#include #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: xVivoCity (Xandaire Productions - http://xandaire.no-ip.org) Script Function: FileRename($fr_FullPath, $fr_RenamePath) $fr_Fullpath - The full path of the target rename FileChangeDir $fr_NewName - New name WITH the file type Example : FileRename(@desktopdir & "\File.htm", "NewFile.htm") Please keep the copyright intact if you are going to use this as a include. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func FileRename($fr_FullPath, $fr_Rename) If $fr_Fullpath = "" Then Return -1 Elseif $fr_Rename = "" Then Return -1 Else _RunDOS("ren """& $fr_FullPath &""" """& $fr_Rename &"""") Return 1 EndIf Endfunc