// General OR Non Weather Specific/SUN/MOON // (note, to turn off having units included, go to control panel, webfiles/web page setup, custom web page setup) // ======================================== $customscreenownlabelusethistag = "%customscreenownlabelusethistag%"; // %customscreenownlabelusethistag% Use this tag for a title/description label on the custom screen $loadfile = "%loadfile%"; // Loads a text file into this location, e.g %loadfile%c:\wdisplay\webfiles\test.txt# the # is needed at the end of the full path and file name $loadfile1 = "%loadfile1%"; // uses only the 1st line in the file $loadfilenocrlf = "%loadfilenocrlf%"; // does not add any CR or LF $time = "%time%"; // current time $date = "%date%"; // current date $sunrise = "%sunrise%"; // sun rise time (make sure you have the correct lat/lon // in view/sun moon) $sunset = "%sunset%"; // sunset time $dayornight = "%dayornight%"; // If day time, its says Day, if night time, its says, Night (based on your sunrise/sunset) $timeofdaygreeting = "%timeofdaygreeting%"; // E.g Morning, Afternoon, etc $moonrise = "%moonrise%"; // moon rise time $moonset = "%moonset%"; // moon set time $moonrisedate = "%moonrisedate%"; // moon rise date $moonsetdate = "%moonsetdate%"; // moon set date $moonage = "%moonage%"; // current age of the moon (days since new moon) $moonphasename = "%moonphasename%"; // Moon age description $moonphase = "%moonphase%"; // Moon phase % $marchequinox = "%marchequinox%"; // March equinox date $junesolstice = "%junesolstice%"; // June solstice date $sepequinox = "%sepequinox%"; // September equinox date $decsolstice = "%decsolstice%"; // December solstice date $moonperihel = "%moonperihel%"; // Next Moon perihel date $moonaphel = "%moonaphel%"; // Next moon perihel date $moonperigee = "%moonperigee%"; // Next moon perigee date $moonapogee = "%moonapogee%"; // Next moon apogee date $newmoon = "%newmoon%"; // Date/time of the next/last new moon $nextnewmoon = "%nextnewmoon%"; // Date/time of the next new moon for next month $firstquarter = "%firstquarter%"; // Date/time of the next/last first quarter moon $lastquarter = "%lastquarter%"; // Date/time of the next/last last quarter moon $fullmoon = "%fullmoon%"; // Date/time of the next/last full moon $fullmoondate = "%fullmoondate%"; // Date of the next/last full moon (date only) $suneclipse = "%suneclipse%"; // Next sun eclipse $mooneclipse = "%mooneclipse%"; // Next moon eclipse date $easterdate = "%easterdate%"; // Next easter date $chinesenewyear = "%chinesenewyear%"; // Chinese new year $pesachdate = "%pesachdate%"; // Pesach date $suntransit = "%suntransit%"; // Sun transit time $moontransit = "%moontransit%"; // Moon transit time $changeinday = "%changeinday%"; // Hours and fraction of an hour the day length has changed since yesterday $changeindaydec = "%changeindaydec%"; // Hours and fraction of an hour the day length has changed since 21st Dec $changeindayjun = "%changeindayjun%"; // Hours and fraction of an hour the day length has changed since 21st Jun $hoursofpossibledaylight = "%hoursofpossibledaylight%"; // Total hours/minutes of possible daylight for today $daylengthyesterday = "%daylengthyesterday%"; // Yesterdays' reading (updated at 11:46pm) $weathercond = "%weathercond%"; // current weather conditions, based on your data $weathercondinput = "%weathercondinput%"; // text you have entered under input daily weather for weather conditions now $weatherreport = "%weatherreport%"; // current weather conditions from selected METAR $metar_report = "%metar/report=%"; // %metar/report=%NZAA.MET Insert downloaded METARS or weather reports/warnings. // Please replace NZAA.MET with the file name downloaded.Note: use
andhtml tags $uncodedmetar_report = "%uncodedmetar/report=%"; // %uncodedmetar/report=%NZAA.MET Un decoded (raw) only // // // $extrametarlabel = "%extrametarlabel%"; // extra METAR label from the metar.gif $metarcloudreport = "%metarcloudreport%"; // cloud METAR label from the metar.gif $statusmessage = "%statusmessage%"; // special status message $warningemailalarm = "%warningemailalarm%"; // For the warning email custom email (what warning was exceeded) $NOAAEvent = "%NOAAEvent%"; // if you have setup the Noaa warning system (if nor warning, then it will be NO CURRENT // ADVISORIES) $NOAAEvent2 = "%NOAAEvent2%"; // if you have #2 setup the Noaa warning system (if nor warning, then it will be NO CURRENT // ADVISORIES) $noaawarningraw = "%noaawarningraw%"; // Actual warning event from the noaa xml warning program $noaawarningraw2 = "%noaawarningraw2%"; // Actual warning event from the noaa xml warning program, setup #2 $noaawarningscroll = "%noaawarningscroll%"; // Html warning file inserted (noaawarningscroll.html) to provide scrolling warning to page $noaawarningscroll2 = "%noaawarningscroll2%"; // Html warning file inserted (noaawarningscroll.html) to provide scrolling warning to page, setup #2 $wdversion = "%wdversion%"; // Weather Display version number you are running $wdbuild = "%wdbuild%"; // Build number $inputdailyweather = "%inputdailyweather%"; // The text you enter for current weather conditions $formateddate = "%formateddate%"; // Date with "January", for example, in it // %current alarm flashing%....What it says - for the weather warning.... $time_minute = "%time-minute%"; // Current minute $time_hour = "%time-hour%"; // Current hour $date_day = "%date-day%"; // Current day $date_month = "%date-month%"; // Current month $date_year = "%date-year%"; // Current year $monthname = "%monthname%"; // Current month name $dayname = "%dayname%"; // Current day name $utctime_minute = "%utctime-minute%"; // UTC Current minute $utctime_hour = "%utctime-hour%"; // UTC Current hour $utcdate_day = "%utcdate-day%"; // UTC Current day $utcdate_month = "%utcdate-month%"; // UTC Current month $utcdate_year = "%utcdate-year%"; // UTC Current year $cloudheightfeet = "%cloudheightfeet%"; // Estimated cloud base height, feet, (based on dew point, and you height above sea level...enter $cloudheightmeters = "%cloudheightmeters%"; // Estimated cloud base height, metres, (based on dew point, and you height above sea // $stationaltitude = "%stationaltitude%"; // Station altitude, feet, as set in the units setup // this under setup) $stationlatitude = "%stationlatitude%"; // Latitude (from the sun moon rise/set setup) $stationlongitude = "%stationlongitude%"; // Longtitude (from the sun moon rise/set setup) $stationname = "%stationname%"; // Station name, from noaa setup, or clientraw real time ftp $noaacityname = "%noaacityname%"; // City name,from the noaa setup (in the av/ext setup) $noaastatename = "%noaastatename%"; // State name, from the noaa setup // // level...enter this under setup) // $windowsuptime = "%windowsuptime%"; // Windows up time $freememory = "%freememory%"; // amount of free memory on the pc $timeofnextupdate = "%timeofnextupdate%"; // Time of next Update/Upload of the weather data to your web page (based on the web table update // // time) $Startimedate = "%Startimedate%"; // Time/date WD was started $Startime = "%Startime%"; // Just the time of when started $Stardate = "%Stardate%"; // Just the date of when started $datareceivedcount = "%datareceivedcount%"; // Data from station received count // // $5dayforecastday1 = "%5dayforecastday1%"; // Forecast from the 5 day forecast graphic image from a downloaded NOAA zone forecast file (which // // must be first selected),,,,repeat up to day 8 $rawdataheader = "%rawdataheader%"; // Raw weather data for first line of web for sharing raw data with others $hoursofpossibledaylight = "%hoursofpossibledaylight%"; // Total hours/minutes of possible daylight for today $seaconditions = "%seaconditions%"; // %seaconditions% The expected local sea conditions based on the BFT average windspeed $heatcolourword = "%heatcolourword%"; // How hot/cold it feels at the moment, based on the humidex, used with the conditionscolour.jpg // // image (which is updated with the gizmo.gif) $filenamewapgraph = "%filenamewapgraph%"; // The current minute stamped .wbmp graph for use with a custom wap page (temp/hum graph) $filenamewapgraph2 = "%filenamewapgraph2%"; // The current minute stamped .wbmp graph for use with a custom wap page (baro/wind graph). // i.e use this code: // // $batteryvolts = "%batteryvolts%"; // Rain wise 2000/Weather Hawk/ battery level $iconnumber = "%iconnumber%"; // Current icon number // // // US Navy // ======= $usnavycloudheight1 = "%usnavycloudheight1%"; // Cloud height from the ceilometer, feet $usnavycloudheight2 = "%usnavycloudheight2%"; // Cloud height from the ceilometer, feet $usnavycloudheight3 = "%usnavycloudheight3%"; // Cloud height from the ceilometer, feet $usnavycloudtype1 = "%usnavycloudtype1%"; // Cloud type $usnavycloudtype2 = "%usnavycloudtype2%"; // Cloud type $usnavycloudtype3 = "%usnavycloudtype3%"; // Cloud type $watertempcelsius = "%watertempcelsius%"; // Water temperature, oC $watertempfaren = "%watertempfaren%"; // Water temperature, oF $visibility = "%visibility%"; // Visibility (miles) $visibilitykm = "%visibilitykm%"; // Visibility (km) // Averages/Extreme // ================ $yeartodateavtemp = "%yeartodateavtemp%"; // Average temperature so far for the year $yeartodateavwind = "%yeartodateavwind%"; // Average windspeed so far for the year $yeartodategstwind = "%yeartodategstwind%"; // Average gustspeed so far for the year $monthtodateavtemp = "%monthtodateavtemp%"; // Average temperature so far for the month $monthtodateavtempcelsius = "%monthtodateavtempcelsius%"; // Average temperature so far for the month, celsius always $monthtodateavtemp31 = "%monthtodateavtemp31%"; // Average temperature so far for the last 31 days $monthtodateavtempcelsius = "%monthtodateavtempcelsius%"; // %monthtodateavtempcelsius%31Average temperature so far for the last 31 days, celsius always $monthtodateavhum = "%monthtodateavhum%"; // Average humidity so far for the month $monthtodateavdp = "%monthtodateavdp%"; // Average dew point so far for the month $monthtodateavdpcelsius = "%monthtodateavdpcelsius%"; // Average dew point so far for the month, celsius always $monthtodateavbaro = "%monthtodateavbaro%"; // Average barometer so far for the month $monthtodateavbaromb = "%monthtodateavbaromb%"; // Average barometer so far for the month, mb (hPa) always $monthtodateavspeed = "%monthtodateavspeed%"; // Average windspeed so far for the month $monthtodateavspeedkts = "%monthtodateavspeedkts%"; // Average windspeed so far for the month, knots always $monthtodateavspeedms = "%monthtodateavspeedms%"; // Average windspeed so far for the month, m/s always $monthtodateavspeedkmh = "%monthtodateavspeedkmh%"; // Average windspeed so far for the month, kmh always $monthtodateavgust = "%monthtodateavgust%"; // Average gustspeed so far for the month $monthtodateavgustkts = "%monthtodateavgustkts%"; // Average gustspeed so far for the month, knots always $monthtodateavgustms = "%monthtodateavgustms%"; // Average gustspeed so far for the month, m/s always $monthtodateavgustkmh = "%monthtodateavgustkmh%"; // Average gustspeed so far for the month, kmh always $monthtodateavdir = "%monthtodateavdir%"; // Average direction so far for the month $monthtodateavdirword = "%monthtodateavdirword%"; // Average direction so far for the month, in words $monthtodatemaxgustdirword = "%monthtodatemaxgustdirword%"; // Max gust direction in words. $monthtodatemaxgustdirdeg = "%monthtodatemaxgustdirdeg%"; // Max gust direction in Degrees. $monthtodatemaxtemp = "%monthtodatemaxtemp%"; // Maximum temperature so far for the month $monthtodatemaxtempcelsius = "%monthtodatemaxtempcelsius%"; // Maximum temperature so far for the month, celsius always $monthtodatemintemp = "%monthtodatemintemp%"; // Minimum temperature so far for the month $monthtodatemintempcelsius = "%monthtodatemintempcelsius%"; // Minimum temperature so far for the month, celsius always $monthtodatemaxhum = "%monthtodatemaxhum%"; // Maximum humidity so far for the month $monthtodateminhum = "%monthtodateminhum%"; // Minimum humidity so far for the month $monthtodatemaxdp = "%monthtodatemaxdp%"; // Maximum dew point so far for the month $monthtodatemaxdpcelsius = "%monthtodatemaxdpcelsius%"; // Maximum dew point so far for the month, celsius always $monthtodatemindp = "%monthtodatemindp%"; // Minimum dew point so far for the month $monthtodatemindpcelsius = "%monthtodatemindpcelsius%"; // Minimum dew point so far for the month, celsius always $monthtodatemaxbaro = "%monthtodatemaxbaro%"; // Maximum barometer so far for the month $monthtodatemaxbaromb = "%monthtodatemaxbaromb%"; // Maximum barometer so far for the month, mb (hpa) always $monthtodateminbaro = "%monthtodateminbaro%"; // Minimum barometer so far for the month $monthtodateminbaromb = "%monthtodateminbaromb%"; // Minimum barometer so far for the month, mb (hpa) always $monthtodatemaxwind = "%monthtodatemaxwind%"; // Maximum av speed so far for the month $monthtodatemaxwindms = "%monthtodatemaxwindms%"; // Maximum av speed so far for the month, m/s always $monthtodatemaxwindkts = "%monthtodatemaxwindkts%"; // Maximum av speed so far for the month, knots always $monthtodatemaxwindkmh = "%monthtodatemaxwindkmh%"; // Maximum av speed so far for the month, kmh always $monthtodatemaxgust = "%monthtodatemaxgust%"; // Maximum max gust so far for the month $monthtodatemaxgustms = "%monthtodatemaxgustms%"; // Maximum max gust so far for the month, m/s aways $monthtodatemaxgustkts = "%monthtodatemaxgustkts%"; // Maximum max gust so far for the month, knots aways $monthtodatemaxgustkmh = "%monthtodatemaxgustkmh%"; // Maximum max gust so far for the month, kmh aways // $last24houravtemp = "%last24houravtemp%"; // Average temperature last 24 hours $houraveragetemp = "%houraveragetemp%"; // Average temperature for the hour (put the hour number immediatly after this tag,and then the // // month and then the year numbers // e.g %houraveragetemp%08032003 for the average temperature for 8am (use a 24 hour clock) (hour preceding that, for the // // month of March 2003) $houraveragehum = "%houraveragehum%"; // Same thing, but for humidity // $last24houravbaro = "%last24houravbaro%"; // Average barometer last 24 hours $last24houravhum = "%last24houravhum%"; // Average humidity last 24 hours $tempfortimedate = "%tempfortimedate%"; // Actual temperature for the hour (put the hour number immediatly after this tag,and then the // // month and then the year numbers // $last24houravtempclimate = "%last24houravtempclimate%"; // Average temperature for the last preceeding 24 hours from your data records $last24houravtempclimatediff = "%last24houravtempclimatediff%"; // Difference from this days last preceeding 24 hour temperature compared to the average from your data records // $daysTmaxLT_15C = "%daysTmax<-15C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over -15oC (current month) $daysTmaxLT_10C = "%daysTmax<-10C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over -10oC (current month) $daysTmaxLT_5C = "%daysTmax<-5C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over -5oC (current month) $daysTmaxLT0C = "%daysTmax<0C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 0oC (current month) $daysTmaxLT5C = "%daysTmax<5C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 5oC (current month) $daysTmaxLT10C = "%daysTmax<10C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 10oC (current month) $daysTmaxLT15C = "%daysTmax<15C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 15oC (current month) $daysTmaxLT20C = "%daysTmax<20C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 20oC (current month) // $daysTminLT25C = "%daysTmin<25C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below 25oC $daysTminLT20C = "%daysTmin<20C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below 20oC $daysTminLT15C = "%daysTmin<15C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below 15oC $daysTminLT10C = "%daysTmin<10C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below 10oC $daysTminLT5C = "%daysTmin<5C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below 5oC $daysTminLT0C = "%daysTmin<0C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below 0oC $daysTminLT_5C = "%daysTmin<-5C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below -5oC $daysTminLT_10C = "%daysTmin<-10C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below -10oC $daysTminLT_15C = "%daysTmin<-15C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below -15oC $daysTminLT_20C = "%daysTmin<-20C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below -20oC $daysTminLT_25C = "%daysTmin<-25C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below -25oC // // $daysTmaxGT_20C = "%daysTmax>-20C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over -20oC $daysTmaxGT_15C = "%daysTmax>-15C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over -15oC $daysTmaxGT_5C = "%daysTmax>-5C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over -5oC $daysTmaxGT0C = "%daysTmax>0C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 0oC $daysTmaxGT5C = "%daysTmax>5C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 5oC $daysTmaxGT10C = "%daysTmax>10C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 10oC $daysTmaxGT15C = "%daysTmax>15C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 15oC $daysTmaxGT20C = "%daysTmax>20C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 20oC $daysTmaxGT25C = "%daysTmax>25C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 25oC $daysTmaxGT30C = "%daysTmax>30C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 30oC $daysTmaxGT35C = "%daysTmax>35C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 35oC $daysTmaxGT38C = "%daysTmax>38C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 38oC (100F) $daysTmaxGT40C = "%daysTmax>40C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 40oC $daysTmaxGT44C = "%daysTmax>44C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 44oC $daysTmaxGT47C = "%daysTmax>47C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 47oC $daysTmaxGT49C = "%daysTmax>49C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 49oC // // $daysTmaxyearLT_15C = "%daysTmaxyear<-15C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over -15oC (year to date) $daysTmaxyearLT_10C = "%daysTmaxyear<-10C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over -10oC (year to date) $daysTmaxyearLT_5C = "%daysTmaxyear<-5C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over -5oC (year to date) $daysTmaxyearLT0C = "%daysTmaxyear<0C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 0oC (year to date) $daysTmaxyearLT5C = "%daysTmaxyear<5C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 5oC (year to date) $daysTmaxyearLT10C = "%daysTmaxyear<10C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 10oC (year to date) $daysTmaxyearLT15C = "%daysTmaxyear<15C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 15oC (year to date) $daysTmaxyearLT20C = "%daysTmaxyear<20C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 20oC (year to date) // // // $daysTminyearLT25C = "%daysTminyear<25C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below 25oC $daysTminyearLT20C = "%daysTminyear<20C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below 20oC $daysTminyearLT15C = "%daysTminyear<15C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below 15oC $daysTminyearLT10C = "%daysTminyear<10C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below 10oC $daysTminyearLT5C = "%daysTminyear<5C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below 5oC $daysTminyearLT0C = "%daysTminyear<0C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below 0oC $daysTminyearLT_5C = "%daysTminyear<-5C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below -5oC $daysTminyearLT_10C = "%daysTminyear<-10C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below -10oC $daysTminyearLT_15C = "%daysTminyear<-15C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below -15oC $daysTminyearLT_20C = "%daysTminyear<-20C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below -20oC $daysTminyearLT_25C = "%daysTminyear<-25C%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below -25oC // // $daysTmaxyearGT_15C = "%daysTmaxyear>-15C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over -15oC $daysTmaxyearGT_10C = "%daysTmaxyear>-10C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over -10oC $daysTmaxyearGT_5C = "%daysTmaxyear>-5C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over -5oC $daysTmaxyearGT0C = "%daysTmaxyear>0C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 0oC $daysTmaxyearGT5C = "%daysTmaxyear>5C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 5oC $daysTmaxyearGT10C = "%daysTmaxyear>10C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 10oC $daysTmaxyearGT15C = "%daysTmaxyear>15C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 15oC $daysTmaxyearGT20C = "%daysTmaxyear>20C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 20oC $daysTmaxyearGT25C = "%daysTmaxyear>25C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 25oC $daysTmaxyearGT30C = "%daysTmaxyear>30C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 30oC $daysTmaxyearGT35C = "%daysTmaxyear>35C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 35oC $daysTmaxyearGT38C = "%daysTmaxyear>38C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 38oC (100F) $daysTmaxyearGT40C = "%daysTmaxyear>40C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 40oC $daysTmaxyearGT44C = "%daysTmaxyear>44C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 44oC $daysTmaxyearGT47C = "%daysTmaxyear>47C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 47oC $daysTmaxyearGT49C = "%daysTmaxyear>49C%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 49oC // // // // // Using the logfiles instead of datafiles // // // // $daysTmaxLT0Clg = "%daysTmax<0Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 0oC (current month) $daysTmaxLT5Clg = "%daysTmax<5Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 0oC (current month) $daysTmaxLT10Clg = "%daysTmax<10Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 10oC (current month) $daysTmaxLT15Clg = "%daysTmax<15Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 15oC (current month) $daysTmaxLT20Clg = "%daysTmax<20Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 20oC (current month) $daysTminLT0Clg = "%daysTmin<0Clg%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below 0oC $daysTminLT_15Clg = "%daysTmin<-15Clg%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below -15oC // // $daysTmaxGT20Clg = "%daysTmax>20Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 20oC $daysTmaxGT25Clg = "%daysTmax>25Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 25oC $daysTmaxGT30Clg = "%daysTmax>30Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 30oC $daysTmaxGT35Clg = "%daysTmax>35Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 35oC $daysTmaxGT40Clg = "%daysTmax>40Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 40oC $daysTmaxGT44Clg = "%daysTmax>44Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 44oC $daysTmaxGT47Clg = "%daysTmax>47Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 47oC $daysTmaxGT49Clg = "%daysTmax>49Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 49oC // // // $daysTmaxyearLT0Clg = "%daysTmaxyear<0Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 0oC (year to date) $daysTmaxyearLT5Clg = "%daysTmaxyear<5Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 5oC (year to date) $daysTmaxyearLT10Clg = "%daysTmaxyear<10Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 10oC (year to date) $daysTmaxyearLT15Clg = "%daysTmaxyear<15Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 15oC (year to date) $daysTmaxyearLT20Clg = "%daysTmaxyear<20Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 20oC (year to date) $daysTminyearLT0Clg = "%daysTminyear<0Clg%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below 0oC $daysTminyearLT_15Clg = "%daysTminyear<-15Clg%"; // Days where the minimum temperature went below -15oC // // // // $daysTmaxyearGT20Clg = "%daysTmaxyear>20Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 20oC $daysTmaxyearGT25Clg = "%daysTmaxyear>25Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 25oC $daysTmaxyearGT30Clg = "%daysTmaxyear>30Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 30oC $daysTmaxyearGT35Clg = "%daysTmaxyear>35Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 35oC $daysTmaxyearGT40Clg = "%daysTmaxyear>40Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 40oC $daysTmaxyearGT44Clg = "%daysTmaxyear>44Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 44oC $daysTmaxyearGT47Clg = "%daysTmaxyear>47Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 47oC $daysTmaxyearGT49Clg = "%daysTmaxyear>49Clg%"; // Days where the maximum temperature went over 49oC // $hddmonth = "%hddmonth%"; // Heating degree days month to date $cddmonth = "%cddmonth%"; // Cooling degree days month to date $hddday = "%hddday%"; // Heating degree days ,today $cddday = "%cddday%"; // Cooling degree days ,today $cddyear = "%cddyear%"; // Cooling degree days year to date (slow) $hddyear = "%hddyear%"; // Heating degree days year to date (slow) // $raindifffromav = "%raindifffromav%"; // Difference between the current month to date rainfall and the average rainfall for the month // // (total for the current month) $raindifffromavyear = "%raindifffromavyear%"; // Difference between the current year to date and the average for the year to date (includes // // current month as total) (from your entered averages) $tsum = "%tsum%"; // Year to date T Sum temperature // $avtempjan = "%avtempjan%"; // Average temperature for january from your data $avtempfeb = "%avtempfeb%"; // Average temperature for february from your data $avtempmar = "%avtempmar%"; // Average temperature for march from your data $avtempapr = "%avtempapr%"; // Average temperature for april from your data $avtempmay = "%avtempmay%"; // Average temperature for may from your data $avtempjun = "%avtempjun%"; // Average temperature for june from your data $avtempjul = "%avtempjul%"; // Average temperature for july from your data $avtempaug = "%avtempaug%"; // Average temperature for august from your data $avtempsep = "%avtempsep%"; // Average temperature for september from your data $avtempoct = "%avtempoct%"; // Average temperature for october from your data $avtempnov = "%avtempnov%"; // Average temperature for november from your data $avtempdec = "%avtempdec%"; // Average temperature for december from your data // $avtempjannow = "%avtempjannow%"; // Average temperature for january for this year only $avtempfebnow = "%avtempfebnow%"; // Average temperature for february for this year only $avtempmarnow = "%avtempmarnow%"; // Average temperature for march for this year only $avtempaprnow = "%avtempaprnow%"; // Average temperature for april for this year only $avtempmaynow = "%avtempmaynow%"; // Average temperature for may for this year only $avtempjunnow = "%avtempjunnow%"; // Average temperature for june for this year only $avtempjulnow = "%avtempjulnow%"; // Average temperature for july for this year only $avtempaugnow = "%avtempaugnow%"; // Average temperature for august for this year only $avtempsepnow = "%avtempsepnow%"; // Average temperature for september for this year only $avtempoctnow = "%avtempoctnow%"; // Average temperature for october for this year only $avtempnovnow = "%avtempnovnow%"; // Average temperature for november for this year only $avtempdecnow = "%avtempdecnow%"; // Average temperature for december for this year only // $gddmonth = "%gddmonth%"; // Growing degrees days, month to date. $gddyear = "%gddyear%"; // Growing degrees days, year to date. // // Tags from the daily averages/extreme page (month to date) (note that will still need to be enabled) // ========================================= // $averagesextdata1 = "%averagesextdata1%"; // %averagesextdata1% // " " i.e in the same data sequence as that appears on the averages/extreme page (e.g february2003.htm) // the last 31 are the rain for the day of the month (blank if no rain that day) $averagesextdata66 = "%averagesextdata66%"; // %averagesextdata66% // // $averagetempfordaytimeofyearfromyourdata = "%averagetempfordaytimeofyearfromyourdata%"; // The average temperature for the day you would expect from your data records for // // that day (updates at midnight and midday) $maxtempfordaytimeofyearfromyourdata = "%maxtempfordaytimeofyearfromyourdata%"; // Max temperature to be expected for the day from your data records (you need t 2 // // years of data) $mintempfordaytimeofyearfromyourdata = "%mintempfordaytimeofyearfromyourdata%"; // The minimum of above // $maxtempfortodayfromyourdata = "%maxtempfortodayfromyourdata%"; // The maximum temperature reached for this day, from your data records $mintempfortodayfromyourdata = "%mintempfortodayfromyourdata%"; // The minimum temperature reached for this day, from your data records $yearmaxtempfortodayfromyourdata = "%yearmaxtempfortodayfromyourdata%"; // The year the above reading was reached $yearmintempfortodayfromyourdata = "%yearmintempfortodayfromyourdata%"; // %yearmintempfortodayfromyourdata% // $WUmaxtemp = "%WUmaxtemp%"; // Todays average max temperature from the selected Wunderground almanac station $WUmintemp = "%WUmintemp%"; // Todays average min temperature from the selected Wunderground almanac station // $WUmaxtempr = "%WUmaxtempr%"; // Todays record max temperature from the selected Wunderground almanac station $WUmintempr = "%WUmintempr%"; // Todays record min temperature from the selected Wunderground almanac station $WUmaxtempryr = "%WUmaxtempryr%"; // Year that it occured $WUmintempryr = "%WUmintempryr%"; // year that it occured // // $currentmonthtodatefilename = "%currentmonthtodatefilename%"; // The filename, of the current averages/extreme web file (e.g April2004.htm) $dropdownlist = "%dropdownlist%"; // Creates the drop down list selection // $maxtempweek = "%maxtempweek%"; // Max temp over the last week $mintempweek = "%mintempweek%"; // Min temp over the last week $maxheatweek = "%maxheatweek%"; // Max heat index over the last week $minheatweek = "%minheatweek%"; // Min heat index over the last week $minchillweek = "%minchillweek%"; // Min windchill over the last week $maxdewweek = "%maxdewweek%"; // Max dew over the last week $mindewweek = "%mindewweek%"; // Min dew over the last week $maxbaroweek = "%maxbaroweek%"; // Max baro over the last week $minbaroweek = "%minbaroweek%"; // Min baro over the last week $maxhumweek = "%maxhumweek%"; // Max hum over the last week $minhumweek = "%minhumweek%"; // Min hum over the last week $maxwindweek = "%maxwindweek%"; // Max wind (average) over the last week $maxgustweek = "%maxgustweek%"; // Min gust over the last week // $maxtempweekday = "%maxtempweekday%"; // Day of max temp over the last week $mintempweekday = "%mintempweekday%"; // Day of min temp over the last week // $maxheatweekday = "%maxheatweekday%"; // Day of max heat index over the last week $minheatweekday = "%minheatweekday%"; // Day of min heat index over the last week $minchillweekday = "%minchillweekday%"; // Day of min wind\hill over the last week $maxbaroweekday = "%maxbaroweekday%"; // Day of max baro over the last week $minbaroweekday = "%minbaroweekday%"; // Day of min baro over the last week $maxhumweekday = "%maxhumweekday%"; // Day of max hum over the last week $minhumweekday = "%minhumweekday%"; // Day of min hum over the last week $maxdewweekday = "%maxdewweekday%"; // Day of max dew over the last week $mindewweekday = "%mindewweekday%"; // Day of min dew over the last week $maxwindweekday = "%maxwindweekday%"; // Day of mMax wind (average) over the last week $maxgustweekday = "%maxgustweekday%"; // Day of min gust over the last week // $avtempweek = "%avtempweek%"; // Average temp over the week $avhumweek = "%avhumweek%"; // Average hum over the week $avbaroweek = "%avbaroweek%"; // Average baro over the week $avwindweek = "%avwindweek%"; // Average wind over the week $avgustweek = "%avgustweek%"; // Average gust over the week $rainforweek = "%rainforweek%"; // total rain over the last 7 days (from graph data) // // Temperature/Humidity // ==================== // Current: // -------- $temp = "%temp%"; // temperature $tempnodp = "%tempnodp%"; // temperature, no decimal place $tempnodpf = "%tempnodpf%"; // temperature, no decimal place always F $dewnodp = "%dewnodp%"; // dew point, no decimal place $hum = "%hum%"; // humidity $dew = "%dew%"; // dew point $dewdep = "%dewdep%"; // dew point depression $heati = "%heati%"; // current heat index $heatinodp = "%heatinodp%"; // current heat index,no decimal place $maxtemp = "%maxtemp%"; // today's maximum temperature $maxtempnodp = "%maxtempnodp%"; // today's maximum temperature, no decimal place $maxtempt = "%maxtempt%"; // time this occurred $mintemp = "%mintemp%"; // today's minimum temperature $mintempnodp = "%mintempnodp%"; // today's minimum temperature, no decimal place $mintempt = "%mintempt%"; // time this occurred $maxtempmetric = "%maxtempmetric%"; // todays maximum temperature in oC $mintempmetric = "%mintempmetric%"; // todays minimum temperature in oC $windch = "%windch%"; // current wind-chill $windchnodp = "%windchnodp%"; // current wind-chill, no decimal place $minwindch = "%minwindch%"; // minimum wind-chill $minwindcht = "%minwindcht%"; // time this occurred $maxwindchill = "%maxwindchill%"; // maximum wind-chill $maxwindchillt = "%maxwindchillt%"; // time this occurred $highhum = "%highhum%"; // high humidity $highhumt = "%highhumt%"; // time this occurred $lowhum = "%lowhum%"; // low humidity $lowhumt = "%lowhumt%"; // time this occurred $indoortemp = "%indoortemp%"; // indoor temperature $indoorhum = "%indoorhum%"; // indoor humidity $maxdew = "%maxdew%"; // high dew point $maxdewt = "%maxdewt%"; // time this occurred $mindew = "%mindew%"; // low dew point $mindewt = "%mindewt%"; // time this occurred $maxheat = "%maxheat%"; // high heat index $maxheatt = "%maxheatt%"; // time this occurred $minheat = "%minheat%"; // low heat index $minheatt = "%minheatt%"; // time this occurred $avtempsince6amUSA = "%avtempsince6amUSA%"; // Average temperature since 6am in oF $avtempsince6am = "%avtempsince6am%"; // Average temperature since 6am in oC $avtempsince6pmUSA = "%avtempsince6pmUSA%"; // Average temperature since 6pm in oF $avtempsince6pm = "%avtempsince6pm%"; // Average temperature since 6pm in oC $tempinmetric = "%tempinmetric%"; // outdoor temperature always in metric (even if US units selected) $dewinmetric = "%dewinmetric%"; // dew point always in metric $heatindexinmetric = "%heatindexinmetric%"; // heat index always in metric $windchillinmetric = "%windchillinmetric%"; // wind chill always in metric $maxheatinmetric = "%maxheatinmetric%"; // maximum heat always in metric $minheatinmetric = "%minheatinmetric%"; // minimum heat always in metric $maxhighdewinmetric = "%maxhighdewinmetric%"; // maximum dew point always in metric $minlowdewinmetric = "%minlowdewinmetric%"; // minimum dew point always in metric $maxhighchillinmetric = "%maxhighchillinmetric%"; // maximum high windchill always in metric $minlowchillinmetric = "%minlowchillinmetric%"; // minimum low windchill always in metric $wetbulb = "%wetbulb%"; // Current wet bulb reading $tempinusa = "%tempinusa%"; // Temperature in oF $dewinusa = "%dewinusa%"; // Dew point temperature in oF $hightempinusa = "%hightempinusa%"; // Today's high temp in oF $lowtempinusa = "%lowtempinusa%"; // Today's low temp in oF $indoortempinmetric = "%indoortempinmetric%"; // Indoor temperature always in oC $dewchangelasthour = "%dewchangelasthour%"; // Dew point change last hour $barochangelasthour = "%barochangelasthour%"; // Baro change last hour $tempchangelasthourmetric = "%tempchangelasthourmetric%"; // Temperature change last hour always in metric $tempchangelasthourfaren = "%tempchangelasthourfaren%"; // Temperature change last hour always in faren $wholeroundedtempcelcius = "%wholeroundedtempcelcius%"; // Temperature rounded to whole number, celsius $wholeroundedtempfaren = "%wholeroundedtempfaren%"; // Temperature rounded to whole number, faren $humchangelasthour = "%humchangelasthour%"; // Humidity change last hour $maxindoortemp = "%maxindoortemp%"; // Maximum indoor temperature $maxindoortempcelsius = "%maxindoortempcelsius%"; // Maximum indoor temperature, celsius always $minindoortemp = "%minindoortemp%"; // Minimum indoor temperature $minindoortempcelsius = "%minindoortempcelsius%"; // Minimum indoor temperature, celsius always $maxindoortempt = "%maxindoortempt%"; // Time of Maximum indoor temperature $minindoortempt = "%minindoortempt%"; // Time of Minimum indoor temperature $watertempcelsius = "%watertempcelsius%"; // US Navy water temperature, celsius $watertempfaren = "%watertempfaren%"; // US Navy water temperature, faren $visibility = "%visibility%"; // US Navy visibility reading (miles) $soiltemp = "%soiltemp%"; // Current soil temperature $apparenttemp = "%apparenttemp%"; // Apparent temperature $apparentsolartemp = "%apparentsolartemp%"; // Apparent temperature in the sun (you need a solar sensor) $apparenttempc = "%apparenttempc%"; // Apparent temperature, °C $apparentsolartempc = "%apparentsolartempc%"; // Apparent temperature in the sun, °C (you need a solar sensor) $apparenttempf = "%apparenttempf%"; // Apparent temperature, °F $apparentsolartempf = "%apparentsolartempf%"; // Apparent temperature in the sun, °F (you need a solar sensor) $hiapparenttemp = "%hiapparenttemp%"; // Hi apparent temp for the day $loapparenttemp = "%loapparenttemp%"; // Lo apparent temp for the day $hiapparenttemptime = "%hiapparenttemptime%"; // Hi apparent temp for the day time $loapparenttemptime = "%loapparenttemptime%"; // Lo apparent temp for the day time $extratemp1 = "%extratemp1%"; // Extra temperature sensor 1 (change through to 8) $indoordewfaren = "%indoordewfaren%"; // Indoor dew point (oF) $indoordewcelsius = "%indoordewcelsius%"; // Indoor dew point (oC) $humidexfaren = "%humidexfaren%"; // Humidex value in oF $humidexcelsius = "%humidexcelsius%"; // Humidex value in oC $todayhihumidex = "%todayhihumidex%"; // Daily max Humidex $todaylohumidex = "%todaylohumidex%"; // Daily low Humidex $maxtemplast24hours = "%maxtemplast24hours%"; // The maximum temperature in the last immediate 24 hours $mintemplast24hours = "%mintemplast24hours%"; // The minimum temperature in the last immediate 24 hours $maxtemplast24hourst = "%maxtemplast24hourst%"; // Time/date of the maximum temperature in the last immediate 24 hours $mintemplast24hourst = "%mintemplast24hourst%"; // Time/date of the minimum temperature in the last immediate 24 hours $blackglobe = "%blackglobe%"; // Black globe temperature from Environdata weather master 2000 station (oC) $THI = "%THI%"; // Heat stress calculation (oC) $HLI = "%HLI%"; // Heat stress load (used with Cattle), gust windspeed used (oC) $HLIavwind = "%HLIavwind%"; // Heat stress load (used with Cattle), average windspeed used (oC) $THIf = "%THIf%"; // Heat stress calculation (oF) $HLIf = "%HLIf%"; // Heat stress load (used with Cattle), gust windspeed used (oF) $HLIavwindf = "%HLIavwindf%"; // Heat stress load (used with Cattle), average windspeed used (oF) $maxindoorhum = "%maxindoorhum%"; // Maximum indoor humidity $minindoorhum = "%minindoorhum%"; // Minimum indoor humidity $dailyhighindoorhumtime = "%dailyhighindoorhumtime%"; // Time of maximum indoor humidity $dailylowindoorhumtime = "%dailylowindoorhumtime%"; // Time of minimum indoor humidity $airdensity = "%airdensity%"; // Current air density, kg/m3 $abshum = "%abshum%"; // Absolute humidity, kg/m3 $todaylowgrass = "%todaylowgrass%"; // Current grass minimum $timeoflowgrass = "%timeoflowgrass%"; // Time that occured $generalextratemp1 = "%generalextratemp1%"; // If using non standard extra temperature sensors, but will work for any station $generalextratemp2 = "%generalextratemp2%"; // %generalextratemp2% $generalextratemp3 = "%generalextratemp3%"; // %generalextratemp3% $generalextratemp4 = "%generalextratemp4%"; // %generalextratemp4% $generalextratemp5 = "%generalextratemp5%"; // %generalextratemp5% $generalextratemp6 = "%generalextratemp6%"; // %generalextratemp6% $generalextratemp7 = "%generalextratemp7%"; // %generalextratemp7% $generalextratemp8 = "%generalextratemp8%"; // %generalextratemp8% $generalextratemp1C = "%generalextratemp1C%"; // If using non standard extra temperature sensors, but will work for any station, oC always $generalextratemp2C = "%generalextratemp2C%"; // %generalextratemp2C% $generalextratemp3C = "%generalextratemp3C%"; // %generalextratemp3C% $generalextratemp4C = "%generalextratemp4C%"; // %generalextratemp4C% $generalextratemp5C = "%generalextratemp5C%"; // %generalextratemp5C% $generalextratemp6C = "%generalextratemp6C%"; // %generalextratemp6C% $generalextratemp7C = "%generalextratemp7C%"; // %generalextratemp7C% $generalextratemp8C = "%generalextratemp8C%"; // %generalextratemp8C% $generalextratemp1F = "%generalextratemp1F%"; // If using non standard extra temperature sensors, but will work for any station oF always $generalextratemp2F = "%generalextratemp2F%"; // %generalextratemp2F% $generalextratemp3F = "%generalextratemp3F%"; // %generalextratemp3F% $generalextratemp4F = "%generalextratemp4F%"; // %generalextratemp4F% $generalextratemp5F = "%generalextratemp5F%"; // %generalextratemp5F% $generalextratemp6F = "%generalextratemp6F%"; // %generalextratemp6F% $generalextratemp7F = "%generalextratemp7F%"; // %generalextratemp7F% $generalextratemp8F = "%generalextratemp8F%"; // %generalextratemp8F% $wetbulbdiff = "%wetbulbdiff%"; // Difference between the wet bulb temperature and the outdoor temperature $maxsoiltemp = "%maxsoiltemp%"; // Maxium daily soil temperature (either you have set a extra temperature sensor as soil or its a $soiltempincelsius = "%soiltempincelsius%"; // Soil temperature oC (no matter what units selected in WD) // VP soil temperature) $minsoiltemp = "%minsoiltemp%"; // Minimum daily soil temperature $feelslike = "%feelslike%"; // Shows heat index or humidex or windchill (if less than 16oC) $feelslikedp = "%feelslikedp%"; // same, but shows it with a decimal place $dailyhitemp12 = "%dailyhitemp12%"; // Hi temperature since 6am (to 6pm (resets then) $dailylotemp12 = "%dailylotemp12%"; // Low temperature since 6am (to 6pm (resets then) $nightlyhitemp12 = "%nightlyhitemp12%"; // HI temperature since 6pm (till 6am, resets then) $nightlylotemp12 = "%nightlylotemp12%"; // Low temperature since 6pm (till 6am, resets then) $VPextratemp1high = "%VPextratemp1high%"; // Davis VP extra temp 1 high $VPextratemp2high = "%VPextratemp2high%"; // Davis VP extra temp 2 high $VPextratemp3high = "%VPextratemp3high%"; // Davis VP extra temp 3 high $VPextratemp4high = "%VPextratemp4high%"; // Davis VP extra temp 4 high $VPextratemp5high = "%VPextratemp5high%"; // Davis VP extra temp 5 high $VPextratemp6high = "%VPextratemp6high%"; // Davis VP extra temp 6 high $VPextratemp7high = "%VPextratemp7high%"; // Davis VP extra temp 7 high $VPextratemp1low = "%VPextratemp1low%"; // Davis VP extra temp 1 low $VPextratemp2low = "%VPextratemp2low%"; // Davis VP extra temp 2 low $VPextratemp3low = "%VPextratemp3low%"; // Davis VP extra temp 3 low $VPextratemp4low = "%VPextratemp4low%"; // Davis VP extra temp 4 low $VPextratemp5low = "%VPextratemp5low%"; // Davis VP extra temp 5 low $VPextratemp6low = "%VPextratemp6low%"; // Davis VP extra temp 6 low $VPextratemp7low = "%VPextratemp7low%"; // Davis VP extra temp 7 low $VPextrahum1high = "%VPextrahum1high%"; // Davis VP extra hum 1 high $VPextrahum1high = "%VPextrahum1high%"; // Davis VP extra hum 2 high $VPextrahum1high = "%VPextrahum1high%"; // Davis VP extra hum 3 high $VPextrahum1high = "%VPextrahum1high%"; // Davis VP extra hum 4 high $VPextrahum1high = "%VPextrahum1high%"; // Davis VP extra hum 5 high $VPextrahum1high = "%VPextrahum1high%"; // Davis VP extra hum 6 high $VPextrahum1high = "%VPextrahum1high%"; // Davis VP extra hum 7 high $VPextrahum1low = "%VPextrahum1low%"; // Davis VP extra hum 1 low $VPextrahum1low = "%VPextrahum1low%"; // Davis VP extra hum 2 low $VPextrahum1low = "%VPextrahum1low%"; // Davis VP extra hum 3 low $VPextrahum1low = "%VPextrahum1low%"; // Davis VP extra hum 4 low $VPextrahum1low = "%VPextrahum1low%"; // Davis VP extra hum 5 low $VPextrahum1low = "%VPextrahum1low%"; // Davis VP extra hum 6 low $VPextrahum1low = "%VPextrahum1low%"; // Davis VP extra hum 7 low // $VPextratemp1hightime = "%VPextratemp1hightime%"; // Davis VP extra temp 1 high time $VPextratemp2hightime = "%VPextratemp2hightime%"; // Davis VP extra temp 2 high time $VPextratemp3hightime = "%VPextratemp3hightime%"; // Davis VP extra temp 3 high time $VPextratemp4hightime = "%VPextratemp4hightime%"; // Davis VP extra temp 4 high time $VPextratemp5hightime = "%VPextratemp5hightime%"; // Davis VP extra temp 5 high time $VPextratemp6hightime = "%VPextratemp6hightime%"; // Davis VP extra temp 6 high time $VPextratemp7hightime = "%VPextratemp7hightime%"; // Davis VP extra temp 7 high time $VPextratemp1lowtime = "%VPextratemp1lowtime%"; // Davis VP extra temp 1 low time $VPextratemp2lowtime = "%VPextratemp2lowtime%"; // Davis VP extra temp 2 low time $VPextratemp3lowtime = "%VPextratemp3lowtime%"; // Davis VP extra temp 3 low time $VPextratemp4lowtime = "%VPextratemp4lowtime%"; // Davis VP extra temp 4 low time $VPextratemp5lowtime = "%VPextratemp5lowtime%"; // Davis VP extra temp 5 low time $VPextratemp6lowtime = "%VPextratemp6lowtime%"; // Davis VP extra temp 6 low time $VPextratemp7lowtime = "%VPextratemp7lowtime%"; // Davis VP extra temp 7 low time $VPextrahum1hightime = "%VPextrahum1hightime%"; // Davis VP extra hum 1 high time $VPextrahum1hightime = "%VPextrahum1hightime%"; // Davis VP extra hum 2 high time $VPextrahum1hightime = "%VPextrahum1hightime%"; // Davis VP extra hum 3 high time $VPextrahum1hightime = "%VPextrahum1hightime%"; // Davis VP extra hum 4 high time $VPextrahum1hightime = "%VPextrahum1hightime%"; // Davis VP extra hum 5 high time $VPextrahum1hightime = "%VPextrahum1hightime%"; // Davis VP extra hum 6 high time $VPextrahum1hightime = "%VPextrahum1hightime%"; // Davis VP extra hum 7 high time $VPextrahum1lowtime = "%VPextrahum1lowtime%"; // Davis VP extra hum 1 low time $VPextrahum1lowtime = "%VPextrahum1lowtime%"; // Davis VP extra hum 2 low time $VPextrahum1lowtime = "%VPextrahum1lowtime%"; // Davis VP extra hum 3 low time $VPextrahum1lowtime = "%VPextrahum1lowtime%"; // Davis VP extra hum 4 low time $VPextrahum1lowtime = "%VPextrahum1lowtime%"; // Davis VP extra hum 5 low time $VPextrahum1lowtime = "%VPextrahum1lowtime%"; // Davis VP extra hum 6 low time $VPextrahum1lowtime = "%VPextrahum1lowtime%"; // Davis VP extra hum 7 low time // $wetbulbextratemp1 = "%wetbulbextratemp1%"; // Wet bulb temperature from extra temp1 and extra hum1 reading $wetbulbextratemp2 = "%wetbulbextratemp2%"; // Wet bulb temperature from extra temp2 and extra hum2 reading $wetbulbextratemp3 = "%wetbulbextratemp3%"; // Wet bulb temperature from extra temp3 and extra hum3 reading $wetbulbextratemp4 = "%wetbulbextratemp4%"; // Wet bulb temperature from extra temp4 and extra hum4 reading $wetbulbextratemp5 = "%wetbulbextratemp5%"; // Wet bulb temperature from extra temp5 and extra hum5 reading // // // // Yesterday: // ---------- $tempchangehour = "%tempchangehour%"; // Temperature change in the last hour $maxdewyest = "%maxdewyest%"; // Yesterday's max dew point $maxdewyestt = "%maxdewyestt%"; // Time of yesterday's max dew point $mindewyest = "%mindewyest%"; // Yesterday's min dew point $mindewyestt = "%mindewyestt%"; // Time of yesterday's min dew point $maxhumyestt = "%maxhumyestt%"; // Time of yesterday's max humidity $minhumyest = "%minhumyest%"; // Yesterday's min humidity $minhumyestt = "%minhumyestt%"; // Time of yesterday's min humidity $maxchillyest = "%maxchillyest%"; // Yesterday's max windchill $maxchillyestt = "%maxchillyestt%"; // Time of yesterday's max windchill $minchillyest = "%minchillyest%"; // Yesterday's min windchill $minchillyestt = "%minchillyestt%"; // Time of yesterday's min windchill $maxheatyest = "%maxheatyest%"; // Yesterday's max heatindex $maxheatyestt = "%maxheatyestt%"; // Time of yesterday's max heatindex $minheatyest = "%minheatyest%"; // Yesterday's min heatindex $minheatyestt = "%minheatyestt%"; // Time of yesterday's min heatindex $maxtempyest = "%maxtempyest%"; // Yesterday's max temperature $maxtempyestt = "%maxtempyestt%"; // Time of yesterday's max temperature $mintempyest = "%mintempyest%"; // Yesterday's min temperature $mintempyestt = "%mintempyestt%"; // Time of yesterday's min temperature $maxindoortempyest = "%maxindoortempyest%"; // Yesterday's Maximum indoor temperature $minindoortempyest = "%minindoortempyest%"; // Yesterday's Minimum indoor temperature $maxindoortempyestt = "%maxindoortempyestt%"; // Time of yesterday's Maximum indoor temperature $minindoortempyestt = "%minindoortempyestt%"; // Time of yesterday's Minimum indoor temperature $maxtempyestnodp = "%maxtempyestnodp%"; // Yesterday's max temperature no decimal point $mintempyestnodp = "%mintempyestnodp%"; // Yesterday's min temperature no decimal point // // // Trends: // ------- $tempchange24hour = "%tempchange24hour%"; // Temperature change in the last 24 hours (from the trends, includes units) $barochange24hour = "%barochange24hour%"; // Barometer change in the last 24 hours (from the trends, includes units) $humchange24hour = "%humchange24hour%"; // Humdidity change in the last 24 hours (from the trends, includes units) $windchange24hour = "%windchange24hour%"; // Wind change in the last 24 hours (from the trends, includes units) $dewchange24hour = "%dewchange24hour%"; // Dew change in the last 24 hours (from the trends, includes units) $rainchange24hour = "%rainchange24hour%"; // Rain change in the last 24 hours (from the trends, includes units) $temp24hoursago = "%temp24hoursago%"; // The temperature 24 hours ago $baro24hoursago = "%baro24hoursago%"; // The barometer 24 hour ago $wind24hoursago = "%wind24hoursago%"; // The windspeed 24 hours ago $gust24hoursago = "%gust24hoursago%"; // The gustspeed 24 hours ago $dir24hoursago = "%dir24hoursago%"; // The wind direction 24 hours ago $hum24hoursago = "%hum24hoursago%"; // The humidity 24 hours ago $dew24hoursago = "%dew24hoursago%"; // The dewpoint 24 hours ago $solar24hoursago = "%solar24hoursago%"; // Solar wm/2 24 hours ago $uv24hoursago = "%uv24hoursago%"; // Davis VP UV 24 hours ago $apparentsolartemp24hourago = "%apparentsolartemp24hourago%"; // %apparentsolartemp24hourago% Solar wm/2 24hours ago // $maxtempyrago = "%maxtempyrago%"; // Maximum temperature this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) $mintempyrago = "%mintempyrago%"; // Minimum temperature this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) $avtempyrago = "%avtempyrago%"; // Average temperature (for the whole day ) this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) $maxbaroyrago = "%maxbaroyrago%"; // Maximum barometer this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) $minbaroyrago = "%minbaroyrago%"; // Minimum barometer this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) $avbaroyrago = "%avbaroyrago%"; // Average barometer (for the whole day ) this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) $maxhumyrago = "%maxhumyrago%"; // Maximum humidity this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) $minhumyrago = "%minhumyrago%"; // Minimum humidity this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) $avhumyrago = "%avhumyrago%"; // Average humidity (for the whole day ) this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) $maxwindyrago = "%maxwindyrago%"; // Maximum gust speed this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) $minwindyrago = "%minwindyrago%"; // Minimum gust speed this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) $avwindyrago = "%avwindyrago%"; // Average windspeed (for the whole day ) this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) $maxdewyrago = "%maxdewyrago%"; // Maximum dew point this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) $mindewyrago = "%mindewyrago%"; // Minimum dew point this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) $avdewyrago = "%avdewyrago%"; // Average dew point (for the whole day ) this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) $chillyearago = "%chillyearago%"; // Min Windchill year ago (updates from the trends update), for the whole day $heatyearago = "%heatyearago%"; // Max heat index year ago (updates from the trends update), for the whole day // $hoursoffrost = "%hoursoffrost%"; // Hours of overnight air frost // // Wind // ==== // Current: // -------- // $avgspd = "%avgspd%"; // average wind speed (current) $avnodp = "%avnodp%"; // current average wind speed, no dec. place. $avnodpmph = "%avnodpmph%"; // current average wind speed, no dec. place., mph always $gstspd = "%gstspd%"; // current/gust wind speed $gustnodp = "%gustnodp%"; // current/gust wind speed, no dec. place. $gustnodpmph = "%gustnodpmph%"; // current/gust wind speed, no dec. place., mph always $dirdeg = "%dirdeg%"; // wind direction (degrees) $dirlabel = "%dirlabel%"; // wind direction (NNE etc) $dirlabeldutch = "%dirlabeldutch%"; // wind direction (NNE etc), Dutch $dirlabelfrench = "%dirlabelfrench%"; // wind direction (NNE etc), French (or german) $winddirinwords = "%winddirinwords%"; // Wind direction in words $winddirinwordsdutch = "%winddirinwordsdutch%"; // Wind direction in words, Dutch $winddirinwordsfrench = "%winddirinwordsfrench%"; // Wind direction in words, French $maxgst = "%maxgst%"; // today's maximum wind speed $maxgstnodp = "%maxgstnodp%"; // today's maximum wind speed, no dec. place $maxgstwords = "%maxgstwords%"; // " " " ", with words, i.e westerly (i.e for telephone) $maxgstdirectionletter = "%maxgstdirectionletter%"; // Max Gust direction, i.e. W $maxavgdirectionletter = "%maxavgdirectionletter%"; // Max Averge direction, i.e. W $maxgstt = "%maxgstt%"; // time this occurred $maxavgspd = "%maxavgspd%"; // maximum average wind speed $maxavgspdt = "%maxavgspdt%"; // time this occurred $maxgsthr = "%maxgsthr%"; // maximum gust last hour $maxgsthrt = "%maxgsthrt%"; // time this occurred $maxgustlastimediatehour = "%maxgustlastimediatehour%"; // Maximum gust for the last prior 1 hour period $maxgustlastimediatehourtime = "%maxgustlastimediatehourtime%"; // %maxgustlastimediatehourtime% time that the max gust last prior 1 hour occured $maxgustlastimediatehourdir = "%maxgustlastimediatehourdir%"; // %maxgustlastimediatehourdir% Direction from Max gust last prior 1 hour period $maxgustlastimediatehourdirword = "%maxgustlastimediatehourdirword%"; // %maxgustlastimediatehourdirword% Direction from Max gust last prior 1 hour period, in words, e.g N $maxgustlastimediatehourdirwords = "%maxgustlastimediatehourdirwords%"; // %maxgustlastimediatehourdirwords% Direction from Max gust last prior 1 hour period, in words, e.g northerly $maxgustlastimediate10 = "%maxgustlastimediate10%"; // Maximum gust for the last immediate 10 minute period $maxgustlastimediate15 = "%maxgustlastimediate15%"; // Maximum gust for the last 10 to 15 minutes $maxgustlastimediate30 = "%maxgustlastimediate30%"; // Maximum gust for the last 15 to 30 minutes $maxgustlastimediate60 = "%maxgustlastimediate60%"; // Maximum gust for the last 30 to 60 minutes $maxgustlastimediate120 = "%maxgustlastimediate120%"; // Maximum gust for the last 60 to 120 minutes $avwindlastimediate10 = "%avwindlastimediate10%"; // Average wind for the last immediate 10 minute period $avwindlastimediate15 = "%avwindlastimediate15%"; // Average wind for the last 10 to 15 minutes $avwindlastimediate30 = "%avwindlastimediate30%"; // Average wind for the last 15 to 30 minutes $avwindlastimediate60 = "%avwindlastimediate60%"; // Average wind for the last 30 to 60 minutes $avwindlastimediate120 = "%avwindlastimediate120%"; // Average wind for the last 60 to 120 minutes $avdirlastimediate10 = "%avdirlastimediate10%"; // Average dir wind for the last immediate 10 minute period $avdirlastimediate15 = "%avdirlastimediate15%"; // Average dir wind for the 10 to 15 minutes $avdirlastimediate30 = "%avdirlastimediate30%"; // Average dir wind for the 15 to 30 minutes $avdirlastimediate60 = "%avdirlastimediate60%"; // Average dir wind for the 30 to 60 minutes $avdirlastimediate120 = "%avdirlastimediate120%"; // Average dir wind for the 60 to 120 minutes $avdir10minute = "%avdir10minute%"; // average ten minute wind direction (degrees) $avtenminutewind = "%avtenminutewind%"; // average ten minute wind speed $1mingustwind = "%1mingustwind%"; // maximum gust in the last minute $max1minuteavwind = "%max1minuteavwind%"; // maximum 1 minute average wind speed (since the reset time) $max1minuteavwinddata = "%max1minuteavwinddata%"; // maximum 1 minute average wind speed , last hour, from the 1 minute logged average speed data $avspeedinmetric = "%avspeedinmetric%"; // current average wind speed always in knots $gustspeedinmetric = "%gustspeedinmetric%"; // current gust speed always in knots $avspeedinkmh = "%avspeedinkmh%"; // current average wind speed always in kmh $gustspeedinkmh = "%gustspeedinkmh%"; // current gust speed always in kmh $beaufortnum = "%beaufortnum%"; // Beaufort wind force number $currbftspeed = "%currbftspeed%"; // Current Beaufort wind speed $todaygustspeedinmetric = "%todaygustspeedinmetric%"; // Today's maximum gust in knots $maxgustlasthourinmetric = "%maxgustlasthourinmetric%"; // Maximum gust last hour in knots $10minavspeedinmetric = "%10minavspeedinmetric%"; // Average 10 minute speed in knots $10minavspeedinkmh = "%10minavspeedinkmh%"; // Average 10 minute speed in kmh $maxavspeedinkts = "%maxavspeedinkts%"; // Maximum daily average speed in kts $maxgustlasthourkts = "%maxgustlasthourkts%"; // Maximum gust imeediate last hour in kts $maxgustlastmininkts = "%maxgustlastmininkts%"; // Maximum gust last minute in kts $max1minavspeedlast12hrs = "%max1minavspeedlast12hrs%"; // Maximum 1 mintue average speed in kts last 12 hours $maxdailygustinkts = "%maxdailygustinkts%"; // Maximum daily gust in kts $windgaugepointer = "%windgaugepointer%"; // Create your own windspeed dial (will replace this with avwindpoint1 for 1 kt speed, etc $gustgaugepointer = "%gustgaugepointer%"; // Create your own windspeed dial (will replace this with gustwindpoint1 for 1 kt speed, etc $10minuteavspeedbft = "%10minuteavspeedbft%"; // 10 minute average speed, in bft number $windinmph = "%windinmph%"; // Average wind in mph always $gustinmph = "%gustinmph%"; // Gust wind in mph always $curdir10minutelabel = "%curdir10minutelabel%"; // Current average 10 minute wind direction label (i.e NNE) $currentavtenminutewindms = "%currentavtenminutewindms%"; // Current average 10 minute windspeed in m/s $highavtenminutewind = "%highavtenminutewind%"; // Highest average 10 minute windspeed in the last 12 hours (in the units you have selected) $highavtenminutewindms = "%highavtenminutewindms%"; // Highest average 10 minute windspeed in the last 12 hours, m/s $highavtenminutewindkts = "%highavtenminutewindkts%"; // Highest average 10 minute windspeed in the last 12 hours,knots $highavtenminutewindkmh = "%highavtenminutewindkmh%"; // Highest average 10 minute windspeed in the last 12 hours,kmh $todaygustspeedinm_s = "%todaygustspeedinm/s%"; // Today's maximum gust in m/s $maxgustlasthourinm_s = "%maxgustlasthourinm/s%"; // Maximum gust last hour in m/s $10minavspeedinm_s = "%10minavspeedinm/s%"; // Average 10 minute speed in m/s $maxavspeedinm_s = "%maxavspeedinm/s%"; // Maximum daily average speed in m/s $maxgustlasthourm_s = "%maxgustlasthourm/s%"; // Maximum gust immediate last hour in m/s $maxgustlastmininm_s = "%maxgustlastmininm/s%"; // Maximum gust last minute in m/s $todaygustspeedinkmh = "%todaygustspeedinkmh%"; // Today's maximum gust in kmh $max1minavspeedlast12hrsm_s = "%max1minavspeedlast12hrsm/s%"; // Maximum 1 mintue average speed in kts last 12 hours $maxdailygustinm_s = "%maxdailygustinm/s%"; // Maximum daily gust in m/s $maxdailygustinmph = "%maxdailygustinmph%"; // Maximum daily gust in mph $windruntodatethismonth = "%windruntodatethismonth%"; // Wind run to date this month $windruntodatethisyear = "%windruntodatethisyear%"; // Wind run to date this year $windruntoday = "%windruntoday%"; // Wind run today $windrunyesterday = "%windrunyesterday%"; // Wind run yesterday $bftspeedtext = "%bftspeedtext%"; // Beaufort scale in text (i.e Fresh Breeze) $bftspeedtext10 = "%bftspeedtext10%"; // Beaufort scale in text (i.e Fresh Breeze), based on 10 minute average $last24houravdir = "%last24houravdir%"; // Last 24 hours average direction $last24houravdirword = "%last24houravdirword%"; // Last 24 hours average direction in words $last24houravdirday = "%last24houravdirday%"; // Average direction so far for today (from midnight) $last24houravdirwordday = "%last24houravdirwordday%"; // Average direction in words for today (from midnight) $avgspeedsincereset = "%avgspeedsincereset%"; // Average windspeed since the daily reset time // // Yesterday: // ---------- $maxgustyest = "%maxgustyest%"; // Yesterday's max gust speed $maxgustyestnodir = "%maxgustyestnodir%"; // Yesterday's max gust speed, no direction $maxgustyestt = "%maxgustyestt%"; // Time of yesterday's max gust speed $maxaverageyest = "%maxaverageyest%"; // Yesterday's max average speed $maxaverageyestnodir = "%maxaverageyestnodir%"; // Yesterday's max average speed, no direction $maxaverageyestt = "%maxaverageyestt%"; // Time of yesterday's max average speed // // // Baromometer // =========== // Current: // -------- $baro = "%baro%"; // barometric pressure $trend = "%trend%"; // amount of change in the last hour $highbaro = "%highbaro%"; // high pressure $highbarot = "%highbarot%"; // time this occurred $lowbaro = "%lowbaro%"; // low pressure $lowbarot = "%lowbarot%"; // time this occurred $pressurechangein3hour = "%pressurechangein3hour%"; // pressure change in the last 3 hours $pressurechangein6hour = "%pressurechangein6hour%"; // pressure change in the last 6 hours $pressurechangein12hour = "%pressurechangein12hour%"; // pressure change in the last 12 hours $pressurechangein24hour = "%pressurechangein24hour%"; // pressure change in the last 24 hours $pressuretrendname = "%pressuretrendname%"; // pressure trend (i.e. "falling"), last hour $pressuretrendname3hour = "%pressuretrendname3hour%"; // pressure trend (i.e. "falling"), last 3 hours $maxbaroinmetric = "%maxbaroinmetric%"; // maximum pressure always in metric $minbaroinmetric = "%minbaroinmetric%"; // minimum pressure always in metric $baroinusa = "%baroinusa%"; // Current barometer reading in inches. $baroinusa2dp = "%baroinusa2dp%"; // Current barometer reading in inches, 2 decimal places only. $baroinmetric = "%baroinmetric%"; // Current barometer reading in metric. $baroinkpa = "%baroinkpa%"; // Current baro in kpa $currentpressureinmb = "%currentpressureinmb%"; // Current barometer always in mb (hpa is the same value); $pressurechangehourinmb = "%pressurechangehourinmb%"; // Pressure change last hour in mb $pressurechange3hourinmb = "%pressurechange3hourinmb%"; // Pressure change last 3 hours in mb $pressurechange6hourinmb = "%pressurechange6hourinmb%"; // Pressure change last 6 hours in mb $pressurechange12hourinmb = "%pressurechange12hourinmb%"; // Pressure change last 12 hours in mb $pressurechange24hourinmb = "%pressurechange24hourinmb%"; // Pressure change last 24 hours in mb $baroininches2dp = "%baroininches2dp%"; // Pressure in inches to decimal places only // $vpforecasttext = "%vpforecasttext%"; // Forecast text from the Davis VP $vapourpressure = "%vapourpressure%"; // Vapour pressure (kpa) $forecasticonword = "%forecasticonword%"; // Words for the forecast icon // // Yesterday: // ---------- $maxbaroyest = "%maxbaroyest%"; // Yesterday's max barometer $maxbaroyestt = "%maxbaroyestt%"; // Time of yesterday's max barometer $minbaroyest = "%minbaroyest%"; // Yesterday's min barometer $minbaroyestt = "%minbaroyestt%"; // Time of yesterday's min barometer $maxhumyest = "%maxhumyest%"; // Yesterday's max humidity // // Rain // ==== // Current: // -------- $dayrn = "%dayrn%"; // today's rain $dayrnusa = "%dayrnusa%"; // today's rain, in inches $monthrn = "%monthrn%"; // rain so far this month $yearrn = "%yearrn%"; // rain so far this year $hourrn = "%hourrn%"; // rain in the last hour $maxhourrn = "%maxhourrn%"; // Max rain last hour for the day $maxhourrnt = "%maxhourrnt%"; // Max rain last hour for the day, time that occured $maxrain_minlasthour = "%maxrain/minlasthour%"; // maximum rain per minute in the last hour $maxrain_hourlast6hours = "%maxrain/hourlast6hours%"; // maximum rain per hour in the past 6 hours $totalrainlast3hours = "%totalrainlast3hours%"; // Total rain last 3 hours $totalrainlast6hours = "%totalrainlast6hours%"; // Total rain last 6 hours $totalrainlast24hours = "%totalrainlast24hours%"; // Total rain last 24 hours $currentmonthaveragerain = "%currentmonthaveragerain%"; // Your average monthly rain you have entered (current month) $currentmonthaveragetemp = "%currentmonthaveragetemp%"; // Your average monthly temperature you have entered (current month) $dayswithnorain = "%dayswithnorain%"; // Consecutative days with no rain $dayswithrain = "%dayswithrain%"; // Days with rain for the month $consecdayswithrain = "%consecdayswithrain%"; // Consecutive days with rain for the month $dayswithrainyear = "%dayswithrainyear%"; // Days with rain for the year $rainduration = "%rainduration%"; // Current rain episode duration, minutes $todayraininmm = "%todayraininmm%"; // Today's rain in mm $monthraininmm = "%monthraininmm%"; // Monthly rain in mm $yearlyraininmm = "%yearlyraininmm%"; // Yearly rain in mm $rainlasthourmm = "%rainlasthourmm%"; // Rain last hour in mm $rainlast3hourmm = "%rainlast3hourmm%"; // Rain last 3 hours in mm $rainlast6hourmm = "%rainlast6hourmm%"; // Rain last 6 hours in mm $rainlast10min = "%rainlast10min%"; // Rain last hour in mm $maxrain_minlasthourmm = "%maxrain/minlasthourmm%"; // Maximum rain per minute last hour in mm $maxrain_hourlast6hoursmm = "%maxrain/hourlast6hoursmm%"; // Maximum rain per hour last 6 hours in mm $maxrain_hourlast6hoursusa = "%maxrain/hourlast6hoursusa%"; // Maximum rain per hour last 6 hours in inches always $timeoflastrainalways = "%timeoflastrainalways%"; // Time that the last rain tip was recorded (not reset). $dateoflastrainalways = "%dateoflastrainalways%"; // Date that the last rain tip was recorded (not rest). $timeoflastrain = "%timeoflastrain%"; // Time that the last rain tip was recorded. $dateoflastrain = "%dateoflastrain%"; // Date that the last rain tip was recorded. $currentrainrate = "%currentrainrate%"; // Current rain rate, mm/min(or in/min) $currentrainratehr = "%currentrainratehr%"; // Current rain rate, mm/hr (or in./hr) $maxrainrate = "%maxrainrate%"; // Max rain rate,for the day, mm/min (or in./min) $maxrainratehr = "%maxrainratehr%"; // Max rain rate,for the day, mm/hr (or in.mm) $maxrainratetime = "%maxrainratetime%"; // Time that occurred $raincurrentweek = "%raincurrentweek%"; // Total rain last 7 days $maxrain_hourlastmonthtodate = "%maxrain/hourlastmonthtodate%"; // %maxrain/hourlastmonthtodate% Max rain for hour month to date $monthrnusa = "%monthrnusa%"; // Month rain total in inches always $yearrnusa = "%yearrnusa%"; // Year rain total in inches always $hourrnusa = "%hourrnusa%"; // Rain last hour, in inches always // $raintodatemonthago = "%raintodatemonthago%"; // Rain to date last month (via the trends) $raintodateyearago = "%raintodateyearago%"; // Rain to date last year (via the trends) // // $avrainjan = "%avrainjan%"; // Average rain for january from your records (under view, rain chart) $avrainfeb = "%avrainfeb%"; // Average rain for february from your records (under view, rain chart) $avrainmar = "%avrainmar%"; // Average rain for march from your records (under view, rain chart) $avrainapr = "%avrainapr%"; // Average rain for april from your records (under view, rain chart) $avrainmay = "%avrainmay%"; // Average rain for may from your records (under view, rain chart) $avrainjun = "%avrainjun%"; // Average rain for jun from your records (under view, rain chart) $avrainjul = "%avrainjul%"; // Average rain for jun from your records (under view, rain chart) $avrainaug = "%avrainaug%"; // Average rain for aug from your records (under view, rain chart) $avrainsep = "%avrainsep%"; // Average rain for sep from your records (under view, rain chart) $avrainoct = "%avrainoct%"; // Average rain for oct from your records (under view, rain chart) $avrainnov = "%avrainnov%"; // Average rain for nov from your records (under view, rain chart) $avraindec = "%avraindec%"; // Average rain for dec from your records (under view, rain chart) // $rainjan = "%rainjan%"; // rain for january from your records (under view, rain chart) (for last year) $rainfeb = "%rainfeb%"; // rain for february from your records (under view, rain chart) $rainmar = "%rainmar%"; // rain for march from your records (under view, rain chart) $rainapr = "%rainapr%"; // rain for april from your records (under view, rain chart) $rainmay = "%rainmay%"; // rain for may from your records (under view, rain chart) $rainjun = "%rainjun%"; // rain for jun from your records (under view, rain chart) $rainjul = "%rainjul%"; // rain for jun from your records (under view, rain chart) $rainaug = "%rainaug%"; // rain for aug from your records (under view, rain chart) $rainsep = "%rainsep%"; // rain for sep from your records (under view, rain chart) $rainoct = "%rainoct%"; // rain for oct from your records (under view, rain chart) $rainnov = "%rainnov%"; // rain for nov from your records (under view, rain chart) $raindec = "%raindec%"; // rain for dec from your records (under view, rain chart) // // $nowrainjan = "%nowrainjan%"; // rain for january from your records (under view, rain chart) (current year to date or for current month) $nowrainfeb = "%nowrainfeb%"; // rain for february from your records (under view, rain chart) $nowrainmar = "%nowrainmar%"; // rain for march from your records (under view, rain chart) $nowrainapr = "%nowrainapr%"; // rain for april from your records (under view, rain chart) $nowrainmay = "%nowrainmay%"; // rain for may from your records (under view, rain chart) $nowrainjun = "%nowrainjun%"; // rain for jun from your records (under view, rain chart) $nowrainjul = "%nowrainjul%"; // rain for jun from your records (under view, rain chart) $nowrainaug = "%nowrainaug%"; // rain for aug from your records (under view, rain chart) $nowrainsep = "%nowrainsep%"; // rain for sep from your records (under view, rain chart) $nowrainoct = "%nowrainoct%"; // rain for oct from your records (under view, rain chart) $nowrainnov = "%nowrainnov%"; // rain for nov from your records (under view, rain chart) $nowraindec = "%nowraindec%"; // rain for dec from your records (under view, rain chart) // $myavjanrain = "%myavjanrain%"; // the average rain for your station that you have entered under my climate data under view, averages/extremes $myavfebrain = "%myavfebrain%"; // %myavfebrain% $myavmarrain = "%myavmarrain%"; // %myavmarrain% $myavaprrain = "%myavaprrain%"; // %myavaprrain% $myavmayrain = "%myavmayrain%"; // %myavmayrain% $myavjunrain = "%myavjunrain%"; // %myavjunrain% $myavjulrain = "%myavjulrain%"; // %myavjulrain% $myavaugrain = "%myavaugrain%"; // %myavaugrain% $myavseprain = "%myavseprain%"; // %myavseprain% $myavoctrain = "%myavoctrain%"; // %myavoctrain% $myavnovrain = "%myavnovrain%"; // %myavnovrain% $myavdecrain = "%myavdecrain%"; // %myavdecrain% // $vpstormrainstart = "%vpstormrainstart%"; // Davis VP Storm rain start date $vpstormrain = "%vpstormrain%"; // Davis VP Storm rain value // // Yesterday: // ---------- $ystdyrain = "%ystdyrain%"; // yesterday’s rain $yesterdayrain = "%yesterdayrain%"; // Yesterday rain $yesterdayrainmm = "%yesterdayrainmm%"; // Yesterday rain in mm always $ystdyrainusa = "%ystdyrainusa%"; // Yesterday rain in inches always // Over the last Week // ------------------ $rainonmonday = "%rainonmonday%"; // Rain on monday $rainontuesday = "%rainontuesday%"; // Rain tuesday $rainonwedensday = "%rainonwedensday%"; // Rain on wedensday $rainonthursday = "%rainonthursday%"; // Rain on thursday $rainonfriday = "%rainonfriday%"; // Rain on friday $rainonsaturday = "%rainonsaturday%"; // Rain on saturday $rainonsunday = "%rainonsunday%"; // Rain on sunday // // // Fire Weather // ============ $FWIffmc = "%FWIffmc%"; // Fire weather index fine fuel moisture code $FWIbui = "%FWIbui%"; // " " " build up index $FWIisi = "%FWIisi%"; // " " " initial spread index $FWIdmc = "%FWIdmc%"; // " " " duff moisture code $FWIdc = "%FWIdc%"; // " " " drought code $FWIfwi = "%FWIfwi%"; // " " " fire weather index $chandler = "%chandler%"; // Chandler burning index // // Sunshine/Solar/ET // ================= $Currentsolardescription = "%Currentsolardescription%"; // Current cloud cover based on the solar sensor $sunshinehourstodatemonth = "%sunshinehourstodatemonth%"; // Sunshine hours from the solar sensor $sunshinehourstodateyear = "%sunshinehourstodateyear%"; // " " " " " " $sunshinehourstodateday = "%sunshinehourstodateday%"; // " " " " " " $sunshineyesterday = "%sunshineyesterday%"; // Yesterday sunshine hours $VPsolar = "%VPsolar%"; // Solar energy number (W/M2) $VPuv = "%VPuv%"; // UV number $VPet = "%VPet%"; // Evaportranspiration (daily) $VPetmonth = "%VPetmonth%"; // Evaportranspiration (month to date) $highsolar = "%highsolar%"; // Daily high solar (for Davis VP and Grow stations) $lowsolar = "%lowsolar%"; // Daily low solar (for Davis VP and Grow stations) $highuv = "%highuv%"; // Daily high UV (for Davis VP stations) $lowuv = "%lowuv%"; // Daily low UV (for Davis VP stations) $currentsolarpercent = "%currentsolarpercent%"; // Current solar percent for stations with a temperature solar sensor (like the dallas 1 wire) $currentwdet = "%currentwdet%"; // The current evapotranspiration rate calculated by WD every minute $yesterdaywdet = "%yesterdaywdet%"; // The final reading at midnight of WD's ET $yesterdaydaviset = "%yesterdaydaviset%"; // The final reading at midnight of Davis ET $etcurrentweek = "%etcurrentweek%"; // ET total for the last 7 days $raincurrentweek = "%raincurrentweek%"; // Total rain last 7 days $growsolar = "%growsolar%"; // Current solar reading from a Davis Grow station $hoursofpossibledaylight = "%hoursofpossibledaylight%"; // Total hours/minutes of possible daylight for today $daylengthyesterday = "%daylengthyesterday%"; // Yesterdays' reading (updated at 11:46pm) $highsolartime = "%highsolartime%"; // Time that the daily high solar occured $lowsolartime = "%lowsolartime%"; // Time that the daily low solar occured $highuvtime = "%highuvtime%"; // Time that the daily high UV occured $lowuvtime = "%lowuvtime%"; // Time that the daily low UV occured $highsolaryest = "%highsolaryest%"; // Yesterday's high solar $highsolaryesttime = "%highsolaryesttime%"; // Time of yesterday's high solar $highuvyest = "%highuvyest%"; // Yesterday's high UV $highuvyesttime = "%highuvyesttime%"; // Time of yesterday's high UV $maxsolarfortime = "%maxsolarfortime%"; // Max solar expected for the time of day $sunshinehoursinlastwholehour = "%sunshinehoursinlastwholehour%"; // %sunshinehoursinlastwholehour% Sunshine hours in the last immediate full hour $sunshinehoursinlast10 = "%sunshinehoursinlast10%"; // Sunshine hours last 10 minutes (fraction of hour) $sunshinehoursinlast60 = "%sunshinehoursinlast60%"; // Sunshine hours last 60 minutes $sunshinehoursinlast10percent = "%sunshinehoursinlast10percent%"; // Sunshine hours last 10 minutes (fraction of hour, percent of max possible) $sunshinehoursinlast60percent = "%sunshinehoursinlast60percent%"; // Sunshine hours last 60 minutes (fraction of hour, percent of max possible) $burntime = "%burntime%"; // Time (minutes) to burn (normal skin) at the current UV rate, from the Davis VP with UV sensor $THSW = "%THSW%"; // Current Davis THSW index (temperature/humdidity/solar/wind) . You need a solar sensor, and have // // the solar setup. $hiTHSW = "%hiTHSW%"; // Hi THSW today $loTHSW = "%loTHSW%"; // Lo THSW today // // VP soil temp/moisture/extra temperature/humidity // ================================================== // $VPsoilmoisture = "%VPsoilmoisture%"; // Davis VP soil moisture $VPsoilmoisture2 = "%VPsoilmoisture2%"; // Davis VP soil moisture, # 2 sensor $VPsoilmoisture3 = "%VPsoilmoisture3%"; // Davis VP soil moisture, # 3 sensor $VPsoilmoisture4 = "%VPsoilmoisture4%"; // Davis VP soil moisture, # 4 sensor $VPsoiltemp2 = "%VPsoiltemp2%"; // Davis VP soil temperature #2 $VPsoiltemp3 = "%VPsoiltemp3%"; // Davis VP soil temperature #3 $VPsoiltemp4 = "%VPsoiltemp4%"; // Davis VP soil temperature #4 $VPextratemp1 = "%VPextratemp1%"; // Davis VP extra temperature #1 $VPextratemp2 = "%VPextratemp2%"; // Davis VP extra temperature #2 $VPextratemp1hi = "%VPextratemp1hi%"; // Davis VP extra temp 1 daily high $VPextratemp1lo = "%VPextratemp1lo%"; // Davis VP extra temp 1 daily low $VPextratemp2hi = "%VPextratemp2hi%"; // Davis VP extra temp 2 daily high $VPextratemp2lo = "%VPextratemp2lo%"; // Davis VP extra temp 2 daily low $VPextratemp3hi = "%VPextratemp3hi%"; // Davis VP extra temp 3 daily high $VPextratemp3lo = "%VPextratemp3lo%"; // Davis VP extra temp 3 daily low $VPextratemp4hi = "%VPextratemp4hi%"; // Davis VP extra temp 4 daily high $VPextratemp4lo = "%VPextratemp4lo%"; // Davis VP extra temp 4 daily low $VPextrahum1 = "%VPextrahum1%"; // Davis VP extra humidity #1 $VPextrahum2 = "%VPextrahum2%"; // Davis VP extra humidity #2 $VPleaf = "%VPleaf%"; // Davis VP leaf wetness $VPleaf2 = "%VPleaf2%"; // Davis VP leaf wetness, # 2 sensor $VPleaf3 = "%VPleaf3%"; // Davis VP leaf wetness, # 3 sensor $VPleaf4 = "%VPleaf4%"; // Davis VP leaf wetness, # 4 sensor $hiVPleaf = "%hiVPleaf%"; // Davis VP leaf wetness, daily high (#1 sensor) $loVPleaf = "%loVPleaf%"; // Davis VP leaf wetness, daily low $hiVPsoilmoisture = "%hiVPsoilmoisture%"; // Davis VP soil moisture, daily high $loVPsoilmoisture = "%loVPsoilmoisture%"; // Davis VP soil moisture, daily low $hiVPsoilmoisture2 = "%hiVPsoilmoisture2%"; // Davis VP soil moisture, daily high #2 $loVPsoilmoisture2 = "%loVPsoilmoisture2%"; // Davis VP soil moisture, daily low #2 $hiVPsoilmoisture3 = "%hiVPsoilmoisture3%"; // Davis VP soil moisture, daily high #3 $loVPsoilmoisture3 = "%loVPsoilmoisture3%"; // Davis VP soil moisture, daily low #3 $hiVPsoilmoisture4 = "%hiVPsoilmoisture4%"; // Davis VP soil moisture, daily high #4 $loVPsoilmoisture4 = "%loVPsoilmoisture4%"; // Davis VP soil moisture, daily low #4 // $hiVPsoiltemp2 = "%hiVPsoiltemp2%"; // Davis VP soil temp, daily high. # 2 sensor $loVPsoiltemp2 = "%loVPsoiltemp2%"; // Davis VP soil temp, daily low, # 2 sensor $hiVPsoiltemp3 = "%hiVPsoiltemp3%"; // Davis VP soil temp, daily high, # 3 sensor $loVPsoiltemp3 = "%loVPsoiltemp3%"; // Davis VP soil temp, daily low, # 3 sensor $hiVPsoiltemp4 = "%hiVPsoiltemp4%"; // Davis VP soil temp, daily high, # 4 sensor $loVPsoiltemp4 = "%loVPsoiltemp4%"; // Davis VP soil temp, daily low, # 4 sensor // // $leafminlast10min = "%leafminlast10min%"; // Minutes last 10 minutes leaf wetness was above zero $leafminlast60min = "%leafminlast60min%"; // Minutes last 60 minutes leaf wetness was above zero $leafminlast10min2 = "%leafminlast10min2%"; // Minutes last 10 minutes leaf wetness #2 was above zero $leafminlast60min2 = "%leafminlast60min2%"; // Minutes last 60 minutes leaf wetness #2 was above zero $vpconsolebattery = "%vpconsolebattery%"; // The Console battery, volts $vpissstatus = "%vpissstatus%"; // ISS battery status flag $vpreception = "%vpreception%"; // The recpetion of the data from the ISS status,Total packets received, Total packets missed, // // Number of resynchronizations, The largest number of packets in a row that were received., and the number of CRC errors // // detected. $vpreception2 = "%vpreception2%"; // The current % reception // // WS2000/WMR900h/La crosse 2010-13 data logger // ============================================ $ws2000sen1t = "%ws2000sen1t%"; // Temperature of sensor 1 for the WS2000/WMR900h or La Crosse station . Change the 1 to any number // // up to 9 $ws2000sen1h = "%ws2000sen1h%"; // Humidity of sensor 1 for the WS2000/WMR900h or La Crosse station . Change the 1 to any number up // // to 8 $hiws2000sen1t = "%hiws2000sen1t%"; // Daily high Temperature of sensor 1 for the WS2000/WMR900h or La Crosse station . Change the 1 to // // any number up to 9 $lows2000sen1t = "%lows2000sen1t%"; // Daily low temperature of sensor 1 for the WS2000/WMR900h or La Crosse station . Change the 1 to // // any number up to 9 $hiws2000sen1h = "%hiws2000sen1h%"; // Daily high humidity of sensor 1 for the WS2000/WMR900h or La Crosse station . Change the 1 to // // any number up to 9 $lows2000sen1h = "%lows2000sen1h%"; // Daily low humidity of sensor 1 for the WS2000/WMR900h or La Crosse station . Change the 1 to any // // number up to 9 $hiws2000sen1ht = "%hiws2000sen1ht%"; // Time of daily high humidity (1 to 9) $lows2000sen1ht = "%lows2000sen1ht%"; // Time of daily low humidity (1 to 9) $hiws2000sen1tt = "%hiws2000sen1tt%"; // Time of daily high temperature (1 to 9) $lows2000sen1tt = "%lows2000sen1tt%"; // Time of daily low temperature (1 to 9) // $ws2010sensorstatus1 = "%ws2010sensorstatus1%"; // Status of sensor #1 (you need to have ticked to get these updated in the ws2010-13 data setup) $ws2010sensorstatus2 = "%ws2010sensorstatus2%"; // Status of sensor #2 $ws2010sensorstatus3 = "%ws2010sensorstatus3%"; // Status of sensor #3 $ws2010sensorstatus4 = "%ws2010sensorstatus4%"; // Status of sensor #4 $ws2010sensorstatus5 = "%ws2010sensorstatus5%"; // Status of sensor #5 $ws2010sensorstatus6 = "%ws2010sensorstatus6%"; // Status of sensor #6 $ws2010sensorstatus7 = "%ws2010sensorstatus7%"; // Status of sensor #7 $ws2010sensorstatus8 = "%ws2010sensorstatus8%"; // Status of sensor #8 $ws2010sensorstatusrain = "%ws2010sensorstatusrain%"; // ..Status of the rain sensor $ws2010sensorstatuswind = "%ws2010sensorstatuswind%"; // ..Status of the wind sensor $ws2010sensorstatusindoor = "%ws2010sensorstatusindoor%"; // Status of the indoor sensor // // Record Readings // =============== $recordhightemp = "%recordhightemp%"; // All time record high temperature $recordlowtemp = "%recordlowtemp%"; // All time record low temperature $recordwindgust = "%recordwindgust%"; // All time record high wind gust $recordwindspeed = "%recordwindspeed%"; // All time record high average speed $recorddailyrain = "%recorddailyrain%"; // All time record daily rain $recordlowchill = "%recordlowchill%"; // All time record low windchill $recordlowchillhour = "%recordlowchillhour%"; // All time record low windchill, hour $recordlowchillminute = "%recordlowchillminute%"; // All time record low windchill, minute $recordlowchillday = "%recordlowchillday%"; // All time record low windchill, day $recordlowchillmonth = "%recordlowchillmonth%"; // All time record low windchill, month $recordlowchillyear = "%recordlowchillyear%"; // All time record low windchill, year $recordhighbaro = "%recordhighbaro%"; // All time record high barometer $recordlowbaro = "%recordlowbaro%"; // All time record low barometer $recorddailyrainday = "%recorddailyrainday%"; // Day of record daily rain $recorddailyrainmonth = "%recorddailyrainmonth%"; // Month of record daily rain $recorddailyrainyear = "%recorddailyrainyear%"; // Year of record daily rain $recordlowbaroday = "%recordlowbaroday%"; // Day of record low baro $recordhighbaroday = "%recordhighbaroday%"; // Day of record high baro $recordlowbaromonth = "%recordlowbaromonth%"; // Month of record low baro $recordhighbaromonth = "%recordhighbaromonth%"; // Month of record high baro $recordlowbaroyear = "%recordlowbaroyear%"; // Year of record low baro $recordhighbaroyear = "%recordhighbaroyear%"; // Year of record high baro $recordlowtempday = "%recordlowtempday%"; // Day of record low temperature $recordhightempday = "%recordhightempday%"; // Day of record high temperature $recordlowtempmonth = "%recordlowtempmonth%"; // Month of record low temperature $recordhightempmonth = "%recordhightempmonth%"; // Month of record high temperature $recordlowtempyear = "%recordlowtempyear%"; // Year of record low temperature $recordhightempyear = "%recordhightempyear%"; // Year of record high temperature $recordhighgustday = "%recordhighgustday%"; // Day of record high wind gust $recordhighgustmonth = "%recordhighgustmonth%"; // Month of record high wind gust $recordhighgustyear = "%recordhighgustyear%"; // Year of record high wind gust $recordhighavwindday = "%recordhighavwindday%"; // Day of record high wind average speed $recordhighavwindmonth = "%recordhighavwindmonth%"; // Month of record high wind average speed $recordhighavwindyear = "%recordhighavwindyear%"; // Year of record high wind average speed $recordhighheatindex = "%recordhighheatindex%"; // Record high heat index $recordhighheatindexday = "%recordhighheatindexday%"; // Record high heat index day $recordhighheatindexmonth = "%recordhighheatindexmonth%"; // Record high heat index month $recordhighheatindexyear = "%recordhighheatindexyear%"; // Record high heat index year $coldestnightonrecord = "%coldestnightonrecord%"; // Coldest night on record (6pm to 6am) $coldestdayonrecord = "%coldestdayonrecord%"; // Coldest day on record (6pm to 6am) $warmestnightonrecord = "%warmestnightonrecord%"; // Warmest night on record (6am to 6pm) $warmestdayonrecord = "%warmestdayonrecord%"; // Warmest day on record (6am to 6pm) $recordhighdew = "%recordhighdew%"; // Record high dew point $recordhighdewday = "%recordhighdewday%"; // Record high dew point, day $recordhighdewmonth = "%recordhighdewmonth%"; // Record high dew point, month $recordhighdewyear = "%recordhighdewyear%"; // Record high dew point, year $recordlowdew = "%recordlowdew%"; // Record low dew point $recordlowdewday = "%recordlowdewday%"; // Record low dew point, day $recordlowdewmonth = "%recordlowdewmonth%"; // Record low dew point, month $recordlowdewyear = "%recordlowdewyear%"; // Record low dew point, year $recordhighhum = "%recordhighhum%"; // Record high humidity $recordhighhumday = "%recordhighhumday%"; // Record high humdidity, day $recordhighhummonth = "%recordhighhummonth%"; // Record high humidity, month $recordhighhumyear = "%recordhighhumyear%"; // Record high humdiity, year $recordlowhum = "%recordlowhum%"; // Record low humidity $recordlowhumday = "%recordlowhumday%"; // Record low humdity, day $recordlowhummonth = "%recordlowhummonth%"; // Record low humdity, month $recordlowhumyear = "%recordlowhumyear%"; // Record low humdity, year $recordhighsolar = "%recordhighsolar%"; // Record high solar $recordhighsolarday = "%recordhighsolarday%"; // Record high solar, day $recordhighsolarmonth = "%recordhighsolarmonth%"; // Record high solar, month $recordhighsolaryear = "%recordhighsolaryear%"; // Record high solar, year $recordhighuv = "%recordhighuv%"; // Record high uv $recordhighuvday = "%recordhighuvday%"; // Record high uv, day $recordhighuvmonth = "%recordhighuvmonth%"; // Record high uv, month $recordhighuvyear = "%recordhighuvyear%"; // Record high uv, year // $recordhighsoil = "%recordhighsoil%"; // Record high soil temp $recordlowsoil = "%recordlowsoil%"; // Record low soil temp $recordhighsoilday = "%recordhighsoilday%"; // Record high soil temp ,day $recordlowsoilday = "%recordlowsoilday%"; // Record low soil temp, day $recordhighsoilmonth = "%recordhighsoilmonth%"; // Record high soil temp ,month $recordlowsoilmonth = "%recordlowsoilmonth%"; // Record low soil temp, month $recordhighsoilyear = "%recordhighsoilyear%"; // Record high soil temp ,year $recordlowsoilyear = "%recordlowsoilyear%"; // Record low soil temp, year // $recordhighsoil2 = "%recordhighsoil2%"; // Record high soil temp sensor # 2 $recordlowsoil2 = "%recordlowsoil2%"; // Record low soil temp 2 $recordhighsoilday2 = "%recordhighsoilday2%"; // Record high soil temp ,day 2 $recordlowsoilday2 = "%recordlowsoilday2%"; // Record low soil temp, day 2 $recordhighsoilmonth2 = "%recordhighsoilmonth2%"; // Record high soil temp ,month 2 $recordlowsoilmonth2 = "%recordlowsoilmonth2%"; // Record low soil temp, month 2 $recordhighsoilyear2 = "%recordhighsoilyear2%"; // Record high soil temp ,year 2 $recordlowsoilyear2 = "%recordlowsoilyear2%"; // Record low soil temp, year 2 // $recordhighsoil3 = "%recordhighsoil3%"; // Record high soil temp sensor # 3 $recordlowsoil3 = "%recordlowsoil3%"; // Record low soil temp 3 $recordhighsoilday3 = "%recordhighsoilday3%"; // Record high soil temp ,day 3 $recordlowsoilday3 = "%recordlowsoilday3%"; // Record low soil temp, day 3 $recordhighsoilmonth3 = "%recordhighsoilmonth3%"; // Record high soil temp ,month 3 $recordlowsoilmonth3 = "%recordlowsoilmonth3%"; // Record low soil temp, month 3 $recordhighsoilyear3 = "%recordhighsoilyear3%"; // Record high soil temp ,year 3 $recordlowsoilyear3 = "%recordlowsoilyear3%"; // Record low soil temp, year 3 // $recordhighsoil4 = "%recordhighsoil4%"; // Record high soil temp sensor # 4 $recordlowsoil4 = "%recordlowsoil4%"; // Record low soil temp 4 $recordhighsoilday4 = "%recordhighsoilday4%"; // Record high soil temp ,day 4 $recordlowsoilday4 = "%recordlowsoilday4%"; // Record low soil temp, day 4 $recordhighsoilmonth4 = "%recordhighsoilmonth4%"; // Record high soil temp ,month 4 $recordlowsoilmonth4 = "%recordlowsoilmonth4%"; // Record low soil temp, month 4 $recordhighsoilyear4 = "%recordhighsoilyear4%"; // Record high soil temp ,year 4 $recordlowsoilyear4 = "%recordlowsoilyear4%"; // Record low soil temp, year 4 // $recordlowgrass = "%recordlowgrass%"; // Record low grass temp $recordlowgrassday = "%recordlowgrassday%"; // Record low grass temp, day $recordlowgrassmonth = "%recordlowgrassmonth%"; // Record low grass temp, month $recordlowgrassyear = "%recordlowgrassyear%"; // Record low grass temp, year $recordhighthsw = "%recordhighthsw%"; // Record high THSW $recordlowthsw = "%recordlowthsw%"; // REcord low THSW $recordhighwindrun = "%recordhighwindrun%"; // Record high wind run $recordhighwindrunday = "%recordhighwindrunday%"; // Record high wind run, day $recordhighwindrunmth = "%recordhighwindrunmth%"; // Record high wind run, month $recordhighwindrunyr = "%recordhighwindrunyr%"; // Record high wind run, year $recordhighrainmth = "%recordhighrainmth%"; // Record high rain total for month $recordhighrainmthmth = "%recordhighrainmthmth%"; // Record high rain for, month $recordhighrainmthyr = "%recordhighrainmthyr%"; // Record high rain for, year $recordrainrate = "%recordrainrate%"; // Record rain rate $recordrainrateday = "%recordrainrateday%"; // Record rain rate day $recordrainratemonth = "%recordrainratemonth%"; // Record rain rate month $recordrainrateyear = "%recordrainrateyear%"; // Record rain rate year $recordrainratehour = "%recordrainratehour%"; // Record rain rate hour $recordrainratemin = "%recordrainratemin%"; // Record rain rate minute // // $recorddaysnorain = "%recorddaysnorain%"; // All time Record days with no rain $recorddaysnorainday = "%recorddaysnorainday%"; // Day of month record days with no rain $recorddaysnorainmonth = "%recorddaysnorainmonth%"; // Month of month record days with no rain $recorddaysnorainyear = "%recorddaysnorainyear%"; // year of month record days with no rain // // $recorddayswithrain = "%recorddayswithrain%"; // Alltime record days with rain $recorddayswithrainday = "%recorddayswithrainday%"; // Day of month record days with rain $recorddayswithrainmonth = "%recorddayswithrainmonth%"; // Month of month record days with rain $recorddayswithrainyear = "%recorddayswithrainyear%"; // year of month record days with rain // // // for current month to date: // --------------------------- // $mrecordhightemp = "%mrecordhightemp%"; // All time record high temperature $mrecordlowtemp = "%mrecordlowtemp%"; // All time record low temperature $mrecordwindgust = "%mrecordwindgust%"; // All time record high wind gust $mrecordwindspeed = "%mrecordwindspeed%"; // All time record high average speed $mrecorddailyrain = "%mrecorddailyrain%"; // All time record daily rain $mrecordlowchill = "%mrecordlowchill%"; // All time record low windchill $mrecordlowchillhour = "%mrecordlowchillhour%"; // All time record low windchill, hour $mrecordlowchillminute = "%mrecordlowchillminute%"; // All time record low windchill, minute $mrecordlowchillday = "%mrecordlowchillday%"; // %mrecordlowchillday% $mrecordlowchillmonth = "%mrecordlowchillmonth%"; // All time Record low windchill month $mrecordlowchillyear = "%mrecordlowchillyear%"; // %mrecordlowchillyear% $mrecordhighbaro = "%mrecordhighbaro%"; // All time record high barometer $mrecordlowbaro = "%mrecordlowbaro%"; // All time record low barometer $mrecorddailyrainday = "%mrecorddailyrainday%"; // Day of record daily rain $mrecorddailyrainmonth = "%mrecorddailyrainmonth%"; // Month of record daily rain $mrecorddailyrainyear = "%mrecorddailyrainyear%"; // Year of record daily rain $mrecordlowbaroday = "%mrecordlowbaroday%"; // Day of record low baro $mrecordhighbaroday = "%mrecordhighbaroday%"; // Day of record high baro $mrecordlowbaromonth = "%mrecordlowbaromonth%"; // Month of record low baro $mrecordhighbaromonth = "%mrecordhighbaromonth%"; // Month of record high baro $mrecordlowbaroyear = "%mrecordlowbaroyear%"; // Year of record low baro $mrecordhighbaroyear = "%mrecordhighbaroyear%"; // Year of record high baro $mrecordlowtempday = "%mrecordlowtempday%"; // Day of record low temperature $mrecordhightempday = "%mrecordhightempday%"; // Day of record high temperature $mrecordlowtempmonth = "%mrecordlowtempmonth%"; // Month of record low temperature $mrecordhightempmonth = "%mrecordhightempmonth%"; // Month of record high temperature $mrecordlowtempyear = "%mrecordlowtempyear%"; // Year of record low temperature $mrecordhightempyear = "%mrecordhightempyear%"; // Year of record high temperature $mrecordhighgustday = "%mrecordhighgustday%"; // Day of record high wind gust $mrecordhighgustmonth = "%mrecordhighgustmonth%"; // Month of record high wind gust $mrecordhighgustyear = "%mrecordhighgustyear%"; // Year of record high wind gust $mrecordhighavwindday = "%mrecordhighavwindday%"; // Day of record high wind average speed $mrecordhighavwindmonth = "%mrecordhighavwindmonth%"; // Month of record high wind average speed $mrecordhighavwindyear = "%mrecordhighavwindyear%"; // Year of record high wind average speed $mrecordhighheatindex = "%mrecordhighheatindex%"; // Record high heat index $mrecordhighheatindexday = "%mrecordhighheatindexday%"; // Record high heat index day $mrecordhighheatindexmonth = "%mrecordhighheatindexmonth%"; // Record high heat index month $mrecordhighheatindexyear = "%mrecordhighheatindexyear%"; // Record high heat index year $mcoldestnightonrecord = "%mcoldestnightonrecord%"; // Coldest night on record (6pm to 6am) $mcoldestdayonrecord = "%mcoldestdayonrecord%"; // Coldest day on record (6am to 6pm) $mwarmestnightonrecord = "%mwarmestnightonrecord%"; // Warmest night on record (6pm to 6am) $mwarmestdayonrecord = "%mwarmestdayonrecord%"; // Warmest day on record (6am to 6pm) $mrecorddailyrainday = "%mrecorddailyrainday%"; // Day of record daily rain $mrecordhighdew = "%mrecordhighdew%"; // Record high dew point $mrecordhighdewday = "%mrecordhighdewday%"; // Record high dew point, day $mrecordhighdewmonth = "%mrecordhighdewmonth%"; // Record high dew point, month $mrecordhighdewyear = "%mrecordhighdewyear%"; // Record high dew point, year $mrecordlowdew = "%mrecordlowdew%"; // Record low dew point $mrecordlowdewday = "%mrecordlowdewday%"; // Record low dew point, day $mrecordlowdewmonth = "%mrecordlowdewmonth%"; // Record low dew point, month $mrecordlowdewyear = "%mrecordlowdewyear%"; // Record low dew point, year $mrecordhighhum = "%mrecordhighhum%"; // Record high humidity $mrecordhighhumday = "%mrecordhighhumday%"; // Record high humdidity, day $mrecordhighhummonth = "%mrecordhighhummonth%"; // Record high humidity, month $mrecordhighhumyear = "%mrecordhighhumyear%"; // Record high humdiity, year $mrecordlowhum = "%mrecordlowhum%"; // Record low humidity $mrecordlowhumday = "%mrecordlowhumday%"; // Record low humdity, day $mrecordlowhummonth = "%mrecordlowhummonth%"; // Record low humdity, month $mrecordlowhumyear = "%mrecordlowhumyear%"; // Record low humdity, year $mrecordhighsolar = "%mrecordhighsolar%"; // Record high solar $mrecordhighsolarday = "%mrecordhighsolarday%"; // Record high solar, day $mrecordhighsolarmonth = "%mrecordhighsolarmonth%"; // Record high solar, month $mrecordhighsolaryear = "%mrecordhighsolaryear%"; // Record high solar, year $mrecordhighuv = "%mrecordhighuv%"; // Record high uv $mrecordlhighuvday = "%mrecordlhighuvday%"; // Record high uv, day $mrecordhighuvmonth = "%mrecordhighuvmonth%"; // Record high uv, month $mrecordhighuvyear = "%mrecordhighuvyear%"; // Record high uv, year // $mrecordhighsoil = "%mrecordhighsoil%"; // Record high soil temp $mrecordlowsoil = "%mrecordlowsoil%"; // Record low soil temp $mrecordhighsoilday = "%mrecordhighsoilday%"; // Record high soil temp ,day $mrecordlowsoilday = "%mrecordlowsoilday%"; // Record low soil temp, day $mrecordhighsoilmonth = "%mrecordhighsoilmonth%"; // Record high soil temp ,month $mrecordlowsoilmonth = "%mrecordlowsoilmonth%"; // Record low soil temp, month $mrecordhighsoilyear = "%mrecordhighsoilyear%"; // Record high soil temp ,year $mrecordlowsoilyear = "%mrecordlowsoilyear%"; // Record low soil temp, year // // $mrecordhighsoil2 = "%mrecordhighsoil2%"; // Record high soil temp sensor #2 $mrecordlowsoil2 = "%mrecordlowsoil2%"; // Record low soil 2 $mrecordhighsoilday2 = "%mrecordhighsoilday2%"; // Record high soil temp ,day 2 $mrecordlowsoilday2 = "%mrecordlowsoilday2%"; // Record low soil temp, day 2 $mrecordhighsoilmonth2 = "%mrecordhighsoilmonth2%"; // Record high soil temp ,month 2 $mrecordlowsoilmonth2 = "%mrecordlowsoilmonth2%"; // Record low soil temp, month 2 $mrecordhighsoilyear2 = "%mrecordhighsoilyear2%"; // Record high soil temp ,year 2 $mrecordlowsoilyear2 = "%mrecordlowsoilyear2%"; // Record low soil temp, year 2 // $mrecordhighsoil3 = "%mrecordhighsoil3%"; // Record high soil temp sensor #3 $mrecordlowsoil3 = "%mrecordlowsoil3%"; // Record low soil 3 $mrecordhighsoilday3 = "%mrecordhighsoilday3%"; // Record high soil temp ,day 3 $mrecordlowsoilday3 = "%mrecordlowsoilday3%"; // Record low soil temp, day 3 $mrecordhighsoilmonth3 = "%mrecordhighsoilmonth3%"; // Record high soil temp ,month 3 $mrecordlowsoilmonth3 = "%mrecordlowsoilmonth3%"; // Record low soil temp, month 3 $mrecordhighsoilyear3 = "%mrecordhighsoilyear3%"; // Record high soil temp ,year 3 $mrecordlowsoilyear3 = "%mrecordlowsoilyear3%"; // Record low soil temp, year 3 // $mrecordhighsoil4 = "%mrecordhighsoil4%"; // Record high soil temp sensor #4 $mrecordlowsoil4 = "%mrecordlowsoil4%"; // Record low soil 4 $mrecordhighsoilday4 = "%mrecordhighsoilday4%"; // Record high soil temp ,day 4 $mrecordlowsoilday4 = "%mrecordlowsoilday4%"; // Record low soil temp, day 4 $mrecordhighsoilmonth4 = "%mrecordhighsoilmonth4%"; // Record high soil temp ,month 4 $mrecordlowsoilmonth4 = "%mrecordlowsoilmonth4%"; // Record low soil temp, month 4 $mrecordhighsoilyear4 = "%mrecordhighsoilyear4%"; // Record high soil temp ,year 4 $mrecordlowsoilyear4 = "%mrecordlowsoilyear4%"; // Record low soil temp, year 4 // // $mrecordlowgrass = "%mrecordlowgrass%"; // Record low grass temp $mrecordlowgrassday = "%mrecordlowgrassday%"; // Record low grass temp, day $mrecordlowgrassmonth = "%mrecordlowgrassmonth%"; // Record low grass temp, month $mrecordlowgrassyear = "%mrecordlowgrassyear%"; // Record low grass temp, year $mrecordhighthsw = "%mrecordhighthsw%"; // Record high THSW $mrecordlowthsw = "%mrecordlowthsw%"; // REcord low THSW $mrecordhighwindrun = "%mrecordhighwindrun%"; // Record high wind run for month $mrecordhighwindrunday = "%mrecordhighwindrunday%"; // Record high wind run, day $mrecordhighwindrunmth = "%mrecordhighwindrunmth%"; // Record high wind run, month $mrecordhighwindrunyr = "%mrecordhighwindrunyr%"; // Record high wind run, year $mrecordhighrainmth = "%mrecordhighrainmth%"; // Record high rain for month $mrecordhighrainmthmth = "%mrecordhighrainmthmth%"; // Record high rain for month, month $mrecordhighrainmthyr = "%mrecordhighrainmthyr%"; // Record high rain for month, year $mrecordrainrate = "%mrecordrainrate%"; // Record rain rate $mrecordrainrateday = "%mrecordrainrateday%"; // Record rain rate day $mrecordrainratemonth = "%mrecordrainratemonth%"; // Record rain rate month $mrecordrainrateyear = "%mrecordrainrateyear%"; // Record rain rate year $mrecordrainratehour = "%mrecordrainratehour%"; // Record rain rate hour $mrecordrainratemin = "%mrecordrainratemin%"; // Record rain rate minute // // $mrecorddaysnorain = "%mrecorddaysnorain%"; // Month to date record days with no rain $mrecorddaysnorainday = "%mrecorddaysnorainday%"; // Day of month record days with no rain $mrecorddaysnorainmonth = "%mrecorddaysnorainmonth%"; // Month of month record days with no rain // $mrecorddayswithrain = "%mrecorddayswithrain%"; // Month to date record days with rain $mrecorddayswithrainday = "%mrecorddayswithrainday%"; // Day of month record days with rain $mrecorddayswithrainmonth = "%mrecorddayswithrainmonth%"; // Month of month record days with rain // // for current year to date: // --------------------------- // $yrecordhightemp = "%yrecordhightemp%"; // Record high temperature $yrecordlowtemp = "%yrecordlowtemp%"; // record low temperature $yrecordwindgust = "%yrecordwindgust%"; // record high wind gust $yrecordwindspeed = "%yrecordwindspeed%"; // record high average speed $yrecorddailyrain = "%yrecorddailyrain%"; // record daily rain $yrecordlowchill = "%yrecordlowchill%"; // record low windchill $yrecordlowchillhour = "%yrecordlowchillhour%"; // record low windchill, hour $yrecordlowchillminute = "%yrecordlowchillminute%"; // record low windchill, minute $yrecordlowchillday = "%yrecordlowchillday%"; // record low windchill, day $yrecordlowchillmonth = "%yrecordlowchillmonth%"; // record low windchill, minute $yrecordlowchillyear = "%yrecordlowchillyear%"; // record low windchill, year $yrecordhighbaro = "%yrecordhighbaro%"; // All time record high barometer $yrecordlowbaro = "%yrecordlowbaro%"; // All time record low barometer $yrecorddailyrainday = "%yrecorddailyrainday%"; // Day of record daily rain $yrecorddailyrainmonth = "%yrecorddailyrainmonth%"; // Month of record daily rain $yrecorddailyrainyear = "%yrecorddailyrainyear%"; // Year of record daily rain $yrecordlowbaroday = "%yrecordlowbaroday%"; // Day of record low baro $yrecordhighbaroday = "%yrecordhighbaroday%"; // Day of record high baro $yrecordlowbaromonth = "%yrecordlowbaromonth%"; // Month of record low baro $yrecordhighbaromonth = "%yrecordhighbaromonth%"; // Month of record high baro $yrecordlowbaroyear = "%yrecordlowbaroyear%"; // Year of record low baro $yrecordhighbaroyear = "%yrecordhighbaroyear%"; // Year of record high baro $yrecordlowtempday = "%yrecordlowtempday%"; // Day of record low temperature $yrecordhightempday = "%yrecordhightempday%"; // Day of record high temperature $yrecordlowtempmonth = "%yrecordlowtempmonth%"; // Month of record low temperature $yrecordhightempmonth = "%yrecordhightempmonth%"; // Month of record high temperature $yrecordlowtempyear = "%yrecordlowtempyear%"; // Year of record low temperature $yrecordhightempyear = "%yrecordhightempyear%"; // Year of record high temperature $yrecordhighgustday = "%yrecordhighgustday%"; // Day of record high wind gust $yrecordhighgustmonth = "%yrecordhighgustmonth%"; // Month of record high wind gust $yrecordhighgustyear = "%yrecordhighgustyear%"; // Year of record high wind gust $yrecordhighavwindday = "%yrecordhighavwindday%"; // Day of record high wind average speed $yrecordhighavwindmonth = "%yrecordhighavwindmonth%"; // Month of record high wind average speed $yrecordhighavwindyear = "%yrecordhighavwindyear%"; // Year of record high wind average speed $yrecordhighheatindex = "%yrecordhighheatindex%"; // Record high heat index $yrecordhighheatindexday = "%yrecordhighheatindexday%"; // Record high heat index day $yrecordhighheatindexmonth = "%yrecordhighheatindexmonth%"; // Record high heat index month $yrecordhighheatindexyear = "%yrecordhighheatindexyear%"; // Record high heat index year $ycoldestnightonrecord = "%ycoldestnightonrecord%"; // Coldest night on record (6pm to 6am) $ycoldestdayonrecord = "%ycoldestdayonrecord%"; // Coldest day on record (6am to 6pm) $ywarmestnightonrecord = "%ywarmestnightonrecord%"; // Warmest night on record (6pm to 6am) $ywarmestdayonrecord = "%ywarmestdayonrecord%"; // Warmest day on record (6am to 6pm) $yrecorddailyrainday = "%yrecorddailyrainday%"; // Day of record daily rain $yrecordlowchillmonth = "%yrecordlowchillmonth%"; // %yrecordlowchillmonth% $yrecordlowchillday = "%yrecordlowchillday%"; // %yrecordlowchillday% $yrecordhighdew = "%yrecordhighdew%"; // Record high dew point $yrecordhighdewday = "%yrecordhighdewday%"; // Record high dew point, day $yrecordhighdewmonth = "%yrecordhighdewmonth%"; // Record high dew point, month $yrecordhighdewyear = "%yrecordhighdewyear%"; // Record high dew point, year $yrecordlowdew = "%yrecordlowdew%"; // Record low dew point $yrecordlowdewday = "%yrecordlowdewday%"; // Record low dew point, day $yrecordlowdewmonth = "%yrecordlowdewmonth%"; // Record low dew point, month $yrecordlowdewyear = "%yrecordlowdewyear%"; // Record low dew point, year $yrecordhighhum = "%yrecordhighhum%"; // Record high humidity $yrecordhighhumday = "%yrecordhighhumday%"; // Record high humdidity, day $yrecordhighhummonth = "%yrecordhighhummonth%"; // Record high humidity, month $yrecordhighhumyear = "%yrecordhighhumyear%"; // Record high humdiity, year $yrecordlowhum = "%yrecordlowhum%"; // Record low humidity $yrecordlowhumday = "%yrecordlowhumday%"; // Record low humdity, day $yrecordlowhummonth = "%yrecordlowhummonth%"; // Record low humdity, month $yrecordlowhumyear = "%yrecordlowhumyear%"; // Record low humdity, year $yrecordhighsolar = "%yrecordhighsolar%"; // Record high solar $yrecordhighsolarday = "%yrecordhighsolarday%"; // Record high solar, day $yrecordhighsolarmonth = "%yrecordhighsolarmonth%"; // Record high solar, month $yrecordhighsolaryear = "%yrecordhighsolaryear%"; // Record high solar, year $yrecordhighuv = "%yrecordhighuv%"; // Record high uv $yrecordhighuvday = "%yrecordhighuvday%"; // Record high uv, day $yrecordhighuvmonth = "%yrecordhighuvmonth%"; // Record high uv, month $yrecordhighuvyear = "%yrecordhighuvyear%"; // Record high uv, year // $yrecordhighsoil = "%yrecordhighsoil%"; // Record high soil temp $yrecordlowsoil = "%yrecordlowsoil%"; // Record low soil temp $yrecordhighsoilday = "%yrecordhighsoilday%"; // Record high soil temp ,day $yrecordlowsoilday = "%yrecordlowsoilday%"; // Record low soil temp, day $yrecordhighsoilmonth = "%yrecordhighsoilmonth%"; // Record high soil temp ,month $yrecordlowsoilmonth = "%yrecordlowsoilmonth%"; // Record low soil temp, month $yrecordhighsoilyear = "%yrecordhighsoilyear%"; // Record high soil temp ,year $yrecordlowsoilyear = "%yrecordlowsoilyear%"; // Record low soil temp, year // $yrecordhighsoil2 = "%yrecordhighsoil2%"; // Record high soil temp sensor #2 $yrecordlowsoil2 = "%yrecordlowsoil2%"; // Record low soil temp 2 $yrecordhighsoilday2 = "%yrecordhighsoilday2%"; // Record high soil temp ,day 2 $yrecordlowsoilday2 = "%yrecordlowsoilday2%"; // Record low soil temp, day 2 $yrecordhighsoilmonth2 = "%yrecordhighsoilmonth2%"; // Record high soil temp ,month 2 $yrecordlowsoilmonth2 = "%yrecordlowsoilmonth2%"; // Record low soil temp, month 2 $yrecordhighsoilyear2 = "%yrecordhighsoilyear2%"; // Record high soil temp ,year 2 $yrecordlowsoilyear2 = "%yrecordlowsoilyear2%"; // Record low soil temp, year 2 // $yrecordhighsoil3 = "%yrecordhighsoil3%"; // Record high soil temp sensor #3 $yrecordlowsoil3 = "%yrecordlowsoil3%"; // Record low soil temp 3 $yrecordhighsoilday3 = "%yrecordhighsoilday3%"; // Record high soil temp ,day 3 $yrecordlowsoilday3 = "%yrecordlowsoilday3%"; // Record low soil temp, day 3 $yrecordhighsoilmonth3 = "%yrecordhighsoilmonth3%"; // Record high soil temp ,month 3 $yrecordlowsoilmonth3 = "%yrecordlowsoilmonth3%"; // Record low soil temp, month 3 $yrecordhighsoilyear3 = "%yrecordhighsoilyear3%"; // Record high soil temp ,year 3 $yrecordlowsoilyear3 = "%yrecordlowsoilyear3%"; // Record low soil temp, year 3 // $yrecordhighsoil4 = "%yrecordhighsoil4%"; // Record high soil temp sensor #4 $yrecordlowsoil4 = "%yrecordlowsoil4%"; // Record low soil temp 4 $yrecordhighsoilday4 = "%yrecordhighsoilday4%"; // Record high soil temp ,day 4 $yrecordlowsoilday4 = "%yrecordlowsoilday4%"; // Record low soil temp, day 4 $yrecordhighsoilmonth4 = "%yrecordhighsoilmonth4%"; // Record high soil temp ,month 4 $yrecordlowsoilmonth4 = "%yrecordlowsoilmonth4%"; // Record low soil temp, month 4 $yrecordhighsoilyear4 = "%yrecordhighsoilyear4%"; // Record high soil temp ,year 4 $yrecordlowsoilyear4 = "%yrecordlowsoilyear4%"; // Record low soil temp, year 4 // // // $yrecordlowgrass = "%yrecordlowgrass%"; // Record low grass temp $yrecordlowgrassday = "%yrecordlowgrassday%"; // Record low grass temp, day $yrecordlowgrassmonth = "%yrecordlowgrassmonth%"; // Record low grass temp, month $yrecordlowgrassyear = "%yrecordlowgrassyear%"; // Record low grass temp, year $yrecordhighthsw = "%yrecordhighthsw%"; // Record high THSW $yrecordlowthsw = "%yrecordlowthsw%"; // REcord low THSW $yrecordhighwindrun = "%yrecordhighwindrun%"; // Record high wind run for year $yrecordhighwindrunday = "%yrecordhighwindrunday%"; // Record high wind run, day $yrecordhighwindrunmth = "%yrecordhighwindrunmth%"; // Record high wind run, month $yrecordhighwindrunyr = "%yrecordhighwindrunyr%"; // Record high wind run, year $yrecordhighrainmth = "%yrecordhighrainmth%"; // Record high rain for year $yrecordhighrainmthmth = "%yrecordhighrainmthmth%"; // Record high rain for year, month $yrecordhighrainmthyr = "%yrecordhighrainmthyr%"; // Record high rain for year, year $yrecordrainrate = "%yrecordrainrate%"; // Record rain rate $yrecordrainrateday = "%yrecordrainrateday%"; // Record rain rate day $yrecordrainratemonth = "%yrecordrainratemonth%"; // Record rain rate month $yrecordrainrateyear = "%yrecordrainrateyear%"; // Record rain rate year $yrecordrainratehour = "%yrecordrainratehour%"; // Record rain rate hour $yrecordrainratemin = "%yrecordrainratemin%"; // Record rain rate minute // $yrecorddaysnorain = "%yrecorddaysnorain%"; // Year to date Record days with no rain $yrecorddaysnorainday = "%yrecorddaysnorainday%"; // Day of year record days with no rain $yrecorddaysnorainmonth = "%yrecorddaysnorainmonth%"; // Month of year record days with no rain // // // $yrecorddayswithrain = "%yrecorddayswithrain%"; // Month to date record days with rain $yrecorddayswithrainday = "%yrecorddayswithrainday%"; // Day of month record days with rain $yrecorddayswithrainmonth = "%yrecorddayswithrainmonth%"; // Month of month record days with rain // // // // EXtra temperature all time records // ----------------------------------- // $recordhighextratemp1 = "%recordhighextratemp1%"; // Record high extra temp 1 $recordlowextratemp1 = "%recordlowextratemp1%"; // Record low extra temp 1 $mrecordhighextratemp1 = "%mrecordhighextratemp1%"; // Month record high extra temp 1 $mrecordlowextratemp1 = "%mrecordlowextratemp1%"; // Month record low extra temp 1 $yrecordhighextratemp1 = "%yrecordhighextratemp1%"; // Year record high extra temp 1 $yrecordlowextratemp1 = "%yrecordlowextratemp1%"; // Year record low extra temp 1 $recordhighextratemp2 = "%recordhighextratemp2%"; // Record high extra temp 2 $recordlowextratemp2 = "%recordlowextratemp2%"; // Record low extra temp 2 $mrecordhighextratemp2 = "%mrecordhighextratemp2%"; // Month record high extra temp 2 $mrecordlowextratemp2 = "%mrecordlowextratemp2%"; // Month record low extra temp 2 $yrecordhighextratemp2 = "%yrecordhighextratemp2%"; // Year record high extra temp 2 $yrecordlowextratemp2 = "%yrecordlowextratemp2%"; // Year record low extra temp 2 $recordhighextratemp3 = "%recordhighextratemp3%"; // Record high extra temp 3 $recordlowextratemp3 = "%recordlowextratemp3%"; // Record low extra temp 3 $recordhighextratemp4 = "%recordhighextratemp4%"; // Record high extra temp 4 $recordlowextratemp4 = "%recordlowextratemp4%"; // Record low extra temp 4 $mrecordhighextratemp3 = "%mrecordhighextratemp3%"; // Month record high extra temp 3 $mrecordlowextratemp3 = "%mrecordlowextratemp3%"; // Month record low extra temp 3 $mrecordhighextratemp4 = "%mrecordhighextratemp4%"; // Month record high extra temp 4 $mrecordlowextratemp4 = "%mrecordlowextratemp4%"; // Month record low extra temp 4 $yrecordhighextratemp3 = "%yrecordhighextratemp3%"; // Year record high extra temp 3 $yrecordlowextratemp3 = "%yrecordlowextratemp3%"; // Year record low extra temp 3 $yrecordhighextratemp4 = "%yrecordhighextratemp4%"; // Year record high extra temp 4 (note, if dallas hum #2 used, then the temperature from that used for extra temp 4) $yrecordlowextratemp4 = "%yrecordlowextratemp4%"; // Year record low extra temp 4 // $recordhighextratemp1day = "%recordhighextratemp1day%"; // Day of record high extra temp 1 $recordhighextratemp2day = "%recordhighextratemp2day%"; // Day of record high extra temp 2 $recordhighextratemp3day = "%recordhighextratemp3day%"; // Day of record high extra temp 3 $recordhighextratemp4day = "%recordhighextratemp4day%"; // Day of record high extra temp 4 $recordlowextratemp1day = "%recordlowextratemp1day%"; // Day of record low extra temp 1 $recordlowextratemp2day = "%recordlowextratemp2day%"; // Day of record low extra temp 2 $recordlowextratemp3day = "%recordlowextratemp3day%"; // Day of record low extra temp 3 $recordlowextratemp4day = "%recordlowextratemp4day%"; // Day of record low extra temp 4 $recordhighextratemp1mth = "%recordhighextratemp1mth%"; // Month of record high extra temp 1 $recordhighextratemp2mth = "%recordhighextratemp2mth%"; // Month of record high extra temp 2 $recordhighextratemp3mth = "%recordhighextratemp3mth%"; // Month of record high extra temp 3 $recordhighextratemp4mth = "%recordhighextratemp4mth%"; // Month of record high extra temp 4 $recordlowextratemp1mth = "%recordlowextratemp1mth%"; // Month of record low extra temp 1 $recordlowextratemp2mth = "%recordlowextratemp2mth%"; // Month of record low extra temp 2 $recordlowextratemp3mth = "%recordlowextratemp3mth%"; // Month of record low extra temp 3 $recordlowextratemp4mth = "%recordlowextratemp4mth%"; // Month of record low extra temp 4 $recordhighextratemp1yr = "%recordhighextratemp1yr%"; // Year of record high extra temp 1 $recordhighextratemp2yr = "%recordhighextratemp2yr%"; // Year of record high extra temp 2 $recordhighextratemp3yr = "%recordhighextratemp3yr%"; // Year of record high extra temp 3 $recordhighextratemp4yr = "%recordhighextratemp4yr%"; // Year of record high extra temp 4 $recordlowextratemp1yr = "%recordlowextratemp1yr%"; // Year of record low extra temp 1 $recordlowextratemp2yr = "%recordlowextratemp2yr%"; // Year of record low extra temp 2 $recordlowextratemp3yr = "%recordlowextratemp3yr%"; // Year of record low extra temp 3 $recordlowextratemp4yr = "%recordlowextratemp4yr%"; // Year of record low extra temp 4 $recordhighextratemp1hr = "%recordhighextratemp1hr%"; // Hour of record high extra temp 1 $recordhighextratemp2hr = "%recordhighextratemp2hr%"; // Hour of record high extra temp 2 $recordhighextratemp3hr = "%recordhighextratemp3hr%"; // Hour of record high extra temp 3 $recordhighextratemp4hr = "%recordhighextratemp4hr%"; // Hour of record high extra temp 4 $recordlowextratemp1hr = "%recordlowextratemp1hr%"; // Hour of record low extra temp 1 $recordlowextratemp2hr = "%recordlowextratemp2hr%"; // Hour of record low extra temp 2 $recordlowextratemp3hr = "%recordlowextratemp3hr%"; // Hour of record low extra temp 3 $recordlowextratemp4hr = "%recordlowextratemp4hr%"; // Hour of record low extra temp 4 $recordhighextratemp1min = "%recordhighextratemp1min%"; // Minute of record high extra temp 1 $recordhighextratemp2min = "%recordhighextratemp2min%"; // Minute of record high extra temp 2 $recordhighextratemp3min = "%recordhighextratemp3min%"; // Minute of record high extra temp 3 $recordhighextratemp4min = "%recordhighextratemp4min%"; // Minute of record high extra temp 4 $recordlowextratemp1min = "%recordlowextratemp1min%"; // Minute of record low extra temp 1 $recordlowextratemp2min = "%recordlowextratemp2min%"; // Minute of record low extra temp 2 $recordlowextratemp3min = "%recordlowextratemp3min%"; // Minute of record low extra temp 3 $recordlowextratemp4min = "%recordlowextratemp4min%"; // Minute of record low extra temp 4 // $mrecordhighextratemp1day = "%mrecordhighextratemp1day%"; // Day of month record high extra temp 1 $mrecordhighextratemp2day = "%mrecordhighextratemp2day%"; // Day of month record high extra temp 2 $mrecordhighextratemp3day = "%mrecordhighextratemp3day%"; // Day of month record high extra temp 3 $mrecordhighextratemp4day = "%mrecordhighextratemp4day%"; // Day of month record high extra temp 4 $mrecordlowextratemp1day = "%mrecordlowextratemp1day%"; // Day of month record low extra temp 1 $mrecordlowextratemp2day = "%mrecordlowextratemp2day%"; // Day of month record low extra temp 2 $mrecordlowextratemp3day = "%mrecordlowextratemp3day%"; // Day of month record low extra temp 3 $mrecordlowextratemp4day = "%mrecordlowextratemp4day%"; // Day of month record low extra temp 4 $mrecordhighextratemp1mth = "%mrecordhighextratemp1mth%"; // Month of month record high extra temp 1 $mrecordhighextratemp2mth = "%mrecordhighextratemp2mth%"; // Month of month record high extra temp 2 $mrecordhighextratemp3mth = "%mrecordhighextratemp3mth%"; // Month of month record high extra temp 3 $mrecordhighextratemp4mth = "%mrecordhighextratemp4mth%"; // Month of month record high extra temp 4 $mrecordlowextratemp1mth = "%mrecordlowextratemp1mth%"; // Month of month record low extra temp 1 $mrecordlowextratemp2mth = "%mrecordlowextratemp2mth%"; // Month of month record low extra temp 2 $mrecordlowextratemp3mth = "%mrecordlowextratemp3mth%"; // Month of month record low extra temp 3 $mrecordlowextratemp4mth = "%mrecordlowextratemp4mth%"; // Month of month record low extra temp 4 $mrecordhighextratemp1yr = "%mrecordhighextratemp1yr%"; // Year of month record high extra temp 1 $mrecordhighextratemp2yr = "%mrecordhighextratemp2yr%"; // Year of month record high extra temp 2 $mrecordhighextratemp3yr = "%mrecordhighextratemp3yr%"; // Year of month record high extra temp 3 $mrecordhighextratemp4yr = "%mrecordhighextratemp4yr%"; // Year of month record high extra temp 4 $mrecordlowextratemp1yr = "%mrecordlowextratemp1yr%"; // Year of month record low extra temp 1 $mrecordlowextratemp2yr = "%mrecordlowextratemp2yr%"; // Year of month record low extra temp 2 $mrecordlowextratemp3yr = "%mrecordlowextratemp3yr%"; // Year of month record low extra temp 3 $mrecordlowextratemp4yr = "%mrecordlowextratemp4yr%"; // Year of month record low extra temp 4 $mrecordhighextratemp1hr = "%mrecordhighextratemp1hr%"; // Hour of month record high extra temp 1 $mrecordhighextratemp2hr = "%mrecordhighextratemp2hr%"; // Hour of month record high extra temp 2 $mrecordhighextratemp3hr = "%mrecordhighextratemp3hr%"; // Hour of month record high extra temp 3 $mrecordhighextratemp4hr = "%mrecordhighextratemp4hr%"; // Hour of month record high extra temp 4 $mrecordlowextratemp1hr = "%mrecordlowextratemp1hr%"; // Hour of month record low extra temp 1 $mrecordlowextratemp2hr = "%mrecordlowextratemp2hr%"; // Hour of month record low extra temp 2 $mrecordlowextratemp3hr = "%mrecordlowextratemp3hr%"; // Hour of month record low extra temp 3 $mrecordlowextratemp4hr = "%mrecordlowextratemp4hr%"; // Hour of month record low extra temp 4 $mrecordhighextratemp1min = "%mrecordhighextratemp1min%"; // Minute of month record high extra temp 1 $mrecordhighextratemp2min = "%mrecordhighextratemp2min%"; // Minute of month record high extra temp 2 $mrecordhighextratemp3min = "%mrecordhighextratemp3min%"; // Minute of month record high extra temp 3 $mrecordhighextratemp4min = "%mrecordhighextratemp4min%"; // Minute of month record high extra temp 4 $mrecordlowextratemp1min = "%mrecordlowextratemp1min%"; // Minute of month record low extra temp 1 $mrecordlowextratemp2min = "%mrecordlowextratemp2min%"; // Minute of month record low extra temp 2 $mrecordlowextratemp3min = "%mrecordlowextratemp3min%"; // Minute of month record low extra temp 3 $mrecordlowextratemp4min = "%mrecordlowextratemp4min%"; // Minute of month record low extra temp 4 // // // $yrecordhighextratemp1day = "%yrecordhighextratemp1day%"; // Day of year record high extra temp 1 $yrecordhighextratemp2day = "%yrecordhighextratemp2day%"; // Day of year record high extra temp 2 $yrecordhighextratemp3day = "%yrecordhighextratemp3day%"; // Day of year record high extra temp 3 $yrecordhighextratemp4day = "%yrecordhighextratemp4day%"; // Day of year record high extra temp 4 $yrecordlowextratemp1day = "%yrecordlowextratemp1day%"; // Day of year record low extra temp 1 $yrecordlowextratemp2day = "%yrecordlowextratemp2day%"; // Day of year record low extra temp 2 $yrecordlowextratemp3day = "%yrecordlowextratemp3day%"; // Day of year record low extra temp 3 $yrecordlowextratemp4day = "%yrecordlowextratemp4day%"; // Day of year record low extra temp 4 $yrecordhighextratemp1mth = "%yrecordhighextratemp1mth%"; // Month of year record high extra temp 1 $yrecordhighextratemp2mth = "%yrecordhighextratemp2mth%"; // Month of year record high extra temp 2 $yrecordhighextratemp3mth = "%yrecordhighextratemp3mth%"; // Month of year record high extra temp 3 $yrecordhighextratemp4mth = "%yrecordhighextratemp4mth%"; // Month of year record high extra temp 4 $yrecordlowextratemp1mth = "%yrecordlowextratemp1mth%"; // Month of year record low extra temp 1 $yrecordlowextratemp2mth = "%yrecordlowextratemp2mth%"; // Month of year record low extra temp 2 $yrecordlowextratemp3mth = "%yrecordlowextratemp3mth%"; // Month of year record low extra temp 3 $yrecordlowextratemp4mth = "%yrecordlowextratemp4mth%"; // Month of year record low extra temp 4 $yrecordhighextratemp1yr = "%yrecordhighextratemp1yr%"; // Year of year record high extra temp 1 $yrecordhighextratemp2yr = "%yrecordhighextratemp2yr%"; // Year of year record high extra temp 2 $yrecordhighextratemp3yr = "%yrecordhighextratemp3yr%"; // Year of year record high extra temp 3 $yrecordhighextratemp4yr = "%yrecordhighextratemp4yr%"; // Year of year record high extra temp 4 $yrecordlowextratemp1yr = "%yrecordlowextratemp1yr%"; // Year of year record low extra temp 1 $yrecordlowextratemp2yr = "%yrecordlowextratemp2yr%"; // Year of year record low extra temp 2 $yrecordlowextratemp3yr = "%yrecordlowextratemp3yr%"; // Year of year record low extra temp 3 $yrecordlowextratemp4yr = "%yrecordlowextratemp4yr%"; // Year of year record low extra temp 4 $yrecordhighextratemp1hr = "%yrecordhighextratemp1hr%"; // Hour of year record high extra temp 1 $yrecordhighextratemp2hr = "%yrecordhighextratemp2hr%"; // Hour of year record high extra temp 2 $yrecordhighextratemp3hr = "%yrecordhighextratemp3hr%"; // Hour of year record high extra temp 3 $yrecordhighextratemp4hr = "%yrecordhighextratemp4hr%"; // Hour of year record high extra temp 4 $yrecordlowextratemp1hr = "%yrecordlowextratemp1hr%"; // Hour of year record low extra temp 1 $yrecordlowextratemp2hr = "%yrecordlowextratemp2hr%"; // Hour of year record low extra temp 2 $yrecordlowextratemp3hr = "%yrecordlowextratemp3hr%"; // Hour of year record low extra temp 3 $yrecordlowextratemp4hr = "%yrecordlowextratemp4hr%"; // Hour of year record low extra temp 4 $yrecordhighextratemp1min = "%yrecordhighextratemp1min%"; // Minute of year record high extra temp 1 $yrecordhighextratemp2min = "%yrecordhighextratemp2min%"; // Minute of year record high extra temp 2 $yrecordhighextratemp3min = "%yrecordhighextratemp3min%"; // Minute of year record high extra temp 3 $yrecordhighextratemp4min = "%yrecordhighextratemp4min%"; // Minute of year record high extra temp 4 $yrecordlowextratemp1min = "%yrecordlowextratemp1min%"; // Minute of year record low extra temp 1 $yrecordlowextratemp2min = "%yrecordlowextratemp2min%"; // Minute of year record low extra temp 2 $yrecordlowextratemp3min = "%yrecordlowextratemp3min%"; // Minute of year record low extra temp 3 $yrecordlowextratemp4min = "%yrecordlowextratemp4min%"; // Minute of year record low extra temp 4 // // // Dallas 1 Wire , Note: Now supports up to 10 for the tags (also labjack hi/lo temperature readings use these tags too) // ============== $dallasextratemp1 = "%dallasextratemp1%"; // Dallas 1 wire current extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp2 = "%dallasextratemp2%"; // Dallas 1 wire current 2nd extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp3 = "%dallasextratemp3%"; // Dallas 1 wire current 3rd extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp4 = "%dallasextratemp4%"; // Dallas 1 wire current 4th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp5 = "%dallasextratemp5%"; // Dallas 1 wire current 5th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp6 = "%dallasextratemp6%"; // Dallas 1 wire current 6th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp7 = "%dallasextratemp7%"; // Dallas 1 wire current 7th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp8 = "%dallasextratemp8%"; // Dallas 1 wire current 8th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp9 = "%dallasextratemp9%"; // Dallas 1 wire current 9th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp10 = "%dallasextratemp10%"; // Dallas 1 wire current 10th extra temp sensor temperature // $dallasextratemp1low = "%dallasextratemp1low%"; // Dallas 1 wire low extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp2low = "%dallasextratemp2low%"; // Dallas 1 wire low 2nd extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp3low = "%dallasextratemp3low%"; // Dallas 1 wire low 3rd extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp4low = "%dallasextratemp4low%"; // Dallas 1 wire low 4th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp5low = "%dallasextratemp5low%"; // Dallas 1 wire low 5th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp6low = "%dallasextratemp6low%"; // Dallas 1 wire low 6th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp7low = "%dallasextratemp7low%"; // Dallas 1 wire low 7th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp8low = "%dallasextratemp8low%"; // Dallas 1 wire low 8th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp9low = "%dallasextratemp9low%"; // Dallas 1 wire low 9th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp10low = "%dallasextratemp10low%"; // Dallas 1 wire low 10th extra temp sensor temperature // $dallasextratemp1high = "%dallasextratemp1high%"; // Dallas 1 wire high extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp2high = "%dallasextratemp2high%"; // Dallas 1 wire high 2nd extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp3high = "%dallasextratemp3high%"; // Dallas 1 wire high 3rd extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp4high = "%dallasextratemp4high%"; // Dallas 1 wire high 4th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp5high = "%dallasextratemp5high%"; // Dallas 1 wire high 5th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp6high = "%dallasextratemp6high%"; // Dallas 1 wire high 6th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp7high = "%dallasextratemp7high%"; // Dallas 1 wire high 7th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp8high = "%dallasextratemp8high%"; // Dallas 1 wire high 8th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp9high = "%dallasextratemp9high%"; // Dallas 1 wire high 9th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp10high = "%dallasextratemp10high%"; // Dallas 1 wire high 10th extra temp sensor temperature // $dallasextratemp1lowtime = "%dallasextratemp1lowtime%"; // Dallas 1 wire low time extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp2lowtime = "%dallasextratemp2lowtime%"; // Dallas 1 wire low time of 2nd extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp3lowtime = "%dallasextratemp3lowtime%"; // Dallas 1 wire low time of 3rd extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp4lowtime = "%dallasextratemp4lowtime%"; // Dallas 1 wire low time of 4th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp5lowtime = "%dallasextratemp5lowtime%"; // Dallas 1 wire low time of 5th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp6lowtime = "%dallasextratemp6lowtime%"; // Dallas 1 wire low time of 6th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp7lowtime = "%dallasextratemp7lowtime%"; // Dallas 1 wire low time of 7th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp8lowtime = "%dallasextratemp8lowtime%"; // Dallas 1 wire low time of 8th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp9lowtime = "%dallasextratemp9lowtime%"; // Dallas 1 wire low time of 9th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp10lowtime = "%dallasextratemp10lowtime%"; // Dallas 1 wire low time of 10th extra temp sensor temperature // $dallasextratemp1hightime = "%dallasextratemp1hightime%"; // Dallas 1 wire high time of extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp2hightime = "%dallasextratemp2hightime%"; // Dallas 1 wire high time of 2nd extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp3hightime = "%dallasextratemp3hightime%"; // Dallas 1 wire high time of 3rd extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp4hightime = "%dallasextratemp4hightime%"; // Dallas 1 wire high time of 4th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp5hightime = "%dallasextratemp5hightime%"; // Dallas 1 wire high time of 5th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp6hightime = "%dallasextratemp6hightime%"; // Dallas 1 wire high time of 6th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp7hightime = "%dallasextratemp7hightime%"; // Dallas 1 wire high time of 7th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp8hightime = "%dallasextratemp8hightime%"; // Dallas 1 wire high time of 8th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp9hightime = "%dallasextratemp9hightime%"; // Dallas 1 wire high time of 9th extra temp sensor temperature $dallasextratemp10hightime = "%dallasextratemp10hightime%"; // Dallas 1 wire high time of 10th extra temp sensor temperature // $dallasextrahum = "%dallasextrahum%"; // Dallas 1 wire current humidity $dallasextrahumhigh = "%dallasextrahumhigh%"; // Dallas 1 wire humidity high $dallasextrahumlow = "%dallasextrahumlow%"; // Dallas 1 wire humidity low $dallasextrahumhightime = "%dallasextrahumhightime%"; // Dallas 1 wire humidity high time $dallasextrahumlowtime = "%dallasextrahumlowtime%"; // Dallas 1 wire humidity low time $dallasextrahum2 = "%dallasextrahum2%"; // Dallas 1 wire 2nd extra humidity $dallasextrahum2high = "%dallasextrahum2high%"; // Dallas 1 wire 2nd humidity high $dallasextrahum2low = "%dallasextrahum2low%"; // Dallas 1 wire 2nd humidity low $dallasextrahum2hightime = "%dallasextrahum2hightime%"; // Dallas 1 wire 2nd humidity high time $dallasextrahum2lowtime = "%dallasextrahum2lowtime%"; // Dallas 1 wire 2nd humidity low time $dallasextrahum3 = "%dallasextrahum3%"; // Dallas 1 wire 3rd extra humidity $dallasextrahum3high = "%dallasextrahum3high%"; // Dallas 1 wire 3rd humidity high $dallasextrahum3low = "%dallasextrahum3low%"; // Dallas 1 wire 3rd humidity low $dallasextrahum3hightime = "%dallasextrahum3hightime%"; // Dallas 1 wire 3rd humidity high time $dallasextrahum3lowtime = "%dallasextrahum3lowtime%"; // Dallas 1 wire 3rd humidity low time $dallasextrahum4 = "%dallasextrahum4%"; // Dallas 1 wire 4th extra humidity $dallasextrahum4high = "%dallasextrahum4high%"; // Dallas 1 wire 4th humidity high $dallasextrahum4low = "%dallasextrahum4low%"; // Dallas 1 wire 4th humidity low $dallasextrahum4hightime = "%dallasextrahum4hightime%"; // Dallas 1 wire 4th humidity high time $dallasextrahum4lowtime = "%dallasextrahum4lowtime%"; // Dallas 1 wire 4th humidity low time // $dallassolarvolts = "%dallassolarvolts%"; // Volts from a dallas 1 wire solar sensor $barometertemperature = "%barometertemperature%"; // Temperature from a Bray/Jennings or AAG barometer // $dallashumtemp = "%dallashumtemp%"; // Current Dallas 1 wire humidity sensor temperature $highdallashumtemp = "%highdallashumtemp%"; // Daily high " " " " " " $lowdallashumtemp = "%lowdallashumtemp%"; // Daily low " " " " " " $highdallashumtempt = "%highdallashumtempt%"; // Time of Daily high " " " " " " $lowdallashumtempt = "%lowdallashumtempt%"; // Time of Daily low " " " " " " // $dallashumtemp2 = "%dallashumtemp2%"; // Current Dallas 1 wire humidity sensor temperature #2 $highdallashumtemp2 = "%highdallashumtemp2%"; // Daily high " " " " " " $lowdallashumtemp2 = "%lowdallashumtemp2%"; // Daily low " " " " " " $highdallashumtemp2t = "%highdallashumtemp2t%"; // Time of Daily high " " " " " " $lowdallashumtemp2t = "%lowdallashumtemp2t%"; // Time of Daily low " " " " " " // // $dallashumtemp3 = "%dallashumtemp3%"; // Current Dallas 1 wire humidity sensor temperature #3 $highdallashumtemp3 = "%highdallashumtemp3%"; // Daily high " " " " " " $lowdallashumtemp3 = "%lowdallashumtemp3%"; // Daily low " " " " " " $highdallashumtemp3t = "%highdallashumtemp3t%"; // Time of Daily high " " " " " " $lowdallashumtemp3t = "%lowdallashumtemp3t%"; // Time of Daily low " " " " " " // $dallashumtemp4 = "%dallashumtemp4%"; // Current Dallas 1 wire humidity sensor temperature #4 $highdallashumtemp4 = "%highdallashumtemp4%"; // Daily high " " " " " " $lowdallashumtemp4 = "%lowdallashumtemp4%"; // Daily low " " " " " " $highdallashumtemp4t = "%highdallashumtemp4t%"; // Time of Daily high " " " " " " $lowdallashumtemp4t = "%lowdallashumtemp4t%"; // Time of Daily low " " " " " " // Lightning counts // ================ $lighteningcountlasthour = "%lighteningcountlasthour%"; // Lightening count last immediate hour $lighteningcountlastminute = "%lighteningcountlastminute%"; // Lightening count last minute $lighteningcountlast5minutes = "%lighteningcountlast5minutes%"; // Lightening count 5 minutes $lighteningcountlast12hour = "%lighteningcountlast12hour%"; // Lightening count last 12 hours $lighteningcountlast30minutes = "%lighteningcountlast30minutes%"; // Lightening count last 30 minutes // $lighteningcountlasthournextstorm = "%lighteningcountlasthournextstorm%"; // Lightening count last immediate hour, from the nextstorm integration $lighteningcountlastminutenextstorm = "%lighteningcountlastminutenextstorm%"; // Lightening count last minute $lighteningcountlast12hournextstorm = "%lighteningcountlast12hournextstorm%"; // Lightening count last 12 hours $lighteningcountlast30minutesnextstorm = "%lighteningcountlast30minutesnextstorm%"; // Lightening count last 30 minutes // $nexstormbearing = "%nexstormbearing%"; // Bearing (degrees) from last nexstorm strike recorded $nexstormdistance = "%nexstormdistance%"; // Last distance of the last nexstorm recorded strike // $lighteningcount = "%lighteningcount%"; // Lightening counts since noon $lighteningcountmonth = "%lighteningcountmonth%"; // Lightening counts this month $lighteningcountyear = "%lighteningcountyear%"; // Lightening counts this year $lighteningcountnoon = "%lighteningcountnoon%"; // Lightening counts since noon (the correct one) $lighteningcountlasttime = "%lighteningcountlasttime%"; // Time of last count $lighteningcountmidnight = "%lighteningcountmidnight%"; // Lightening counts since midnight $lighteningcountnoonwire = "%lighteningcountnoonwire%"; // Lightening counts since noon for 1 wire or labjack $lighteningcountmidnightwire = "%lighteningcountmidnightwire%"; // Lightening counts since midnight for 1 wire or labjack $countsday1 = "%countsday1%"; // Total counts recorded for day 1 (current month) $countsday2 = "%countsday2%"; // Total counts recorded for day 2 (current month) // carryon to $countsday31 = "%countsday31%"; // Total counts recorded for day 31 (current month) // WMR918/68 // =============== $Solar = "%Solar%"; // WMR918/68 and WS2000 Solar sensor $wmr918_68extrahum = "%wmr918/68extrahum%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #1 humidity $wmr918_68extrahum2 = "%wmr918/68extrahum2%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #2 humidity $wmr918_68extrahum3 = "%wmr918/68extrahum3%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #3 humidity $wmr918_68extratemp = "%wmr918/68extratemp%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #1 temperature $wmr918_68extratemp2 = "%wmr918/68extratemp2%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #2 temperature $wmr918_68extratemp3 = "%wmr918/68extratemp3%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #3 temperature $wmr918_68extratemphigh = "%wmr918/68extratemphigh%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #1 high temperature $wmr918_68extratemphigh2 = "%wmr918/68extratemphigh2%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #2 high temperature $wmr918_68extratemphigh3 = "%wmr918/68extratemphigh3%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #3 high temperature $wmr918_68extrahumhigh = "%wmr918/68extrahumhigh%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #1 high humidity $wmr918_68extrahumhigh2 = "%wmr918/68extrahumhigh2%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #2 high humidity $wmr918_68extrahumhigh3 = "%wmr918/68extrahumhigh3%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #3 high humidity $wmr918_68temphightime = "%wmr918/68temphightime%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #1 temperature high time $wmr918_68temphightime2 = "%wmr918/68temphightime2%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #2 temperature high time $wmr918_68temphightime3 = "%wmr918/68temphightime3%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #3 temperature high time $wmr918_68extratemplow = "%wmr918/68extratemplow%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #1 low temperature $wmr918_68extratemplow2 = "%wmr918/68extratemplow2%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #2 low temperature $wmr918_68extratemplow3 = "%wmr918/68extratemplow3%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #3 low temperature $wmr918_68extrahumlow = "%wmr918/68extrahumlow%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #1 low humidity $wmr918_68extrahumlow2 = "%wmr918/68extrahumlow2%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #2 low humidity $wmr918_68extrahumlow3 = "%wmr918/68extrahumlow3%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #3 low humidity $wmr918_68templowtime = "%wmr918/68templowtime%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #1 temperature low time $wmr918_68templowtime2 = "%wmr918/68templowtime2%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #2 temperature low time $wmr918_68templowtime3 = "%wmr918/68templowtime3%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #3 temperature low time $wmr918_68extrahumhightime = "%wmr918/68extrahumhightime%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #1 high humidity time $wmr918_68extrahumhigh2time = "%wmr918/68extrahumhigh2time%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #2 high humidity time $wmr918_68extrahumhigh3time = "%wmr918/68extrahumhigh3time%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #3 high humidity time $wmr918_68extrahumlowtime = "%wmr918/68extrahumlowtime%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #1 low humidity time $wmr918_68extrahumlow2time = "%wmr918/68extrahumlow2time%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #2 low humidity time $wmr918_68extrahumlow3time = "%wmr918/68extrahumlow3time%"; // WMR918/68 extra sensor #3 low humidity time $wmr918_68tempbat3 = "%wmr918/68tempbat3%"; // Battery status of the extra temp hum #3 $wmr918_68tempbat2 = "%wmr918/68tempbat2%"; // Battery status of the extra temp hum #2 $wmr918_68tempbat1 = "%wmr918/68tempbat1%"; // Battery status of the extra temp hum #1 $wmr918_68tempbat = "%wmr918/68tempbat%"; // Battery status of the temp hum sensor $wmr918_68consbat = "%wmr918/68consbat%"; // Battery status of the console $wmr918_68rainbat = "%wmr918/68rainbat%"; // Battery status of the rain gauge $wmr918_68windbat = "%wmr918/68windbat%"; // Battery status of the wind sensor // // // Snow // ===== // $snowseasonin. = "%snowseasonin.%"; // Snow for season you have entered under input daily weather, inches $snowmonthin. = "%snowmonthin.%"; // Snow for month you have entered under input daily weather, inches $snowtodayin. = "%snowtodayin.%"; // Snow for today you have entered under input daily weather, inches $snowseasoncm = "%snowseasoncm%"; // Snow for season you have entered under input daily weather, cm $snowmonthcm = "%snowmonthcm%"; // Snow for month you have entered under input daily weather, cm $snowtodaycm = "%snowtodaycm%"; // Snow for today you have entered under input daily weather, cm $snowyesterday = "%snowyesterday%"; // Yesterdays' snow $snowheight = "%snowheight%"; // Estimated height snow will fall at $snowheightnew = "%snowheightnew%"; // Estimated height snow will fall at, new formula // $snownowin. = "%snownowin.%"; // Current snow depth, inches. $snownowcm = "%snownowcm%"; // Current snow depth, cm. // $snowrain = "%snowrain%"; // rain measure by a heated rain gauge when temp below freezing times 10 to give estimated snow fall // // Download metars // ================ // $downloadedmetar1extrasky = "%downloadedmetar1extrasky%"; // Sky conditions $downloadedmetar1sky = "%downloadedmetar1sky%"; // More sky conditions $downloadedmetar1cloud = "%downloadedmetar1cloud%"; // Cloud conditions or weather $downloadedmetar1press = "%downloadedmetar1press%"; // Barometer reading $downloadedmetar1humi = "%downloadedmetar1humi%"; // Humidity reading $downloadedmetar1dewp = "%downloadedmetar1dewp%"; // Dew point reading $downloadedmetar1temp = "%downloadedmetar1temp%"; // Temperature reading $downloadedmetar1tempcelsius = "%downloadedmetar1tempcelsius%"; // Temperature reading in celsius $downloadedmetar1wind = "%downloadedmetar1wind%"; // Wind readings (speed and direction) $downloadedmetar1location = "%downloadedmetar1location%"; // Metar name and time stamp $downloadedmetar1vis = "%downloadedmetar1vis%"; // Visibility $downloadedmetar1name = "%downloadedmetar1name%"; // Just the metar name. (1st 10 metars only) $downloadedmetar1time = "%downloadedmetar1time%"; // Just the time of update.(1st 10 metars only) $downloadedmetar1rainlasthour = "%downloadedmetar1rainlasthour%"; // %downloadedmetar1rainlasthour% Rain in the last hour (if its available) $downloadedmetar1windonly = "%downloadedmetar1windonly%"; // Shows just the windspeed only (1st 10 metars only) $downloadedmetar1dironly = "%downloadedmetar1dironly%"; // Shows direction in letter (1st 10 metars only) $downloadedmetar1dironlydir = "%downloadedmetar1dironlydir%"; // Shows dir in degrees.(1st 10 metars only) // Repeat this for up to 50 downloaded airport metars (i.e %downloadedmetar2location% for the next one) // $metar_report = "%metar/report=%"; // %metar/report=%NZAA.MET Insert downloaded METARS or weather reports/warnings. // Please replace NZAA.MET with the file name downloaded.Note: use
andhtml tags // // before and after this custom tag // and also note you can use the tag to add other text files to your page too, if those files are // // in the metar download dir // // $5dayforecastday1 = "%5dayforecastday1%"; // Forecast from the 5 day forecast graphic image from a downloaded NOAA zone forecast file (which // // must be first selected),,,,repeat up to day 8 $5dayforecastdayday1 = "%5dayforecastdayday1%"; // Day (i.e Monday, tuesday, etc)...Forecast from the 5 day forecast graphic image from a // // downloaded NOAA zone forecast file (which must be first selected),,,,repeat up to day 8 $5dayforecasttimestamp = "%5dayforecasttimestamp%"; // The heading and time stamp from the NOAA downloaded forecast. // Note, for XML, use the format %d5ayforecastday1% $downloadedmetarrainlasthour = "%downloadedmetarrainlasthour%"; // %downloadedmetarrainlasthour% Rain in the last hour from the main downloaded metar (if it is in the metar) // // Current weather warning/forecast from input daily weather // --------------------------------------------------------- $dailywarning_forecast = "%dailywarning/forecast%"; // %dailywarning/forecast% // // GPS // --- $gpslat = "%gpslat%"; // %gpslat% IF you have a GPS unit setup in weather display $gpslong = "%gpslong%"; // %gpslong% // $wapstationname = "%wapstationname%"; // Station name for the WAP // // Tags for using comma decimal place // ---------------------------------- $tempCM = "%temp,%"; // Current temperature $windchCM = "%windch,%"; // Current windchill $heatiCM = "%heati,%"; // Current heat index $dewCM = "%dew,%"; // Current dew point $currentpressureinmbCM = "%currentpressureinmb,%"; // Current barometer reading (mb/hpa) $avgspdCM = "%avgspd,%"; // Average windspeed $gstspdCM = "%gstspd,%"; // Current (gust) speed $dayrnCM = "%dayrn,%"; // Today's rain $hourrnCM = "%hourrn,%"; // Rain last hour $monthrnCM = "%monthrn,%"; // Month to date rain $yearrnCM = "%yearrn,%"; // Year to date rain $yesterdayrainCM = "%yesterdayrain,%"; // Yesterday's rain // // $customscreenownlabelusethistag = "%customscreenownlabelusethistag%"; // %customscreenownlabelusethistag% // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Mesomap stations data (If you have setup and are using the mesomap feature) // ---------------------------------------------------------- $mesomaptemp1 = "%mesomaptemp1%"; // %mesomaptemp1% $mesomaphum1 = "%mesomaphum1%"; // %mesomaphum1% $mesomapdew1 = "%mesomapdew1%"; // %mesomapdew1% $mesomapspeed1 = "%mesomapspeed1%"; // %mesomapspeed1% $mesomapgust1 = "%mesomapgust1%"; // %mesomapgust1% $mesomapdir1 = "%mesomapdir1%"; // %mesomapdir1% $mesomapbaro1 = "%mesomapbaro1%"; // %mesomapbaro1% $mesomaprain1 = "%mesomaprain1%"; // %mesomaprain1% $mesomaptime1 = "%mesomaptime1%"; // %mesomaptime1% $mesomaptemp2 = "%mesomaptemp2%"; // %mesomaptemp2% $mesomaphum2 = "%mesomaphum2%"; // %mesomaphum2% $mesomapdew2 = "%mesomapdew2%"; // %mesomapdew2% $mesomapspeed2 = "%mesomapspeed2%"; // %mesomapspeed2% $mesomapgust2 = "%mesomapgust2%"; // %mesomapgust2% $mesomapdir2 = "%mesomapdir2%"; // %mesomapdir2% $mesomapbaro2 = "%mesomapbaro2%"; // %mesomapbaro2% $mesomaprain2 = "%mesomaprain2%"; // %mesomaprain2% $mesomaptime2 = "%mesomaptime2%"; // %mesomaptime2% $mesomaptemp3 = "%mesomaptemp3%"; // %mesomaptemp3% $mesomaphum3 = "%mesomaphum3%"; // %mesomaphum3% $mesomapdew3 = "%mesomapdew3%"; // %mesomapdew3% $mesomapspeed3 = "%mesomapspeed3%"; // %mesomapspeed3% $mesomapgust3 = "%mesomapgust3%"; // %mesomapgust3% $mesomapdir3 = "%mesomapdir3%"; // %mesomapdir3% $mesomapbaro3 = "%mesomapbaro3%"; // %mesomapbaro3% $mesomaprain3 = "%mesomaprain3%"; // %mesomaprain3% $mesomaptime3 = "%mesomaptime3%"; // %mesomaptime3% $mesomaptemp4 = "%mesomaptemp4%"; // %mesomaptemp4% $mesomaphum4 = "%mesomaphum4%"; // %mesomaphum4% $mesomapdew4 = "%mesomapdew4%"; // %mesomapdew4% $mesomapspeed4 = "%mesomapspeed4%"; // %mesomapspeed4% $mesomapgust4 = "%mesomapgust4%"; // %mesomapgust4% $mesomapdir4 = "%mesomapdir4%"; // %mesomapdir4% $mesomapbaro4 = "%mesomapbaro4%"; // %mesomapbaro4% $mesomaprain4 = "%mesomaprain4%"; // %mesomaprain4% $mesomaptime4 = "%mesomaptime4%"; // %mesomaptime4% $mesomaptemp5 = "%mesomaptemp5%"; // %mesomaptemp5% $mesomaphum5 = "%mesomaphum5%"; // %mesomaphum5% $mesomapdew5 = "%mesomapdew5%"; // %mesomapdew5% $mesomapspeed5 = "%mesomapspeed5%"; // %mesomapspeed5% $mesomapgust5 = "%mesomapgust5%"; // %mesomapgust5% $mesomapdir5 = "%mesomapdir5%"; // %mesomapdir5% $mesomapbaro5 = "%mesomapbaro5%"; // %mesomapbaro5% $mesomaprain5 = "%mesomaprain5%"; // %mesomaprain5% $mesomaptime5 = "%mesomaptime5%"; // %mesomaptime5% $mesomaptemp6 = "%mesomaptemp6%"; // %mesomaptemp6% $mesomaphum6 = "%mesomaphum6%"; // %mesomaphum6% $mesomapdew6 = "%mesomapdew6%"; // %mesomapdew6% $mesomapspeed6 = "%mesomapspeed6%"; // %mesomapspeed6% $mesomapgust6 = "%mesomapgust6%"; // %mesomapgust6% $mesomapdir6 = "%mesomapdir6%"; // %mesomapdir6% $mesomapbaro6 = "%mesomapbaro6%"; // %mesomapbaro6% $mesomaprain6 = "%mesomaprain6%"; // %mesomaprain6% $mesomaptime6 = "%mesomaptime6%"; // %mesomaptime6% $mesomaptemp7 = "%mesomaptemp7%"; // %mesomaptemp7% $mesomaphum7 = "%mesomaphum7%"; // %mesomaphum7% $mesomapdew7 = "%mesomapdew7%"; // %mesomapdew7% $mesomapspeed7 = "%mesomapspeed7%"; // %mesomapspeed7% $mesomapgust7 = "%mesomapgust7%"; // %mesomapgust7% $mesomapdir7 = "%mesomapdir7%"; // %mesomapdir7% $mesomapbaro7 = "%mesomapbaro7%"; // %mesomapbaro7% $mesomaprain7 = "%mesomaprain7%"; // %mesomaprain7% $mesomaptime7 = "%mesomaptime7%"; // %mesomaptime7% $mesomaptemp8 = "%mesomaptemp8%"; // %mesomaptemp8% $mesomaphum8 = "%mesomaphum8%"; // %mesomaphum8% $mesomapdew8 = "%mesomapdew8%"; // %mesomapdew8% $mesomapspeed8 = "%mesomapspeed8%"; // %mesomapspeed8% $mesomapgust8 = "%mesomapgust8%"; // %mesomapgust8% $mesomapdir8 = "%mesomapdir8%"; // %mesomapdir8% $mesomapbaro8 = "%mesomapbaro8%"; // %mesomapbaro8% $mesomaprain8 = "%mesomaprain8%"; // %mesomaprain8% $mesomaptime8 = "%mesomaptime8%"; // %mesomaptime8% $mesomaptemp9 = "%mesomaptemp9%"; // %mesomaptemp9% $mesomaphum9 = "%mesomaphum9%"; // %mesomaphum9% $mesomapdew9 = "%mesomapdew9%"; // %mesomapdew9% $mesomapspeed9 = "%mesomapspeed9%"; // %mesomapspeed9% $mesomapgust9 = "%mesomapgust9%"; // %mesomapgust9% $mesomapdir9 = "%mesomapdir9%"; // %mesomapdir9% $mesomapbaro9 = "%mesomapbaro9%"; // %mesomapbaro9% $mesomaprain9 = "%mesomaprain9%"; // %mesomaprain9% $mesomaptime9 = "%mesomaptime9%"; // %mesomaptime9% $mesomaptemp10 = "%mesomaptemp10%"; // %mesomaptemp10% $mesomaphum10 = "%mesomaphum10%"; // %mesomaphum10% $mesomapdew10 = "%mesomapdew10%"; // %mesomapdew10% $mesomapspeed10 = "%mesomapspeed10%"; // %mesomapspeed10% $mesomapgust10 = "%mesomapgust10%"; // %mesomapgust10% $mesomapdir10 = "%mesomapdir10%"; // %mesomapdir10% $mesomapbaro10 = "%mesomapbaro10%"; // %mesomapbaro10% $mesomaprain10 = "%mesomaprain10%"; // %mesomaprain10% $mesomaptime10 = "%mesomaptime10%"; // %mesomaptime10% $mesomaptemp11 = "%mesomaptemp11%"; // %mesomaptemp11% $mesomaphum11 = "%mesomaphum11%"; // %mesomaphum11% $mesomapdew11 = "%mesomapdew11%"; // %mesomapdew11% $mesomapspeed11 = "%mesomapspeed11%"; // %mesomapspeed11% $mesomapgust11 = "%mesomapgust11%"; // %mesomapgust11% $mesomapdir11 = "%mesomapdir11%"; // %mesomapdir11% $mesomapbaro11 = "%mesomapbaro11%"; // %mesomapbaro11% $mesomaprain11 = "%mesomaprain11%"; // %mesomaprain11% $mesomaptime11 = "%mesomaptime11%"; // %mesomaptime11% $mesomaptemp12 = "%mesomaptemp12%"; // %mesomaptemp12% $mesomaphum12 = "%mesomaphum12%"; // %mesomaphum12% $mesomapdew12 = "%mesomapdew12%"; // %mesomapdew12% $mesomapspeed12 = "%mesomapspeed12%"; // %mesomapspeed12% $mesomapgust12 = "%mesomapgust12%"; // %mesomapgust12% $mesomapdir12 = "%mesomapdir12%"; // %mesomapdir12% $mesomapbaro12 = "%mesomapbaro12%"; // %mesomapbaro12% $mesomaprain12 = "%mesomaprain12%"; // %mesomaprain12% $mesomaptime12 = "%mesomaptime12%"; // %mesomaptime12% $mesomaptemp13 = "%mesomaptemp13%"; // %mesomaptemp13% $mesomaphum13 = "%mesomaphum13%"; // %mesomaphum13% $mesomapdew13 = "%mesomapdew13%"; // %mesomapdew13% $mesomapspeed13 = "%mesomapspeed13%"; // %mesomapspeed13% $mesomapgust13 = "%mesomapgust13%"; // %mesomapgust13% $mesomapdir13 = "%mesomapdir13%"; // %mesomapdir13% $mesomapbaro13 = "%mesomapbaro13%"; // %mesomapbaro13% $mesomaprain13 = "%mesomaprain13%"; // %mesomaprain13% $mesomaptime13 = "%mesomaptime13%"; // %mesomaptime13% $mesomaptemp14 = "%mesomaptemp14%"; // %mesomaptemp14% $mesomaphum14 = "%mesomaphum14%"; // %mesomaphum14% $mesomapdew14 = "%mesomapdew14%"; // %mesomapdew14% $mesomapspeed14 = "%mesomapspeed14%"; // %mesomapspeed14% $mesomapgust14 = "%mesomapgust14%"; // %mesomapgust14% $mesomapdir14 = "%mesomapdir14%"; // %mesomapdir14% $mesomapbaro14 = "%mesomapbaro14%"; // %mesomapbaro14% $mesomaprain14 = "%mesomaprain14%"; // %mesomaprain14% $mesomaptime14 = "%mesomaptime14%"; // %mesomaptime14% $mesomaptemp15 = "%mesomaptemp15%"; // %mesomaptemp15% $mesomaphum15 = "%mesomaphum15%"; // %mesomaphum15% $mesomapdew15 = "%mesomapdew15%"; // %mesomapdew15% $mesomapspeed15 = "%mesomapspeed15%"; // %mesomapspeed15% $mesomapgust15 = "%mesomapgust15%"; // %mesomapgust15% $mesomapdir15 = "%mesomapdir15%"; // %mesomapdir15% $mesomapbaro15 = "%mesomapbaro15%"; // %mesomapbaro15% $mesomaprain15 = "%mesomaprain15%"; // %mesomaprain15% $mesomaptime15 = "%mesomaptime15%"; // %mesomaptime15% $mesomaptemp16 = "%mesomaptemp16%"; // %mesomaptemp16% $mesomaphum16 = "%mesomaphum16%"; // %mesomaphum16% $mesomapdew16 = "%mesomapdew16%"; // %mesomapdew16% $mesomapspeed16 = "%mesomapspeed16%"; // %mesomapspeed16% $mesomapgust16 = "%mesomapgust16%"; // %mesomapgust16% $mesomapdir16 = "%mesomapdir16%"; // %mesomapdir16% $mesomapbaro16 = "%mesomapbaro16%"; // %mesomapbaro16% $mesomaprain16 = "%mesomaprain16%"; // %mesomaprain16% $mesomaptime16 = "%mesomaptime16%"; // %mesomaptime16% $mesomaptemp17 = "%mesomaptemp17%"; // %mesomaptemp17% $mesomaphum17 = "%mesomaphum17%"; // %mesomaphum17% $mesomapdew17 = "%mesomapdew17%"; // %mesomapdew17% $mesomapspeed17 = "%mesomapspeed17%"; // %mesomapspeed17% $mesomapgust17 = "%mesomapgust17%"; // %mesomapgust17% $mesomapdir17 = "%mesomapdir17%"; // %mesomapdir17% $mesomapbaro17 = "%mesomapbaro17%"; // %mesomapbaro17% $mesomaprain17 = "%mesomaprain17%"; // %mesomaprain17% $mesomaptime17 = "%mesomaptime17%"; // %mesomaptime17% $mesomaptemp18 = "%mesomaptemp18%"; // %mesomaptemp18% $mesomaphum18 = "%mesomaphum18%"; // %mesomaphum18% $mesomapdew18 = "%mesomapdew18%"; // %mesomapdew18% $mesomapspeed18 = "%mesomapspeed18%"; // %mesomapspeed18% $mesomapgust18 = "%mesomapgust18%"; // %mesomapgust18% $mesomapdir18 = "%mesomapdir18%"; // %mesomapdir18% $mesomapbaro18 = "%mesomapbaro18%"; // %mesomapbaro18% $mesomaprain18 = "%mesomaprain18%"; // %mesomaprain18% $mesomaptime18 = "%mesomaptime18%"; // %mesomaptime18% $mesomaptemp19 = "%mesomaptemp19%"; // %mesomaptemp19% $mesomaphum19 = "%mesomaphum19%"; // %mesomaphum19% $mesomapdew19 = "%mesomapdew19%"; // %mesomapdew19% $mesomapspeed19 = "%mesomapspeed19%"; // %mesomapspeed19% $mesomapgust19 = "%mesomapgust19%"; // %mesomapgust19% $mesomapdir19 = "%mesomapdir19%"; // %mesomapdir19% $mesomapbaro19 = "%mesomapbaro19%"; // %mesomapbaro19% $mesomaprain19 = "%mesomaprain19%"; // %mesomaprain19% $mesomaptime19 = "%mesomaptime19%"; // %mesomaptime19% $mesomaptemp20 = "%mesomaptemp20%"; // %mesomaptemp20% $mesomaphum20 = "%mesomaphum20%"; // %mesomaphum20% $mesomapdew20 = "%mesomapdew20%"; // %mesomapdew20% $mesomapspeed20 = "%mesomapspeed20%"; // %mesomapspeed20% $mesomapgust20 = "%mesomapgust20%"; // %mesomapgust20% $mesomapdir20 = "%mesomapdir20%"; // %mesomapdir20% $mesomapbaro20 = "%mesomapbaro20%"; // %mesomapbaro20% $mesomaprain20 = "%mesomaprain20%"; // %mesomaprain20% $mesomaptime20 = "%mesomaptime20%"; // %mesomaptime20% $mesomaptemp21 = "%mesomaptemp21%"; // %mesomaptemp21% $mesomaphum21 = "%mesomaphum21%"; // %mesomaphum21% $mesomapdew21 = "%mesomapdew21%"; // %mesomapdew21% $mesomapspeed21 = "%mesomapspeed21%"; // %mesomapspeed21% $mesomapgust21 = "%mesomapgust21%"; // %mesomapgust21% $mesomapdir21 = "%mesomapdir21%"; // %mesomapdir21% $mesomapbaro21 = "%mesomapbaro21%"; // %mesomapbaro21% $mesomaprain21 = "%mesomaprain21%"; // %mesomaprain21% $mesomaptime21 = "%mesomaptime21%"; // %mesomaptime21% $mesomaptemp22 = "%mesomaptemp22%"; // %mesomaptemp22% $mesomaphum22 = "%mesomaphum22%"; // %mesomaphum22% $mesomapdew22 = "%mesomapdew22%"; // %mesomapdew22% $mesomapspeed22 = "%mesomapspeed22%"; // %mesomapspeed22% $mesomapgust22 = "%mesomapgust22%"; // %mesomapgust22% $mesomapdir22 = "%mesomapdir22%"; // %mesomapdir22% $mesomapbaro22 = "%mesomapbaro22%"; // %mesomapbaro22% $mesomaprain22 = "%mesomaprain22%"; // %mesomaprain22% $mesomaptime22 = "%mesomaptime22%"; // %mesomaptime22% $mesomaptemp23 = "%mesomaptemp23%"; // %mesomaptemp23% $mesomaphum23 = "%mesomaphum23%"; // %mesomaphum23% $mesomapdew23 = "%mesomapdew23%"; // %mesomapdew23% $mesomapspeed23 = "%mesomapspeed23%"; // %mesomapspeed23% $mesomapgust23 = "%mesomapgust23%"; // %mesomapgust23% $mesomapdir23 = "%mesomapdir23%"; // %mesomapdir23% $mesomapbaro23 = "%mesomapbaro23%"; // %mesomapbaro23% $mesomaprain23 = "%mesomaprain23%"; // %mesomaprain23% $mesomaptime23 = "%mesomaptime23%"; // %mesomaptime23% $mesomaptemp24 = "%mesomaptemp24%"; // %mesomaptemp24% $mesomaphum24 = "%mesomaphum24%"; // %mesomaphum24% $mesomapdew24 = "%mesomapdew24%"; // %mesomapdew24% $mesomapspeed24 = "%mesomapspeed24%"; // %mesomapspeed24% $mesomapgust24 = "%mesomapgust24%"; // %mesomapgust24% $mesomapdir24 = "%mesomapdir24%"; // %mesomapdir24% $mesomapbaro24 = "%mesomapbaro24%"; // %mesomapbaro24% $mesomaprain24 = "%mesomaprain24%"; // %mesomaprain24% $mesomaptime24 = "%mesomaptime24%"; // %mesomaptime24% $mesomaptemp25 = "%mesomaptemp25%"; // %mesomaptemp25% $mesomaphum25 = "%mesomaphum25%"; // %mesomaphum25% $mesomapdew25 = "%mesomapdew25%"; // %mesomapdew25% $mesomapspeed25 = "%mesomapspeed25%"; // %mesomapspeed25% $mesomapgust25 = "%mesomapgust25%"; // %mesomapgust25% $mesomapdir25 = "%mesomapdir25%"; // %mesomapdir25% $mesomapbaro25 = "%mesomapbaro25%"; // %mesomapbaro25% $mesomaprain25 = "%mesomaprain25%"; // %mesomaprain25% $mesomaptime25 = "%mesomaptime25%"; // %mesomaptime25% $mesomaptemp26 = "%mesomaptemp26%"; // %mesomaptemp26% $mesomaphum26 = "%mesomaphum26%"; // %mesomaphum26% $mesomapdew26 = "%mesomapdew26%"; // %mesomapdew26% $mesomapspeed26 = "%mesomapspeed26%"; // %mesomapspeed26% $mesomapgust26 = "%mesomapgust26%"; // %mesomapgust26% $mesomapdir26 = "%mesomapdir26%"; // %mesomapdir26% $mesomapbaro26 = "%mesomapbaro26%"; // %mesomapbaro26% $mesomaprain26 = "%mesomaprain26%"; // %mesomaprain26% $mesomaptime26 = "%mesomaptime26%"; // %mesomaptime26% $mesomaptemp27 = "%mesomaptemp27%"; // %mesomaptemp27% $mesomaphum27 = "%mesomaphum27%"; // %mesomaphum27% $mesomapdew27 = "%mesomapdew27%"; // %mesomapdew27% $mesomapspeed27 = "%mesomapspeed27%"; // %mesomapspeed27% $mesomapgust27 = "%mesomapgust27%"; // %mesomapgust27% $mesomapdir27 = "%mesomapdir27%"; // %mesomapdir27% $mesomapbaro27 = "%mesomapbaro27%"; // %mesomapbaro27% $mesomaprain27 = "%mesomaprain27%"; // %mesomaprain27% $mesomaptime27 = "%mesomaptime27%"; // %mesomaptime27% $mesomaptemp28 = "%mesomaptemp28%"; // %mesomaptemp28% $mesomaphum28 = "%mesomaphum28%"; // %mesomaphum28% $mesomapdew28 = "%mesomapdew28%"; // %mesomapdew28% $mesomapspeed28 = "%mesomapspeed28%"; // %mesomapspeed28% $mesomapgust28 = "%mesomapgust28%"; // %mesomapgust28% $mesomapdir28 = "%mesomapdir28%"; // %mesomapdir28% $mesomapbaro28 = "%mesomapbaro28%"; // %mesomapbaro28% $mesomaprain28 = "%mesomaprain28%"; // %mesomaprain28% $mesomaptime28 = "%mesomaptime28%"; // %mesomaptime28% $mesomaptemp29 = "%mesomaptemp29%"; // %mesomaptemp29% $mesomaphum29 = "%mesomaphum29%"; // %mesomaphum29% $mesomapdew29 = "%mesomapdew29%"; // %mesomapdew29% $mesomapspeed29 = "%mesomapspeed29%"; // %mesomapspeed29% $mesomapgust29 = "%mesomapgust29%"; // %mesomapgust29% $mesomapdir29 = "%mesomapdir29%"; // %mesomapdir29% $mesomapbaro29 = "%mesomapbaro29%"; // %mesomapbaro29% $mesomaprain29 = "%mesomaprain29%"; // %mesomaprain29% $mesomaptime29 = "%mesomaptime29%"; // %mesomaptime29% $mesomaptemp30 = "%mesomaptemp30%"; // %mesomaptemp30% $mesomaphum30 = "%mesomaphum30%"; // %mesomaphum30% $mesomapdew30 = "%mesomapdew30%"; // %mesomapdew30% $mesomapspeed30 = "%mesomapspeed30%"; // %mesomapspeed30% $mesomapgust30 = "%mesomapgust30%"; // %mesomapgust30% $mesomapdir30 = "%mesomapdir30%"; // %mesomapdir30% $mesomapbaro30 = "%mesomapbaro30%"; // %mesomapbaro30% $mesomaprain30 = "%mesomaprain30%"; // %mesomaprain30% $mesomaptime30 = "%mesomaptime30%"; // %mesomaptime30% $mesomaptemp31 = "%mesomaptemp31%"; // %mesomaptemp31% $mesomaphum31 = "%mesomaphum31%"; // %mesomaphum31% $mesomapdew31 = "%mesomapdew31%"; // %mesomapdew31% $mesomapspeed31 = "%mesomapspeed31%"; // %mesomapspeed31% $mesomapgust31 = "%mesomapgust31%"; // %mesomapgust31% $mesomapdir31 = "%mesomapdir31%"; // %mesomapdir31% $mesomapbaro31 = "%mesomapbaro31%"; // %mesomapbaro31% $mesomaprain31 = "%mesomaprain31%"; // %mesomaprain31% $mesomaptemp32 = "%mesomaptemp32%"; // %mesomaptemp32% $mesomaphum32 = "%mesomaphum32%"; // %mesomaphum32% $mesomapdew32 = "%mesomapdew32%"; // %mesomapdew32% $mesomapspeed32 = "%mesomapspeed32%"; // %mesomapspeed32% $mesomapgust32 = "%mesomapgust32%"; // %mesomapgust32% $mesomapdir32 = "%mesomapdir32%"; // %mesomapdir32% $mesomapbaro32 = "%mesomapbaro32%"; // %mesomapbaro32% $mesomaprain32 = "%mesomaprain32%"; // %mesomaprain32% $mesomaptemp33 = "%mesomaptemp33%"; // %mesomaptemp33% $mesomaphum33 = "%mesomaphum33%"; // %mesomaphum33% $mesomapdew33 = "%mesomapdew33%"; // %mesomapdew33% $mesomapspeed33 = "%mesomapspeed33%"; // %mesomapspeed33% $mesomapgust33 = "%mesomapgust33%"; // %mesomapgust33% $mesomapdir33 = "%mesomapdir33%"; // %mesomapdir33% $mesomapbaro33 = "%mesomapbaro33%"; // %mesomapbaro33% $mesomaprain33 = "%mesomaprain33%"; // %mesomaprain33% $mesomaptemp34 = "%mesomaptemp34%"; // %mesomaptemp34% $mesomaphum34 = "%mesomaphum34%"; // %mesomaphum34% $mesomapdew34 = "%mesomapdew34%"; // %mesomapdew34% $mesomapspeed34 = "%mesomapspeed34%"; // %mesomapspeed34% $mesomapgust34 = "%mesomapgust34%"; // %mesomapgust34% $mesomapdir34 = "%mesomapdir34%"; // %mesomapdir34% $mesomapbaro34 = "%mesomapbaro34%"; // %mesomapbaro34% $mesomaprain34 = "%mesomaprain34%"; // %mesomaprain34% $mesomaptemp35 = "%mesomaptemp35%"; // %mesomaptemp35% $mesomaphum35 = "%mesomaphum35%"; // %mesomaphum35% $mesomapdew35 = "%mesomapdew35%"; // %mesomapdew35% $mesomapspeed35 = "%mesomapspeed35%"; // %mesomapspeed35% $mesomapgust35 = "%mesomapgust35%"; // %mesomapgust35% $mesomapdir35 = "%mesomapdir35%"; // %mesomapdir35% $mesomapbaro35 = "%mesomapbaro35%"; 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// %mesomaptimedate32% $mesomaptimedate33 = "%mesomaptimedate33%"; // %mesomaptimedate33% $mesomaptimedate34 = "%mesomaptimedate34%"; // %mesomaptimedate34% $mesomaptimedate36 = "%mesomaptimedate36%"; // %mesomaptimedate36% $mesomaptimedate37 = "%mesomaptimedate37%"; // %mesomaptimedate37% $mesomaptimedate38 = "%mesomaptimedate38%"; // %mesomaptimedate38% $mesomaptimedate39 = "%mesomaptimedate39%"; // %mesomaptimedate39% $mesomaptimedate40 = "%mesomaptimedate40%"; // %mesomaptimedate40% // // // History data // ------------ // $temp0minuteago = "%temp0minuteago%"; // %temp0minuteago% ****this one is needed for all the others to work $wind0minuteago = "%wind0minuteago%"; // %wind0minuteago% $gust0minuteago = "%gust0minuteago%"; // %gust0minuteago% $dir0minuteago = "%dir0minuteago%"; // %dir0minuteago% $hum0minuteago = "%hum0minuteago%"; // %hum0minuteago% $dew0minuteago = "%dew0minuteago%"; // %dew0minuteago% $baro0minuteago = "%baro0minuteago%"; // %baro0minuteago% $rain0minuteago = "%rain0minuteago%"; // %rain0minuteago% $VPsolar0minuteago = "%VPsolar0minuteago%"; // note you need to tick , store solar as extra temp 4 in the solar setup $VPuv0minuteago = "%VPuv0minuteago%"; // %VPuv0minuteago% // $temp1minuteago = "%temp1minuteago%"; // %temp1minuteago% $wind1minuteago = "%wind1minuteago%"; // %wind1minuteago% $gust1minuteago = "%gust1minuteago%"; // %gust1minuteago% $dir1minuteago = "%dir1minuteago%"; // %dir1minuteago% $hum1minuteago = "%hum1minuteago%"; // %hum1minuteago% $dew1minuteago = "%dew1minuteago%"; // %dew1minuteago% $baro1minuteago = "%baro1minuteago%"; // %baro1minuteago% $rain1minuteago = "%rain1minuteago%"; // %rain1minuteago% $VPsolar1minuteago = "%VPsolar1minuteago%"; // %VPsolar1minuteago% $VPuv1minuteago = "%VPuv1minuteago%"; // %VPuv1minuteago% // $temp2minuteago = "%temp2minuteago%"; // %temp2minuteago% $wind2minuteago = "%wind2minuteago%"; // %wind2minuteago% $gust2minuteago = "%gust2minuteago%"; // %gust2minuteago% $dir2minuteago = "%dir2minuteago%"; // %dir2minuteago% $hum2minuteago = "%hum2minuteago%"; // %hum2minuteago% $dew2minuteago = "%dew2minuteago%"; // %dew2minuteago% $baro2minuteago = "%baro2minuteago%"; // %baro2minuteago% $rain2minuteago = "%rain2minuteago%"; // %rain2minuteago% $VPsolar2minuteago = "%VPsolar2minuteago%"; // %VPsolar2minuteago% $VPuv2minuteago = "%VPuv2minuteago%"; // %VPuv2minuteago% // // $temp3minuteago = "%temp3minuteago%"; // %temp3minuteago% $wind3minuteago = "%wind3minuteago%"; // %wind3minuteago% $gust3minuteago = "%gust3minuteago%"; // %gust3minuteago% $dir3minuteago = "%dir3minuteago%"; // %dir3minuteago% $hum3minuteago = "%hum3minuteago%"; // %hum3minuteago% $dew3minuteago = "%dew3minuteago%"; // %dew3minuteago% $baro3minuteago = "%baro3minuteago%"; // %baro3minuteago% $rain3minuteago = "%rain3minuteago%"; // %rain3minuteago% $VPsolar3minuteago = "%VPsolar3minuteago%"; // %VPsolar3minuteago% $VPuv3minuteago = "%VPuv3minuteago%"; // %VPuv3minuteago% // // $temp4minuteago = "%temp4minuteago%"; // %temp4minuteago% $wind4minuteago = "%wind4minuteago%"; // %wind4minuteago% $gust4minuteago = "%gust4minuteago%"; // %gust4minuteago% $dir4minuteago = "%dir4minuteago%"; // %dir4minuteago% $hum4minuteago = "%hum4minuteago%"; // %hum4minuteago% $dew4minuteago = "%dew4minuteago%"; // %dew4minuteago% $baro4minuteago = "%baro4minuteago%"; // %baro4minuteago% $rain4minuteago = "%rain4minuteago%"; // %rain4minuteago% $VPsolar4minuteago = "%VPsolar4minuteago%"; // %VPsolar4minuteago% $VPuv4minuteago = "%VPuv4minuteago%"; // %VPuv4minuteago% // // $temp5minuteago = "%temp5minuteago%"; // %temp5minuteago% $wind5minuteago = "%wind5minuteago%"; // %wind5minuteago% $gust5minuteago = "%gust5minuteago%"; // %gust5minuteago% $dir5minuteago = "%dir5minuteago%"; // %dir5minuteago% $hum5minuteago = "%hum5minuteago%"; // %hum5minuteago% $dew5minuteago = "%dew5minuteago%"; // %dew5minuteago% $baro5minuteago = "%baro5minuteago%"; // %baro5minuteago% $rain5minuteago = "%rain5minuteago%"; // %rain5minuteago% $VPsolar5minuteago = "%VPsolar5minuteago%"; // %VPsolar5minuteago% $VPuv5minuteago = "%VPuv5minuteago%"; 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header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); if ($mode == 'download' ) { header("Content-type: application/x-download"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filenameLcl;"); } else { header("Content-type: text/plain"); } header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); header("Content-Length: $download_size"); header('Connection: close'); readfile($filenameReal); } ?>