;BotClub API ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; ;Global Section ;Set by the State Processor Global $AgressorPOS[4] ;Position off the button clockwise, button is 0 (Preflop Only) Global $AgressorSeat[4] ;Seat number of the last raisor preflop (1-10) (Preflop Only) Global $ActiveSeats[11] ;Array entry contains a "1" when a player is still in the hand (1-10) Global $HandRank[4] ;Preflop Hand Rank as referenced by the Hand Rank Table Global $tRaiseCycle[4] ;Number of times you raised preflop in the last 6 hands @ particular table Global $winCycle[4] ;Number of times you won in the last 6 hands @ particular table Global $curTablePFR[4] ;Current table specific PFR% Global $curTableVPIP[4] ;Current table specific VPIP% Global $MyPosition[4] ;Preflop deal position is kept here Global $NumPlayers[4] ;Number of players still in the hand including yourself Global $RaisorName[4] ;If there is a raise preflop, the name of the last raisor is recorded (Preflop Only) Global $LastAction[4] ;You last action is stored here Global $nBetsPreflop[4] ;biggest preflop bet divided by the BB ;stored until next hand Global $nBetsFlop[4] ;biggest flop bet divided by the BB ;stored until next hand Global $nBetsTurn[4] ;biggest turn bet divided by the BB ;stored until next hand Global $nBetsRiver[4] ;biggest river bet divided by the BB ;stored until next hand Global $Winrate[4] ;As provided by PokerStove Global $Equity[4] ;As provided by PokerStove Global $Lossrate[4] ;100-Winrate-(Tierate*2) Global $PlayerIDs[4][11] ;State processor retrieved them from the DB, and covers seats (1-10) ;Defined by user Global $SlowPlayedPreflop[4] ;YES or NO variable Global $SlowPlayedFlop[4] ;YES or NO variable Global $SlowPlayedTurn[4] ;YES or NO variable Global $OpponentRanges[4][11] ;Is populated by the user defined _GetRanges function Global $BuyIn ;GUI defined value for the profit and loss feature Global $CalcDelay ;Time allocated to the MonteCarlo simulation in milliseconds Global $BB, $SB ;GUI defined value Global $targetPFR ;GUI defined value Global $deviationPFR ;ini defined value Global $targetVPIP ;GUI defined value Global $deviationVPIP ;ini defined value ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; ;Local Section - These values are set by the State Processor Local $tn ;Refers to the table number (0-4) Local $Opponents ;Number of Opponents Local $MySeat ;(1-10) Local $Position ;ClockWise off the button, button is Zero Local $HoleCards ;Hole cards Local $BoardCards ;Board cards Local $IsFirstIn ;YES or NO variable Local $nBets ;Biggests bet so far divided by the BB Local $Pot ;Size of current pot Local $Cost ;What it takes to call Local $ButtonPosition ;(1-10) Local $CheckBtn ;0 for NO, 1 for YES Local $hand ;Hand Value as referenced by the Hand Value Table Local $IsAPair ;YES or NO variable Local $BustHand ;YES or NO variable; All hands with Hand Value greater than 6185 Local $nSuitedBoard ;Number of suited cards on the board if number >= 3, else it is 0 Local $Suited ;YES or NO variable refering to your Hole Cards Local $OpenEnded ;YES or NO variable Local $Flushing ;YES or NUT or NO variable #region-Function_Reference ;Misc Section Func _GetNSuited($BoardCards) ;Returns number of suited cards if above 3, else returns 0 EndFunc Func _WinrateVsSteal($tn, $HoleCards, $OppRange, $OppRange2="") ;Returns winrate % vs. a steal attempt ;You can call this function from the SB or the BB EndFunc Func _7CardCalculator($HoleCards, $BoardCards) ;Called on river ;Returns value according to Hand Value Table EndFunc Func _6CardCalculator($HoleCards, $BoardCards) ;Called on the turn ;Returns value according to Hand Value Table EndFunc Func _5CardCalculator($hand) ;called on the flop, or to evaluate board only on river ;Returns value according to Hand Value Table EndFunc Func _IsAPair($HoleCards, $BoardCards) ;Return YES or NO EndFunc Func _ReduceEquity($tn, $amount) ;Reduces the Global Equity variable by a desired amount $Equity[$tn] -= $amount EndFunc Func _ReduceWinrate($tn, $amount) ;Reduces the Global Equity variable by a desired amount $Winrate[$tn] -= $amount EndFunc Func _SlowPlayedFlop($tn) ;Sets a "YES" flag on the $SlowPlayedFlop variable ;The flag is reset automatically by the state processor at the start of a new hand $SlowPlayedFlop[$tn] = "YES" EndFunc Func _SlowPlayedPreFlop($tn) ;Sets a "YES" flag on the $SlowPlayedPreflop variable ;The flag is reset automatically by the state processor at the start of a new hand $SlowPlayedPreflop[$tn] = "YES" EndFunc Func _SlowPlayedTurn($tn) ;Sets a "YES" flag on the $SlowPlayedTurn variable ;The flag is reset automatically by the state processor at the start of a new hand $SlowPlayedTurn[$tn] = "YES" EndFunc ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; ;Scraper Section Func _GetStackScrape($Seat, $tn) ;Retrieves stack amount for a specified seat EndFunc Func _GetOpponentSeat($tn) ;Returns opponent seat, should be called only when 1 opponent left EndFunc Func _IsFirstIn($tn, $Seat, $BBSeat, $NumberOfPlayers, $Street, $Opponents, $Pot, $ChkBtn) ;Returns YES or NO EndFunc Func _GetPosition($tn, $Seat, $ButtonPosition, $NumberOfPlayers) ;This is used to determine preflop position of a seat ;Goes clockwise of the button, button is returned as 0 EndFunc ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; ;Tracker Section Func _GetAgressorSeatPA($tn, $PlayerName) ;Returns the Seat # of the agressor EndFunc Func _GetPlayerIcon($tn, $Seat) ;Returns player icon number EndFunc Func _curTableVPIP($tn, $Seat, $tName) ;Return VPIP for tablename EndFunc Func _GetAttemptedSteal($tn, $Seat) ;Retuns Att. To Steal Blinds % EndFunc Func _PFR($tn, $Seat, $Default=15) ;Returns opponents PFR EndFunc Func _PositionalPFR($tn, $Seat, $Position, $Default=10) ;Returns opponents PFR EndFunc Func _VPIP($tn, $Seat, $Default=30) ;Returns opponents VPIP EndFunc Func _PositionalVPIP($tn, $Seat, $Position, $Default=20) ;Returns opponents Positional VPIP EndFunc Func _FlopAF($tn, $Seat, $Default=2) ;Returns the Flop AF for particular seat EndFunc Func _TurnAF($tn, $Seat, $Default=2) ;Returns the Turn AF for particular seat EndFunc Func _RiverAF($tn, $Seat, $Default=1.8) ;Returns the River AF for particular seat EndFunc Func _FlopCBet($tn, $Seat, $Default=90) ;Returns opponents Flop Cbet % EndFunc Func _TurnCBet($tn, $Seat, $Default=75) ;Returns opponents Turn Cbet % EndFunc Func _GetShowdownStrengthTurn($tn, $Seat, $nBets, $BB) ;Supports Limit Holdem only ;Returns the average showdown strength as per trackers hand ranking scheme based on above parameters on the Turn EndFunc Func _GetShowdownStrengthRiver($tn, $Seat, $nBets, $BB) ;Supports Limit Holdem only ;Returns the average showdown strength as per trackers hand ranking scheme based on above parameters on the River EndFunc #endregion