#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Chris Lambert Script Function: Template AutoIt script. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include-once #include ; Script Start - Add your code below here Global $Splash_Gui_Main ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _SplashTextWithGraphicOn ; Description: Creates a splash text window with graphic ; Syntax: _SplashTextWithGraphicOn($vWinTitle="",$vText="",$iWidth=500,$iHeight=400,$iXPos=-1,$iYPos=-1,$vGraphic="",$iLogo_XPos=0,$iLogo_YPos=0,$iLogo_Width=0,$iLogo_Height=0,$iOpt = 0,$vFontName = "",$iFontSz = 12,$iFontWt = 400) ; Call _splashTextWithGraphicOFF() to turn off splash window ; ; Parameter(s): $vWinTitle (Optional) = Title for splash window. ; $vText (Optional) = Text for splash window. ; $iWidth (Optional) = Width of window in pixels. (default 500) ; $iHeight (Optional) = Height of window in pixels. (default 400) ; $iXPos (Optional) = Position from left (in pixels) of splash window. (default is centered) ; $iYPos (Optional) = Position from top (in pixels) of splash window. (default is centered) ; $vGraphic (Optional) = Graphic to use in Splash window. ; $iLogo_XPos (Optional) = Left position of top left corner of the graphic inside the splash window ; $iLogo_YPos (Optional) = Top position of top left corner of the graphic inside the splash window ; $iLogo_Width (Optional) = Width to display the graphic ; $iLogo_Height (Optional) = Height to display the graphic ; $iOpt (Optional) = Option see list below ; [optional] Add them up - default is 'center justified/always on top/with title' ; 0 = Center justified/always on top/with title (default) ; 1 = Thin bordered titleless window ; 2 = Without "always on top" attribute ; 4 = Left justified text ; 8 = Right justified text ; 16 = Windows can be moved ; 32 = Centered vertically text ; $vFontName (Optional) = Font to use. (OS default GUI font is used if the font is "" or is not found) ; $iFontSz (Optional) = Font size. (default is 12; standard sizes are 6 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 36 48 72) ; $iFontWt (Optional) = Font weight (0 - 1000, default = 400 = normal). A value > 1000 is treated as zero. ; ; Requirement(s): None ; ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 0 ; On Failure - Returns an Error code based on the first error from left to right of syntax ; Window handle is stored in $Splash_Gui_Main ; error Codes ;0 No Error ;1 GuiWidth is not numeric ;2 GuiHeight is not numeric ;3 GuiXpos is not numeric ;4 GuiYpos is not numeric ;5 Graphic does not exist ;6 GraphicXpos is not numeric ;7 GraphicYpos is not numeric ;8 GraphicWidth is not numeric ;9 GraphicHeight is not numeric ;10 Font size is not numeric ;11 Font Weight is not numeric ;12 Font Weight is greater than 1000 ;13 Font Weight is less than 0 ; Author(s): Chris Lambert (ChrisL) (WM_NCHITTEST() and _API_DefWindowProc() was found on a post by Martin on Autoit Forms!) ; Note(s): Based on SplashTextOn() and SplashImageOn() ;=============================================================================== Func _SplashTextWithGraphicOn($vWinTitle="",$vText="",$iWidth=500,$iHeight=400,$iXPos=-1,$iYPos=-1,$vGraphic="",$iLogo_XPos=0,$iLogo_YPos=0,$iLogo_Width=0,$iLogo_Height=0,$iOpt = 0,$vFontName = "",$iFontSz = 12,$iFontWt = 400) DIM Const $WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE = 0x231 DIM Const $WM_EXITSIZEMOVE = 0x232 DIM Const $WM_NCHITTEST = 0x0084 Local $Ret = 0 If $iFontWt < 0 then $iFontWt = 0 $Ret = 13 EndIf If $iFontWt > 1000 then $iFontWt = 1000 $Ret = 12 EndIf If NOT Int($iFontWt) then $iFontWt=400 $Ret = 11 EndIf If NOT Int($iFontSz) then $iFontSz=12 $Ret = 10 EndIf If NOT StringIsDigit($iLogo_Height) then $iLogo_Height = 0 $Ret = 9 EndIf If NOT StringIsDigit($iLogo_Width) then $iLogo_Width = 0 $Ret = 8 Endif If NOT Int($iLogo_YPos) then $iLogo_YPos=0 $Ret = 7 EndIf If NOT Int($iLogo_XPos) then $iLogo_XPos=0 $Ret = 6 Endif If $vGraphic <> "" then If NOT FileExists($vGraphic) then $Ret = 5 EndIf If NOT Int($iYPos) then $iYPos=-1 $Ret = 4 EndIf If NOT Int($iXpos) then $iXPos=-1 $Ret = 3 Endif If NOT Int($iHeight) then $iHeight=400 $Ret = 2 EndIf If NOT Int($iWidth) then $iWidth=500 $Ret = 1 EndIf If BitAnd($iOpt,1) then $Splash_Gui_Main = GuiCreate($vWinTitle,$iWidth,$iHeight,$iXPos,$iYPos, BitOr ($WS_POPUP,$WS_BORDER)) Else $Splash_Gui_Main = GuiCreate($vWinTitle,$iWidth,$iHeight,$iXPos,$iYPos,BitOr($WS_CAPTION, $WS_POPUP)) EndIf If $vGraphic <> "" and FileExists($vGraphic) then $pic = GuiCtrlCreatePic($vGraphic,$iLogo_XPos,$iLogo_YPos,$iLogo_Width,$iLogo_Height) GuiCtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_DISABLE) EndIf $edit = GuiCtrlCreateLabel($vText,0,0,$iWidth,$iHeight,$SS_CENTER,$WS_EX_TRANSPARENT ) GuiCtrlSetFont(-1,$iFontSz,$iFontWt,-1,$vFontName) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) If NOT BitAnd($iOpt,2) then WinSetOnTop($Splash_Gui_Main,"",1) EndIf If BitAnd($iOpt,4) then GUICtrlSetStyle($edit,$SS_LEFT) EndIf If BitAnd($iOpt,8) then GUICtrlSetStyle($edit,$SS_RIGHT ) EndIf If BitAnd($iOpt,32) then GUICtrlSetStyle($edit,$SS_CENTERIMAGE) EndIf GuiSetState() If NOT BitAnd($iOpt,16) then GUIRegisterMsg($WM_NCHITTEST,"WM_NCHITTEST") EndIf SetError($ret) Return $Ret EndFunc Func WM_NCHITTEST($hWnd, $iMsg, $iwParam, $ilParam) If Not IsDeclared("WM_NCHITTEST") then Local $WM_NCHITTEST ;Just to keep Au3Check happy! Return EndIf If $hWnd = $Splash_Gui_Main And $iMsg = $WM_NCHITTEST Then $id = _API_DefWindowProc($hWnd, $iMsg, $iwParam, $ilParam) If $id = 2 Then;if it is the title handle Return 1;return the client handle Else Return $id;return the real handle EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _API_DefWindowProc($hWnd, $iMsg, $iwParam, $ilParam) Local $aResult $aResult = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "DefWindowProc", "hwnd", $hWnd, "int", $iMsg, "int", $iwParam, "int", $ilParam) Return $aResult[0] EndFunc Func _SplashTextWithGraphicOFF() IF WinExists($Splash_Gui_Main) then GuiDelete($Splash_Gui_Main) $Splash_Gui_Main = "" EndFunc