#Region converted Directives from C:\Documents and Settings\FrazerMcLean\My Documents\AutoIt\connect4\connect4 -online.au3.ini #AutoIt3Wrapper_aut2exe=C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\beta\Aut2Exe\Aut2Exe.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Icons\au3.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile=E:\Documents and Settings\FrazerMcLean\My Documents\AutoIt\connect4\Connect4.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Connect 4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion_AutoIncrement=n #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=Frazer McLean 2006 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field1Name=Thanks #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field1Value=Simucal, XxXFaNtA and everyone else who helped. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_AU3Check=4 #EndRegion converted Directives from C:\Documents and Settings\FrazerMcLean\My Documents\AutoIt\connect4\connect4 -online.au3.ini ; ;=============================================================================== ; ; Program Name: Connect 4 ; Description:: 2 Player Connect 4 game ; Requirement(s): AutoIt Beta ; Author(s): RazerM ; ;=============================================================================== ; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #NoTrayIcon Global $USE_FAKE_CTRLID = 0 Global $FAKE_CTRLID Global $red, $blue, $usr, $c_usr Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) $main = GUICreate("Connect 4", 600, 555) $table = _GUICtrlCreateTable (10, 10, 7, 6, 50, 50) For $y = 1 To 6 For $x = 1 To 7 GUICtrlSetOnEvent($table[$x][$y], "_EventHandler") GUICtrlSetData($table[$x][$y], "|") Next Next $stats = _GUICtrlCreateTable (465, 120, 3, 4, 40, 20) TableSetData(2, 1, " Red") GUICtrlSetBkColor($stats[2][1], 0xff0000) GUICtrlSetColor($stats[2][1], 0xffffff) TableSetData(3, 1, " Blue") GUICtrlSetBkColor($stats[3][1], 0x0000ff) GUICtrlSetColor($stats[3][1], 0xffffff) TableMultiSetData(1, 2, 1, 4, "Wins|Losses|Draws") TableMultiSetData(2, 2, 3, 4, 0) $new = GUICtrlCreateButton("New Players", 465, 210, 127, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_EventHandler") $undobtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("Undo", 465, 240, 127, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_EventHandler") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Red Player:", 400, 13) $redinput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 470, 10, 120, -1, $ES_READONLY + $ES_CENTER) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xff0000) GUICtrlSetColor($redinput, 0xffffff) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Blue Player:", 400, 43) $blueinput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 470, 40, 120, -1, $ES_READONLY + $ES_CENTER) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x0000ff) GUICtrlSetColor($blueinput, 0xffffff) $turn = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 470, 70, 120, -1, $ES_READONLY + $ES_CENTER) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xbbffbb) $presend = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, 450, 525, 20) GUICtrlSetFont($presend, 10) _IEErrorHandlerRegister() $oIE = _IECreateEmbedded() $GUI_IE = GUICtrlCreateObj($oIE, 10, 330, 525, 120) _IENavigate($oIE, "about:blank") _IEBodyWriteHTML($oIE, "Welcome to Connect 4 Chat!
") $sendbtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("Send", 540, 330, 50, 142, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_EventHandler") $boldO = GUICtrlCreateButton("Bold", 10, 490, 50, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_EventHandler") $boldC = GUICtrlCreateButton("/Bold", 10, 520, 50, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_EventHandler") $italicO = GUICtrlCreateButton("Italic", 65, 490, 50, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_EventHandler") $italicC = GUICtrlCreateButton("/Italic", 65, 520, 50, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_EventHandler") $underO = GUICtrlCreateButton("Underline", 120, 490, 60, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_EventHandler") $underC = GUICtrlCreateButton("/Underline", 120, 520, 60, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_EventHandler") $strikeO = GUICtrlCreateButton("Strikeout", 185, 490, 60, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_EventHandler") $strikeC = GUICtrlCreateButton("/Strikeout", 185, 520, 60, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_EventHandler") $colorO = GUICtrlCreateButton("Colour", 250, 490, 50, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_EventHandler") $colorC = GUICtrlCreateButton("/Colour", 250, 520, 50, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_EventHandler") $linkO = GUICtrlCreateButton("Link", 305, 490, 50, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_EventHandler") $linkC = GUICtrlCreateButton("/Link", 305, 520, 50, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_EventHandler") $marqueeO = GUICtrlCreateButton("Marquee", 360, 490, 60, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_EventHandler") $marqueeC = GUICtrlCreateButton("/Marquee", 360, 520, 60, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_EventHandler") $gradientO = GUICtrlCreateButton("Gradient", 425, 490, 60, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_EventHandler") $gradientC = GUICtrlCreateButton("/Gradient", 425, 520, 60, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_EventHandler") GUISetState() $temp = WinGetPos("Connect 4") $temp2 = PixelGetColor($temp[0] + 6, $temp[1] + 32) $bkcolor = "0x" & StringTrimLeft(Hex($temp2), 2) For $y = 1 To 6 For $x = 1 To 7 GUICtrlSetColor($table[$x][$y], $bkcolor) Next Next ;--------------- Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 0) GUICreate("Game Type", 250, 100, -1, -1, $GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GUI, 0, $main) GUICtrlCreateLabel("What type of game would you like.", 40, 10) $timerLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Closing in 5.0 seconds", 5, 85) $gametype = _GuiCtrlCreateButtonsCentered("Local,Online", 250, 45, 80, 25) $online = $gametype[1] $local = $gametype[0] GUISetState() Global $old = "" Global $CONNECT4_CLIENT = 0 Global $CONNECT4_HOST = 1 Global $CONNECT4_LOCAL = 2 Local $iMSLeft = 5000, $timer = TimerInit(), $time, $oldtime While 1 $time = TimerDiff($timer) $time = StringFormat("%.1f", (5000 - $time) / 1000) If $time <> $oldtime Then If $time <= 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($timerLabel, "Auto Selecting Local") Sleep(1000) $host = $CONNECT4_LOCAL ExitLoop Else GUICtrlSetData($timerLabel, "Closing in " & $time & " seconds") $oldtime = $time EndIf EndIf $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $online Then $answer = MsgBox(4, "Online Game", "Would you like to Host a game?") If $answer = 6 Then $host = $CONNECT4_HOST ExitLoop Else $host = $CONNECT4_CLIENT ExitLoop EndIf ElseIf $msg = $local Then $host = $CONNECT4_LOCAL ExitLoop EndIf WEnd GUIDelete() GUISwitch($main) Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) If $host <> $CONNECT4_LOCAL Then GUICtrlSetState($undobtn, $GUI_DISABLE) ;--------------- $port = 33891 If $host = $CONNECT4_HOST Then TCPStartup() $listen = TCPListen(@IPAddress1, $port) $gametype2 = _MsgBoxChangeButtons(4, "Game Type", "What type of game is it?", "LAN", "Internet") If $gametype2 = 6 Then MsgBox(0, "Waiting Opponent", "Your ip is " & @IPAddress1 & @CRLF & "Press Ok to wait for opponent") Else MsgBox(64, "Please Note", "Connect 4 may take some time to connect to the internet," & @CRLF & "Please wait for the next message box.") Ping("www.google.com") If @error Then MsgBox(16, "Error", "You are not connected to the internet" & @CRLF & "Connect 4 will now close") Exit EndIf MsgBox(0, "Waiting Opponent", "Your ip is " & _GetIP() & @CRLF & "Press Ok to wait for opponent" & _ @CRLF & "If you are behind a router you will need to forward port " & $port & " to " & @IPAddress1) EndIf If $listen = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "TCPListen Failed") Exit EndIf Dim $opponent = -1 Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 0) GUICreate("Waiting for opponent", 200, 50) $waituser = _GUICtrlProgressMarqueeCreate(10, 10, 180, 30) _GUICtrlProgressSetMarquee($waituser) GUISetState() $exit = 0 Do If GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then $exit = MsgBox(4, "Exit", "Do you want to abort multiplayer?") If $exit = 6 Then Exit $opponent = TCPAccept($listen) Until $opponent <> -1 GUIDelete() GUISwitch($main) Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Dim $oppip = SocketToIP($opponent) Dim $recv EndIf GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_EventHandler") $color = "r" $oldcolor = 0 $game = 0 $undo = 0 If $host = $CONNECT4_HOST Then $recv = TCPRecv($opponent, 2048) While StringLeft($recv, 3) <> "USR" $recv = TCPRecv($opponent, 2048) WEnd $usr = InputBox("Username", "Please enter a username, you are the red player", "", " M") WinSetTitle($main, "", "Connect 4 - " & $usr) $oppusr = StringTrimLeft($recv, 3) MsgBox(0, "Opponent", "The opponent (" & $oppusr & ") has connected on IP " & $oppip) TCPSend($opponent, "USR" & $usr) ElseIf $host = $CONNECT4_CLIENT Then TCPStartup() $c_oppip = InputBox("Opponents IP", "What is your opponent's Ip Address?" & @CRLF & "Please make sure the host has started the game before you click ok.", "", " M", 400, 150) While IsValidIP($c_oppip) = 0 $c_oppip = InputBox("Opponents IP", "What is your opponent's Ip Address?" & @CRLF & "Please make sure the host has started the game before you click ok.", "", " M", 400, 150) WEnd $c_usr = InputBox("Username", "Please enter a username, you are the blue player", "", " M") WinSetTitle($main, "", "Connect 4 - " & $c_usr) Dim $c_opponent = -1 $c_opponent = TCPConnect($c_oppip, $port) Dim $c_data TCPSend($c_opponent, "USR" & $c_usr) $c_recv = "" Dim $opponent = -1 Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 0) GUICreate("Waiting for opponent", 200, 50) $waituser = _GUICtrlProgressMarqueeCreate(10, 10, 180, 30) _GUICtrlProgressSetMarquee($waituser) GUISetState() $exit = 0 Do $c_recv = TCPRecv($c_opponent, 2048) If GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then $exit = MsgBox(4, "Exit", "Do you want to abort multiplayer?") If $exit = 6 Then Exit Until StringLeft($c_recv, 3) = "USR" GUIDelete() GUISwitch($main) Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) $c_oppusr = StringTrimLeft($c_recv, 3) MsgBox(0, "Opponent", "The opponent (" & $c_oppusr & ") has connected on IP " & $c_oppip) EndIf While 1 If $color <> $oldcolor Then If $color = "b" Then GUICtrlSetData($turn, "Blue Player's Turn") If $color = "r" Then GUICtrlSetData($turn, "Red Player's Turn") EndIf $oldcolor = $color If $host = $CONNECT4_HOST Then $recv = TCPRecv($opponent, 2048) If StringLeft($recv, 4) = "MOVE" Then $fakemsg = StringSplit(StringTrimLeft($recv, 4), "|") If GUICtrlRead($table[$fakemsg[1]][$fakemsg[2]]) = "" Then $USE_FAKE_CTRLID = 1 $FAKE_CTRLID = $table[$fakemsg[1]][$fakemsg[2]] _EventHandler() EndIf ElseIf StringLeft($recv, 4) = "EXIT" Then MsgBox(0, "Quit", $oppusr & " has left the game") Exit ElseIf StringLeft($recv, 4) = "CHAT" Then $old = _IEBodyReadHTML($oIE) _IEBodyWriteHTML($oIE, $old & $oppusr & ": " & StringTrimLeft($recv, 4) & "
") EndIf If $game = 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($redinput, $usr) GUICtrlSetData($blueinput, $oppusr) GUICtrlSetData($turn, "Red Player's Turn") $col = 0 For $col = 1 To 6 For $row = 1 To 7 SetFilled($row, $col, 0x00ff00) Sleep(25) Next Next For $row = 1 To 7 For $col = 1 To 6 SetFilled($row, $col, $bkcolor) Sleep(25) Next Next TableMultiSetData(2, 2, 3, 4, 0) $game = 1 $color = "r" EndIf ElseIf $host = $CONNECT4_CLIENT Then $c_recv = TCPRecv($c_opponent, 2048) If StringLeft($c_recv, 4) = "MOVE" Then $fakemsg = StringSplit(StringTrimLeft($c_recv, 4), "|") If GUICtrlRead($table[$fakemsg[1]][$fakemsg[2]]) = "" Then $USE_FAKE_CTRLID = 1 $FAKE_CTRLID = $table[$fakemsg[1]][$fakemsg[2]] _EventHandler() EndIf ElseIf StringLeft($c_recv, 4) = "EXIT" Then MsgBox(0, "Quit", $c_oppusr & " has left the game") Exit ElseIf StringLeft($c_recv, 4) = "CHAT" Then $old = _IEBodyReadHTML($oIE) _IEBodyWriteHTML($oIE, $old & $c_oppusr & ": " & StringTrimLeft($c_recv, 4) & "
") EndIf If $game = 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($redinput, $c_oppusr) GUICtrlSetData($blueinput, $c_usr) GUICtrlSetData($turn, "Red Player's Turn") $col = 0 For $col = 1 To 6 For $row = 1 To 7 SetFilled($row, $col, 0x00ff00) Sleep(25) Next Next For $row = 1 To 7 For $col = 1 To 6 SetFilled($row, $col, $bkcolor) Sleep(25) Next Next TableMultiSetData(2, 2, 3, 4, 0) $game = 1 $color = "r" EndIf EndIf Sleep(50) WEnd Func IsValidIP($ipAddr) $split = StringSplit($ipAddr, ".") If $split[0] <> 4 Then Return 0 If StringLen($split[1]) > 3 Then Return 0 If StringLen($split[1]) < 1 Then Return 0 If StringLen($split[2]) > 3 Then Return 0 If StringLen($split[2]) < 1 Then Return 0 If StringLen($split[3]) > 3 Then Return 0 If StringLen($split[3]) < 1 Then Return 0 If StringLen($split[4]) > 3 Then Return 0 If StringLen($split[4]) < 1 Then Return 0 Return 1 EndFunc ;==>IsValidIP Func Undo($undo) $coord = StringSplit($undo, ",") If $coord[0] = 1 Then Return 0 AnimateUp($coord[1], $coord[2], SwapColor($color)) EndFunc ;==>Undo Func CheckDraw() $counter = 0 For $row = 1 To 7 For $col = 1 To 6 If GUICtrlRead($table[$row][$col]) = "r" Then $counter += 1 If GUICtrlRead($table[$row][$col]) = "b" Then $counter += 1 Next Next If $counter = 42 Then Return 1 EndFunc ;==>CheckDraw Func AnimateUp($row, $col, $color) For $col2 = $col To 1 Step - 1 If $col2 <= $col Then SetFilled($row, $col2 - 1, $color) SetFilled($row, $col2, $bkcolor) Sleep(25) Next EndFunc ;==>AnimateUp Func AnimateDown($row, $col, $color) For $col2 = 1 To $col If $col2 >= 1 Then SetFilled($row, $col2 - 1, $bkcolor) SetFilled($row, $col2, $color) Sleep(25) Next EndFunc ;==>AnimateDown Func CheckFour($row, $col, $color) Dim $filled = 0, $ignore = 0, $colors ;horizontal For $row2 = $row - 3 To $row + 3 $ignore = 0 If $row2 > 7 Then $ignore = 1 If $row2 < 1 Then $ignore = 1 If $ignore = 0 Then $colors &= GUICtrlRead($table[$row2][$col]) EndIf Next If StringInStr($colors, _StringRepeat($color, 4)) <> 0 Then Return 1 $colors = "" ;vertical For $col2 = $col - 3 To $col + 3 $ignore = 0 If $col2 > 6 Then $ignore = 1 If $col2 < 1 Then $ignore = 1 If $ignore = 0 Then $colors &= GUICtrlRead($table[$row][$col2]) EndIf Next If StringInStr($colors, _StringRepeat($color, 4)) <> 0 Then Return 1 $colors = "" ;diagonal top right $row2 = $row - 3 For $col2 = $col + 3 To $col - 3 Step - 1 $ignore = 0 If $col2 > 6 Then $ignore = 1 If $col2 < 1 Then $ignore = 1 If $row2 > 7 Then $ignore = 1 If $row2 < 1 Then $ignore = 1 If $ignore = 0 Then $colors &= GUICtrlRead($table[$row2][$col2]) EndIf If $row2 = $row + 3 Then ExitLoop $row2 += 1 Next If StringInStr($colors, _StringRepeat($color, 4)) <> 0 Then Return 1 $colors = "" ;diagonal top left $row2 = $row + 3 For $col2 = $col + 3 To $col - 3 Step - 1 $ignore = 0 If $col2 > 6 Then $ignore = 1 If $col2 < 1 Then $ignore = 1 If $row2 > 7 Then $ignore = 1 If $row2 < 1 Then $ignore = 1 If $ignore = 0 Then $colors &= GUICtrlRead($table[$row2][$col2]) EndIf If $row2 = $row - 3 Then ExitLoop $row2 -= 1 Next If StringInStr($colors, _StringRepeat($color, 4)) <> 0 Then Return 1 $colors = "" EndFunc ;==>CheckFour Func SetFilled($row, $col, $color) If StringLen($color) = 1 Then GUICtrlSetColor($table[$row][$col], GetColour($color)) GUICtrlSetBkColor($table[$row][$col], GetColour($color)) Else GUICtrlSetColor($table[$row][$col], $color) GUICtrlSetBkColor($table[$row][$col], $color) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($table[$row][$col], $color) If StringLen($color) > 1 Then GUICtrlSetData($table[$row][$col], "") EndFunc ;==>SetFilled Func SwapColor($color) If $color = "r" Then $color = "b" Else $color = "r" EndIf Return $color EndFunc ;==>SwapColor Func ShrtColour($string) Return StringTrimLeft(StringTrimRight($string, 5), 2) EndFunc ;==>ShrtColour Func GetColour($string) If $string = "r" Then Return 0xff0000 If $string = "b" Then Return 0x0000ff EndFunc ;==>GetColour Func NumOfOccurences($string, $substring) StringReplace($string, $substring, "") Return @extended EndFunc ;==>NumOfOccurences Func TableSetData($row, $col, $data) GUICtrlSetData($stats[$row][$col], $data) EndFunc ;==>TableSetData Func TableReset() For $row = 1 To 7 For $col = 1 To 6 SetFilled($row, $col, $bkcolor) GUICtrlSetData($table[$row][$col], "|") Next Next EndFunc ;==>TableReset Func TableMultiSetData($row, $col, $endrow, $endcol, $data) If StringInStr($data, "|") <> 0 Then $sData = StringSplit($data, "|") $numdata = 1 For $row2 = $row To $endrow For $col2 = $col To $endcol GUICtrlSetData($stats[$row2][$col2], $sData[$numdata]) $numdata += 1 Next Next Else For $row2 = $row To $endrow For $col2 = $col To $endcol GUICtrlSetData($stats[$row2][$col2], $data) Next Next EndIf EndFunc ;==>TableMultiSetData Func AddWin($type) If $type = "r" Then $oldwin = GUICtrlRead($stats[2][2]) GUICtrlSetData($stats[2][2], $oldwin + 1) GUICtrlSetData($stats[3][3], $oldwin + 1) Else $oldwin = GUICtrlRead($stats[2][3]) GUICtrlSetData($stats[2][3], $oldwin + 1) GUICtrlSetData($stats[3][2], $oldwin + 1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>AddWin Func AddDraw() $olddraw = GUICtrlRead($stats[2][4]) GUICtrlSetData($stats[2][4], $olddraw + 1) GUICtrlSetData($stats[3][4], $olddraw + 1) EndFunc ;==>AddDraw Func _GuiCtrlCreateButtonsCentered($text, $guiwidth, $top, $width, $height, $gap = 5, $delim = ",") $btntext = StringSplit($text, $delim) $totalwidth = ($width * $btntext[0]) + ($gap * ($btntext[0] - 1)) Dim $buttons[$btntext[0] + 1] For $i = 1 To $btntext[0] $buttons[$i - 1] = GUICtrlCreateButton($btntext[$i], ($guiwidth / 2) - ($totalwidth / 2) + ($width * ($i - 1)) + ($gap * ($i - 1)), $top, $width, $height) Next Return $buttons EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlCreateButtonsCentered Func SocketToIP($SHOCKET) Local $sockaddr = DllStructCreate("short;ushort;uint;char[8]") Local $aRet = DllCall("Ws2_32.dll", "int", "getpeername", "int", $SHOCKET, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($sockaddr), "int_ptr", DllStructGetSize($sockaddr)) If Not @error And $aRet[0] = 0 Then $aRet = DllCall("Ws2_32.dll", "str", "inet_ntoa", "int", DllStructGetData($sockaddr, 3)) If Not @error Then $aRet = $aRet[0] Else $aRet = 0 EndIf $sockaddr = 0 Return $aRet EndFunc ;==>SocketToIP Func _MsgBoxChangeButtons($iMBFlag, $MBTitle, $MBText, $MBButton1, $MBButton2 = '', $MBButton3 = '', $iMBTimeOut = 0) Local $MBFile = FileOpen(@TempDir & '\MiscMBCB.au3', 2) Local $MBLine1 = 'Opt("WinWaitDelay", 0)' Local $MBLine2 = 'WinWait("' & $MBTitle & '")' Local $MBLine3 = 'ControlSetText("' & $MBTitle & '", "", "Button1", "' & $MBButton1 & '")' Local $MBLine4 = 'ControlSetText("' & $MBTitle & '", "", "Button2", "' & $MBButton2 & '")' Local $MBLine5 = 'ControlSetText("' & $MBTitle & '", "", "Button3", "' & $MBButton3 & '")' If $MBButton2 = '' Then FileWrite(@TempDir & '\MiscMBCB.au3', $MBLine1 & @CRLF & $MBLine2 & @CRLF & $MBLine3) ElseIf $MBButton2 <> '' And $MBButton3 = '' Then FileWrite(@TempDir & '\MiscMBCB.au3', $MBLine1 & @CRLF & $MBLine2 & _ @CRLF & $MBLine3 & @CRLF & $MBLine4) ElseIf $MBButton2 <> '' And $MBButton3 <> '' Then FileWrite(@TempDir & '\MiscMBCB.au3', $MBLine1 & @CRLF & $MBLine2 & @CRLF & _ $MBLine3 & @CRLF & $MBLine4 & @CRLF & $MBLine5) EndIf $MBPID1 = Run('"' & @AutoItExe & '" /AutoIt3ExecuteScript ' & @TempDir & '\MiscMBCB.au3') $MBBox = MsgBox($iMBFlag, $MBTitle, $MBText, $iMBTimeOut) FileClose($MBFile) Do FileDelete(@TempDir & '\MiscMBCB.au3') Until Not FileExists(@TempDir & '\MiscMBCB.au3') Return $MBBox EndFunc ;==>_MsgBoxChangeButtons ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _GUICtrlProgressMarqueeCreate() ; Description: Creates a marquee sytle progress control ; Parameter(s): $i_Left - The left side of the control ; $i_Top - The top of the control ; $i_Width - Optional: The width of the control ; $i_Height - Optional: The height of the control ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta and Windows XP or later ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns the identifier (controlID) of the new control ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR = 1 ; Author(s): Bob Anthony ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _GUICtrlProgressMarqueeCreate($i_Left, $i_Top, $i_Width = Default, $i_Height = Default) Local Const $PBS_MARQUEE = 0x08 Local $v_Style = $PBS_MARQUEE Local $h_Progress = GUICtrlCreateProgress($i_Left, $i_Top, $i_Width, $i_Height, $v_Style) If $h_Progress = 0 Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else SetError(0) Return $h_Progress EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlProgressMarqueeCreate ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _GUICtrlProgressSetMarquee() ; Description: Sets marquee sytle for a progress control ; Parameter(s): $h_Progress - The control identifier (controlID) ; $f_Mode - Optional: Indicates whether to turn the marquee mode on or off ; 0 = turn marquee mode off ; 1 = (Default) turn marquee mode on ; $i_Time - Optional: Time in milliseconds between marquee animation updates ; Default is 100 milliseconds ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta and Windows XP or later ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns whether marquee mode is set ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR = 1 ; Author(s): Bob Anthony ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _GUICtrlProgressSetMarquee($h_Progress, $f_Mode = 1, $i_Time = 100) Local Const $WM_USER = 0x0400 Local Const $PBM_SETMARQUEE = ($WM_USER + 10) Local $var = GUICtrlSendMsg($h_Progress, $PBM_SETMARQUEE, $f_Mode, Number($i_Time)) If $var = 0 Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else SetError(0) Return $var EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlProgressSetMarquee Func FormatChat(ByRef $sText) $sText = StringReplace($sText, "<", "<") ;no user tags $sText = StringReplace($sText, ">", ">") $sText = StringReplace($sText, @CRLF, "
") $sText = StringRegExpReplace($sText, "\[i\](.+?)\[/i\]", "\1") $sText = StringRegExpReplace($sText, "\[b\](.+?)\[/b\]", "\1") $sText = StringRegExpReplace($sText, "\[u\](.+?)\[/u\]", "\1") $sText = StringRegExpReplace($sText, "\[s\](.+?)\[/s\]", "\1") ;lets parse gradient text :D While 1 If StringRegExp($sText, "\[c=#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}\](.+)\[/c=#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}\]", 0) Then Local $asText = StringSplit($sText, "") Local $iPos = StringInStr($sText, "[c=#") $iPos += 4 ;beginning of six digit hex colour Local $iStartColor = "0x", $sGradientText = "", $asGradientText = "" Local $aGradient = "", $iEndColor = "0x", $skip = False, $sFormatted = "" Local $iRed, $iGreen, $iBlue If $asText[$iPos + 6] = "]" Then For $i = $iPos To $iPos + 5 $iStartColor &= $asText[$i] Next $iPos = $i + 1 ;skip ] While Not __ArrayCharMatch($asText, $iPos, "[/c=#") If @error Then $skip = True ExitLoop EndIf $sGradientText &= $asText[$iPos] $iPos += 1 WEnd $asGradientText = StringSplit($sGradientText, "") If $asText[$iPos + 4] = "#" And $asText[$iPos + 11] = "]" And $skip = False Then $iPos += 5 For $i = $iPos To $iPos + 5 $iEndColor &= $asText[$i] Next $aGradient = __ColorGradient($iStartColor, $iEndColor, $asGradientText[0]) For $i = 1 To $asGradientText[0] $iRed = Hex(_ColorGetRed($aGradient[$i - 1]), 2) $iGreen = Hex(_ColorGetGreen($aGradient[$i - 1]), 2) $iBlue = Hex(_ColorGetBlue($aGradient[$i - 1]), 2) $aGradient[$i - 1] = $iRed & $iGreen & $iBlue $sFormatted &= '' & $asGradientText[$i] & '' Next $sText = StringReplace($sText, "[c=#" & StringTrimLeft($iStartColor, 2) & "]" & $sGradientText & "[/c=#" & StringTrimLeft($iEndColor, 2) & "]", $sFormatted, 1) EndIf EndIf Else ExitLoop EndIf WEnd $sText = StringRegExpReplace($sText, "\[c=(.+?)\](.+?)\[/c\]", '\2') $sText = StringRegExpReplace($sText, "\[l=(.+?)\](.+?)\[/l\]", '\2') $sText = StringRegExpReplace($sText, "\[m\](.+)\[/m\]", "\1") EndFunc ;==>FormatChat Func __ArrayCharMatch($avArray, $iCounter, $svMatch) Local $sText For $i = $iCounter To $iCounter + StringLen($svMatch) - 1 If $i >= UBound($avArray) - 1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $sText &= $avArray[$i] Next If $sText = $svMatch Then Return 1 EndFunc ;==>__ArrayCharMatch ;CoePSX - Thanks! Func __ColorGradient($hInitialColor, $hFinalColor, $iReturnSize) $hInitialColor = Hex($hInitialColor, 6) $hFinalColor = Hex($hFinalColor, 6) Local $iRed1 = Dec(StringLeft($hInitialColor, 2)) Local $iGreen1 = Dec(StringMid($hInitialColor, 3, 2)) Local $iBlue1 = Dec(StringMid($hInitialColor, 5, 2)) Local $iRed2 = Dec(StringLeft($hFinalColor, 2)) Local $iGreen2 = Dec(StringMid($hFinalColor, 3, 2)) Local $iBlue2 = Dec(StringMid($hFinalColor, 5, 2)) Local $iPlusRed = ($iRed2 - $iRed1) / ($iReturnSize - 1) Local $iPlusBlue = ($iBlue2 - $iBlue1) / ($iReturnSize - 1) Local $iPlusGreen = ($iGreen2 - $iGreen1) / ($iReturnSize - 1) Dim $iColorArray[$iReturnSize] For $i = 0 To $iReturnSize - 1 $iNowRed = Floor($iRed1 + ($iPlusRed * $i)) $iNowBlue = Floor($iBlue1 + ($iPlusBlue * $i)) $iNowGreen = Floor($iGreen1 + ($iPlusGreen * $i)) $iColorArray[$i] = Dec(Hex($iNowRed, 2) & Hex($iNowGreen, 2) & Hex($iNowBlue, 2)) Next Return $iColorArray EndFunc ;==>__ColorGradient Func _EventHandler() If $USE_FAKE_CTRLID = 1 Then $msg = $FAKE_CTRLID Else $msg = @GUI_CtrlId EndIf Switch $msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE If $host = $CONNECT4_CLIENT Then TCPSend($c_opponent, "EXIT") ElseIf $host = $CONNECT4_HOST Then TCPSend($opponent, "EXIT") EndIf TCPShutdown() Exit Case $new $red = InputBox("Red Player", "What is your name?", "", " M") $blue = InputBox("Blue Player", "What is your name?", "", " M") GUICtrlSetData($redinput, $red) GUICtrlSetData($blueinput, $blue) GUICtrlSetData($turn, "Red Player's Turn") $col = 0 For $col = 1 To 6 For $row = 1 To 7 SetFilled($row, $col, 0x00ff00) Sleep(15) Next Next For $row = 1 To 7 For $col = 1 To 6 SetFilled($row, $col, $bkcolor) Sleep(15) Next Next TableMultiSetData(2, 2, 3, 4, 0) $game = 1 $color = "r" Case $undobtn Undo($undo) $color = SwapColor($color) If $color = "b" Then GUICtrlSetData($turn, "Blue Player's Turn") If $color = "r" Then GUICtrlSetData($turn, "Red Player's Turn") GUICtrlSetState($undobtn, $GUI_DISABLE) Case $sendbtn If $host = $CONNECT4_HOST Then $tosend = GUICtrlRead($presend) $old = _IEBodyReadHTML($oIE) FormatChat($tosend) TCPSend($opponent, "CHAT" & $tosend) _IEBodyWriteHTML($oIE, $old & $usr & ": " & $tosend & "
") $iDocHeight = $oIE.document.body.scrollHeight $oIE.document.parentWindow.scrollTo (0, $iDocHeight) GUICtrlSetData($presend, "") ElseIf $host = $CONNECT4_CLIENT Then $tosend = GUICtrlRead($presend) $old = _IEBodyReadHTML($oIE) FormatChat($tosend) TCPSend($c_opponent, "CHAT" & $tosend) _IEBodyWriteHTML($oIE, $old & $c_usr & ": " & $tosend & "
") $iDocHeight = $oIE.document.body.scrollHeight $oIE.document.parentWindow.scrollTo (0, $iDocHeight) GUICtrlSetData($presend, "") Else $tosend = GUICtrlRead($presend) $old = _IEBodyReadHTML($oIE) FormatChat($tosend) _IEBodyWriteHTML($oIE, $old & "User" & ": " & $tosend & "
") $iDocHeight = $oIE.document.body.scrollHeight $oIE.document.parentWindow.scrollTo (0, $iDocHeight) GUICtrlSetData($presend, "") EndIf Case $boldO $sel = _GUICtrlEditGetSel($presend) $oldtxt = GUICtrlRead($presend) If $sel[1] = $sel[2] Then ;no selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[b]") Else ;selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[b]" & StringMid($oldtxt, $sel[1] + 1, $sel[2] - $sel[1]) & "[/b]") EndIf Case $boldC $sel = _GUICtrlEditGetSel($presend) $oldtxt = GUICtrlRead($presend) If $sel[1] = $sel[2] Then ;no selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[/b]") Else ;selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[b]" & StringMid($oldtxt, $sel[1] + 1, $sel[2] - $sel[1]) & "[/b]") EndIf Case $italicO $sel = _GUICtrlEditGetSel($presend) $oldtxt = GUICtrlRead($presend) If $sel[1] = $sel[2] Then ;no selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[i]") Else ;selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[i]" & StringMid($oldtxt, $sel[1] + 1, $sel[2] - $sel[1]) & "[/i]") EndIf Case $italicC $sel = _GUICtrlEditGetSel($presend) $oldtxt = GUICtrlRead($presend) If $sel[1] = $sel[2] Then ;no selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[/i]") Else ;selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[i]" & StringMid($oldtxt, $sel[1] + 1, $sel[2] - $sel[1]) & "[/i]") EndIf Case $underO $sel = _GUICtrlEditGetSel($presend) $oldtxt = GUICtrlRead($presend) If $sel[1] = $sel[2] Then ;no selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[u]") Else ;selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[u]" & StringMid($oldtxt, $sel[1] + 1, $sel[2] - $sel[1]) & "[/u]") EndIf Case $underC $sel = _GUICtrlEditGetSel($presend) $oldtxt = GUICtrlRead($presend) If $sel[1] = $sel[2] Then ;no selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[/u]") Else ;selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[u]" & StringMid($oldtxt, $sel[1] + 1, $sel[2] - $sel[1]) & "[/u]") EndIf Case $strikeO $sel = _GUICtrlEditGetSel($presend) $oldtxt = GUICtrlRead($presend) If $sel[1] = $sel[2] Then ;no selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[s]") Else ;selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[s]" & StringMid($oldtxt, $sel[1] + 1, $sel[2] - $sel[1]) & "[/s]") EndIf Case $strikeC $sel = _GUICtrlEditGetSel($presend) $oldtxt = GUICtrlRead($presend) If $sel[1] = $sel[2] Then ;no selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[/s]") Else ;selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[s]" & StringMid($oldtxt, $sel[1] + 1, $sel[2] - $sel[1]) & "[/s]") EndIf Case $linkO $sel = _GUICtrlEditGetSel($presend) $oldtxt = GUICtrlRead($presend) $link = InputBox("Link", "Please enter the URL below", "http://") If $sel[1] = $sel[2] Then ;no selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[l=" & $link & "]") Else ;selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[l=" & $link & "]" & StringMid($oldtxt, $sel[1] + 1, $sel[2] - $sel[1]) & "[/l]") EndIf Case $linkC $sel = _GUICtrlEditGetSel($presend) $oldtxt = GUICtrlRead($presend) If $sel[1] = $sel[2] Then ;no selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[/l]") Else ;selection $link = InputBox("Link", "Please enter the URL below", "http://") _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[l=" & $link & "]" & StringMid($oldtxt, $sel[1] + 1, $sel[2] - $sel[1]) & "[/l]") EndIf Case $colorO $sel = _GUICtrlEditGetSel($presend) $oldtxt = GUICtrlRead($presend) $chosencolor = "#" & StringTrimLeft(_ChooseColor(2, 8355711), 2) If $sel[1] = $sel[2] Then ;no selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[c=" & $chosencolor & "]") Else ;selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[c=" & $chosencolor & "]" & StringMid($oldtxt, $sel[1] + 1, $sel[2] - $sel[1]) & "[/c]") EndIf Case $colorC $sel = _GUICtrlEditGetSel($presend) $oldtxt = GUICtrlRead($presend) If $sel[1] = $sel[2] Then ;no selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[/c]") Else ;selection $chosencolor = "#" & StringTrimLeft(_ChooseColor(2, 8355711), 2) _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[c=" & $chosencolor & "]" & StringMid($oldtxt, $sel[1] + 1, $sel[2] - $sel[1]) & "[/c]") EndIf Case $marqueeO $sel = _GUICtrlEditGetSel($presend) $oldtxt = GUICtrlRead($presend) If $sel[1] = $sel[2] Then ;no selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[m]") Else ;selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[m]" & StringMid($oldtxt, $sel[1] + 1, $sel[2] - $sel[1]) & "[/m]") EndIf Case $marqueeC $sel = _GUICtrlEditGetSel($presend) $oldtxt = GUICtrlRead($presend) If $sel[1] = $sel[2] Then ;no selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[/m]") Else ;selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[m]" & StringMid($oldtxt, $sel[1] + 1, $sel[2] - $sel[1]) & "[/m]") EndIf Case $gradientO $sel = _GUICtrlEditGetSel($presend) $oldtxt = GUICtrlRead($presend) MsgBox(262144, "Gradient", "Please choose the starting colour in the following dialog box") $chosencolor = "#" & StringTrimLeft(_ChooseColor(2, 8355711), 2) If $sel[1] = $sel[2] Then ;no selection _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[c=" & $chosencolor & "]") Else ;selection MsgBox(262144, "Gradient", "Please choose the ending colour in the following dialog box") $chosencolor2 = "#" & StringTrimLeft(_ChooseColor(2, 8355711), 2) _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[c=" & $chosencolor & "]" & StringMid($oldtxt, $sel[1] + 1, $sel[2] - $sel[1]) & "[/c=" & $chosencolor2 & "]") EndIf Case $gradientC $sel = _GUICtrlEditGetSel($presend) $oldtxt = GUICtrlRead($presend) If $sel[1] = $sel[2] Then ;no selection MsgBox(262144, "Gradient", "Please choose the ending colour in the following dialog box") $chosencolor = "#" & StringTrimLeft(_ChooseColor(2, 8355711), 2) _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[/c=" & $chosencolor & "]") Else ;selection MsgBox(262144, "Gradient", "Please choose the starting colour in the following dialog box") $chosencolor = "#" & StringTrimLeft(_ChooseColor(2, 8355711), 2) MsgBox(262144, "Gradient", "Please choose the ending colour in the following dialog box") $chosencolor2 = "#" & StringTrimLeft(_ChooseColor(2, 8355711), 2) _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($presend, True, "[c=" & $chosencolor & "]" & StringMid($oldtxt, $sel[1] + 1, $sel[2] - $sel[1]) & "[/c=" & $chosencolor2 & "]") EndIf Case Else For $row = 7 To 1 Step - 1 For $col = 6 To 1 Step - 1 If $msg = $table[$row][$col] Then If $game = 1 Then For $col2 = 6 To 1 Step - 1 If GUICtrlRead($table[$row][$col2]) <> "r" And GUICtrlRead($table[$row][$col2]) <> "b" Then If $host = $CONNECT4_HOST Then TCPSend($opponent, "MOVE" & $row & "|" & $col2) ElseIf $host = $CONNECT4_CLIENT Then TCPSend($c_opponent, "MOVE" & $row & "|" & $col2) EndIf If $host = $CONNECT4_LOCAL Then GUICtrlSetState($undobtn, $GUI_ENABLE) AnimateDown($row, $col2, $color) $undo = $row & "," & $col2 If CheckDraw() = 1 Then AddDraw() TableReset() ExitLoop 3 EndIf If CheckFour($row, $col2, $color) = 1 Then If $color = "r" Then If $host = $CONNECT4_LOCAL Then MsgBox(0, "Win", $red & " got four in a row!") ElseIf $host = $CONNECT4_HOST Then MsgBox(0, "Win", $usr & " got four in a row!") ElseIf $host = $CONNECT4_CLIENT Then MsgBox(0, "Win", $c_oppusr & " got four in a row!") EndIf AddWin("r") Else If $host = $CONNECT4_LOCAL Then MsgBox(0, "Win", $blue & " got four in a row!") ElseIf $host = $CONNECT4_CLIENT Then MsgBox(0, "Win", $c_usr & " got four in a row!") ElseIf $host = $CONNECT4_HOST Then MsgBox(0, "Win", $oppusr & " got four in a row!") EndIf AddWin("b") EndIf TableReset() EndIf $color = SwapColor($color) ;set to other player ExitLoop 3 EndIf Next EndIf EndIf Next Next EndSwitch If $USE_FAKE_CTRLID = 1 Then $USE_FAKE_CTRLID = 0 EndFunc ;==>_EventHandler