetFont(10, 800,0,"Arial") $namedisplay= "Computer Name: " & $machinename GUICtrlCreateLabel ($namedisplay, 100, 40, 200) GUISetFont(9,400,4,"") GuiCtrlCreateLabel ( $adaptercount & " Network Adapters Found", 110, 60,150) GUISetFont(9,400,0,"") GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("<- Mac Address", 130 ,80, 100) GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("<- IP Address", 130 ,100, 100) GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("<- DHCP Enabled -- Server -> ", 130 ,120, 150) GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("<- Subnet", 130 ,140, 100) GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("<- Gateway -- DNS Server ->", 130 ,160, 150) $mac =GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("", 20 ,80, 100,20) $ip= GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("", 20 ,100, 100,20) $dhcp= GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("", 20 ,120, 100,20) $dhcpserver= GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("", 270 ,120, 100,20) $dnsserver= GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("", 270 ,160, 100,20) $subnet=GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("", 20 ,140, 100,20) $gateway=GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("", 20 ,160, 100, 20) ;put in the Do-It buttons $releaseIP =GUICtrlCreateButton("Release IP", 50, 220, 80) $renewIP =GUICtrlCreateButton("Renew IP", 135, 220, 80) $staticIP =GUICtrlCreateButton("Set Static IP", 240, 220, 80) $dynIP = GUICtrlCreateButton("Dynamic IP", 240, 250, 80) $flushdns =GUICtrlCreateButton("Flush DNS", 50, 250, 80) $registerdns =GUICtrlCreateButton("Register DNS", 135, 250, 80) $btnWanIP =GUICtrlCreateButton("Show Router/Wan IP", 75,275,120) $Cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Close", 150,370,80) ShowIPStuff () ;builds the STATIC IP controls and then hides them ;build the adapter list for the combo box $result = "" For $n = 0 to ($adaptercount-1) $result = $result & $n & "- " & $adapter[$n][1]& "|" next $adapterlist = GuiCtrlCreateCombo ( "Adapter", 20, 180, 300, 30) GuiCtrlSetData(-1, $result) GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_CHECKED) GUISetState() ; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed While 1 $result =stringleft (GUICTrlRead($adapterlist),1) $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = -3 Exit Case $msg = $Cancel Exit Case $msg = $adapterlist $result =stringleft (GUICTrlRead($adapterlist),1) $connection = $adapter[$result][0] ;msgbox (0, "", $connection) if $result <> "A" then GUICTRLSetData ($mac , $adapter[$result][2] ) GUICTRLSetData ($ip , $adapter[$result][4] ) GUICTRLSetData ($dhcp , $adapter[$result][3] ) GUICTRLSetData ($dhcpserver , $adapter[$result][7] ) GUICTRLSetData ($dnsserver , $adapter[$result][8] ) GUICTRLSetData ($subnet , $adapter[$result][5] ) GUICTRLSetData ($gateway , $adapter[$result][6] ) else GUICTRLSetData ($mac , "" ) GUICTRLSetData ($ip , "" ) GUICTRLSetData ($dhcp , "" ) GUICTRLSetData ($subnet , "" ) GUICTRLSetData ($gateway , "" ) endif Case $msg = $renewIP $Sel = '/renew "' & $connection & '"' ;only renew the chosen adapter getinfo ($sel) Case $msg = $releaseIP $Sel = '/release "' & $connection & '"' ;only release the chosen adapter getinfo ($sel) Case $msg = $flushdns $Sel = "/flushdns" getinfo ($sel) Case $msg = $registerdns $Sel = "/reregisterdns" getinfo ($sel) case $msg = $staticIP if stringisdigit( $result) Then ; above statement checks that an adapter was actually chosen for $n = 0 to 30 guictrlsetstate($staticinput[$n], $gui_show) Next EndIf case $msg = $staticinput[30] for $n = 0 to 30 guictrlsetstate($staticinput[$n], $gui_hide) Next case $msg = $staticinput[0] setstatic ($connection) case $msg = $dynIP setdhcp($connection) case $msg = $btnWanIP wanip () EndSelect Wend GuiDelete() GetInfo($Sel) Display() EndFunc Func GetInfo($Sel) RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & "IPCONFIG.EXE " & $Sel , @MyDocumentsDir, @SW_HIDE) loadup() EndFunc Func loadup () RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & "IPCONFIG.EXE /all" & " > " & "IPINFO.TXT", @MyDocumentsDir, @SW_HIDE) _FileReadToArray(@MyDocumentsDir & "\IPINFO.TXT", $temp ) RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & "DEL.EXE IPINFO.TXT", @MyDocumentsDir, @SW_HIDE) ;$temp holds all IP info in a text array $arraysize = ubound($temp) $arraysize= $arraysize-1 $count =0 ;set up counter for other arrays $adaptercount = 0 ;setup counter for # of adapters For $n = 0 to $arraysize $temp[$n] = StringStripWS($temp[$n],4) ;locate the machine's name for display $result = stringinstr( $temp[$n], "Host Name") if $result <> 0 then $machinename = stringstripcr(stringmid($temp[$n], 37)) endif ;process adapter info 1st drop to next line $result = stringinstr( $temp[$n], "Description") if $result = 0 then continueloop else $adaptercount =$adaptercount +1 ; add to adapter count ; msgbox (0,"", $adaptercount) ;load up the adapter array with info -- some may be bogus ;cycle through list pulling out info $adapter[$count][0] =stringstripcr(stringmid($temp[$n-3], 18)) ;connection name $lengthtemp = stringlen($adapter[$count][0]) $adapter[$count][0]= stringleft( $adapter[$count][0], $lengthtemp-1) ;msgbox (0, "", $adapter[$count][0]) $adapter[$count][1] = stringstripcr(stringmid($temp[$n], 45)) ;adapter name $adapter[$count][2] = stringstripcr(stringmid($temp[$n+1], 45)) ; adpater mac address $adapter[$count][3] = stringstripcr(stringmid($temp[$n+2], 45)) ; DHCP enabled yes/no if $adapter[$count][3] = "Yes" then ;skip auto configure line for DHCP enabled $adapter[$count][4] = stringstripcr(stringmid($temp[$n+4], 45)) ; adapter IP address $adapter[$count][7] = stringstripcr(stringmid($temp[$n+7], 45)) ;adapter DHCP Server $adapter[$count][5] = stringstripcr(stringmid($temp[$n+5], 45)) ;adapter subnet mask $adapter[$count][6] = stringstripcr(stringmid($temp[$n+6], 45)) ;adapter gateway $adapter[$count][8] = stringstripcr(stringmid($temp[$n+8], 45)) ;adapter DNS Server ;$n= $n +1 ;not DHCP is the next stuff else $adapter[$count][4] = stringstripcr(stringmid($temp[$n+3], 45)) ;adapter IP address if not DHCP $adapter[$count][7] = "None" ;NO DHCP SERVER $adapter[$count][5] = stringstripcr(stringmid($temp[$n+4], 45)) ;adapter subnet mask $adapter[$count][6] = stringstripcr(stringmid($temp[$n+5], 45)) ;adapter gateway if $n+6 <= $arraysize Then ;assume static IP has DNS server $adapter[$count][8] = stringstripcr(stringmid($temp[$n+6], 45)) ;adapter DNS Server EndIf endif $count= $count +1 EndIf Next endfunc func SetStatic ($connection) ;build the strings from the controls $ip = GUICtrlRead($staticinput[6]) & "." & GUICtrlRead($staticinput[7]) & "." & GUICtrlRead($staticinput[8]) & "." & GUICtrlRead($staticinput[9]) $subnet = GUICtrlRead($staticinput[10]) & "." & GUICtrlRead($staticinput[11]) & "." & GUICtrlRead($staticinput[12]) & "." & GUICtrlRead($staticinput[13]) $gateway = GUICtrlRead($staticinput[14]) & "." & GUICtrlRead($staticinput[15]) & "." & GUICtrlRead($staticinput[16]) & "." & GUICtrlRead($staticinput[17]) $dns1 = GUICtrlRead($staticinput[18]) & "." & GUICtrlRead($staticinput[19]) & "." & GUICtrlRead($staticinput[20]) & "." & GUICtrlRead($staticinput[21]) $dns2 = GUICtrlRead($staticinput[22]) & "." & GUICtrlRead($staticinput[23]) & "." & GUICtrlRead($staticinput[24]) & "." & GUICtrlRead($staticinput[25]) ;MsgBox(0,"", $ip) runwait(@comspec & ' /c netsh interface ip set address "' & $connection & '" static' & " " & $ip & " " & $subnet & " " & $gateway & " 1","") run(@comspec & ' /c netsh interface ip set dns "' & $connection & '" static ' & $dns1 & " primary","") EndFunc Func SetDHCP($connection) runwait(@comspec & ' /c netsh interface ip set address "' & $connection & '" source=dhcp' ,"") run(@comspec & ' /c netsh interface ip set dns "' & $connection & '" source=dhcp' ,"") EndFunc Func ShowIPStuff () ;Create boxes for Static IP Stuff and a couple of buttons $n=1 $incre = 0 $staticinput[0] = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Set IP Now", 100, 420, 70, 20) $staticinput[30] = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Cancel Static IP", 180, 420, 90, 20) $staticinput[1] = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("IP Address", 10, 300, 70, 20) $staticinput[2] = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Subnet Mask", 10, 325, 90, 20) $staticinput[3] = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Gateway", 10, 350, 70, 20) $staticinput[4] = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("DSN Server 1", 10, 375, 80, 20) $staticinput[5] = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("DNS Server 2", 10, 400, 90, 20) for $n=6 to 24 step 4 $staticinput[$n] =GuiCtrlCreateInput("192", 100, 300+ $incre, 40,-1,$es_number) $staticinput[$n+1] =GuiCtrlCreateInput("168", 150,300+$incre, 40,-1,$es_number) $staticinput[$n+2] =GuiCtrlCreateInput("1", 200, 300+$incre, 40,-1,$es_number) $staticinput[$n+3] =GuiCtrlCreateInput("1", 250, 300+$incre, 40,-1,$es_number) GUICtrlSetLimit ($staticinput[$n], 3) GUICtrlSetLimit ($staticinput[$n+1], 3) GUICtrlSetLimit ($staticinput[$n+2], 3) GUICtrlSetLimit ($staticinput[$n+3], 3) $incre= $incre + 25 Next GUICtrlSetData($staticinput[9], 99) GUICtrlSetData($staticinput[10],255) GUICtrlSetData($staticinput[11],255) GUICtrlSetData($staticinput[12],255) GUICtrlSetData($staticinput[13],0) ;$staticinput[11] = 255 ;$staticinput[12] = 255 ;$staticinput[13] = 0 for $n = 0 to 30 ;hide all the static IP controls for now guictrlsetstate($staticinput[$n], $gui_hide) Next endfunc Func WanIP () Dim $temp, $wanip , $result1, $file inetget ("http://checkip.dyndns.org", "c:\waniptemp.txt" , 1,0) $file= FileOpen("c:\waniptemp.txt",0) $temp = FileRead( $file,120 ) fileclose($file) filedelete ("C:\waniptemp.txt") $result = stringinstr( $temp, "Address:") ;msgbox(0,"", $result) $result1 =StringInStr($temp, "") ;msgbox(0,"", $result1) $wanip = stringmid( $temp, $result+8, $result1-($result+8)) msgbox(0,"Wan IP Address", $wanip) EndFunc