#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: myName Script Function: Template AutoIt script. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Script Start - Add your code below here #include #include #include #include #include #include ;thanks to SmOke_N for .ini sort func ;Simucal also ;and many others :) ;v2.1.7 ;2.1.7: Reads unknown files' info, includes library cleaner, includes introduction, has Song menu Opt("TrayAutoPause", 0) Opt("OnExitFunc", "write") HotKeySet("!s", "seek") HotKeySet("{MEDIA_NEXT}", "SnNext") HotKeySet("{MEDIA_PREV}", "SnPrevious") HotKeySet("{MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE}", "SnPlay") $CURRENTVERSION = "2.1.7" If @Compiled Then RunWait(@ScriptDir & "\MPUpdater.exe", @ScriptDir) EndIf If IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\MediaPlayerData.data", "Main", "2.1.7", 1) = 1 Then FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\MPUpdater.exe") FileInstall("H:\Au3 Programs\MPUpdater.exe", @ScriptDir & "\MPUpdater.exe") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\MPInfo.data", "version", "number", $CURRENTVERSION) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\MediaPlayerData.data", "Main", "2.1.7", 0) FileInstall("H:\Au3 Programs\LibraryCleaner.exe", @ScriptDir & "\LibraryCleaner.exe") FileInstall("H:\Au3 Programs\MediaPlayer Help.doc", @ScriptDir & "\MediaPlayer Help.doc") If IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\MediaPlayerData.data", "Main", "First", 1) = 0 Then MsgBox(0, "MediaPlayer 2.1.7 Update", "Thank you for updating your copy of MediaPlayer. New features include:" & @CRLF & " -Reads info from files even if they aren't in the library" & @CRLF & " -New Library Cleaner to remove nonexistent files from library" & @CRLF & " -Song menu (do things with the song that is selected in the List)" & @CRLF & " -And much more!") EndIf EndIf If IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\MediaPlayerData.data", "Main", "First", 1) = 1 Then MsgBox(0, "Welcome to MediaPlayer!", "MediaPlayer shall now Index the My Music folder to create a library.") $a1 = _FileListToArrayEx(@MyDocumentsDir & "\My Music", "*.mp3", 1, ' ', True) $a2 = _FileListToArrayEx(@MyDocumentsDir & "\My Music", "*.wma", 1, ' ', True) $added = _AddArrays($a1, $a2) If IsArray($added) Then IndexDirectory(@MyDocumentsDir & "\My Music") _IniSort(@ScriptDir & "\Years.data") _IniSort(@ScriptDir & "\Genres.data") _IniSort(@ScriptDir & "\GroupNames.data") _IniSort(@ScriptDir & "\AlbumTitles.data") Else If MsgBox(4, "Error", "No MP3 Files were detected in your My Music folder. Would you like to specify another directory with MP3 files?") = 6 Then IndexDirectory(FileSelectFolder("Select a folder containing MP3 or WMA files.", "")) _IniSort(@ScriptDir & "\Years.data") _IniSort(@ScriptDir & "\Genres.data") _IniSort(@ScriptDir & "\GroupNames.data") _IniSort(@ScriptDir & "\AlbumTitles.data") Else Exit EndIf EndIf IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\MediaPlayerData.data", "Main", "First", 0) Sleep(1000) FileInstall("H:\Au3 Programs\Scr1.JPG", @ScriptDir & "\Scr1.JPG") FileInstall("H:\Au3 Programs\Scr2.JPG", @ScriptDir & "\Scr2.JPG") If MsgBox(4, "MediaPlayer", "Would you like a short introduction to MediaPlayer?") = 6 Then MsgBox(0, "Choosing Songs", "To play a song in the list, you can either use the back-forward buttons, or you can click on it and then click on ""Sound Name""") SplashImageOn("MediaPlayer Introduction", @ScriptDir & "\Scr1.JPG") Sleep(4000) SplashOff() MsgBox(0, "Song Information", "To find out more information about a song, hover your mouse over the ""Now Playing"" label.") SplashImageOn("MediaPlayer Introduction", @ScriptDir & "\Scr2.JPG") Sleep(4000) SplashOff() MsgBox(0, "MediaPlayer Introduction", "You have completed the MediaPlayer introduction! For more in-depth information on how to use MediaPlayer, consult the Help file in the Help menu.") EndIf IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\MPInfo.data", "version", "number", $CURRENTVERSION) EndIf $display = "" $filetype = "" $counter = "" $prevcounter = "" $volume = _SoundGetWaveVolume() $nowplaying = "" $seekbar = "" $aud = "" $list = "null" $readfrom = "null" $random = 0 $audstatus = "null" $songlist = _ArrayCreate("") $fullpaths = _ArrayCreate("") $hiding = 0 $x = 0 $m = 0 $x2 = 0 $prevmsg = 0 $Button1 = "" $menuitemsexist = 0 $songs = "null" Global $ButtonExit Global $listentoartist = "null" Global $listentoalbum = "null" Global $listentogenre = "null" Global $listentoyear = "null" Global $SearchAdd = "n" Global $SearchExit = "n" Global $SearchButton = "n" Global $SearchListView = "n" Global $SearchInput = "n" Global $listexists = 0 Global $types Global $inputspec Global $songs Global $ButtonAdd Global $ButtonCancel Global $c = 0 Global $listprev = "d" Global $repeat = 0 Global $searching = 0 $chmen = 0 SoundSetWaveVolume($volume) $tr_play = TrayCreateItem("Play/Pause") $tr_next = TrayCreateItem("Next") $tr_previous = TrayCreateItem("Previous") $tr_vol = TrayCreateItem("Volume " & $volume) $tr_hide = TrayCreateItem("Hide") If FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Songs2.data") = 0 Then $filenum = 1 ElseIf FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Songs3.data") = 0 Then $filenum = 2 ElseIf FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Songs4.data") = 0 Then $filenum = 3 ElseIf FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Songs5.data") = 0 Then $filenum = 4 ElseIf FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Songs6.data") = 0 Then $filenum = 5 ElseIf FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Songs7.data") = 0 Then $filenum = 6 ElseIf FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Songs8.data") = 0 Then $filenum = 7 ElseIf FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Songs9.data") = 0 Then $filenum = 8 ElseIf FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Songs10.data") = 0 Then $filenum = 9 Else $filenum = 10 EndIf #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=g:\applications\koda formdesigner\forms\soundplay.kxf $Form1_1 = GUICreate("MediaPlayer", 442, 326) $file = GUICtrlCreateMenu("File") $fileopenmenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Open...", $file) $listcontrolsmenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("List...", $file) $indexingmenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Index...", $file) $fileopen = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Open File", $fileopenmenu) $loaddir = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Load Directory", $fileopenmenu) $savefile = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Save File", $file) $syncfolders = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Sync Folders", $file) $clearlist = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Clear List", $listcontrolsmenu) $indexlist = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Index List", $indexingmenu) $indexdir = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Index Directory", $indexingmenu) $cleanlibrary = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Clean Library", $indexingmenu) ;$directory = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Directory", $file) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $file) $hide = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Hide", $file) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $file) $openplaylist = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Open Playlist", $file) $saveplaylist = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Save Playlist", $file) $playmenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Play") $songm = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Song") $remvfromlist = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Remove from List", $songm) $opendir = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Open Containing Directory", $songm) $getinfo = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Info...", $songm) $delete = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Delete", $songm) $ctrl_random = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Random (Off)", $playmenu) $ctrl_repeat = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Repeat One (Off)", $playmenu) $ctrl_playtype = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Play Type", $playmenu) $ctrl_addsongs = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Add Songs", $playmenu) $ctrl_searchdb = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Search Library", $playmenu) $help = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Help") $about = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("About", $help) $helpf = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Help", $help) $submGenres = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Genres", $playmenu) $submYears = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Years", $playmenu) $submAlbums = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Albums", $playmenu) $submArtists = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Artists", $playmenu) Global Const $WM_ENTERMENULOOP = 0x0211 Global Const $WM_EXITMENULOOP = 0x0212 GUIRegisterMsg($WM_ENTERMENULOOP, "EnterMenu") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_EXITMENULOOP, "ExitMenu") ListArtists() ListYears() ListAlbums() ListGenres() $playpause = GUICtrlCreateButton("|>||", 193, 240, 65, 49) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Not started") $ctrl_next = GUICtrlCreateButton("|>|>|", 265, 248, 65, 33) $previous = GUICtrlCreateButton("|<|<|", 119, 248, 65, 33) $main = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 111, 224, 225, 73) $vol = GUICtrlCreateButton("Volume " & $volume, 350, 251, 80) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### ;graphic If IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\MediaPlayerData.data", "Skins", "SkinName", "Classic") = "Onyx" Then $rgtime = TimerInit() AdlibEnable("Graphics", 80) GUISetBkColor(0x000000, $Form1_1) $next = 0 $title = WinGetTitle("") EndIf While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $aud Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $cleanlibrary Run(@ScriptDir & "\LibraryCleaner.exe", @ScriptDir) Case $opendir If GUICtrlRead($list) <> 0 Then $read = SBMs(GUICtrlRead(GUICtrlRead($list)), 1) $Asearch = _ArraySearch($songlist, $read) If $Asearch <> -1 Then ShellExecute(getdir($fullpaths[$Asearch])) EndIf EndIf Case $getinfo If GUICtrlRead($list) <> 0 Then $read = SBMs(GUICtrlRead(GUICtrlRead($list)), 1) $Asearch = _ArraySearch($songlist, $read) If $Asearch <> -1 Then $file = $fullpaths[$Asearch] $artist = _FindInfo($file, "Group Name") $album = _FindInfo($file, "Album Title") $genre = _FindInfo($file, "Genre") $year = _FindInfo($file, "Year") MsgBox(0, $file & " info", "Artist: " & $artist & @CRLF & "Album: " & $album & @CRLF & "Genre: " & $genre & @CRLF & "Year: " & $year) EndIf EndIf Case $delete If GUICtrlRead($list) <> 0 Then $read = SBMs(GUICtrlRead(GUICtrlRead($list)), 1) $Asearch = _ArraySearch($songlist, $read) $file = $fullpaths[$Asearch] $msgb = MsgBox(3, "Delete File?", "Would you like to delete the file from your hard drive as well as your computer?") If $msgb = 6 Then FileDelete($file) ElseIf $msgb = 7 Then $cont = 1 Else $cont = 0 EndIf If $cont Then For $i = 1 To $filenum $SArray = IniReadSectionNames(@ScriptDir & "\Songs" & $i & ".data") If _ArraySearch($SArray, $file) <> -1 Then ExitLoop EndIf Next IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "\Songs" & $i & ".data", $file) $artist = _FindInfo($file, "Group Name") $album = _FindInfo($file, "Album Title") $genre = _FindInfo($file, "Genre") $year = _FindInfo($file, "Year") $Dgenreread = SectionToArray("Genres", $genre) $Dsearch = _ArraySearch($Dgenreread, $file) If $Dsearch <> -1 Then IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "\Genres.data", $genre, $Dsearch) For $z = $Dsearch + 1 To $Dgenreread[0] $read = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Genres.data", $genre, $z, "nofile") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Genres.data", $genre, $z - 1, $read) Next IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "\Genres.data", $genre, $Dgenreread[0]) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Genres.data", $genre, "Number", $Dgenreread[0] - 1) EndIf $Dyearread = SectionToArray("Year", $year) $Dsearch = _ArraySearch($Dyearread, $file) If $Dsearch <> -1 Then IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "\Years.data", $year, $Dsearch) For $z = $Dsearch + 1 To $Dyearread[0] $read = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Years.data", $year, $z, "nofile") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Years.data", $year, $z - 1, $read) Next IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "\Years.data", $year, $Dyearread[0]) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Years.data", $year, "Number", $Dyearread[0] - 1) EndIf $Dartistread = SectionToArray("GroupNames", $artist) $Dsearch = _ArraySearch($Dartistread, $file) If $Dsearch <> -1 Then IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "\GroupNames.data", $artist, $Dsearch) For $z = $Dsearch + 1 To $Dartistread[0] $read = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\GroupNames.data", $artist, $z, "nofile") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\GroupNames.data", $artist, $z - 1, $read) Next IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "\GroupNames.data", $artist, $Dartistread[0]) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\GroupNames.data", $artist, "Number", $Dartistread[0] - 1) EndIf $Dalbumread = SectionToArray("AlbumTitles", $album) $Dsearch = _ArraySearch($Dalbumread, $file) If $Dsearch <> -1 Then IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "\AlbumTitles.data", $album, $Dsearch) For $z = $Dsearch + 1 To $Dartistread[0] $read = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AlbumTitles.data", $album, $z, "nofile") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\AlbumTitles.data", $album, $z - 1, $read) Next IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "\AlbumTitles.data", $album, $Dalbumread[0]) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\AlbumTitles.data", $album, "Number", $Dalbumread[0] - 1) EndIf EndIf EndIf Case $ctrl_searchdb SearchLib() Case $clearlist $x = 0 $x2 = 0 GUICtrlDelete($list) $list = GUICtrlCreateListView("Sound Name|Artist", 32, 10, 380, 180) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($list, 0, 266) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($list, 1, 109) Case $indexdir $idr = FileSelectFolder("Select the directory to index.", "") IndexDirectory($idr) _IniSort(@ScriptDir & "\Years.data") _IniSort(@ScriptDir & "\Genres.data") _IniSort(@ScriptDir & "\GroupNames.data") _IniSort(@ScriptDir & "\AlbumTitles.data") MsgBox(0, "Directory indexed.", "The directory you selected has been indexed. It is recommeneded that you restart MediaPlayer to apply library changes.") Case $ButtonExit GUIDelete($Form2) Case $about MsgBox(0, "About MediaPlayer", "MediaPlayer (c) 2007 Banana Fred Software" & @CRLF & "Visit our website at www.bananafredsoft.com" & @CRLF & "Help and support at bananafred@gmail.com" & @CRLF & "You are currently nunning MediaPlayer " & $CURRENTVERSION & @CRLF & "Icon by Holly :)") Case $helpf ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\MediaPlayer Help.doc") Case $ctrl_next SnNext() Case $fileopen $opendialog = FileOpenDialog("Open Media File", "", "All Media Files (*.avi;*.JPG;*.jpeg;*.bmp;*.mp3;*.wav;*.wma)|Audio Files (*.mp3;*.wav;*.wma)|Image Files (*.JPG;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp)|Video Files (*.avi)") If BitOR(StringRight($opendialog, 3) = "mp3", StringRight($opendialog, 3) = "wav", StringRight($opendialog, 3) = "wma") Then GUICtrlDelete($nowplaying) GUICtrlDelete($display) GUICtrlDelete($counter) GUICtrlDelete($seekbar) Global $prevcounter = "" Global $readfrom = $opendialog Global $filetype = "audio" Global $display = "" Global $aud = _SoundOpen($readfrom) Global $audstatus = "not started" If $listexists = 0 Then Global $list = GUICtrlCreateListView("Sound Name|Artist", 32, 10, 380, 180) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($list, 0, 266) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($list, 1, 109) $listexists = 1 EndIf _ArrayAdd($songlist, "") $x += 1 $x2 += 1 Global $split2 = StringSplit($readfrom, "\") Global $nf = $split2[$split2[0]] Global $nextfile = $nf $songlist[$x] = $nf _ArrayAdd($fullpaths, $readfrom) $fullpaths[$x2] = $readfrom GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($songlist[$x] & "|" & StringReplace(_FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name"), "%null%", "Unknown"), $list) Global $snum = _ArraySearch($songlist, $split2[$split2[0]]) Global $counter = GUICtrlCreateLabel(Shorten(_SoundPos($aud, 1)) & "/" & Shorten(_SoundLength($aud, 1)), 7, 250, 100) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 16) If _FindInfo($readfrom, "Song Name") <> "%null%" Then Global $nowp = _FindInfo($readfrom, "Song Name") Else Global $nowp = $nextfile EndIf Global $nowplaying = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Now Playing: " & $nowp, 15, 200, 200, 30) GUICtrlSetTip($nowplaying, P("Artist: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name") & @CRLF & "Album: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Album Title") & @CRLF & "Year: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Year"))) Global $seekbar = GUICtrlCreateSlider(215, 200, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, _SoundLength($aud, 2) / 1000, 0) Global $nf = $nextfile ;GUICTrlsetData($directory, StringTrimRight(getdir($readfrom), 1)) MenuItems() ElseIf BitOR(StringRight($opendialog, 3) = "JPG", StringRight($opendialog, 3) = "jpg", StringRight($opendialog, 4) = "jpeg", StringRight($opendialog, 3) = "bmp") Then ControlDeletes() $readfrom = $opendialog $filetype = "image" $display = GUICtrlCreatePic($readfrom, 81, 10, 280, 210) ElseIf StringRight($opendialog, 3) = "avi" Then ControlDeletes() $readfrom = $opendialog $filetype = "video" mciSendString ("close Test_Video") mciSendString ("open " & FileGetShortName($readfrom) & " alias Test_Video") mciSendString ("window Test_Video handle " & Number($Form1_1)) ;assign video to our GUI mciSendString ("put Test_Video destination at 81 10 280 210") ;set top left width height mciSendString ("play Test_Video") $vidstatus = "play" EndIf Case $playpause SnPlay() Case $remvfromlist If GUICtrlRead($list) <> 0 Then $search = _ArraySearch($songlist, SBMs(GUICtrlRead(GUICtrlRead($list)), 1)) _ArrayDelete($songlist, $search) _ArrayDelete($fullpaths, $search) GUICtrlDelete(GUICtrlRead($list)) $x -= 1 $x2 -= 1 $prevmsg = TimerInit() EndIf EndSwitch Switch $nMsg Case $aud Case $savefile $opendialog = FileSaveDialog("Save As...", "", "All Files (*.*)") If FileExists($opendialog) Then $split = StringSplit($readfrom, ".") FileCopy($readfrom, $opendialog & "." & $split[$split[0]]) EndIf Case $ctrl_playtype PlayIndiv() Case $previous If _SoundPos($aud) <> "00:00:00" Then SnPrevious() Else If $filetype = "audio" Then _SoundClose($aud) If $snum = 0 Then $snum = $x $nf = $songlist[$snum] Else $snum -= 1 $nf = $songlist[$snum] EndIf $readfrom = $fullpaths[_ArraySearch($songlist, $nf) ] $aud = _SoundOpen($readfrom) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected ($list, $snum, 1) If $audstatus = "playing" Then _SoundPlay($aud) Else $audstatus = "not started" EndIf If _FindInfo($readfrom, "Song Name") <> "%null%" Then Global $nowp = _FindInfo($readfrom, "Song Name") Else Global $nowp = $nf EndIf GUICtrlSetData($nowplaying, 'Now Playing: ' & $nowp) GUICtrlSetTip($nowplaying, P("Artist: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name") & @CRLF & "Album: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Album Title") & @CRLF & "Year: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Year"))) $state = WinGetState("MediaPlayer") If BitAND($state, 16) Then TrayTip($nf, Shorten(_SoundLength($aud, 1)) & @CRLF & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name") & @CRLF & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Album Title"), 4) EndIf GUICtrlSetLimit($seekbar, _SoundLength($aud, 2) / 1000, 0) MenuItems() EndIf EndIf EndSwitch Switch $nMsg Case $aud Case $ctrl_addsongs AddIndiv() Case $listentoyear OpenType("Years", _FindInfo($readfrom, "Year")) Case $saveplaylist $saveto = FileSaveDialog("Save Playlist", "", "MediaPlayer Playlists (*.mpp)") If $saveto <> "" Then $spcount = 0 Do IniWrite($saveto & ".mpp", "Songs", $spcount, $fullpaths[$spcount]) $spcount += 1 Until $spcount = $x2 IniWrite($saveto & ".mpp", "Songs", "Number", $x2) EndIf EndSwitch Switch $nMsg Case $aud Case $vol $mainpos = WinGetPos("MediaPlayer") $volgui = GUICreate("Volume", 200, 60, $mainpos[0] + 470, $mainpos[1] + 254) $slider = GUICtrlCreateSlider(20, 20, 160, 20) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $volume) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 100, 0) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) GUISwitch($volgui) Do $msg2 = GUIGetMsg() $winpos = WinGetPos("Volume") If $msg2 = $slider Then SoundSetWaveVolume(GUICtrlRead($slider)) $volume = GUICtrlRead($slider) GUICtrlSetData($vol, "Volume " & $volume) EndIf $vguicoords = GUIGetCursorInfo($volgui) If IsArray($vguicoords) Then If $vguicoords[4] = $slider Then ToolTip(GUICtrlRead($slider), MouseGetPos(0) - 20, MouseGetPos(1) - 20) Else ToolTip("") EndIf EndIf GUICtrlSetTip($slider, GUICtrlRead($slider)) Until $msg2 = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($volgui) GUISwitch($Form1_1) EndSwitch Switch $nMsg Case $aud Case $listentogenre OpenType("Genres", _FindInfo($readfrom, "Genre")) Case $openplaylist OpenPlaylist() EndSwitch Switch $nMsg Case $aud Case $list _SoundClose($aud) $nf = SBMs(GUICtrlRead(GUICtrlRead($list)), 1) $snum = _ArraySearch($songlist, $nf) $readfrom = $fullpaths[$snum] $aud = _SoundOpen($readfrom) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected ($list, $snum, 1) If $audstatus = "playing" Then _SoundPlay($aud) Else $audstatus = "not started" EndIf $state = WinGetState("MediaPlayer") If _FindInfo($readfrom, "Song Name") <> "%null%" Then Global $nowp = _FindInfo($readfrom, "Song Name") Else Global $nowp = $nf EndIf GUICtrlSetData($nowplaying, 'Now Playing: ' & $nowp) GUICtrlSetTip($nowplaying, P("Artist: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name") & @CRLF & "Album: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Album Title") & @CRLF & "Year: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Year"))) GUICtrlSetLimit($seekbar, _SoundLength($aud, 2) / 1000, 0) MenuItems() Case $syncfolders SyncFolders() EndSwitch Switch $nMsg Case $aud Case $listentoalbum OpenType("AlbumTitles", _FindInfo($readfrom, "Album Title")) EndSwitch Switch $nMsg Case $aud Case $ctrl_random If $random = 1 Then $random = 0 GUICtrlSetData($ctrl_random, "Random (Off)") Else $random = 1 GUICtrlSetData($ctrl_random, "Random (On)") $repeat = 0 GUICtrlSetData($ctrl_repeat, "Repeat One (Off)") EndIf Case $ctrl_repeat If $repeat = 1 Then $repeat = 0 GUICtrlSetData($ctrl_repeat, "Repeat One (Off)") Else $repeat = 1 GUICtrlSetData($ctrl_repeat, "Repeat One (On)") $random = 0 GUICtrlSetData($ctrl_random, "Random (Off)") EndIf Case $hide Hide() EndSwitch Switch $nMsg Case $aud Case $listentoartist OpenType("GroupNames", _FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name")) EndSwitch Switch $nMsg Case $aud Case $loaddir OpenDir() $prevmsg = TimerInit() Case $indexlist IndexList() EndSwitch Switch $nMsg Case $aud Case $inputspec If GUICtrlRead($types) = "Artist" Then $typeread = "GroupNames" ElseIf GUICtrlRead($types) = "Album" Then $typeread = "AlbumTitles" ElseIf GUICtrlRead($types) = "Year" Then $typeread = "Years" ElseIf GUICtrlRead($types) = "Genre" Then $typeread = "Genres" Else $typeread = "null" EndIf If $typeread <> "null" Then GUICtrlDelete($songs) $songs = GUICtrlCreateListView("Songs ", 8, 40, 281, 137) $fullpaths2 = _ArrayCreate("") $conts = _ArrayCreate("") $readsection = IniReadSection(@ScriptDir & "\" & $typeread & ".data", GUICtrlRead($inputspec)) For $count = 0 To IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\" & $typeread & ".data", GUICtrlRead($inputspec), "Number", 1) $ready = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\" & $typeread & ".data", GUICtrlRead($inputspec), $count, "") _ArrayAdd($fullpaths2, $ready) _ArrayAdd($conts, GUICtrlCreateListViewItem(StringReplace($ready, getdir($ready), ""), $songs)) Next $count += 1 EndIf Case $seekbar $hr = (GUICtrlRead($seekbar) - Mod(GUICtrlRead($seekbar), 3600)) / 3600 $min = (GUICtrlRead($seekbar) - Mod(GUICtrlRead($seekbar), 60)) / 60 $sec = Mod(GUICtrlRead($seekbar), 60) $s = _SoundSeek($aud, $hr, $min, $sec) _SoundPlay($aud) Case $ButtonAdd If $audstatus <> "playing" Then GUISwitch($Form1_1) GUICtrlDelete($nowplaying) GUICtrlDelete($display) GUICtrlDelete($counter) GUICtrlDelete($seekbar) Global $prevcounter = "" Global $readfrom = $fullpaths2[_ArraySearch($conts, GUICtrlRead($songs)) ] Global $filetype = "audio" Global $display = "" _SoundClose($aud) Global $aud = _SoundOpen($readfrom) Global $audstatus = "not started" If $listexists = 0 Then Global $list = GUICtrlCreateListView("Sound Name|Artist", 32, 10, 380, 180) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($list, 0, 266) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($list, 1, 109) $listexists = 1 EndIf _ArrayAdd($songlist, "") $x += 1 $x2 += 1 Global $split2 = StringSplit($readfrom, "\") Global $nf = $split2[$split2[0]] Global $nextfile = $nf $songlist[$x] = $nf _ArrayAdd($fullpaths, $readfrom) $fullpaths[$x2] = $readfrom GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($songlist[$x] & "|" & StringReplace(_FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name"), "%null%", "Unknown"), $list) Global $snum = _ArraySearch($songlist, $split2[$split2[0]]) Global $counter = GUICtrlCreateLabel(Shorten(_SoundPos($aud, 1)) & "/" & Shorten(_SoundLength($aud, 1)), 7, 250, 100) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 16) If _FindInfo($readfrom, "Song Name") <> "%null%" Then Global $nowp = _FindInfo($readfrom, "Song Name") Else Global $nowp = $nextfile EndIf Global $nowplaying = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Now Playing: " & $nowp, 15, 200, 200, 30) GUICtrlSetTip($nowplaying, P("Artist: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name") & @CRLF & "Album: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Album Title") & @CRLF & "Year: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Year"))) Global $seekbar = GUICtrlCreateSlider(215, 200, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, _SoundLength($aud, 2) / 1000, 0) Global $nf = $nextfile ;GUICTrlsetData($directory, StringTrimRight(getdir($readfrom), 1)) MenuItems() GUISwitch($Form4) $nMsg = 0 Else _ArrayAdd($songlist, "") $x += 1 $x2 += 1 $songlist[$x] = GUICtrlRead(GUICtrlRead($songs)) _ArrayAdd($fullpaths, "") $fullpaths[$x2] = $fullpaths2[_ArraySearch($conts, GUICtrlRead($songs)) ] GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($songlist[$x] & "|" & StringReplace(_FindInfo($fullpaths[$x2], "Group Name"), "%null%", "Unknown"), $list) EndIf Case $ButtonCancel GUIDelete($Form4) EndSwitch If $searching = 1 Then Switch $nMsg Case $aud Case $SearchExit $searching = 0 GUIDelete($SearchDB) Case $SearchButton $pos = WinGetPos("") _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems ($SearchListView) SplashTextOn("Searching - MediaPlayer", "MediaPlayer is searching your library...", 400, 30, $pos[0] + (($pos[2] / 2) - 200), $pos[1] + (($pos[3] / 2) - 15)) $sartists = IniReadSectionNames(@ScriptDir & "\GroupNames.data") $salbums = IniReadSectionNames(@ScriptDir & "\AlbumTitles.data") $songsZ = _ArrayCreate(0) For $p = 1 To $filenum $sarray = IniReadSectionNames(@ScriptDir & "\Songs" & $p & ".data") For $q = 1 To $sarray[0] _ArrayAdd($songsZ, $sarray[$q]) $songsZ[0] += 1 Next Next $songtitles = _ArrayCreate(0) For $p = 1 To $songsZ[0] _ArrayAdd($songtitles, _FindInfo($songsZ[$p], "Song Name")) Next $songtitles[0] = $songsZ[0] $results = _ArrayCreate(0) $resultstype = _ArrayCreate(0) For $p = 1 To $songtitles[0] If StringInStr($songtitles[$p], GUICtrlRead($SearchInput)) Then _ArrayAdd($results, $songsZ[$p]) $results[0] += 1 _ArrayAdd($resultstype, "Song") EndIf Next For $p = 1 To $sartists[0] If StringInStr($sartists[$p], GUICtrlRead($SearchInput)) Then _ArrayAdd($results, $sartists[$p]) $results[0] += 1 _ArrayAdd($resultstype, "Artist") EndIf Next For $p = 1 To $salbums[0] If StringInStr($salbums[$p], GUICtrlRead($SearchInput)) Then _ArrayAdd($results, $salbums[$p]) $results[0] += 1 _ArrayAdd($resultstype, "Album") EndIf Next SplashOff() $carray = _ArrayCreate(0) For $p = 1 To $results[0] If FileExists($results[$p]) Then $resultfiltered = StringReplace($results[$p], getdir($results[$p]), "") Else $resultfiltered = $results[$p] EndIf GUISwitch($SearchDB) $ca = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($resultstype[$p] & ": " & $resultfiltered, $SearchListView) GUISwitch($Form1_1) _ArrayAdd($carray, $ca) Next Case $SearchAdd $searching = 0 If GUICtrlRead($SearchListView) <> 0 Then $resultnum = _ArraySearch($carray, GUICtrlRead($SearchListView)) Switch $resultstype[$resultnum] Case "Album" GUIDelete($SearchDB) OpenType("AlbumTitles", $results[$resultnum]) Case "Artist" GUIDelete($SearchDB) OpenType("GroupNames", $results[$resultnum]) Case "Song" GUIDelete($SearchDB) If $audstatus <> "playing" Then GUISwitch($Form1_1) GUICtrlDelete($nowplaying) GUICtrlDelete($display) GUICtrlDelete($counter) GUICtrlDelete($seekbar) Global $prevcounter = "" Global $readfrom = $results[$resultnum] Global $filetype = "audio" Global $display = "" _SoundClose($aud) Global $aud = _SoundOpen($readfrom) Global $audstatus = "not started" If $listexists = 0 Then Global $list = GUICtrlCreateListView("Sound Name|Artist", 32, 10, 380, 180) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($list, 0, 266) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($list, 1, 109) $listexists = 1 EndIf _ArrayAdd($songlist, "") $x += 1 $x2 += 1 Global $split2 = StringSplit($readfrom, "\") Global $nf = $split2[$split2[0]] Global $nextfile = $nf $songlist[$x] = $nf _ArrayAdd($fullpaths, $readfrom) $fullpaths[$x2] = $readfrom GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($songlist[$x] & "|" & StringReplace(_FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name"), "%null", "Unknown"), $list) Global $snum = _ArraySearch($songlist, $split2[$split2[0]]) Global $counter = GUICtrlCreateLabel(Shorten(_SoundPos($aud, 1)) & "/" & Shorten(_SoundLength($aud, 1)), 7, 250, 100) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 16) If _FindInfo($readfrom, "Song Name") <> "%null%" Then Global $nowp = _FindInfo($readfrom, "Song Name") Else Global $nowp = $nextfile EndIf Global $nowplaying = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Now Playing: " & $nowp, 15, 200, 200, 30) GUICtrlSetTip($nowplaying, P("Artist: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name") & @CRLF & "Album: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Album Title") & @CRLF & "Year: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Year"))) Global $seekbar = GUICtrlCreateSlider(215, 200, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, _SoundLength($aud, 2) / 1000, 0) Global $nf = $nextfile ;GUICTrlsetData($directory, StringTrimRight(getdir($readfrom), 1)) MenuItems() $nMsg = 0 Else _ArrayAdd($songlist, "") $x += 1 $x2 += 1 $songlist[$x] = StringReplace($results[$resultnum], getdir($results[$resultnum]), "") _ArrayAdd($fullpaths, "") $fullpaths[$x2] = $results[$resultnum] GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($songlist[$x] & "|" & StringReplace(_FindInfo($results[$resultnum], "Group name"), "%null%", "Unknown"), $list) EndIf EndSwitch EndIf EndSwitch EndIf Switch $nMsg Case $aud Case $Button1 Select Case GUICtrlRead($Radio1) = $GUI_CHECKED $read = GUICtrlRead($Input1) GUIDelete($Form2) GUISwitch($Form1_1) OpenType("Years", $read) Case GUICtrlRead($Radio2) = $GUI_CHECKED $read = GUICtrlRead($Input1) GUIDelete($Form2) GUISwitch($Form1_1) OpenType("GroupNames", $read) Case GUICtrlRead($Radio3) = $GUI_CHECKED $read = GUICtrlRead($Input1) GUIDelete($Form2) GUISwitch($Form1_1) OpenType("AlbumTitles", BR($read)) Case GUICtrlRead($Radio4) = $GUI_CHECKED $read = GUICtrlRead($Input1) GUIDelete($Form2) GUISwitch($Form1_1) OpenType("Genres", $read) EndSelect EndSwitch If TimerDiff($chmen) < 4000 Then For $m = 0 To $conttypearraygens[0] If $nMsg = 0 Then ElseIf BitAND($nMsg = $conttypearraygens[$m], TimerDiff($prevmsg) > 1000) Then OpenType("Genres", $sectionnamearraygens[$m]) EndIf Next For $m = 0 To $conttypearraygrps[0] If $nMsg = 0 Then ElseIf BitAND($nMsg = $conttypearraygrps[$m], TimerDiff($prevmsg) > 1000) Then OpenType("GroupNames", $sectionnamearraygrps[$m]) EndIf Next For $m = 0 To $conttypearrayalbs[0] If $nMsg = 0 Then ElseIf BitAND($nMsg = $conttypearrayalbs[$m], TimerDiff($prevmsg) > 1000) Then OpenType("AlbumTitles", BR($sectionnamearrayalbs[$m])) EndIf Next For $m = 0 To $conttypearrayyers[0] If $nMsg = 0 Then ElseIf BitAND($nMsg = $conttypearrayyers[$m], TimerDiff($prevmsg) > 1000) Then OpenType("Years", $sectionnamearrayyers[$m]) EndIf Next EndIf $tmsg = TrayGetMsg() Switch $tmsg Case $tr_next SnNext() Case $tr_previous SnPrevious() Case $tr_play SnPlay() Case $tr_hide Hide() Case $tr_vol $volgui = GUICreate("Volume", 200, 60, @DesktopWidth - 230, @DesktopHeight - 130) $slider = GUICtrlCreateSlider(20, 20, 160, 20) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $volume) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 100, 0) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) GUISwitch($volgui) Do $msg2 = GUIGetMsg() If $msg2 = $slider Then SoundSetWaveVolume(GUICtrlRead($slider)) $volume = GUICtrlRead($slider) GUICtrlSetData($vol, "Volume " & $volume) TrayItemSetText($tr_vol, "Volume " & $volume) EndIf Until $msg2 = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($volgui) GUISwitch($Form1_1) EndSwitch If $filetype = "audio" Then If Shorten(_SoundPos($aud, 1)) & "/" & Shorten(_SoundLength($aud, 1)) <> $prevcounter Then GUICtrlSetData($counter, Shorten(_SoundPos($aud, 1)) & "/" & Shorten(_SoundLength($aud, 1))) $prevcounter = Shorten(_SoundPos($aud, 1)) & "/" & Shorten(_SoundLength($aud, 1)) TraySetToolTip($nowp & " - " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name") & " (" & Shorten(_SoundPos($aud, 1)) & "/" & Shorten(_SoundLength($aud, 1)) & ")") If $audstatus = "playing" Then GUICtrlSetData($seekbar, _SoundPos($aud, 2) / 1000) EndIf EndIf EndIf If $filetype = "audio" Then If _SoundPos($aud, 2) = _SoundLength($aud, 2) Then If $audstatus = "playing" Then _SoundClose($aud) If BitAND($random = 0, $repeat = 0) Then If $snum = $x Then $snum = 0 Else $snum += 1 EndIf ElseIf $random = 1 Then $snum = Random(0, $x, 1) ElseIf $repeat = 1 Then $snum = $snum EndIf _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected ($list, $snum, 1) $nf = $songlist[$snum] $readfrom = $fullpaths[$snum] $aud = _SoundOpen($readfrom) If $audstatus = "playing" Then _SoundPlay($aud) Else $audstatus = "not started" EndIf $state = WinGetState("MediaPlayer") TrayTip($nf, Shorten(_SoundLength($aud, 1)) & @CRLF & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name") & @CRLF & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Album Title"), 4) If _FindInfo($readfrom, "Song Name") <> "%null%" Then Global $nowp = _FindInfo($readfrom, "Song Name") Else Global $nowp = $nf EndIf GUICtrlSetData($nowplaying, 'Now Playing: ' & $nowp) GUICtrlSetTip($nowplaying, P("Artist: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name") & @CRLF & "Album: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Album Title") & @CRLF & "Year: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Year"))) GUICtrlSetLimit($seekbar, _SoundLength($aud, 2) / 1000, 0) MenuItems() EndIf EndIf EndIf If $filetype = "video" Then mciSendString ("set Test_Video time format milliseconds") If mciSendString ("status Test_Video position") = mciSendString ("status Test_Video length") Then mciSendString ("seek Test_Video to 0") mciSendString ("play Test_Video") $vidstatus = "play" EndIf WEnd Func Shorten($string) If StringLeft($string, 4) = "00:0" Then Return StringTrimLeft($string, 4) ElseIf StringLeft($string, 3) = "00:" Then Return StringTrimLeft($string, 3) ElseIf StringLeft($string, 1) = "0" Then Return StringTrimLeft($string, 1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>Shorten Func seek() If $filetype = "audio" Then $input = InputBox("Seek", "Enter in HH:MM:SS format or MM:SS format.", "", "", 200, 150) $split = StringSplit($input, ":") If $split[0] = 3 Then _SoundSeek($aud, $split[1], $split[2], $split[3]) ElseIf $split[0] = 2 Then _SoundSeek($aud, 0, $split[1], $split[2]) EndIf _SoundPlay($aud) EndIf EndFunc ;==>seek Func getdir($filename) $split = StringSplit($filename, "\") If Not @error Then $dir = "" $num = 1 Do $dir &= $split[$num] & "\" $num += 1 Until $num = $split[0] Return $dir EndIf EndFunc ;==>getdir Func SnNext() If $filetype = "audio" Then _SoundClose($aud) If $random = 1 Then $snum = Random(0, $x, 1) $nf = $songlist[$snum] ElseIf BitOR($snum = $x, $snum > $x) Then $snum = 0 $nf = $songlist[$snum] Else $snum += 1 $nf = $songlist[$snum] EndIf _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected ($list, $snum, 1) $readfrom = $fullpaths[_ArraySearch($songlist, $nf) ] $aud = _SoundOpen($readfrom) If $audstatus = "playing" Then _SoundPlay($aud) Else $audstatus = "not started" EndIf If _FindInfo($readfrom, "Song Name") <> "%null%" Then Global $nowp = _FindInfo($readfrom, "Song Name") Else Global $nowp = $nf EndIf GUICtrlSetData($nowplaying, 'Now Playing: ' & $nowp) GUICtrlSetTip($nowplaying, "Artist: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name") & @CRLF & "Album: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Album Title") & @CRLF & "Year: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Year")) $state = WinGetState("MediaPlayer") If BitAND($state, 16) Then TrayTip($nf, Shorten(_SoundLength($aud, 1)) & @CRLF & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name") & @CRLF & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Album Title"), 4) EndIf GUICtrlSetLimit($seekbar, _SoundLength($aud, 2) / 1000, 0) EndIf MenuItems() EndFunc ;==>SnNext Func SnPrevious() _SoundStop($aud) _SoundPlay($aud) $audstatus = "playing" EndFunc ;==>SnPrevious Func SnPlay() If $filetype = "audio" Then If $audstatus = "not started" Then ;not started _SoundPlay($aud) $audstatus = "playing" GUICtrlSetTip($playpause, "Playing") ElseIf $audstatus = "paused" Then ;paused _SoundResume($aud) $audstatus = "playing" GUICtrlSetTip($playpause, "Playing") ElseIf $audstatus = "playing" Then ;playing _SoundPause($aud) $audstatus = "paused" GUICtrlSetTip($playpause, "Paused") EndIf ElseIf $filetype = "video" Then If $vidstatus = "play" Then mciSendString ("pause Test_Video") $vidstatus = "pause" ElseIf $vidstatus = "pause" Then mciSendString ("play Test_Video") $vidstatus = "play" EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>SnPlay Func write() IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\MediaPlayerData.data", "Previous", "Volume", $volume) EndFunc ;==>write Func ControlDeletes() GUICtrlDelete($list) GUICtrlDelete($nowplaying) GUICtrlDelete($seekbar) GUICtrlDelete($counter) GUICtrlDelete($display) $listexists = 0 EndFunc ;==>ControlDeletes Func SyncFolders() If MsgBox(4, "MediaPlayer", "Would you like to synchronize two folders?") = 6 Then $synchronizefolder = FileSelectFolder("Select the folder to synchronize.", "") $originalfolder = FileSelectFolder("Select the folder to synchronize it with.", "") DirCopy($originalfolder, $synchronizefolder, 0) $firstfileinsync = FileFindFirstFile($synchronizefolder & "\*.*") Do $nextfileinsync = FileFindNextFile($firstfileinsync) If FileExists($originalfolder & "\" & $nextfileinsync) = 0 Then FileDelete($synchronizefolder & "\" & $nextfileinsync) EndIf Until @error EndIf EndFunc ;==>SyncFolders Func Hide() If $hiding = 0 Then $hiding = 1 GUICtrlSetData($hide, "Show") TrayItemSetText($tr_hide, "Show") GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form1_1) Else $hiding = 0 GUICtrlSetData($hide, "Hide") TrayItemSetText($tr_hide, "Hide") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Form1_1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>Hide Func OpenDir() $opendialog = FileOpenDialog("Load Music", "", "Music Files (*.mp3;*.wav)") If $opendialog <> "" Then ControlDeletes() Global $prevcounter = "" Global $readfrom = $opendialog Global $filetype = "audio" Global $display = "" Global $aud = _SoundOpen($readfrom) Global $audstatus = "not started" Global $list = GUICtrlCreateListView("Sound Name|Artist", 32, 10, 380, 180) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($list, 0, 266) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($list, 1, 109) $listexists = 1 Global $folderfile = FileFindFirstFile(getdir($readfrom) & "*." & StringRight($readfrom, 3)) Global $x = 0 Global $x2 = 0 Do _ArrayAdd($songlist, "") $songlist[$x] = FileFindNextFile($folderfile) $error = @error _ArrayAdd($fullpaths, "") $fullpaths[$x2] = getdir($readfrom) & $songlist[$x] GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($songlist[$x] & "|" & StringReplace(_FindInfo($fullpaths[$x2], "Group Name"), "%null%", "Unknown"), $list) $x += 1 $x2 += 1 Until $error Global $split2 = StringSplit($readfrom, "\") Global $nf = $split2[$split2[0]] Global $nextfile = $nf Global $snum = _ArraySearch($songlist, $split2[$split2[0]]) Global $counter = GUICtrlCreateLabel(Shorten(_SoundPos($aud, 1)) & "/" & Shorten(_SoundLength($aud, 1)), 7, 250, 100) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 16) If _FindInfo($readfrom, "Song Name") <> "%null%" Then Global $nowp = _FindInfo($readfrom, "Song Name") Else Global $nowp = $nextfile EndIf Global $nowplaying = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Now Playing: " & $nowp, 15, 200, 200, 30) GUICtrlSetTip($nowplaying, P("Artist: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name") & @CRLF & "Album: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Album Title") & @CRLF & "Year: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Year"))) Global $seekbar = GUICtrlCreateSlider(215, 200, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, _SoundLength($aud, 2) / 1000, 0) Global $nf = $nextfile ;GUICTrlsetData($directory, StringTrimRight(getdir($readfrom), 1)) MenuItems() EndIf EndFunc ;==>OpenDir Func IndexList() $msg = MsgBox(4, "Index List", "Would you like the list to be automatically indexed?") Global $split3 = StringSplit($readfrom, "\") Global $yearprv = "" Global $albtitleprv = $split3[$split3[0] - 1] Global $groupnameprv = "" Global $genreprv = "" Global $inum = 0 Global $exitloop = 0 If $msg = 6 Then ProgressOn("Indexing...", "0%") EndIf Do If $songlist[$inum] <> "" Then #cs $array1 = _ID3TagToArray ($fullpaths[$inum], 1, "TIT2|TALB|TPE1|TYER|APIC") If IsArray($array1) Then If $array1[0] > 6 Then $Asplit = StringSplit($array1[1], "|") If $Asplit[0] = 2 Then $songname = $Asplit[2] EndIf $Asplit = StringSplit($array1[2], "|") If $Asplit[0] = 2 Then If $Asplit[2] <> "" Then $groupname = $Asplit[2] Else $groupname = $groupnameprv EndIf EndIf $Asplit = StringSplit($array1[3], "|") If $Asplit[0] = 2 Then If $Asplit[2] <> "" Then $albumtitle = $Asplit[2] Else $albumtitle = $albtitleprv EndIf EndIf $Asplit = StringSplit($array1[4], "|") If $Asplit[0] = 2 Then If $Asplit[2] <> "" Then $year = $Asplit[2] Else $year = $yearprv EndIf EndIf $Asplit = StringSplit($array1[7], "|") If $Asplit[0] = 2 Then If $Asplit[2] <> "" Then $genre = $Asplit[2] Else $genre = $genreprv EndIf EndIf Else $genre = 'Unknown Genre' $year = 'Unknown Year' $groupname = 'Unknown Artist' $songname = 'Unknown Song' $albumtitle = 'Unknown Album' EndIf Else $genre = 'Unknown Genre' $year = 'Unknown Year' $groupname = 'Unknown Artist' $songname = 'Unknown Song' $albumtitle = 'Unknown Album' EndIf #ce $readingfrom = $fullpaths[$inum] $genreread = _GetExtProperty($readingfrom, 20) ;If $genreread = 0 Then ; $genre = "Unknown Genre" ;Else $genre = $genreread ;EndIf $artistread = _GetExtProperty($readingfrom, 16) ;If $artistreaderead = 0 Then ; $groupname = "Unknown Artist" ;Else $groupname = $artistread ;EndIf $albumread = _GetExtProperty($readingfrom, 17) ;If $albumread = 0 Then ; $albumtitle = "Unknown Album" ;Else $albumtitle = $albumread ;EndIf $yearread = _GetExtProperty($readingfrom, 18) ;If $yearread = 0 Then ; $year = "Unknown Year" ;Else $year = $yearread ;EndIf $titleread = _GetExtProperty($readingfrom, 10) ;If $titleread = 0 Then ; $songname = "Unknown Song" ;Else $songname = $titleread ;EndIf #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= $Form1 = GUICreate("Index", 229, 197, 193, 115) GUISwitch($Form1) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Year:", 8, 12, 29, 17) Global $inpYear = GUICtrlCreateInput($year, 40, 8, 177, 21) $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Album Title:", 8, 40, 59, 17) Global $inpAlbumTitle = GUICtrlCreateInput($albumtitle, 72, 40, 145, 21) $Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Group Name:", 8, 72, 67, 17) Global $inpGroupName = GUICtrlCreateInput($groupname, 80, 72, 137, 21) $Label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Song Name:", 8, 104, 63, 17) Global $inpSongName = GUICtrlCreateInput($songname, 80, 104, 137, 21) $Label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Music Genre:", 8, 136, 67, 17) Global $inpGenre = GUICtrlCreateInput($genre, 80, 136, 137, 21) $btnNext = GUICtrlCreateButton("Next", 8, 168, 73, 25, 0) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DEFBUTTON) $btnFinished = GUICtrlCreateButton("Finished", 88, 168, 65, 25, 0) $btnCancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 160, 168, 65, 25, 0) If $msg = 7 Then GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) Else GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) EndIf #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = 6 Then $nMsg = $btnNext Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE $exitloop = 1 GUIDelete($Form1) ExitLoop Case $btnNext ProgressSet(Round(($inum / $x2) * 100), "", Round(($inum / $x2) * 100) & "%") Writes() $inum += 1 GUIDelete($Form1) ExitLoop Case $btnFinished Writes() $exitloop = 1 GUIDelete($Form1) GUISwitch($Form1_1) ExitLoop Case $btnCancel $exitloop = 1 GUIDelete($Form1) GUISwitch($Form1_1) ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd EndIf Until BitOR($exitloop = 1, $inum = $x + 1) ProgressOff() GUISwitch($Form1_1) EndFunc ;==>IndexList Func Writes() $reas = SectionToArray("Years", GUICtrlRead($inpYear)) If _ArraySearch($reas, $fullpaths[$inum]) = -1 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Years.data", GUICtrlRead($inpYear), IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Years.data", GUICtrlRead($inpYear), "Number", -1) + 1, $fullpaths[$inum]) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Years.data", GUICtrlRead($inpYear), "Number", IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Years.data", GUICtrlRead($inpYear), "Number", -1) + 1) EndIf $reas = SectionToArray("Genres", GUICtrlRead($inpGenre)) If _ArraySearch($reas, $fullpaths[$inum]) = -1 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Genres.data", GUICtrlRead($inpGenre), IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Genres.data", GUICtrlRead($inpGenre), "Number", -1) + 1, $fullpaths[$inum]) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Genres.data", GUICtrlRead($inpGenre), "Number", IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Genres.data", GUICtrlRead($inpGenre), "Number", -1) + 1) EndIf $reas = SectionToArray("GroupNames", GUICtrlRead($inpGroupName)) If _ArraySearch($reas, $fullpaths[$inum]) = -1 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\GroupNames.data", GUICtrlRead($inpGroupName), IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\GroupNames.data", GUICtrlRead($inpGroupName), "Number", -1) + 1, $fullpaths[$inum]) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\GroupNames.data", GUICtrlRead($inpGroupName), "Number", IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\GroupNames.data", GUICtrlRead($inpGroupName), "Number", -1) + 1) EndIf $reas = SectionToArray("AlbumTitles", GUICtrlRead($inpAlbumTitle)) If _ArraySearch($reas, $fullpaths[$inum]) = -1 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\AlbumTitles.data", GUICtrlRead($inpAlbumTitle), IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AlbumTitles.data", GUICtrlRead($inpAlbumTitle), "Number", -1) + 1, $fullpaths[$inum]) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\AlbumTitles.data", GUICtrlRead($inpAlbumTitle), "Number", IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AlbumTitles.data", GUICtrlRead($inpAlbumTitle), "Number", -1) + 1) EndIf _IniSort(@ScriptDir & "\Years.data") _IniSort(@ScriptDir & "\Genres.data") _IniSort(@ScriptDir & "\GroupNames.data") _IniSort(@ScriptDir & "\AlbumTitles.data") If IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs1.data", "Other", "Number", 0) <= 200 Then IndivSongIndex(1, $fullpaths[$inum]) ElseIf IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs2.data", "Other", "Number", 0) <= 200 Then IndivSongIndex(2, $fullpaths[$inum]) ElseIf IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs3.data", "Other", "Number", 0) <= 200 Then IndivSongIndex(3, $fullpaths[$inum]) ElseIf IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs4.data", "Other", "Number", 0) <= 200 Then IndivSongIndex(4, $fullpaths[$inum]) ElseIf IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs5.data", "Other", "Number", 0) <= 200 Then IndivSongIndex(5, $fullpaths[$inum]) ElseIf IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs6.data", "Other", "Number", 0) <= 200 Then IndivSongIndex(6, $fullpaths[$inum]) ElseIf IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs7.data", "Other", "Number", 0) <= 200 Then IndivSongIndex(7, $fullpaths[$inum]) ElseIf IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs8.data", "Other", "Number", 0) <= 200 Then IndivSongIndex(8, $fullpaths[$inum]) ElseIf IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs9.data", "Other", "Number", 0) <= 200 Then IndivSongIndex(9, $fullpaths[$inum]) ElseIf IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs10.data", "Other", "Number", 0) <= 200 Then IndivSongIndex(10, $fullpaths[$inum]) EndIf $yearprv = GUICtrlRead($inpYear) $albtitleprv = GUICtrlRead($inpAlbumTitle) $groupnameprv = GUICtrlRead($inpGroupName) $genreprv = GUICtrlRead($inpGenre) EndFunc ;==>Writes Func IndivSongIndex($num, $filep) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Songs" & $num & ".data", BR($filep), "Year", GUICtrlRead($inpYear)) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Songs" & $num & ".data", BR($filep), "Genre", GUICtrlRead($inpGenre)) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Songs" & $num & ".data", BR($filep), "Album Title", GUICtrlRead($inpAlbumTitle)) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Songs" & $num & ".data", BR($filep), "Song Name", GUICtrlRead($inpSongName)) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Songs" & $num & ".data", BR($filep), "Group Name", GUICtrlRead($inpGroupName)) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Songs" & $num & ".data", "Other", "Number", IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs" & $num & ".data", "Other", "Number", 0) + 1) EndFunc ;==>IndivSongIndex Func _FindInfo($filename, $info) $songsN = 1 Do $next = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs" & $songsN & ".data", $filename, $info, "%null%") If $next <> "%null%" Then Return $next EndIf $songsN += 1 Until $songsN = 10 If $info = "Group Name" Then $iReadz = 16 ElseIf $info = "Song Name" Then $iReadz = 10 ElseIf $info = "Album Title" Then $iReadz = 17 ElseIf $info = "Year" Then $iReadz = 18 ElseIf $info = "Genre" Then $iReadz = 20 EndIf $iReadz2 = _GetExtProperty($filename, $iReadz) Return $iReadz2 EndFunc ;==>_FindInfo Func OpenType($type, $name) ControlDeletes() Global $prevcounter = "" Global $filetype = "audio" $readfrom = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\" & $type & ".data", $name, 0, "") Global $display = "" _SoundClose($aud) Global $aud = _SoundOpen($readfrom) Global $audstatus = "not started" Global $list = GUICtrlCreateListView("Sound Name|Artist", 32, 10, 380, 180) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($list, 0, 266) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($list, 1, 109) $listexists = 1 Global $x = 0 Global $x2 = 0 Do _ArrayAdd($songlist, "") _ArrayAdd($fullpaths, "") $songlist[$x] = StringReplace(IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\" & $type & ".data", $name, $x, ""), getdir(IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\" & $type & ".data", $name, $x, "")), "") $fullpaths[$x2] = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\" & $type & ".data", $name, $x, "") If $songlist[$x] <> "" Then GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($songlist[$x] & "|" & StringReplace(_FindInfo($fullpaths[$x2], "Group Name"), "%null%", "Unknown"), $list) EndIf $x += 1 $x2 += 1 Until $x > IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\" & $type & ".data", $name, "Number", 1) Global $split2 = StringSplit($readfrom, "\") Global $nf = $split2[$split2[0]] Global $nextfile = $nf Global $snum = _ArraySearch($songlist, $split2[$split2[0]]) Global $counter = GUICtrlCreateLabel(Shorten(_SoundPos($aud, 1)) & "/" & Shorten(_SoundLength($aud, 1)), 7, 250, 100) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 16) If _FindInfo($readfrom, "Song Name") <> "%null%" Then Global $nowp = _FindInfo($readfrom, "Song Name") Else Global $nowp = $nextfile EndIf Global $nowplaying = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Now Playing: " & $nowp, 15, 200, 200, 30) GUICtrlSetTip($nowplaying, P("Artist: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name") & @CRLF & "Album: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Album Title") & @CRLF & "Year: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Year"))) Global $seekbar = GUICtrlCreateSlider(215, 200, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, _SoundLength($aud, 2) / 1000, 0) Global $nf = $nextfile ;GUICTrlsetData($directory, StringTrimRight(getdir($readfrom), 1)) MenuItems() EndFunc ;==>OpenType Func PlayIndiv() #include #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= Global $Form2 = GUICreate("Play Type", 253, 64, 193, 115, $WS_POPUP) GUISwitch($Form2) Global $Radio1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Year", 8, 8, 49, 17) Global $Radio2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Artist", 59, 8, 49, 17) Global $Radio3 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Album", 110, 8, 57, 17) Global $Radio4 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Genre", 169, 8, 57, 17) Global $Input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 7, 35, 166, 21) Global $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Play", 181, 32, 70, 25, 0) Global $ButtonExit = GUICtrlCreateButton("x", 233, 0, 20, 20) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### EndFunc ;==>PlayIndiv Func OpenPlaylist() $opend = FileOpenDialog("Open Playlist", "", "MediaPlayer Playlists (*.mpp)") If $opend <> "" Then ControlDeletes() Global $prevcounter = "" Global $filetype = "audio" $readfrom = IniRead($opend, "Songs", 0, "") Global $display = "" _SoundClose($aud) Global $aud = _SoundOpen($readfrom) Global $audstatus = "not started" Global $list = GUICtrlCreateListView("Sound Name|Artist", 32, 10, 380, 180) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($list, 0, 266) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($list, 1, 109) $listexists = 1 Global $x = 0 Global $x2 = 0 Do _ArrayAdd($songlist, "") _ArrayAdd($fullpaths, "") $songlist[$x] = StringReplace(IniRead($opend, "Songs", $x, ""), getdir(IniRead($opend, "Songs", $x, "")), "") $fullpaths[$x2] = IniRead($opend, "Songs", $x2, "") If $songlist[$x] <> "" Then GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($songlist[$x] & "|" & StringReplace(_FindInfo($fullpaths[$x2], "Group Name"), "%null%", "Unknown"), $list) EndIf $x += 1 $x2 += 1 Until $x = IniRead($opend, "Songs", "Number", 1) Global $split2 = StringSplit($readfrom, "\") Global $nf = $split2[$split2[0]] Global $nextfile = $nf Global $snum = _ArraySearch($songlist, $split2[$split2[0]]) Global $counter = GUICtrlCreateLabel(Shorten(_SoundPos($aud, 1)) & "/" & Shorten(_SoundLength($aud, 1)), 7, 250, 100) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 16) If _FindInfo($readfrom, "Song Name") <> "%null%" Then Global $nowp = _FindInfo($readfrom, "Song Name") Else Global $nowp = $nextfile EndIf Global $nowplaying = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Now Playing: " & $nowp, 15, 200, 200, 30) GUICtrlSetTip($nowplaying, P("Artist: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name") & @CRLF & "Album: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Album Title") & @CRLF & "Year: " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Year"))) Global $seekbar = GUICtrlCreateSlider(215, 200, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, _SoundLength($aud, 2) / 1000, 0) Global $nf = $nextfile MenuItems() EndIf EndFunc ;==>OpenPlaylist Func P($string) Return StringReplace($string, "%null%", "Unknown") EndFunc ;==>P Func ListAlbums() Global $sectionnamearrayalbs = IniReadSectionNames(@ScriptDir & "\AlbumTitles.data") Global $conttypearrayalbs = _ArrayCreate(0) $i = 1 For $i = 1 To $sectionnamearrayalbs[0] _ArrayAdd($conttypearrayalbs, GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(RP($sectionnamearrayalbs[$i]), $submAlbums)) Next $conttypearrayalbs[0] = $sectionnamearrayalbs[0] EndFunc ;==>ListAlbums Func ListGenres() Global $sectionnamearraygens = IniReadSectionNames(@ScriptDir & "\Genres.data") Global $conttypearraygens = _ArrayCreate("") $i = 1 For $i = 1 To $sectionnamearraygens[0] _ArrayAdd($conttypearraygens, GUICtrlCreateMenuItem($sectionnamearraygens[$i], $submGenres)) Next $conttypearraygens[0] = $sectionnamearraygens[0] EndFunc ;==>ListGenres Func ListYears() Global $sectionnamearrayyers = IniReadSectionNames(@ScriptDir & "\Years.data") Global $conttypearrayyers = _ArrayCreate("") $i = 1 For $i = 1 To $sectionnamearrayyers[0] _ArrayAdd($conttypearrayyers, GUICtrlCreateMenuItem($sectionnamearrayyers[$i], $submYears)) Next $conttypearrayyers[0] = $sectionnamearrayyers[0] EndFunc ;==>ListYears Func ListArtists() Global $sectionnamearraygrps = IniReadSectionNames(@ScriptDir & "\GroupNames.data") Global $conttypearraygrps = _ArrayCreate("") $i = 1 For $i = 1 To $sectionnamearraygrps[0] _ArrayAdd($conttypearraygrps, GUICtrlCreateMenuItem($sectionnamearraygrps[$i], $submArtists)) Next $conttypearraygrps[0] = $sectionnamearraygrps[0] EndFunc ;==>ListArtists Func _IniSort($hIni) Local $aIRSN = IniReadSectionNames($hIni) If Not IsArray($aIRSN) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) _ArraySort($aIRSN, 0, 1) Local $aKey, $sHold For $iCC = 1 To UBound($aIRSN) - 1 Local $aIRS = IniReadSection($hIni, $aIRSN[$iCC]) If Not IsArray($aIRS) Then ContinueLoop For $xCC = 1 To $aIRS[0][0] $aKey &= $aIRS[$xCC][0] & Chr(1) Next If $aKey Then $aKey = StringSplit(StringTrimRight($aKey, 1), Chr(1)) _ArraySort($aKey, 0, 1) $sHold &= '[' & $aIRSN[$iCC] & ']' & @CRLF For $aCC = 1 To UBound($aKey) - 1 $sHold &= $aKey[$aCC] & '=' & IniRead($hIni, $aIRSN[$iCC], $aKey[$aCC], 'blahblah') & @CRLF Next $aKey = '' EndIf Next If $sHold Then $sHold = StringTrimRight($sHold, 2) FileClose(FileOpen($hIni, 2)) FileWrite($hIni, $sHold) Return 1 EndIf Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_IniSort Func AddIndiv() #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= $addingindiv = 1 Global $Form4 = GUICreate("Enter", 299, 207, 193, 115, $WS_POPUP) $types = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Artist", 8, 8, 161, 25) _GUICtrlComboBox_AddString ($types, "Genre") _GUICtrlComboBox_AddString ($types, "Album") _GUICtrlComboBox_AddString ($types, "Year") $inputspec = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 176, 8, 113, 21) $songs = GUICtrlCreateListView("Songs ", 8, 40, 281, 137) $ButtonAdd = GUICtrlCreateButton("Add", 8, 184, 97, 17, 0) $ButtonCancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit", 112, 184, 89, 17, 0) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### $prevmsg = TimerInit() EndFunc ;==>AddIndiv Func IndexDirectory($dir) $lists = _AddArrays(_FileListToArrayEx($dir, "*.mp3", 1, ' ', True), _FileListToArrayEx($dir, "*.wma", 1, ' ', True)) ProgressOn("Indexing...", "Indexing " & $dir, "0% Complete") For $numC = 1 To $lists[0] Writes2($lists[$numC]) ProgressSet(Round(($numC / $lists[0]) * 100), Round(($numC / $lists[0]) * 100) & "% Complete") Next ProgressOff() EndFunc ;==>IndexDirectory Func SectionToArray($file, $section) $array = _ArrayCreate("") $array[0] = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\" & $file & ".data", $section, "Number", 1) For $num2 = 0 To $array[0] _ArrayAdd($array, IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\" & $file & ".data", $section, $num2, "")) Next Return $array EndFunc ;==>SectionToArray Func _FileListToArrayEx($sPath, $sFilter = '*.*', $iFlag = 0, $sExclude = '', $iRecurse = False) If Not FileExists($sPath) Then Return SetError(1, 1, '') If $sFilter = -1 Or $sFilter = Default Then $sFilter = '*.*' If $iFlag = -1 Or $iFlag = Default Then $iFlag = 0 If $sExclude = -1 Or $sExclude = Default Then $sExclude = '' Local $aBadChar[6] = ['\', '/', ':', '>', '<', '|'] $sFilter = StringRegExpReplace($sFilter, '\s*;\s*', ';') If StringRight($sPath, 1) <> '\' Then $sPath &= '\' For $iCC = 0 To 5 If StringInStr($sFilter, $aBadChar[$iCC]) Or _ StringInStr($sExclude, $aBadChar[$iCC]) Then Return SetError(2, 2, '') Next If StringStripWS($sFilter, 8) = '' Then Return SetError(2, 2, '') If Not ($iFlag = 0 Or $iFlag = 1 Or $iFlag = 2) Then Return SetError(3, 3, '') Local $oFSO = ObjCreate("Scripting.FileSystemObject"), $sTFolder $sTFolder = $oFSO.GetSpecialFolder (2) Local $hOutFile = @TempDir & $oFSO.GetTempName If Not StringInStr($sFilter, ';') Then $sFilter &= ';' Local $aSplit = StringSplit(StringStripWS($sFilter, 8), ';'), $sRead, $sHoldSplit For $iCC = 1 To $aSplit[0] If StringStripWS($aSplit[$iCC], 8) = '' Then ContinueLoop If StringLeft($aSplit[$iCC], 1) = '.' And _ UBound(StringSplit($aSplit[$iCC], '.')) - 2 = 1 Then $aSplit[$iCC] = '*' & $aSplit[$iCC] $sHoldSplit &= '"' & $sPath & $aSplit[$iCC] & '" ' Next $sHoldSplit = StringTrimRight($sHoldSplit, 1) If $iRecurse Then RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c dir /b /s /a ' & $sHoldSplit & ' > "' & $hOutFile & '"', '', @SW_HIDE) Else RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c dir /b /a ' & $sHoldSplit & ' /o-e /od > "' & $hOutFile & '"', '', @SW_HIDE) EndIf $sRead &= FileRead($hOutFile) If Not FileExists($hOutFile) Then Return SetError(4, 4, '') FileDelete($hOutFile) If StringStripWS($sRead, 8) = '' Then SetError(4, 4, '') Local $aFSplit = StringSplit(StringTrimRight(StringStripCR($sRead), 1), @LF) Local $sHold For $iCC = 1 To $aFSplit[0] If $sExclude And StringLeft($aFSplit[$iCC], _ StringLen(StringReplace($sExclude, '*', ''))) = StringReplace($sExclude, '*', '') Then ContinueLoop Switch $iFlag Case 0 If StringRegExp($aFSplit[$iCC], '\w:\\') = 0 Then $sHold &= $sPath & $aFSplit[$iCC] & Chr(1) Else $sHold &= $aFSplit[$iCC] & Chr(1) EndIf Case 1 If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sPath & '\' & $aFSplit[$iCC]), 'd') = 0 And _ StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($aFSplit[$iCC]), 'd') = 0 Then If StringRegExp($aFSplit[$iCC], '\w:\\') = 0 Then $sHold &= $sPath & $aFSplit[$iCC] & Chr(1) Else $sHold &= $aFSplit[$iCC] & Chr(1) EndIf EndIf Case 2 If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sPath & '\' & $aFSplit[$iCC]), 'd') Or _ StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($aFSplit[$iCC]), 'd') Then If StringRegExp($aFSplit[$iCC], '\w:\\') = 0 Then $sHold &= $sPath & $aFSplit[$iCC] & Chr(1) Else $sHold &= $aFSplit[$iCC] & Chr(1) EndIf EndIf EndSwitch Next If StringTrimRight($sHold, 1) Then Return StringSplit(StringTrimRight($sHold, 1), Chr(1)) Return SetError(4, 4, '') EndFunc ;==>_FileListToArrayEx Func Writes2($file3) #cs $array1 = _ID3TagToArray ($file3, 1, "TIT2|TALB|TPE1|TYER|APIC") If IsArray($array1) Then If $array1[0] > 6 Then $Asplit = StringSplit($array1[1], "|") If $Asplit[0] = 2 Then Global $songname = $Asplit[2] Else Global $songname = 'Unknown Song' EndIf $Asplit = StringSplit($array1[2], "|") If $Asplit[0] = 2 Then If $Asplit[2] <> "" Then Global $groupname = $Asplit[2] Else Global $groupname = 'Unknown Group' EndIf EndIf $Asplit = StringSplit($array1[3], "|") If $Asplit[0] = 2 Then If $Asplit[2] <> "" Then Global $albumtitle = $Asplit[2] Else Global $albumtitle = 'Unknown Album' EndIf EndIf $Asplit = StringSplit($array1[4], "|") If $Asplit[0] = 2 Then If $Asplit[2] <> "" Then Global $year = $Asplit[2] Else Global $year = 'Unknown Year' EndIf EndIf $Asplit = StringSplit($array1[7], "|") If $Asplit[0] = 2 Then If $Asplit[2] <> "" Then Global $genre = $Asplit[2] Else Global $genre = 'Unknown Genre' EndIf EndIf Else $genre = 'Unknown Genre' $year = 'Unknown Year' $groupname = 'Unknown Artist' $songname = 'Unknown Song' $albumtitle = 'Unknown Album' EndIf Else $genre = 'Unknown Genre' $year = 'Unknown Year' $groupname = 'Unknown Artist' $songname = 'Unknown Song' $albumtitle = 'Unknown Album' EndIf #ce $readingfrom = $file3 $genreread = _GetExtProperty($readingfrom, 20) ;MsgBox(0, "", $genreread) ;If $genreread <> 0 Then Global $genre = $genreread ;Else ; Global $genre = "Unknown Genre" ;EndIf $artistread = _GetExtProperty($readingfrom, 16) ;MsgBox(0, "", $artistread) ;If $artistread <> 0 Then Global $groupname = $artistread ;Else ; Global $groupname = "Unknown Artist" ;EndIf $albumread = _GetExtProperty($readingfrom, 17) ;MsgBox(0, "", $albumread) ;If $albumread <> 0 Then Global $albumtitle = $albumread ;Else ; Global $albumtitle = "Unknown Album" ;EndIf $yearread = _GetExtProperty($readingfrom, 18) ;MsgBox(0, "", $yearread) ;If $yearread <> 0 Then Global $year = $yearread ;Else ; Global $year = "Unknown Year" ;EndIf $titleread = _GetExtProperty($readingfrom, 10) ;MsgBox(0, "", $titleread) ;If $titleread <> 0 Then Global $songname = $titleread ;Else ; Global $songname = "Unknown Song" ;EndIf $reas = SectionToArray("Years", $year) If _ArraySearch($reas, $file3) = -1 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Years.data", $year, IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Years.data", $year, "Number", -1) + 1, $file3) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Years.data", $year, "Number", IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Years.data", $year, "Number", -1) + 1) EndIf $reas = SectionToArray("Genres", $genre) If _ArraySearch($reas, $file3) = -1 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Genres.data", $genre, IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Genres.data", $genre, "Number", -1) + 1, $file3) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Genres.data", $genre, "Number", IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Genres.data", $genre, "Number", -1) + 1) EndIf $reas = SectionToArray("GroupNames", $groupname) If _ArraySearch($reas, $file3) = -1 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\GroupNames.data", $groupname, IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\GroupNames.data", $groupname, "Number", -1) + 1, $file3) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\GroupNames.data", $groupname, "Number", IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\GroupNames.data", $groupname, "Number", -1) + 1) EndIf $reas = SectionToArray("AlbumTitles", $albumtitle) If _ArraySearch($reas, $file3) = -1 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\AlbumTitles.data", BR($albumtitle), IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AlbumTitles.data", BR($albumtitle), "Number", -1) + 1, $file3) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\AlbumTitles.data", BR($albumtitle), "Number", IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\AlbumTitles.data", BR($albumtitle), "Number", -1) + 1) EndIf If IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs1.data", "Other", "Number", 0) <= 200 Then IndivSongIndex2(1, $file3) ElseIf IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs2.data", "Other", "Number", 0) <= 200 Then IndivSongIndex2(2, $file3) ElseIf IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs3.data", "Other", "Number", 0) <= 200 Then IndivSongIndex2(3, $file3) ElseIf IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs4.data", "Other", "Number", 0) <= 200 Then IndivSongIndex2(4, $file3) ElseIf IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs5.data", "Other", "Number", 0) <= 200 Then IndivSongIndex2(5, $file3) ElseIf IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs6.data", "Other", "Number", 0) <= 200 Then IndivSongIndex2(6, $file3) ElseIf IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs7.data", "Other", "Number", 0) <= 200 Then IndivSongIndex2(7, $file3) ElseIf IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs8.data", "Other", "Number", 0) <= 200 Then IndivSongIndex2(8, $file3) ElseIf IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs9.data", "Other", "Number", 0) <= 200 Then IndivSongIndex2(9, $file3) ElseIf IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs10.data", "Other", "Number", 0) <= 200 Then IndivSongIndex2(10, $file3) EndIf EndFunc ;==>Writes2 Func IndivSongIndex2($num, $filep) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Songs" & $num & ".data", BR($filep), "Year", $year) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Songs" & $num & ".data", BR($filep), "Genre", $genre) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Songs" & $num & ".data", BR($filep), "Album Title", $albumtitle) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Songs" & $num & ".data", BR($filep), "Song Name", $songname) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Songs" & $num & ".data", BR($filep), "Group Name", $groupname) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Songs" & $num & ".data", "Other", "Number", IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Songs" & $num & ".data", "Other", "Number", 0) + 1) EndFunc ;==>IndivSongIndex2 Func Graphics() ;If WinActive($title) Then If $next = 1 Then $next = 0 GUICtrlSetColor($counter, 0x888888) GUICtrlSetColor($nowplaying, 0x888888) GUICtrlSetBkColor($list, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetColor($list, 0x888888) GUICtrlSetBkColor($seekbar, 0x000000) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($list, 0, 0) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($list, 0, 266) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($list, 1, 109) $listprev = $list EndIf $m = GUIGetCursorInfo() If IsArray($m) Then Switch $m[4] Case $playpause If $c = 0 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($playpause, 0x999999) $c = 1 EndIf Case $ctrl_next If $c = 0 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($ctrl_next, 0x999999) $c = 1 EndIf Case $previous If $c = 0 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($previous, 0x999999) $c = 1 EndIf Case $vol If $c = 0 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($vol, 0x999999) $c = 1 EndIf Case Else If $c = 1 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($ctrl_next, 0x666666) GUICtrlSetBkColor($previous, 0x666666) GUICtrlSetBkColor($playpause, 0x666666) GUICtrlSetBkColor($vol, 0x666666) $c = 0 EndIf EndSwitch Else GUICtrlSetBkColor($ctrl_next, 0x666666) GUICtrlSetBkColor($previous, 0x666666) GUICtrlSetBkColor($playpause, 0x666666) $c = 0 EndIf If BitOR($list <> $listprev, _GUICtrlListView_GetBkColor ($list) <> 0x000000) Then $next = 1 GUICtrlSetColor($counter, 0x888888) GUICtrlSetColor($nowplaying, 0x888888) GUICtrlSetBkColor($list, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetColor($list, 0x888888) GUICtrlSetBkColor($seekbar, 0x000000) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($list, 0, 0) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($list, 0, 266) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($list, 1, 109) $listprev = $list EndIf ;EndIf EndFunc ;==>Graphics Func SearchLib() #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= Global $searching = 1 Global $SearchDB = GUICreate("Search MediaPlayer Library", 539, 404, 193, 115, $WS_POPUP) $SearchInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 8, 8, 441, 21) $SearchButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Search", 456, 8, 73, 25, 0) $SearchListView = GUICtrlCreateListView("Results", 8, 40, 521, 320) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($SearchListView, 0, 500) $SearchAdd = GUICtrlCreateButton("Play", 8, 363, 530 / 2, 27) $SearchExit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit", 12 + 530 / 2, 363, (570 / 2) - 30, 27) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ## EndFunc ;==>SearchLib Func EnterMenu() Return EndFunc ;==>EnterMenu Func ExitMenu() Global $chmen = TimerInit() Return EndFunc ;==>ExitMenu Func MenuItems() ;MsgBox(0, "MI", "") ;MsgBox(0, $menuitemsexist, "") ;MsgBox(0, $readfrom, "") If $menuitemsexist = 0 Then GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $playmenu) If _FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name") <> "%null%" Then Global $listentoartist = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Listen to songs from " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name"), $playmenu) EndIf If _FindInfo($readfrom, "Year") <> "%null%" Then Global $listentoyear = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Listen to songs from " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Year"), $playmenu) EndIf If _FindInfo($readfrom, "Album Title") <> "%null%" Then Global $listentoalbum = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Listen to songs from " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Album Title"), $playmenu) EndIf If _FindInfo($readfrom, "Genre") <> "%null%" Then Global $listentogenre = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Listen to " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Genre"), $playmenu) EndIf Global $menuitemsexist = 1 Else If _FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name") <> "%null%" Then GUICtrlSetData($listentoartist, "Listen to songs from " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Group Name")) EndIf If _FindInfo($readfrom, "Year") <> "%null%" Then GUICtrlSetData($listentoyear, "Listen to songs from " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Year")) EndIf If _FindInfo($readfrom, "Album Title") <> "%null%" Then GUICtrlSetData($listentoalbum, "Listen to songs from " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Album Title")) EndIf If _FindInfo($readfrom, "Genre") <> "%null%" Then GUICtrlSetData($listentogenre, "Listen to " & _FindInfo($readfrom, "Genre")) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>MenuItems Func SBMs($string, $splitnum) $split = StringSplit($string, "|") If BitOR($splitnum < 0, $splitnum > $split[0]) Then Return 0 Else Return $split[$splitnum] EndIf EndFunc ;==>SBMs ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: GetExtProperty($sPath,$iProp) ; Description: Returns an extended property of a given file. ; Parameter(s): $sPath - The path to the file you are attempting to retrieve an extended property from. ; $iProp - The numerical value for the property you want returned. If $iProp is is set ; to -1 then all properties will be returned in a 1 dimensional array in their corresponding order. ; The properties are as follows: ; Name = 0 ; Size = 1 ; Type = 2 ; DateModified = 3 ; DateCreated = 4 ; DateAccessed = 5 ; Attributes = 6 ; Status = 7 ; Owner = 8 ; Author = 9 ; Title = 10 ; Subject = 11 ; Category = 12 ; Pages = 13 ; Comments = 14 ; Copyright = 15 ; Artist = 16 ; AlbumTitle = 17 ; Year = 18 ; TrackNumber = 19 ; Genre = 20 ; Duration = 21 ; BitRate = 22 ; Protected = 23 ; CameraModel = 24 ; DatePictureTaken = 25 ; Dimensions = 26 ; Width = 27 ; Height = 28 ; Company = 30 ; Description = 31 ; FileVersion = 32 ; ProductName = 33 ; ProductVersion = 34 ; Requirement(s): File specified in $spath must exist. ; Return Value(s): On Success - The extended file property, or if $iProp = -1 then an array with all properties ; On Failure - 0, @Error - 1 (If file does not exist) ; Author(s): Simucal (Simucal@gmail.com) ; Note(s): ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GetExtProperty($sPath, $iProp) Local $iExist, $sFile, $sDir, $oShellApp, $oDir, $oFile, $aProperty, $sProperty $iExist = FileExists($sPath) If $iExist = 0 Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else $sFile = StringTrimLeft($sPath, StringInStr($sPath, "\", 0, -1)) $sDir = StringTrimRight($sPath, (StringLen($sPath) - StringInStr($sPath, "\", 0, -1))) $oShellApp = ObjCreate("shell.application") $oDir = $oShellApp.NameSpace ($sDir) $oFile = $oDir.Parsename ($sFile) If $iProp = -1 Then Local $aProperty[35] For $i = 0 To 34 $aProperty[$i] = $oDir.GetDetailsOf ($oFile, $i) Next Return $aProperty Else $sProperty = $oDir.GetDetailsOf ($oFile, $iProp) If $sProperty = "" Then Return 0 Else Return $sProperty EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetExtProperty Func _AddArrays($ato, $afrom) If BitAND(IsArray($ato), IsArray($afrom)) Then For $i = 1 To $afrom[0] _ArrayAdd($ato, $afrom[$i]) $ato[0] += 1 Next Return $ato Else If IsArray($ato) Then Return $ato ElseIf IsArray($afrom) Then Return $afrom Else Return 0 EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_AddArrays Func BR($string) $string = StringReplace($string, "[", "(*") Return StringReplace($string, "]", "*)") EndFunc ;==>BR Func RP($string) $string = StringReplace($string, "(*", "[") Return StringReplace($string, "*)", "]") EndFunc ;==>RP Func _SoundGetWaveVolume() Local $WaveVol = -1, $p, $ret Const $MMSYSERR_NOERROR = 0 $p = DllStructCreate("dword") If @error Then SetError(2) Return -2 EndIf $ret = DllCall("winmm.dll", "long", "waveOutGetVolume", "long", -1, "long", DllStructGetPtr($p)) If($ret[0] == $MMSYSERR_NOERROR) Then $WaveVol = Round(Dec(StringRight(Hex(DllStructGetData($p, 1), 8), 4)) / 0xFFFF * 100) Else SetError(1) EndIf $Struct = 0 Return $WaveVol EndFunc ;==>_SoundGetWaveVolume