#cs vi:ts=4 sw=4: Update beta - DllStruct calls to the new names from #ce #include $hGUI = GUICreate("DllStruct Converter",200,80,-1,-1,-1,$WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES) GUICtrlCreateLabel("File",10,5) $hInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("",10,20,130) GuiCtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_ACCEPTFILES) $hBrowse = GUICtrlCreateButton("Browse",150,18) $hConvert = GUICtrlCreateButton("Convert",40,50) $hQuit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Quit",140,50) GUISetState() while 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE OR $msg = $hQuit ExitLoop case $msg = $hBrowse $file = FileOpenDialog("AU3 Script","","AU3 Script(*.au3)",1) If Not @Error Then GUICtrlSetData($hInput,$file) case $msg = $hConvert _Convert(GUICtrlRead($hInput)) EndSelect wend Func _Convert($szFilename) Local $szNewFile,$s,$fd,$old,$new,$i $old = StringSplit("DllStructFree,DllStructGet,DllStructSet,DllStructElementPtr,DllStructSize,DllStructPtr",",") $new = StringSplit("DllStructDelete,DllStructGetData,DllStructSetData,DllStructGetPtr,DllStructGetSize,DllStructGetPtr",",") if Not FileExists($szFilename) Then MsgBox(0,"File not found",$szFilename & " Not found") return EndIf $szNewFile = StringTrimRight($szFilename,4) & "_Converted.au3" If FileExists($szNewFile) Then FileDelete($szNewFile) $fd = FileOpen($szFilename,0) if $fd = -1 Then MsgBox(0,"Error","Could not open " & $szFilename & " for reading") return endif While 1 $s = FileReadLine($fd) if @error = -1 then exitloop For $i = 1 To $old[0] $s = StringReplace($s,$old[$i],$new[$i]) Next FileWriteLine($szNewFile,$s) WEnd FileClose($fd) MsgBox(0,"Complete","File Conversion Complete" & @CRLF & "New file " & $szNewFile & " has been created") EndFunc