#include "ArrayEdt.au3" ; include ArrayEdt.au3 test_2D_Array() Exit Func test_2D_Array() Local $aColName[12] = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five', _ ; create array of column names 'six','seven','eight','nine','ten','eleven'] Local $aData[128][12] ; create 2D array For $i = 0 to UBound($aData)-1 For $j = 0 to UBound($aData,2)-1 $aData[$i][$j] = $i &' - '& $j ; fill array with data Next Next If _ArrayEdt2D($aData,$aColName,'Demo title',400,500) Then ; edit array, if true, user pressed Ok-button ConsoleWrite('User pressed Ok-button' & @LF) ; process changed $aData Local $aColName[12] ; empty array, correct length, will be filled with 'Column x' _ArrayEdt2D($aData,$aColName) ; example of minimum required parameters for _ArrayEdt2D ElseIf @error Then ; if false, check for error ConsoleWrite('Error: ' & @error & @LF) ; handle error Else ; if no error, user pressed Cancel-button ConsoleWrite('Cancel, nothing was changed' & @LF) ; nothing changed in $aData, nor $aColName EndIf EndFunc