#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Andy Flesner (Airwolf123) Script Function: Skype COM Example - Chats2.vbs Converted from VBS to AutoIt Licensed under BSD License: Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Skype Limited. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - Neither the name of the Skype Limited nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;// Constants: Const $chatTypeUnknown = -1 Const $chatTypeDialog = 0 Const $chatTypeLegacyDialog = 1 Const $chatTypeLegacyUnsubscribed = 2 Const $chatTypeMultiChat = 3 Const $chatTypeSharedGroup = 4 Const $chatMemberRoleUnknown = -1 Const $chatMemberRoleCreator = 0 Const $chatMemberRoleMaster = 1 Const $chatMemberRoleHelper = 2 Const $chatMemberRoleUser = 3 Const $chatMemberRoleListener = 4 Const $chatMemberRoleApplicant = 5 Const $chatStatusUnknown = -1 Const $chatStatusConnecting = 0 Const $chatStatusWaitingRemoteAccept = 1 Const $chatStatusAcceptRequired = 2 Const $chatStatusPasswordRequired = 3 Const $chatStatusSubscribed = 4 Const $chatStatusUnsubscribed = 5 Const $chatStatusDisbanded = 6 Const $chatStatusQueuedBecauseChatIsFull = 7 Const $chatStatusApplicationDenied = 8 Const $chatStatusKicked = 9 Const $chatStatusBanned = 10 Const $chatStatusRetryConnecting = 11 ;// Create a Skype4COM object: $oSkype = ObjCreate("Skype4COM.Skype") $oSkypeEvent = ObjEvent($oSkype,"Skype_") $oError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","MyErrFunc") ;// Start the Skype client: If Not $oSkype.Client.IsRunning Then $oSkype.Client.Start() EndIf ;// Verify that a user is signed in and online before continuing While 1 If $oSkype.CurrentUserStatus = $oSkype.Convert.TextToUserStatus("ONLINE") Then ExitLoop Else $oSkype.ChangeUserStatus($oSkype.Convert.TextToUserStatus("ONLINE")) EndIf Sleep(1000) WEnd ;// Query properties of all recent chats: For $oChat In $oSkype.RecentChats MsgBox(0,"","Recent chats:" & @CR & @CR & displayChatProperties($oChat)) Next ;// Query properties of all bookmarked chats: For $oChat In $oSkype.BookmarkedChats MsgBox(0,"","Bookmarked chats:" & @CR & @CR & displayChatProperties($oChat)) Next ;// Returns chat properties as string Func displayChatProperties($aChat) $output = "Label: " & $aChat.FriendlyName $output = $output & @CR & "Created at: " & $aChat.Timestamp $output = $output & @CR & "Last activity at: " & $aChat.ActivityTimestamp $output = $output & @CR & "Id: " & $aChat.Name $output = $output & @CR & "Blob: " & $aChat.Blob $output = $output & @CR & "Description: " & $aChat.Description $output = $output & @CR & "Guidelines: " & $aChat.Guidelines $output = $output & @CR & "My role: " & chatMemberRoleToText($aChat.MyRole) $output = $output & @CR & "My status: " & chatStatusToText($aChat.MyStatus) $output = $output & @CR & "Type: " & chatTypeToText($aChat.Type) If $aChat.Type = $chatTypeDialog Or $aChat.Type = $chatTypeLegacyDialog Then $output = $output & @CR & "Dialog partner: " & $aChat.DialogPartner EndIf If $aChat.Members.Count > 0 Then $output = $output & @CR & "Members:" For $oMember In $aChat.Members $output = $output & @CR & " " & $oMember.Handle Next EndIf If $aChat.Applicants.Count > 0 Then $output = $output & @CR & "Applicants:" For $oApplicant In $aChat.Applicants $output = $output & @CR & " " & $oApplicant.Handle Next EndIf Return $output EndFunc ;// Converts chat types to plaintext Func chatTypeToText($aType) Select Case $aType = $chatTypeUnknown Return "Unknown" Case $aType = $chatTypeDialog Return "Dialog" Case $aType = $chatTypeLegacyDialog Return "Legacy Dialog" Case $aType = $chatTypeLegacyUnsubscribed Return "Unsubscribed Legacy Dialog" Case $aType = $chatTypeMultiChat Return "Multichat" Case $aType = $chatTypeSharedGroup Return "Shared Group" EndSelect EndFunc ;// Converts chat roles to plaintext Func chatMemberRoleToText($aRole) Select Case $aRole = $chatMemberRoleUnknown Return "Unknown" Case $aRole = $chatMemberRoleCreator Return "Creator" Case $aRole = $chatMemberRoleMaster Return "Master" Case $aRole = $chatMemberRoleHelper Return "Helper" Case $aRole = $chatMemberRoleUser Return "User" Case $aRole = $chatMemberRoleListener Return "Listener" Case $aRole = $chatMemberRoleApplicant Return "Applicant" EndSelect EndFunc ;// Converts chat status to plaintext Func chatStatusToText($aStatus) Select Case $aStatus = $chatStatusUnknown Return "Unknown" Case $aStatus = $chatStatusConnecting Return "Connecting" Case $aStatus = $chatStatusWaitingRemoteAccept Return "Waiting for Remote Accept" Case $aStatus = $chatStatusAcceptRequired Return "Accept Required" Case $aStatus = $chatStatusPasswordRequired Return "Password Required" Case $aStatus = $chatStatusSubscribed Return "Subscribed" Case $aStatus = $chatStatusUnsubscribed Return "Unsubscribed" Case $aStatus = $chatStatusDisbanded Return "Disbanded" Case $aStatus = $chatStatusQueuedBecauseChatIsFull Return "Queued" Case $aStatus = $chatStatusApplicationDenied Return "Application Denied" Case $aStatus = $chatStatusKicked Return "Kicked" Case $aStatus = $chatStatusBanned Return "Banned" Case $aStatus = $chatStatusRetryConnecting Return "Reconnecting" EndSelect EndFunc ;// The AttachmentStatus event handler monitors attachment status and automatically attempts to reattach to the API following loss of connection: Func Skype_AttachmentStatus($aStatus) MsgBox(0,"","Attachment status " & $oSkype.Convert.AttachmentStatusToText($aStatus)) If $aStatus = $oSkype.Convert.TextToAttachmentStatus("AVAILABLE") Then $oSkype.Attach() EndIf EndFunc Func MyErrFunc() ;Do Nothing EndFunc