#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Christophe Savard Requirements : None Parameters : None Script Function: Performs a network connectivity test on a range of hosts The best way would be to install this script on two different machines located in two differents IP sub networks. This would allow a double check and avoid not receiving any alert if the local machine (where the script is installed) is down or if the entire sub network is not working... #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include ;#include ; Only in debug mode if you want to verify the $IpList or $a_IpList content #include "C:\$user\Program Files\Scripts\Scripts\$Include\MyUDF.au3" Dim $TestMyIp, $TestRemoteIPs $MailReceiver = "xxxx@yyyy" ; Put here the mail adress where the message should be sent $MailServer = "mailserver.com" ; Put here the mail server $Sleep = 900000 ; Sleep time in milliseconds (default is 15 minutes = 900000 milliseconds) #region HostArray $SophieT = "sophie.mlv.fr.ibm.com" $SophieP = "sophiep.its.mlv.fr.ibm.com" $IpList = $SophieT & "|" & $SophieP ; You also can put the hosts list in an ".ini" file and use it as data source If Not $IpList Then ; La liste des IP ŕ tester est vide... MsgBox(262144+16,StringTrimRight(@ScriptName,4) & " - Error","No host to test !" & @crlf & "SCRIPT HALTS NOW !") ; It would be stupid to continue if the host list is empty... Exit EndIf $IpList = StringSplit($IpList,"|",1) Dim $a_IpList[$IpList[0]+1][2] ; Creates a new two dimentional array which will be used to include $IpList content plus the default state for each host $a_IpList[0][0] = $IpList[0] For $i=1 To $IpList[0] $a_IpList[$i][0] = $IpList[$i] ; Loads array element with host name $a_IpList[$i][1] = "ON" ; Load array element with the default state Next #endregion HostArray Func _TestMyIp () Local $MyIp = @IPAddress1 ; Gets the local IP adress and loads it into a variable If $MyIp = "" Then Return $MyIp ; Local machine is not connected Else Return "" ; Local machine is connected EndIf EndFunc Func _TestRemoteIPs () ; Test all hosts Local $RetVal = "" Local $PingResult For $i=1 To $a_IpList[0][0] ; loops and test all hosts in the array $PingResult = "" $PringResult = Ping($a_IpList[$i][0],250) If @error = 0 And $a_IpList[$i][1] = "ON" Then ContinueLoop ; No error and not state change => Let's test next item If @error = 0 And $a_IpList[$i][1] = "OFF" Then ; No error but host state changed since last check (server is back to 'ON') $a_IpList[$i][1] = "ON" ; Reset the host's state in the array and prepares the final message $RetVal = $RetVal & $a_IpList[$i][0] & " / State : " & '"' & $a_IpList[$i][1] & '"' & " (" & @MDAY & "/" & @MON & "/" & @YEAR & " - " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & ")" & @CRLF ; changement d'état EndIf If @error <> 0 And $a_IpList[$i][1] = "OFF" Then ContinueLoop ; Error and no state change (host still 'OFF') If @error <> 0 And $a_IpList[$i][1] = "ON" Then ; Erreur mais changement d'état (serveur 'OFF') $a_IpList[$i][1] = "OFF" ; Reset the host's state in the array and prepares the final message $RetVal = $RetVal & " - " &$a_IpList[$i][0] & " / State : " & '"' & $a_IpList[$i][1] & '"' & " (" & @MDAY & "/" & @MON & "/" & @YEAR & " - " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & ")" & @CRLF ; changement d'état EndIf Next If $RetVal = "" Then Return $RetVal ; No state change since last check => No alert needed. $RetVal = "Hello," & @crlf & "Please find below the hosts list for which a state change happened since last check : " & @CRLF & @CRLF & $RetVal& @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "========================================" & @CRLF & _ " This message was sent by a robot" & @CRLF & _ " It's not necessary to try any answer..." & @CRLF & _ "========================================" Return $RetVal EndFunc While 1 ; Main loop Local $Mail = "" $TestMyIp = _TestMyIp () ; Test local machine network connection If $TestMyIp = "" Then ; Local machine is connected $TestRemoteIPs = _TestRemoteIPs () ; We can now test the hosts list If $TestRemoteIPs <> "" Then ; Network state changed for one or more hosts $Mail = _INetSmtpMailCom($MailServer,"C.H.A.S.T","C.H.A.S.T",$MailReceiver,"C.H.A.S.T - Rapport de changement d'état...",$TestRemoteIPs,"","","","","",25,0) ; Sends the alert mail EndIf Else ; Local machine is not connected TrayTip (StringTrimRight(@ScriptName,4) , "Local machine not connected !", 5, 1) ; just popups a message in the tray (mail is not possible) EndIf Sleep ($Sleep) ; Pause before performing next test (see top of the script to modify the sleep delay) WEnd