#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Sean Hart Script Function: UDFs to write or delete registry keys from all user profiles on the system. Uses RegLoadHive functions provided by Larry #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; === RegWriteAllUsers === ; Writes "current user" registry data to every user profile on the system. ; Requires RegLoadHive and RegUnLoadHive functions. ; ; Inputs: $key - see RegWrite function for details (no HKU\HKCU\HKLM required) ; $value - see RegWrite function for details ; $type - see RegWrite function for details ; $data - see RegWrite function for details ; ; Returns: nothing Func RegWriteAllUsers($key, $value, $type, $data) Dim $i, $curkey, $ExpandEnvStrings, $profiledir, $curdir, $search ; init variables $i = 1 $error = 0 $ExpandEnvStrings = Opt("ExpandEnvStrings",1) $profiledir = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList", "ProfilesDirectory") ; change directory to profile directory $curdir = @WorkingDir FileChangeDir($profiledir) ; replace HKU / HKCU / HKLM in key if require Select Case StringLeft($key, 4) = "HKU\" $key = StringRight($key, StringLen($key) - 4) Case StringLeft($key, 5) = "HKCU\" $key = StringRight($key, StringLen($key) - 5) Case StringLeft($key, 5) = "HKLM\" $key = StringRight($key, StringLen($key) - 5) Case StringLeft($key, 11) = "HKEY_USERS\" $key = StringRight($key, StringLen($key) - 11) Case StringLeft($key, 18) = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\" $key = StringRight($key, StringLen($key) - 18) Case StringLeft($key, 19) = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\" $key = StringRight($key, StringLen($key) - 19) EndSelect ; Go through all directories where ntuser.dat is accessible $search = FileFindFirstFile("*.*") $dir = FileFindNextFile($search) While @error = 0 ; Process directories If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($profiledir & "\" & $dir), "D") Then ; Check for ntuser.dat If FileExists($profiledir & "\" & $dir & "\ntuser.dat") Then ; Try and load hive If RegLoadHive("TempUser", $profiledir & "\" & $dir & "\ntuser.dat") Then ; Apply new registry data RegWrite("HKEY_USERS\TempUser\" & $key, $value, $type, $data) ; Unload hive RegUnloadHive("TempUser") EndIf EndIf EndIf $dir = FileFindNextFile($search) WEnd ; Start by going through all currently logged on user keys (exclude system accounts and classes) $curkey = RegEnumKey("HKEY_USERS", $i) While @error = 0 If (StringLen($curkey) > 8) And (Not StringInStr($curkey, "_Classes")) Then RegWrite("HKEY_USERS\" & $curkey & "\" & $key, $value, $type, $data) EndIf $i = $i + 1 $curkey = RegEnumKey("HKEY_USERS", $i) WEnd ; Put settings back and change back to previous directory Opt("ExpandEnvStrings",$ExpandEnvStrings) FileChangeDir($curdir) EndFunc ; === END RegWriteAllUsers === ; === RegDeleteAllUsers === ; Deletes "current user" registry data from every user profile on the system. ; Requires RegLoadHive and RegUnLoadHive functions. ; ; Inputs: $key - see RegDelete function for details (no HKU\HKCU\HKLM required) ; $value - (optional) see RegDelete function for details ; ; Returns: nothing Func RegDeleteAllUsers($key, $value = "ÿ") Dim $i, $curkey, $ExpandEnvStrings, $profiledir, $curdir, $search ; init variables $i = 1 $error = 0 $ExpandEnvStrings = Opt("ExpandEnvStrings",1) $profiledir = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList", "ProfilesDirectory") ; change directory to profile directory $curdir = @WorkingDir FileChangeDir($profiledir) ; replace HKU / HKCU / HKLM in key if require Select Case StringLeft($key, 4) = "HKU\" $key = StringRight($key, StringLen($key) - 4) Case StringLeft($key, 5) = "HKCU\" $key = StringRight($key, StringLen($key) - 5) Case StringLeft($key, 5) = "HKLM\" $key = StringRight($key, StringLen($key) - 5) Case StringLeft($key, 11) = "HKEY_USERS\" $key = StringRight($key, StringLen($key) - 11) Case StringLeft($key, 18) = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\" $key = StringRight($key, StringLen($key) - 18) Case StringLeft($key, 19) = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\" $key = StringRight($key, StringLen($key) - 19) EndSelect ; Go through all directories where ntuser.dat is accessible $search = FileFindFirstFile("*.*") $dir = FileFindNextFile($search) While @error = 0 ; Process directories If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($profiledir & "\" & $dir), "D") Then ; Check for ntuser.dat If FileExists($profiledir & "\" & $dir & "\ntuser.dat") Then ; Try and load hive If RegLoadHive("TempUser", $profiledir & "\" & $dir & "\ntuser.dat") Then ; Delete registry data If $value = "ÿ" Then RegDelete("HKEY_USERS\TempUser\" & $key) Else RegDelete("HKEY_USERS\TempUser\" & $key, $value) EndIf ; Unload hive RegUnloadHive("TempUser") EndIf EndIf EndIf $dir = FileFindNextFile($search) WEnd ; Start by going through all currently logged on user keys (exclude system accounts and classes) $curkey = RegEnumKey("HKEY_USERS", $i) While @error = 0 If (StringLen($curkey) > 8) And (Not StringInStr($curkey, "_Classes")) Then ; Delete registry data If $value = "ÿ" Then RegDelete("HKEY_USERS\" & $curkey & "\" & $key) Else RegDelete("HKEY_USERS\" & $curkey & "\" & $key, $value) EndIf EndIf $i = $i + 1 $curkey = RegEnumKey("HKEY_USERS", $i) WEnd EndFunc ; === END RegDeleteAllUsers === ; === RegLoadHive === ; Loads a ntuser.dat file as a registry hive ; Requires SetPrivilege function. ; ; Inputs: $hiveName - name for the hive ; $NTUSER_datFile - full path to ntuser.dat file to load ; $RLH_key - (optional) root for hive (defaults to HKU) ; ; Returns: 1 - Successful ; 0 - Error (sets @error) Func RegLoadHive($hiveName, $NTUSER_datFile, $RLH_key = "HKU") If Not (@OSTYPE=="WIN32_NT") Then SetError(-1) Return 0 EndIf Const $HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0x80000002 Const $HKEY_USERS = 0x80000003 Const $SE_RESTORE_NAME = "SeRestorePrivilege" Const $SE_BACKUP_NAME = "SeBackupPrivilege" Local $RLH_ret Local $aPriv[2] If $RLH_key = "HKLM" Then $RLH_key = $HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ElseIf $RLH_key = "HKU" Then $RLH_key = $HKEY_USERS Else SetError(-2) Return 0 EndIf $aPriv[0] = $SE_RESTORE_NAME $aPriv[1] = $SE_BACKUP_NAME SetPrivilege($aPriv,1) $RLH_ret = DllCall("Advapi32.dll","int","RegLoadKey","int",$RLH_key,"str",$hiveName,"str",$NTUSER_datFile) SetError($RLH_ret[0]) Return Not $RLH_ret[0] EndFunc ; === END RegLoadHive === ; === RegUnloadHive === ; Unloads a registry hive ; Requires SetPrivilege function. ; ; Inputs: $hiveName - name for the hive ; $RLH_key - (optional) root for hive (defaults to HKU) ; ; Returns: 1 - Successful ; 0 - Error (sets @error) Func RegUnloadHive($hiveName, $RUH_key = "HKU") If Not (@OSTYPE=="WIN32_NT") Then SetError(-1) Return 0 EndIf Const $HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0x80000002 Const $HKEY_USERS = 0x80000003 Local $RUH_ret If $RUH_key = "HKLM" Then $RUH_key = $HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ElseIf $RUH_key = "HKU" Then $RUH_key = $HKEY_USERS Else SetError(-2) Return 0 EndIf $RUH_ret = DllCall("Advapi32.dll","int","RegUnLoadKey","int",$RUH_key,"Str",$hiveName) Return Not $RUH_ret[0] EndFunc ; === RegUnloadHive === ; === SetPrivilege === ; Special function for use with registry hive functions Func SetPrivilege( $privilege, $bEnable ) Const $TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES = 0x0020 Const $TOKEN_QUERY = 0x0008 Const $SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED = 0x0002 Local $hToken, $SP_auxret, $SP_ret, $hCurrProcess, $nTokens, $nTokenIndex, $priv $nTokens = 1 $LUID = DLLStructCreate("dword;int") If IsArray($privilege) Then $nTokens = UBound($privilege) $TOKEN_PRIVILEGES = DLLStructCreate("dword;dword[" & (3 * $nTokens) & "]") $NEWTOKEN_PRIVILEGES = DLLStructCreate("dword;dword[" & (3 * $nTokens) & "]") $hCurrProcess = DLLCall("kernel32.dll","hwnd","GetCurrentProcess") $SP_auxret = DLLCall("advapi32.dll","int","OpenProcessToken","hwnd",$hCurrProcess[0], _ "int",BitOR($TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES,$TOKEN_QUERY),"int_ptr",0) If $SP_auxret[0] Then $hToken = $SP_auxret[3] DLLStructSetData($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES,1,1) $nTokenIndex = 1 While $nTokenIndex <= $nTokens If IsArray($privilege) Then $priv = $privilege[$nTokenIndex-1] Else $priv = $privilege EndIf $ret = DLLCall("advapi32.dll","int","LookupPrivilegeValue","str","","str",$priv, _ "ptr",DLLStructGetPtr($LUID)) If $ret[0] Then If $bEnable Then DLLStructSetData($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES,2,$SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED,(3 * $nTokenIndex)) Else DLLStructSetData($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES,2,0,(3 * $nTokenIndex)) EndIf DLLStructSetData($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES,2,DllStructGetData($LUID,1),(3 * ($nTokenIndex-1)) + 1) DLLStructSetData($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES,2,DllStructGetData($LUID,2),(3 * ($nTokenIndex-1)) + 2) DLLStructSetData($LUID,1,0) DLLStructSetData($LUID,2,0) EndIf $nTokenIndex += 1 WEnd $ret = DLLCall("advapi32.dll","int","AdjustTokenPrivileges","hwnd",$hToken,"int",0, _ "ptr",DllStructGetPtr($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES),"int",DllStructGetSize($NEWTOKEN_PRIVILEGES), _ "ptr",DllStructGetPtr($NEWTOKEN_PRIVILEGES),"int_ptr",0) $f = DLLCall("kernel32.dll","int","GetLastError") EndIf $NEWTOKEN_PRIVILEGES = 0 $TOKEN_PRIVILEGES = 0 $LUID = 0 If $SP_auxret[0] = 0 Then Return 0 $SP_auxret = DLLCall("kernel32.dll","int","CloseHandle","hwnd",$hToken) If Not $ret[0] And Not $SP_auxret[0] Then Return 0 return $ret[0] EndFunc ; === SetPrivilege ===