;~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;~ ;~ Script name: ServiceMenu.exe ;~ ;~ AutoIt Version: ;~ ;~ Author: Dave Snyder 06/2008 ;~ ;~ ;~ Script Function: This script is an example of how to run an AutoIT script ;~ as a service natively, with the ability to add, delete, ;~ start, and stop the created service. ;~ ;~ Service Menu v1.0 - Run AutoIT script as service, with tray menu ;~ ;~ ;~ ;~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;~ Globals and includes ;~ Opt("OnExitFunc", "ExitScript");~ broken Opt("TrayOnEventMode",1) ; Enables event driven scripting Opt("TrayMenuMode",1) ; Default tray menu items (Script Paused/Exit) will not be shown. Opt("TrayAutoPause",0) ; Script will not be paused when clicking the tray icon. #NoTrayIcon #RequireAdmin #include #Include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #Include #include "_Au3Services.au3" ;~ The test variable! Global $n_Evidence ;~ App Globals Global $s_LocalComputer = "." Global $s_ScriptObject = StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4) Global $s_ServiceDesc = $s_ScriptObject & " Service Daemon" Global $s_InstallFolder = @ScriptDir & "\" Global $s_ScriptName = $s_ScriptObject & ".exe" Global $s_AppPath = $s_InstallFolder & $s_ScriptName Global $s_StrictAppPath = Chr(34) & $s_AppPath & Chr(34) Global $s_LogfilePath = $s_InstallFolder & $s_ScriptObject & ".log" ;~ Run only one instance if _Singleton($s_ScriptObject,1) = 0 Then TraySetState(1) ;~ Msgbox(0x41040, $s_ScriptObject, $s_ScriptObject & " is already running!") Exit EndIf ;~ Service installed? If yes then run service code If Not @Compiled Then MsgBox(0x41040, $s_ScriptObject, "Error. Service Daemon not compiled!",5) WinMain() Else If _Service_Exists($s_ScriptObject) Then _Service_init($s_ScriptObject) Else WinMain() EndIf EndIf Exit ;~ Service mode Main routine. Func Main() TrayMenu() While 1;~ check to see if we run differently WorkFunc() WEnd Exit EndFunc ;~ Application mode Main routine. Func WinMain() TrayMenu() While 1 WorkFunc() WEnd Exit EndFunc ;~ Set up System tray menu Func TrayMenu() TraySetIcon("Shell32.dll",18) TraySetClick(16) $TestMenuItem1 = TrayCreateItem("Show Counter") TrayItemSetState($TestMenuItem1, $TRAY_DEFAULT) TrayItemSetOnEvent($TestMenuItem1, "TestFunction1") $ShowItem = TrayCreateItem("View Log File") TrayItemSetOnEvent($ShowItem,"ShowLog") $ClearItem = TrayCreateItem("Clear Log File") TrayItemSetOnEvent($ClearItem,"ClearLog") $ServiceSettingsMenu =TrayCreateMenu("Service Control") $AddServiceItem = TrayCreateItem("Add Service", $ServiceSettingsMenu) TrayItemSetOnEvent($AddServiceItem, "InstallService") $RemoveServiceItem = TrayCreateItem("Remove Service", $ServiceSettingsMenu) TrayItemSetOnEvent($RemoveServiceItem, "RemoveService") $ViewServiceItem = TrayCreateItem("View Services...", $ServiceSettingsMenu) TrayItemSetOnEvent($ViewServiceItem, "ViewServiceItem") TrayCreateItem("") $AboutItem = TrayCreateItem("About...") TrayItemSetOnEvent($AboutItem, "ShowInfo") TrayCreateItem("") $ExitItem = TrayCreateItem("Exit") TrayItemSetOnEvent($ExitItem, "ExitScript") TraySetState(1) EndFunc ;~ The thing this app actully does Func WorkFunc() ;~ Main App code Goes here; THIS code tests the service functionality For $i = 3600 to 1 Step -1 sleep (1000) $n_Evidence = "Count down: "& $i & @crlf consolewrite($n_Evidence) _FileWriteLog(@ScriptDir & "\" & $s_ScriptObject & ".log",$n_Evidence) Next FileClose(@ScriptDir & "\" & $s_ScriptObject & ".log") EndFunc ;~ Service Functions ;~ Install the script as a service in 'Services.msc' Func InstallService() If Not @Compiled Then MsgBox(0x41040, $s_ScriptObject, "Error. Service Daemon not compiled!",5) Else ConsoleWrite("Installing service, please wait" & @CRLF) _Service_Create($s_ScriptObject, $s_ServiceDesc, BitOR($SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS,$SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS), $SERVICE_AUTO_START,$SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, $s_StrictAppPath) If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Problem installing service, Error number is " & @error & @CRLF & " message : " & _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage()) Msgbox(0x41040, $s_ScriptObject,"Problem installing service, Error number is " & @error & @CRLF & " message : " & _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage()) Else ConsoleWrite("Installation of service successful") Msgbox(0x41040, $s_ScriptObject, $s_ScriptObject & " service installation complete. Reboot the PC for changes to take effect!") EndIf Exit EndIf EndFunc ;~ Remove the script from 'Services.msc' Func RemoveService() If Not @Compiled Then MsgBox(0x41040, $s_ScriptObject, "Error. Service Daemon not compiled!",5) EndIf _Service_Stop($s_ScriptObject) _Service_Delete($s_ScriptObject) if not @error then ConsoleWrite("Service removed successfully" & @crlf) Msgbox(0x41040, $s_ScriptObject, $s_ScriptObject & "service removal complete.") Exit EndFunc ;~ Application functions Func TestFunction1() ;~ Show the counter progress Msgbox(0x41040,$s_ScriptObject,$s_ScriptObject & " counter: " & $n_Evidence,5) EndFunc Func ViewServiceItem() ;~ call up 'services.msc' ShellExecute("services.msc") EndFunc ;~ About me! Func ShowInfo() Msgbox(0x41040,$s_ScriptObject,$s_ScriptObject & " 0.2 for Windows 2000, XP or 2003. ©2008 Dave Snyder") EndFunc ;~ Show the logfile Func ShowLog() ShellExecute($s_LogfilePath, "", @ScriptDir & "\", "open") EndFunc ;~ Erase the log file Func ClearLog() $choice = MsgBox(0x41021, $s_ScriptObject, "Are you sure you want to clear the log file?") If $choice = 1 Then _FileCreate ($s_LogfilePath) _FileWriteLog($s_LogfilePath,"Log file erased.") FileClose($s_LogfilePath) If @error > 0 Then MsgBox(0x41010, $s_ScriptObject, "Error creating logfile!") Return Else MsgBox(0x41040,$s_ScriptObject, "Log file has been erased.") EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;~ Bye now Func ExitScript() $exit = _Service_QueryStatus($s_ScriptObject) If $exit[1] = $SERVICE_RUNNING Then MsgBox(0x41040, $s_ScriptObject, "Running in service mode. Use the 'Stop Service' menu item instead.",5) Return EndIf Exit EndFunc