#Include #include-once ;Func _XMLCopyObjectAsObjectChild( $oSource, $oDest, $bIncludeAll=True ) ;Func _XMLCreateChild($iIndex, $strXPath, $strNode, $strData = "", $strNameSpc = "") ;Func _XMLCreateObjectChild($oNode, $strNode, $strData = "", $strNameSpc = "") ;Func _XMLCreateChildWAttrib( $iIndex, $strXPath, $strNode, $aAttr, $aVal, $strData = "", $strNameSpc = "") ;Func _XMLCreateObjectChildWAttrib( $oNode, $strNode, $aAttr, $aVal, $strData = "", $strNameSpc = "") ;Func _XMLDeleteObject( ByRef $oNode ) ;Func _XMLGetNodeCount( $iIndex, $sPath ) ;Func _XMLGetAttrib($iIndex, $strXPath, $strAttrib) ;Func _XMLGetAllAttrib($iIndex, $strXPath, ByRef $aAttrib, ByRef $aValue ) ;Func _XMLGetObjectAttrib($oNode, $strAttrib) ;Func _XMLGetObjectChildren( $oNode ) Global $__debugFunctions[ 1 ] = [ "Main" ] Global $__debugEnabled = False Global Const $__MAXXMLFILES =5 Global Const $_XMLUDFVER = ""; udf version Global $__DOMVERSION = -1 Global $strXMLFile[$__MAXXMLFILES];the current xml file name Global $objXMLDoc[$__MAXXMLFILES];the current XML object Global $bXMLAutoSave[$__MAXXMLFILES] Global $oMyError ;COM error handler OBJ ; Initialize SvenP 's error handler Func _XMLCopyObjectAsObjectChild( $oSource, $oDest, $bIncludeAll=True, $bSubNodes=True ) Local $i __DebugPushFunction( "_XMLCopyObjectAsObjectChild" ) If Not IsObj( $oSource ) Then __DebugWrite( "Source is not an object." ) __DebugPopFunction() SetError( 1 ) Return -1 EndIf If Not IsObj( $oDest ) Then __DebugWrite( "Destination is not an object." ) __DebugPopFunction() SetError( 1 ) Return -1 EndIf Local $oClone = $oSource.CloneNode( $bIncludeAll ) If Not IsObj( $oClone ) Then __DebugWrite( "Source object clone failed." ) __DebugPopFunction() SetError( 1 ) Return -1 EndIf __DebugWrite( "Cloned source node." ) If $bSubNodes Then Local $aoKiddies = _XMLGetObjectChildren( $oSource ) For $i = 1 to $aoKiddies[0] _XMLCopyObjectAsObjectChild( $aoKiddies[ $i ], $oClone ) Next EndIf $oDest.appendChild( $oClone ) __DebugWrite( "Inserted copy at destination." ) __DebugPopFunction() Return $oClone EndFunc Func _XMLCreateChild($iIndex, $strXPath, $strNode, $strData = "", $strNameSpc = "") __DebugPushFunction( "_XMLCreateChild" ) Local $objParent, $objChild, $aobjNodeList While @error = 0 $aobjNodeList = _XMLSelectNodes( $iIndex, $strXPath) If $aobjNodeList[0] > 0 Then;.length <> 0 Then $objChild = _XMLCreateObjectChild( $aobjNodeList[1], $strNode, $strData, $strNameSpc ) If $bXMLAutoSave[$iIndex] = True Then _XMLFileSave( $iIndex ) EndIf __DebugPopFunction() Return $objChild Else ExitLoop EndIf WEnd ; __XMLError( "Error creating child node: " & $strNode & @CRLF & $strXPath & " does not exist." & @CRLF & $oMyError.windescription) _XMLError( 1, "Error creating child node: " & $strNode & @CRLF & $strXPath & " does not exist." & @CRLF) __DebugPopFunction() SetError(1) Return -1 EndFunc ;==>__XMLCreateChildNode Func _XMLCreateObjectChild($oNode, $strNode, $strData = "", $strNameSpc = "") __DebugPushFunction( "_XMLCreateObjectChild" ) Local $objParent, $objChild, $objNodeList While @error = 0 $objNodeList = $oNode If IsObj($objNodeList) Then;.length <> 0 Then ; For $objParent In $objNodeList.documentElement.selectNodes ($strXPath) $objParent=$objNodeList $objChild = $objParent.ownerDocument.createNode (1, $strNode, $strNameSpc) If $strData <> "" Then $objChild.text = $strData $objParent.appendChild ($objChild) __DebugWrite( "Node '" & $strNode & "' created." ) $objParent = "" __DebugPopFunction() Return $objChild Else ExitLoop EndIf WEnd ; __XMLError( "Error creating child node: " & $strNode & @CRLF & $strXPath & " does not exist." & @CRLF & $oMyError.windescription) _XMLError( 1, "Error creating child node: " & $strNode & @CRLF & " does not exist." & @CRLF) __DebugPopFunction() SetError(1) Return -1 EndFunc ;==>__XMLCreateChildNode Func _XMLCreateChildWAttrib( $iIndex, $strXPath, $strNode, $aAttr, $aVal, $strData = "", $strNameSpc = "") __DebugPushFunction( "_XMLCreateChildWAttrib" ) Local $oChild = _XMLCreateChild( $iIndex, $strXPath, $strNode, $strData, $strNameSpc ) If Not IsObj( $oChild ) Then __DebugWrite( "Child Node not created successfully." ) __DebugPopFunction() Return -1 EndIf _XMLSetObjectAttrib( $oChild, $aAttr, $aVal ) If $bXMLAutoSave[$iIndex] = True Then _XMLFileSave( $iIndex ) EndIf __DebugPopFunction() Return $oChild EndFunc Func _XMLCreateObjectChildWAttrib( $oNode, $strNode, $aAttr, $aVal, $strData = "", $strNameSpc = "") __DebugPushFunction( "_XMLCreateObjectChildWAttrib" ) If Not IsObj( $oNode ) Then __DebugWrite( "Error. oNode is not an object." ) _XMLError( 1, "Error creating child node: " & $strNode & ".") __DebugPopFunction() SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf Local $oChild = _XMLCreateObjectChild( $oNode, $strNode, $strData, $strNameSpc ) If Not IsObj( $oChild ) Then __DebugWrite( "Child Node not created successfully." ) __DebugPopFunction() Return -1 EndIf _XMLSetObjectAttrib( $oChild, $aAttr, $aVal ) __DebugPopFunction() Return $oChild EndFunc Func _XMLDeleteObject( ByRef $oNode ) __DebugPushFunction( "_XMLDeleteObject" ) Local $xmlerr ;$objNode = $objDoc[$oIndex].selectSingleNode ($strXPath) If Not IsObj($oNode) Then __DebugWrite( "Node Not found" ) __DebugPopFunction() Return False EndIf While @error = 0 ;And $objNode.length > 0 $oNode.parentNode.removeChild ($oNode) $oNode="" __DebugWrite( "Node Deleted" ) __DebugPopFunction() Return True WEnd ; __XMLError( "Error Deleting Node: " & $strXPath & @CRLF & $oMyError.windescription) _XMLError( 1, "Error Deleting Node: " & $xmlerr) __DebugPopFunction() SetError(1) Return -1 EndFunc ;==>_XMLDeleteNode Func _XMLGetNodeCount( $iIndex, $sPath ) __DebugPushFunction( "_XMLGetNodeCount" ) Local $aNodes = _XMLSelectNodes( $iIndex, $sPath ) __DebugPopFunction() Return $aNodes[0] EndFunc Func _XMLGetAttrib($iIndex, $strXPath, $strAttrib) __DebugPushFunction( "_XMLGetAttrib" ) Local $error, $objAttr, $aNodes ; If @error = 0 Then $aNodes = _XMLSelectNodes( $iIndex, $strXPath ) If $aNodes[0] < 1 Then __DebugWrite( "Node not found." ) __DebugPopFunction() SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf $objAttr = _XMLGetObjectAttrib( $aNodes[1], $strAttrib ) $error = @error __DebugPopFunction() SetError( $error ) Return $objAttr EndFunc ;==>XMLGetAttribFromObject Func _XMLGetAllAttrib($iIndex, $strXPath, ByRef $aAttrib, ByRef $aValue ) __DebugPushFunction( "_XMLGetAllAttrib" ) Local $error, $aNodes ; If @error = 0 Then $aNodes = _XMLSelectNodes( $iIndex, $strXPath ) If $aNodes[0] < 1 Then __DebugWrite( "Node not found." ) __DebugPopFunction() SetError(1) Return EndIf _XMLGetObjectAllAttrib( $aNodes[1], $aAttrib, $aValue ) $error = @error __DebugPopFunction() SetError( $error ) Return EndFunc ;==>XMLGetAttribFromObject Func _XMLGetObjectAllAttrib($oNode, ByRef $aAttrib, ByRef $aValue ) __DebugPushFunction( "_XMLGetObjectAllAttrib" ) Local $xmlerr, $objAttr ; If @error = 0 Then While @error = 0 If IsObj( $oNode ) > 0 Then $objAttr = $oNode.attributes If ($objAttr.length) Then __DebugWrite("Get all attrib " & $objAttr.length) ReDim $aAttrib[$objAttr.length] ReDim $aValue[$objAttr.length] For $i = 0 To $objAttr.length - 1 $aAttrib[$i] = $objAttr.item ($i).nodeName $aValue[$i] = $objAttr.item ($i).Value Next Else __DebugWrite("Error: no attributes found.") __DebugPopFunction() SetError(1) Return EndIf Return Else _XMLError( 1, "No qualified items found" ) __DebugWrite( "No qualified items found" ) SetError(1) Return EndIf WEnd ;_XMLError( 1, "Attribute " & $strAttrib & " not found for node " & $xmlerr) __DebugPopFunction() SetError(1) Return -1 EndFunc ;==>XMLGetAttribFromObject Func _XMLGetObjectAttrib($oNode, $strAttrib) __DebugPushFunction( "_XMLGetObjectAttrib" ) Local $xmlerr, $objAttr ; If @error = 0 Then While @error = 0 If IsObj( $oNode ) > 0 Then $objAttr = $oNode.getAttribute ($strAttrib) ; $arrResponse[$i] = $objAttr.text ; $arrResponse[$i] = $objAttr __DebugWrite($strAttrib & "=" & $objAttr) ;__DebugWrite(>>" & $objAttr.text) __DebugPopFunction() Return $objAttr Else $xmlerr = @CRLF & "No qualified items found" ExitLoop EndIf WEnd _XMLError( 1, "Attribute " & $strAttrib & " not found for node " & $xmlerr) __DebugPopFunction() SetError(1) Return -1 EndFunc ;==>XMLGetAttribFromObject Func _XMLGetObjectChildren( $oNode ) __DebugPushFunction( "_XMLGetObjectChildren" ) Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1], $i, $xmlerr, $objAttr If IsObj( $oNode ) > 0 Then __DebugWrite( "Selecting object's children. ( '" & $oNode.nodeName & "' )" ) Else __DebugPopFunction() SetError( 1 ) Return -1 EndIf $objNodeList = $oNode.childNodes ;__DebugWrite("Get Attrib length= " & $objNodeList.length) ; If @error = 0 Then While @error = 0 If $objNodeList.Length > 0 Then __DebugWrite( "Found " & $objNodeList.Length & " matching nodes." ) ReDim $arrResponse[$objNodeList.length + 1] $arrResponse[ 0 ] = $objNodeList.length For $i = 0 To $objNodeList.length - 1 $objAttr = $objNodeList.item ($i) $arrResponse[ $i + 1 ] = $objAttr ;__DebugWrite("RET>>" & $objAttr) ;__DebugWrite("Text>>" & $objAttr.text) Next __DebugPopFunction() Return $arrResponse Else __DebugWrite( "No qualified items found" ) $arrResponse[0]=0 __DebugPopFunction() Return $arrResponse EndIf WEnd ;EndIf ;~ __XMLError( "Attribute " & $strAttrib & " not found for: " & $strXPath & @CRLF & $oMyError.windescription) ;_XMLError( "Attribute " & $strAttrib & " not found for: " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) SetError(1) Return -1 ; EndIf EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetAttrib Func _XMLGetObjectName( $oNode ) ;__DebugPushFunction( "_XMLGetObjectName" ) If IsObj( $oNode ) then Return $oNode.nodeName Else Return "" EndIf EndFunc ;==>XMLGetAttribFromObject Func _XMLSetObjectAttrib($oNode, $aAttr, $aVal="") __DebugPushFunction( "_XMLSetObjectAttrib" ) Local $xmlerr, $objAttr ; If @error = 0 Then While @error = 0 If IsObj( $oNode ) > 0 Then If IsArray($aAttr) And IsArray($aVal) Then If UBound($aAttr) <> UBound($aVal) Then _XMLError( 1, "Attribute and value mismatch" & @CRLF & "Please make sure each attribute has a matching value.") __DebugPopFunction() SetError(2) Return -1 Else Local $i For $i = 0 To UBound($aAttr) - 1 __DebugWrite("Setting attribute '" & $aAttr[$i] & "'='" & $aVal[$i] & "'") If $aAttr[$i] = "" Then _XMLError( 1, "Error creating child node: " & @CRLF & " Attribute Name Cannot be NULL." & @CRLF) __DebugPopFunction() SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf $oNode.SetAttribute ($aAttr[ $i ], $aVal[ $i ] ) If @error <> 0 Then _XMLError( 1, "Error creating child node: " & @CRLF & "Node does not exist." & @CRLF) __DebugPopFunction() SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf Next __DebugPopFunction() Return 0 EndIf Else if isArray($aAttr) or IsArray($aVal) then _XMLError( 1, "Attribute and value mismatch" & @CRLF & "Please make sure each attribute has a matching value.") __DebugPopFunction() SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf if $aAttr ="" Then _XMLError(1, "Attribute Name cannot be empty string."&@LF) __DebugPopFunction() SetError(5) Return -1 EndIf __DebugWrite("Setting attribute '" & $aAttr & "'='" & $aVal & "'") $oNode.SetAttribute ($aAttr, $aVal ) If @error <> 0 Then _XMLError( 1, "Error creating child node: " & @CRLF & "Node does not exist." & @CRLF) __DebugPopFunction() SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf __DebugPopFunction() Return 0 EndIf Else $xmlerr = @CRLF & "No qualified items found" ExitLoop EndIf WEnd _XMLError( 1, "Error setting attribute for node: " & $xmlerr) __DebugPopFunction() SetError(1) Return -1 EndFunc ;==>XMLGetAttribFromObject Func _XMLFileClose( $iIndex ) __DebugPushFunction( "_XMLFileClose" ) If IsObj( $objXMLDoc[ $iIndex ] ) Then _XMLFileSave($iIndex) $objXMLDoc[ $iIndex ] = "" __DebugWrite( "Closed file #" & $iIndex & "." ) EndIf __DebugPopFunction() EndFunc Func _XMLFileCreate( $strPath, $strRoot, $bOverwrite = False, $iIndex=-1, $ver=-1 ) __DebugPushFunction( "_XMLFileCreate" ) Local $retval, $fe, $objPI, $rootElement If $iIndex = -1 Then $iIndex = _XMLGetFreeFileHandle() If $iIndex = -1 then _XMLError( 2, "No free file handles available with which to create '" & $strXMLFile & "'." ) __DebugPopFunction() Return -1 EndIf EndIf If _XMLFileInUse( $iIndex ) Then _XMLFileClose( $iIndex ) EndIf $fe = FileExists($strPath) If $fe And Not $bOverwrite Then _XMLError( 2, "Error failed to create file: " & $strPath & @CRLF & "File exists.") __DebugPopFunction() SetError(1) Return -1 Else FileCopy($strPath, $strPath & ".old", 1) FileDelete($strPath) EndIf ;==== pick your poison ; $objDoc[$oIndex] = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLDOM") If $ver <> -1 Then If $ver > -1 And $ver < 7 Then $objXMLDoc[ $iIndex ] = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument." & $ver & ".0") If IsObj($objXMLDoc[ $iIndex ]) Then $__DOMVERSION = $ver EndIf Else MsgBox(266288, "Error:", "Failed to create object with MSXML version " & $ver) __DebugPopFunction() SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf Else For $x = 8 To 0 Step - 1 ; ConsoleWrite(@SystemDir & "\msxml" & $x & ".dll" & @LF) If FileExists(@SystemDir & "\msxml" & $x & ".dll") Then $objXMLDoc[ $iIndex ] = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument." & $x & ".0") If IsObj($objXMLDoc[ $iIndex ]) Then $__DOMVERSION = $x __DebugWrite( "Autoselected MSXML Version" & $x & "." ) ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Next EndIf if $oMyError = "" then $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_COMerr") ; ; Initialize SvenP 's error handler $objPI = $objXMLDoc[$iIndex].createProcessingInstruction ("xml", "version=""1.0""") $objXMLDoc[$iIndex].appendChild ($objPI) $rootElement = $objXMLDoc[$iIndex].createElement ($strRoot) $objXMLDoc[$iIndex].documentElement = $rootElement $strXMLFile[$iIndex] = $strPath $bXMLAutoSave[$iIndex] = True $objXMLDoc[$iIndex].save ($strPath) __DebugWrite( "Created file '" & $strPath & "' as #" & $iIndex & "." ) If $objXMLDoc[$iIndex].parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then _XMLError( 1, "Error Creating specified file: " & $strPath) __DebugPopFunction() SetError($objXMLDoc[$iIndex].parseError.errorCode) Return -1 EndIf __DebugPopFunction() Return $iIndex EndFunc ;==>_XMLCreateFile Func _XMLFileInUse( $iIndex ) Return IsObj( $objXMLDoc[ $iIndex ] ) EndFunc Func _XMLFileOpen($strFile, $iIndex=-1, $strNameSpc = "", $ver = -1) __DebugPushFunction( "_XMLFileOpen" ) If $iIndex = -1 Then $iIndex = _XMLGetFreeFileHandle() If $iIndex = -1 then _XMLError( 2, "No free file handles available with which to open '" & $strXMLFile & "'." ) __DebugPopFunction() Return -1 EndIf EndIf If _XMLFileInUse( $iIndex ) Then _XMLFileClose( $iIndex ) EndIf ;==== pick your poison If $ver <> -1 Then If $ver > -1 And $ver < 7 Then $objXMLDoc[ $iIndex ] = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument." & $ver & ".0") If IsObj($objXMLDoc[ $iIndex ]) Then $__DOMVERSION = $ver EndIf Else MsgBox(266288, "Error:", "Failed to create object with MSXML version " & $ver) __DebugPopFunction() SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf Else For $x = 8 To 0 Step - 1 ; ConsoleWrite(@SystemDir & "\msxml" & $x & ".dll" & @LF) If FileExists(@SystemDir & "\msxml" & $x & ".dll") Then $objXMLDoc[ $iIndex ] = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument." & $x & ".0") If IsObj($objXMLDoc[ $iIndex ]) Then $__DOMVERSION = $x __DebugWrite( "Autoselected MSXML Version" & $x & "." ) ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Next EndIf if @error Then ; If Not IsObj($objXMLDoc[$oIndex]) Then _XMLError( 0, "Error: MSXML not found. This object is required to use this program.") ; msgBox(0,"Error","MSXML not found. This object is required to use this program.") __DebugPopFunction() SetError(2) Return -1 EndIf if $oMyError = "" then $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_COMerr") ; ; Initialize SvenP 's error handler $objXMLDoc[$iIndex].async = False $strXMLFile[$iIndex] = $strFile $objXMLDoc[$iIndex].Load ($strXMLFile[$iIndex]) __DebugWrite( "Loaded file '" & $strFile & "' as #" & $iIndex & "." ) $objXMLDoc[$iIndex].setProperty ("SelectionNamespaces", $strNameSpc); "xmlns:ms='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt'" $objXMLDoc[$iIndex].setProperty ("SelectionLanguage", "XPath") $bXMLAutoSave[$iIndex] = True If $objXMLDoc[$iIndex].parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then _XMLError( 2, "Error opening specified file: " & $strFile & @CRLF & $objXMLDoc[$iIndex].parseError.reason) __DebugPopFunction() SetError($objXMLDoc[$iIndex].parseError.errorCode) Return -1 EndIf __DebugPopFunction() Return $iIndex EndFunc ;==>__XMLFileOpen Func _XMLFileSave( $iIndex ) __DebugPushFunction( "_XMLFileSave" ) If IsObj( $objXMLDoc[ $iIndex ] ) Then $objXMLDoc[$iIndex].Save ($strXMLFile[$iIndex]) __DebugWrite( "File #" & $iIndex & " saved." ) EndIf __DebugPopFunction() EndFunc Func _XMLFileSetAutoSave( $iIndex, $bState=True ) __DebugPushFunction( "_XMLFileSetAutoSave" ) If $bState<>False Then $bState = True EndIf $bXMLAutoSave[ $iIndex ] = $bState __DebugWrite( "Autosave set to " & $bState & " for file #" & $iIndex & "." ) If $bState = True Then _XMLFileSave( $iIndex ) EndIf __DebugPopFunction() EndFunc Func _XMLGetFreeFileHandle() __DebugPushFunction( "_XMLGetFreeFileHandle" ) Local $i For $i = 0 to $__MAXXMLFILES - 1 If Not IsObj( $objXMLDoc[ $i ] ) then __DebugWrite( "Handle is " & $i & "." ) __DebugPopFunction() Return $i EndIf Next __DebugPopFunction() Return -1 EndFunc Func _XMLSelectNodes($iIndex, $strXPath ) __DebugPushFunction( "_XMLSelectNodes" ) Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1], $i, $xmlerr, $objAttr __DebugWrite( "Selecting '" & $strXPath & "' from file #" & $iIndex & "." ) $objNodeList = $objXMLDoc[$iIndex].selectNodes ($strXPath ) ;__DebugWrite("Get Attrib length= " & $objNodeList.length) ; If @error = 0 Then While @error = 0 If $objNodeList.Length > 0 Then __DebugWrite( "Found " & $objNodeList.Length & " matching nodes." ) ReDim $arrResponse[$objNodeList.length + 1] $arrResponse[ 0 ] = $objNodeList.length For $i = 0 To $objNodeList.length - 1 $objAttr = $objNodeList.item ($i) $arrResponse[ $i + 1 ] = $objAttr ;__DebugWrite("RET>>" & $objAttr) ;__DebugWrite("Text>>" & $objAttr.text) Next __DebugPopFunction() Return $arrResponse Else __DebugWrite( "No qualified items found" ) $arrResponse[0]=0 __DebugPopFunction() Return $arrResponse EndIf WEnd ;EndIf ;~ __XMLError( "Attribute " & $strAttrib & " not found for: " & $strXPath & @CRLF & $oMyError.windescription) ;_XMLError( "Attribute " & $strAttrib & " not found for: " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) SetError(1) Return -1 ; EndIf EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetAttrib Func _XMLError( $iSeverity, $sMsg ) ConsoleWrite( @CRLF & "Error Severity " & $iSeverity & " - " & $sMsg ) EndFunc Func __DebugMode( $bMode = True ) If $bMode <> False Then $bMode = True EndIf $__debugEnabled = $bMode EndFunc Func __DebugPopFunction( ) _ArrayPop( $__debugFunctions ) EndFunc Func __DebugPushFunction( $sString ) _ArrayAdd( $__debugFunctions, $sString ) EndFunc Func __DebugWrite( $sString ) If $__debugEnabled = True Then ConsoleWrite( _ArrayToString( $__debugFunctions, ":" ) & " " & $sString & @CRLF ) EndIf EndFunc Func _COMerr() _ComErrorHandler() Return Local $COMErr_Silent, $HexNumber,$quiet ;~ ;=============================================================================== ;~ ;added silent switch to allow the func returned to the option to display custom ;~ ;error messages ;~ If $quiet = True Or $quiet = False Then ;~ $COMErr_Silent = $quiet ;~ $quiet = "" ;~ Return ;~ EndIf ;~ ;=============================================================================== ;~ If $COMErr_Silent <> True Then ; ConsoleWrite("COM Error") $HexNumber = Hex($oMyError.number, 8) if @error then return MsgBox(0, @AutoItExe, "COM Error with DOM!" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "err.description is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.description & @CRLF & _ "err.windescription:" & @TAB & $oMyError.windescription & @CRLF & _ "err.number is: " & @TAB & $HexNumber & @CRLF & _ "err.lastdllerror is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.lastdllerror & @CRLF & _ "err.scriptline is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.scriptline & @CRLF & _ "err.source is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.source & @CRLF & _ "err.helpfile is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.helpfile & @CRLF & _ "err.helpcontext is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.helpcontext _ ) SetError(1) ; to check for after this function returns ; MsgBox(4096, "COM Error", "There is a COM Error") ;~ EndIf EndFunc ;==>_COMerr Func _ComErrorHandler($quiet = False) Local $COMErr_Silent, $HexNumber ;=============================================================================== ;added silent switch to allow the func returned to the option to display custom ;error messages If $quiet = True Or $quiet = False Then $COMErr_Silent = $quiet $quiet = "" Return EndIf ;=============================================================================== If $COMErr_Silent <> True Then ; ConsoleWrite("COM Error") $HexNumber = Hex($oMyError.number, 8) if @error then return MsgBox(0, @AutoItExe, "COM Error with DOM!" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "err.description is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.description & @CRLF & _ "err.windescription:" & @TAB & $oMyError.windescription & @CRLF & _ "err.number is: " & @TAB & $HexNumber & @CRLF & _ "err.lastdllerror is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.lastdllerror & @CRLF & _ "err.scriptline is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.scriptline & @CRLF & _ "err.source is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.source & @CRLF & _ "err.helpfile is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.helpfile & @CRLF & _ "err.helpcontext is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.helpcontext _ ) SetError(1) ; to check for after this function returns ; MsgBox(4096, "COM Error", "There is a COM Error") EndIf EndFunc