#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: (beta) Author: David Nuttall Script Function: Associative Array functionality #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include-once Const $gbAA_Debug = False #cs Function: AssocArrayCreate Purpose: Create an associative array in a variable. Parameters: $aArray: The variable to have an associative array create in it. $nSize: The starting size of the new array $nGrowth: The percentage of current size to grow the array when needed. If 0, no growth happens. 30 = 30% growth each time. Return value: True if the associative array could be created; False otherwise Notes: #ce Func AssocArrayCreate(ByRef $aArray, Const $nSize, Const $nGrowth = 50) If IsNumber($nSize) = 0 Then ; Need a number here Return False ElseIf $nSize < 1 Then ; Too small Return False Else Local $nHashSize = Ceiling($nSize * 1.25) + 1 ; Hash table should start about 25% larger than expected number of elements While NotPrime($nHashSize) ; Hash tables usually operate best when a prime number of elements are present $nHashSize += 1 WEnd Local $aTmp[2][$nHashSize + 1] $aArray = $aTmp $aArray[0][0] = 0 ; Active array size EndIf If IsNumber($nGrowth) = 0 Then ; Need a number here Return False ElseIf $nGrowth < 0 Then ; Too small $aArray[1][0] = 0 Else $aArray[1][0] = $nGrowth / 100.0 EndIf Return True EndFunc ;==>AssocArrayCreate #cs Function: AssocArrayAssign Purpose: Assign a value to an element of an associative array. Parameters: $aArray: The array containing an associative array $sKey: The key value in the array $vValue: The value to assign to the element of the associtive array Return value: True if the value could be assigned; False otherwise Notes: This uses a hash table with open addressing using linear probing. There is probably a faster way to resize a hash table than I use here. It grows the array if hash key collisions occur more than 3 times in a row or hash key collisions push the assignment off the end of the array. #ce Func AssocArrayAssign(ByRef $aArray, Const $sKey, Const $vValue) Local $nPos = HashPos($sKey, UBound($aArray, 2) - 1) + 1 Local $nCollide = 0 Global $gbAA_Resizing = False If $gbAA_Debug Then ConsoleWrite("AssocArrayAssign: UBound = " & UBound($aArray, 2) & ", $nPos = " & $nPos & ", $sKey = " & $sKey & ", $vValue = " & $vValue & @CR) While $nPos < UBound($aArray, 2) Switch $aArray[0][$nPos] Case "" ; Not found. Fill it in $aArray[0][$nPos] = $sKey $aArray[1][$nPos] = $vValue $aArray[0][0] += 1 If $gbAA_Debug Then ConsoleWrite("AssocArrayAssign: Used = " & $aArray[0][0] & ", After collisions $nPos = " & $nPos & @CR) Return True Case $sKey ; Found the correct key $aArray[1][$nPos] = $vValue If $gbAA_Debug Then ConsoleWrite("AssocArrayAssign: Used = " & $aArray[0][0] & ", After collisions $nPos = " & $nPos & @CR) Return True Case Else ; Key collision $nPos += 1 $nCollide += 1 If $nCollide > 3 Then ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd ; Not found, at end of array or too many collisions If $gbAA_Resizing Then ; If already in a resize cycle, abort due to cascading resizes. MsgBox(48, "AssocArrayAssign", "Cascading resize caused by poor hash function. Aborting. Revise hash function and retry.") Exit Else $gbAA_Resizing = True EndIf ; Grow the array, reassign the values and try again. Local $nHashSize = Ceiling(UBound($aArray, 2) * (1 + $aArray[1][0])) Local $I While NotPrime($nHashSize) $nHashSize += 1 WEnd If $gbAA_Debug Then ConsoleWrite("AssocArrayAssign: Used = " & $aArray[0][0] & ", After collisions $nPos = " & $nPos & ". Resizing to " & $nHashSize & @CR) Local $aTmp[2][$nHashSize + 1] ; New size $aTmp[0][0] = 0 ; Active array size $aTmp[1][0] = $aArray[1][0] ; Copy the growth rate AssocArrayAssign($aTmp, $sKey, $vValue) ; Assign the value that got us here in the first place ; Assign the old values For $I = 1 To UBound($aArray, 2) - 1 If $aArray[0][$I] > "" Then AssocArrayAssign($aTmp, $aArray[0][$I], $aArray[1][$I]) EndIf Next $aArray = $aTmp $gbAA_Resizing = False Return True EndFunc ;==>AssocArrayAssign #cs Function: AssocArrayGet Purpose: Get the value of an element in an associative array. Parameters: $aArray: The array containing an associative array $sKey: The key value in the array Return value: Value in the element if found. Otherwise, sets @Error to 1 Notes: This uses a hash table, which is pretty fast. It could be replaced with another fast search method. #ce Func AssocArrayGet(ByRef Const $aArray, Const $sKey) Local $nPos = HashPos($sKey, UBound($aArray, 2) - 1) + 1 While $nPos < UBound($aArray, 2) Switch $aArray[0][$nPos] Case "" ; Not found SetError(1) Return False Case $sKey ; Got it Return $aArray[1][$nPos] Case Else $nPos += 1 EndSwitch WEnd ; Not found at end of array SetError(1) Return False EndFunc ;==>AssocArrayGet #cs Function: NotPrime Purpose: Determine if a number is not prime. Support function for hash table. Parameters: $nValue: The value to test for prime. Return value: True if number is not prime. False if prime. Sets @Error to 1 if not an integer. Notes: #ce Func NotPrime(Const $nValue) Local $nTest If StringIsInt($nValue) = 0 Then Return False ElseIf $nValue < 2 Then ; Lowest prime is two. Smaller numbers do not qualify. Return True EndIf For $nTest = 2 To Int(Sqrt($nValue)) If Round(Mod($nValue, $nTest)) = 0 Then ; Has a factor of $nTest. Composite! Return True EndIf Next Return False ; Is Prime EndFunc ;==>NotPrime #cs Function: HashPos Purpose: Give the position to look for the given key in the hash table. Parameters: $sKey: The key value in the hash table $nSize: The size of the hash table to work with. Return value: The hash table position determined from the given key. Notes: Based on Jenkins One at a time hash (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_table, http://www.burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/doobs.html) #ce Func HashPos(Const $sKey, Const $nSize) Local $nPos = 0, $I For $I = 1 To StringLen($sKey) $nPos += Asc(StringMid($sKey, $I, 1)) $nPos += _UBitShift($nPos, -10) $nPos = BitXOR($nPos, _UBitShift($nPos, 6)) Next $nPos += _UBitShift($nPos, -3) $nPos = BitXOR($nPos, _UBitShift($nPos, 11)) $nPos += _UBitShift($nPos, -15) $nPos = Round(Mod(Abs($nPos), $nSize)) Return $nPos EndFunc ;==>HashPos #cs Function: _UBitShift Purpose: Perform an unsigned bit shift Parameters: $nValue: The value to be shifted $nShift: The number of bits to shift Return value: The shifted value Notes: Found on http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=58982 and used without permission. ;) #ce Func _UBitShift($nValue, $nShift) ; Check for the sign bit. Local $bSignBit = False If BitAND($nValue, 0x80000000) Then ; Sign bit found, unset it. $nValue = BitXOR($nValue, 0x80000000) $bSignBit = True EndIf ; Do a signed shift with the sign bit unset. $nValue = BitShift($nValue, $nShift) ; Check to see if the former sign bit needs set. If $nShift > 0 And $nShift < 32 And $bSignBit Then $nValue = BitOR($nValue, 2 ^ (31 - $nShift)) Return $nValue EndFunc ;==>_UBitShift ; ====================================================================================================