;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Name: my_map.au3 ; Desc: Run mappings. ; Created: 18/06/2008 AJP ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #AutoIt3Wrapper_Add_Constants=y #include #include #include #include HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_MyExit") ; Hotkey exit. Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Opt("ExpandEnvStrings", 1) Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) Opt("TrayAutoPause", 0) ; No pause. Opt("TrayIconHide",0) ; Show icon. ; Opt("TrayMenuMode",1) ; No tray menu. global $title = "Mapping" global $logging = "N" global $logfile = @DesktopDir & "\mapping.log" global $param1, $param2, $param3, $param4, $param5 global $frm, $grp, $t_trm, $x_trm global $fld1, $fld2, $fld3, $fld4, $fld5, $fld6, $fld7, $fld8 global $trm1, $trm2, $trm3, $trm4, $trm5, $trm6, $trm7, $trm8 global $map_this global $map_errors = 0 global $pctalk $pctalk = ObjCreate("SAPI.SpVoice") if @error = 1 then $pctalk = "" _LogThis("Mappings...") _DrawScreen() _Main() _MyExit() ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func _DrawScreen() $frm = GUICreate($title, 500, 242, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_POPUP,$WS_BORDER), $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) ;GUISetBkColor(0xDDE3FF) GUISetBkColor(0xFFFF99) $grp = GUICtrlCreateGroup("DL Mappings", 8, 5, 485, 230) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xCC0000) $x_trm = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ESC to Quit.", 435, 220, 55, 10) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 7, 100, 0, "Sans Serif") $t_trm = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Processing...", 25, 25, 80, 22) $trm1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("...", 25, 50, 300, 22) $trm2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("...", 25, 70, 300, 22) $trm3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("...", 25, 90, 250, 22) $trm4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("...", 25, 110, 250, 22) $trm5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("...", 25, 130, 250, 22) $trm6 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("...", 25, 150, 250, 22) $trm7 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("...", 25, 170, 250, 22) $trm8 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("...", 25, 190, 250, 22) $fld1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("...", 350, 50, 100, 22) $fld2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("...", 350, 70, 100, 22) $fld3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("...", 350, 90, 100, 22) $fld4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("...", 350, 110, 100, 22) $fld5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("...", 350, 130, 100, 22) $fld6 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("...", 350, 150, 100, 22) $fld7 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("...", 350, 170, 100, 22) $fld8 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("...", 350, 190, 100, 22) endfunc ;==> _DrawScreen ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func _Main() local $rc local $i local $map_array[10] ;_GetParams() GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) TraySetToolTip ( "Mappings..." ) ; Hard code mappings into array... Will read from a file - one day. $i = 0 if @UserName = "andrew" then $map_array[$i] = "g:|\\\public|my_user|my_passwd|Public" $i += 1 endif $map_array[$i] = "h:|\\\play|my_user|my_passwd|PlayArea" $i += 1 $map_array[$i] = "j:|\\\share1|my_user|my_passwd|Share 1" $i += 1 $map_array[$i] = "k:|\\\share2|my_user|my_passwd|Share 2" $i += 1 $map_array[$i] = "l:|\\\share3|my_user|my_passwd|Share 3" for $i = 0 to UBound($map_array)-1 ; Pull array line apart. if $map_array[$i] <> "" then if $i = 0 then GUICtrlSetData($trm1, $map_array[$i]) if $i = 1 then GUICtrlSetData($trm2, $map_array[$i]) if $i = 2 then GUICtrlSetData($trm3, $map_array[$i]) if $i = 3 then GUICtrlSetData($trm4, $map_array[$i]) if $i = 4 then GUICtrlSetData($trm5, $map_array[$i]) if $i = 5 then GUICtrlSetData($trm6, $map_array[$i]) if $i = 6 then GUICtrlSetData($trm7, $map_array[$i]) if $i = 7 then GUICtrlSetData($trm8, $map_array[$i]) else if $i = 0 then GUICtrlSetData($trm1,"") GUICtrlSetData($fld1,"") endif if $i = 1 then GUICtrlSetData($trm2,"") GUICtrlSetData($fld2,"") endif if $i = 2 then GUICtrlSetData($trm3,"") GUICtrlSetData($fld3,"") endif if $i = 3 then GUICtrlSetData($trm4,"") GUICtrlSetData($fld4,"") endif if $i = 4 then GUICtrlSetData($trm5,"") GUICtrlSetData($fld5,"") endif if $i = 5 then GUICtrlSetData($trm6,"") GUICtrlSetData($fld6,"") endif if $i = 6 then GUICtrlSetData($trm7,"") GUICtrlSetData($fld7,"") endif if $i = 7 then GUICtrlSetData($trm8,"") GUICtrlSetData($fld8,"") endif endif next Sleep(500) ; Process mappings. for $i = 0 to UBound($map_array)-1 if $map_array[$i] <> "" then _MapDrive($map_array[$i],$i) endif next GUICtrlSetData($t_trm, "Finished...") if $map_errors > 1 then _SayThis("Mapping Errors Detected.") else _SayThis("Mapping Completed.") endif Sleep(3000) _MyExit() endfunc ;==> _Main ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func _MapDrive($map_this,$item) local $drive_letter local $service local $map_user local $map_passwd local $map_label local $txt local $reg_txt ; Pull apart mapping data. $txt = StringSplit($map_this, '|') if $txt[0] <> 0 then $drive_letter = $txt[1] $service = $txt[2] $map_user = $txt[3] $map_passwd = $txt[4] $map_label = $txt[5] SplashTextOn("", "Mapping - " & $drive_letter & " -- " & $service, 400, 80, -1, -1, 1+2+32, "Arial", 8.5, 100) DriveMapDel($drive_letter) Sleep(100) DriveMapAdd($drive_letter, $service, 0, $map_user, $map_passwd) if @error then if $item = 0 then GUICtrlSetData($fld1,"Error - not mapped.") if $item = 1 then GUICtrlSetData($fld2,"Error - not mapped.") if $item = 2 then GUICtrlSetData($fld3,"Error - not mapped.") if $item = 3 then GUICtrlSetData($fld4,"Error - not mapped.") if $item = 4 then GUICtrlSetData($fld5,"Error - not mapped.") if $item = 5 then GUICtrlSetData($fld6,"Error - not mapped.") if $item = 6 then GUICtrlSetData($fld7,"Error - not mapped.") if $item = 7 then GUICtrlSetData($fld8,"Error - not mapped.") $map_errors += 1 return else if $item = 0 then GUICtrlSetData($fld1,"Mapped.") if $item = 1 then GUICtrlSetData($fld2,"Mapped.") if $item = 2 then GUICtrlSetData($fld3,"Mapped.") if $item = 3 then GUICtrlSetData($fld4,"Mapped.") if $item = 4 then GUICtrlSetData($fld5,"Mapped.") if $item = 5 then GUICtrlSetData($fld6,"Mapped.") if $item = 6 then GUICtrlSetData($fld7,"Mapped.") if $item = 7 then GUICtrlSetData($fld8,"Mapped.") endif if $map_label <> "" then $txt = StringSplit($service, '\') $reg_txt = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2\##" & $txt[3] & "#" & $txt[4] RegWrite($reg_txt, "_LabelFromReg", "REG_SZ", $map_label) endif SplashOff() endif endfunc ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func _GetParams() local $i local $x $param1 = "" $param2 = "" $param3 = "" $param4 = "" $param5 = "" for $i = 1 to $CmdLine[0] select case $i = 1 $param1 = $CmdLine[1] case $i = 2 $param2 = $CmdLine[2] case $i = 3 $param3 = $CmdLine[3] case $i = 4 $param4 = $CmdLine[4] case $i = 5 $param5 = $CmdLine[5] case else $x = "" endselect next _LogThis("- Param 1: " & $param1) _LogThis("- Param 2: " & $param2) _LogThis("- Param 3: " & $param3) _LogThis("- Param 4: " & $param4) _LogThis("- Param 5: " & $param5) endfunc ;==> _GetParams ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func _LogThis($txt) local $sDateNow local $sTimeNow local $fh ; If Logging then... if $logging == "Y" then if $txt = "" then return endif $sDateNow = @YEAR & "-" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY $sTimeNow = @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC $txt = $sDateNow & " " & $sTimeNow & " : " & $txt $fh = FileOpen($logfile, 1) if $fh = -1 then SetError(1) return endif FileWriteLine($fh, $txt) FileClose($fh) endif return endfunc ;==> _LogThis ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func _SayThis($txt) if $pctalk <> "" then $pctalk.Volume = 100 $pctalk.Speak ($txt) endif endfunc ;==>_SayThis ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func _MyExit() ; Bye _LogThis("Mappings - Finished...") $pctalk = "" SplashOff() exit endfunc ;==> _MyExit ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------