; ################################################################################### ; ; Within this file some (not all) of the settings to be used by "PostInstall.exe" ; are configured. ; ;##################################General Settings################################## [Settings] ; UNC-Name of the server the tools used by this program reside on ToolsServer=\\Server ; UNC-Name of the share the tools used by this program reside on ("\\Server\Share\Directory") ToolsShare=\\Server-1\PostInstall\Tools ; REG-File to host the Default Registry Settings RegFile=_PostInstall.reg ; UNC-Path of the file to be executed for AD-Share by a chronjob ("\\Server\Share\Directory\Filename") ADshare=\\Server-2\ad_share\windows\StartScript.bat ; Names and Passwords for the accounts to be created on the local system; a maximum of ; tree (3) users can be defined here. User_1=user-1 Pass_1=pass-1 User_2=user-2 Pass_2=pass-2 User_3= Pass_3= ; Name and Password of the administrative Domain-Account to be used ("domain\AdminUser") AdminUser=ourdomain\Administrator AdminPass=adminpass ;####################################NIC Settings################################### ; Name of Network Interface - exactly as shown in "Network Connections" Interface=Local Area Connection ; Currently used network Current=0 ;##################################Network Profiles################################## [Hardware] ; 1st DNS DNS1= ; 2nd DNS DNS2= ; 3rd DNS DNS3= ; 4th DNS DNS4= ; 1st WINS WINS1= ; 2nd WINS WINS2= [VMware] ; 1st DNS DNS1= ; 2nd DNS DNS2= ; 3rd DNS DNS3= ; 4th DNS DNS4= ; 1st WINS WINS1= ; 2nd WINS WINS2= [DHCP] ;Section for DHCP settings; not needed to be changed Address=DHCP ; 1st WINS WINS1= ; 2nd WINS WINS2= ; One section = one network settings ; if needed more - simly copy a section, rename it and edit settings as needed ; Possible other values here are: ; IP Address ;Address= ; Network mask ;Mask= ; Routing list ; Possible use of unlimited routes. ; Format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx mask yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz where ; xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - destination network ; yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy - destination networks subnet mask ; zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz - gateway for this network ; ;Route1= mask ;Route2= mask